gwhirlpool project 5th sem

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  • 7/29/2019 Gwhirlpool Project 5th Sem






    A Project Report submitted inA Project Report submitted in

    partial fulfillment of the requirements forpartial fulfillment of the requirements for




    (SESSION 2010 2013)(SESSION 2010 2013)

    SSubmitted by Under the Guidanceubmitted by Under the Guidance of:of:

    Girish Nailwal Ms. Talvinder KaurGirish Nailwal Ms. Talvinder Kaur

    RollNo:02250601710RollNo:02250601710 (ProjectGuide)(ProjectGuide)

    BBA V Semester


    61, Tughalakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 62

  • 7/29/2019 Gwhirlpool Project 5th Sem


    Telephone: 29962605,606 Fax: 29956304








    1.1 Objective of the study 8

    1.2 Scope of the study 9

    1.3 Significance of study 9

    1.4 limitations 9


    2.1 Universe 11

    2.2 Sample size and sampling technique 11

    2.3 Tools used for data collection 12

    2.4 Procedure for data collection 12

    2.5 Data presentation tools used 12


    3.1 Company profile 13

    3.2 Whirlpool mission 20


    4.1 Concept of customer satisfaction 25

    4.2 Purpose of customer satisfaction 26

    4.3 Construction of customer satisfaction 27


    5.1 Students work profile 30

    5.2 Key learning 30


    6.1 SWOT analysis 32

    6.2 Findings based on questionnaire responses 34


    7.1 Conclusion 43

    7.2 Recommendation 43

    8 ANNEXURE 45



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    Table no. 6.1 Purchase of whirlpoolconsumer durable


    Table no. 6.2 Influencing parameter 34

    Table no. 6.3 Preference of buyingwhirlpool consumerdurables


    Table no. 6.4 Preference of buying 37

    Table no. 6.5 Frequency of changingwhirlpool products


    Table no. 6.6 Financing scheme topurchase whirlpool product


    Table no. 6.7 Warranty period of whirlpool products


    Table no. 6.8 Whirlpool product partsunder warranty


    Table no. 6.9 After sales service 42


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    Table no. 6.1 Purchase of whirlpoolconsumer durable


    Table no. 6.2 Influencing parameter 34

    Table no. 6.3 Preference of buyingwhirlpool consumerdurables


    Table no. 6.4 Preference of buying 37

    Table no. 6.5 Frequency of changingwhirlpool products


    Table no. 6.6 Financing scheme topurchase whirlpool product


    Table no. 6.7 Warranty period of whirlpool products


    Table no. 6.8 Whirlpool product partsunder warranty


    Table no. 6.9 After sales service 42


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    This study would not have been possible without the cooperation of andgenerous help from a number of people. While it may not be possible for

    me to express my gratitude to all of them individually, I wish to place on

    my record my appreciation to them for all the help they extended to me

    during the project.

    I am extremely thankful to Ms. Talvinder KaurMs. Talvinder Kaur for her support and

    guidance to complete this project.

    I am thankful to some of the officers at Whirlpool for sharing with me a lot

    of valuable needed information.

    The report was completed successfully because of the grace of the god and

    the blessings of my parents.

    Girish NailwalGirish Nailwal



  • 7/29/2019 Gwhirlpool Project 5th Sem



    This is to certify that Student Name student of NEW DELHI

    INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT has successfully completed

    his summer training report on Customer Satisfaction at

    Whirlpool is a original study done by him under my guidance

    and supervision. This project has been completed to my


    Ms. Talvinder KaurMs. Talvinder Kaur



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    The main aim of marketing is meeting and satisfy target. Customers need and wants

    buyer behavior refers to the peoples or organization conduct activities and together with

    the impact of various influences on them towards making decision on purchase of

    product and service in a market. The field of consumer behavior studies how

    individuals, groups and organization select, buy, use and dispose of goods, service,

    ideas, or experience to satisfy their needs and desires understanding consumer behavior

    and knowing customer are never simple. The wealth of products and service produced

    in a country make our economy strong. The behavior of human being during the

    purchase is being termed as Buyer Behavior. Customer says one thing but do another.

    They may not be in touch with their deeper motivations. They are responding to

    Influences that change their mind at the last minute. A buyer makes take a decision

    whether save or spend the money.


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    In general satisfaction is a person's feelings ofpleasure or disappointment resulting

    from comparing a products perceived performance relation to his/her expectations. If

    the performance falls short ofexpectation, the customer is dissatisfied. If the

    performance matches the expectation customer is satisfied. If the performance exceeds

    the expectation the customer is highly satisfied. Customer satisfaction cannot be very


    Customer satisfaction is a marketing tool and a definite value added benefit. It is often

    perceived by customers as important as the primary productor service your organization

    offers. It looks at what is involved from 3 different angles, the first is from the view of

    an organization wishing to understand, and measures, how satisfied its customer are

    with the products and services they receive from it. The second is from the perspective

    of are search agency that has been asked to obtain feedback from customers and about

    their experiences when dealing with companies. Finally it considers the issue fromthe perspective ofconsumers who participate in surveys, including both business

    customers and members of general public.



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    1.2 Objectives of the Study

    The study focus Whirlpool and its competitors

    The study reflects the various marketing strategies adopted by Whirlpool.

    To study the brand image of WHIRLPOOL INDIA LTD.

    Proper understanding of promotional tools prevailing in the company.

    To assess the customer satisfaction level

    To suggest the ways to promote WHIRLPOOL INDIA LTD.

    To know strength, weakness, opportunities and threat of WHIRLPOOL INDIA


    The objectives of study is to gain knowledge about the marketing mix offeredby the company

    1.3 Scope of the Study

    This study focuses on overall industry.

    This study is to gain knowledge about the company.

    This study has an overview of Whirlpool Company or organization.

    This study focuses on Whirlpool and its competitors.

    This study gives information about the competitors in the industry

    1.4 Significance of the Study

    Since we did not had the privilege to work on a large scale, so many finding and

    recommendations may not be as much in tune with their ground realities as may

    be considered desirable.

    Getting accurate responses from the respondents due to their inherent problems

    were difficult. They were partial, and refused to cooperate.

