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QUESTION 351 TOPIC : Allah’s Punishment Do you know when there was a punishment that Allah turned that lady or girl into a fish was that true and can you tell the full story? ANSWER 351 There are rumours with regards to this incident happening (recently in UK); Allah knows best, we can not confirm any details. But do remember when people disobey Allah (SWT), HE (SWT) can punish them in this world too as HE (SWT) wishes. QUESTION 352 TOPIC : Shaitaan Can shaitaan enter your home? ANSWER 352 Yes, shaitaan can enter our homes but those people who are fearful of Allah (SWT) and seek his refuge and remember Allah (SWT) (his believers and followers), they are safe from shaitaan’s attacks. QUESTION 353 TOPIC : Pets What kinds of pet animals can you keep? ANSWER 353 You can keep animals such as cats, cows, horses, buffalo’s, most birds etc. QUESTION 354 TOPIC : Marriage

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Page 1: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

QUESTION 351 TOPIC : Allah’s Punishment

Do you know when there was a punishment that Allah turned that lady or girl into a fish was that true and can you tell the full story?


There are rumours with regards to this incident happening (recently in UK); Allah knows best, we can not confirm any details. But do remember when people disobey Allah (SWT), HE (SWT) can punish them in this world too as HE (SWT) wishes.

QUESTION 352 TOPIC : Shaitaan

Can shaitaan enter your home?


Yes, shaitaan can enter our homes but those people who are fearful of Allah (SWT) and seek his refuge and remember Allah (SWT) (his believers and followers), they are safe from shaitaan’s attacks.


What kinds of pet animals can you keep?


You can keep animals such as cats, cows, horses, buffalo’s, most birds etc.

QUESTION 354 TOPIC : Marriage

Should all Muslims get married?


Yes, it’s a Sunnah (the way of RasoolAllah (SAW)) to get married. He (SAW) said in a Hadith that marriage is my Sunnah, and he who does not follow my Sunnah is not from me/ of me. Also refer to questions 39 and 40.

Page 2: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

QUESTION 355 TOPIC : Marriage

Does everyone have to get married?


It is Sunnah of Our Holy Prophet (SAW) to get married. The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said “half of your religion is complete when you get married”. Many other Hadith prove that Allah SWT’s beloved Messenger (SAW) strongly encouraged the institution of marriage.

QUESTION 356 TOPIC : Fake Nails

Are we allowed to wear fake nails?


If nail polish or fake nails are worn then that part of fingers will not get wet when performing wudu, as nail polish or fake nails are waster proof, hence you can not do any ibaadat. Therefore one cannot wear nail polish or fake nails.

The Islamic principal is to keep your nails short so consequently you break that practice by nail extension.

QUESTION 357 TOPIC : Exercise

Is it ok to raise your feet towards the sky whilst exercising or is this a disrespectful act to do?


There is difference of opinion between scholars; in our opinion it is better to do alternative exercises. In a Hadith it is mentioned that RasoolAllah SAW said sleeping upside down is the method of people of hell; therefore if that principal is applied in a topic like sleeping (essential) then in issue like exercise (chosen) in our opinion raising the feet towards sky willingly would be disrespect.


Aslamulaikum. I have been asked by my mother to go on hajj with her and my father. My mother's health is not good and my father feels that I could look after

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her there as men and women can be separated. However I am separated from my husband who left me 3 years ago. He has not contacted me or tried to reconcile/ or divorce. Can I complete hajj without his permission? I don't know if I could even face up to ask him.


Dear sister Wa Alai Kum Asalaam; my advise would be that you try to reconcile with your husband, try to the maximum on your part, if after that you don’t succeed and if you have no contact with your husband, try to get a message to him that you intend to go to hajj. Your parents are your guardian (wali) and as you will have your father (Mehram) present (with you) it is permissible for you to go for hajj; especially as you will be helping your mum complete this pious act as well.Please remember us in your duas, especially in Haraam, Arafat and Madina shareef.


When intending to go for hajj and/or ummah what kind of things do you need to do in preparation e.g. discharging debts, making amends with family members. Does this apply to family members who have not had contact with me for years after an engagement break up? As a result of which all tieshave been broken? In this case is it feasible for me to contact the person who broke up our engagement. I feel that time has passed and I have my own life and don’t feel any resentment towards him. But I don't know if this is the same on his part. In that case will my hajj and umrah be accepted?


The intension when going to hajj or umrah is that of cleansing from your sins. You will appear begging for forgiveness at the most sacred places before Allah (SWT), therefore before you depart to that sacred journey it is advisable that you ask forgiveness from all those that you have had any dealing with (in particular that you forgive them).

