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  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report




    RESILIENT PLANETA Future Worth Choosing

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    The reporT of The UNiTed NaTioNs secreTary-GeNerals hiGh-level paNel oN Global sUsTaiNabiliTy

    Resilient people

    Resilient planetA Futu Wth Chsn

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    etn t t, nung n n t ngug t Unt Ntn, t www.un.g/g.

    bk n tug Unt Ntn putn t tt://www.un.g/utn.

    Dscla: T mm t pn n t t n gn g wt t nng. T mm tnk tt t mg tt mtnt. T mmntn n t n nt t nnu t pn mm , ut nt w

    x n t t t t w nu pn mm. pn mm ntu nt t n m u.

    i pn mm nu ttmt t wt t t, mgt u nt tm t x m nt.T pn mm k w t t t tmutng w u gu n tngtnng t mmn nu t mt g

    utn mnt.

    rutn utz t u knwg.

    Sustd ctatn:Unt Ntn st-Gn hg- pn n G sutnt (2012). Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A future worth choosing.

    Nw yk: Unt Ntn.

    Dsn and laut: b sng n WtWk in.

    T t nt n w-nt tt n n mt t sutn ft intt gun.

    bt n txt nt wt gt- nk n u mn nnmnt-mt tng.

    Nw yk, N.y. 10017

    isbN: 978-92-1-101256-9

    isbN: 978-92-1-055304-9

    Unt Ntn s N. e.12.i.2

    Cpht 2012 Untd Natns

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 1

    Ltt datd 30 Janua 2012m t c-c t hg- pn n G sutnt

    t t st-Gn

    W t g t umt t u t t t hg- pn n G sutnt, ntt Resilient People, Resil-

    ient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing.

    W untk t t ung g tt n untnt. enm ttng. inqut gwng. an

    g tmtu ntnu t . W ttng t t t nt t utn u. et t t Mnnum d-

    mnt G n t n nm tgt m t t nt t g n n nt

    tn n ntn n mutt um, n unmt mmtmnt nn ut.

    T gnt : w n t ng mt, gnnng wt w w tnk ut u tn t t, t

    utu gntn n t t tm tt ut u. ou mn pn w t t n n mut nw n

    utn gwt n t, ng wt mnm ng t.

    Wt 7 n u nw ntng u nt, t tm t t n u unt t. T w tn t . cntnung

    n t m t w ut n u nt t gt gtn k. T t t, w , xtntunt, ut w mut mmtt n ugu n wng t. cngng u w nt . but tm, w

    tt wng m utn t w nn umn w-ng, ut g jut, tngtn gn qut n

    t et -ut tm utu gntn.

    N 20 t t r et summt, t ng n tunt utn mnt m nt

    tn . T w wt nng t tt nm gwt, nnmnt ttn n qut n n t

    m gn: t utn mnt gn. W nnt mk tng g n n wtut g n .

    p t t nt u n utn mnt. ou t ut t mmntn tt,

    mmnt tm, w t g wt umnt ut umnzng t; t n; tngtn g

    qut, nung gn qut; tnm w w u g n n mu gwt; u tm;

    nn tn, n n untt t n nttutn; n t mmn mwk g


    in t 2030, n t w m g. ou mmntn k t t , n n, w

    n w utn, nu gwt m , .

    ou t t u, ut u mmntn w qu mmtmnt n tn m tzn t

    t: m h stt n Gnmnt n m t un xut, ntt, gu , t

    tt n nt t, t t nxt gntn, t ut. e u mut t t utn.

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG2

    Ltt datd 30 Janua 2012m t c-c t hg- pn n G sutnt

    t t st-Gn

    W gnz t un tn t utn mnt n u mmntn w ng t n t ntxt

    ntn umtn. immnttn t u n n g n gmnt n mutu mmtmnt

    u t nw.

    ou mmntn mnt m u t n xn n t u n t n n gnmnt ,

    n -mkng , n t t t n t. Tgt, u nggmnt wt t u w n t

    t n

    on t pn, w w t x u tn t u, M. st-Gn, u t ut n

    mmtmnt nt n t t pn, ut m unmnt, t t utn mnt gn. W gtu t

    ut n uggtn m wtn t Unt Ntn ytm, Mm stt gtn n ty

    gnztn wt wm w nut w. W w t x u gttu t t pn mm w g gnu

    t tm, xn, n ngt n ung t pn mn. T stt u tnk t tmnu

    t n utng t wk t pn.

    Taja Halnnc-c

    Jac Zuac-c

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 3

    Earth provides enough to satisfy every mans need,

    but not every mans greed.

    Mahatma Gandhi

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG4


    T mm t st-Gn hg- pn n G sutnt w t xtn t t tn t t

    Gnmnt, gnztn, nttutn, Unt Ntn ntt n nu w u t, n

    ut tugut t u t pn wk.

    T pn xtn t n gttu nn ntutn m t Gnmnt dnmk, fnn, Gmn,

    Jn, Nw, swn, swtzn n t Unt a emt n m t eun cmmn.

    in-kn ntutn w gtu m t G Gn Gwt inttut n t Gnmnt cn, fnn, sn,

    sut a, swtzn n Tuk. T pn t t ut t cnt intntn Gnn inntn n

    on Txt n ng t tm u t tt t pn ntn mmuntn.

    T pn xtn t tn t t wng ntt t Unt Ntn tm nng t xt n -

    ng utnt ut t wk:

    a. fm t Unt Ntn tm: t f n agutu ognztn t Unt Ntn, t intntn fun agu-tu dmnt, t intntn lu ognztn, t intntn Mnt fun, t intntn Tmmuntn

    Unn, t G cmt, t hg- Tk f n t G f sut c, t dtmnt enm n s

    a t stt, t Unt Ntn dmnt pgmm, t enm cmmn a, t enm

    cmmn eu, t enm cmmn ltn am n t cn, t Unt Ntn ennmnt

    pgmm, t Unt Ntn eutn, snt n cutu ognztn, t Unt Ntn putn fun, t Unt

    Ntn inut dmnt ognztn, t int-agn stt t intntn sttg dt rutn,

    t Unt Ntn Nn-Gnmnt ln s, t a b n Wt n snttn, t Unt Ntn entt

    Gn equt n t emwmnt Wmn, t W f pgmm n t W bnk;

    . ot gnztn n nttut: t cnt intntn ft r, t cnt intntn Gn-n inntn, t agutu r cnt intntn dmnt, cum Unty, t cmmn n

    sutn agutu n cmt cng, t dn inttut intntn stu, t Gt funtn, t G

    Gn Gwt inttut, t G cn pjt, t intntn cun sn, t intntn engy agny,t intntn inttut sutn dmnt, t intntn rnw eng agn, t intntn T

    Unn cntn, t intntn Unn cntn Ntu, t ognztn enm ctn n

    dmnt, t stkm rn cnt, Tu inttut, Tngu Unt, t W bun cun sutn

    dmnt, t W enm fum n y Unt.

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 5


    T pn w t tnk t t gnztn tt t u n w ung nut-

    tn nt t Unt Ntn Nn-Gnmnt ln s. T u t ntut m t

    m www.un-ng.g/g. futm, t pn ntt t u mtng wt n ntt t wng

    gnztn: civicUs: W an ctzn pttn, eTc Gu, t G cmgn cmt atn, t huu

    cmmn, oxm intntn, stk fum, sutnUs n t W ru inttut.

    T pn w t knwg t ngt n ntutn m num xt, nung: pu ay,

    sun azn, p pntu-ann, Mgt an, agn bugu, Tq bnu, Mn bn, am bt, J M

    btn, Z b, bg bn, Gn bwn, Jntn cn, Jn ctnn, in ct, s ck n

    tm, ang c, fu cnt, o sutt, sk dk, an dfn, fx d, Wn en, stt ft,

    r funt, own Gny, Ky Gy, Nt Gu, fn Guqun n tm, J Mgu Guzmn, hmut

    h, N hn, ett h, pt hzw, Jmy h, c hy, en hutn, Ju a iz, Jn

    ingm, M in, bu Jnk, bu Jn, a Kn, Jn Kugmn, Gg K n tm, rn Kntz, M f

    Kwk, d l, Ju Mtn-l n tm, Gg Mk, sm lu, ew luk, Jm MN, Jn Mtu,K Mk n tm, Kn Mnnt, lu JmnzMinn, pt Mn, axn Mu, d Mu, d N

    n tm, sunt Nn, Jqun Nt, Kn Nn, Jm onm, en otm, rt o, au ptt, Jn

    ptn, Mn putkn, anw rkn, K rgg, Jn rktm, r rn, an rmg, dn snu,

    Nk st, rt sm, dn s, sun st, ctn e sng, Mk st smt, d stn, ing snt,

    Mnu Tk, Jn Tt, smn Utn, Jn vmz n tm, Tm W, ann Wu, sn Wun, smn Zk, n

    s Zukng n tm.

    fn, pn mm w t x t tn t tn n nttu gu t n

    tugut t t mnt. T pn xtn t gttu t t pn tt, Jn pzt, t

    utnt n mntt ut n mmtmnt.

    a t ntutn n ut gtu knwg n wm t.

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG6


    THe viSioN: A FUTUre WorTH CHooSiNg

    a qut ntu g, t buntn t ntu

    t nt utn mnt t t ntntn

    mmunty nw gm nm gwt,

    quty n nnmnt utnty. it gu tt

    utn mnt u n ntgt

    y mwk mng t t . sn

    tn, t w gn untnng t

    ntnnt ng w , n t ztn tt

    utn mnt t t tunty

    t t utu. T hg- pn n G

    sutnty gu tt y mkng tnnt t t

    t tn n t t ntn, t nummn t t gumnt n t t w n t

    t utn utu. T ng-tm n t pn

    t t ty, u nquty n mk gwt

    nu, n utn n numtn m utn,

    w mtng mt ng n tng ng

    t nt un. in gt t, t t mk

    ng mmntn t tk w t pn n

    utn nt, jut t n gwng nm.