    Last but not the least, the time constraint faced in the project might haveaffected the comprehensiveness of its findings


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    1.5 Limitations

    The chance of biased response cannot be eliminated though all necessary steps were

    taken to avoid the same.

    The time constraints faced in the project might have affected the comprehensiveness

    of its findings.

    The respondents would not have divulged all the information needed because of

    some of its company policies.

    The source of data for the study was primary data with the help of self-administered

    questionnaire. Hence, the chances of unbiased information are less.

    The analysis is purely on the basis of the secondary data, hence it may suffer from

    accurate statistics and may have the limitation due to the absence of first hand


    The other major limitation was of time and non-availability of the concerned

    persons at times.

    The data taken from the secondary source like internet, newspaper, books may lack

    some proper explanation or may be not correctly interpreted.


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    Research simply means a search for facts answers to questions and solution to

    problems. It seeks to find explanations to unexplained phenomena, to clarify the

    doubtful propositions and to correct the misconceived facts. Research is the systematic

    activity to achieve the truth. Research includes the procedure of collecting data,

    analyzing the data and finding the conclusion or truth.

    The Encyclopedia of social sciences, defined research as The manipulation of

    generalizing, extending, correcting or verifying knowledge Research is considered

    to be more objective, methodical, well-determined process of investigation. According

    to Clifford Woody, Research comprises defining and redefining problems,

    formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating

    data; making deductions and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the

    conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.

    The purpose of research is to seek answers to problems through the application of

    scientific methodology, which guarantees that the information is reliable and unbiased.

    2.1 Universe

    All items in any field of enquiry constitute a Universe or Population. A complete

    enumeration of all items in the population is known as a census enquiry. The universe

    includes all the customers who buy consumer durables

    2.2 Sample size and sampling technique

    For the purpose of this study a sample of 100 customers who buy consumer durables of

    whirlpool were selected. A questionnaire having questions was administered to them to

    ask about the level of satisfaction after using whirlpool products.


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    TYPE OF RESEARCH Descriptive Research

    SAMPLE UNIT 100 customers who bought the products of


    SAMPLE SIZE 100 customers

    TYPE OF QUESTION Close ended & open-Ended

    TYPE OF QUESTIONNAIRE Structured and non Disguised

    2.3 Tools Used For Data Collection

    Primary data collected through questionnaires and informal interviews.

    Secondary data collected through magazines, journals, websites, and other

    corporate publications.

    2.4 Procedure for Data Collection

    Visiting the various organizations, libraries, internet and also preparation of thequestionnaire with the help of the project guide.

    Communication, asking questions and receiving a response in person.

    2.5 Data Presentation Tools Used

    Pie Charts

    Bar diagrams


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    COMPANY PROFILE - Whirlpool


    Whirlpool of India Ltd is a leading manufacturer of home appliances. The company is

    primarily engaged in manufacturing and trading of Refrigerators, Washing Machines,

    Air Conditioners, Microwave Ovens and small appliances and caters to both domestic

    and international markets. They also provide services in the area of product

    development, information technology, accounting and procurement services to

    Whirlpool Corporation, USA and other group companies. The company owns three

    state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities at Faridabad, Pondicherry and Pune. Each of

    these manufacturing set-ups features an infrastructure that is witness of Whirlpool's

    commitment to consumer interests and advanced technology. The company exports

    their product to Russia and East European countries and exports small appliances to the

    USA under the Kitchen Aid brand. Whirlpool of India Ltd was incorporated in the year1960 as Kelvinator of India Ltd. The company was formed in collaboration with

    Kelvinator International Corporation, USA for the manufacture of refrigerators

    compressors and allied products. In the year 1974, they established a factory for the

    manufacture of electrical grade stampings in collaboration with Thermal Refrigeration

    Ltd, UK. In the year 1975, the company established a modern tool room for the

    manufacture of tools dies jigs and fixtures. In the year 1976, they established a factory

    for the manufacture of electromechanical cash registers in collaboration with Gross

    Cash Registers Ltd, UK. Aravalli Svachalit Vahan Ltd, a sick unit at Alwar merged

    with the company with effect from May 26, 1982. In the year 1985, the company

    entered into a collaboration agreement with White Consolidated Industries Inc, USA for

    the manufacture of washing machines. In the year 1986, they introduced a 300-litre 2-

    door refrigerator for the lower and middle class consumers. In addition, they introduced

    a single speed (VIP-1) and 3-speed kick-start (VIP-3) along with two new models of

    cash registers. In the year 1993, the company entered into a tie-up with Whirlpool

    Corporation USA whereby Whirlpool contracted to purchase from White Consolidated


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    Industries Inc, USA. Also, Expo Machinery Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary merged

    with the company. In November 1995, the Whirlpool brand was launched along with a

    new 310-litre refrigerator. In the year 1996, Whirlpool Washing Machines Ltd merged

    with the Kelvinator India Ltd and the company changed their name from Kelvinator of

    India Ltd to Whirlpool of India Ltd. The Pondicherry washer unit introduced a re-styled

    version of a fully Automatic Washing machine and a 3.5 Kg Twin-tub machine under

    the Whirlpool brand. In the year 1997, the company signed an MoU with Intrinsic

    Automation System Pvt Ltd for the hiving off their electronic cash register division.

    They launched a venture consumer finance company in association with Apple

    Industries. In the year 1998, the company launched range of state of the art non-CFC

    frost-free refrigerators. In September 1998, Whirlpool Financial India Pvt Ltd another

    group company of whirlpool Corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of Whirlpool

    Financial Mauritius Ltd merged with the company. In the year 2000, the company

    expanded their product range by launching Airconditioners and Microwave Ovens for

    the first time. In the year 2001, they launched an indigenously developed Coffee

    Grinder, Bag Dryer and Voltage Stabilizer. In the year 2002, they launched Magic Cool

    series of Airconditioners, both Windows and Split type. During the year 2003-04, the

    company won a major order for Manufacturing and Export of Portable Home

    Appliances for the US market under the prestigious 'KitchenAid' brand. The company

    converted a part of the Pondicherry facility into an Export Oriented Unit to maximize

    the benefits and promote further exports. In December 2003, they launched a new range

    of Fully Automatic Washing Machines. In May 2004, the company launched new

    refrigerators in the 'ice magic frost-free range'. They entered into a distribution tie up

    with Faber India during the year. In April 2005, the company launched 'Genius' a direct

    cool refrigerator of 180 litres and premium range of window air-conditioners, namely