In preparation prior to this journey (please use Guide to hajj and umrah by zia ul quran publications, keep the book with you during your journey. Please contact Janathi Message team should you require a copy of this book in english or urdu), seek your parents permission, try to arrange your finances that no lender is demanding return of his money, that your dependants are cared for in your absence, and that you meet as many people that you know of and inform them that you are to leave for Hajj/ umrah and you hold nothing against them and if they forgive you should you have knowingly or unknowingly upset them. Remember it is not compulsory for them to forgive, but rather that you hold nothing against them. If a situation is that there is no contact between

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people, then try to reconcile or at least get the message to them that you intend to go for hajj / umrah, and do not hold anything against them.

Please also refer to questions 103, 209 and 229.


Imam Sahib Aslamulaikum. I am planning to go to hajj/umrah. However lots of people say to me that as I have grown daughters and sons that are marriageable age I should not really go until I have fulfilled my duties towards them( Get them married ) What does Islam say about this? Does this mean both my wife and I can't go? Does this apply to both hajj and umrah? Thank you.


Hajj becomes Fard once you become financially able (for both man and woman). Men can go alone whilst women are required to go to hajj accompanied by a Mehram.

Getting your children married is also necessary. If the children have been given their hand in marriage verbally (i.e. Rishta has been given) then the marriage of the children has to come first before proceeding to Hajj. However if the children are at the age of marriage and no suitable partner has been selected (i.e. still looking for a suitable rishta) then you are required to go to Hajj first as the children’s marriage is not stopping you from going.

If by you going to hajj doesn’t financially delay the children’s marriage arrangements then you are free to go and perform your Fard Hajj. QUESTION 361 TOPIC : Bait

I have taken the bait through internet last week please confirm if it’s permissible or not? If yes, I am unable to read in Urdu format cannot choose in English. I have received a letter or shajra that’s in urdu. Dawateislami was the site wasalam.


Please contact Dawat-E-Islami directly, as we cannot speak on their behalf. Inshallah they will resolve the issue immediately.


Please confirm the tareeka for fateha?

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The simplest method of fateha is to recite Surah Fateha, Surah Ikhlas and Darood Shareef before and after the Surahs. Then present these in the majesty of Allah Azawajal, then by Waseela (intercession) of these recitations and Huzoor (SAW), Ambiya (AS), Aulia (RA) forward the reward to the deceased and ask for his or her Maghfirat (forgiveness).

QUESTION 363 TOPIC : Prophets

Can Prophets make mistakes?


Astaghfirullah. No. Prophets (AS) DO NOT make mistakes. Ahle Sunnah Wa Jammats Aqaid (belief) is that all the Prophets are Pure from any mistake or defect.

QUESTION 364 TOPIC : Fasting

At what age should children start fasting? What will happen if the child does not start fasting at the recommended age?


One should start fasting at the age of adolescent (start of adulthood, puberty). Everyone will have to account for their actions after this age, there is great punishment for missing Fard (Obligatory) fast.

QUESTION 365 TOPIC : Execution

I would like to know what Islam says about the instance of Saddam Hussein’s execution? Is it just/ fair & permissible to execute someone who is a murderer? Isn't it only Allah's right to take a human's life - not humans?


We have said before as well and will repeat it for all users that this facility is to learn Islam. Janathi Message’s aim is to create better awareness of our beautiful religion, rather then to commentate or observe current affairs or to discuss individual(ism). Please be informed that this is not an opinion board or a discussion forum. Please be free to ask questions of Islamic nature without reference to situation or persons.

Page 6: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

QUESTION 366 TOPIC : Darood Shareef

Could you please tell me what are the benefits of reciting Darood Shareef?


There are many benefits of reciting Darood Shareef, it is such a practice that we are told in the Quran that Allah (SWT) and his Angels perform this action, then we are ordered that “O believers” you also recite Darood and Salaam on the Prophet (SWT).

I’ll quote only one of many Hadith relating Darood Shareef to show its importance :Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to me from amongst the people will be those who have read the most amount of Darood Shareef”. (Tirmidhi)

Please look at our website for more details.


Could the Imam Saab please tell me why we read the Thasbi: Allah Ho Akbar, Allah Ho Akbar, la illaha illah ho, Allah ho Akbar , lillah hill hamd from the 9th Zil hajj (from Fajr) to 13th Zil Hajj (up until Magrib)? Also some people recite this aloud, whilst the Imam Saab is reciting the verse in Eid Huthba. Are they allowed to read this out aloud?ANSWER 367

Thasbi; “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La Illaha Illallahu, Wallahu Akbar, Wa Lillah Hill Hamd” (Allah is greatest, Allah is greatest, there is no one worthy of worship, but Allah, Allah is the greatest and all praises are for him) is the recitation of the greatness of Allah (SWT) and our Holy Prophet (S.A.W) used to read this Thasbi and He (S.A.W) made it Wajib (necessary) upon Muslims to recite this thasbi during 9th Zil Hajj (from Fajr) to 13th Zil Hajj (up until Magrib).

