gurteen knowledge cafe masterclass, melbourne, october 2008

Gurteen Knowledge Gurteen Knowledge Café Gurteen Knowledge Café Workshop Workshop Melbourne October 2008

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Gurteen Knowledge

Gurteen Knowledge CaféGurteen Knowledge CaféWorkshopWorkshop


October 2008

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The birth of the The birth of the Gurteen Knowledge CafeGurteen Knowledge Cafe

London, September 2002

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Gurteen Knowledge

Begin with the end in mindBegin with the end in mind

• Raise awareness of the role of conversation in your business lives

• To teach you about Knowledge Cafes and how to run them

• Encourage you to create more opportunities in your organization for creative conversation

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• 10:00 – 10:15 Introductions (15 mins) • 10:15 – 10:45 Business is a Conversation (30 mins)• 10:45 – 11:15 Knowledge Café Process (30 mins)• 11:15 – 12:30 Run a Knowledge Cafe (75 mins)• 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch (60 mins)• 13:30 – 14:00 Tips & techniques (30 mins)• 14:00 – 14:30 Applications of the Café (30 mins)• 14:30 – 15:00 Review of workshop (30 mins)

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Gurteen Knowledge

David GurteenDavid Gurteen

• Independent KM consultant and facilitator

• Knowledge Website

• Knowledge Community/Letter– 15,000 people– 154 countries

• Knowledge Café Communities– London, New York, Adelaide,


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My StyleMy Style

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Martin BuberMartin Buber

I have to tell it again and again: I have no doctrine. I only point out something. I point out reality, I point out something in reality which has not or too little been seen. I take him who listens to me at his hand and lead him to the window. I push open the window and point outside. I have no doctrine, I carry on a dialogue.

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Gurteen Knowledge

Business is a ConversationBusiness is a Conversation

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Business is a conversationBusiness is a conversation

Business is a conversation because the defining work of business is

conversation - literally.

And 'knowledge workers' are simply those people whose job consists of having interesting conversations.

David WeinbergerThe Cluetrain Manifesto

• Conversation is central to all that we do

• Its our job!

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Conversation is a meeting of mindsConversation is a meeting of minds

Conversation is a meeting of minds with different memories and habits.

When minds meet, they don't just exchange facts: they transform them,

reshape them, draw different implications from them, engage in

new trains of thought.

Conversation doesn't just reshuffle the cards: it creates new cards.

Theodore ZeldinConversation

• Theodore in an Oxford Historian

• Conversation is creative

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KM is about understandingKM is about understanding

For all our knowledge, we have no idea what we're talking about.

We don't understand what's going on in our business, our market, and our world.

KM shouldn’t be about helping us to know more. It should be about helping us

to understand.

So, how do we understand things? It's through stories that we understand how

the world works.

David Weinberger, The Cluetrain Manifesto

• Its about understanding & sense making

• Through conversation & storytelling

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Gurteen Knowledge


“A mechanistic and unproductive exchange

between people seeking to defend their own views against

one another”

“A frank exchange of ideas or views on a specific issue in an

effort to attain mutual understanding”



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• When we engage each other in dialogue– we enter into a conversation with a view to learn from each

other– rather than impose our views on the other.

The kind of conversation I’m interested in is one in which you start with a willingness

to emerge a slightly different person.

Theodore Zeldin, Historian

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Principles of DialoguePrinciples of Dialogue

• Suspend assumptions, do not judge• Observe & listen to one another• Welcome differences & explore them• Allow taboo subjects to be raised safely• Listen to your inner voice• Slow the discussion• Search for the underlying meaning

Dialogue is based on the work of the physicist

David Bohm

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Suppose we were able to share meanings freely without a compulsive urge to impose our view or conform to those of others and without distortion

and self-deception.

Would this not constitute a real revolution in culture.