    'MagicCool'. They also launched new Iceberg refrigerators during the year. During the

    year 2005-06, the company opened four new call centres in B class towns & non-metro

    cities to facilitate easy consumer access. In addition, as a part of the process innovation

    initiative, 'Hotlines' were installed in key trade partners? locations to provide direct link

    to the call centres and service partners. During the year 2006-07, the company launched

    two new refrigerators, Whirlpool Delight in low capacity Frost Free and Fusion in high

    capacity Direct Cool. In April 2006, the company launched a Washing Machine -

    Splash, which is Fully Automatic Top Load. In September 2006, they launched Sparkle

    and Verve in the Semi Automatic Washing Machine segment and Sensation Classic in


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    Fully Automatic Front Load. In addition, they launched a Microwave (Jet Chef) during

    the year. During the year 2007-08, the company introduced Whirlpool Microwave

    Ovens with sixth sense technology. They also launched Power Inverters during the year.

    In July 2007, the company introduced a stylish and highly featured range of Built-In

    appliances, imported from Whirlpool Europe. In January 2008, they introduced

    Whirlpool Purafresh, a range of Water Purifiers throughout the country. The company

    was also awarded the NDTV Profit Business and Leadership Award 2008 for 'The Best

    Consumer Durables Company' as an industry leader. In April-May 2008, the entire

    range in Direct Cool was refreshed with the re-launch of Genius and Fusion brands. In

    October 2008, the Direct Cool range was augmented with the launch of Fusion 180-

    litre, the first product in the entry level to have a frost control feature. In January 2009,

    they launched a completely new range of fully automatic top load and front load

    washing machines, including the high capacity models, under White Magic and

    Professional brands. The semi-automatic ranges were also augmented with a 'plastic

    cabinet' washing machines.


    Whirlpool Corporation entered India in the late 80s and today has grown to become

    one of the leading manufacturers and marketers of major home appliances in India.

    Whirlpool Corporation entered into a joint venture agreement with TVS group to

    produce automatic washers at a plant set up in Pondicherry. A modest beginning was

    made to establish the Whirlpool brand in India. In 1995 Whirlpool Corporation

    acquired Kelvinator of India Limited and entered into the Refrigerator market in India.

    In late 1995 majority ownership was gained in the TVS joint venture and the two

    entities were merged to form Whirlpool of India Limited in 1996.

    Whirlpool Corporation is a global manufacturer and marketer of major home

    appliances. The company manufactures in 13 countries and markets products in

    approximately 170 countries under 11 major brand names such as Whirlpool, Maytag

    Kitchen Aid, Roper, Estate, Bauknecht, Laden and Ignis

    Whirlpools commitment to the Indian operation has resulted in the setting up of a state-

    of-the-art facility for the manufacture of no frost refrigerators at Ranjangaon near Pune.

    This facility has set the standards as one of the worlds front runners in environmentally

    sensitive eco-friendly manufacturing units.


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    Whirlpool has the distinction of having ISO certification for all its facilities in India.

    The refrigerator facility is located at Faridabad and manufactures a complete range of

    direct cool refrigerators. With the infusion of technology, machinery and streamlining

    the processes the capacity of this plant was increased from 700,000 to 1,000,000


    The washer facility is located at Pondicherry and manufactures both fully automatic and

    semi automatic washers. Constant feedback is taken from the consumers resulting in

    products being continuously upgrade in features and in styling.

    Products manufactured in the above facilities match Whirlpools global standards and

    are exported to over 70 countries across the globe. Whirlpool of India is today Indias

    largest exporter of home appliance and has been approved as an Export House.


    Whirlpool is a swirling body ofwaterusually produced

    by oceantides. The vast majority of whirlpools are not very powerful. More powerful

    ones are more properly termed maelstroms.Vortex is the proper term for any

    whirlpool that has adowndraft.

    Whirlpool, right from its inception in 1911 as first commercial manufacturer of

    motorized washers to the current market position of being worlds number one

    manufacturer and marketer of major home appliances, has always set industry

    milestones and benchmarks. The parent company (Whirlpool Corporation) is

    headquartered at Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA with a global presence in over 170

    countries and manufacturing operation in 13 countries with 11 major brand names such

    as Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Roper, Estate, Bauknecht, Laden and Ignis. The company

    boasts of resources and capabilities beyond achievable feat of any other in the industry.

    Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE: WHR) is a Fortune 500 company and a global

    manufacturer and marketer of major home appliances,with annual sales of

    approximately $18 billion, more than 73,000 employees, and more than 70

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    manufacturing and technology research centers around the world. After acquiring the

    Maytag Corporation on March 31, 2006, Whirlpool Corporation became the largest

    home appliance maker in the world.

    Whirlpool initiated its international expansion in 1958 by entering Brazil. However, it

    emerged as truly global leader in the 1980s. This encouraging trend brought the

    company to India in the late 1980s. It forayed into the market under a joint venture with

    TVS group and established the first Whirlpool manufacturing facility in Pondicherry.

    Soon Whirlpool acquired Kelvinator India Limited in 1995 and marked an entry into

    Indian refrigerator market as well.

    The same year also saw acquisition of major share in TVS joint venture and later in

    1996, Kelvinator and TVS acquisitions were merged to create Indian home appliance

    leader of the future, Whirlpool India. This expanded the companys portfolio in the

    Indian subcontinent to washing machines, refrigerator, microwave ovens and air


    Today, Whirlpool is the most recognized brand in home appliances in India and holds a

    market share of over 25%. The company owns three state-of-the-art manufacturing

    facilities at Faridabad, Pondicherry and Pune. Each of these manufacturing set-ups

    features an infrastructure that is witness of Whirlpools commitment to consumer

    interests and advanced technology.

    In the year ending in March 06, the annual turnover of the company for its Indian

    enterprise was Rs.1,375 Crores. According to IMRB surveys Whirlpool enjoys the

    status of the single largest refrigerator and second largest washing machine brand in


    The companys brand and image speaks of its commitment to the homemaker from

    every aspect of its functioning. It has derived its functioning principles out of an

    undaunted partnership with the homemakers and thus a slogan of You and whirlpool,

    the worlds best homemaker dots its promotional campaigns.