It is better done aloud often as possible i.e. after each Fard prayer. One should remain silent during the Eid Khutbah, therefore one should listen (and not join in) when the Imam is reciting this thasbi aloud.

QUESTION 368 TOPIC : Leather Jacket

Could you please tell me if you are allowed to wear a leather jacket whilst reading

Page 7: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

Namaz? If the answer is yes then can you please provide me with evidence as I need to show it to someone?


It is permissible as long as the leather is processed (purified) before manufacture (i.e. cleaned from any animal fat and filth, which is common in manufacturing now days) and it is not from a prohibited animal like pig. The best evidence for this is that leather socks are worn and by doing so one avoids washing the feet in wuzu and Salaah is allowed to be performed whist wearing these socks, so naturally this is allowed.

According to Hanafi School of jurisprudence it is Makrooh (Offence) for a woman to say the Adhan.

QUESTION 369 TOPIC : Qurbani

Does everyone have to give qurbani?


Every adult who has the financial means (at the time of qurbani (slaughter)) must give qurbani; it is Wajib (necessary). It is important to note that if a father has two sons and they are living separately and sort out their own finances, they too have to give their own qurbani (if they are financially able). The qurbani their fathers gave will not exempt them from giving their own.

QUESTION 370 TOPIC : Miraj Shareef

On Miraj; did the Holy Prophet (SAW) go to the heavens first thento Masjid Aqsa or visa versa ?


He (S.A.W) went to Masjid Aqsa first where he led the Ambiya (AS) in prayer before going to la-makaa’n (no place) to speak with and see Allah (SWT), it is actually a very nice and detailed journey as mentioned in the Holy Quran.

QUESTION 371 TOPIC : Holy Prophet (SAW)

Could you please tell me how many times and where did the chest of the Holy

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Prophet (SAW) was opened by angels. I have been told it is 3 and also been told it is 4. Please elaborate.


The most common believe by Ahle Sunnah Wal Jammah is; that Huzoor (S.A.W’s) Seena (chest) chaak (open and cleansed) was carried out 4 times. These four places were; in childhood (as a child), in adulthood (as a youngster), at time of nazul e wahi (descending of revelation), and on the night of mirage (ascension).


In Namaz I often see that people swap places with each other to read their remaining rakats (i.e. after 2 farz of Jummah, people will move to a different spot to read the next 4 Sunnahs), what is the thinking behind this? And if this is not done is it a sin?


The place of prayer is gawaah (witness) that at that place you carried out that Ibadat (worship), therefore the idea it to make a different place witness and also to break the saf (row) so the latecomers don’t think the jammah (congregation) is being held. It is not a sin if you can’t or don’t move, or swap places (this is not a obligatory (Fard) or necessary (Wajib) action (amal)).

QUESTION 373 TOPIC : Ahle Bait

What does Ahle Bait mean?


This simply means the family of our Beloved Prophet (S.A.W). In detail this includes the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), Hazrat Ali (R.A), Hazrat Fatima (R.A), Hazrat Imam Hasan (R.A), Hazrat Imam Hussein (R.A), Holy Prophet's (S.A.W) pious wives (revered mothers of believers) (R.A), Holy Prophet's (S.A.W) children and near relatives (including future generations) are known as the Ahle Bait.

QUESTION 374 TOPIC : Sajda Sev

I know how to do a sajda sev in Namaz if a mistake has been made. My question is that what if I have gone past the point of sajda sev and am reading rabijalani and then remembered about my sajda sev, what shall I do? Do a sajda sev there or

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repeat my Namaz? Also say if I got to the point that I had completed my Namaz and already has done one salaam to the right and whilst turning toward the left I realised that a sajda sev was due. What should I do at this point as the Namaz is almost finished?


In All your scenarios you can perform a Sajda Sahv. As soon as you realise that it is due, anything read extra is extra (which you will read again anyway). Sajda Sahv is prostration of forgetfulness so it rectifies the initial mistake and after.


What is the reason behind performing Sajday whilst reciting certain words in the Quran?


These are places in the Holy Quran, where either disbelievers (who would not bow (prostrate)) are mentioned and or where Allah (SWT) mentions his own high status. At these points our Nabi (SAW) prostrated and it is made necessary for us to do so as well.


Are women allowed to read Azaan?


According to Hanafi School of Thought it is Makrooh for a woman to say the Adhan.