    ProgreSS ToWArDSSUSTAiNAbLe DeveLoPmeNT

    sutn mnt nt tntn, ut nm

    ttn, nng n tn. it ut g-nzng, untnng n tng n ntnntn

    t twn t nm, t n t ntu n-

    nmnt. T w nt t n t t. pg n

    m, ut t n nt t n nug, n t

    n ut-ng tn gwng m ugnt.

    at t m tm, w nngy wu

    ng, nung t mt unt utn n

    numtn ttn n u ty, nntn,

    mg ng, ng n t g nmy, gn

    gwt, gwng nquty, ngng t ynm

    n unztn.

    emPoWeriNg PeoPLe To mAkeSUSTAiNAbLe CHoiCeS

    T m nun w n t, t gt u tn-

    t mt n t nt n t gt u nt t

    utny. T m tu tn ty, wn

    gztn n t u n u ntu u mn

    tt nu n g nqun. f t

    mn u, w, t m nt unutn ,

    ut k n t t . r n - n umn gt, n, umn ut n umn

    n u. pt tn nu:

    dng n t unmnt mnt: ntn-

    tn mmtmnt t t t, mt umn

    gt n umn ut n n gn qut

    anng utn utn mnt, n-

    ung n n tn utn, n ung

    k t nu tt t n ntut t

    utn tt t ng n tz

    n tunt

    ctng mmnt tunt, wmn

    n ut, t gn n utn gwt enng num t mk utn n -

    n n u nu n t

    Mngng u n nng twnt-t-ntu

    gn utn: gutu, n n t tm,

    ng n tng, ntntn tn

    bung n tug un t nt, t k

    utn n ttn nnng

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 7


    WorkiNg ToWArDS A SUSTAiNAbLe eCoNomy

    ang utnty qu u t tnm t g

    nmy. Tnkng n t mgn w nt t j. T

    unt g nm , w mny t qu-

    tn t mn xtng g nm gnn,

    n tunty gnnt m. it g u

    n t t m tw gn gwt nt

    jut n t nn ytm, ut n t nmy. py

    tn n n num k , nung:

    intng n nnmnt t n

    gutng n ng g n , w

    ng mkt u ctng n nnt m tt nng u

    ng-tm utn mnt n ntmnt n

    nn tntn

    inng nn utn mnt, nung

    u n t unng n tn t mz

    g um nw nnng

    exnng w w mu g n utn

    mnt tng utn mnt

    nx t nt

    STreNgTHeNiNg iNSTiTUTioNAL goverNANCe

    T utn mnt, w n t u n -

    t mwk nttutn n n-mkng

    t t , ntn, gn n g . W mut -

    m t g gmnt nttutn t un

    ng-u ; t t n t

    ; k xt n tng t nw kn ng

    n ; n qunt u t ntt n n

    t ng n tunt w unmn

    t mkng n n t gun. T u tt

    gnn, n n untty utn

    mnt t t ntn n g , ty

    tn nu:

    imng n t t untn, nt n n


    ctng t utn mnt g

    etng g utn mnt

    utk t tt ng tgt nmtn n

    mnt unt nttutn nn tm n n ntgt w

    Mkng nw mmtmnt t tz n m

    t ntntn nttutn mwk, nung

    nng t tn g utn

    mnt un


    at w-u nw u. T pn k t t s-

    ty-Gn t mmnt t mmntn tt

    wtn utt n t tk t u t mmntn

    t t Unt Ntn m w. T pn k

    t t sty-Gn n t Unt Ntn t u t

    nnng w t ognztn t n t m-mntn wt t tk n t w ntntn

    mmunt, nung gnmnt t , ntntn

    gnztn, t, t nt mmunt n t

    t t.

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG8

    Table of Contents

    TrANSmiTTAL LeTTer .................................................1

    ACkNoWLeDgemeNTS ...............................................4

    SUmmAry ........................................................................6

    i. Th Panls sn (Paaaphs 1-19) ............................. ....10

    ii. Pss twads sustanal dlpnt

    (Paaaphs 20-54) ............................... ............................... 15

    A. et t utn mnt ...............15

    b. d ng .................................................. ...............20

    iii. epwn ppl t a sustanal chcs

    (Paaaphs 55-138) .............................. .............................. 28

    A. dng unmnt

    (rmmntn 1-3) ..................................................... 28

    b. eutn n k utn mnt

    (rmmntn 4-6) ...................................................30

    C. ctng mmnt tunt

    (rmmntn 7-10) .................................................. 32

    D. enng utn

    (rmmntn 11-14)..................................................35

    e. Mngng u n nng 21t ntu

    gn utn (rmmntn 15-22) ..............38

    F. bung n (rmmntn 23-26) ........45

    iv. Wn twads a sustanal cn

    (Paaaphs 139-202) ......................................................... 48

    A. intng n nnmnt t:

    gutn n ng t t xtnt

    (rmmntn 27-29) .............................................. 48

    b. ctng n nnt m tt

    nng u ng-tm jt

    (rmmntn 30-33) ............................................. 57

    C. ptnng t g nw ntmnt

    (rmmntn 34-38) ............................................ 60

    D. etng mmn mwk mungg (rmmntn 39) ................................. 62

    v. Stnthnn nsttutnal nanc

    (Paaaphs 203-267) .............................. ........................... 64

    A. cn n untt t t ntn

    n (rmmntn 40-44) ............. 65

    b. cn n untt t t gn

    n g (rmmntn 45-47) ...........68

    C. sutn mnt g

    (rmmntn 48-49) ............................................. 72

    D. a g utn mnt utk(rmmntn 50-51) .............................................. 73

    e. stngtnng ntntn gnn

    utn mnt

    (rmmntn 52-56) ............................................. 75

    vi. Cnclusn: a call f actn (Paaaphs 268-271) .... 79

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 9


    i. Lst f cndatns .......... ................................ ........ 80

    ii. ms f th Hh-ll Panl n

    glal Sustanalt ............................. ............................. 88

    iii. Ts f fnc ..............................................................90

    iv. Shpas and adss ................................. ........................ 92

    v. Sctaat ............................... ................................ ............. 93

    vi. mtns, latd cnsultatns and nts ................. 94


    1. T g tk n utn mnt ...16

    2. a tng umnt .................................. 22

    3. Mzng tng n nntn: M .............. 23

    4. equt mn un ..........................................................34

    5. T n m utn t ...................... .............36

    6. cmn t ............................................................. 37

    7. f-ng ntu n Mzmqu ................... ............ 40

    8. T Gt b r: mngng ntu

    u utn ................................................................42

    9. pu-t tn ng u n

    mn utn ...................................................................43

    10. r et mt g ..........................................................44

    11. Mtm Gn Ntn ru emmnt

    Gunt at ..............................................................................46

    12. Ung n n t a: tw t

    utn tnt g .................. ...........................49

    13. T gwng u mn tng ................................50

    14. b v ........................................................ ........................... 52

    15. Gn u umnt ttg t

    ru K .......................................................................54

    16. cutn t hg- a Gu n

    cmt cng fnnng (aGf) nnt

    nn u, 2020 tmt ...... .................................... 55

    17. vunt nmnt n utnt tng

    n t itnu stk exng ....... .................................... 57

    18. Gnn utn mnt n Nw ...65

    19. Mnm n ............. ...........................66

    20. Mut-tk tn n t bt s .............70

    T cntnt

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG10

    mn, tmnt t. an t xtng

    tng tt w n u utu.

    4. T ng w gt, ut t t nw

    t tt wn w k t m

    wt nw n . T t nu t-

    ng ung u k m t nty

    nk; nw mkt, nw gwt n nw j mnt-

    ng m gm-ngng ut n ; n nw

    t u n t nn tt n tu t

    ut t t t.

    5. T tut tt utn mnt unmn-

    t qutn tunt t nun tutu, m t gt n t nn. dm-

    t gnn n u t umn gt k

    qut mwng t mk utn

    . T t w w my nt t-

    t ntnu nnmnt ttn t tnt

    nqut w n un n

    jut. ctzn w n ng t gnmnt

    n tn ng t mt wt tm

    utn utn utu . M gn,

    1. T u nt n u w xnng t t

    tm, n t wt tm. T w xn-

    ng unnt ty, w t nt un

    unnt t. inqut twn t w

    n gwng, n m tn n t

    n t. in mn unt, t ng w

    tt tng un tn m -

    u, jut n utn w.

    2. ey y, mn m y nu,

    un n gnmnt. ou mmn utu n

    t . bu t ng -

    ng t w , t m ugnt tn tt w

    tk tn t m t n t utnmnt gn. it tm tt gnun g tn

    tkn t n , mkt n gnmnt t

    mk utn .

    3. T n t ntgt t nm, n n-

    nmnt mnn mnt t

    utnty w y n qut ntuy

    g. it tm t mk t n. T tunt

    ng t. W nt , tm t

    I. The Panels vision

    the long-term vision of the High-level Panel on Global Sustainability is to eradicate poverty,

    reduce inequality and make growth inclusive, and production and consumption more sustain-

    able, while combating climate change and respecting a range of other planetary boundaries.

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 11

    T pn n

    8. T unt g mnt m unutn.

    W n n ng um tt u t tn w

    nt tgg tng nt nnmnt t

    , kng mg t t tm

    n umn mmunt. at t m tm, u t-

    u nt u t m t gwt ng

    n ng unt kng t t t ut

    t. in, w t t utn -

    mnt mm, w un t k nmnng u t 3

    n mm u umn m t nm

    t. Nt t utm t, n w

    mut n nw w w.

