· gyms, spas, beauty saloons, cafeterias ucommercial : cabins, conference rooms, institutions,...


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Page 1:  · Gyms, Spas, Beauty Saloons, Cafeterias uCommercial : Cabins, Conference Rooms, Institutions, Labs, Speciality Clinics, Offices, Auditoriums and other Air conditioned environment


Page 2:  · Gyms, Spas, Beauty Saloons, Cafeterias uCommercial : Cabins, Conference Rooms, Institutions, Labs, Speciality Clinics, Offices, Auditoriums and other Air conditioned environment

Should You Be Concerned AboutIndoor Air Quality (IAQ)?

I ndoo r A i r Qua l i ty ( IAQ ) has become an

important hea l th as wel l as product iv i ty

issue. The modern construct ion pract ices

h a v e l e d t o a i r t i g h t b u i l d i n g s w h i c h

min imize the amount of f resh a i r enter ing

and c i rcu la t ing wi th in the bu i l d ing . Th is

restr ict ion impacts indoor a i r by a l lowing

a bu i ld -up of a i r contaminants with in the

bui ld ing that are not proper ly removed.

We spend 90% of our l ives indoors, where

a i r qua l i t y i s f r equen t l y up t o 10 t imes

m o r e p o l l u t e d t h a n t h e a i r o u t d o o r s .

C o n d i t i o n e d i n d o o r a i r w i t h o u t t h e

inc lus ion o f adequate amount o f outs ide

a i r c a n h a v e a h i g h c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f

r e s p i r a b l e d u s t , p o l l e n , m o l d , s p o r e s ,

bacteria, viruses and more. People working

indoors o f ten exper i ence symptoms such

a s d r y n e s s a n d i r r i t a t i o n o f t h e e y e s ,

nose, throat and skin, headaches, shortness o f

b r e a t h , h y p e r s e n s i t i v i t y , a l l e r g i e s ,

coughing or nausea just to mention a few.

YThe Food � you eat ! The Water � you drink !

Do you also check the quality of � The Air you breathe . . .?The EPA* has reported that indoor air quality can be up to 10 times WORSE than the air outside.

ou check the Quality of :

Healthy Air for Healthy People

We general ly not ice poor Indoor Air Qual ity ( IAQ) symptoms after several hours at work and

fee l better after we have left the bu i ld ing or when we have been away f rom the bu i ld ing

for a weekend or a vacat ion.

The Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)

O c c u p a n t s o f b u i l d i n g s w i t h p o o r I A Q

repo r t a w i de r ange o f h ea l t h p r ob l ems

w h i c h a r e o f t e n c a l l e d S i c k B u i l d i n g

S y n d r o m e ( S B S ) a n d B u i l d i n g - R e l a t e d

I l lness (BRI) .

The term Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is used

to describe cases in which building occupants

experience adverse health effects that are

apparently linked to the time they spend in

the building. However, no specific illnesses or

cause can be identified.

Bu i l d ing -Re la ted I l l ness (BRI ) r e fe rs to

l e s s f r e q u e n t ( b u t o f t e n m o r e s e r i o u s )

cases of people becoming i l l after being

i n a spec i f i c bu i l d i ng a t a c e r t a i n t ime .

I n t hese cases , t he re i s usua l l y a s im i l a r

set of c l in ica l symptoms exper ienced by

the peop l e and a c l e a r c aus e c a n o f t e n

be found upon investigation. Legionnaires

d i s e a s e i s a n e x a m p l e o f B R I c a u s e d

b y b a c t e r i a w h i c h c a n c o n t a m i n a t e a

bui ld ing�s air condit ioning system.

*The Environmental Protect ion Agency (EPA) is a US government agency concerned with the Amer ican environment and i ts impact on human health.

The EPA is responsib le for establ ish ing and enforc ing envi ronmental standards under measures l ike the Clean Air Act

Source Contaminant

Building occupants Carbon dioxide (CO2), tobacco smoke, perfume, body


Building materials Dust , f i be rg lass , asbestos , gases i nc lud ing


Workplace cleansers, solvents, Toxic vapors, volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

pesticides, disinfectants, glues

Furniture, carpets and paints Gases, vapors, odors.