QUESTION 377 TOPIC : Ghusl of Deceased

Could the imam saab please explain briefly the procedure of performing ghusl on a deceased , and the objects that are required? Please could I get a response very soon as I may need to perform such a ghusl.


A simple method of Performing Ghusl of the deceased;

A man gives ghusl to a man and a woman to a woman (unless a necessity otherwise), preferable close family or friend should give ghusl to the deceased, it is better to have

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more then one person so that the ghusl be performed with ease.

Firstly ensure a proper place for performing the Ghusl is selected i.e. flat and wide (preferably raised) and water is available (container to pour water with, if no shower head is available), Spare plain sheet(s) of cloth to cover the body, soap, cotton wool and cotton bud/ ear bud and Ittar (scent (preferable)).

Then undress the deceased, ensure the private area is always kept covered.

Firstly if any impure substance is on the body wipe it clean and then also wipe clean the anal and front passages using a dry material.

Then perform Istinja (washing of the private parts).

Then perform Wuzu; i.e. wash hands, rinse mouth (take care when cleaning the mouth and nose i.e. use a wet ear bud etc), wash face, wash arms then Masah (wiping of the head), at point of Masah lift the head and ensure the underneath the head and neck is wet. Then wash the feet.

Then thoroughly wash the full body (with soap) from the right then left and then the rest of the body (as in a ghusl (compulsory bath)). Ensure that the body is lifted and the back is also washed.

To do the actions thrice is Sunnah and to wash with loth tree leaves and then the third time add camphor is also proven from ahadith.

Then dry the body. Ensure if any fluids are being discharged by the body to cover those passages with cotton, close the eyes and the mouth. And then dress the body in Kafan (shroud).


Ahle Sunnah Wal Jammah believe that the concept of Wasila is allowed and it is a good practice to ask Prophets, Wali Allah's etc for their intercession whist making Dua. I have been asked by someone that if this thinking is the correct belief then can you explain the following the verses: In Surah An-Naml (27):80 " Verily you cannot make the dead hear" and further more In Surah Fatir (35):22 it states "The living and the dead not alike. Allah makes whoever the wishes hear, but you cannot make those in their graves hear"

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Please read below the full context with a very brief introduction to each Surah of both references and then I will Inshallah elaborate;

Kanzul Imaan


Introduction to Chapter:Then the evils of polytheism have been described and crushing reply with solid arguments have been given against polytheism. In the end the prophet is consoled by God saying that these infidels and polytheist are devoid of ability to think and accepting the truth. Meccan leaders thought that it would be favour to God if they would accept Islam. This idea was rejected and condemned and it as told that it would be a good fortune to them if they enter the fold of Islam and accept truth.

SECTION: 667. And the infidels said, 'what, when our fathers and we will become dust, shall we be brought forth again?68. Undoubtedly, we have been promised this and before us our fathers, this is not but the tales of the ancients.69. Say you, 'travel in the earth and see, how was the end of the culprits'?70. And grieve you not over them, and not be straitened on their plotting.71. And they say, 'when this promise will be fulfilled, if you are truthful'.72. Say you; it is near that some of the things you are hastening for may have come close behind you.73. And undoubtedly, your Lord is graceful for mankind but most of them are not grateful.74. And undoubtedly, your Lord Knows what is hidden in their breasts and what they disclose.75. And as many unseen of the heavens and the earth are there, all are in a Book disclosing.76. Undoubtedly, this Quran explains to the children of Israel most of those things in which they differ.77. And undoubtedly, that is guidance and mercy for the Muslims.78. And undoubtedly, your Lord decides between them by His command and He it is the Honourable, the Knowing.79. Therefore, put your trust in Allah. Undoubtedly, you are on clear truth.80. Undoubtedly you can not make the dead hear, and nor you can make the deaf to hear the call, when they turn showing their backs.

Page 12: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

81. And you can not guide the blind from their error You can make only those to hear who believe in Our signs and they are Muslims.82. And when the word will fall upon them, We shall bring forth for them out of the earth a beast that shall talk to them, because the people had not believed in Our signs.These are taken out of context. Shane nazul


Introduction to Chapter:The chapter emphasizes the importance, strength and power of Almighty Allah Who is the real Originator and Creator of entire Universe. Truth is to prevail and for its spread a new generation is required.Therefore a new generation will have to be raised in place of old one which failed to promote the cause of truth and justice in the world.The believers have been promised peace, safety, success while the non believers and doers of evil will have to face punishment.

