gyan devi salwan public school vacation enrichment … · 2019-06-25 · gyan devi salwan public...

GYAN DEVI SALWAN PUBLIC SCHOOL Vacation Enrichment Homework - 2019 GRADE-IX Dear Students The long awaited summer vacation is here, bringing with it the gift of togetherness with your family and friends. We hope you enjoyed the first spell of the session in school. Summer Vacation is probably the best time of the year for you all; it’s time to visit grandparents and getting pampered to no end and of course bonding with cousins. It will be great if you are able to find time to visit museums and monuments, learn new things, and explore new areas near your house. Keep yourself indoor in the sweltering heat and utilize your time with constructive and creative activities. To keep you busy we have designed the Holiday Homework which we hope you would love to do during the noon time. Things to remember: 1. Meditate and do simple yoga exercises. 2. Try to converse in English. 3. Water the plants and feed the birds. 4. Join your grandparents and parents for their morning walk. 5. Don’t watch too much of television. 6. Fix hours for studies daily and revise the syllabus covered so far. General Instructions: All the work should preferably be hand-written. Original drawings/illustrations and creative use of material will be appreciated. Present your work on A-4/A-3 size sheets as directed and arrange it subject wise with your name and class clearly written at the top. In practice worksheets of MCI/assignments, only correct responses/answers may be written in the homework register. The homework will be evaluated for all the subjects on the following parameters. 1. Idea and content 2. Presentation 3. Ability to answer the questions 4. Innovativeness. 5. Creativity. Wishing all of you a very enjoyable and fun-packed summer break!!

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    Vacation Enrichment Homework - 2019


    Dear Students

    The long awaited summer vacation is here, bringing with it the gift of togetherness with

    your family and friends. We hope you enjoyed the first spell of the session in school.

    Summer Vacation is probably the best time of the year for you all; it’s time to visit

    grandparents and getting pampered to no end and of course bonding with cousins. It will

    be great if you are able to find time to visit museums and monuments, learn new things,

    and explore new areas near your house. Keep yourself indoor in the sweltering heat and

    utilize your time with constructive and creative activities. To keep you busy we have

    designed the Holiday Homework which we hope you would love to do during the noon


    Things to remember:

    1. Meditate and do simple yoga exercises.

    2. Try to converse in English.

    3. Water the plants and feed the birds.

    4. Join your grandparents and parents for their morning walk.

    5. Don’t watch too much of television.

    6. Fix hours for studies daily and revise the syllabus covered so far.

    General Instructions:

    • All the work should preferably be hand-written.

    • Original drawings/illustrations and creative use of material will be appreciated.

    • Present your work on A-4/A-3 size sheets as directed and arrange it subject wise with your name and class clearly written at the top.

    • In practice worksheets of MCI/assignments, only correct responses/answers may be written in the homework register.

    The homework will be evaluated for all the subjects on the following parameters.

    1. Idea and content

    2. Presentation

    3. Ability to answer the questions

    4. Innovativeness.

    5. Creativity.

    Wishing all of you a very enjoyable and fun-packed summer break!!


    I. Make a collage on an A3 size sheet or chart paper . Use powerful visuals/photographs cut out from newspapers/ magazines and quotes/slogans etc. Ensure that the colour scheme is visually

    pleasing and eye catching. Use any ONE of the following socially relevant themes:

    a. Save the girl child/Stop female foeticide

    b. Save the environment

    c. Protect endangered species

    d. Empathy for the differently abled

    e. Stop child labour

    II Revise the Syllabus done so far.

    III.. Attempt attached practice assignments.


    पाठ ‘ एवरेस्ट मेरी शिखर यात्रा ‘ बचेंद्री पाल – चचत्रों सहित पररयोजना तैयार करें | पयाावरण संरक्षण िम सबका कताव्य िै। तो लोगों में पयाावरण के प्रतत जागरूकता फैलाने िेतु पर्यावरण संरक्षण पर एक स्वरचचत कववता शलखें | प्रततहिन पांच नए िब्िों का श्रतुलेख करें तथा अपने अशििावक द्वारा जााँच काया करवाएाँ तत्पश्चात सुधार काया अवश्य करें पाठों पर आधाररत संलग्न अभ्यास कायय परू्य करें | बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्नों पर आधाररत काययपवृिका का अभ्यास परू्य करें |

    MATHEMATICS • Attempt attached MCI sheet to revise previous concepts.

    • Attempt practice assignment of Ch-1, 2, 12 in Homework Register.


    1. कायापषृ्ठठका -1 एव ं2 परूी करें | 2. कक्षाकाया की पनुराववृि करें | 3. ससं्कृत में बीस नवीन सषु्ततयों का सगं्रि अथासहित करें | 4. बिुववकल्पीय प्रश्नों पर आधाररत कायापषृ्ठठका का अभ्यास करें| (इस प्रकार के प्रश्नों पर आधाररत परीक्षा जुलाई आयोष्जत की जाएगी)


    Make a research project on– Eye/Kidney/Liver Donation (any one). Mention the Parts of

    the organ which can be donated and different concerns associated with them. (Present the

    relevant information with the help of pictures on A-3 sheets.)

    B. Science Spectacular (DIY): Make a working model of any one innovative idea which has

    practical application in real life. (For Example : Wireless Energy – The future of

    Electricity, Water Rocket, Magic Tap,Syringe based Hydraulic Robotic Arm,

    Biodiesel ,Oxygen/CO2 level indicator in car,Sensors to correct posture/ Regulate viewing

    distance etc.) Or any other innovative idea. Refer to the links given below.


    C. Attempt attached MCI sheet to revise previous concepts.

    D. Attempt attached practice assignment of Ch-1,5, 8 in Homework Register.



    I Prepare a project on any one of the following topics

    a) Natural Disaster in 2018 -Indonesia( Tsunami and earthquakes)

    b) Man made disaster -Civil war in Syria

    Guidelines for preparing the project:

    1. The project must be hand written and not more than 10 pages (includes both sides of the paper


    2. Relevant material, pictures, newspaper clippings or any other material related to the topic may be


    3.The project must have –

    At the beginning

    i) A cover page

    ii) An acknowledgement

    iii)Table of contents / index

    At the end

    i) Bibliography which includes a mention of the sources from where reference material has been


    4. The project must contain –

    i) An introduction to the topic

    ii) Causes and consequences

    iii) Contingency plans and prevention

    iv) Rehabilitation

    5. Marks will be allotted for –

    i) Relevance of matter ii) Aesthetics and presentation iii) Timely Submission

    II . Make a poster on the impact of climate change on the fauna and flora in India

    III. Revise the chapters done in class.


    (Note: Take print outs of the work and arrange in a file)

    Do the following exercises on WORD Exercise 1: Writing a letter

    Exercise 2: Creating a report

    Exercise 3: Creating a greeting card

    Do the following exercises on IMPRESS or MS Power Point Exercise 1: Create a presentation on Artificial Intelligence and apply animation effects on it.( only 10


    Do the following exercises on MS excel or open office calc Exercise 1: Create a pie chart using the following data.



    Comprehension Passages

    1. But by the time she was eleven her marks had deteriorated and her

    headmistress urged her parents to take her to a specialist.

    a) Who is 'she' referred to here?

    b) Why did her marks deteriorate ?

    c) What did the headmistress urge her parents for?

    d) Find a word from the passage that means the same as "strong


    2. Most of the teachers discouraged her but percussionist Ron Forbes

    spotted her potential. He began by tuning two large drums to different


    a) Why did most of the teachers discourage her?

    b) Why did Ron Forbes decide to teach her?

    b) How did he try to teach her?

    c) Find a word from the passage that means the same as "ability".

    3. She is a shining inspiration for deaf children. They see that there is

    nowhere that they cannot go.

    a) Who is 'she' being referred to here?

    b) What was her achievement?

    b) How did she motivate other deaf children?

    c) 'Inspiration' has 'tion' as suffix. Make any two words with the same



    1. He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with

    dials and wires. He smiled at Margie and gave her an apple, then took

    the teacher apart.

    a) Who is 'He' and 'the teacher' in the above lines?

    b) Why did he take the teacher apart?

    c) How did he try to be friendly with Marige?

    d) 'Apart' means ....................... .

    2. Tommy screamed with laughter "You don't know much, Margie. The

    teacher didn't live in the house. They had a special building and all the

    kids went there."

    a) Which teachers are being referred to here?

    b) Where did these teacher teach?

    c) How were the teachers mentioned above different from teacher

    Tommy knew?

    d) Give the verb form of 'Laughter'.