    9. a qut ntuy g, t buntn t nt-u t nt utn mnt t t

    ntntn mmunt nw gm nm

    gwt, quty n nnmnt utnty.

    T t gu tt utn mnt u

    y n ntgt y mwk mng

    t t . T buntn t w gt

    tn, n t mn gt ty. T m tt, 25

    y t, utn mnt mn gny

    g nt, t tn -t-, n-t-gun,

    t t. T pn k t w t t

    , n wt n nw n t ng tt.

    10. T pn nu tt t tw

    nw. T t t, n t ntt.

    sutn mnt unut u m

    u t w. it ut t gu gnt t

    n utn mnt, ut t w

    nnt t ut t nt t wn u , -

    t n nttutn tnty w t t

    tm. in t w, t y n ng-tm,

    tn ntgntn, ut t t ng

    tn mmt.

    ntntn, ntn n gnn t

    w mut uy m t qumnt utn-

    mnt utu, mut ty n t

    t t. at t m tm, mmunt mut

    nug t tt ty n ntnty

    n ntuzng, nnng n xutng utn-

    ty . cnt t t nung yung n

    t, n t n n t nm.

    6. T, t ng-tm n t hg- pn

    n G sutnty t t ty, u

    nqut n mk gwt nu, n utn n

    numtn m utn, w mtng mt

    ng n tng ng t nt un-. T m t nmk 1987 t t W

    cmmn n ennmnt n dmnt, ou

    cmmn futu (Unt Ntn umnt a/42/427,

    nnx), knwn t t buntn t.

    7. but wt, tn, t n w t mk

    n t w n t nt? W mut

    g t mnn t ng. W mut gnz

    tt t tt ng nu unutn

    ty, utn n numtn ttn n t

    mt utn gwt. a t g utn

    gw m 7 n t mt 9 n 2040, n t

    num m- num n 3 n

    t nxt 20 , t mn u w

    xnnt. b 2030, t w w n t t 50

    nt m , 45 nt m ng n 30 nt

    m wt t tm wn nnmnt un

    twng u nw mt t u. T tu nt t

    mt ng, w t t umn n

    nt t.

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG

    T pn n


    13. Tt wy t pn gu tt t ntntn

    mmunty n wt m nw t-

    nmy utn mnt. T mn,

    xm: y mng t nt twn

    nnmnt n n y; gnzng tt n

    tn nnmnt mn, u mt ng,

    t mkt u, w qu t gutn

    n wt t nmt wu gnz t ng

    nnmnt xtnt, w mkng xt t

    nm, n nnmnt t tn n

    ntn; gnzng t mtn nntn, nw

    tng, ntntn tn n ntmnt

    nng t t m n gntng ut

    t; gnzng tt n u gt qunty t nm t utn xu-

    n xm, t t xung wmn m

    t wk; gnzng tt t mkt n

    m n gntng t t n t

    ng ut n t t ut ;

    n qung ntntn gn, ntn Gn-

    mnt n t tn t t n t nnu

    utn mnt mn gnt g

    utnt mu. W mut gnz tt t

    ng t t. Un t t

    quy mng t utn

    mnt gm, t n n g.

    14. T ntmnt, nntn, tng -

    mnt n mmnt tn qu utn

    mnt n t tn n t ng

    t u t. T pn t gu ung

    t w t nm t g nu n utn-

    gwt n t u yn nw nt

    wt. Mkt n ntnu w m

    11. T nt nw t t qutn w utn

    mnt nt n ut nt t. it n nw

    tt w gu wt n: t nt utn

    mnt nt t n nt nt t mn-

    tm ntn n ntntn nm t.

    Mt nm n mk t g utn

    mnt xtnu t t nt

    mnm mngmnt n t n

    nm . yt ntgtng nnmnt n

    u nt nm n t t u.

    12. f t ng, nmt, tt n nnmn-

    t ntt m tk t t mt

    kng nt ngug, t t nt t.T tm m t uny t n, t

    mmn ngug utn mnt tt

    tnn t wng m; n t w, t ng

    t utn mnt gm nt mntm

    nm. Tt w, tn n mk w n

    t mu t gn.

    the concept of sustainable development

    has not yet been incorporated into the

    mainstream national and internationaleconomic policy debate Yet integrating

    environmental and social issues into eco-

    nomic decisions is vital to success.

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 13

    T pn n

    nt tt t w t wt t g

    uty . it tm t m n

    gn utn n -gn utn tt

    u ut u n utnt n;

    . it tm g t, nung unng mj g nt ntt, t tngtn t

    nt twn n n . W mut n,

    tug n, wt ntt t nt

    un, nnmnt t n tng

    nt. pty u gn t ng nw

    ng t mn nnmnt n t u nm;

    c. Mt g n ty t tu nnmnt n t utn nnumtn. b n t n, w n t

    nnu, tm, n mtg t tm

    . ctng nnmnt xtnt u n

    nw tunt gn gwt n gn j;

    d. ang xun n wnng nq-uty, t, qu mung tm, tng tm n

    tkng nt tm. T nxt t x-

    ng w w n wt t t u t ng

    ut tt utm ;

    . equt n t t t nt. dng un-

    t n tm, w nn n tngut, t tntn t utn mnt.

    W mut mw t wmn,

    yung , t unmy n t mt un-

    n wkt tn t. p ng

    n-mkng n nm ng. an

    t pn y wn ng u Gnmnt

    n ntntn nttutn: t wk tt tgt n

    ng mmn m n nng ntt.

    Quntum ng wn wng t jn n

    n w-kng tn n tk t n nt-

    utng t utn mnt.

    15. T pn gu tt y mng nw t

    t t nm utn mnt, w w

    ng t utn mnt gm m t

    mgn t t mntm t g nm t.

    Tu, t t t tn n t t ntn w

    m tnnt. on tn w t t t ummn t t gumnt n t t w

    n t t utn utu.

    16. T pn t nw t t t

    nmy utn mnt t

    t utn mnt ng n n

    tn w. Tt utn mnt gt

    -nt. ou ng t mntt tt t

    tn n tt t t ntn utwg t

    t tn.

    17. T pn t mk ng nt mmn-

    tn t tk w u n utn nt,

    jut t n gwng nm:

    a. it t tt w m nw nxu twn, wt n ngy t tn ttng tm n

    nt . a t n t uy ntgt,

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG

    T pn n


    j. intntn nttutn t . intn-tn gnn utn mnt mut

    tngtn y ung xtng nttutn m

    nm n nng t tn g

    utn mnt un n t tn

    utn mnt g;

    . Gnmnt n ntntn gnztn un t u t t ttn n

    t k utn n ntgt n nnng

    nt t mnt ugt n ttg;

    l. Gnmnt, mkt n n t k

    yn t-tm tntn gn n t-tm t y. innt tt unty u

    t-tmm n n-mkng u ng.

    sutn tn g u-nt t

    tn un uu. Ty n t m m

    , n ttt t t

    num n w-nm unt.

    18. T pn t wtn t wt n w u

    mmn umnty t t utu. T pn

    t n t . a gt mnt n

    umn t gn n mng t.

    T n g utnt, ung t -

    nt n nt nt, n nt.

    19. in 2030, n n 2012 t y u t

    u w tun 18. W w n nug n t

    ntnng t g t utn, n -

    nt utu tt u n ? T t

    n t t g n nw.

    t mg n n u t nu ung

    n t, n t, n t u mkt n

    n un mnt;

    f. any u t tw utn mntqu gn qut. h umnkn t

    ntgn n t u w mut nutu

    n , t k mut gntn t

    m. T nxt nmnt g gwt u w

    m m t u nm mwmnt wmn;

    . Mn gu tt t nnt mu, t nnt mng. T ntntn mmunt u mu

    mnt yn g mt ut (Gdp)n nw utn mnt nx t


    h. fnnng utn mnt qu t nwu t m t t n u u.

    it qu t mzng m u un n ung

    g n ntn t t g g t

    t tug t mnt nnt. o-

    mnt tn w mn t

    t utn mnt n w-nm


    . Gnmnt t mut m m mnt-

    t t ntgt tnkng n mkng. T mutng utn mnt t t nt t

    gn n ugt n k t nnt m

    ntntn tn. ct n mmunt

    mj t n nng utn

    mnt gn n t gun;

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 15

    n tng n ntnntn t twn

    t nm, t n t ntu nnmnt. sutn-

    mnt ut ng t w tu u

    t t nk twn , wt, n n ng.

    an t ut nung tt u tn t nt-

    nt wt w w wnt t g tmw.

    22. Wt t n mn, w t w m utn

    tjt? hw mu ng n t bunt-

    n t, n t Unt Ntn cnn n

    ennmnt n dmnt (et summt) w

    n r Jn, bz, n 1992, n t mtn

    t r n t t Jnnug summt n 2002?

    a wn n x 1, g n m ut tw t nt n t t utn mnt.

    A. eFForTS To ACHieveSUSTAiNAbLe DeveLoPmeNT

    20. sutn mnt w muy n y ou

    cmmn futu t nmk t t W

    cmmn n ennmnt n dmnt u

    n 1987 mnt tt mt t n t

    nt wtut mmng t t utu gn-

    tn t mt t wn n. in t n, t nt

    tntn, ut nm ttn, nng

    n tn.

    21. imtnt, utn mnt nt nnm

    nnmnt ttn. int, utn -

    mnt unmnt ut gnzng, untnng

    Sustainable development is about seeing the whole picture such as the critical links

    between food, water, land and energy. And it is about ensuring that our actions today are

    consistent with where we want to go tomorrow.