    Whirlpool has the distinction of having ISO certification for all its facilities in India.

    The refrigerator facility is located at Faridabad and manufactures a complete range of

    direct cool refrigerators. With the infusion of technology, machinery and streamlining


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    the processes the capacity of this plant was increased from 700,000 to 1,000,000


    Whirlpools commitment to the Indian operation has resulted in the setting up of a state-

    of-the-art facility for the manufacture of no frost refrigerators at Ranjangaon near Pune.

    This facility has set the standards as one of the worlds front runners in environmentally

    sensitive eco-friendly manufacturing units.

    The washer facility is located at Pondicherry and manufactures both fully automatic and

    semi automatic washers. Constant feedback is taken from the consumers resulting in

    products being continuously upgrade in features and in styling.

    Products manufactured in the above facilities match Whirlpools global standards and

    are exported to over 70 countries across the globe. Whirlpool of India is today Indias

    largest exporter of home appliance and has been approved as an Export House.

    Design Engineering is being developed as a core competency for Whirlpool of India. A

    step in the direction has resulted in the setting up of Regional Technology Centres at

    Pune focussing on refrigerators and at Pondicherry for washers. This will provide WOI

    with a competitive edge in speedy customisation of products suited to consumer needs.

    In the second phase of developing this core competency Whirlpool set up a Global

    Technology Centre at Pune in 2002 to provide design support for the global

    organisation. A design and development centre for Whirlpools global small appliances

    brand Kitchenaid has also been set up at Pondicherry. The already strong manufacturing

    and technology infrastructure was augmented by the establishment of a Global

    Consumer Design centre for Asia in New Delhi in 2005

    Whirlpool Indias products range from Refrigerators, Washing Machines, 100% Dryers,

    Air conditioners, Oil Filled Heaters, Microwave Ovens, Purafresh RO Range, to Home

    UPS Systems.

    Thus, in short the history of the company can be stated as below:

    1908: The first Automatic washer was launched to public in late 1908, by 1900

    Corporation which in 1911 was renamed to Upton Machine Company.

    1957: The Company was rechristened as ' The Whirlpool Corporation.'


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    1958: The Company moved out of country for the first time and invested in Brazilian

    appliance market through purchase of equity in Multibras S.A.

    1987: Whirlpool tied-up with Sundaram Clayton Ltd. of India to form Whirlpool Ltd.

    1993: First time Whirlpool became the No.1 stand-alone brand in UK, Ireland,

    Netherlands and Belgium

    1995: Whirlpool Corp. acquired majority of stake in the TVS Whirlpool Ltd. The DC

    manufacturing facility of Kelvinator India was also acquired.

    1996: Whirlpool Washing Machines Ltd. and Kelvinator India Ltd. merged together to

    form Whirlpool of India Ltd

    1999: Whirlpool of India crossed the milestone of 1 million sales of appliances.

    2006: Whirlpool Corporation acquires Maytag and become the Worlds largest white

    goods company.

    2007: Received the 2007 Cause Marketing Golden Halo Award for Business, America's

    highest honor for companies and organizations that give back to the community through

    creative and effective cause marketing campaigns

    2008: Named one of the 2008 Worlds Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere


    2008: Whirlpool OF India was awarded the NDTV Profit Business & Leadership

    Award 2008 for The Best Consumer Durables Company

    2009: Whirlpool was voted Product of the Year and received the award for the 'Best

    Innovative Product' in the popular refrigerators category. This was based on 40,000

    consumers across 36 towns in India voting Whirlpool Frost Free Refrigerators with 6th

    sense as the Best Innovation in the Popular Refrigerator Category.

    2009: Named one of the 100 Best Corporate Citizens by Chief Responsibility Officer

    (formerly Business Ethics) magazine in 2009 and from 2000-2007

    2009: Hewitt Best Employers in India 2009 Study


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    Whirlpool vision

    Every Home Everywhere with Pride, Passion and Performance

    This vision statement reinforces that every home is their domain, every

    customer and customer activity is their opportunity. This vision fuels the passion that

    they have for customers, pushing towards to provide innovative solutions to uniquely

    meet their needs.

    Pride... in work and each other

    Performance... that excites and rewards global investors with superior returns

    Passion... for creating unmatched customer loyalty for their brands

    3.2 Whirlpool mission

    Everyone, Passionately Creating Loyal Customers for Life

    Whirlpool mission defines the focus and what it does differently to create value. Its a

    company of people captivated with creating loyal customers. From every job, acrossevery contact, it builds unmatched customer loyaltyone customer at a time.

    Whirlpool values:

    The companys values are constant and define the way that all Whirlpool Corporation

    employees are expected to behave and conduct business everywhere in the world.

    Diversity and Inclusion It maintains the broad diversity of Whirlpool people

    andideas. Diversity honors differences, while inclusion allows everyone to contribute.

    Together, it creates value.

    Respect Trust one another as individuals and value the capabilities and contributions

    of each person.

    Integrity It conducts all aspects of business honorably ever mindful of thelongtime Whirlpool Corporation belief that there is no right way to do a wrong thing.


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    Teamwork It recognizes that pride results in working together to unleash everyones

    potential, achieving exceptional results.

    Spirit of Winning The company promotes a Whirlpool culture that enables

    individuals and teams to reach and take pride in extraordinary results and further inspire

    the "Spirit of Winning" in everyone.


    Whirlpool Corporation firmly believes innovative thinking comes from

    everyone, everywhere. Nearly 10 years ago, they launched a worldwide effort to instill

    innovation as a core competency throughout the entire organization. Since then,

    Whirlpool employees worldwide have participated in and contributed to innovation-

    related activities resulting in new ideas, products and services; thus delivering real

    value to consumers in ways never before seen in either the company or the home

    appliance industry.

    Innovation attracts consumers to the wide portfolio of brands; Whirlpool

    Corporation generated more than $2.5 billion of worldwide revenue from product

    innovationswell exceeding projected targets for the yearand the robust pipeline of$4.5 billion will allow for continued growth over time

    Focused on embedding innovation as a core competency, Whirlpool

    Corporation has made a long-standing investment to build this competency. This

    investment includes redesigning business processes, training thousands of employees,

    building an innovation management system and changing the culture of the company.