    3. 'Gee', said Tommy, "What a waste when you're through with the book,

    you just throw it away. I guess?"

    a) Name the lesson from which the above lines are taken?

    b) Which book is being referred here?

    c) What might have readers done when they read it?

    d) Find a word from the above passage which means the same as finish.


    Comprehension Passages

    . "Work hard and you shall make it". With the opening of the All India Radio

    in Lucknow in 1938 came Bismillah's big break. He soon became an

    often heard Shehnai player on Radio.


    a) What is required for success, according to Bishmillah Khan?

    b) What was Bismillah Khan's big break?

    b) What made him popular among the people?

    c) Give antonym of 'seldom' from the above passage.

    II. "All I would like to say is: Teach your children music, this is Hindustan's

    richest tradition; even the west is now coming to learn our music."


    a) Who is 'I' here?

    b) Why does he want children to learn Hindustani Music?

    c) Give one example to show that Hindustani music is popular in west


    d) Give the comparative degree of 'richest.'

    Ill. Till recently it was used only in temples and weddings. The credit for

    bringing this instrument onto the classical stage goes to Ustad Bismillah



    a) What is 'it' here?

    b) Where was it used earlier ?

    c) What special credit goes to Ustad Bismillah Khan?

    d) The word classical has 'al' as suffix. Make a word with the same


    Answer the following questions:-

    1. Father in the beginning of the story is a dreadful figure to Kezia. What

    makes Kezia change her feelings towards her father in the end ?

    2. "Cruel and harsh attitude is not enough to inculcate values and discipline

    among the children". Justify this statement in context of the lesson "The

    Little Girl".

    3. Who rescued the lost child? How did he try to make the child happy?

    4. Why did the child not accept the things offered by the man?

    5. Why was Toto shifted with Nana.

    6. Why did crowd gather at the railway station?

    7. More than a cook lshwaran was a constant companion and friend for

    Mahendra. He entertained him and made his life very lively. Based on

    your reading the story write a note on the topic:'The need for good friends in life'.

    (Answer the above mentioned questions in English Register)


    I. Choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below to complete the following


    1. Since the beginning of human existence, people (a) ______________________ over the

    world have expressed their emotions and ideas (b) ________________ the medium of

    dance. Folk dances express the moods and feelings of (c)___________________ common people.

    Different regions (d) _____________ India

    have their own dances. (e) ______________ dance is accompanied by music and songs

    of the region to (f) ______________ it belongs. (g)______________ recent times folk

    dances have gained (h) ___________________ popularity, partly because of films and

    television shows.

    (a) (i) all (ii) whole (iii) much (iv) more

    (b) (i) in (ii) into (iii) through (iv) of

    (c) (i) the (ii) a (iii) an (iv) some

    (d) (i) at (ii) of (iii) for (iv) from

    (e) (i) each (ii) all (iii) whole (iv) many

    (f) (i) what (ii) which (iii) who (iv)whose

    (g) (i) Of (ii) For (iii) In (iv) Until

    (h) (i) great (ii) for (iii) much (iv) more

    2. Gravitation is the force (a) _____ holds us all down (b) _____ the surface of the earth.

    Anything (c) _____ upwards falls back to the earth. It is not only the earth that has the

    pull of gravity (d) ____ also everything else in the universe. Everything in this universe

    attracts (e) _____ body to (f) _______.

    (a) (i) whom (ii) that (iii) whose (iv) who

    (b) (i) into (ii) on (iii) to (iv) in

    (c) (i) thrown (ii) throwing (iii) to throw (iv) threw

    (d) (i) because (ii) and (iii) so (iv) but

    (e) (i) each (ii) every (iii) either (iv) neither

    (f) (i) themselves (ii) herself (iii) itself (iv) himself

    3. Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (a) _____ was one of (b)

    ______ greatest fiction writers of America. He grew up in a small town (c) ______ the

    bank of the Mississippi River. (d) ______ a small boy he moved to Hannibal on the banks

    of the river (e) ______ he experienced (f) _______ excitement of river travel.

    (a) (i) which (ii) who (iii) that (iv) he

    (b) (i) an (ii) a (iii) the (iv) his

    (c) (i) on (ii) in (iii) at (iv) upon

    II. Given below is a set of newspaper headlines. Expand these headlines by choosing the

    right options from the list of the options given:-


    Patients at AIIMS Delhi __________ (have faced; would face; had faced; faced) much

    harassment due to doctor’s strike.


    and peaceful Diwali as __________ (it was a ban on crackers; crackers had been banned;

    there was a ban on crackers; crackers attracted a ban).


    Soon a new drug to treat cancer __________ (is to be made available; would be

    available; will be made available; will have to be made available) for the poor.


    The immersion of __________ (thousands of idols caused; thousands of idols cause;

    thousands of idols will be causing; thousands of idols will cause) major river pollution

  • today.

    III. Read the passage given below.

    Decision-making is a very vital part of our lives. This is because what we are today is largely a result

    of the decisions we took in the past. Similarly, whatever happens tomorrow will be a

    result of the decisions we take in the present. It is not possible to reverse the wrong decisions

    taken in the past but it is possible to train ourselves into becoming a good decision-maker for

    the future. If we don’t, we’ll end up doing what we’ve always done and thus get what we’ve always


    All sorts of decisions big or small, relevant or irrelevant, conscious or unconscious punctuate

    our lives. Those who avoid taking a decision leave everything to chance and float along life

    with a what will be, will be attitude. To enhance our decision-making, we must, first of all,

    gather as much information as possible about the issue before we make our decision. We

    might be heading for a failure if our decisions are based on half-baked information. If you

    have a set of guiding principles for your life, decision-making becomes a lot easier.

    Sometimes decisions are very difficult to make, especially when the odds seem to be against

    us. In this case, giving ourselves a little time to decide wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.

    On the basis of your reading of the passage above complete the following sentences.

    a) The course of our life is largely determined by our

    i. actions

    ii. decisions

    iii. interests

    iv. plans

    b) The first step towards decision-making would be to

    i. think too much

    ii. understand our needs

    iii. collect maximum information about the matter

    iv. get half baked information

    c) Decision-making may be futile if

    i. the information is not sufficient

    ii. our interests differ

    iii. objectives are not clear

    iv. we are indecisive

    d) If things are not in our favour, we can

    i. work hard

    ii. leave the situation

    iii. give some time to ourselves

    iv. float with the situation

    e) to enhance means

    i. to understand

    ii. to decrease

    iii. to stabilize

    iv. to boost



    1. हििंी वणामाला में ऊठम व्यजंन कौन-से िै ?

    1. ि, ष, स, ि 2. त, थ, ि, ध 3. ट, ठ, ड, ढ 4. च, छ, ज, झ

    2. ‘ऋ’ को वणामाला में स्थान हिया गया िै 1. स्वर में 2. व्यंजन में 3. द्ववगुण व्यंजन में 4. संयुतत व्यंजन में

    3. िाषा की सबसे छोटी इकाई िै – 1. स्वर 2. व्यंजन 3. वणा 4. िब्ि

    4. ‘अनुपष्स्थत’ िब्ि में ककस उपसगा का प्रयोग िुआ िै? 1. अन ु 2. अन ्3. अ 4. अनुप

    5. ‘उपराठरपतत’ िब्ि में ककस उपसगा का प्रयोग िै? 1. उप 2. पतत 3. राठर 4. उपर

    6. ‘कु’ उपसगा से तनशमात िब्ि िै 1. कुपात्र 2. कुलीन 3. कुि 4. कुताा

    7. ‘तनर’् उपसगा से कौन-सा िब्ि तनशमात निीं िै? 1. तनरपराध 2. तनिोष 3. तनराकरण 4. तनिान

    8. ‘जलमय’ िब्ि में कौन-सा ‘प्रत्यय’ िै? 1. मय 2. इय 3. अय 4. च

    9. ‘मिीप’ में ककस प्रत्यय का प्रयोग िुआ िै? 1. प 2. ईप 3. आप 4. आयप

    10. ‘िार’ प्रत्यय से तनम्नशलखखत में कौन-सा िब्ि निीं बनता? 1. सरिार 2. खबरिार 3. असरिार 4. िरबार

    11. तनम्न में से कौन प्रत्यय का िेि निीं िै? 1. कृत ् 2. तद्चधत 3. नामधात ु 4. इनमे से कोई निी ं

    12. ‘बुढ़ापा’ में ककस प्रत्यय के संयोग से तया िब्ि बनेगा ?