Carpets, fabric, foam cushions Dust mites

Photocopiers, electric motors, Ozone .

electrostatic air cleaners

Some of the Indoor Air Contaminants

Page 3:  · Gyms, Spas, Beauty Saloons, Cafeterias uCommercial : Cabins, Conference Rooms, Institutions, Labs, Speciality Clinics, Offices, Auditoriums and other Air conditioned environment

The Solution

lets you enjoy the fresh-air feel of

an open window, with v irtual ly

little or no heat or energy loss.È Replace stale, pol luted indoor air with

fresher, healthier and oxygen rich outside air.

È Ideal for tightly sealed new commercial

buildings and modern homes.

È Compact unit size allows it to be retro-

fitted with your existing air-conditioning

system to enhance the indoor air quality.

How does it work ?The heart of the Energy Recovery Ventilator

is the EcoFresh des iccant coated energy

r ecove ry whee l , wh i ch s l o w l y r o t a t e s

between its two sections. In one section,

the stale, conditioned air is passed through

t h e w h e e l , a n d e x h a u s t e d t o t h e

a t m o s p h e r e . D u r i n g t h i s p r o c e s s , t h e

wheel absorbs sensib le and latent energy

f rom the cond i t i oned a i r , wh ich i s used

to pre-condit ion the incoming Fresh Air in

the other section, during the second half

of i ts rotat ion cycle. Thus, you can have

more Fresh Air at lower energy costs inside

your conditioned space.

DRI ERVi i s the f i rst cho ice of an HVAC

engineer and architect as it provides triple

advantage of :

n better IAQ n energy saving

n humidity control

Ideal for :u Residential : Apartment Complexes,

Homes, Luxury Villas

u Light Commercial : Showrooms, Pubs,

Gyms, Spas, Beauty Saloons, Cafeterias

u Commerc ia l : C a b i n s , C o n f e r e n c e

Rooms, Inst i tut ions , Labs , Spec ia l i ty

Clinics, Offices, Auditoriums and other Air

cond i t ioned env i ronment for human

comfort . . .

Exhaust Air Outlet

Fresh Air Intake


Fitness Center


Restaurant / Pub

Health Spa

Page 4:  · Gyms, Spas, Beauty Saloons, Cafeterias uCommercial : Cabins, Conference Rooms, Institutions, Labs, Speciality Clinics, Offices, Auditoriums and other Air conditioned environment

(The above details are based on inside conditions of 22.2 oC (72oF) and 55% RH)

Tonnage Reduction Chart

(per 1700 CMH (1000 CFM) of fresh air supply)

City Tonnage Tonnage A/CRecovery Recovery Equipment

in in sizeSummer Monsoon Reduction


Vishakapatnam 4.38 15.42 4.38 15.42 4.38 15.42

Hyderabad 3.21 11.29 4.12 14.50 4.12 14.50


Dibrugarh 3.34 11.76 3.35 11.79 3.35 11.79

Guwahati 3.34 11.76 4.38 15.42 4.38 15.42


Ranchi 4.22 14.85 3.35 11.79 4.22 14.85

Patna 3.20 11.26 4.65 16.37 4.65 16.37

(Goa) 4.37 15.38 4.12 14.50 4.37 15.38


Ahmedabad 3.19 11.23 4.12 14.50 4.12 14.50

Vadodara 3.19 11.23 3.59 12.64 3.59 12.64


Bangalore 3.32 11.69 3.35 11.79 3.35 11.79

Mysore 3.22 11.33 3.10 10.91 3.22 11.33

Manglore 4.36 15.35 4.39 15.45 4.39 15.45


Cochin 4.35 15.31 4.39 15.45 4.39 15.45

Trivandrum 3.83 13.48 3.86 13.59 3.86 13.59


Indore 2.96 10.42 4.37 15.38 4.37 15.38

Bhopal 2.08 7.32 4.64 16.33 4.64 16.33


Mumbai 4.63 16.30 4.39 15.45 4.63 16.30

Pune 2.74 9.64 3.61 12.71 3.61 12.71

Nagpur 2.72 9.57 4.12 14.50 4.12 14.50

Aurangabad 2.74 9.64 3.84 13.52 3.84 13.52


Bhubneshwar 4.22 14.85 4.65 16.37 4.65 16.37


Ambala/Chandigarh 2.5 8.8 3.83 13.48 3.83 13.48


Jaipur 2.5 8.8 3.33 11.72 3.33 11.72

Jodhpur 2.96 10.42 3.83 13.48 3.83 13.48

(Tamil Nadu)