SECTION: 315. O mankind! you are all in need of Allah. And Allah only, He is all-Independent, All praised.16. If He please, He may take you away and bring a new creation.17. And this is not anything difficult for Allah.18. And no soul bearer of burden will bear the burden of another. And if any one heavily loaded calls any other to share its load, not anyone-will bear anything from its burden, even though he may be a near relation. O beloved!- your warning is useful only for those who fear their Lord with out seeing and establish prayer. And who became purified, purified himself for his own good. And to Allah is the return.19. And the blind and seeing are not equal.20. And nor the darkness and the light.21. And nor the shadow and the heat of the full sun.22. And equal are not the living and the dead. Undoubtedly, Allah causes him to hear whom He pleases; and you are not to make those who are lying in their graves to hear.23. You are but a warner.24. O beloved! undoubtedly, We have sent you with truth as a bearer of glad tidings and as a warner. And whoever was a group of people in each of them a warner has already passed away.25. And if they belie you' then those before you have already belied, there came to them their Messengers with clear proofs and with the scriptures and the shining Book.26. Then I seized the infidels, then how was My abhorrence?

Now the explanation of the ayahs and discussion of if intercession is permissible:

Page 13: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

Undoubtedly you can not make the dead hear, and nor you can make the deaf to hear the call, when they turn showing their backs (Kanzul Imaan, SURAH AL-NAML (27:80). This is a clear statement which refers to the message of Allah SWT’s beloved (S.A.W) and Allah SWT is saying only He SWT has the power to guide those who have refused the message. The Chapter, section, nor verse in any shape or form have any direct relevance to waseela, hence whoever has used it has misused it and implied upon himself, as Allah SWT has made him deaf and blind from Imaan to embrace the truth.

22. And equal are not the living and the dead. Undoubtedly, Allah causes him to hear whom He pleases; and you are not to make those who are lying in their graves to hear. Kanzul Imaan, Al Fatir (35:22). This verse is dealing with the supreme power and strength of Allah Azawajal and Allah SWT is saying he is Qadir (powerful) over all else, such that he can make those hear from the dead and alive and cause the reverse, no man has that power. Again this Surah does not have any relation to Waseela and is rather showing the high station of the lord of universe (SWT). It would be out of order to use or fit such to deny that people in their grave don’t or can’t hear those who call or speak to them.

Now couple of daleels on the ability of the dead to hear the living; firstly when the nations of Thamud were destroyed after the punishment of Allah Ta'ala descended upon them, Hazrat Saleh (AS) spoke to them. The Holy Quran confirms: "Hence he turned his face away and said, 'O my people! Undoubtedly, I did deliver to you the Messages of my Lord, and wished you good, but you do not approve the well wishers'." Kanzul Iman, Surah Al Araf (8:79) In this verse of the Holy Quran, the Nabi of Allah Ta'ala addresses the dead by using the term "Ya" which is proof enough that the dead can hear.

Furthermore when the Kufaar were defeated in the Battle of Badr and were thrown into a well, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) stood beside the well and spoke to the dead. He said, "O certain person, son of certain person. O certain person, son of certain person. Does this make you sad that you should have followed Allah and his Rasool (S.A.W)?" He then said, "Verily I have found the promise of my Creator to be true. Did you find the promise of your Creator to be true? " When Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) heard this, he said, "Ya Rasoolullah! (S.A.W). Are you conversing with such bodies in which there are no souls? " The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said, "A Oath on that Being in Whose control is the life of Muhammad (S.A.W), You cannot hear better than them, that which I am saying." (Mishkaat Shareef; Sahih Bukhari Shareef; Sahih Muslim Shareef).

These are the evidences on the people of grave being able to hear, now we will move on to the topic of Waseela, but its dalail (evidences) are enough to compile a book.

Page 14: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

I will keep it simple for your understanding for detailed explanation please access our website on the following link and browse through the aqaid

The Holy Prophet (SAW) has been given the station of Maqaam-e-Mahmood. Maqaam-e-Mahmood is that point on intercession where all will praise and honour the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). (Tafseer Khaazin; Tafseer Jalalain) The Holy Quran states: "It is near that your Lord may make you stand at a place where all should praise you." Kanzul Iman, Surah Bani Israel (17:79) from this it is established that intercession is going to take place in akhirah, let’s analyse further;

The following verse of the Holy Quran proves that one can also seek the assistance of the Awliya Allah: "Your helpers are Almighty Allah and His Rasool and those Muslims who perform Salaah and give alms and make Ruku" Surah Al Maida (5:55) This verse refers to the Helpers as "those Muslims" who are in reality are the "Awliya".   The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) has stated, "There are certain of Allah's servants that have been set aside to fulfil the necessities of the people. People will call to them in their times of need. They are protected from the punishment of Almighty Allah". (Jame Saghir) This Hadith Shareef clearly proves that one may call the Awliya Allah for assistance.