  • 1. आपा 2. पा 3. अप 4. यापा

    13. तनम्न में से कौन सा ववस्मयाहिबोधक चचन्ि िै ? 1. ( - ) 2. ( ! ) 3. ( , ) 4. ( ^ )

    14. उद्धरण चचन्ि िै – 1. (" ") (' ') 2. ( - ) 3. {( )} 4. ( | )

    15. िंसपि (त्रटुीबोधक) चचन्ि िै – 1. ( - ) 2. ( v ) 3. ( ^ ) 4. ( ० )

    16. तनम्नशलखखत िब्िों में से ककस िब्ि में उपसगा निीं िै ? 1. शमलान 2. सुपुत्र 3. अधमा 4. सुकमा

    17. तनिेशित चचह्न या रेखखका का प्रयोग ककया जाता िै- 1. संकेत के शलए 2. वववरण के शलए 3. लोप-तनिेि के शलए 4. समानता सूचक के शलए

    18. िो ववपरीताथाक िब्िों के बीच ककस चचन्ि का प्रयोग िोता िै? 1. योजक 2. ववस्मयािी 3. अल्प-ववराम 4. अद्ाध-ववराम

    19. ककस वातय में सिी ववराम चचह्नों का प्रयोग िुआ िै? 1. अन्याय, अन्याय; सरासर अन्याय! 2. अन्याय; अन्याय; सरासर अन्याय! 3. अन्याय! अन्याय!! सरासर अन्याय!!! 4. अन्याय| अन्याय| सरासर अन्याय|

    20. जब िो संयुतत कियाएाँ एक साथ प्रयुतत िों तो कौन-सा चचन्ि लगाया जाता िै? 1. अल्पववराम 2. पूणाववराम 3. योजक 4. इनमें से कोई निी ं

    21. जब िो िब्िों में एक साथाक और िसूरा तनरथाक िो तब विााँ लगाया जाता िै- 1. उद्धरण चचन्ि 2. योजक चचन्ि 3. प्रश्नवाचक 4. ववस्मयाहिसूचक

    22. यद्यवप में ककस प्रकार की सष्न्ध िै ? 1. यण ्संचध 2. अयाहि संचध 3. गुण संचध 4. वदृ्चध संचध

    23. ‘सूयोिय’ का सष्न्ध-ववच्छेि तया िै? ।

  • 1. सूयो + िय 2. सूया + उिय 3. सूये + उिय 4. सूयाः + उिय

    24. ‘नायक’ का सष्न्ध-ववच्छेि तया िै? 1. ना + अक 2. न: + अक 3. ने + अक 4. नै + अक

    25. ‘वेिवषा’ में कौन-सी सष्न्ध िै? 1. गुण स्वर सष्न्ध 2. िीर्ा स्वर सष्न्ध 3. व्यंजन सष्न्ध 4. ववसगा सष्न्ध

    26. ‘वाताालाप’ का सिी सष्न्ध-ववच्छेि तया िै? 1. वाताा + अलाप 2. वाताा + आलाप 3. वताा + अलाप 4. वातााः + आलाप

    27. जलज 1. कमल 2. िंख 3. कपोत 4. मछली

    28. तनम्नशलखखत में से ककस िब्ि में अनुस्वार का उचचत प्रयोग निीं ककया गया ? 1. अिंर 2. मंजन 3. संगम 4. राँग

    29. अनुनाशसक युतत िब्ि कौन सा िै ? 1. संचयन 2. नींि 3. कंगन 4. पतंग

    30. नुतता यतुत सिी िब्ि का चयन करें | 1. जमींिार 2. ज़मींिार 3. जमीन.िार 4. ज.मीनिार


    पयठ- 1:द ुःख कय अधिकयर अति लघूत्तरीर् प्रश्न

    1. िगवाना की मााँ के सामने कौन-सी समस्या आ खड़ी िुई ? 1अकं 2. िगवाना की मााँ ने बच्चों का पेट िरने का प्रबधं कैसे ककया ? 1अकं 1. बहुढ़या को पत्थर हिल तयों किा गया िै ? 1अकं

    लघूत्तरीर् प्रश्न 1. पतु्र की मतृ्य ुके कारण सभं्ांत महिला की तया ििा िुई ? 2अकं 2. िगवाना की मतृ्य ुपर र्र की तया ििुािा िुई ?तयों ? 2अकं 3. सभं्ांत महिला को िखु मनाने का अचधकार तयों शमला? 2अकं 4. सतूक तया िोता िै ?


  • दीघा उत्तरीर् प्रश्न 1. इस पाठ का िीषाक िःुख का अचधकार किााँ तक साथाक िै ? 5 अकं 2. बहुढ़या के लडके की मतृ्य ुकैसे िुई ? वि लडके की मतृ्य ुके िसूरे िी हिन खरबजूे बेचने

    चल पडी? 5अकं मूल्र् आियररि प्रश्न

    1. सामाष्जक रीतत-ररवाज तथा ऊाँ च-नीच का ििेिाव ककस प्रकार मानवता के ववकास में बाधक बन जाता िै ? स्पठट कीष्जए। 5 अकं

    2. िसूरों के िःुख को िेखकर समाज के लोग आमतौर पर तया प्रततकिया करत ेिैं? 5 अकं कवविय 1: रैदयस.

    अति लघ त्तरीर् प्रश्न 1. कवव की िष्तत में ककस िाव की प्रधानता िै? 1 अकं 2. कवव की दृष्ठट में गरीबों और िीन-िखुखयों का रक्षक कौन िै? 1 अकं 3. कवव की िाषा कौन-सी िै? 1 अकं 4. ‘चचतवत चंि चकोरा’ में कौन सा अलकंार िै? 1 अकं 5. ‘अाँग- अाँग’ में कौन-सा अलकंार िै? 1 अकं

    लघ त्तरीर् प्रश्न 1. कवव ने अपनी तलुना ककन-ककन वस्तओुं से की िै ? 2 अकं 2. ‘गरीब तनवाज‘ु िब्ि का अथा स्पठट करें। 2 अकं 3. कवव ने सोने और सिुागे की बात ककस सिंिा में किी िै ? 2 अकं 4. ‘नीचिुाँ ऊाँ च करै मेरा गोबबिं ुकािू त ेन डरै’ का तया अथा िै? 2 अकं 5. रैिास ने ककन अछूत कववयों के नाम का उल्लेख ककया िै ? 2 अकं

    दीघा उत्तरीर् प्रश्न 1. रैिास के गोवविं तया-तया कर सकत ेिैं ? 5 अकं 2. कवव ने ईश्वर की ककन वविषेताओं का उल्लखे ककया िै ? 5 अकं 3. कवव राम नाम की रट को छोड़ तयों निीं पा रिे िैं ? 5 अकं 4. कवव ने ककन-ककन उिािरणों द्वारा ईश्वर से ितत की एकात्मकता को प्रमाखणत ककया िै ?5 अकं

    मूल्र् आियररि प्रश्न 1. ईश्वर के समक्ष कोई छोटा-बड़ा निीं िोता रैिास के पि के आधार पर इस कथन की व्याख्या

    कीष्जए। 5अकं संचर्न

    पयठ 1 धिल्लू अति लघूत्तरीर् प्रश्न

    1. चगल्ल ू कौन था ? 1 अकं 2. लेखखका को चगल्ल ूकिााँ तथा ककस अवस्था में शमला था ? 1 अकं 3. शलफाफे में चगल्ल ूककस प्रकार रिता था ? 1 अकं 4. मिािेवी को चैंकाने के शलए चगल्ल ूतया करता था ? 1 अकं 5. चगल्ल ू पाठ कौन-सी साहिष्त्यक ववधा िै ? 1 अकं

  • अति लघूत्तरीर् प्रश्न 1. चगल्ल ूककस प्रकार लेखखका के जीवन का हिस्सा बन गया ? 2 अकं 2. लेखखका के बीमार पड़ने पर चगल्ल ूने ककस प्रकार उनका ध्यान रखा ? 2 अकं 3. अपने जीवन के प्रथम वसतं काल में चगल्ल ूको खखड़की से बािर झााँकत ेिेखकर लेखखका ने तया

    ककया? 2 अकं 4. चगल्ल ूको शलफ़ाफे में रखने की ज़रूरत तयों मिससू िुई? 2 अकं

    दीघा उत्तरीर् प्रश्न 1. कौए के प्रतत लोगों की तया धारणाएाँ िैं ? 5 अकं 2. लेखखका तथा चगल्ल ूके आष्त्मक सबंधंों पर प्रकाि डाशलए। 5 अकं

    मूल्र् आियररि प्रश्न 1. पि ुपक्षी िी पे्रम की िाषा समझत ेिैं और मानवों के समान अपनी िावना व्यतत करत ेिैं-उििारण