Chennai 4.21 14.82 3.86 13.59 4.21 14.82

Coimbatore 2.76 9.72 2.64 9.29 2.76 9.72

Madurai 3.22 11.33 3.33 11.72 3.33 11.72

(Delhi / UP)

Delhi 2.5 8.8 4.63 16.30 4.63 16.30

Lucknow 3.43 12.07 4.63 16.30 4.63 16.30

Kanpur 2.96 10.42 4.49 15.8 4.49 15.8

(West Bengal)

Kolkata 4.48 15.77 4.65 16.37 4.65 16.37


u Golden Horse Casino, South Afr ica

u Hyatt Residency, Mumbai , India

u Hol iday Inn, Mumbai, India

u Lavasa Corporat ion, Pune, India

u Hyatt Hotel , Malaysia

u Promenade Hotel , Malaysia

u Grand Hyatt Accommondat ion, UAE

Commercial / Offices

u HCL Technologies, Noida, India

u Indian Air l ines, Mumbai, India

u Airport Authority of India, Delhi , India

u Supreme Court of India, Delhi , India

u Vatika City Point, Gurgaon, India

u Pricewaterhouse Cooper, Kolkata, India

u DG Cement, Kalar Kahar, Pakistan

u MTN Cal l Center, Durban

u CNI, Indonesia

u Cosmos L imited, Kenya

u PTTPE Polythylene, Thai land

u SNT Science & Tech Co. Ltd. , Hong Kong

u Juma al -maj id Headquarters Bui ld ing, UAE

u Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa

u CNI, Indonesia

u Premier Off ice, Maurit ius

IAQ maintained with

Intan Multipurpose Hall, Malaysia Dole Thailand Ltd

Hotel Grand Hyatt, UAE

Page 5:  · Gyms, Spas, Beauty Saloons, Cafeterias uCommercial : Cabins, Conference Rooms, Institutions, Labs, Speciality Clinics, Offices, Auditoriums and other Air conditioned environment

(The above details are based on inside conditions of 22.2 oC (72oF) and 55% RH)