    II. Progress towards sustainable development

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    B O X 1 : T H E G L O B A L T R A C K R E C O R D O N S U S T A I N A B L E D E V E L O P M E N T

    50+THE OZONE




    Depletion of the Earths protective layer of stratospheric ozone was one of the

    defining environmental concerns of the late 1980s, following the d iscovery of a

    major ozone hole over the Antarctic. But following the entry into force of the

    Montreal Protocol to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone

    Layer in 1989 and a complete phase-out of chlorofluorocarbon production by

    1996, the depletion of the ozone layer has slowed markedly. Without the Mon-

    treal Protocol, the Earth would have been on track to lose two thirds of its ozone

    layer by 2065, leading to dramatic increases in skin cancer. Instead, thanks to

    multilateral action, the ozone layer is recovering steadily and Antarctic ozone is

    likely to return to pre-1980 levels sometime between 2060 and 2075.





    From 1992 to 2010, the worlds overall GDP grew by 75 per cent and GDP

    per capita by 40 per cent. In per capita terms, middle-income countries

    saw the fastest growth in the 2000s, followed by low-income and then

    high-income countries. Strong economic growth in some developing

    countries has led to dramatic improvements in the lives of many

    poor people.

    However, in absolute terms, the per capita income difference between

    rich and poor countries has grown continuously. Gross national incomeper capita (based on purchasing power parity) in high-income countries

    was about 5 times higher than in middle-income countries in 2010 and

    about 30 times higher than in low-income countries. Average country-

    level income inequality increased around 20 per cent between 1990 and

    2005, despite a surge in the size of the global middle class. The gap

    between rich and poor has widened in many developed countries in the

    past 20 years, and the average income of the richest 10 per cent of the

    population is now about nine times that of the poorest 10 per cent.





    DOWN FROM 46% IN 1990

    In 2000, the worlds leaders made a promise to halve the

    number of people living in extreme poverty by 2015 com-

    pared with 1990. Today, the world is on track to meet that

    target. In 1990, 46 per cent of the worlds population lived in

    absolute poverty. In 2005, this had fallen to 27 per cent, and

    is projected to be below 15 per cent in 2015, putting the world

    comfortably on track to beat the Millennium Development

    Goal of halving global poverty. In China and India combined,

    the number of people living in extreme poverty between 1990

    and 2005 declined by about 455 million, and an additional

    320 million people are expected to join their ranks by 2015.

    In sub-Saharan Africa, progress against poverty appears to be

    accelerating, with poverty now forecast to fall to 36 per cent

    by 2015 a level approaching, but still significantly above,

    the Millennium Development Goal target of 29 per cent.

    The following snapshots

    of progress or lack of

    progress, in some cases

    give an overview of

    a range of key areas,

    in each case looking at

    changes that took place between 1990 and 2010

    (or the nearest years for which data are available).

    Our objective is to illustrate the direction of travel

    rather than to suggest that any given problem is

    hopeless or has been solved. Where has there

    been progress that needs to be built on, and where

    are we off track?

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    SINCE 2000

    Even as the worlds population has grown to its current level of 7 billion,

    global food production has kept pace: today enough food is produced to

    feed all of us comfortably. However, access to food is another story: hunger

    has risen in recent years and food prices have increased. Small import-

    dependent countries, especially in Africa, have been deeply affected by

    the food and economic crises. The number of undernourished people in

    developing countries increased by about 20 million between 2000 and 2008.

    Recent years have also seen the productivity increases of the agricultural

    Green Revolution start to run out of steam, with concerns over prices of

    inputs such as fertilizers, water availability and competition for land also

    casting a shadow over the supply outlook even as demand for food is

    projected to rise by 70 per cent by 2050.

    Since the launch of the Education for All initiative and the

    adoption of the Millennium Development Goals in 2000,

    remarkable progress has been made in education world-

    wide. Much of it has been in some of the worlds poorest

    countries. From 1999 to 2008, an additional 52 million

    children enrolled in primary school. But globally, poverty

    still kept 67 million children of primary school age out

    of school in 2009. Enrolment rates are slowing in coun-tries affected by armed conflict, and gender disparities

    still hamper progress for girls, especially in post-primary

    education. About 68 per cent of secondary-school-age

    children were enrolled in 2009, which was a 9 percent-

    age point improvement over 1999. Some 16 per cent of

    the worlds adults 793 million, of whom two thirds are

    women still lack basic literacy skills. Globally, literacy

    rates are improving, but progress is slow.






    Around 13 million hectares of forest were converted to

    other uses or lost each year from 2000 to 2010, as com-

    pared with 16 million hectares per year in the 1990s (and

    out of a total global forest area of 4 billion hectares in

    2010). However, the world is still losing forest cover at an

    alarming rate, even if the rate of deforestation now shows

    signs of decreasing. While we have lost 53 per cent of the

    original primary vegetation cover of the planets terrestrial

    surface, mostly in developed nations, some developing

    countries, such as Brazil and Indonesia, which had the

    highest net loss of forest in the 1990s, have substantially

    reduced the rate of vegetation loss.



    Worldwide, life expectancy increased by 3.5 years between 1990 and 2010. The

    least developed countries saw a 6-year increase, but their citizens still live 11 fewer

    years than the global average. The mortality rate among children under 5 has

    fallen by a third since 1990 while remaining alarmingly high in sub-Saharan Africa

    and Southern Asia. The Millennium Development Goal of a two-thirds reduc-

    tion in infant mortality by 2015 will not be met unless urgent steps are taken to

    address pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria and malnutrition. Even though the number

    of people living with HIV worldwide continues to grow, in 2009 the estimatednumber of new HIV infections was 19 per cent lower than in 1999. While the annual

    global number of new cases of tuberculosis continued to increase slightly in

    2009, mortality from tuberculosis has fallen by more than a third since 1990, while

    malaria deaths in 2010 were 26 per cent lower than in 2000. However, non-com-

    municable diseases including cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancers,

    chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes are steadily growing worldwide and

    caused about 36 million deaths in 2008. In addition to other factors, climate

    change is projected to have major negative impacts on human health.

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    With the majority of the worlds people living in coastal areas,

    oceans are crucial for humanitys future whether through direct

    economic activities or because of the environmental services they

    provide. However, overfishing has led to 85 per cent of all fish

    stocks now being classified as overexploited, depleted, recover-

    ing or fully exploited, a situation substantially worse than two

    decades ago. Meanwhile, agricultural run-offs mean that levels of

    nitrogen and phosphorus in the oceans have trebled since pre-

    industrial times, leading to massive increases in coastal dead

    zones. The worlds oceans are also becoming more acidic as a

    result of absorbing 26 per cent of the carbon dioxide emitted into

    the atmosphere, affecting both marine food chains and coral reef

    resilience. If ocean acidification continues, disruptions of food

    chains and direct and indirect impacts on numerous species are

    considered likely with consequent risk to food security, affecting

    the marine-based diets of billions of people worldwide.

    884 2.6











    The world is on track to achieve and even exceed the Millennium

    Development Goals target on drinking water. By 2015, nearly 90 per

    cent of the population in developing regions, up from 77 per cent in

    1990, will have access to improved sources of drinking water. Even so,

    as of the end of 2008, 884 million people lacked access to clean water

    and only 57 per cent of the worlds people obtained their drinking water

    from a piped connection. The Millennium Development Goal sanitation

    target is far from being met. Globally, improved sanitation coverage was

    just above the 60 per cent mark in 2008, up from 54 per cent in 1990,

    with over 2.6 billion people still without access. Seven out of 10 people

    without improved sanitation live in rural areas, while in urban areas,

    keeping up with the population increase will require serving another

    700 million people.


    Over 1.3 billion people globally, or 20 per cent of the worlds popula-

    tion, lack access to reliable electricity, while 2.7 billion people still

    rely on traditional biomass use for their cooking needs. Yet the Inter-

    national Energy Agency estimates that ensuring universal access to

    modern energy services by 2030 a prerequisite for achieving the

    Millennium Development Goals could be achieved at relatively low

    cost (less than 3 per cent of the total energy investment required

    by 2030), and with a modest impact on total energy demand and

    carbon dioxide emissions.

    Recent years have seen renewable energys share of power, heat

    and transport grow strongly, with renewables accounting for an

    estimated 16 per cent of global final energy consumption. Renewable

    energy accounted for about 50 per cent of total added power-gen-

    erating capacity in 2010. Progress has been especially marked in the

    electricity sector, where renewables delivered close to 20 per cent of

    the worlds electricity in 2010. Progress has been especially rapid in

    some countries: in China, for instance, renewables account for about

    26 per cent of total installed electric capacity, and in Brazil the share

    of renewable energy in power generation is over 80 per cent.

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    BETWEEN 1990 AND 2009


    Despite the adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

    Change and its Kyoto Protocol, annual global carbon dioxide emissions from

    fuel combustion grew by about 38 per cent between 1990 and 2009, with the

    rate of growth faster after 2000 than in the 1990s. Even with aggressive action

    to reduce emissions, the world would still face challenges to limit global tem-

    perature increase to 2 degrees Celsius since pre-industrial times.

    In reality, the world cannot yet be said to be taking aggressive action on cli-

    mate change. The global carbon dioxide level reached 389 parts per million

    in 2010 and, absent significant shifts in policy, is on track to exceed 450 parts

    per million over the coming decades. In its 2010 Emissions Gap Report, the

    United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) concluded that the currently

    forecast 2020 emission levels were consistent with pathways that would lead

    to a likely temperature increase of between 2.5 and 5 degrees Celsius by theend of the twenty-first century, putting millions of lives at risk from increased

    malnutrition, disease or injury in heatwaves and weather-related disasters, and

    changes in the geographic range of some infectious disease vectors.

    Gender parity in secondary school enrolment has improved globally, from 76

    girls for 100 boys in 1991 to 95 for 100 in 2008. According to the 2012 World

    Development Report, women have seen substantial improvements in rights,education, health and labour opportunities over the past 20 years. Progress has

    been faster in low- and middle-income countries than in the developed world.