    सहित स्पठट कीष्जए । 5अकं


    बह ववकल्पीर् प्रश्नयतन उत्तरयतन धचन ि ररक्िस्थयनयतन परूर्ि | 1.उधचि ंसखं्र्यवयची पदं धचन ि | क. ................. नरौ | (द्वे / द्वौ / द्वव / द्व्यम ्) ख. ................. शमत्राखण | (त्रयः / ततस्त्रः / त्रीखण/ बत्र ) 2. र्ोग्र् ंववभक्क्िरूपम ्धचत्वय वयक्र्यतन पणूयातन क रुि – क. .................. भ्ातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ | (िरताय/ िरतस्य/ िरत े/ िरतने ) ख. .................. बाशलकाः धावष्न्त | (िीडाङ्गन ं/ िीडाङ्गने / िीडाङ्गनात ्/ िीडाङ्गेन) 3. लङ्ि लकयरस्र् र्ोग्र्म ्रूप ंधचन ि| क. पवूावष ेवय ंसप्तमकक्षायां .........................| ((आसीत ्/ आसम ्/आस्मः /आस्वः) ख. अिं वपतरं ....................... | (अनमत/् अनमन ्/ अनमाम / अनमाव) 4. उपपदववभक्त्र्ियरे पदं धचत्वय वयक्र् ंपणू ंक रुि- क.अलम ्.................. | (वववािम ्/वववािेन /वववािाय / वववािात)ू ख. ..................... उियतःवकृ्षाः सष्न्त| ( मागाात/्मागाम ्/ मागास्य/मागााय) 5. लटृलकयरस्र् र्ोग्र्म ्रूप ंप्रर् ज्र् उत्तरयणण ललखि- क. गरुः आिीवाािम ् ....................... | (यच्छाशम / िास्यतत / िास्याशम / यच्छतत) ख. यवुाम ्कक्षायाम ्..........................|(आगष्च्छठयतत/आगष्च्छठयत: / आगशमठयन्त/आगशमठयथ: ) 6. वणासरं्ोिेन तनलमाि ंउधचि ंपदं धचन ि –

    क व+्य+्आ+क्+अ+र+्अ+ण+्अ+म ्= _____________(क. व्याकरणम ्ख. वअयकरणं ग. वयकिनं )

    ख व+्आ+ट्+इ+क्+आः = _____________(क. वाहटके ख. वाहटकाः ग. वाहटकया ) 7 उधचिं अन वयदं धचन ि– “पेड से पते्त धिरिे हैं| “ अस्य वातयस्य ससं्ितानवुाि: अष्स्त ? क वकृ्षस्य पत्राखण पतष्न्त ख वकृ्षणे पत्राखण पतष्न्त ग वकृ्षात ्पत्राखण पतष्न्त र् वकृ्ष ंपत्राखण पतष्न्त 8वयक्र् ंशोिर्ति – क. पतु्रणे सि वपता गच्छतत ख. पतु्राय सि वपता गच्छतत ग. पतु्रात ्सि वपता गच्छतत र्. पतु्रस्य सि वपता गच्छतत 9. सक्धिववच्छेदम ंक रुि - ज्ञानालयः = ------------------------------(क. ज्ञान+आलय ख. ज्ञान:+आलय ग. ज्ञानी +आलय ) 10 सक्धिसरं्ोजन ंक रुि – शिक्षा+अथी = ------------------------------(क. शिक्षाचथा ख. शिक्षाथी ग. शिक्षाचथानाम )


  • 1 AQaaoilaiKtMgaVaSaMpiz%vaaetdaQaairtanaama\ p`Snaanaama\ ]

  • 2 k: sadapUjya: Æ


    jaImaUtvaahna :kId/Sa: AasaIt\ Æ

    BaaiYakkaya-ma\ –

    1 gaVaSaokitAvyayapdainap`yau@taina saint Æ

    2` AaraQyapdokaivaBai@t :Æ

    3tvaaoVanao pdsya sainQaivacCodM ik`yatama\ Æ

    2 AQaaoilaiKtMgaVaSaM piz%vaa etdaQaairtanaama\ p`Snaanaama\ ]



    1. Between two given rational numbers, we can find

    (a) one and only one rational number.

    (b) only two rational numbers.

    (c) only ten rational numbers.

    (d) infinitely many rational numbers.

    2. The hypotenuse of a right triangle with its legs of lengths 3x × 4x is

    (a) 5x (b) 7x (c) 16x (d) 25x

    3. The next two numbers in the number pattern 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 ... are

    (a) 35, 48 (b) 36, 49 (c) 36, 48 (d) 35,49

    4. Which one has all the properties of a kite and a parallelogram?

    (a) Trapezium (b) Rhombus (c) Rectangle (d) Parallelogram

    5. The angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4. The smallest angle is

    (a) 72° (b) 144° (c) 36° (d) 18°

    6. The digit in the tens place of a two digit number is 3 more than the digit in the units place. Let the

    digit at units place be b. Then the number is

    (a)11b + 30 (b) 10b + 30 (c) 11b + 3 (d) 10b + 3

    7. Arpita’s present age is thrice of Shilpa. If Shilpa’s age three years ago was x. Then Arpita’s pre-

    sent age is

    (a) 3(x – 3) (b) 3x + 3 (c)3x – 9 (d) 3(x + 3)

    8. The sum of three consecutive multiples of 7 is 357. Find the smallest multiple.

    (a) 112 (b) 126 (c) 119 (d) 116

    9. [(1 / 2)-1 + (2 /3 )2 - (3/4)0]-2 is equal to:

    (a) 81/484 (b) 81/169 (c) 169/81 (d) 16/81

    10. Which of the following = (100 - 990) * 100?

    (a) 10000 (b). 100 (c). 9900 (d) 99000

    11. What is the reciprocal of (-3 / 4)0?

    (a) -1 (b) 1 (c) -4/3 (d )4/3

    12. What do we get when we transpose 5/2 to RHS in the equation x/4 + 5/2 = -3/3?

    (a) x/4 = -3/4 + 5 (b) x/4 = -5/2 + ¾ (c) x/4 = -3/4 + (-5/2) (d) none of these

    13. In the equation 3x = 4 - x, transposing -x to LHS we get

    (a) 3x - x = 4 (b) 3x + x = 4 (c) -3x + x = 4 (d) -3x - x = 4

    14. If x/3 + 1 = 7/15, then which of the following is correct?

    (a) x/3 = 7/15 - 1 (b) x/3 = -7/15 + 1 (c) x/3 = -7/15 – 1 (d) none of these

    15. If 7x+15 = 50, then which of the following is the root of the equation?

    (a) -5 (b) 65/7 (c) 5 (d) 1/5

  • 16. If the sum of two consecutive numbers is 71 and one number is x, then the other number is

    (a) x + (x+1) = 71 (b) x + (x+2) = 71

    (c) x + x = 7 (d) none of these

    17. Two year ago my age was x years, then what was my age 5 years ago?

    (a) X + 7 (b) X - 2 - 5

    (c) X – 5 (d) X- 3

    18. How old will I be after 10 years, if my age before 10 years was ‘x’ years?

    (a) X + 20 (b) X - 20

    (c ) X + 10 (d) X ‐ 10

    19. If base area of a room 12 m2 and height is 3 m then its volume is:

    (a) 4 m3 (b) 36 m3 (c) 12 m3 (d) 18 m3

    20. Two identical cubes each of total surface area of 6 cm2 are joined end to end. Which of the

    following is the total surface area of the cuboid so formed?

    (a) 12 cm2 (b) 18 cm2 (c) 10 cm2 (d) 8 cm2

    21. Which of the following is not a case of direct variation?

    (a) Number of sheets of some kind are incresed when their total weight its increased

    (b) More quentity of petrol is required to travel more distance with a fixed speed

    (c) More fees would be collected if number of students increased in a class

    (d) Time taken will be less if number of workers are increased to complete the same work.

    22. Which of the following is the case of direct variation?

    (a) If the length of radius is increased the circumference will be increased

    (b) If number of students is a hostel are increased then the fixed food provision will last for

    less days

    (c) For fixed duration, more the periods, lesser will be the duration of one period

    (d) In case of a cylindrical vessel, lesser the diameter more is the level of water in it.

    23. If speed is more than time to cover a fixed distance would be less”. This is a ease of:

    (a) inverse variation (b) direct variation (c) direct variation (d) none of the above.

    24. If M is a number such that M ÷ 5 gives a remainder of 1, then which of the following is the one’s

    digit of M?

    (a) 1 (b) 6 (c) 1 or 6 (d) none of these.

    25. The number 2 8 2 2 1 is divisible by which of the following:

    (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 9

    26. A cube of side 5 cm is painted on all its faces. If it is sliced into 1 cubic centimetre cubes, how

    many 1 cubic centimetre cubes will have exactly one of their faces painted?