City Tonnage Tonnage KW A/CRecovery Recovery Recovery Equipment

in in in sizeSummer Monsoon Winter Reduction


Cairo 1.92 6.76 2.62 9.23 NA NA 2.62 9.23

Durban 2.62 9.23 3.33 11.72 NA NA 3.33 11.72

Lagos 4.17 14.68 4.21 14.82 NA NA 4.21 14.82

Mauritius 4.10 14.44 4.10 14.44 NA NA 4.10 14.44

Indian sub continent

Colombo 4.21 14.82 3.86 13.59 NA NA 4.21 14.82

Dhaka 4.35 15.32 4.09 14.40 NA NA 4.35 15.32

Karachi 4.63 16.30 4.39 15.46 NA NA 4.63 16.30

West Asia

Abu Dhabi 4.28 15.07 NA NA NA NA 4.28 15.07

Amman 3.40 11.97 NA NA NA NA 3.40 11.97

Damascus 2.96 10.42 NA NA NA NA 2.96 10.42

Dhahran 5.56 19.58 NA NA NA NA 5.56 19.58

Doha 6.56 23.10 NA NA NA NA 6.56 23.10

Dubai 4.28 15.07 NA NA NA NA 4.28 15.07

Jeddah 4.41 15.53 NA NA NA NA 4.41 15.53

Kuwait 5.55 19.54 NA NA NA NA 5.55 19.54

Manama 4.11 14.47 NA NA NA NA 4.11 14.47

Muscat 4.95 17.43 NA NA NA NA 4.95 17.43

Ras Al Khaimah 4.28 15.07 NA NA NA NA 4.28 15.07

Riyadh 3.33 11.72 NA NA NA NA 3.33 11.72

Sharjah 4.28 15.07 NA NA NA NA 4.28 15.07


Beijing 1.76 6.20 3.58 12.61 NA 18.00 NA 18.00

Guangzhou 3.81 13.42 4.35 15.32 NA NA 4.35 15.32

Shanghai 4.07 14.33 4.61 16.23 NA NA 4.61 16.23

Far East Asia

Bangkok 3.81 13.42 4.88 17.18 NA NA 4.88 17.18

Brunei 3.58 12.60 4.36 15.36 NA NA 4.36 15.36

Ho Chi Minh City 3.09 10.88 4.09 14.40 NA NA 4.09 14.40

Hong Kong 3.58 12.60 4.38 15.36 NA NA 4.38 15.36

Jakarta 3.33 11.72 4.09 14.40 NA NA 4.09 14.40

Kuala Lumpur 3.33 11.72 4.09 14.40 NA NA 4.09 14.40

Manilla 4.09 14.40 4.63 16.30 NA NA 4.63 16.30

Singapore 3.56 12.53 4.08 14.36 NA NA 4.08 14.36

Seoul 3.11 10.95 3.86 13.59 NA NA 3.86 13.59

Taipei 3.85 13.56 4.37 15.39 NA NA 4.37 15.39

Tokyo 3.33 11.72 3.83 13.49 NA NA 3.83 13.49

S. America

Buenos Aires 2.20 7.75 2.86 10.07 NA NA 2.86 10.07

Rio de Janeiro 3.54 12.46 4.35 15.32 NA NA 4.35 15.32

Sao Paulo 1.38 4.86 2.20 7.75 NA NA 2.20 7.75


Barcelona 2.43 8.56 3.35 11.80 NA NA 3.35 11.80

Moscow 1.04 3.66 1.36 4.79 NA 14.00 NA 14.00

Rome 2.40 8.45 3.61 12.71 NA NA 3.61 12.71

Tonnage Reduction Chart

(per 1700 CMH (1000 CFM) of fresh air supply)

Health Club / Spa

u Lahore Gymkhana Club, Pakistan

u Gold Gym, Kolkata, India

u Karmarkar Spa, Mumbai , India

u Lambency Chandan Sparsh Spa, Ahmedabad, India

u Si lver Spring Club, Kolkata, India

Schools / Institutes

u IMIS, Bhubaneshwar, India

u KIIT Bhubaneshwar, India

u KIBS, Kochi , India

u Shal imar Medical Col lege, Lahore, Pakistan

u Aldr ich Bay & Chaiwan Pr imary Schools, Hong Kong

u New Brit ish Pr imary School , UAE

u Beacon School , UAE

Medical Facilites

u Moolchand Hospital , Delhi , India

u Jerbai Wadia Hospital , Mumbai, India

u Escorts Heart Research Centre, Mumbai , India

u Apol lo KH Foundation, Chennai , India

u Hospital Theatre, Ministry of Health, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

u Wijaya Medical Centre, Malyasia

u U Joe Medical Centre Dan Pusat Bersal in, Malaysia


u Avani: India�s First Platinum Rated Green Home, Hyderabad, India

u Staneley Joseph�s Residence, Kochi , India

u Raza Mamsha House, Lahore, Pakistan

u Sheikh Ahmed Bin Hamed Vi l la , UAE

u Emirates Hi l ls , UAE


d., Thailand IMIS, Bhubaneshwar, India

Holiday Inn, India

Page 6:  · Gyms, Spas, Beauty Saloons, Cafeterias uCommercial : Cabins, Conference Rooms, Institutions, Labs, Speciality Clinics, Offices, Auditoriums and other Air conditioned environment

When indoor po l lutants leve l go up , the product iv i ty in your of f ice comes down !

