h ey m an, n ice s hot ! b y f ilter the story of budd dwyer…

HEY MAN, NICE SHOT! BY FILTER The story of Budd Dwyer…

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Page 1: H EY M AN, N ICE S HOT ! B Y F ILTER The story of Budd Dwyer…



The story of Budd Dwyer…

Page 2: H EY M AN, N ICE S HOT ! B Y F ILTER The story of Budd Dwyer…

A loving husband, a proud father, and a successful politician taking his own life became the talk of the Pennsylvania in the late ‘80’s. Why would a man who seemed to have it all do something so drastic? On January 22, 1987 treasurer, R. Budd Dwyer, committed suicide during a press conference broadcast in homes throughout the country. He was expected to announce his resignation but instead he shocked the nation by his extreme attempt to maintain his innocence.

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Filter’s powerful song, “Hey Man, Nice Shot,” brings an outsiders look into political corruption.  This alternative rock band contributes their opinions of current issues through their music. They stand for honesty and justice. They prove this in their lyrics and showcase what needs to be right. “Hey Man, Nice shot,” (one of their most famous songs) is about a Pennsylvania treasurer’s dark secret becoming public. In revealing this secret, an admirable man is lead to committing suicide live on broadcast. Budd Dwyer becomes one of Filters’ momentous inspirations in music.

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Budd Dwyer handing out letters

Young Budd on TV

Budd & his sister Mary

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Filter’s controversial topics show that they are not willing to settle for “safe”. Fearlessly, Filter addresses the events that are affecting today’s society. By showing the world what’s going on and what they are passionate about, Filter effectively creates works of art that appeal to many. The band’s songs are filled with emotion and honesty and that’s how they like it to be. So when they saw the dramatic footage of Budd Dwyer’s shocking suicide they were inspired to write a song (Sampson, par. 7). After hearing “Hey Man, Nice Shot” some would think that the band is glorifying the suicide, but Filter says that is not the case at all (Sampson, par. 4-5).The song is not about making suicide a positive thing but having the courage to stand up for the things you believe (Hey Man, Nice Shot, par. 2). They are very sympathetic of all those affected and have experienced the same hurt before (Sampson, par. 4-5). Filter loves to write about emotional topics and that is exactly what they have done with this wonderful piece.

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When listening to Filters’ music, the emotion put into the lyrics are anything but insignificant. “Hey Man, Nice Shot,” is filled with symbolism and the intense theme of Budd Dwyer’s suicide. “The smoke’s gone and the air is clear” is a symbolic way Filter can now express that it’s alright to say an honest opinion (“Hey Man, Nice Shot,” MTV lyrics, lines 16-17). Every time Filter repeats the line “A man, has gun, hey man, have fun” he makes it clear that he thinks that Budd deserves what he did to himself (“Hey Man, Nice Shot,” MTV lyrics, lines 11-16). Also, Filter uses many rhyme schemes within their chorus, such as “fight...right” and “clear…fear” (“Hey Man, Nice Shot,” MTV lyrics, lines 20 & 17-19) These simple rhymes describe the sarcastic tone Filter feels about Dwyer. “You’d fight, and you were right,” doesn’t mean fighting makes situation right, it describes the theme of standing up for what is right (“Hey Man, Nice Shot,” MTV lyrics, line 20).

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Album on which Hey Man, Nice Shot appears on

Filter’s members- Richard PatrickJohn SpikerMitchell MarlowMika Fineo

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Born on November 21, 1939, Budd Dwyer began his journey in Saint Charles, Missouri ("Budd Dwyer", par. 0). His expedition in life was no cake-walk; he graduated from Allegheny College in Pennsylvania, and worked for his degree in education. Later, Dwyer emerged as a coach and teacher at Cambridge Springs High School. In 1965, he joined Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and half a decade later he moved into the Senate. By the 1980's, Dwyer assumed the position as State Treasurer ("Budd Dwyer", par. 1). It was found that a couple of the CTA officers involved a scandal were sentenced to jail after claiming to offer a $300,000 to Budd. However, they have no proof of these transactions (Sampson, par. 14-15). Employees of Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania had overpaid the FICA taxes by millions. They then began calculating refunds to the employees. John Torquato Jr. used his connections and bribes to receive a contract of about $4.6 million ("Budd Dwyer", par. 3-4). Before Dwyer called for a "press conference", he was found guilty of bribery and fraud ("Hey Man Nice Shot,” par. 1).