    Promising entity of the company

    Whirlpool Corporation is committed in building products that consumers around

    the world can rely upon to meet their daily needs. This commitment to quality begins in

    the concept stages and continues throughout the lifetime of the appliance. The result of

    these efforts is a sustainable and competitive advantage for the company.


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    Globally, Whirlpool Corporation manufactures products using principles of

    lean manufacturing and operational excellence to ensure continuous improvement of

    processes and to produce products that meet the company's high-quality standards.

    At Whirlpool, there is a constant focus on seeking out new and unique ways to

    improve the function, performance and sustainability of their products.

    The ring of promise circling the Whirlpool Corporation logo

    The ring around the whirlpool logo clearly shows how the company

    encompasses with a promising nature in developing a individual customer loyalty with

    its services .


    Beautiful and Vivacious Kajol

    Like a fresh breath, Kajol wafted into the film world

    that thrived on predetermined codes of demeanor. She

    carries the halo of spontaneity. Kajol swept across

    millions of hearts with her energetic pace. Her

    vivaciousness and frisky persona proved contagiousand singularly her own in the contemporary scene.

    Kajol has made a distinctive indent into the Hindi film

    industry. Though she has the girl next door image and

    is not as glamorous as the others in her field, Kajol is

    outstanding in her acting. The flexibility of her acting

    can be seen from the various characters done by this

    natural actress. She gives more attention to her acting

    than the financial success of a film.


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    Kajol's eventful journey from 'Bekhudi' to 'Fanaa' shows the power of her versatility,

    sheer hard work and dedication towards art behind all of her roles. She doesn't give

    more importance to publicity or celebrity because she believes acting is purely a

    profession .

    Kajol has come to stay in the industry as a mainstream actress with an inimitable

    charm and liveliness coupled with the talent that renders eye-filling performances. Her

    reel life image is not diverse from her real-life image. She is as outspoken and lively as

    she seems in her characters in the films. Bold and beautiful-Kajol has won millions of

    hearts with her impish vivacity within a short span. No wonder then that Kajol is rated

    as superb among her generation of leading ladies.

    On association with Whirlpool:

    "Whirlpool believes in providing world-class quality to its consumers. Whirlpool is a

    'Perfect partner to the demanding homemaker' of today. Whirlpool's products are

    stylish, modern and contemporary with elegant looks and reflect the sense of pride

    homemakers take in choosing them for their homes."

    The intense emotional hero Ajay Devgan

    Ajay Devgan, known more for his intense acting

    abilities carved a niche for himself as an actor. Ajay

    is one actor who has gained stardom on the merit of

    his performances, not based on Bollywood-style

    good looks. Earlier known as a dhishum dhishum

    action hero, Ajay shifted his image to a romantic

    lead, setting the trend with Ishq, a soft romantic

    comedy paired opposite wife- Kajol. The image

    became much prominent with Pyaar To Hona HiTha, bringing out his softer side. Then there was no


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    looking back for Ajay. It became a habit for him to

    deliver emotional roles par excellence.

    Ajay was sky high with his looks, performances and the choice of films, which defined

    his characters.

    Ajay's popularity has increased in leaps and bounds with outstanding performances in

    recent films like Gangajal, Apaharan, Omkara. Ajay is rated as one of the best actors

    of the Indian cinema. Amitabh Bachchan once called Ajay Devgan the `Dark Horse' of

    the film industry. Yes, the Dark Horse is now winning races with regularity, leaving

    the more favored glamour breeds way behind. Ajay is most definitely one of the finest

    actors we have and definitely worth applause.

    On association with Whirlpool:

    "Whirlpool brand has successfully emulated the dreams, aspirations and expectations

    of Indian home maker through the years. It symbolizes a relationship based on

    equality, love and romance, which is why I agreed to represent the brand," declares

    Ajay Devgan. " We are very pleased to be associated with Whirlpool the leaders in

    home appliances, he adds.



    4.1 Concept of customer satisfaction

    Customer satisfaction, a term frequently used in marketing, is a measure of how

    products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation.

    Customer satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total

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    customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings)

    exceeds specified satisfaction goals." In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing

    managers, 71 percent responded that they found a customer satisfaction metric very

    useful in managing and monitoring their businesses.

    "Within organizations, customer satisfaction ratings can have powerful effects. They

    focus employees on the importance of fulfilling customers expectations. Furthermore,

    when these ratings dip, they warn of problems that can affect sales and profitability. . . .

    These metrics quantify an important dynamic. When a brand has loyal customers, it

    gains positive word-of-mouth marketing, which is both free and highly effective."

    It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is often part of a BalancedScorecard. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers,

    customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key

    element of business strategy

    Therefore, it is essential for businesses to effectively manage customer satisfaction. To

    be able do this, firms need reliable and representative measures of satisfaction.

    The importance of customer satisfaction diminishes when a firm has

    increasedbargaining power. For example, cell phoneplan providers, such

    as AT&T and Verizon, participate in an industry that is an oligopoly, where only a few

    suppliers of a certain product or service exist. As such, many cell phone plan contracts

    have a lot offine print with provisions that they would never get away if there were,

    say, a hundred cell phone plan providers, because customer satisfaction would be way

    too low, and customers would easily have the option of leaving for a better contract


    "In researching satisfaction, firms generally ask customers whether their product or

    service has met or exceeded expectations. Thus, expectations are a key factor behind

    satisfaction. When customers have high expectations and the reality falls short, they

    will be disappointed and will likely rate their experience as less than satisfying. For this

    reason, a luxury resort, for example, might receive a lower satisfaction rating than a

    budget moteleven though its facilities and service would be deemed superior in

    'absolute' terms."

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    There is a substantial body of empirical literature that establishes the benefits of

    customer satisfaction for firms.