Monitor your IAQ with CO2 Sensor

CO2 Sensor i s used as a su r rogate vent i l a t i on

index fo r d iagnos ing vent i l a t i on i ne f f i c i ency o r

d i s t r i bu t i on p rob lems . As the number o f peop le

i n t he bu i l d i ng i n c r eases o r t he l e ve l o f ac t i v i t y

goes up , so w i l l be the CO2 concent ra t i on . H igh

C o n c e n t r a t i o n o f C O 2 i n d i c a t e s p o o r I n d o o r

A i r Q u a l i t y ( I A Q ) w h i c h c a u s e s d r o w s i n e s s ,

d iscomfort and an inab i l i ty to reta in informat ion and respond . . .

low productiv ity.

EcoFresh C O2 Sensor detects and displays the parts per mill ion (ppm)

of C O2 in the a i r . The un i t may be mounted on a wal l or ce i l ing of

the occupied spaces of a bui ld ing or in an aspirat ion box attached

to the return air duct.

CO2 can be Monitored as well as ControlledC O 2 c o n t r o l p r o v i d e s a g o o d b a l a n c e b e t w e e n c o m f o r t c o n t r o l

and energy sav ings by assur ing an adequate amount of f resh a i r

based on actua l occupancy.

C O2 Sensor controls the venti lat ion system according to venti lat ion

requirements (ASHRAE standard 62). The unit may be mounted on

a wal l or cei l ing of the occupied spaces of a bui ld ing or in an

aspirat ion box attached to the return air duct.

EcoFresh CO2 � ideal for Monitoring IAQ in . . .

n Office bui ld ings n Conference Hal ls

n Retai l Stores n Restaurants, Pubs

n Dry Ice Faci l i t ies n Ware Houses

n Green Houses n Animal Houses

n Theatres n Museums

n Schoo ls n HospitalsInstallation Options

Rate/person Ventilation Application

cfm (cmh)

Office Space 20 cfm (34)

Restaurants 20 cfm (34)

Bars 30 cfm (51)

Conference Rooms 30 cfm/room (51)

Auditoriums 15 cfm (26)

Classrooms 15 cfm (26)

Patient Rooms 30 cfm (43)

*Amer ican Society of Heat ing, Refr igerat ion and Air -condit ion ing Engineers.

ASHRAE* Recommended Ventilation Rates

Page 7:  · Gyms, Spas, Beauty Saloons, Cafeterias uCommercial : Cabins, Conference Rooms, Institutions, Labs, Speciality Clinics, Offices, Auditoriums and other Air conditioned environment

Technical Data�

ERV-1500i / 2000i / 3000i � Specification**

*The noise level is measured at 3 mtrs. at 90° below or s ide of the unit body, when the unit is ducted and a i r f lows are balanc ed.

**Because of our policy of continuous product improvements, specifications are subject to change without notice.

Supply Duct Exhaust Duct Supply Exhaust Bed Drive Power Consump- Noise Dimensions (mm) Approx.

Model Air Flow Connection Air Flow Connection Blower Blower Motor tion at Rated Level (Excluding Base Frame) Shipping

(CMH) (mm) (CMH) (mm) (Watt) (Watt) (Watt) Air Flow (Watt) (dbA) L W H wt. in kg.

ERV-1500i 1500 300x400 1500 300x400 750 750 40 1540 45* 1700 1150 600 150

ERV-2000i 2000 300x500 2000 300x500 1240 1240 40 2520 45* 2150 1200 650 205

ERV-3000i 3000 400x500 3000 400x500 1240 1240 90 2570 45* 2300 1600 650 280

AC Power Source 230V/1Ph/50Hz

Efficiency up to 70% (Sensible and latent each)

ERV-500i / 800i / 1000i � Specification**

*The noise level is measured at 3 mtrs. at 90° below or s ide of the unit body, when the unit is ducted and a i r f lows are balanc ed.

Supply Duct Exhaust Duct Supply Exhaust Bed Drive Power Consump- Noise Dimensions (mm) Approx.

Model Air Flow Connection Air Flow Connection Blower Blower Motor tion at Rated Level (Excluding Base Frame) Shipping

(CMH) (mm) (CMH) (mm) (Watt) (Watt) (Watt) Air Flow (Watt) (dbA) L W H wt. in kg.