    But there are still persistent differences across all societies and all sectors.

    For example, women account for, on average, 43 per cent of the agriculture

    workforce in developing countries, yet are more likely than men to hold low-

    wage, part-time and seasonal employment. Disparities also persist in access to

    productive resources for women farmers; addressing these could increase yields

    and reduce the amount of undernourished by 100 million to 150 million people.






    The target agreed to by the parties to the Convention on

    Biological Diversity in 2002, to achieve by 2010 a sig-

    nificant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss,

    has not been met. The third edition of Global Biodiversity

    Outlookfinds that although there has been significant

    progress in slowing the rate of loss for tropical forests and

    mangroves in some regions, most habitats are in decline

    and the rate of species extinction appears to be accelerat-

    ing. The genetic diversity of cultivated species is in decline,

    potentially leading to crops that are more vulnerable.

    The loss of services derived from ecosystems is a sig-

    nificant barrier to the achievement of the Millennium

    Development Goals to reduce poverty, hunger and dis-

    ease. Nearly two thirds of the services provided by nature

    to humankind are found to be in decline worldwide. In

    effect, the benefits reaped from our engineering of the

    planet have been achieved by running down natural

    capital assets. On a more positive note, more protected

    areas (both on land and in coastal waters) have been

    established, the conservation of particular species has led

    to reduced losses, and initiatives to tackle some of the

    direct causes of ecosystem damage have helped maintain

    essential ecosystem services.


    Data collected from various sources, including the United Nations, the

    United Nations Environment Programme, the World Bank, the United

    Nations Development Programme, the Organization for Economic

    Cooperation and Development, the Food and Agriculture Organization

    of the United Nations, the secretariat of the Convention on Biological

    Diversity, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the United Nations

    Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the International

    Energy Agency, the World Meteorological Organization, the World

    Health Organization and the United Nations Childrens Fund.



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    pg tw utn mnt


    23. o, t g tw utn mnt

    t t n nt t n nug, n t

    ugn ut-ng tn gwng t tm.

    but t nxt tn u, mj ng

    y n tn n t g, g ntxt ng

    tt w -ng mtn utn


    b. DriverS oF CHANge

    24. T ttu qu nng ng ng w-

    u ng. o t nxt n n,

    t wng tn, n t nty twn

    tm, k t -ng mtn utn-

    mnt wt g .

    1. The ImpacTs of currenT producTIon

    and consumpTIon paTTerns and

    resource scarcITy

    25. ft n mt unmnt, t t tt mnt

    nt t utn unt n w

    t ng u ntn, n tn tt

    unutn nnt t. in t, y m-

    ng n n knwg t nt ntu tm

    mkng t t unutn -

    mnt n mt ng, nnmnt gtn n

    u t.

    26. cmt ng k t unt n nu.

    amng t xt mt utn n ,

    tu t w ttu (w mt ng un-

    t ); ng ttn ttn n u

    wt t n m gn u t t;

    n n gtn n ttn; ngt

    mt n umn t; - , k t n

    xtnt tt t m m n ng stt

    n mmunt n unt wt g t ; n

    nw k m xtm wt. T k tu-

    t w t.

    27. humnty nnt t t nng mg :

    n t, t unyng t u ng

    gnu g nnttn mut u t

    n tz. by ngng umnty t wt

    t unutnty unt mnt m, t

    mt mt ng n t t ng t

    w u t mk utnt ng n u ttn

    utn n numtn, tug t n nt mw ng tn. T w mj tu-

    nt w mk t t, wt nw j mgng

    n t ntutng t nm gwt n m-

    mnt n g w. cny, ny y n tn

    w xt t m, n t t n u

    t nt. cmt ng t w t mk

    n utn nm, n nttu-

    tn nntn n nw; t nw ng

    t ntntn n uty; n t u t

    unmnt qutn ut n n t tutn

    nt n k.

    28. smy, u ty y ngy, ,

    n, t n wt t t m nGnmnt , n t ty t t m

    unutn utn n numtn ttn.

    cnn ut t m t tm

    tm, ut t unng unmnt ng

    mn u kn, unutn u

    t nt n nw u n nqut

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 21

    pg tw utn mnt

    (t gwng) ntmnt n ytm utn

    u u mk t ky tt ty n nn

    u utnty w n gn m u t

    gn ng.

    29. ru t u tw gt gntn

    t n gg t t n u,

    mt t mt nt u n nn-nw-

    wt nw u w , w

    mtng y tn t t u

    t n nt. but n t t n t u

    t nw tnkng, n u tt mk

    mtt w u xt n, n n

    g, n gt tn mj wmz t u u, n nnt


    30. ennmnt gtn x t

    , ttn, unutn t mngmnt,

    utn wt t n n xtm -

    ty t nt nug tm t t

    nnmnt y n gntn. T gtt t utn n numtn, wt m

    wt mngmnt, t gt t tn n tm

    n t ng ntu u, ng t -

    ty t u. Ny tw t t

    y ntu t umnkn un t n

    n ww.

    31. M y, wt t ntu ytm un

    t, ntt un t w ugt t n-

    t n qunt t k n t umnt n

    t ntu ytm tm. T buntn t

    knwg tt t t tt nnt

    wtut nngng t ntgty t

    tm. awn gwng t tnt ngtng nt yn w nnmnt ng

    t, t tnt t m -tut-

    ng, n my ut n m t .

    T wk t stkm rn cnt n nt

    un ( x 2) n mtnt xm wk

    n t .

    Awareness is growing of the potential for passing tipping points beyond which

    environmental change accelerates, has the potential to become self-perpetuating, and may

    be difficult or even impossible to reverse.

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    pg tw utn mnt


    m tunt tn t k n m

    t t t n u t g n

    mn tm n nw n u unn w. T

    nxt 10 w t n n tn-

    g nntn, tu n t tng

    n gnt, mut n n ng n u

    u n n. Mn t tng u

    g t n ng t utn -

    mnt, xm nnng u utt,

    ung gnu g mn n ttng

    t u wt, ng n . smt-

    g ytm n ngy-ng tng, w

    nw ng tm, mng xm.

    32. a knwg n wn t g ut

    ytm n w umnty n n, t

    g tn t tt tm m gw

    t gt un, n-mkng n mmnt-

    tn tm n , n t t w qu


    2. InnovaTIon

    33. innt ut, n t-

    ng t mn t tt

    (.g. n, m t gn n m

    n, t nm jut w). Gztn t

    u nntn mt, n t ttgt

    boX 2: A SAFe oPerATiNg SPACe For HUmANiTy

    in 2009, gu ntt Jn rktm m t stkm rn cnt mwk nt

    un gn t n tng umnt. T mwk n nt tt nt tt

    n t inut rutn, umn tn gu m t mn g nnmnt ng.

    T ntt t tt n umn tt tn t tng nt, n nt un, t

    k n ut nnmnt ng.

    a tt nn un nt: mt ng, t t , gm w (t ntgn n u),

    tt zn tn, n tn, g wt u, ng n n u, tm ng n

    m utn.

    T ntt tmt tt umn tt t tng t un t wt mt ng, t

    t n ng t t g ntgn .

    fut nng uggt tt umnt m n ng t un ntn wt t g u , g

    wt u, n tn n g ng n n u.

    T ntt uggt tt t un tng ntnk, tt ng n m t t n n u tm t


    W t ntt tm t tt t mnt w n nt tmt, t wk nt n mtnt t tw

    m tmt mntng umnt mt n t nnmnt.

    Source: The Stockholm Resilience Centre. More information is available at

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 23

    pg tw utn mnt

    n 2100. putn gwt t mn g n mny

    w-nm unt mng tm m t w

    mt g tt, mn w ntu

    u nwmnt. T tt Unt Ntn u-

    tn jtn t tt t num ng

    n wt nw t unt w m

    832 mn n 2010 t 1.26 n n 2030 n n

    51 nt n jut tw .1

    36. at t m tm, ng unt, w yung

    unty nntt, t tu-

    nty t t utnt mg n t mng . Wt nn t ng n

    yutu (n nngy un) utn ng

    utnt nm tunt, mny ng

    unt m mj n n t.

    34. T mt tng n t nntn

    n t utn mnt gn w gu

    nt n t t t n umnt g

    tnt, ut t xtnt t w unt

    n un gu nt m nw tng,

    n y w w k tt nw tng

    m ntu, t n t nnmnt,


    3. demographIc change

    35. T w utn nw tn t 7 n. W

    nt n xt t wtn tnxt 15 y , t w t utn gwt

    w mky n t k n t 1960. T tt

    t uggt tt t g utn ky t

    ny 9 n y 2040 n t x 10n

    * T gn ($) u n t t t nt munt n Us , un tw tt.

    1. Unt Ntn,World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, Volume I: Comprehensive Tables (sT/esa/ser.a/313), 2011, t a.1.

    boX 3: mobiLiZiNg TeCHNoLogy AND iNNovATioN: mASDAr

    T Unt a emt nt M mn nw ng ntt tt ntgt t w u n

    nw ng n n tng.

    Tug t u n, M nt n n tng (u n tu); mmnt g- nw ng

    jt; n g tm mnttn, tn n tn n t n tng ut M ct.

    M mng tw n tng un muntng t $540* mn. in sn, t t gt mm-

    nntt w jt, ung 24 u ng t t g ung nnt mtn t ng tg tng.

    ot jt nu t 1,000-mgwtt lnn a wn jt w t 100-mgwtt nntt w

    jt n au d.

    M tu ntut t t mnt n mnt nw ng n n tng t mt n

    ntntn, mtng t mt g wmng n mng ng ut wtn t n ng w.