    (a) 27 (b) 42 (c) 54 (d) 142

    27. A cube of side 4 cm is cut into 1 cm cubes. What is the ratio of the surface areas of the original

    cubes and cut-out cubes?

    (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 3 (c) 1 : 4 (d) 1 : 6

    28. A circle of maximum possible size is cut from a square sheet of board. Subsequently, a square of

    maximum possible size is cut from the resultant circle. What will be the area of the final square?

    (a) 3 /4 of original square. (b) 1/2 of original square.

  • (c) 1/ 4 of original square. (d) 2/3 of original square.

    29. What is the area of the largest triangle that can be fitted into a rectangle of length l units and

    width w units?

    (a) lw/2 (b) lw/3 (c) lw/6 d) lw/4

    30. If the height of a cylinder becomes 1 4 of the original height and the radius is doubled, then

    which of the following will be true?

    (a) Volume of the cylinder will be doubled.

    (b) Volume of the cylinder will remain unchanged.

    (c) Volume of the cylinder will be halved.

    (d) Volume of the cylinder will be 1/ 4 of the original volume.

    31. If the height of a cylinder becomes 1 /4 of the original height and the radius is doubled, then

    which of the following will be true?

    (a) Curved surface area of the cylinder will be doubled.

    (b) Curved surface area of the cylinder will remain unchanged.

    (c) Curved surface area of the cylinder will be halved.

    (d) Curved surface area will be 1/ 4 of the original curved surface.

    32. If the height of a cylinder becomes 1 /4 of the original height and the radius is doubled, then

    which of the following will be true?

    (a) Total surface area of the cylinder will be doubled.

    (b) Total surface area of the cylinder will remain unchanged.

    (c) Total surface of the cylinder will be halved.

    (d) None of the above.

    33. A regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle of radius r. The perimeter of the regular hexagon is

    (a) 3r (b) 6r (c) 9r (d) 12r

    34. The dimensions of a godown are 40 m, 25 m and 10 m. If it is filled with cuboidal boxes each of

    dimensions 2 m × 1.25 m × 1 m, then the number of boxes will be

    (a) 1800 (b) 2000 (c) 4000 (d) 8000

    35. The area of a parallelogram is 60 cm2 and one of its altitude is 5 cm. The length of its

    corresponding side is

    (a) 12 cm (b) 6 cm (c) 4 cm d) 2 cm

    36. Three cubes of metal whose edges are 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm respectively are melted to form a

    single cube. The edge of the new cube is

    (a) 12 cm (b) 24 cm (c) 18 cm (d) 20 cm

    37. A covered wooden box has the inner measures as 115 cm, 75 cm and 35 cm and thickness of

    wood as 2.5 cm. The volume of the wood is

    (a) 85,000 cm3 (b) 80,000 cm3 (c) 82,125 cm3 (d) 84,000


    38. The ratio of radii of two cylinders is 1: 2 and heights are in the ratio 2:3. The ratio of their

    volumes is (a) 1:6 (b) 1:9 (c) 1:3 (d) 2:9

    39. The product of a monomial and a binomial is a

    (a) monomial (b) binomial (c) trinomial (d) none of these

    40. In a polynomial, the exponents of the variables are always

  • (a) integers (b) positive integers (c) non-negative integers (d) non-positive integers

    41. Which of the following is correct?

    (a) (a – b) 2 = a2 + 2ab – b2 (b) (a – b) 2 = a2 – 2ab + b2

    (c) (a – b) 2 = a2 – b2 (d) (a + b) 2 = a2 + 2ab – b2

    42. The sum of –7pq and 2pq is

    (a) –9pq (b) 9pq (c) 5pq (d) – 5pq

    43 . If we subtract –3x2y2 from x2y2, then we get

    (a) – 4x2y2 (b) – 2x2y2 (c) 2x2y2 (d) 4x2y2

    44. For a non-zero integer x, x7 ÷ x12 is equal to

    (a) x5 (b) x 19 c) x–5 (d) x–19

    45. How many diagonals does a hexagon have?

    (a) 9 (b) 8 (c) 2 (d) 6

    46. If the adjacent sides of a parallelogram are equal then parallelogram is a

    (a) Rectangle (b) trapezium (c) rhombus (d) square

    47. The sum of all exterior angles of a triangle is

    (a) 180° (b) 360° (c) 540° d) 720°

    48. Which of the following is an equiangular and equilateral polygon?

    (a) Square (b) Rectangle (c) Rhombus (d) Right triangle


    Chapter No 1: Number System

    1. State the product law of exponents.

    2. Find the sum of 2 + 3 and 4 - 3

    3. Find the rationalizing factor of √7 + √3

    4. By taking 2= 1.414 find the value of 5√2


    5. If x = (√7 + √5) & y = (√7 - √5) ,Then evaluate x y

    6. Express the following in the form of q


    (a) 94.3 , (b) 342.0

    7. Write two irrational numbers between 0.21 and 0.222…...

    8. Simplify

    a) ( )2

    5334 −

    b) 1629850 −−

  • 9. Find two rational and two irrational numbers between 11


    and 5


    10. Rationalize the denominator





    11. If x =2 + 3, find the value of 2

    2 1

    xx +

    12. If x = 7 + 43, find the value of xx


    13. Find the values of a & b in each of the following.

    (a) 5−√6

    5+√6= 𝑎 − 𝑏√6 (b) 5+2√3

    7+4√3= 𝑎 − 𝑏√3

    14. If x =√3−√2√3+√2

    𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦 = √3+√2


    (a) x2 + xy +y2 (b) x3 + y3

    15. .Simplify:

    (a) 22/3 x21/5 (b) 93/2 ÷ (243)-2/3 (c) (125)-1/3 (d)(64/25)-3/2.





    20. Find the values of x, if

    (a) 5x – 3 x 32x – 8 =225 (b) 25 x – 1 = 52x – 1 – 100

    21. Write the value of

    22. If 3𝑥−1= 9, and 4𝑦+2 = 64, find the value of 𝑥

    𝑦 ?

    Chapter No 2 : Polynomials

    1. Find the value of polynomial x2 –x–1 at x = –1.

    2. Find the remainder when x3 – 2x2 + x + 1 is divided by (x –1)

  • 3. If (x –2) is a factor of 2x3 –6 x2+5x+k, then find the value of k.

    4. Find factors of x2 + 11x + 18

    5. Examine if 2x – 3 is factor of 2x3 –9x2 + x + 12.

    6. Use remainder theorem to find remainder when p(x) is divided by q(x) in following questions:

    (a) p(x) = x9 – 5x4 + 1, q(x) = x + 1

    (b) p(x) = 4x3 – 12x2 + 11x –5, q(x) = 2


    (c) p(x) = x3 – 6x2 – 2x –4, q(x) = 1 – 3x

    7. Evaluate the following:

    (a) 52 57 (b) 56 48 (c)108 × 102

    8. Factories each of the following expressions

    (a )125 – 343y3 – 525y + 735y2

    (b) k2 – 26k + 133

    (c) p4 – 81q4

    (d) 27125

    33 ba +

    9. If 3



    then find the value of then find the value of 3

    3 1

    xx +

    10. If x + 1 and x –1 are factors of mx3 + x2 – 2x + n, find the value of m and n.

    11. Factorise : x3 – 3x2 – 10x + 24.

    12. If f(x) = 2x3 + x2 + bx – 6 leaves a remainder 36 when divided by (x – 3), find the value of b and

    with this value of b, Factorise f(x).

    13. Using factor theorem, factorise the polynomial x4 + x3 – 7x2 – x + 6

    14. Let A and B are the remainders when the polynomial x3 + 2x2 – 5ax – 7 and y3 + ay2 – 12y + 6 are divided by x+1 and y–2 respectively. If 2A +B = 6, find the value of a.

    15. If a,b,c are all non-zero and a+b+c = 0, prove that :









    16. If perimeter of two rectangular fields are (a+b)2 units and (a2 + ab + b2) units. A property dealer sells these fields by using a = 5 and b = 2. If the dealer suggests that perimeter of field (a+b)2 units is better for the customer. Is this statement true? Which moral value is being depicted by the property dealer?

    17. If a teacher divides a material of volume (x3 + 6x2 + 12x + 8) cubic units among three students of his class equally. Is it possible to find the quantity of material each of them gets. Which moral value is depicted by the teacher?

    18. Find square root of (x2 + 4x + 4) (x2 + 6x + 9).

  • 19. If x= 1001 , y= 1002 and z = 1003, find the value of that x3 + y3 + z3 –3xyz, without actually calcu-lating the cubes.

