g_st_sdr v4.09.21 version upgrade guide_r1.1

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  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 VersionUpgrade Guide

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only


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  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    Re%ision &is'or(

    $rodu)' Version Do)u*en' Version Seria+ Nu*,er Reason -or Re%ision

    V1.00 R1.0 irst pu/lis,ed

    R1.1Soe odules areadded.


    Da'e Do)u*en' Version$repared

    ,(Re%ie/ed ,( Appro%ed ,(

    2010120 R1.0",ao3ang,ao

    %,en i 6u7iaolan

    20111 R1.1",ao3ang,ao

    %,en i 6u7iaolan

    "#$ %on&idential 'roprietary ( 201) "#$ %OR'OR*#IO+. *ll rig,ts reser-ed. II

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    A,ou' !is Do)u*en'


    #ap'er Des)rip'ion

    1 O-er-ie8 O-er-ie8

    2 Senario 1: Upgrading V4.00.0Series to V4.09.21 Series

    Senario 1: Upgrading V4.00.0 Series to V4.09.21 Series

    Senario 2: UpgradingSDRV4.09.21.05 toSDRV4.09.21.0

    Senario 2: Upgrading SDRV4.09.21.05 to SDRV4.09.21.0

    4 Senario : %oissioning+e8ly $sta/lis,ed SDRV4.09 ;aseStations

    Senario : %oissioning +e8ly $sta/lis,ed SDRV4.09;ase Stations

    5 Rear

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    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    #*;=$ O %O+#$+#S

    1 O%er%ie/...........................................................................................................11.1 Sope o& *ppliation..........................................................................................11.2 Re>uired +$ Version.........................................................................................11. +otie.................................................................................................................21..1 Version %on&iration..........................................................................................1..2 Operating Inter&ae............................................................................................1.. SDR ;ase Station #ype.....................................................................................1..4 Rear

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    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    .2.4 Status %,e

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only


    igure 21 %,oosing ?uteC %entral ?anager......................................................................... !

    igure 22 *pplying &or ?uteC Rig,t in ;at,..........................................................................!

    igure 2 ;ase Station %on&iguration iEard........................................................................

    igure 24 Online Upload Data...............................................................................................

    igure 25 Seleting ?anaged $leent to Upload Data......................................................... 9

    igure 2) S8it,ing to ?aster %on&iguration Set.................................................................10

    igure 2! Status Syn,roniEation........................................................................................ 11igure 2 Status Syn,roniEation Result.............................................................................12

    igure 29 Uploaded Data %reated as ?aster %on&ig Sets...................................................1

    igure 210 %,oosing Data ;a

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    igure 21 ;at, Input Soot, Upgrade Data....................................................................2

    igure 22 Seleting a Soot, Upgrade Data ile or Diretory..........................................2

    igure 2 ;at, Input Soot, Upgrade Data inis,ed......................................................29

    igure 24 %reating a +e8 Su/net8or< on O?%;V4.09....................................................29

    igure 25 Setting U#R*+ Su/+et8or< In&oration...........................................................0

    igure 2) %,oosing ;at, O&&line Re-erse........................................................................0

    igure 2! ;at, O&&line Re-erse Dialog ;oC......................................................................1

    igure 2 Settings in t,e ;at, O&&line Re-erse Dialog ;oC..............................................1

    igure 29 Operation Result................................................................................................2

    igure 240 Seleting a Version 'a

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    igure 2)) %,oosing Online Upload Data on O?%;V4.09.................................................45

    igure 2)! Seleting ?anaged $leents to Upload Data...................................................4)

    igure 2) Seleting S8it, #o ?aster on O?%;V4.09......................................................4!

    igure 2)9 Setting Status Syn,roniEation on O?%;V4.09................................................4!

    igure 2!0 Data Uploaded Sueess&ully............................................................................4

    igure 2!1 Running Version uery F Seleting 'auest Sent Suess&ully.....................................................................51

    igure 2!4 %,oosing 'a

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    igure 21 Do8nloading t,e Version 'a

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    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    igure 421 Seleting a Version 'a

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    igure 455 %on&ir Dialog ;oC.......................................................................................... 11)

    igure 45) Version 'auest Sent Suess&ully.............................11!


    #a/le 11 SDR ;ase Station #ypes F So&t8are 'a

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    1 O%er%ie/

    #,is guide desri/es t,ree senarios o& SDR upgrade.

    Senario 1: Upgrading V4.00.0 series to V4.09.21 series

    Senario 2: Upgrading SDRV4.09.21.05 to SDRV4.09.21.0

    Senario : %oissioning ne8ly esta/lis,ed SDRV4.09 /ase stations At,e SDR

    deli-ered to t,e &ield is o& V4.00.0 seriesB.

    %opared 8it, SDRV4.00 series t,ere are soe ,anges in SDRV4.09 series t,at is

    t,e plat&or o& SDRV4.09 series is ,anged and an independent O?%; is installed on

    t,e ser-er to per&or t,e &untion o& t,e O?%; in iS?G AO?%R F O?%; splitB.

    #,ere&ore t,e upgrade &ro SDRV4.00 series to SDRV4.09 series is ore opleC

    t,an t,e upgrade &ro SDRV4.00.20 series to SDRV4.00.0 series. #8o eCtra

    operations are needed: upgrade t,e transition -ersion pa

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    or doesti proets i& t,e SDR is to /e upgraded to SDRV7.09.21.CC

    iO?%RV).20.)14O?%;V4.00.200'005 ust /e pat,ed

    6ig,er -ersions o& iS?G


    O?%;V4.09.21.05'01 and later -ersions A8it, O?%R F O?%; splitB

    or doesti proets i& t,e SDR is to /e upgraded to SDRV7.09.21.CC

    O?%;V4.09.21.05'02 ust /e pat,ed.