    Source: Mubadala Development Company. More information is available from

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG

    pg tw utn mnt


    c. a gwt , n n nm gwt n mnyunt n muntng nn ut t -

    t wt t intntn Mnt fun (iMf)

    ttnng wnw t

    g nm;

    d. a j , wt g unmmnt t w,y mng t yung, n xmty 1.5

    n n un mymnt wt tt

    j ut n w, n, mmnt gt;

    . a gnn , wt ntn Gnmnt tntuggng t g n t tn t mng

    nm k, n wy t m gutn

    t nkng t.

    5. green growTh

    40. Gn gwt, n n t ru K n t

    unt, m t t nm gwt n -

    mnt w nung tt ntu t n nnmnt

    tt n mntn. T

    mum n tngy n nntn m

    mt g tm n g-n gtng tm t

    nw ng nung n gtm w

    w n mng nnt tng -

    mnt n nntn.

    41. Tug n m n tngy n nntn,u m tn n t nnmnt

    n nttutn mwk w-n n utn-

    ty, gn gwt mut tn

    unt n t g mmunt t z t n.

    it n ttg n t mt ng

    y ung n mn tug t mnt,

    37. hw, t unt k ng t tunty t

    tz n yung utn t utn n

    tnng n nt , n j tn

    nt tmut tug untnng mkt n -

    t Gnmnt . T unt k gwng

    nm tgntn n unt, y k

    ung nt t uttn t t t

    unmmnt n t tn.

    4. changes In The global economy

    38. T ntnntn t g nmy mn

    tt n unty mmun t nt n t g g

    nmy. at t m tm, n-mkng

    mngng t ntntn nmy ngngy n nw nu nw t n ynm (u

    t tn t Gu Twnty (G-20) n t

    fnn stt b, n iMf qut m). intn

    t -mgng n mn qut ut t n

    twn mkt n gutn, n twn tzn n

    t stt.

    39. T t g nm nt n

    t 2008, ut nt m m mutt.

    e t t tnt t utn-

    mnt tug nm k. T

    nw nm:

    a. a gn t , t m n t ognz-tn enm ctn n dmnt (oecd)

    nm ut wt -ng mtn y

    unt u gn xng ng;

    . a nn , n n m t t n g un umutn t;

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 25

    pg tw utn mnt

    . inqut gwn n m mk twn tt n ttm qunt t t 10 , t

    g n wtn mt unt (tug bz n

    Tuk mtnt xtn);

    c. in t g n gn quty n m ,wmn t t mn t ttng u

    n t nmy, nung n tm t j,

    mkt, t n ty. rmng t

    n un wmn tnt n ntut t

    tt, nm gwt n utn mnt;

    d. in t m mmnt n qut, un- gu n mnt (mng t, ngnu

    , wt t, unumnt

    mmgnt n mnt gnt n t

    xu nttn n gn ntt) t

    tn ujt t tgm n unqu gt, tun-

    t n nm n mu t w;

    . p mt mtnty, t qutn utquty n mutu ntnn w n-

    ngy gn unt t ntu u

    tn n ytm gtn ty

    n ntxt u g mt .

    44. W t n quty mn unmnt t

    utn mnt, ut ut w t t

    n t mn tt t tn n tumng k

    n ntntn tn t tn n

    utn nttutn gn n n ntnnt w.

    mmnt n ymnt u nwng u n nt ng u. at t m tm,

    t n tmut nm gwt n qu n nm

    wt tt t t wt mg ng

    tng gn un n mnng ng

    t, n gntng gn j. it n

    t t tk u t n m t n-

    nmnt n ntu t, nung ytm n

    t, tug m n nn ntu t

    n u mngmnt.

    42. Gn gwt ttg t u m

    nt gwt m, m wttnng

    xtn k wt t t mt, ngy,

    , u un mg ng. Gn

    gwt u tt gt nmnt

    nt tk t uu mmnttn

    qu u ttn n tn. Wn t

    qut unt, t gn ng

    t t n n tutn, n mmnt wt

    ttn t nu m nut n tt, gn

    gwt u mn t -

    zng utn mnt.

    6. IncreasIng InequalITy

    43. Gwng nqut ng mnt n mn w:

    a. dt t n n ntnt gwt m ng unt, t twn t

    Gdp t n ng un-

    t n t t . et t

    t t w n mtnt mnnt

    utn mnt;

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG

    pg tw utn mnt


    7. changIng polITIcal dynamIcs

    47. Ntn Gnmnt mn nn n ng

    mnt t n mkng tm utn, n

    mny wu t t t . T

    ttt m mnt mng ng

    unt, mny w mkng tng g n

    u nw ng, ttn n

    uty (tug t t n n t ntxt

    tn nmu nqut n ununt nnmnt

    n t gwt). sm mng

    n. a uu t tn t ntn, t

    xtn t t mz n t.

    48. T tn tw m mut w my t nw n m utu tn twn

    unt w m n t t nm n n

    mn unt ummt . rt tn t ngt

    t t unt g n nt Nt n sut,

    t w n nw, m t nm n

    ntnn n mutu ntt w t mk

    g n utn mnt.

    49. Nn-gnmnt t m ky y

    n ntntn tn n utn mnt.

    in t t t, g mn mng

    w m t untm t n-

    t n tw mu -g, gnun tm

    t n t wn tt (u mn-tmng utnt n u n tug t u

    tn jnng unt mn tng mkt)

    n n t u ng ( xm, tn

    mn mnng tug mn tgt n

    gt ng-tm tnty n nnmnt gutn

    n ng).

    45. W n n g wn utt t

    nuntng nw ng m tzn w qutn

    wt ty tng n t ng-tm u ntt.

    sutn mnt mn utnt n

    untt nt n ut n t t

    tm, ut t ng-tm nqun u

    tn, t t gntn n t w w

    nt t w w t tm.

    46. G t mnng mj ng. M tn

    n t n ty. enng ty

    unmnt ung m qut n utn-

    w. Gnmnt n ntntn gnztn

    n t u t t t n t n t Mnnum dmnt G, n tu G 1, t

    t xtm ung n t.

    Sustainable development demands

    substantially increased levels of account-

    ability not only for results in the short

    term, but also for the long-term conse-

    quences of our actions

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 27

    pg tw utn mnt

    53. a t w, mng t t n j n tunt tt un n t

    gn. T w un wu

    n nntn. but t g t tw

    t tng nw ng. ct n m-

    ty tt gty n mn n

    u n tm. T xnn ut-

    u t un w n t xnn um

    t t xn n n g un-

    . inm ttmnt (um) wt n

    mnt mng mnnt xtu n w

    mgnt n m ng unt, ng t

    t n ut k, xu t ntu t n

    t nnmnt k.

    54. T nt t u n t w t n

    jut, utnt n n t mt ugnt,

    ng nt mmntn n w tntn

    t utn mnt n tgg: () mw-

    ng t mk utn (t. iii); ()

    wkng tw utn nmy (t. iv); n

    () tngtnng nttutn gnn t ut

    utn mnt (t. v).

    50. Mny g n ntn ty gnztn nmmnt kng ut ng-u t

    n ng m -uttng gn. T

    gnztn u t y n nunng

    n mmntng utn mnt t t t

    ntn n g , w t tnt t n

    u m t utn mnt.

    51. fny, t x gwt ntwkng t-

    ng ntnung t mw nu n t

    g unt t nqun. i u

    n, t tng u unk t t-

    utm, tuy wung tm

    n m t, tty n tnnt

    t gnn n n-mkng.

    8. urbanIzaTIon

    52. T, t mjt n t. o t t

    20 y, t un utn gwn y m tn

    60 nt ww, n t nxt tw ,

    t utn ng n un jt t gw

    nt 1.4 n m 3.5 n n 2010 t 4.9 n

    n 2030 wt mt gwt tkng n mum-z

    t (t wt utn twn 500,000 n 1

    mn ) n ng unt.

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG28

    iNTroDUCTioN55. T m nun w n ty, t gt u

    tnt mt n t nt n t gt u n-

    t t utn n m tn t,

    wn gztn n t ntnt u ntu

    u mn tt nu n g

    nqun. f t mn u, w, t m

    nt n unutn , ut k n

    t t . r ny n umn

    gt, n, umn ut n umn n

    u. an ng n u g m t n

    t t t nt t utn -

    mnt nung tt t n t n

    utu gntn gn u wgt.

    56. T tn t ut mmntn n t wng

    k :

    a. dng n t unmnt mnt: nt-ntn mmtmnt t t ty, mt

    umn gt n umn ut n n gn

    qut (. 57-66);

    . anng utn utn mnt,nung ny n tn utn, n

    ung k t nu tt t nntut t utn tt ty -

    ng n tz n tunt (. 67-77);

    c. ctng mymnt tunt, y wmn n yut, t gn n utn

    gwt (. 78-88);

    d. enng num t mk utn nn n u nu n -

    t (. 89-99);

    . Mngng u n nng twnt-t-ntuGn rutn: gutu, n n t

    tm, ng n tng (. 100-128);

    f. bung n tug un t nt, tk utn n ttn nnng (. 129-138).

    A. DeLiveriNg FUNDAmeNTALS

    57. a k qut mwng t mk utn-

    nung t umn gt, nung t

    gt t tk t n gnmnt t tug

    n ntt w t unmnt -

    m tugt, nn, gn, nn, xn,

    III. Empowering people to make sustainable choices

    The more influence we have in society, the greater our potential impact on the planet and

    the greater our responsibility to behave sustainably never more so than today

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 29

    emwng t mk utn

    tn n my. sutn n m n w t tunt t nun u

    tutn, m u gt n u nn. humn

    gt gn un gntn n 1948 n t m-

    tn t tzn ttn n n-mkng

    w mz n t buntn t n

    n n t 1992 r dtn n ennmnt

    n dmnt.