David Bohm, Physicist

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Gurteen Knowledge


• Business is a conversation

• Conversation is creative

• Understanding is more important than knowing more

• Dialogue is the key to quality conversations

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Gurteen Knowledge Café Gurteen Knowledge Café ProcessProcess

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• Coffee Machine talks

• Chairing conferences

• My dislike of ‘chalk & talk’ presentations (chicken chicken)

• My desire for people to engage with the subject and to learn through conversation

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Gurteen Knowledge

What is a Knowledge Café?What is a Knowledge Café?

• A knowledge café brings a group of people together to have an open, creative conversation on a topic of mutual interest to surface their collective knowledge, to share ideas and to gain a deeper understanding of the issues involved.

• Ultimately leading to action in the form of better decision making and innovationand thus tangible business outcomes.

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Gurteen Knowledge

What are the outcomes?What are the outcomes?

• Real outcomes are what you take away in your head

– A deeper understanding of the issue discussed

– A deeper insight into other people’s perspectives

– A better appreciation of your own point of view

– Better position to make more informed decisions and to take action!

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Gurteen Knowledge

What is the history?What is the history?

• The term Knowledge Café has been around for the last 7 years or so

• Only in the last 2 or 3 years has the term come into common use

• Roots in work of David Bohm, William Isaacs, Juanita Brown

• Roots in Open Space Technology which goes back to 1989

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Is it a talking-shop?Is it a talking-shop?

• No its NOT a talking-shop. A talking shop is normally used pejoratively and implies no useful outcome other than the airing of ones own ideas

• A Knowledge Café is different in that everyone leaves enriched by a deeper level of understanding of the subject in question and is often inspired to act

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Why is the Knowledge CafWhy is the Knowledge Caféé important?important?

• The world is a more complex place than it used to be - at times even chaotic - it is not always clear what is going on - we need to take time to UNDERSTAND

• We do not find the time to have open conversations, we are under pressure to make quick decisions

• KM for example should not be about creating and sharing ever increasing knowledge but understanding more fully the knowledge that we do have!

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What does a Knowledge Café What does a Knowledge Café do for the individual?do for the individual?

• The Café assumes we have within ourselves a greater level of insight than we are conscious of

• The Café helps tease this out• You hear yourself say things in Café conversations

that you did not know that you knew • It crystallises our knowledge

– New ideas are sparked– Fresh perspectives emerge ...

• With increased observation and reflection comes understanding – this paves the way for change

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Gurteen Knowledge

What resources are needed to run a What resources are needed to run a Knowledge CafKnowledge Café?é?

• Not a lot!

• A group of people

• A facilitator or host

• A room with plenty of space

• Tables & chairs to seat about five people per table

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Gurteen Knowledge

What do you need in the room?What do you need in the room?

• Some formats have special requirements such as round tables, paper table cloths, felt tip pens, flowers on the table and coffee & biscuits– Gurteen Knowledge Cafés need none of these props but of

course you could use them if available– Refreshments help

• Aim is to create a good ambience

• Unthreatening and hospitable environment

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Gurteen Knowledge

How do you run one?How do you run one?

• Knowledge Cafés can be run in different ways• I use a simple format • Runs for 90 minutes to a couple of hours• Work best with between 25 and 35 people• Can run a dozen people or as many as 100

– But with some modifications

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Gurteen Knowledge

What's the process?What's the process?

• Facilitator takes 5 - 15 minutes to introduce the Knowledge Café and the theme

• Purpose of the Knowledge Café is made clear• Facilitator poses an open ended question• Participants form into small groups of 4 or 5 to

discuss the subject for 30 - 60 minutes.• Change tables 1,2 or 3 times • The group re-assembles for an exchange of ideas

as a whole for 15 - 30 minutes

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Gurteen Knowledge

What subjects are covered?What subjects are covered?

• Any subject can be addressed

• Explore questions that matter to the participants

• Normally explore only one theme

• And pose only one question

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Gurteen Knowledge

What’s the role of the facilitator?What’s the role of the facilitator?

• Facilitator need not be a specialist– Nor disciplined in facilitation

– Simply a good listener and chairperson skills

• Facilitator should not take a lead in the discussions

• Should wander around and listen into the groups

• Should listen out for problems and remind people gently of the rules of ‘dialogue’

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Gurteen Knowledge

What’s the role of the individual?What’s the role of the individual?