    20. The polynomials y3 + by2 – 3 and 2y3 -5y + (b-2) when divided by y-4, leave the same remainder in each

    case . Find the value of b.

    Chapter No 12: Heron’s Formula

    1. An isosceles right triangle has an area 8cm2. Then find the length of its hypotenuse.

    2. Find the area of the adjoining figure if AB ⊥ BC

    3. The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 60m. Find its area.

    4. If the area of an equilateral triangle is 16√ 3 cm2, then find the perimeter of the triangle.

    5. The perimeter of a triangle is 30cm. Its sides are in the ratio 1 : 3 : 2, then find its smallest side. 6. One side of an equilateral triangle measures 8cm. Find its area using heron’s formula. What is its


    7. Sides of a triangle are in the ratio 12:17:25 and its perimeter is 540cm.Find its area.

    8. Sides of a triangle are in the ratio 13:14:15 and its perimeter is 84cm.Find its area.

    9. The sides of a quadrilateral taken in order are 26m, 27m, 7m & 24m respectively. The angle contained by the last two sides is a right angle. Find its area

    10. The sides of a quadrilateral taken in order are 5m, 12m, 14m & 15m respectively. The angle

    contained by the first two sides is a right angle. Find its area.

    11. The parallel sides of a trapezium 25m & 10m and the other sides are 14m & 13m. Find the area of the trapezium.

    12. Find the area of the rhombus whose perimeter is 80m and one of whose diagonal is 24m.

    13. A rhombus sheet whose perimeter is 40m and one of its diagonal is 12m long, on painted on both sides at the rate of Rs. 5 per m2. Find the cost of painting.

    14. Sanya has a piece of land which is in the shape of a rhombus .She wants her one daughter and one son to work on the land and produce different crops to suffice the needs of their family. She divided the land into two equal parts. If the perimeter of the land is 400m and one of its diagonals 160m, how much area each of them will get?

    15. Find the area of a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = 3cm, BC = 4cm, CD = 4cm, DA = 5cm and AC = 5cm.

    16. The parallel sides of a trapezium 60cm & 77cm and the other sides are 25cm & 26cm. Find the

    area of the trapezium.

    17. The triangular side walls of a flyover have been used for advertisements. The sides of the walls

    are 13 m, 14 m and 15 m. The advertisements yield an earning of Rs 2000 per m2 a year. A com-

    pany hired one of its walls for 6 months. How much rent did it pay?

  • 18. Calculate the area of the shaded region

    19. The perimeter of an isosceles ∆ is 42 cm and its base is (3 2⁄ ) times each of the equal sides. Find the length of each side of the ∆, area of the ∆ and the height of the ∆.



    1. A ray of light strikes a plane mirror PQ at an angle of incidence of 30o, is reflected from the

    plane mirror and then strikes a second plane mirror QR placed at right angles to the first mir-

    ror. The angle of reflection at the second mirror is:

    a) 30o b)45o c) 60o d)90o



    a) 17.5 m towards the mirror b)7.5 m towards the mirror

    c) 7.5 m away from the mirror d)2.5 m towards the mirror


    a) 2 m/s b) 4 m/s c) 8 m/s d) The image will stay at rest

  • 5.

    a. Only the bulb in (1) glowed

    b. Bulbs in (1) (2) and (3) glowed

    c. Bulbs in (1) (2) and (4) glowed

    d.All the bulbs glowed

    e.None of the bulbs glowed




    A. Positive terminal

  • B. Negative terminal



    11. Blocks are kept on rough surfaces in three different situations as shown. Choose the correct statements.

    I. No friction force acts on the block in case Y and case X

    II. Friction force acts in case X and case Z, but not in case Y

    III. Static friction acts in both case X and case Y

    IV. Static friction acts in case X, no friction acts in case Y and sliding friction acts in case Z

    (A) Only I (B) Only II (C) Only II, III and IV (D) Only II and IV

    12. In which of the following cases is higher friction useful? I. Climbing a rope I. Friction between handle of tennis racket and hand

    II. Sliding down a playground slide

    (A) Only I and II (B) Only II and III (C) Only I and III (D) All

    13. A person is pushing a stationary block on a rough surface and the block starts moving. Which of

    the following options is correct regarding the force of friction exerted by the surface on the block?

  • (A) Static friction until block starts moving and then sliding friction

    (B) Static friction when the block is at rest and also when it is moving

    (C) Sliding friction when the block is at rest and also when it is moving

    (D) Sliding friction until block starts moving and then static friction

    14. An apple tree is shown on the right. In which of the following apples is gravitational force of

    earth acting?

    I. Apple attached to the tree

    II. Apple falling towards the ground

    (a) Only I (b) Only II (c) Both I and II (d) Neither I nor II

    15. Two objects repel each other. This repulsion could be due to

    (a)frictional force only

    (b)electrostatic force only

    (c)magnetic force only

    (d)either a magnetic or an electrostatic force 16.

    Three persons as shown above have equal weights. But they are in different positions, one of the

    persons is lying on the bed, while another is sitting on the ground and third one is standing. Who is

    applying maximum pressure on the ground?

    (A) Person 1 (B) Person 2 (C) Person 3 (D) All are applying same pressure

    17. The small units used in making synthetic fibres are.

    (a) molecules (c) cells

    (b) polymers (d) none of these.

    18. The first man-made fibre is

    (a) nylon (c) rayon

    (b) polyester (d) cotton

    19. The method used to separate substances differing in colour, size and shape from a solid mixture

    (a) magnetic separation (c) handpicking

    (b) decantation (d) sieving

    20. When baking soda is mixed with lemon juice, bubbles are formed with evolution of a gas. What

    type of change is it?

    (a) Physical Change (c) Chemical Change

    (b) None Of the above (d) Both (a) and (b)

    21. The plastics which do not remould again on heating are called:

    (a) thermosetting plastics (c) both of these

  • (b) thermoplast plastics (d) none of these.

    22. The nylon is prepared first in

    (a) 1921 (c) 1941

    (b) 1931 (d) 1951.

    23. A synthetic fibre which works like wool.

    (a) Nylon ` (c) Acrylic

    (b) Polyester (d) PVC

    24. The raw materials used in making nylon

    (a) Wood pulp (c) Coal, water, air

    (b) Cellulose (d) All of these

    25. The method used to separate the seeds from the fruit juice.

    (a) filtration (c) sieving

    (b) winnowing (d) crystallisation

    26.Non-metals are:

    (a) generally liquids (c) generally solids and gases

    (b) generally gases (d) generally gases and liquids.

    27. The metal which is stored in kerosene:

    (a) Phosphorus (c) Sodium

    (b) Magnesium (d) zinc

    28. Coaltar contains about

    a) 300 substance c) 200 substance

    b) 400 substance d) 100 substance

    29. The non-metal which is liquid at room temperature is:

    (a) Carbon (c) Bromine

    (b) Iodine (d) Chlorine

    30. All metals are solids except

    (a) Sodium (c) Mercury

    (b) Calcium (d) Hydrogen

    31. The metal which can be cut with a knife

    (a) Sodium and potassium (c) Sodium and mercury

    (b) Barium and calcium (d) Potassium and calcium

    32. The first oil well was drilled in

    a) USA c) UK

    b) USSR d) India

    33. PCRA stands for

    a) Public Conservations Research Association c) Public Council of Research Association

    b) Petroleum Conservation Research Association d) Partial Counting of remaining


    34. Which of the following is TRUE about fertilization? (A) Only one of the sperms fuses with all the eggs released

    (B) All of the sperms produced fuse with the egg

    (C) Only one of the sperms produced may fuse with the egg

    35. Imagine yourself as a science club student and answer. Meera asked that in animals that undergo

    metamorphosis, is the young one same as the adult?

    (A) Yes, since they have same features

    (B) No, their young ones and adults have completely different features.

    36. I. It involves fusion of gametes

    II. Offspring arise from a single organism

    III. Nucleus of a single cell splits into two identical cells

    Which of the following is correct about asexual reproduction?

    (A) Only I (B) Only II C) Only II & III

  • 37. Plastids can also be seen in animal cells”. True or false?

    (A) True, plastids give colors to animals

    (B) False, animals don’t have plastids

    (C) Partially true, plastids are in the form of vacuoles

    (D) Hard to predict

    38. Which of the following is responsible for transfer of characters from parents to their children?

    (A) Ribosomes (B) Cytoplasm

    (C) Cell membrane (D) Genes

    39. Which of the following has more number of cells? (A) Amoeba (B) A mosquito (C) Paramecium

    40. Ravi observed a human cheek cell under a microscope and made the following observations.

    Which of the following observations do you think is/are correct?