    4.2 Purpose of customer satisfaction

    "Customer satisfaction provides a leading indicator of consumer purchase intentions

    and loyalty." "Customer satisfaction data are among the most frequently collected

    indicators of market perceptions. Their principal use is twofold:"[1]

    1. "Within organizations, the collection, analysis and dissemination of these data

    send a message about the importance of tending to customers and ensuring that

    they have a positive experience with the companys goods and services." [1]

    2. "Although sales or market share can indicate how well a firm is

    performing currently, satisfaction is perhaps the best indicator of how likely it is

    that the firms customers will make further purchases in the future. Much

    research has focused on the relationship between customer satisfaction and

    retention. Studies indicate that the ramifications of satisfaction are most strongly

    realized at the extremes." On a five-point scale, "individuals who rate their

    satisfaction level as '5' are likely to become return customers and might even

    evangelize for the firm. (A second important metric related to satisfaction is

    willingness to recommend. This metric is defined as "The percentage of

    surveyed customers who indicate that they would recommend a brand to

    friends." When a customer is satisfied with a product, he or she might

    recommend it to friends, relatives and colleagues. This can be a powerful

    marketing advantage.) "Individuals who rate their satisfaction level as '1,' by

    contrast, are unlikely to return. Further, they can hurt the firm by making

    negative comments about it to prospective customers. Willingness to

    recommend is a key metric relating to customer satisfaction."

    4.3 Construction of customer satisfaction

    Organizations need to retain existing customers while targeting non-

    customers. Measuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of how successful

    the organization is at providing products and/or services to the marketplace.

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    "Customer satisfaction is measured at the individual level, but it is almost always

    reported at an aggregate level. It can be, and often is, measured along various

    dimensions. A hotel, for example, might ask customers to rate their experience with its

    front desk and check-in service, with the room, with the amenities in the room, with the

    restaurants, and so on. Additionally, in a holistic sense, the hotel might ask about

    overall satisfaction 'with your stay.'"

    As research on consumption experiences grows, evidence suggests that consumers

    purchase goods and services for a combination of two types of benefits: hedonic and

    utilitarian. Hedonic benefits are associated with the sensory and experiential attributes

    of the product. Utilitarian benefits of a product are associated with the more

    instrumental and functional attributes of the product (Batra and Athola 1990).

    Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual

    manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and

    product/service to product/service. The state of satisfaction depends on a number of

    both psychological and physical variables which correlate with satisfaction behaviors

    such as return and recommend rate. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending on

    other options the customer may have and other products against which the customer can

    compare the organization's products.

    Work done by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (Leonard L) between 1985 and 1988

    provides the basis for the measurement of customer satisfaction with a service by using

    the gap between the customer's expectation of performance and their perceived

    experience of performance. This provides the measurer with a satisfaction "gap" which

    is objective and quantitative in nature. Work done by Cronin and Taylor propose the

    "confirmation/disconfirmation" theory of combining the "gap" described by

    Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry as two different measures (perception and

    expectation of performance) into a single measurement of performance according to


    The usual measures of customer satisfaction involve a survey with a set of statements

    using a Likert Technique or scale. The customer is asked to evaluate each statement and

    in term of their perception and expectation of performance of the organization being

    measured. Their satisfaction is generally measured on a five-point scale.

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    "Customer satisfaction data can also be collected on a 10-point scale."

    "Regardless of the scale used, the objective is to measure customers perceived

    satisfaction with their experience of a firms offerings." It is essential for firms to

    effectively manage customer satisfaction. To be able do this, we need accurate

    measurement of satisfaction.

    Good quality measures need to have high satisfaction loadings, good reliability, and low

    error variances. In an empirical study comparing commonly used satisfaction measuresit was found that two multi-item semantic differential scales performed best across both

    hedonic and utilitarian service consumption contexts. According to studies by Wirtz &

    Lee (2003), they identified a six-item 7-point semantic differential scale (e.g., Oliver

    and Swan 1983), which is a six-item 7-point bipolar scale, that consistently performed

    best across both hedonic and utilitarian services. It loaded most highly on satisfaction,

    had the highest item reliability, and had by far the lowest error variance across both

    studies. In the study, the six items asked respondents evaluation of their most recent

    experience with ATM services and ice cream restaurant, along seven points within

    these six items: please me to displeased me, contented with to disgusted with, very

    satisfied with to very dissatisfied with, did a good job for me to did a poor job for

    me, wise choice topoor choice and happy with to unhappy with.

    A semantic differential (4 items) scale (e.g., Eroglu and Machleit 1990), which is a

    four-item 7-point bipolar scale, was the second best performing measure, which was

    again consistent across both contexts. In the study, respondents were asked to evaluate

    their experience with both products, along seven points within these four items:

    satisfiedtodissatisfied, favorable to unfavorable, pleasantto unpleasant and I

    like it very much toI didnt like it at all.

    The third best scale was single-item percentage measure, a one-item 7-point bipolar

    scale (e.g., Westbrook 1980). Again, the respondents were asked to evaluate their

    experience on both ATM services and ice cream restaurants, along seven points within

    delightedto terrible.

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    It seems that dependent on a trade-off between length of the questionnaire and quality

    of satisfaction measure, these scales seem to be good options for measuring customer

    satisfaction in academic and applied studies research alike. All other measures tested

    consistently performed worse than the top three measures, and/or their performance

    varied significantly across the two service contexts in their study. These results suggest

    that more careful pretesting would be prudent should these measures be used.

    Finally, all measures captured both affective and cognitive aspects of satisfaction,

    independent of their scale anchors. Affective measures capture a consumers attitude

    (liking/disliking) towards a product, which can result from any product information or

    experience. On the other hand, cognitive element is defined as an appraisal or

    conclusion on how the products performance compared against expectations (or

    exceeded or fell short of expectations), was useful (or not useful), fit the situation (or

    did not fit), exceeded the requirements of the situation (or did not exceed)


    Job Description



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    Measure the effectiveness of marketing, advertising, and communications

    programs and strategies.

    Devise and evaluate methods and procedures for collecting data (such as

    surveys, opinion polls, or questionnaires), or arrange to obtain existing data. Collect and analyze data on customer demographics, preferences, needs, and

    buying habits to identify potential markets and factors affecting product


    Prepare reports of findings, illustrating data graphically and translating complex

    findings into written text.

    Measure and assess customer and employee satisfaction.

    Forecast and track marketing and sales trends, analyzing collected data.