• Theodore Zeldin : to be prepared to emerge a slightly different person

• To see people with different views not as adversaries but as resources from which we can learn

• To enter into open conversation• To listen more than speak• To welcome differences• To withhold judgment• To avoid position taking• To avoid being too politically correct

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Gurteen Knowledge

How do things work withinHow do things work within the small groups? the small groups?

• Don’t appoint a leader or chairperson• Everyone should be equal and fully engaged in the

conversation• Don’t appoint a note taker either• Anyone can make their own notes if they want to• People share their perspectives with the group only if

they wish to

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Gurteen Knowledge

How does the large group sit?How does the large group sit?

• Bring everyone back into a relatively tight group so that every one can easily see and hear each other

• Only use microphones if absolutely necessary as they inhibit the natural flow of the conversation

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Gurteen Knowledge

How does the whole group work?How does the whole group work?

• Individuals asked to remember that their comments are for the whole group and not for the facilitator.

• The objective is to hold a ‘group conversation’

• The facilitator needs to work at encouraging this– Plays a low key role – not the expert– Turn away, even hide!

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Gurteen Knowledge

How does the facilitator workHow does the facilitator workwith the whole group?with the whole group?

• The group should be doing the work with minimal intervention from the facilitator

• Facilitator needs to encourage participation

• Facilitator needs to ensure that no one person or group dominates the discussion

• Connects diverse perspectives

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Gurteen Knowledge

How do you record the outcomesHow do you record the outcomes of a Knowledge Café? of a Knowledge Café?

• The Café is fundamentally about the transfer of TACIT knowledge – not about making tacit knowledge explicit but

• If you record things you should avoid disrupting or influencing the conversation in anyway

• You could make audio or video recordings but I would advise against it

• Participants should not be burdened with recording as they need to be fully engaged in the conversation

• Best to appoint an external person to take notes

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Lets run a Knowledge CafeLets run a Knowledge Cafe

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Knowledge SharingKnowledge Sharing

• Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing.

• Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes.

Peter Senge

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Personal Reasons for SharingPersonal Reasons for Sharing

• To help other people & to help ourselves• Other people

– To get things done– To build relationships so they in turn help us

• Ourselves– To get things done– Learning to be gained– Knowledge is perishable– Someone else will make our knowledge productive first

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Gurteen Knowledge

Barriers to Knowledge SharingBarriers to Knowledge Sharing

1. A silo mentality

2. Knowledge is power

3. Lack of knowledge sharing processes

4. No time allowed

5. No knowledge sharing by executives

6. Managers do not walk the talk

7. Poor IT systems

8. Lack of encouragement

9. Bureaucracy

10. Resistance to change by managersKarl-Eric Sveiby

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The Challenge of Knowledge SharingThe Challenge of Knowledge Sharing

What prevents us from sharing our knowledge more effectively?

How might we overcome these


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Café ConversationCafé Conversation

How important is the ability to engage in open conversation?

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Tips and techniquesTips and techniques

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The themeThe theme

• Topic that everyone feels passionate about

• Complex issues

• Only ONE question

• Open ended question

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The conversationThe conversation

• The question is only a seed

• OK to go off topic

• Conversation as close to a conversation at the pub or over dinner

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The speaker/facilitatorThe speaker/facilitator

• Speaker and facilitator need not be the same

• Facilitator: involved/not involved

• Speakers can be controlling or dominant– Often run over time– Need to brief and handle


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The facilitatorThe facilitator

• Important to be yourself• Do not control• Experiment a little• Take some risks• Don’t be afraid of silence• If you let people talk and leave

them alone you cannot go far wrong

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The venueThe venue

• Need not be a room• Boat on Thames• Canal Boat (long boat in

Amsterdam)• Knowledge Walk/BBQ (Greenwich)• Pub (Stavanger)• Outside under sunshades

(Scottsdale)• An actual café (London &


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The roomThe room

• Important• Small, cosy• Small round tables• Good acoustics• Paper/toys on tables• Lecture theatre?