    I. The jelly-like substance between the nucleus and cell membrane is cytoplasm

    II. Mitochondria is present inside the nucleus

    III. The boundary of the cell is covered by cell wall

    (A) Only I (B) Only I and II

    (C) Only II and III (D) Only I and III

    41. Which of the following is/are always present in EVERY cell found on the earth?

    (A) Plastids

    (B) Nuclear membrane

    (C) Cell wall

    (D) None of the above are always present in every cell

    42. You might have observed that dried raisins swell when dipped in plain water and grapes shrink

    when kept in honey. Which of the following can you conclude based on this observation?

    (A) Cell membrane is porous but cell wall is not

    (B) Cell wall is porous but cell membrane is not

    (C) Neither cell membrane nor cell wall is porous

    (D) Both cell wall and cell membrane are porous

    43. Choose the correct statements regarding ductless glands.

    (A) They release hormones directly into the bloodstream

    (B) They do not release hormones directly into blood stream

    (C) Salivary glands are example of ductless glands

    (D) Both (B) and (C)

    44. Name the hormone produced by testes after getting stimulated by the hormone secreted by pitui-

    tary gland. (A) Insulin (B) Thyroxine

    (C) Testosterone (D) Estrogen

    45. When do plants absorb oxygen? (A) Only during day

    (B) Only during night

    (C) Both during day and night

    (D) Plants never absorb oxygen, only release it.

    46. Smallest functional unit of Kidney is

  • (A) Nephron (B) Urethra

    (C) Ureter (D) Capillary

    48. A worm found inside the soil had slimy, moist skin. When examined, it was found that the insect

    had no lungs. How do you think the insect absorbs oxygen for respiration?

    (A) It absorbs oxygen from the mouth cavity.

    (B) It absorbs oxygen from cavity in its tail.

    (C) It absorbs oxygen from its skin itself.

    49. While breathing a person’s ribs moved downward and inward. Which of the following is most

    accurate about this person?

    (A) Person is inhaling

    (B)Person is exhaling

    (C) Person is holding his/her breathe

    (D)It could be either inhaling or exhaling

    50. Choose the correct statement(s):

    I. A person lifting weights might get a cramp due to production of acid in the cells

    II. Acid is produced in our body during anaerobic respiration.

    (A)Only I (B) Only II

    (C) Both I and II (D) neither I nor II



    Very Short Answer Questions

    Q1. Show that the area under the velocity-time graph for a particle moving at a constant velocity

    gives the distance covered by the particle. Q2. What is the numerical ratio of displacement to distance for a moving object? Q3. Four cars A, B, C and D are moving on a leveled road. Their distances versus time graphs

    are shown in below Fig. Which car is fastest?

    Short Answer Questions

    Q1. A ball hits a wall horizontally at 6.0m/s. It rebounds horizontally at 4.4m/s. The ball is in con-

    tact with the wall for 0.040s.What is the acceleration of the ball? Q2. Below given figure shows the velocity-time graph for a particle moving in a fixed direc-

    tion, find the acceleration of the particle

    Q3. Derive second equation of motion graphically

  • Q4. What are the characteristics of the distance time graph for an object moving with a non-uniform

    speed? Q5. Starting from a stationary position, Bhuvan paddles his bicycle to attain a velocity of 6m/s

    in 30s. Then he applies brakes such that the velocity of bicycle comes down to 4m/s in the

    next 5s. Calculate the acceleration of the bicycle in both the cases.

    Long Answer Questions Q1. (a) Derive first and third equation of motion graphically.

    (b) A car is moving with a velocity of 45 m/s comes to rest in 10 seconds. Find the retardation produced .Also calculate the distance covered by the car in that time.

    Q2. (a) What is the significance and use of graphical representation of motion?

    (b) A girl bends to touch her toes. Is the motion of her head an example of uniform motion or accelerated motion? Explain your answer.

    Q3. In a long distance race, the athletics were expected to take four rounds of the track such

    that the line of finish was same as the line of start. Suppose the length of the track was


    a. What is the total distance to be covered by the athletics?

    b. What is the displacement of the athletics when they touch the finish line?

    c. Is the motion of the athletics uniform or non-uniform?

    d. Is the displacement of an athletic and the distance covered by him at the end of the race


    Numericals Q1. An object is moving up an inclined plane. Its velocity changes from 15m/s to 10m/s in two

    seconds. What is its acceleration? Q2. A body covered a distance of ‘x’ metre along a semicircular path. Calculate the magnitude of

    displacement of the body, and the ratio of distance to displacement. Q3. A particle moving with an initial velocity of 5m/s is subjected to a uniform acceleration of -

    2.5m/s2. Find the displacement in the next 4 seconds. Q4. The graph given below is the velocity-time graph for a moving body. Find (i) velocity

    of the body at point C (ii) acceleration acting on the body between A and B (iii) accel-

    eration acting on the body between B and C.


    Q5. A girl walks along a straight path to drop a letter in the letterbox and comes back to her initial

    position. Her displacement–time graph is shown in below figure. Plot a velocity– time graph for the

    same. Q6. The graph given alongside shows how the speed of a car changes with time.

  • (i) What is the initial speed of the car?

    (ii) What is the maximum speed attained by the car?

    (iii) Which part of the graph shows zero acceleration?

    (iv) Which part of the graph shows varying retardation?

    (v) Find the distance travelled in first 8 hours.


    Q1. Two stones are thrown vertically upwards simultaneously with their initial velocities u1 and u2 respectively. Prove that the heights reached by them would be in the ratio of u12:u22 (Assume upward acceleration is – g and downward acceleration to be +g). Q2. A body is moving uniformly in a straight line with a velocity of 5m/s. Find graphically the

    distance covered by it in 5 seconds.

    Q3. Study the velocity-time graph and calculate.

    (a) The acceleration from A to B

    (b) The acceleration from B to C

    (c) The distance covered in the region ABE

    (d) The average velocity from C to D

    (e) The distance covered in the region BCFE



    1. Why do gases diffuse rapidly? 2. What is the effect of temperature on the following:-

    (a) Kinetic energy of the particles of matter (b) Diffusion 3. How is vapour different from gas? Give examples of each. 4. What is a dry ice? Why is it called dry? 5. A gas jar containing H2 is inverted over another containing Br2 gas which is brown in colour and

    heavier than H2. What will happen after sometime in the inverted gas jar and why? 6. A rubber band is considered to be a solid, yet it changes it's shape on stretching. Why? 7. Regular cooking in vessels open to atmosphere takes long time in mountains. Therefore, cooking in pressure cooker is advised.

    Short Answer Type Questions

    1. Why does ice float on water?

    2. Melting points of three substances A, B and C are 520 C , 1750C and 800C respectively. Arrange them in the decreasing order of the interparticle force of attraction in each of them. Give reason for your answer.

  • 3. Why do we see water droplets on the outer surface of a glass containing ice cold water.

    4. After a hot sunny day, people sprinkle water on roof or open ground.

    5. We feel cold when we pour some nail polish remover on our palm. 6. Water as ice has a cooling effect whereas water as steam may cause severe burns. Explain these observations.

    7. How is heating of sugar and heating of ammonium chloride different from each other? Long Answer type questions 1. Discuss the various factors which affect the rate of evaporation. Latent heat of vaporisation of two liquids A and B is 200 J/Kg and 150 J/Kg respectively. Which one will produce more cooling effect and why?

    2. Ice, water and steam are three different states of a substance and not different substances. Justify. Draw a cyclic figure to show interconversion of states.

    3. Wax is heated in a china dish. How will the following change during heating - a) Kinetic energy of the particle b) inter particle distance

    4. State one similarity and one difference between evaporation and boiling. HOTS

    1. The scientists now say that there are actually five states of matter A , B , C, D, E. The state A has a fixed volume but no fixed shape. The state B can be compressed very easily

    by applying pressure and state C has a fixed shape as well as fixed volume. The state D is a mixture

    of free electrons and ions whereas state E is named after an Indian scientist and a famous physicist. i) Name the physical states A , B, C , D and E. ii) Name one substance belonging to state C which can directly change into vapours on heating. What is this process known as? iii) Name one substance which normally belongs to state B but whose solid form changes directly into gaseous state. iv) Name the most common substance belonging to state A. v) Which state of matter makes the sun and other stars to glow?