    58. T ng n t mng t mt un t

    t njut, nqut n nm wntun.

    T mng t mt un t t mt

    mt ng, u t n nnmnt g-

    tn. Ty mt x t t t k ng

    m utn, nttn n unn wt. an t

    y mt n ntu u, tn ng u t

    tw t t nm t m tm n nng

    u t t qut t u nm n

    n t n. etng ty t

    t w-ng t n t nt, n t ,

    Gnmnt n t n t xtng mmtmnt

    t Mnnum dmnt G.

    59. ptnt gn nquty n tu t

    t n u t tw utn

    mnt. Un w , m tn u -

    t ntgn n t k ng wt

    tt t nxt gntn, n t nxt. an w gn n m t t w , wmn

    t nnt wt numu tt mt t

    t tzn, u n .

    60. Wmn ty unnt n n-mkng

    tn un t w. T w tn 20

    nt t n ntn mnt n u n

    16 nt mnt t. W wmn ut, t nttn unn t: w

    xmty 35 nt n w

    mnt wmn, n 19 nt nn n t

    mnt, 7 nt nnmnt, ntu u n

    ngy mnt, n m 3 nt n n

    tng mnt m. yt n w tt

    wn wmn t t t n gt num, -

    t n gn g t nung t

    n wt n utn n ttng tt

    n . T xtn n tt nung

    wmn t nt ntn n

    mk ttmnt tt t.

    61. dmnty w n t n ntn n

    wn tu k n wmn nm

    utnmy n tnt. T y mtnt

    n t gutu t, w xtnn tn

    t wmn m w k m tt t t

    n. it tmt tt wmn t m t

    ut u mn, ty u n y

    n t m y 20 t 30 nt, tnty ng

    tt gutu utut n ng unt 2.5 t

    4 nt n ung t num unnu

    n t w 12 t 17 nt. rgt t nt-

    n n wn t n un n

    nm ttmnt, n n nu wmn n

    nm mwmnt ung n m n mmu-nt ttn gmm.

    62. imng t my nnng, ut gt

    n t unmnt t utn

    mnt. it nt n mmt t n-

    t n utn n mtn n mtty, ut

    w utn gwt, n ty n

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG

    emwng t mk utn


    and al f fal as, th f f nsttutnsand th dlpnt and adptn f nnat as-us t addss nfal and cultual pactcs that act asas. Patcula phass shuld n t:

    a. ensun that won hav full and qual accss to andcntl v pductv sucs thuh th qual

    ht t wn ppty and th ht t nht, and

    qual accss to cdt, fnancal and xtnson svcs

    aln th nt alu chan;

    . ensun wns qual hts and pptunts npoltcal dcson-akn pocsss that a patcpa-

    t, spns, utal and nclus;

    c. ensun unvsal accss t qualty and affdalfaly-plannn and th sxual and pductv

    hts and halth scs.

    b. eDUCATioN AND SkiLLS ForSUSTAiNAbLe DeveLoPmeNT

    67. intng n utn n tnng t

    nn t nng t utn mnt

    gn. it w gnz tmnu nt

    mn t mt nu mwmnt n t gn-

    tn ut t, n t mtnt mnt

    nt ung , tu wmn.

    68. pmy utn , n tu, ntn

    utn mnt. dt g, w

    t nt n tk t ng Mnnum dmnt

    G 2 y nung tt n, y n g k,

    u u m ng 2015. int,

    67 mn n my g mn ut

    m n gntn t nt n gtn t unn unt wt ntu u nwmnt.

    a t m nnng n ut t

    nk t gn qut: gn qut

    tn t g w t , n .

    63. cng n knwg, tttu n u mng

    t mn n wmn nt gn

    quty. T y nt t t utn

    xu mnt, n gnt wmn n -

    tkng wmn n g, w nt n

    tn wmn n g gt, ut t

    n nt t u, t t t n

    t u t n tm t, n g n

    t xntu, w t utt.

    rcndatn 1

    64. gvnnts and ntnatnal dns shuld scal up

    th ffots to achv th mllnnu Dvlopnt goals

    t adcat pvty and t duc nqualts as tp

    pts f attann sustanal dlpnt.

    rcndatn 2

    65. gvnnts shuld spct, ptct and pvd f

    huan hts, ncludn th ht t ta pat n n-nt dctly thuh fly chsn psntatvs,

    as conzd n th 1948 Unvsal Dclaaton of Huan

    rhts and th 1966 intnatnal Cnant n Cl andPltcal rhts.

    rcndatn 3

    66. gvnnts shuld acclat th plntatn f

    ctnts t advanc nd qualty and wns

    hts, ncludn thouh th pal of dscnatoy laws

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 31

    emwng t mk utn

    71. smutnu, tg t k jtt n t k t utn mnt.

    fng k j w qu nw wk n u

    w n t t yung n wmn,

    w t nt n unnt n t

    t: wmn unt n 9 nt t wk-

    n ntutn, 12 nt n ngnng ,

    15 nt n nn n un n 24

    nt n mnutung.

    72. Tn n tn tnng nt gwt

    n umn ty-ung t mt u mkt

    mn, nung n t u t, utn

    n u w, w t k k u

    n m unt utn mnt.

    73. Tnng n t t nt, , -

    n gn qu n t ttn. it

    n t n ntn wt t t

    t t nu tt t nt t nut n n

    tt t nt n t mn

    unt qutn. vtn n k tnng

    mut n ut tnt t t t-

    tn utn t.

    74. rnt n n xn nntn n w

    ng tn n k tnng, m nt-

    nu t m, knwg-ng n tng

    u n wmn-t-wmn un tnng, t mnt-

    ng gmm, yut nt m n

    n xng gmm. but mu m

    nt n g- t n.

    n t nt ng m utn. Tg t g, w 2008 t m

    u m tn 53 nt t ut-- utn.

    b utn nt t mng t t

    utu mmnt n t ttn, wmn

    nt nttut ug tw t t 793 mn

    ut tt ww.

    69. T Mnnum dmnt G n un my

    utn nt t n mt, wng n t t nunt

    un, tug t xt. intntn mn t

    umnt un n ut n ntn t

    u t m ng u t t-

    g n k ntutu. T W bnk G

    ptn eutn n m t un-

    t n mmnt un utn ttg.

    70. W m utn t untn mnt,

    t-my n ny utn n tn

    tnng u n ung utn utu.

    ey y utn n ng unt

    n n nu nm y 10 nt m

    n g. stu w tt wmn n ng

    unt w mt n n g

    n w tn wmn w mt n m

    , ng t m nm wt wtn m-

    n ntgntn ty. M,

    t-my utn n uuum gnt ky mtn twnty-t-ntuy

    nmy u ytm mngmnt, n,

    tng n ngnng n nug nntn

    n t tng tn, w k

    t nw gn j. yt t t tmt tt w

    tn qut n mt n .

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG

    emwng t mk utn


    n t t ntt tt n t t nu n mmunt t mng t tntn

    t m utn utu. T mtnt

    t nm wntun mn wk

    j, m t tn nw j n ggt t

    tutn t unm n t m.

    79. a t nm m gn, w, t ug

    gntng nt j n t tt nt-

    ut t mntnng tng t nnmnt, m

    nw ngy n tttng ngy-nt t-

    ng nt t ut nnmnt t utn wt

    mngmnt n nnmnt mtn. T g

    nnmnt g n t xt t

    wt u t $800 n 2015.

    80. J n gn t n t nt. lu

    nt ny ut nn gn n mtng mkt

    mn. it u n mn --

    ztn. em t n j ttn

    wkng mn tt m mt utn-

    t n. in t m nt j, t

    tt nm gwt n.

    81. a nu un nnmnt unmnt, nu-

    ng t u w, t gt, mnm t t

    n n mttn. Gnmnt n t mk t

    t n t ymkng n ugt. Wt t

    unmnt ntn n , tgt mu

    m ky t y , t ty t g n

    gu unnt n t u mkt, u

    wmn n ut.

    rcndatn 475. gnnts shuld cnsd stalshn a lal fund

    f ducatn. Ths fund shuld dsnd t attact

    suppt f gvnnts, nn-vnntal an-

    zatns and th pat sct, l ut f th cuntWld bank glal Patnshp f educatn, and

    tasd wth clsn th pa schl ducatn ap 2015 s that th can al hp f alzn mlln-nu Dlpnt gal 2.

    rcndatn 5

    76. gvnnts shuld scal up th ffts t achv

    mllnnu Dvlpnt gal 2 n unvsal pay

    ducatn y 2015, and stalsh a al f pvdnunvsal accss t qualty pst-pay and scnday

    ducatn n lat than 2030, phaszn th slls andnwld ndd f sustanal wth and js.

    rcndatn 6

    77. govnnts, th pvat scto, cvl socty and lvant

    ntnatonal dvlopnt patns should wok toth

    t pvd vcatnal tann, tann and pfs-

    sonal dvlopnt wthn th contxt of lflon lann

    ad t flln sklls shtas n scts ssntal t

    sustanal dlpnt. Th shuld ptz wn,un ppl and ulnal ups n ths ffts.

    C. CreATiNg emPLoymeNT oPPorTUNiTieS

    78. in t tng nm t utn utu,

    m nw j w t, m j w t n

    mn j w tutu. it w u t

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 33

    emwng t mk utn

    nt n t euzn n 16 nt n Jn. ot tu

    w tt t gnnt nm nt t -

    ng t gn wg g w. in aut, xm,

    1 nt utn n t gn wg g wu gw

    t nm 0.5 nt Gdp. yt wg t

    t. in t Unt stt, xm, wmn u-

    w tn 15 nt xut tn

    t ftun 500 mn n tn 8 nt t

    nng tn n 2010, t mkng u 48 nt

    t wk.