    Seek and provide information to help companies determine their position in the


    Conduct research on consumer opinions and marketing strategies, collaborating

    with marketing professionals, statisticians, pollsters, and other professionals.

    Attend staff conferences to provide management with information and proposals

    concerning the promotion, distribution, design, and pricing of company products

    or services.

    Gather data on competitors and analyze their prices, sales, and method of

    marketing and distribution.

    Monitor industry statistics and follow trends in trade literature.

    Develop and implement procedures for identifying advertising needs.

    Direct trained survey interviewers.


    The most efficient and economical way to measure customer satisfaction is to create

    customer satisfaction surveys with the help of a survey software solution. An

    advanced survey software solution can manage multi-mode survey research


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    methods produce the same survey in different formats; includingonline surveys,

    email surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys, kiosk surveys, and telephone

    surveys depending on the best way to reach your customer base. Customer

    satisfaction surveys are designed to give you anonymous and unambiguous insight

    into your customers thoughts and perceptions of your products, services, programs,

    and your company as a whole, as well as information leading to what needs to be

    changed in order to retain lasting customer relationships.

    Customer satisfaction surveys are extremely beneficial to your business. They do,

    however come with certain disadvantages. Here are some of the advantages and

    disadvantages of implementing regularly administered customer satisfaction

    surveys into your business. Few Advantages of Customer Satisfaction Surveys

    Benchmark results: You can administer the same survey every so often to

    customers to gain continued insight into your customers. Surveys can have the

    same questions, which will allow you to compare data over time and benchmark

    survey data across previous years to determine if any changes need to be made.

    Show that you care: Customers like to be asked for their feedback.It gives the

    customer the perception that your company values them; is committed tokeeping them as a long-term customer; and bases business decisions on their


    Up-to-date feedback: Gather current customer feedback on various aspects of

    your company. You can stay on top of customer trends through regularly

    scheduled online surveys or email surveys, and receive instant customer

    feedback. It is always useful to acquire insight into how your customers are

    currently reacting to all aspects of your business.


    CHAPTER - 6

    6.1. Swot Analysis

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    SWOT Analysis is an effective way of identifying your strengths and weaknesses and

    of examining the opportunities and threat.

    SWOT Analysis is a general technique which can find suitable applications across

    diverse management function and activities but it is particular appropriate to the early

    stage of strategy and marketing plan.

    What makes it particularly powerful is that with a little thought, it can help you uncover

    opportunities that you are well placed to take advantage of. And by understanding your

    weaknesses, you can manage and eliminate threats hat would otherwise catch you


    SWOT involves generation and recording of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and

    threats concerning a task, individual, department or organization, it is customary to take

    account of internal resources and capabilities (strengths & weakness) and factors

    external to the organization (opportunities & threats).

    More than this, buy looking at yourself and your competitors using the SWOT

    framework, you can start to craft a strategy that helps you compete successfully in your


    The Whirlpool Corporation - SWOT Analysis company profile is the essential source

    for top-level company data and information. Whirlpool Corporation - SWOT Analysis

    examines the companys key business structure and operations, history and products,

    and provides summary analysis of its key revenue lines and strategy.

    Whirlpool Corporation (Whirlpool) manufactures and markets a full line of major

    appliances and related products, primarily for home use. The company operates in

    North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia. It is headquartered in Benton Harbor,

    Michigan and employs about 67,000 people. The company recorded revenues of

    $17,099 million during financial year ended December 2009 (FY2009), a decrease of

    9.6% as compared with FY2008. The reason for decrease in revenues was primarily due

    to lower appliance industry demand. The operating profit of the company was $688


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    million during FY2009, an increase of 25.3% over FY2008. The net profit was $328

    million in FY2009, a decrease of 21.5% as compared with FY2008.

    Scope of the Report

    - Data is supplemented with details on Whirlpool Corporation history, key

    executives, business description, locations and subsidiaries as well as a list of products

    and services and the latest available statement from Whirlpool Corporation

    - Provides all the crucial information on Whirlpool Corporation required for

    business and competitor intelligence needs

    - Contains a study of the major internal and external factors affecting Whirlpool

    Corporation in the form of a SWOT analysis as well as a breakdown and examination

    of leading product revenue streams of Whirlpool Corporation

    Reasons to Purchase

    - Support sales activities by understanding your customers businesses better

    - Qualify prospective partners and suppliers

    - Keep fully up to date on your competitors business structure, strategy and


    - Obtain the most up to date company information available

    6.2.Findings based on questionnaire responses

    Q1. Have you purchased any whirlpool consumer durable during Exhibitions?


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    Table 6.1 Purchase of whirlpool consumer durable

    Options No. of RespondentsPercentage ofrespondents

    Yes 33 66%

    No 17 34%

    Total 50 100%

    Figure 6.1 Purchase of whirlpool consumer durable


    66% of Customers have not purchased any consumer durable from exhibition and Only

    34% people have purchased. It shows that consumers are coming in the exhibition for

    knowledge of product and also they want to know that weather there is actual price

    difference in exhibition and shop or not.


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    Q.2 While purchasing whirlpool consumer durable which parameter influences you?

    Table 6.2 Influencing parameter

    Options No. of RespondentsPercentage ofrespondents

    Price 8 16%

    Product Feature 12 24%

    Brand 10 20%

    Service 11 22%

    Durability 9 18%

    Total 50 100%

    Figure 6.2 Influencing parameter


    16% of customer gives importance to price. So it shows that Indian consumers are very

    price sensitive. They give more importance to price over the brand whereas 20% give

    importance to brand. So price and Brand matter a lots for the costumers. And they are

    also want best brand in best price and durability18% because Service is also a big

    factor for the customer they are less interested in the durability.


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    Q3. From where do you prefer buying whirlpool consumer durables?

    Table 6.3 Preference of buying whirlpool consumer durables

    Options No. of

    RespondentsNo. of

    respondentsPercentage ofrespondents

    Exhibitions 15 30%

    Co Shoppe 20 40%

    Showroom 15 30%

    Total 50 100%

    Figure 6.3 Preference of buying whirlpool consumer durables


    A majority of customers prefer to buy from showrooms. Very less proposition of

    customers buys from Exhibitions 11% customers are prefer to by from the showrooms

    because the showrooms are more convenient to customers they also think that these

    shops give more discounts. People are less interested to buy from the exhibition they

    only visit the exhibition for price quotation of the product and the comparison of the



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    Q.4.Do you prefer to buy from the same as you have mentioned in Q.3 because of

    following reasons.