    2. The substance X normally exists in a physical state which can flow easily but does not fill

    it's vessel completely. It also turns anhydrous copper sulphate blue. When substance X is cooled excessively, it changes into a substance Y which has a fixed shape as well as fixed volume. If, however, the substance X is heated strongly, it changes into substance Z which has neither fixed shape nor a fixed volume. i) Name the substances X , Y and Z. ii) What is the process of conversion of X into Y known as? iii) At what temperature X gets converted into Y? iv) What is the process of conversion of X into Z known as? v) At what temperature X gets converted into Z? 2


    CH_5 ( Fundamental Unit Of Life)

    Very short Answer Questions

    1. Name the animal cell which does not possess nucleus. 2. Mention at least one point that is common to living organisms and machines. 3. What is the nature of tonoplast? 4. What role is played by RER in protein synthesis? 5. Why do some plant cells have air stored in them?

    6. Name the organelles present in eukaryotic cells which do not have membranes on them. 7. What do you mean by membrane biogenesis? 8. How is DNA and genes related to the chromosomes?

    9. What is the difference between the ribosomes of a prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell?

    10. How are lysosomes formed? Short Answer Questions Type –I 1. Write a main difference between the prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell. 2. Why nucleus is called ‘director of the cell’? 3. Chloroplast and mitochondria are referred to as semi-autonomous organelles. Comment. 4. What is a nucleoid? How is it different from nucleus? 5. List the constituents of plasma membrane. 6. What will happen to a plant cell if it is kept in sugar solution? 7. What is meant by division of labour among cells? State its importance. 8. How do you relate plasmolysis and drooping of leaves? 9. Name the form in which the mitochondria release energy? Give its full form. 10. The inner membrane of mitochondria is deeply folded. What is the advantage of these folds? 11. Lysosomes are present in animal cells only. Give reasons. 12. What is the difference between cytoplasm and nucleoplasm? 13. Differentiate between RER and SER.

    Short Answer Questions Type-II

    1. What is the difference between plasma membrane and cell wall? Give the functions of each

    one. 2. The cell shape is related to the function which the cell performs. Give three examples in support of your answer. 3. Describe the structure of mitochondria with special emphasis on its membrane coverings. How can we relate the structure of the membrane with the functions?

    4.Place a de-shelled egg in water for five minutes. What do you observe? (Note: De-shelled

    egg means, the shell of an egg is removed by dissolving it in dilute hydrochloric acid.

    The shell is mostly calcium carbonate. A thin outer skin now encloses the egg.) What will

    happen if a de-shelled egg in a concentrated salt solution for 5 minutes?

    5. Put dried raisins in plain water and leave them for some time. Then place them in concentrated

    solution of sugar or salt. What do you observe in both cases?



    Question 1. Choose the correct option.

    (i) Which of these is not a resource?

    (a) the Indian Prime Minister(b) your Geography book(c) a small piece of paper(d) none of


    (ii) Which of these does not have economic worth but is valuable?

    (a) shoes (b) mountains(c) coal (d) none of these

    (iii) The types of resources on basis of stock are

    (a) ubiquitous and localised(b) actual and potential

    (c) renewable and non-renewable(d) abiotic and biotic

    (iv) Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?

    (a) solar energy (b) water (c) soil (d) natural gas

    (v) Which of these is an example of sustainable development?

    (a) ignoring the lights when they are switched on but not required (b) not wasting paper

    (c) using coal and petroleum deposits at a fast pace (d) none of these

    Question 2. Choose the correct option.

    (i) Which of these is a non-metallic mineral? (a) Iron ore (b) Bauxite (c) Limestone (d) Manganese ore

    (ii) Which continent produces more than half of the world’s tin?

    (a) Africa (b) Asia(c) Europe (d) South America

    (iii) Which continent is the leading producer of iron ore in the world?

    (a) North America (b) Asia(c) Europe (d) Australia

    (iv) Which state is a major bauxite producing area?

    (a) Goa (b) Madhya Pradesh(c) Assam (d) Tamil Nadu

    (v) What is the name given to the electricity produced from coal?

    (a) Nuclear power (b) Thermal power (c) Fossil fuel (d) None of these

    (vi) Which of these is a conventional source?

    (a) Coal (b) Petroleum(c) Natural gas (d) All of these

    (vii) Which of these is called buried sunshine?

    (a) Petroleum (b) Coal(c) Solar energy (d) Tidal energy

  • Question 3. Choose the correct option.

    I What class of economic activities does manufacturing come under?

    (a) Primary (b) Secondary(c) Tertiary(d) Primary as well as secondary

    (ii) Which industry is the base of all other industries?

    (a) Cotton textile industry(b) Leather industry(c) Iron and steel industry(d) IT industry

    (iii) What class of industries does Maruti Udyog come under?

    (a) Joint sector (b) Private sector(c) Public sector (d) Cooperative sector

    (iv) Which of these factors affect the location of industries?

    (a) Power(b) Availability of raw material(c) Transport (d) All of these

    (v) What process does the iron ore undergo in a blast furnace?

    (a) Smelting (b) Refining(c) Extraction (d) None of these

    (vi) What is the output of iron and steel industry?

    (a) Steel (b) Pig iron(c) Iron ore (d) All of these

    (vii) Which of these states has some major steel producing centres?

    (a) Punjab (b) Jharkhand(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Maharashtra

    (viii) What is the name of the place where TISCO began?

    (a) Kharkai (b) Calcutta(c) Sakchi (d) Rourkela

    ix From where does the iron ore come to Pittsburgh?

    (a) Silicon Valley (b) Florida(c) Minnesota (d) Washington

    Question 4. Choose the correct option.

    I Which one is a correct statement with regard to Saudi Arabia?

    (a) Non-Muslims can gather in a public place for prayer.

    (b) They cannot build a temple, church, etc.(c) They can live in their own way.(d) None of the


    (ii) The most important aspect of secularism is its …………

    (a) separation of religion from State power (b) separation of politics from religion

    (c) separation of one community from another (d) mixing of religion with State power

    (iii) The government cannot force Sikhs to wear a helmet while driving two wheelers because


    (a) Sikhs are very powerful(b) they do not obey government rules

    (c) they look handsome in pagri d) wearing a pagri is a very important part of Sikh religion

  • (iv) In American secularism, there is a …………

    (a) strict separation between religion and the State(b) loose separation between religion and the


    (c) strict mingling of religion with the State(d) strict rule that contracts all religions

    Question 5. Choose the correct option.

    I The new law passed in 1850 made

    (a) conversion into Christianity easier(b) people of India Christians

    (c) the life of the Indians difficult(d) none of the above

    (ii) The Revolt of 1857 began from:

    (a) Lucknow (b) Kanpur(c) Awadh (d) Meerut

    (iii) Mangal Pandey, a young soldier, was hanged to death for

    (a) killing an Englishman(b) attacking his officers in Barrackpore

    (c) telling lies(d) attacking English factories

    (iv) The Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar died in-

    (a) the Rangoon jail(b) the Royal palace(c) the Mosque(d) the Audience Hall

    (v) The British regained control of the country in the year

    (a) 1857 (b) 1858 (c) 1859 d) 1860

    Question 6. Choose the correct option.

    I The Brahmo Samaj was founded by

    (a) Dayanand Saraswati (b) Raja Rammohun Roy (c) Vivekananda (d) Ishwarchandra Vidyasa-


    (ii) The practice of sati was banned in the year

    (a) 1800 (b) 1821 (c) 1827 (d) 1829

    (iii) A widow home was established at Poona by

    (a) Tarabai Shinde (b) Pandita Ramabai (c) Mumtaz Ali (d) Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain

    (iv) Peasants and artisans were referred to as

    (a) Vaishyas (b) Shudras (c) Untouchables (d) Kshatriyas

    (v) Periyar founded

    (a) Self Respect Movement (b) Temple Entry Movement .(c) Paramhans Mandali (d) Dalit


    (vi) The Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College was opened by

    (a) Khizr Khan (b) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (c) Sayyid Ahmed Khan (d) Khan Abdul Gaffar


  • Question 7. Choose the correct option.

    I Which one is not a feature of the Indian Constitution?

    (a) It adopted universal adult franchise (b) It gave politicians special powers

    (c) It provided equality before law to all citizens

    (d) It offered special privileges for the poorest and most disadvantaged Indians

    (ii) Which one is the subject of the State List?

    (a) Education (b) Defence (c) Forests (d) Agriculture

    (iii) Who is called the father of the Indian Constitution?

    (a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Vallabhbhai Patel (d) Bhimrao Ambedkar

    (iv) The bilingual state of Bombay was divided into separate states for

    (a) Marathi and Telugu speakers (b) Marathi and Malayalam speakers

    (c) Marathi and Gujarati speakers (d) Bengali and Gujarati speakers

    (v) Who was the Deputy Prime Minister of the Independent India?

    (a) Motilal Nehru (b) Bhim Rao Ambedkar

    (c) Vallabhbhai Patel (d) MaulanaAzad