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Intro to Green Venues | A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pacific Southwest Program Green Venues U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pacific Southwest Contact: Marc Mowrey, (415) 972-3324, [email protected]

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Marc\'s Power Point from his EPA Green Venues presnetation in Laguna Beach, CA, Oct. 2008


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Intro to Green Venues | A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pacific Southwest Program

Green Venues U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pacific Southwest

Contact: Marc Mowrey, (415) 972-3324, [email protected]

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Intro to Green Venues | A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pacific Southwest Program

Overview of presentation

• I. Why Green Venues?

• II. Success Stories

• III. Green Venues Criteria

• IV. Partnership Programs

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Intro to Green Venues | A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pacific Southwest Program

Trick Question:

• What’s the difference between behaviors that make good environmental sense, and those that make good business sense?

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Intro to Green Venues | A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pacific Southwest Program

II: Why Green Venues?

Big NumbersBig Numbers

Culture Culture ChangeChange

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The Opportunity: Big Numbers!

Every year, the 6 largest convention centers in California:

• Receive about 10 million visitors• Generate 50 million pounds of trash• Consume 14 million kilowatts of

energy• Use 180 million gallons of water

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Culture Change

• Conventions, concerts and sporting events provide unique opportunities to send a powerful environmental message home with venue attendees.

• Announce your good work on signs• Host “Best Environmentalist” games, with

take-home prizes• Involve local clubs

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Environmental Footprint

Large Venues host up to 80,000 people/day with environmental concerns like cities the size of:

– Redding (80,000) - Cupertino (51,000)– Davis (60,000) - Walnut Creek (64,000)

Energy Use

Food Consumption

Material Use

Water Use


Air Emissions

Solid Waste

Hazardous Waste



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Environmental Concern: Energy Use

Large Venues, large bills

Moscone CC

2,355,000 kWh/yr

Monster Park

270,000 kWh/yr

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Environmental Concern: Water Use

Thirsty People and Fields


31.5M gal/yr


38.5M gal/yr


20.5M gal/yr

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Environmental Benefits: Reduced Solid Waste Generation

A typical large venue:• generates over 1 pound of waste

per attendee per day

• generates between 2000 and 4000 tons of waste per year.

• with A 50% diversion rate would divert at least 1000 tons every year.

• Source: Multiple Case Studies, 1996-2001

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Save Money! SBC Park did.

• The recycling program at SBC Park has garnered some impressive statistics:

• In 2004, it recycled 1,760 tons of materials -- that’s a 56 percent diversion rate -- and saved $100,000 on garbage disposal costs.

• Source: Biocycle, Feb 2005

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What do recycling rates mean for global warming?

Bottom line is, every ton of cardboard recycled equals two tons of CO2 not released into the environment.

Thus, when a venue recycles 500 tons of cardboard in a year – not an unrealistic goal – it prevents about 1000 tons of CO2 emissions.

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Waste Audits


Waste Category

1996 % Disposed

Recycling Category

2000 % Diverted

Paper 46%Mixed Paper 20%

Cardboard 20%

Wood & Organics 22%Wood & Organics 16%

Pallets 9%

Metals 3% Metals 5%

Glass 6%Bottles & Cans 3%

Plastics 3%

Others/Mixed 19% Carpet Padding 3%

Total Waste: ~2,000 tons Total Diverted: 76%(by volume)

CIWMB Moscone Center Case Study; online at: www.ciwmb.ca.gov/Venues/Implement/Moscone.htm

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Upstream Emissions

• Upstream emissions dominate (production related GHG emissions 10x higher than landfill)

• Waste prevention is very important• Recycling and composting are beneficial• Collection-related emissions are

surprisingly insignificant• So are long-haul transportation emissions

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Transport to Markets: When are markets to far to justify the haul?

Material Production Savings Break- Even Point (miles) (MBTU/ton collected) Truck Rail Freighter

• Aluminum 177 121,000 475,000 538,000• LDPE 61 41,000 162,000 184,000• PET 59 40,000 157,000 178,000 • Steel 19 13,000 52,000 59.000• Newspaper 16 11,000 43,000 49,000• Corrugated 12 9,000 33,000 38,000• Office Paper 10 7,000 27,000 31,000• Boxes 6.5 4,400 17,400 19,800• Glass 1.9 1,300 5,100 5,800

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III: Success Stories - You Can Do It Too!

• HP Pavilion (The Shark Tank)• Pro Bowl 2006, 2007 (Aloha Stadium)• Anaheim Convention Center/ARAMARK• San Diego Convention Center• R5 and Democratic National Convention• Wilkes University and R3• City of Houston, Reliant Stadium and R6• Pepsi Center and R8• PETCO Park

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HP Pavilion: Our First Success

• HP Pavilion diverted 97% of its waste!

In 2000, before revamping its recycling program, HP Pavilion recycled up to 15% of its waste. By 2002, HP Pavilion had diverted almost 97% – nearly all of its waste – from landfill disposal through recycling and composting.

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Anaheim Convention Center

• In September 2005, Aramark at Anaheim Convention Center agreed to pilot EPA Region 9’s Green Venues initiative;

• ACC agreed to collect and share numbers during the next year for several of the criteria, including sustainable food and beverage service and energy use.

• The Orange County Register ran a story about this on September 8;

• EPA issued its own press release in early October

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Pro Bowl 2006 -2007

• In February of 2006, Region 9 teamed up with EPA Headquarters and the NFL to create a successful recycling event at the Pro Bowl tailgating party.