    O&&line upgrade tool A"7O?%;Soot,#oolB

    "7O?%;Soot,#ool4.00.0.0J4.09.21.020110211 or later -ersions. #,istool an &ul&ill t,e soot, upgrade o& SDR &ro V4.00.0 series Ainluding

    V4.00.0.05 V4.00.0.0! V4.00.0.0 and V4.00.0.09B to V4.09 series Ainluding

    V4.09.21.05 and V4.09.21.0B

    "7O?%;Soot,#ool is released toget,er 8it, O?%;V4.09.

    ui< on&iguration tool

    ui< on&iguration tool A"7SDR%onoolB: t,e latest -ersion.

    #,e do8nload pat, o& t,e latest -ersion:,ttp:HHts.Ete.o.nHtsHile%enterHile.aspCK?odeLreadFileIDL025094

    1. No'i)e

    1..1 Version #on-ir*a'ion


  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    2. #a/le 1 1 s,o8s t,e spei&iations o& SDR so&t8are pa

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    1.. Upgrade e'od

    Selet a site to per&or singlesite upgrade. Upgrade all sites in /at, a&ter t,e upgrade


    #,e upgrade et,od &or speial ;#S -ersions is oitted in t,is Guide.

    2 S)enario 1 Upgrading V4.00.0 Series'o V4.09.21 Series

    #,is ,apter deals 8it, t,e upgrade &ro SDRV4.00.0 series to SDRV4.09.21 series.

    2.1 Upgrade F+o/

    2.1.1 Upgrade I'e*s

    1. Data upgrade: Upgrade t,e data &ro SDRV4.00.0 series to SDRV4.09.21 series

    8it, "7O?%;Soot,#ool.

    2. So&t8are upgrade: So&t8are upgrade &alls into t8o steps. Step 1: upgrade t,e

    transition -ersion on iS?G. Step 2: upgrade t,e &oral -ersion on O?%;V4.09.

    Aor -ersions lo8er t,an SDRV4.00.0 t,e SDR ust /e upgraded to

    SDRV4.00.0 /e&ore t,ese t8o stepsB

    . ir8are upgrade: +ot re>uired.

    2.1.2 :e( S'eps

    1. 'er&or preupgrade ,e

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    5. Upgrade so&t8are. Do8nload and ati-ate t,e -ersion pa

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    umsservices$i%dmultilocaladdresses"####### t,e

    &irst I' is t,e internal net8or< I' o& O?%;V4.09

    2. %,e< t,e on&iguration &ile ums-svr/deploy/deploy-

    ''sdrmappropertieson t,e O?%;V4.09 ser-er and pay lose attention to

    t,e &ollo8ing line:


    t,e internal I' o& O?%;V4.09


    $Cternal net8or< I' o& iS?G: t,e I' &or t,e ouniation /et8een iS?G and ?I+OS

    t,at is t,e I' o& et,.

    Internal net8or< I' o& iS?G: t,e I' &or t,e ouniation /et8een iS?G and I';; t,at

    is t,e I' o& et,4.

    $Cternal net8or< I' o& O?%;V4.09: t,e I' &or t,e ouniation /et8een O?%;V4.09

    and $?SV12 t,at is t,e I' o& et,.0.

    Internal net8or< I' o& O?%;V4.09: t,e I' &or t,e ouniation /et8een O?%;V4.09

    and I';; t,at is t,e I' o& et,4.0.

    2.2.2 Da'a Up+oad ;iSGueried onO?%;

    2 ;a< up t,e "D; &iles o& ;S% inis,edUn&inis,ed

    ;a< up t,e Cl &iles o& SDR inis,edUn&inis,ed

    Upload t,edataon&igured onSDR /e&oreupgrade andeCport t,edata &or laterdatarestoration

    4%,< 8,et,er t,e /ase stations8or< properly in A+ar*anage*en'


    5%,e< 8,et,er ,annel status isnoral in D(na*i)anage*en'


    )%,e< 8,et,er ,anneloupation is noral inD(na*i) anage*en'


    !%,e< t,e running status o&/ase stations in per&orane

    statistis report


    ReordinterruptedHunoissioned/ase stations


    9%,e< 8,et,er t,ere are testing,andsets


    10%,e< 8,et,er t,ere are testing,andsets &or G'RS and $DG$


    11 %,e< 8,et,er t,ere are laptopnet8or< a/le and ot,ereergeny de-ies 8,et,er=?# V4.00.0.0!H0 or


    "#$ %on&idential 'roprietary ( 201) "#$ %OR'OR*#IO+. *ll rig,ts reser-ed. 11

  • 7/25/2019 G_ST_SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide_R1.1


    SDR V4.09.21 Version Upgrade Guide Internal Use Only

    SN I'e*s Re)ord Re*ar6s

    V4.09.21.05 ,as /een installedin t,e laptop and 8,et,er t,ereis preupgrade on&igurationdata in t,e laptop

    12%,e< 8,et,er t,ere arestand/y /oards and de-ies


    A.2 $os'8Upgrade #e)6ing I'e*s

    SN I'e*s Re)ord Re*ar6s

    1%,e< 8,et,er t,e lin< in t,eSDR /ase station isesta/lis,ed


    2%,e< 8,et,er t,e data an/e syn,roniEed or uploaded&ro O?%; to SDR


    %,e< 8,et,er t,ere are ne8alars


    )%,e< 8,et,er ,annel statusis noral in D(na*i)anage*en'


    !%,e< 8,et,er ,anneloupation is noral inD(na*i) anage*en'


    %,e< t,e running status o&/ase stations in per&oranestatistis report


    9%,e< 8,et,er %S ser-ie o&ea, #R7 is is noral /y +oral*/noral