Hazrat Allama ibn Juzri (RA) states, "If one is ever in any need then He should say, 'O servants of Allah, assist me! O servants of Allah, assist me! O servants of Allah, assist me'." (Tibraani)

Hazrat Imam Naudi (RA), the commentator of "Muslim Shareef", quotes an incident: "One of my superiors narrated an incident to me, 'My mule ran away and I had known the Ahadith and I immediately said, 'O servants of Allah, assist me!' Almighty Allah immediately stopped the mule (from running away)'." (Kitaabul Azkaar)   Hazrat Shamsuddeen Muhammad Hanafi (RA) was performing ablution in his room. He suddenly threw his wooden sandal into the air. It disappeared although there was no way for it to exit through the room. He gave the other sandal to his disciple and asked him to keep it until the first one returned. After some time a certain person from Syria arrived with the sandal and some money as gifts and said, "May Almighty Allah give you the thanks for this. The actual incident, which occurred, was that once when a thief sat on my chest and was about to slaughter me. In my heart I said, 'Ya Sayyidi Muhammadin Ya Hanafiyu.' Then suddenly, this sandal came and fell on the chest of the

Page 15: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

thief with such force that he became dazed and collapsed and Almighty Allah has saved me through your blessing." (Tabqaatul Kubra)

I pray that your question has been sufficiently answered and has clarified any misconceptions you may have had with regards to the accusations made against Ahle Sunnah Wal Jammah. It is often found that people use Ayahs of the Quran and misquote them in order to fulfil their own baseless theories but along the way mislead others. May Allah (SWT) give us the ability to learn, understand and most importantly accept the truth. Should you require further explanation please feel free to ask, Inshallah we will answer in light of Quran and Sunnah.


Aslamulaikum Imam Sahib. With regard to question 360 does that apply also if that person has already completed hajj. The fact of leaving marriageable daughters behind and completing hajj? Is it permissible.


Wa’laikum Aslaam. Lets clarify any misconceptions on the issue; if your going to hajj will stop, cause delay or cancel your daughters wedding then getting them married first is essential. If (as specified in A360) the daughter(s) have not been given their hand in marriage (i.e. rishta is not done), or no financial restraint will happen towards marriage arrangement (if marriage is arranged i.e. arrangement done) then it is permissible to go for hajj (Fardi, or Nafli).


Why is Friday a holy day for Muslims?


Every nation has a special day, similarly every religion has a holy day and that dedicated day for Muslims is Friday as confirmed by Our Beloved Prophet (SAW). This is such a glorious day on which Allah (SWT) chose to create the worlds and is the chosen day for Aakhirah (the end of existence on this earth (Yaum al Qiyammah)).

QUESTION 381 TOPIC : Miraj Night

Out of curiosity, on Miraj night, why was it that Hazrat Musa (AS) told our Prophet (SAW) that to ask Allah (SWT) to reduce the number of prayers for their Ummath. I

Page 16: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

know the reason behind it, but why Hazrat Musa (AS) and not say Hazrat Adam AS


That is hikmaat (will of Allah SWT) and indeed his will is the best. What we do understand from Ulema’s analysis of the events is that Hazrat Musa (AS) had desired to see Allah (SWT) directly, but was told by Allah (SWT) that only Holy Prophet (S.A.W) will have this privilege. However when Holy Prophet (S.A.W) came back after seeing Allah (SWT) during the Miraj night, only Hazrat Musa (AS) had the privilege to see the Noor (light) of Allah (SWT) shinning from the Blessed face of the Holy Prophet . From this privilege, the desire of Hazrat Musa (AS) was indirectly fulfilled.

QUESTION 382 TOPIC : Hazrat Noah AS

Were there any survivors outside the boat of Hazrat Noah AS when Allah SWT sent punishment on Hazrat Noah AS ummah?


The general understanding is that nothing survived, but it is referred that an old lady who was pious survived as when Hazrat Nuh (Noah) Alaihi Salaam walked past her after the storm she said “has the storm come forth O Prophet of Allah”, yet the storm had come and gone. And Allah Azawajal knows best.

QUESTION 383 TOPIC : Giyarvi Sharif

I have a reasonably good idea of the reason Giyarvi Sharif was originally set up. Could you please tell me if the same purpose is fulfilled in today’s day and Age?


If the intension is to gain sawab and remembrance of the great saint Hazrat Ghause E Azam (RA), then it is a good action and rewarding, and this is why Giyarvi Shareef is done and yes its purpose is fulfilled in this day and age, please read full details on the Aqeeda of Ahle Sunnah Wal Jammah on Auliya Allah; the following link…

Page 17: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

QUESTION 384 TOPIC : Hazrete Hawa

Aslamulaikum It is our belief that Hazrete Hawa was created from the left rib of Hazret Adam (AS). Could you please tell me how long after the creation of Hazret Adam (AS) did this take place?