• In February 2007, besides recycling, we helped make the Pro Bowl a carbon-neutral event.

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Petco Park: Home of the Padres

• In January 2008, Petco Park joined EPA’s Waste Wise program;

• Petco Park had already been composting most of its food waste;

• Petco Park the San Diego Convention Center learn the ropes of composting.

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Other Examples of Success

• San Diego Convention Center, 2007

– Recycled 1050 tons, composted 240 tons - a 43% diversion rate and $58,000 savings

– Energy upgrades save 3.6 million kWh annually– Low-flow appliances and drip irrigation save 90,000 gals/yr

• LA Convention Center, 2007 – Recycled and composted over 1500 tons of material – a 55%

diversion rate.

• And all over the country …– Wilkes University in Pennsylvania– Pepsi Center/DNC in Denver, CO– City of Chicago & 2016 Olympics

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Part III: Green Venues Criteria

The nuts and bolts of EPA’s clearly defined criteria for becoming an environmental leader.

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Intro to Green Venues | A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pacific Southwest Program

Green Venues Program Criteria

1. Energy Conservation2. Water Conservation3. Renewable Energy4. Solid Waste5. Sustainable Food & Beverage Service6. Green Procurement7. Reduced Use of Toxics8. Environmental Messages9. Community Education10. Professional Recognition11. Climate Change12. Sustainable Construction





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1. Energy Conservation

HVAC systems, lighting, and commercial food service appliances are EPA EnergyStar-rated.

www.energystar.gov Find guidelines for energy management, links to service vendors, and more information on conserving energy in commercial facilities.





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1. Energy Conservation (cont.)

David L. Lawerence C.C. (Pittsburgh, PA)





• Daylighting provides natural light for 75% of exhibition space • Saves 9.5 million kWh/year – (that’s 6,612 tons of greenhouse


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2. Water Conservation

Implement water conservation practices in:• facility fixtures• operating systems• landscaping practices.





Phoenix C.C. Expansion: Potable water use for landscaping reduced by at least 50% over conventional means.

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3. Renewable Energy

Register as an EPA Green Power Partner





Estimate your annual energy use, and shop for renewable alternatives like solar, wind and geothermal.

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4. Solid Waste

• Divert 35% by weight (50% in CA)





Moscone Center – San Francisco:

• Prior to recycling, disposed of 2,000+ tons/year costing $525,000

• Reduced waste stream by 75% (by volume) through recycling and reuse

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5. Sustainable Food & Beverage

Offers organic foods to customers and integrates other environmental programs such as reducing packaging and buying food from local farms.





The average U.S. farm uses 3 calories of fossil fuel energy to produces 1 calorie of food energy.

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5. Sustainable Food & Beverage (cont.)

39% of fruits 12% of vegetables 40% of lamb 78% of fish and shellfish

Most of our food travels 2000+ miles!





In 2001, the U.S. imported:

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Recent News: Aug 28, 2008

• The California Assembly approved a bill to limit the amount of a chemical that has been linked to cancer and is used in food packaging.

• The measure would allow no more than 10 parts per billion of a compound known as PFOA in fast-food wrappers, pizza boxes, beverage containers and other food packaging.

• The Environmental Protection Agency considers PFOA potentially carcinogenic and says businesses should voluntarily stop using it by 2015.

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6. Green Procurement

Does your operating budget focus on environmentally preferred products?

To do:

Have a clear green procurement policy!





Green products may occasionally have a

higher up-front purchase price, but generally cost less over their lifetime

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7. Reduced Use of Toxics

Reduce toxics use in janitorial chemical products.





City of Santa Clara found that their custodians and janitors were exposed to about 60 lbs/person/year of hazardous materials.

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8. Environmental Messages

Develop outreach and training materials for customers and staff. Have the materials available in other languages, too.





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9. Community Education

Develop an education and outreach program to teachchildren and young adults in your local community the value and benefits of good environmental behavior.





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10. Professional Recognition

A member of an existing EPA program, such as WasteWise or Performance Track, or have well-recognized external certification such as ISO 14001 or EMS.





ISO 14001

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11. Climate Change

Hold at least one carbon-neutral event each calendar year.


The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is the world’s first and North America’s only voluntary, legally binding rules-based greenhouse gas emissions reduction and trading system.





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12. Sustainable Construction

Use recycled materials in construction





LEED credit granted for construction waste management diversion

The Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES) program was developed by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) with support from EPA

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Part IV: EPA Partnership

Programs for Success

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Green Venues Opportunities

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Creating a Tailored Package of EPA Programs That Work for Large Venues

Environmental Issue EPA Solution

Water Conservation WaterSense GreenScapes

Energy Conservation Energy Star

Renewable Energy Green Power Partnership

Green Procurement Environmentally Preferable Purchasing; EPEAT

Resource Conservation & Recycling Waste Wise

Reduced Toxics National Partnership for Environmental Priorities

Climate Change Climate Leaders

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Keys to Success• The Venue Provides:

– Internal champion and Green Team– Clear environmental goals – Measured results, shared with EPA

• EPA Provides: – One-stop shopping– Assistance to determine best options– Recognition

• Results: – Sustained change in business practices– Positive green message to millions

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Questions? A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pacific Southwest Program

Contact: Marc Mowrey, (415) 972-3324, [email protected]