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The tablesThe tables

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Holding in a lecture theatreHolding in a lecture theatre

• Difficult but not impossible

• Problem of moving between groups

• Problem of whole group conversation– reporting back

• Need for microphones

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Using microphonesUsing microphones

• Avoid if possible• Will need them if group larger

than 40– Maybe less if poor acoustics

• People hold on to them• Kills the flow of conversation• One for yourself and at least 2

roving mikes• Avoid fixed mikes (Jakarta)

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Knowledge circlesKnowledge circles

• Greenwich Story• KM World• Jakarta

Workshop• Not as difficult as

it seems

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Small groupSmall group

• Ask people to sit with others they do not know• Change groups once, twice at most 3 times• People do not like changing groups• Don’t force them!• Kuala Lumpur story

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Whole groupWhole group

• Where you need facilitation skills• People will report back out of habit

– Or ask you questions

• In some cultures best to let them• Even for some groups let them

– Central bank librarians story

• Unless in expert mode do not join in too much• Tolerate silence – pause and wait

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Gurteen Knowledge


• I have run the Cafes in many different countries– UK, Spain, Norway, Moscow– USA– Singapore– Hong Kong– Kuala Lumpur– Thailand– Australia– UAE

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Cultural issuesCultural issues

• Jakarta– Open Café– Workshop

• Kuala Lumpur– Won’t change tables– Won’t go for coffee

• Bangkok– Flee, video

• Dubai– Report back

• Scottsdale– Intense group

• Hong Kong– Iranians

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Language issuesLanguage issues

• Ideally one common language• Let people speak in their own language in

small groups– Can’t listen in!

• Common language (English) in whole group• Even own language in whole group• Use of translators

– Serial or concurrent

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Gurteen Knowledge

Listening inListening in

• If expert mode then join in• If facilitation mode then try

not to• Wander around and actively

listen• Observe for issues• Watch, think, be prepared

to adapt

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Wrap upWrap up

• No need to summarise at length• Keep it short and simple• Thank people

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Applications of the CaféApplications of the Café

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ISN Knowledge CaféISN Knowledge Café

The knowledge café has led to a dramatic improvement in terms of inter-team dialog, collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Many internal work processes are now being overhauled for the better as a result of these knowledge cafes and we have seen an explosion of new ideas and initiatives on the part of staff at all levels of the organization.

Simply put, the knowledge cafe format has empowered all our staff to speak up and take the initiative in ensuring the successful development of the ISN.

Chris Pallaris, Chief EditorISN, Zurich

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Café for a UK government bodyCafé for a UK government body

• Day long workshop• 3 presentations on social tools• A knowledge Café• Future leaders in the group• Future leaders determine an action plan

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Canal Boat CaféCanal Boat Café

• On canals in Amsterdam• At end of week of workshops & visits• To help summarise the week• And develop plan for action

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Trinidad & TobagoTrinidad & TobagoOil and GasOil and Gas

• Expert talks

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• Series of Cafes to bring experts who were leaving together with younger members of organization to transfer knowledge– In a café on an allotment

• Geophysicists– Discussion of preferred technologies– Exchange views on experiences

• Management Training– But not called a Knowledge Cafe

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Where can I learn moreWhere can I learn more about Knowledge Cafés? about Knowledge Cafés?

• There are a lot of resources on the web• My website contains a vast amount of material


• The World Café– Book The World Café: Shaping our futures through

conversations that matter– Website :

• The Society for Philosophical Inquiry–

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• Business is a conversation• Dialogue not debate• Knowledge Café: simple process

– But a lot to learn to run them well

• Powerful learning & creativity tool• Can be adapted to varying situations• Low cost to run

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Thank you!

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David GurteenGurteen KnowledgeTel: +44 1252 812 878Email: [email protected]

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• You may use these slides under the following Creative Commons Licence

• Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