Adam AS felt lonely after his creation while in Jannah and then short time after in Jannah found Hawa AS next to him in heaven; the time is unspecified.

QUESTION 385 TOPIC : Hazrete Fatima (RA)

How many children did Hazrete Fatima (RA) have?


Hazrat e Fatima (RA) had 6 children.

3 sons (Sayyidonaa Imam Hassan (RA), Sayyidonaa Imam Hussain (RA), Sayyidonaa Muhsin (RA)) and 2 daughters. (Sayyiadah Zainab (R.A) and Sayyiadah Umme-Kalthuum (R.A)).

However some Scholars have stated that there were 3 daughters, the last one being Sayyiadah Ruqiyah (R.A).

Sayyidonaa Muhsin (RA), Sayyiadah Ruqiyah (RA); passed away in childhood. (Sirat e Mustafa; Hazrat Moulana Abdul Mustafa Azmi; Page 505).

QUESTION 386 TOPIC : Hazrete Khathija

Could you please tell me how many children did the Prophet (SAW) have with Hazrete Khathija and those with other wifes?


Our Holy Prophet (SAW) had 4 daughters (Sayyidah Zainab (RA), Sayyidah Ruqayyah (RA), Sayyidah (RA), Umme- Kalthuum (RA) and Sayyidah Fatima (RA)) and 2 sons Sayyidonah Qaasim (RA), Sayyidonah Abdullah (RA) from Hazrat Khathija (RA). He (SAW) also had 1 son (Sayyidonah Ibrahim (RA)) from Hazrat Maariyah (RA).

Page 18: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to


Whilst at hajj, I have come across a lot of people who beg on the streets. They use all the same lines to entice people to give them money (e.g. we came for work and found nothing, lost our passport etc). They are capable of work but choose to beg as they earn more and it is easy money. Are we sinful if we don’t give them money even though they ask in the name of Allah (SWT) and the Holy Prophet (SAW)? Also if each time you come out of the hotel and start giving money to the beggars who stand outside waiting for you, you will be financially struggling yourself (as the money you take with you is also limited). What are you supposed to do in these circumstances?


This is a common question asked by the hujjaj. It is your own choice if you give money to these beggars. I would say that it is better to give them something (even though it is not money i.e. food, drink etc) if you are able as they are asking for the sake of Allah (SWT) and the Holy Prophet (SAW). Allah (SWT) will reward you more blessing because you are giving for Allah (SWT)’s sake. Those people that beg for easy money will have greater punishment. Allah (SWT) is all-Knowing, most Merciful.

QUESTION 388 TOPIC : Lending Money to Non Muslims

A non Muslim (who I know) came up to me and asked that if I could lend him some money as he is in financial difficult and will pay me back very soon. Am I allowed to lend the money to him, and will I get any reward for this act, as I am only doing it for the pleasure of pleasing Allah (SWT).


It is permissible to financially help non-believer. Allah (SWT) will reward you for this because you are helping a creation of Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) is all-Knowing, most Merciful.

QUESTION 389 TOPIC : Blood Discharge

Can you please tell me what is the ruling for a woman according to Fiqa Hanafi if her period bleeding continues for 15 days in a row, does she be exempt from ibaadat for the whole period, 10 days, or her normal period cycle i.e. 7 days?


Page 19: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

A female could come across three different types of blood discharge.

1. Haiz (period discharge): This varies from person to person, but this is normally minimum of 3 days to a maximum of 10 days.

2. Nifaas (Post natal bleeding after childbirth): This normally lasts for maximum of 40 days.

3. Istikhaaza (Discharge or virginal discharge): This could happen irregularly for a short or long period.

According to Fiqha Hanafi, a woman is free (exempt) from Ibaadat (praying) during both Haiz and Nifaas, but she still has to pray during Istikhaza. If your situation is that the blood is being discharged for 15 days and assuming your normal period cycle is 7 days then after the 7th day you will have to do Ghusl (this is wajib) and then perform your Ibaadat, however you have to perform fresh Istinja and Wuzu prior to every prayer.


Madhi (pre-sexual fluid): a white thin fluid that exits when sexually excited but does not accompany an ejaculation. It can often be released without one being aware of it. If one is sure it is Madhi then is GHUSAL obligatory or not from what I have read according to Fiqh Hanfi it is not obligatory for you to perform GHUSAL, and if the case is that your unsure if it was Madhi or Wadi (a white, cloudy, thick fluid that exits either before or after urinating. It tends to be released if one is constipated or has been carrying a heavy load.) And you know you didn’t have a wet dream GHUSAL again isn’t obligatory for you.


According to Fiqha Hanafi, Mani (which is a fluid released when sexually aroused) breaks (invalidates) the Ghusl, hence Ghusl becoming Wajib (necessary). Madi and Wadi do not break (invalidate) the Ghusl (as you described in your question). However Madi and Wadi will break Wuzu; therefore a fresh Istinja and Wuzu will need to be performed prior to ibaadat (praying) also if the fluid is on the clothes then the clothes will need to be changed as they would have become unclean (napaak).

QUESTION 391 TOPIC : Hatham on Thursdays

We have been told that one of the reasons that hatham of issahle sawab is done on Thursdays is that the rooh of the deceased comes to the house on this particular day. Is this true?

Page 20: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to


It has been related by Ibn Abbas RA that "when the day of Eid, 10th of Muharram, the first Friday of Rajab, the 15th night of Shabaan and the night of every Friday arrive (i.e. The night meaning after Maghrib; the Islamic day starts i.e. Thursday after Maghrib it is Friday night), the soul of believers come out of their graves and stand at the doors of their homes (relatives) and they say "have mercy on us by giving charity even if it be a morsel of food we are needy of you." And if they do not receive any thing, they return depressed." And Allah azawajal knows best. Fatwa-e-Razaviyah, Vol6, P160.

QUESTION 392 TOPIC : Salana Hatham

When saying hatham, it is often said that (mainly at salana hathams) you should put seven different types of cooked dishes. What is the relevance of this, if any?


This has no significance as you can say hatham without the presence of food. However “Taak” meaning singular use of food items or reading is recommended by Sufia e Kiram. A Hadith relates that the food is presented before the deceased and they benefit from it, therefore it is not compulsory but recommended to have food whether 1 dish or 7.

QUESTION 393 TOPIC : Munkir and Nakir

We have been told that Munkir and Nakir will ask all the deceased 3 questions; 1. Who is your lord? 2. What is your religion? 3. And thirdly what did you say about this man ( the man being the holy Prophet (SAW) the question I want to know is that humans who passed away before the holy prophet (SAW) came , will they be asked the same questions , and if so what about the 3rd question?


These questions that you have referred are for our Holy Prophet (SAW)’s Ummah. All other Prophets (AS) had their own Shariah therefore the people prior to Islam will not have the question of Huzoor (S.A.W), but rather their messengers (AS) at that time.QUESTION 394 TOPIC : Quran

In the Quran it says Muhammed (SAW) with a small 2 next to it. What does the two mean?


Page 21: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

This refers to a Footnote. When there is a number on a word/name/sentence, it is elaborated on the bottom of the page. I.e. it may give you a definition of a word.


It is often said by people that in Bahray Shariah it states that you are not allowed to remove your nails using your teeth as there is a severe punishment for this action. Could the Imam Saab please tell be if the above statement is true and if it is then what is the punishment which is mentioned?


You are not allowed to bite your nails with your teeth. Only Allah (SWT) knows what punishment this will be, but be aware that all the punishments imposed by Allah (SWT) are severe.

QUESTION 396 TOPIC : Prophet

What's the name of the Prophet who was killed inside the tree by the non-Muslims at those times?


The Holy person you have asked about was Prophet Zakariyah AS.

QUESTION 397 TOPIC : Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)

Please clarify the death anniversary of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (RA). Whether it was in Rabe ul Sani or Jamadi ul Sani .


Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (RA) died in the month of Jamadi ul Thani and was buried on Monday the 22nd.


Can a woman go to hajj with a man who she says "is like my son" as her sons have refused to go with her? Also if that man has been told by a religious scholar that it is fine to do so does he receive Gunnah? Or is that on the head of the

Page 22: Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque & Education Centre - Janathi · Web viewHazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’sud (RA) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the closest to

religious scholar? Can you clarify who a woman can go to hajj with? Also a divorced woman can she go to hajj/umrah with her nephew/brother?


No, a female is not allowed to go to hajj we a Ghair Mehram and a by calling someone "is like my son" he will not become a Mehram. A female can only go with a Mehram (someone that Islam forbids marriage between them i.e. brother, father, son etc).

QUESTION 399 TOPIC : Visiting the Church

Can Muslim take a visit to the church?


For visit, it is permissible

QUESTION 400 TOPIC : Hazret Adam (AS)

I have been told that the shaitaan when ordered to do prostration to Hazret Adam (AS) refused and in anger also spat at Hazret Adam (AS). The saliva fell on their stomach. Allah (SWT) threw that piece of clay away (which is now the belly button of humans) and the thrown away clay was made into the animal which we today call a dog. Could you please tell me if this is true or just a story?


Yes, this is true and not just a story.