    Table 6.4 Preference of buying


    No. of

    Respondents Percentage ofrespondents

    Attractive Price 10 20%

    Service 13 26%

    Demonstrations 14 28%

    Offers 17 34%

    Total 50 100%

    Figure 6.4 Preference of buying


    Customers buy from showrooms because of the service and convenience.

    There are two main factors.1. Customers are preferred to buy from the showroom because of they think that

    these convenient store may provide good after sell service.

    2. Customer also thinks that there is more chance to bargain and they can get more

    discounts in these show rooms and Price also a factor that attract the customer in

    these showrooms.


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    Q.5. How frequently you change your whirlpool consumer durables?

    Table 6.5 Frequency of changing whirlpool products

    Options No. of RespondentsPercentage ofrespondents

    1-3 Years 7 14%

    3-5 years 34 68%

    5-10 years 9 18%

    Total 50 100%

    Table 6.5 Frequency of changing whirlpool products


    Customers prefer to change consumer durables within 3-5 years as 18% customers donot change their consumer durable within 10 year. It represent that Indian consumer

    prefer to change their consumer durable frequently.


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    Q.6. Do you prefer any financing scheme to purchase whirlpool consumer durables?

    Table 6.6 Financing scheme to purchase whirlpool product

    Options No. of respondentsPercentage ofrespondents

    Yes 36 72%

    No 14 28%

    Total 50 100%

    Figure 6.6 Financing scheme to purchase whirlpool product


    Majority of customers usual prefer financial scheme as a result 72% of the consumer

    prefer to have financial scheme whereas 28% of the consumers says no


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    Q.7 Are you aware of warranty period of the whirlpool products?

    Table 6.7 Warranty period of whirlpool products

    Options No. of respondents Percentage of respondents

    Yes 29 58%No 21 42%

    Total 50 100%

    Figure 6.7 Warranty period of whirlpool products


    58% of the consumer agrees to the fact that they are aware of the product warranty

    period where as 42% of the consumers say that they are not aware of the warranty

    period of the products.


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    Q.8 Do you know which whirlpool product parts are under warranty?

    Table 6.8 Whirlpool product parts under warranty

    Options No. of respondentsPercentage of


    Yes 28 56%

    No 22 44%

    Total 50 100%

    Figure 6.8 Whirlpool product parts under warranty


    56% of the consumers feel that they have knowledge that which products parts are

    under warranty whereas 44% says that they dont have knowledge.


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    Q.9 Are you satisfied with the after sales service of whirlpool?

    Table 6.9 After sales service

    Options No. of respondentsPercentage ofrespondents

    Yes 32 64%No 15 30%

    Cant say 3 6%

    Total 50% 100%

    Figure 6.9 After sales service


    64% of the consumers say that service man come as prompt as said by them whereas

    30% says no and 6% consumers cant say about this.


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    Nearly five years ago, Whirlpool Corporation set out on a course to reach the homes

    and hearts of customers around the globe. By listening intensely to their customers,

    understanding their needs and desires, and creating innovative solutions that meet and

    exceed those needs, Whirlpools organizations worldwide are building unmatched

    levels of customer loyalty to the brands.

    Its about innovation, eco efficiency and the consumer

    The driving and the major elements the company considers are the

    Innovation Eco friendly in nature Consumer In this present world and in these emerging

    scenarios of business whirlpool has exactly aimed on the aspects which it has to be.

    Through increased speed to market and international project teams, were changing the

    way we do business.

    Time being the major concern for any person in the world the company

    has attained a beautiful place in establishing a standard of producing products and

    placing products delivering them on time when needed I make quality products that

    help people express their personal styles

    Personal belonging toward s anything is a major aspect for a human being

    in driving towards it interest in attaining it. so whirlpool has got its uniqueness in

    producing products according to lifestyles of individuals.

    7.2 Recommendations:

    Company should work on marketing of its products especially during



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    As per research the consumers are very quality conscious. They are looking

    for better features in the product. So, company should focus more on R and

    D team development.

    As consumers change the products after every 3 to 5 years, therefore

    extended warranty and such schemes can be offered to the consumers so that

    they use the products for a longer period of time.

    A major portion i.e 30% of the respondents was not satisfied with the after

    sales service of the company. Therefore customer care department especially

    the after sales should be made more efficient in their operations.


  • 7/29/2019 Gwhirlpool Project 5th Sem




    1 . Marketing research, G.C.Beri, Third Edition, Tata

    McGrawHill Publishing Company Limited,

    New Delhi, 2000

    2. Marketing management, Philip Kotler, Twelth

    (Millennium) edition, Prentice-Hall of India

    Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003



    2. Whirlpool annual report 2008.pdf

    3. Implementing global marketing strategy.pdf

    Whirlpool Corporation

    4. Building a House of Brands: Whirlpool Corporations

    Blueprint for Success.pdf



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    Annexure 1



    Kindly fill this questionnaire:

    Q1. Have you purchased any whirlpool consumer durable during Exhibitions?

    Yes____ No____

    Q.2While purchasing whirlpool consumer durable which parameter influences you?

    Price____ Product Feature____ Brand ____ Service ____


    Q3. From where you prefer buying whirlpool consumer durables?

    Exhibitions____ Co. Shoppe____ Showroom____

    Q.4.You prefers to buy from the same as you have mentioned in Q.3 because of

    following reasons.

    Attractive Price____ Service____ Demonstrations____ Offers____

    Q.5. How frequently you change your whirlpool consumer durables?

    1-3 Yrs____ 3-5 Yrs____ 5-10 Yrs____

    Q.6. Do you prefer any financing scheme to purchase whirlpool consumer durables?

    Yes____ No____

    Q.7 Are you aware of warranty period of the whirlpool products?

    Yes____ No____

    Q.8 Do you know which whirlpool product parts are under warranty?

    Yes____ No____

    Q.9 Are you satisfied with the after sales services of whirlpool?


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    Yes____ No____ Cant Say____

    Personal Information


    Gender: Male Female

    Phone No.: