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1.1 Introduction to the Study

The phrase of collective bargaining was coined by Sydney and Beatrice Web.

According to them collective bargaining is a method by which trade unions protected

and improved the conditions of their members‟ working lives.

It is the public policy of the United States that the determination of employer

 –  employee relationship in terms engaged in interstate commerce shall take place

through collective bargaining. The right of the employee to join and work through

organizations is protected by various labor statutes. The National Labor Relations

Act specifies that it is an unfair labor practice for the employer to refuse to bargain

collectively with chosen representatives of a certified labor organization. The Labor

Management Relation Act specifies that, it is an unfair practice for the

representatives of a labor organization to refuse to bargain in good faith with the

employer. Collective bargaining is the approved answer to the employee  – employer


Collective bargaining has grown in India due to the statutory provisions,

voluntary measures, Industrial True Resolution of 1962 and the amendments to The

Industrial Disputes Act 1947

Collective bargaining is a process in which condition of employment are

determined by agreement between representatives of the union on one hand and

those of the employer on the other hand. It is called collective bargaining becauseboth employer and employee act as a group rather than individual. It is described as

bargaining because the method of reaching an agreement involves proposals and

counter proposals and offers.

Two basic types of collective bargaining exist between labor and

management, traditional and integrative. Traditional bargaining is concerned with the

distribution of benefit such as wage, working conditions, promotion, lay offs,

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These factors, however, affect mainly in the coarser count sector up to 30s,

which constitute 85 percentage of the trade. Upon dismantling quota system under

WTO export to EU & USA, will be completely free from January 2005 resulting in a

free world trade.

In a free market scenario, it is only the units, which are most efficient and can

produce goods in cost effective manner with strong emphasis on quality and

customer services, will be able to survive and prosper.

Besides, the Indian textile has the inherent advantage of home grown cotton,comparatively cheaper labor and India that has the largest area under cotton

cultivation, has one of the lowest yields i.e., 300kg per hectare. The technological

mission on cotton launched by the government recently is expected to improve the

productivity to nearly double of the present yield will help the industry to meet its

growing of raw cotton at reasonable prices.

2.3 Future Outlook: A cutback in spending has created a treasure-hunt mentality among shoppers,

and will continually put the squeeze on department stores. It is predicted that

manufactures such as cheap-chic stores, like Target and Kohls, will see sales and

profits rise. In addition, other higher-end manufacturing companies may

begin creating low-priced lines or looking for outsourcing opportunities to cut

production costs. In the battle for tightly held consumer dollars, size is no longer

enough; the players in the apparel industry will need to look to innovative business

ideas to stay in fashion.

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  GTN Export Ltd:

1. Knitting Division

2. Yarn processing Division

3. Exports Division

  Cotton Division: consist of the following companies.

1. Standard Cotton Corporation.

2. Perfect Cotton Corporation.

3. Patcot Company.

4. Purav Trading Company.

5. Perfect Cotton Company.

3.3 Vision Statement:

"The market place is the driving force behind everything we do, and we aim

and achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction on a continuous basis in all our


GTN believes in continuous up gradation of its product's quality and serviceby investment in the latest technology and its successful implementation.

3.4 Mission:

●Textile yarn diversification

●Survival of the company 

●Maximum profit while reduce the cost 

●Improve value addition process 

3.5 Corporate Objectives:

●To retain its present position in the export market 

●To satisfy its customers and shareholders 

●To concentrate more as high value added processing of yarn

●To maintain long term relationship with customers and to provide service and


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The following chart gives the break up of GTN group's exports to various


Country Percentage

Japan 30%

Italy 40%

Belgium 6%

South Korea 7%

UK 4%

Australia 4%

China 2%

Others 7%



Latest technology

Established product

Established market

Strong finance

Experienced and committed personnel.

95 % capacity utilization.

State of the art quality assurance.

Foreign collaboration.

Stock of raw materials for 5-6 months.

Decades of experience in trading cotton and yarn before venturing into

this line of activity.

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3.10.2 Expansion of Abbreviations:

VCMD - Vice Chairman & Managing Director

MD - Managing Director

GME - General Manager (Engineering)

CE - Chief Executive

VPT - Vice President (Technical)

AGM (ES) - Assistant General Manager (Engineering


DME - Deputy Manager (Electrical)

SOC - Senior Officer (Commercial)

AGM(QA) - Assistant General Manager (Quality Assurance)

SMQA - Senior Manager (Quality Assurance)

AMQA - Assistant Manager Quality Assurance

AGM(M) - Assistant General Manager (Maintenance)

SMM - Senior Manager (Maintenance)DMM - Deputy Manager (Maintenance)

SGM (P&IR) - Senior General Manager (Personnel& IR)

M(T & D) - Manager (Training & Development)

MRM - Manager (Raw Material)

SGMW - Senior General Manager (Works)

GMP - General Manager (Production)

SMP - Senior Manager (Production)AMP - Assistant Manager (Production)

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4.1 Functional Departments

There are 11 departments in GTN Textiles Ltd. Aluva:

4.1.1 Raw Material Department:

The major functions of this department are - procurement of right

quality of raw materials at the right time, keep long-term stock and issue of raw

material for manufacturing purpose.

4.1.2 Quality Assurance Department:

The Quality Assurance Department is situated in the factory with state-

of-the art laboratory for testing the quality of the cotton yarn at various stages of 

production and of the finished product.

4.1.3 Research & Development Department:

The activities associated with this department are - translating

customer‟s quality requirements into achievable specifications, continuously

improve quality and reliability of product based on the information feed back.

4.1.4 Finance Department:

Finance Department prepares the accounts and auditing of all financial

transactions of the company and has the advisory function in financial and

establishment matters.

4.1.5 Maintenance Department:

The objectives of this department are-minimizing long run maintenance

cost, providing safe working environment, minimizing break down.

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4.1.6 Production Department:

This department controls the production process, product identification,material handling, storage, packaging & delivery.

4.1.7 Stores Department:

The store department carries out the requirements of all the departments

of the company. The function of this department is to purchase and store

various materials according to the requirements.

4.1.8 Time keeping Department:

This department checks the time of entry and exit of all the workers,

mark the attendance of the workers in the register.  Metal disc method is used

for this purpose. Each worker is given a token bearing his details. All the

tokens are hung on a board at the entrance of the factory. One entering the

factory, each worker removes from the board his card and put to other board

kept near by. Later the time-keeper records the attendance in a register known

as “Daily Muster Roll”. 

4.1.9 Safety & Security Department:

This department looks after the safety of the company, make right

patrolling inside the company premises, check the workers and vehicles at the

time of entry & exit.

4.1.10 Marketing Department:

Marketing department control the exports and sales matters of the

company, conduct market survey and the product preference test, design

marketing strategies, analyze marketing opportunities etc.

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4.1.11 Personnel Department:

The functions of personal department include human resource planning,recruitment, selection and induction, training & development of employees,

employee welfare, wage and salary administration etc. The main duty of the HR

manager is to maintain a better relationship with the employees and understand

their problems and give them proper guidelines and help them to develop a

loyalty towards their organization. HR Values

  Concern for people


  Customer orientation

  Continuous improvement

  Executive excellence HR Principles

  Whether workers or management staff, employees are employees.  

  They are not different bloc, but two faces of the same coin.  

  Unions are treated with respect and they are partners in the progress. 

  Harmony and peace cannot be at the cost of dilution of organization ethos.

Fairness and firmness will govern all employee relations. 

  Communication and dialogue would be the essence of managing relations.  

  A proactive approach and a state of mental and physical preparedness would

help in managing unpleasant issues. 

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GTN Textiles is one of the largest cotton yarns exporting organization from

India and is currently exporting at most 100 percentage of its total production to

countries like Japan, Italy, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia &

West Germany. The company pioneered exports of cotton yarn to Japan & Italy

where it has maintained its leadership.

GTN manufactures 100 percentage cotton yarn, carded and combed with

counts ranging from Ne 30s to 140s single, double for knitting and weaving and

geared yarns. The organization has specialized in the production of fine and super

fine yarns.


100% Cotton Yarn – count ranging from NE30s-NE 140s

  Knitting and weaving yarns

  Two for one twisted & ring doubled yarns

  Gassed yarns

  S&Z High Twist & Specialty yarns

  Mercerized/ Bleached/Dyed yarns

  Grindle yarns

Grey & Processed Knit Fabrics

  Single Jersey

  Body Size


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The Card Silver, then, prepared for combing in Silver Lap machines. The

product thus prepared is called ribbon lap. These laps are then fed to comber

machine. In comber the short fiber (low length fiber) and minute impurities are

removed and, the fibers are made parallel and assembled in the form of silver. DRAWING

In this process, a definite number of combed silvers are doubled anddrawn together to make the resulting silver more even and parallelized fibers.

The silver is stored in cans in coiled form.


The object of simplex or speed frame process is to attenuate the drawn

silver into finer strand, twist and wind it on o plastic tube. This product is roving.


In Ring spinning process the “roving” is attenuated with the help of 

drafting system and the drafted fiber strand is twisted and wound on a tube. The

twisting and winding operations are performed with the help of ring traveler and

spindle. The yarn count is also set at this stage. The arrangement is being

progressed to spin the latest form of compact yarn by the employment of Elite

and Com4 machines.


In doubling process two or more single yarns are twisted together. This

process consists of two processes viz. the assembly winding and twisting. In

assembly winding the required amount of single yarns of definite length (or

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6.2.4 Voluntary:

Both the parties negotiate voluntarily in order to have a meaningful dialogue.

Through negotiations, they try to probe each other‟s views thoroughly before

arriving at an acceptable solution. The implementation of the agreement resulting

from such a bargaining process is also voluntary.

6.2.5 Continuous:

This process begins with negotiations but does not end with an agreement.

Implementation of such an agreement, which is an on-going process, is also a part of 

Collective Bargaining.

6.2.6 Dynamic:

The whole process of Collective Bargaining is influenced by the mental

make-up of the parties involved. As a result, the concept of Collective Bargaining

changes, grows, and expands over time.

6.2.7 Power relationship:

Each party wants to extract the maximum from the other. To reach a

consensus, both have to retreat from their original positions and accept less than what

is asked for and give more than what is on offer. While doing so, the management

tries to retain its control on workplace matters and unions attempt to strengthen their

hold over workers without any serious dilution of their powers. 

6.2.8 Representation:

The participants in Collective Bargaining do not act for themselves. They

represent the claims of labour and management while trying to reach an agreement.

Each participant is an authorized representative of workers and employers.  

6.2.9 Bi-partite process:

This process does not have third party intervention. 

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6.3 Importance of Collective Bargaining:

It helps increase the economic strength of both the parties at the same time

protecting their interests. It helps establish uniform conditions of employment with a

view to avoid occurrence of industrial disputes. It helps resolve disputes when they

occur. It lays down rules and norms for dealing with labour. It helps usher in

democratic principles into the industrial world.

6.4 Bargainable Issues:

Any issue relevant to management and workers. But traditionally

managements are not too keen on negotiating work methods arguing that is their

exclusive right to decide how the work is to be done. Unions do not want

negotiations on production norms and disciplinary matters. They believe that an

agreement in this regard would put limits on their freedom to demand at a later stage.

Wages and working conditions have been the primary focus areas of Collective

Bargaining. In recent times, Collective Bargaining has extended to a lot many areas.

Examples:1. Wages and working conditions;

2. Work norms;

3. Incentive payments;

4. Job security;

5. Changes in technology;

6. Work tools, techniques and practices;

7. Staff transfers and promotions;8. Grievances;

9. Disciplinary matters;

10. Health and safety;

11. Insurance and benefits;

12. Union recognition;

13. Union activities/responsibilities;

14. Management rights

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6.6.4 Implementation:

The agreement resulting from Collective Bargaining may be temporary. In

this case, before its expiry, both parties consult each other and can terminate or

renew the agreement depending upon the circumstances. Depending on the

attractiveness of the agreement for either of the parties, one may want a renewal

while the other may want a termination. This leads to further negotiations. So, in

reality, Collective Bargaining is a continuous process and not a temporary


6.7 Collective Bargaining vs. Negotiation Skills:  Collective Bargaining is a process by which the terms and condition of 

employment of workers are regulated by agreements between their bargaining

agent and their employers.

  Negotiation, on the other hand, is a process of resolving conflicts between

two or more parties wherein both or all modify their demands to reach a

workable compromise.

  The process of Collective Bargaining also uses negotiations to reach a mutual


  While negotiating issues, parties shift their stand from an ideal position to a

settlement point, which is mutually agreed upon.

  The position of the settlement point depends on the relative bargaining

strength and skill of the negotiator.

  The sacrifices to be made and the concessions to be yielded, depend to a large

extent on the negotiating skills of the bargaining agent.

  If he is powerful, he will have his way. If this power is challenged on

  justifiable grounds where other people see reason, he may have to yield his


6.8 Evolution of Collective Bargaining:

Collective Bargaining rose and grew with the trade union movement. Roots

of Collective Bargaining lie in Great Britain where it developed in response to the

conditions created by the Industrial Revolution. Along with trade unions, the idea of 

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  Proper conditions have to be created for the success of Collective Bargaining

for promoting industrial peace.

  Encouragement to strong and powerful trade unions.

  Satisfactory arrangements for union recognition by statute.

  Creation of conditions in which collective agreements have a chance to


6.9.2 Causes of limited success of Collective Bargaining in India: Problems with unions:Collective Bargaining mainly depends on the strength of unions. Weak trade

unions cannot initiate strong arguments during negotiations. Not many strong unions

in India. Indian unions are bogged down by the problems of multiplicity, inter and

intra-union rivalry, weak financial position and non-recognition. So, unanimous

decision is unlikely to be presented at the negotiating table. Problems from Government:

The Government has not been making any strong efforts for the development

of Collective Bargaining. Imposition of many restrictions regarding strikes and

lockouts has removed the `edge` of the Collective Bargaining process. Political interference:

Interference of political leaders in all aspects of union matters has increased

over the years. Almost all unions are associating themselves with some political

party or the other. Legal problems:

Now that adjudication is easily accessible, the Collective Bargaining process

is losing its importance. Management attitude:

In India, managements have a negative attitude towards unions. They do not

appreciate their workers joining unions.

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6.9.3 Suggestions for better functioning of Collective Bargaining:

The Indian Institute of Personnel Management has offered the following


A progressive and strong management that is conscious of its obligations and

responsibilities to the various stakeholders. A truly representative  – enlightened and

strong  –  trade union should come into being and should function on strictly

constitutional lines. There should be unanimity between labour and management on

the basic objectives of the organization and a mutual recognition of their rights and

obligations. When there are several units of the company, there should be a

delegation of authority to the local management. A fact-finding approach and a

willingness to use new tools should be adopted for the solution of industrial

problems. Pre-requisites of successful bargaining:

Employer‟s recognition of the trade union. Bargaining must precede other measures:

Neither party should take any unilateral action. Results of bargaining should

be awaited. Employers’ and employees’ attitude calls for a change: 

The workers and the employers should be quite clear that they are not looking

for third party intervention in the form of litigation and adjudication. They want to

sort out their differences in a peaceful way. Top priority to plant level bargaining:

The representatives of the employees must have a firm resolution to have an

agreed solution to their individual matters.

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 39 Negotiations on differences:

Both the parties should negotiate on their points of differences or demands

with the sole purpose of making an agreement. Reliance on facts and figures:

In order to make the negotiations result into success, the workers and the

management agents must rely on facts and figures to substantiate their claims. Giving

up unfair labour practices. Written agreement:The final decisions should be incorporated in a written agreement. The

agreement should include the validity of the agreed matters as also the frequency of 

its review. Progress review:

Agreements should not be signed and forgotten. During their implementation,

regular meetings should be held between the representatives of both the parties to

watch the progress of the implementation. This way any changes, adjustments and

amendments can be effected.

6.9.3..9 Respect of agreement:

Both the parties must respect the agreement and see that it is implemented in

a fair and justifiable manner. Arbitration provision:

The agreement must include an arbitration clause. Whenever the parties have

any differences pertaining to the interpretation of the terms and conditions, the

arbitration clause can be resorted to.

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Statement of the problem:

"A Study To Find Out Effectiveness Of Collective Bargaining In GTNTextiles Ltd. Aluva ".


To study the procedure adopted by the company in dispute settling.

To study the role of unions in collective bargaining

Peculiar settlement or understanding reached by the management and unions

by the way of collective bargaining.


To fulfill any task, it is necessary to follow a systematic method.

The methodology followed in this study is detailed here.

  Type of study:

The type of the study was descriptive and analytical in

nature. Descriptive studies aim at portraying accurately the

attitudes or views of a particular group of people towards any


  Source of information:

The relevant data in the subject under study was collected from

the following sources.

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1.  Primary data: These data were collected from the

workmen of the company.

2.  Secondary data: The secondary data was collected from

 journals, manuals and existing records of the company. Also

number of books was used.

  Sampling design:

For the research, simple random sampling method was


  Sample size:

Eight Hundred workmen in the organization constituted the

universe. Ninety respondents were selected at random basis.


The respondents were the workmen of GTN Textiles,


  Tools for data collection and analysis:

The tool used for data collection was questionnaire. The

investigator conducted personal interview with all the respondents

chosen as sample. The tools used for data analysis include Pie

diagram and percentage method.

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Table No. 1

Title of the study

A study to find out the effectiveness

of collective bargaining in GTN

Textiles Ltd. Aluva

Type of the study Descriptive and Analytical

Sources of information1.  Primary data

2.  Secondary data

Method of data collection Sample survey

Sample size Ninety

Respondents Workers of GTN Textiles, Alwaye

Method of sampling Simple random sampling

Tools for data collection1.  Questionnaire

2.  Personal interviews

Tools for data analysis

1.  Percentage

2.  Pie diagram

3.  Bar Charts

Limitations of the study:

  The sample size taken is only 90 because company permitted to

interview only this number of employees.

  Respondent‟s hesitancy in giving full information. 

  Time is also one of the limiting factors.

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Distribution of respondents by designation

Table No. 2 

Chart No. 2

Designation Distribution

Cleaning gang worker 18

Sider 17

Electrician 6

Winder 14

Dofingmen 12

Operator 2

Helper 5

Packer 9

Spinner 5

Occupational reserve piecer 2

Total 90

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Work experience of the employees

Table No. 3

Period of Being with in

the company

No. of Employees

Below 5 Years 10

6 – 10 Years 25

11 – 15 Years 15

16 – 20 Years 10

21 Years and above 30

Total 90

Chart No. 3 

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1.  Do you think that strike is an effective weapon in today‟s scenario?

Table No. 4

Chart No. 4 


80 percentage of the employees are saying that strike is not an effective

weapon in today‟s scenario. This is because strikes decrease the productivity and job


Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Yes 18 20

2 No 72 80

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2.  Is the government machinery for settling disputes functioning effectively?

Table No. 5

Chart No. 5 


72 percentage of the employees believe that government machinery for

settling disputes is not functioning effectively as it enters the disputes very late, by

which time the problem would have worsened more than a repairable stage.

Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Yes 25 28

2 No 65 72

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3.  Do you think that the trade unions take an active role in the welfare of 


Table No. 6

Chart No. 6  


84 percentage of the respondents think that the trade unions take an active

role in the welfare of employees. This is due to the fact that if they don‟t perform

correctly they will create a bad impression in the minds of employees which will

affect their very existence.

Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Yes 76 84

2 No 14 16

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4.  Are the union leaders passing up to date information regarding the

management actions which are discussed and agreed by them?

Table No. 7

Chart No. 7  


62 percentage of employees say union leaders pass on the information

discussed with management as they believe union leaders strive for the common

objective of workers. While 38 percentage of employees believe that union leaders

are working for Individual motive and does not pass on information discussed with


Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Yes 56 62

2 No 34 38

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5.  While selecting a leader what factors are you considering?

Table No. 8

Chart No. 8 


80 percentage of the employees support providing quick and wise decision as

the factors for selecting a leader to capacity to bargain as it increases the speed of 

solving their problem which is an advantage for employees.

Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Capacity to present/ Bargain 18 20

2 Appearance of the person 0 0


Ability to provide quick and

wise suggestions and

present it.

72 80

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8.  What is your opinion about present industrial relation prevailing in the


Table No. 11

Chart No. 11 


76 percentage of the employees says that there is good industrial relation

prevailing in the organization to 24 percentage. This is evident from the fact that

there has not been any strike in more than 15 years.

Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Good 68 76

2 Average 22 24

3 Poor 0 0

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9.  Is your present pay and allowances sufficient to meet your daily necessities in


Table No. 12

Chart No. 12 


84 percentage of the employees believe that the present pay and allowances

are sufficient to meet the daily necessities of life as against just 16 percentage. This

is because GTN is providing pay according to the present industrial standards even

with the present economic slowdown.


No.Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Yes 76 84

2 No 14 16

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10. According to you, what percentage of your pay and allowances is a result of 

union activity?

Table No. 13

Chart No. 13 


Almost all of the employees believe that only less than 75 percentage of their

pay and allowance is a result of union activity. This is because GTN is providing pay

and allowance according to the present industrial standards even with the present

economic slowdown without much union pressure.

Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 0 % - 25 % 43 48

2 26 %-50 % 29 32

3 51 %-75 % 18 20

4 76 %-100 % 0 0

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11. How is your relationship with the managerial personnel‟s? 

Table No. 14

Chart No. 14 


More than 50 percentage of the employees believe that they have a

satisfactory relation with the management. This is evident from the fact that there has

not been a day lost due to strike for more than 15 years.

Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Highly Satisfied 15 16

2 Satisfied 41 46

3 Partial 18 20

4 Dissatisfied 9 10

5 Highly Dissatisfied 7 8

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12. Do you think that the shift hours and timing provided by the management is


Table No. 15

Chart No. 15 


78 percentage of the employees believe that the shift hours and timing

provided by the management is apt as against 22 percentage. This is evident from the

reduced number of absenteeism of employees in the organization.

Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Yes 70 78

2 No 20 22

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15. Is there any work committee or joint management committee formed in the


Table No. 18

Chart No. 18 


78 percentage of the employees says there are work committee or joint

management committee in the organization as against 22 percentage who are not

aware of any work or joint management committee.

Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Yes 71 78

2 No 19 22

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16. Do you think that the VRS will result the better performance of the


Table No. 19

Chart No. 19 


60 percentage of the employees believe that VRS will result the better

performance of the organization as it helps aged employees who find it difficult to

work leave with dignity. While 40 percentage is of the opinion that VRS gives

employees an opportunity to use GTNs resources and gain experience and exit the

organization by taking a huge pay.

Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Yes 54 60

2 No 36 40

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18.  If so how was it settled?

Table No. 21

Chart No. 21 


All the respondents unilaterally agreed that any modifications/new demand during

the validity of the last 4 long term settlement was settled in the form of 

Supplementary Settlement through bilateral talks.

Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Through Strike 0 0

2Through Supplementary

Settlement90 100

3Through government

Intervention0 0

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19. Was there cordial relationship between the management and trade unions during

the validity of the last 4 long term settlement?

Table No. 22

Chart No. 22 


84 percentage of the respondents believe that there was cordial relationship between

the management and the trade unions during the validity of the last 4 long term


Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Yes 76 84

2 No 14 16

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20. Was there any token strike or non-cooperation from trade unions during the

validity of the last 4 long term settlement? 

Table No. 23

Chart No. 23 


All the respondents are sure that there has been no token strike or non-cooperation

from trade unions during the validity of the last 4 long term settlement. 

Sl. No. Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

1 Yes 90 100

2 No 0 0

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1.  Most of the respondents are satisfied with the statutory welfare service

provided in the organization.

2.  It is observed that the union leaders considered the employees opinion while

they present a matter before management.

3.  It is observed that a good industrial relation is prevailing in the organization.

4.  Most of the respondents have a good relationship prevailing in the


5.  Respondents are satisfied with the shift hours and timing provided by the


6.  60 percentage of the respondents opinioned that the introduction of VRS

results in better performance of the organization.

7.  Most of the respondents are aware about the work committee and jointmanagement committee formed in the organization.

8.  The trade unions had asked for modifications/new demand on the then long

term settlement during its validity.

9.  The demands were settled through supplementary settlement after bilateral


10. There was cordial relationship between management and trade union during

the period of long term settlement.

11. There was no token strike or non-cooperation from the workers during the

period of long term settlement.

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1.  The management in the organization must recognize its obligations and

responsibilities towards workers and trade unions.

2.  The quality circle and welfare amendments is to get improved, this will

change the workers perception and work culture through proper discussions,

implementation and practice.

3.  The workers can make effective use of collective bargaining process to

achieve participative management and good working conditions. They should

not confine it for mere monetary benefits.

4.  Union must understand the economic implication and realize that union‟s

demands must be met from the income and resources of the organization.

5.  Managerial personnel have to give importance to the excess expenses met by

the company.

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Books  Rao, V.S.P. “Human Resource Management”, 2

nd edition, Excel

Books, 2000. Pg.513-528.

 Kothari C.R. “Research Methodology 

  Sanjiv Misra, “India‟s Textile Sector” 1st edition, Anand books.

Pg.23- 31.

  B. Saloo, “Problems & Prospects of Textile Industry” 1st 

edition, Flipping Publishing. Pg. 17-35.


  GTN Textile - Quality Manual 2008

  GTN Textiles - Annual Report 2008


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8 What is your opinion about present industrial relation prevailing in the




9 Is your present pay and allowances sufficient to meet your daily necessities in



10 According to you, what percentage of your pay and allowances is a result of 

union activity,?0 % - 25 %

26 %-50 %

51 %-75 %

76 %-100 %

11 How is your relationship with the managerial personnel’s? 

Highly Satisfied




Highly Dissatisfied

12 Do you think that the shift hours and timing provided by the management is



13 Do you think that the implementation of VRS (Voluntary Retirement Scheme)

is a necessary one in your organization?Yes


14 Is the management policy is amicable in case of recruitment and selection?



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15 Is there any work committee or joint management committee formed in the



16 Do you think that the VRS results in the better performance of the




17 According to your knowledge did the trade unions ask for any

modifications/new demand during the validity of the last 4 long term settlement.


18 If so how was it settled? Through StrikeThrough Supplementary SettlementThrough government Intervention

19 Was there cordial relationship between the management and trade unions

during the validity of the last 4 long term settlement?



20 Was there any token strike or non-cooperation from trade unions during the

validity of the last 4 long term settlement?YesNo