ERV-500i 500 200 500 200 150 150 25 325 45* 1030 720 440 65

ERV-800i 800 200 800 200 200 200 25 425 45* 1400 800 440 80

ERV-1000i 1000 250 1000 250 225 225 25 505 45* 1500 850 440 115

AC Power Source 230V/1Ph/50Hz

Efficiency up to 70% (Sensible and latent each)

ERV-80/100i / 150i / 250i � Specification**

*The noise level is measured at 3 mtrs. at 90° below or s ide of the unit body, when the unit is ducted and a i r f lows are balanc ed.

Supply Duct Exhaust Duct Supply Exhaust Bed Drive Power Consump- Noise Dimensions (mm) Approx.

Model Air Flow Connection Air Flow Connection Blower Blower Motor tion at Rated Level (Excluding Base Frame) Shipping

(CMH) (mm) (CMH) (mm) (Watt) (Watt) (Watt) Air Flow (Watt) (dbA) L W H wt. in kg.

ERV-80/100i 80/100 100 80/100 100 32 32 6 70 45* 650 425 385 30

ERV-150i 150 150 150 150 87 87 6 180 45* 700 550 385 38

ERV-250i 250 150 250 150 142 142 25 300 45* 800 600 440 45

AC Power Source 230V/1Ph/50Hz

Efficiency up to 70% (Sensible and latent each)

Page 8:  · Gyms, Spas, Beauty Saloons, Cafeterias uCommercial : Cabins, Conference Rooms, Institutions, Labs, Speciality Clinics, Offices, Auditoriums and other Air conditioned environment

Never too far from you !

A few Green Buildings with Green Products . . . World-wide

The City, Brazi l Centre Point, Vietnam

CII GBC, India Stated Conference Center, Bei j ing Pacif ic Controls, Dubai Spencer Hal l , USA

DRI offices

DRI representatives

A ENTERPRISEl India l Korea l Malaysia l Thailand l China l Philippines l Australia l South Africa l Brazil l USA l UAE l Europe l Turkey







DRI (INDIA) DRI (KOREA) DRI (USA) DRI (NETHERLANDS) DRI (TURKEY) DRI (SHARJAH)100-101, Udyog Vihar, 202 2F D.H Bldg., Cloverdale, VA 24077 USA Demmersweg 6, 7495 RS Küçükyali Is Merkezi Girne Mah., P.O. 120672,Phase-IV, Gurgaon-122015 174-2 Songpa-dong, Phone : +(540) 266-7643 Ambt Delden, Netherlands E-5 Yanyol D-Blok No: 19 Maltepe / SAIF-Zone, SharjahPhone : +91-124-4188888 Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Fax : +(540) 266-7920 Phone : +31 (0) 547-273807 Istanbul / Türkìye Phone : +971-6-5578148Fax : +91-124-4188800 Phone : +82-2-4140629 E-Mail : [email protected] Fax : +31 (0) 547-273815 Phone : +90-216-4175010 Fax : +971-6-5578149E-Mail : [email protected] Fax : +82-2-4140639 Arizona, AZ 86325 USA E-Mail : [email protected] Fax : +90-216-4172255 E-Mail : [email protected]. : www.drirotors.com E-Mail : [email protected] Phone : +928-639-2767 Web. : www.drirotors.com E-Mail : [email protected] Web. : www.drirotors.com

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P h o n e Fax E-mail WebsiteMALAYSIA +60-3-77259919 +60-3-77259957 [email protected] www.bryair.com.mySHANGHAI +86-21-51591555 +86-21-51591559 [email protected] www.bryair.com.cnBEIJING +86-10-63581440 +86-10-63582440 [email protected] +86-27-87269767 +86-27-87269867GUANGZHOU +86-13-38601380 [email protected] www.bryair.com.cnTHAILAND +66-2-5415479 +66-2-9389314 [email protected] www.bryair.co.thPHILIPPINES +632-8078435-37 +632-8078435 [email protected] www.bryair.com.phAUSTRALIA +61-8-92762307 +61-8-93757989 [email protected] www.drirotors.comBRAZIL +55-11-9272-1790 [email protected] www.drirotors.comS. AFRICA +27-11-6150458 +27-11-6166485 [email protected] www.bryair.co.za