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During this "conference" Budd asked anyone who would take offense to his gun, to leave the room. Putting the gun in his mouth, Dwyer ended his life. After Dwyer's suicide, three sealed envelopes held his funeral arrangements, his organ donor card, and a letter to Governor Casey (Stevens, par. 18). While some people believe Budd Dwyer committed suicide out of fear, others think he did this to financially take care of his family. With Dwyer dying while in office his family would still receive his pension and benefits. This would help his family pay for the costs of his legal fees (Eisenthal, par. 3).  With all the questioning of "Why did he do this on live TV?" floating around, the only noted reason is that Dwyer was irritated with Judge Muir. Dwyer believed that he may have been the "target" of one of his bullets and that it was the only way to keep Muir from getting all the glory (Eisenthal, par. 4-5). Also, Dwyer accused Malcolm of conducting "medieval sentences" (Stevens, par. 16).

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Dwyer’s final resting place

Budd Dwyer during press conference

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The tragic suicide of Budd Dwyer was seen across the nation and has affected many. It is something that still troubles family and friends associated with the Dwyer’s. Though this may be the first event of a press conference suicide Robert Action claims that the Pennsylvania government has been involved in crimes such as “ghost employees, kickbacks, job-selling schemes, thefts, sexual offenses, substance abuse and deaths" (“Scandals ingrained in state government history,” par.2). These crimes seem to be influenced by the previous leaders of the government such as a former Pennsylvania senator, Mazzei (“Scandals ingrained in state government history,” par. 3). Mazzei has supposedly set a precedent for the officials after being the first to be expelled after being convicted for extortion since then more than 10 officials and many lawmakers have been expelled (“Scandals ingrained in state government history,” par. 3). The event has changed history and will always be a part of those who witnessed the event whether it was first hand or on TV.

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In conclusion, Filter's epic song has changed the way people view Dwyer's suicide. Supernatural, and X-Files, are just two television series that used Filter's song "Hey Man, Nice Shot“ in there episodes ("Hey Man, Nice Shot," par. 5). These episodes used "Hey Man, Nice Shot," to create an intense setting. Filter’s song also appeared in The Cable Guy, Driven, Bowling for Columbine, and Faces of Death (“Hey Man, Nice Shot,” par 5). There are multiple remixes of this song, including a "Quarter Pounder" remix ("Hey Man, Nice Shot," par. 6). Although some people think it wasn't appropriate to write about Budd, others see it as "a pop culture joke," students have drilled holes in coins to pass out as "Budd Dwyer Commemoratives" (Eisenthal, par. 6-7). Budd’s suicide didn’t only change his family’s life, but also the reporters who witnessed the horrific event. Journalists were not expecting Dwyer to do anything drastic, and were stunned by his actions, also one reporter regrets that he couldn't have stopped him (Stevens, par. 23). The suicide has continued influence artists and people around the country and has left a lasting impact on them. Dwyer’s decision that terrifying day will continue to haunt those present and those who have seen the event for years to come.

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Works Cited 

“Cable Guy playin' basketball." You Tube.  30 Aug. 2006. You Tube, LLC. 14 Apr. 2009 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?


Eisenthal, David. The Eisenthal Report. 19 Jan. 2007. 8 Apr. 2009


"Hey Man, Nice Shot." MTV.  30 Aug. 2006. MTV Networks. 14 Apr. 2009 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcuAnOD0NuA&feature=related>.

“Hey Man, Nice Shot.” MTV Lyrics. 2009. MTV Networks. 6 Apr. 2009 <http://www.mtv.com/lyrics/filter/hey_man_nice_shot/413395/lyrics.jhtml>.

"Hey Man, Nice Shot"  songfacts.com. 2009. 14 Apr 2009. <http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php=3643>.

Sampson, Pamela. “Rock song refers to 1987 suicide of State Treasurer Budd Dwyer.”  Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 7 July 1995. 13 Apr. 2009.


"Scandals ingrained in state government history." McClatchy- Tribune Information Services. Ed. Robin Acton. Thomson Gale.  St. Charles City-

County Lib. District, St. Charles, MO. 8 Apr. 2009. <http://find.galegroup.com>.

"Shapeshifter Dean." You Tube.  31 Mar. 2007. You Tube, LLC. 14 Apr. 2009 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?


Stevens, William. “Official Calls in Press and Kills himself.”  The New York Times. 23 Jan 1987. 13 Apr. 2009.

<http://www.nytimes.com/1987/01/23/us/ official-calls-in-press-and-kills-himself.html>.  

Wellersdick, Art.  “Richard Patrick Speaks the Truth.”  Synthesis.  July 2002.  13 Apr. 2009. <http://www.synthesis.net/music/interview/item-

7307/ 2009-03-18-filter>.

Start Surfing. 2003. Budd Dwyer. 13 Apr. 2009 <http://www.startsurfing.com/encyclopedia/r/_/ R._Budd_Dwyer_cbb9.html>