    84. Wmn t g k unmmnt:

    n ng unt, wmn n m t

    t unt nm wng t t g

    xt- ty j n mymnt mgnt

    wk n nut, t t tt

    y ung t n. futm, wmn n-

    m wk nt n ntn u ttt

    n nt nu n ttn m.

    82. Mn ung jt t nt t u

    mkt y mnt t m, n

    tng t t n n tk ntg

    t mg n. yung un-

    t tnt; ty mng t mt t y

    t nt nm , wt 81 mn yung

    unty unmy n t w ty. an tn

    152 mn ung wk ut n u tt

    n tn t qunt $1.25 y. on

    t tn w t t m m nt-

    . entnu utn, t nn,

    ut mntt n guty mwk n

    gmm un tn n ut

    u t ntnu nggmnt.

    83. emwng wmn n tu t tnt t

    tmnu nt u, mmunt n

    t g nmy. stu w tt ng t g

    twn m n m mmnt t wu tGdp 9 nt n t Unt stt am, 13

    Empowering women in particular has the potential to yield tremendous benefits for

    households, communities and the global economy.

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG

    emwng t mk utn


    rcndatn 10

    88. govnnts and usnss should conz th conoc

    nfts f naln th full patcpatn f wn n

    th cn puttn n plac cnc plcs thatxplctly addss th unqu challns that lt won,

    n patcula:

    a. Allwn accss f wn fas t land andsucs;

    . ipvn wns accss t captal and fnancalscs;

    c. ipn accss t ats thuh tad and tch-ncal assstanc pas and cfnanc;

    d. Supptn th s f wn lads n th pulcand pat scts.

    rcndatn 7

    85. govnnts should adopt and advanc n jos and

    dcnt wk plcs as a pty n th udts and

    sustanal dvlopnt stats whl catn cond-

    tns f nw js n th pat sct.

    rcndatn 8

    86. gnnts and usnss shuld uld patnshps andpd stat-up scs f un ntpnus.

    rcndatn 9

    87. eplys, gvnnts and tad unns shuld taka cphnsv appach t advancn qualty n

    th wkplac, ncludn y adptn pncpls f

    nn-dscnatn; asus t advanc wn nt

    ladshp ls; nd-snstv wk-lf and halth

    plcs; ducatn, tann and pfssnal dvlp-

    nt tatn wn and nts; and ctntst asu and pulcl pt n pss.

    boX 4: eqUALiTy meANS bUSiNeSS

    T Wmn emwmnt pn (Wep) tn ntt t Unt Ntn entt Gn equt n t emw-

    mnt Wmn (UN-Wmn) n t Unt Ntn G cmt t n n un, ng gun n

    w t mw wmn n t wk, mkt n mmunt.

    M tn 250 xut , nung t mj mutntn tn, m ut t n, t-

    ng t t t mt gn qut; ttmnt n mutu t n t wk; t, t n w-ng

    wk; utn, tnng n n mnt wmn; un mnt n t tt mw wmn;

    mmunt ntt t mt qut; n mumnt n tng n g n ng gn qut.

    cmn mn gn- tng gun t ut t n nt t. in n, gn-

    tng gun ng t Wep tt tk nt ntn t G rtng intt tn n t G

    cmt cmmuntn n pg.

    Source: The United Nations Global Compact,

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 35

    emwng t mk utn

    92. W gnmnt n tng nntnt mj t y n ng m t w

    tw utn twy, t tt

    mk u n n n ntn,

    u t t, t n t u.

    f xm, ng t m tnt n ut-

    m w nw ng u n

    t tt; nu n t u n m

    tnt n t t t u nt. sm,

    t g u mt tug u ntt

    t et ct, w t wn n

    nty utu gntn, g utnty

    n -utu gu.

    93. f t n, t mtnt t mk utn , n ttt t num. en-u

    t nut ung gn n un nnng,

    xm, t xt t u nw tng

    t nt, m utn u. put

    tn utnt mtnt t tt n

    ntumnt n nunng .

    94. equy mtnt untnng t ntnkg

    twn u nnmnt, nm n t, n t

    nqun . it tu t t ntgt

    utn mnt u nt utn uu.

    D. eNAbLiNg SUSTAiNAbLe CHoiCeS89. ang t n oecd wkng m 2010, t z

    t g m u n m 1.8 n t

    3.2 n 2020 n t 4.9 n 2030. T g

    m n t ng n u wt

    t nm twn Us$10 n Us$100 n

    ung w t tm.

    90. W t t n mny wy mnt u

    t, t njuntn gwng g m

    wt unutn ttn numtn ttn t

    u u nx tw t mt ntu u

    n nt ut tm m , wt n

    ng u t g tm u t n, tmt n t ntgn . Wtut mj ng, t

    nt t t ut n utn u w ntnu t

    g, wt t tnt un t k t-

    n tng nt , n u

    n n.

    91. but tunt xt t t unutn tu-

    tn n n t n n n u

    tutn n u tt nt t n mn-

    tn n wt n nng utn n nng

    g t.

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG

    emwng t mk utn


    boX 5: THe NeeD For more SUSTAiNAbLe DieTS

    hw w u n num n gnnt mt n utn mnt.


    on n unt k t nuttu .


    ntk n 35 nt t n 11 nt t g un.


    n tk, nw mng t ng u t ww, wt t un gwng mt n t w

    wt-nm unt, t tm ng t u un t un- n -nuttn, n ng ug un n

    t n t tm.



    wng t nn tugut t u n.


    a (230 mn tn). f n nutz unt g n ng unt. hw, n ng un-

    t m tn 40 nt t u t t t-t n ng , w n nutz unt m

    tn 40 nt t u t t t n num .

    eCoLogiCAL FooTPriNT


    Tw t t wt qumnt utn u nm- , qut gzng. T utt t

    gwng g tnt .


    T gtn qu t u t munt wt nnu tmt t qunt t t mt wt n

    9 n .


    gnu g mn.


    1970 t 15 nt n 2008, w t tn xt, t ng tk n m 10 nt n

    1974 t 32 nt n 2008. it tmt tt 53 nt g mn tk u xt, 28 nt xt,

    3 nt t n 1 nt ng m tn.

    Source: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology.

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 37

    emwng t mk utn

    95. a t nmtn tug ng t mkng ut, utn . l

    n tn n ut mu tn

    n g mt n umn n nt

    t n num t untn t u t

    t n nug t mkt t w utn-

    u. ct-t mntng, tn

    n mnt mnm, w n, tnnt,

    n n n- u ng

    t mnm, t nt t u u-

    y, w nt t mu -ng

    t t.

    rcndatn 11

    96. govnnts and oth pulc authots should poot

    opn, tanspant, alancd and scnc-asd pocsss

    f dlpn lalln schs and th chanssthat full flct th pact f pductn and cnsup-tn, and wk wth th pvat sct t nsu that

    lalln, copoat potn and advocacy a accuat,

    cost-ffctv and tustwothy so as to nal consus

    t ak nfd chcs, patculaly n aas f hh

    pact n huan and natual ssts, wthut catnas t tad.

    rcndatn 12

    97. gvnnts shuld ak sustanal chcs

    asly avalal, affdal and attactv t cnsusy sttn, tth wth th pvat sct, sustanal

    pduct standads, n accdanc wth th st aalaltchnly and wthut catn tad as, and y

    appln pc ncnts and dsncnts.

    boX 6: ComPANieS STeP AHeAD

    T mn xm uu u-t tn-

    t nmtn n tng tn. in t

    gnu g mn, jnt t t W

    bun cun sutn dmnt n t W

    ru inttut t Gnu G pt-

    , w n untng t u un t

    mn un t w t mnt, t n n mng


    on cnt am gt mn wt nu

    $570 mn n 2010 n ct r unt t

    t ttm n tn t mu t u nt n

    nm ut n nnmnt nt. a wt

    ntn t n tt stt, t mn ntn ng t t m m 12 t wt

    t g n u t 4.9 t n 2011, ttng

    t g mng wt nut 2012. innt ut

    nt t t c exut o, m 60

    nt t nk t t ttm n mn. it m

    ntut t t wn: t mn gwt

    tw t nut g twn 2006 n 2010.

    T cn du pjt tm w m

    tn 3,000 gnztn n m 60 unt unt

    mu n t gnu g mn, wt

    mngmnt n mt ng ttg, ng tm t

    t utn tgt n mk mn mmnt,

    w t mk nmtn t nn tk

    n num.

    Source: Greenhouse Gas Protocol (; World Economic Forum, Redefining

    the Future of Growth: The New Sustainability Champions (2011); Carbon Disclosure Project


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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG

    emwng t mk utn


    nnt n -u- nut n, n t ,

    un t g , n tn u wt -

    gt, t t xtnt tt t nw unt 70 nt g wt u. Nw, twnt-t-ntu gn

    utn n n tt nt n n u-

    tty, ut ty u u ntnty n

    tt t t t m tm.

    101. T nw gutu utn u u n utn-

    ntntn (t wt w xtn nut,

    mn n wt) n n tn n

    n t mt ng. Nw gn tng

    n y u n nng m t t t

    mt ng, m tn t t, t

    tty n ntut t t tn t u


    102. an mmt u n utn gutu wu

    nmu , nm n nnmnt n.

    T qut t w n u , n

    2.5 n u ntnt n n gutu, wt

    1.5n tm ng n m u. Wtg mn jt t 70 nt

    rcndatn 13

    98. gvnnt and nn-vnntal ntts shuld

    pt th cncpt f sustanal dvlpnt and

    sustanal cnsuptn, and ths shuld ntatdnt cucula f pa and scnda ducatn.

    rcndatn 14

    99. Th Panl wlcs dscus n th thcal dnsnsof sustanal dvlopnt at th Untd Natons Conf-

    nc on Sustanal Dvlopnt (ro+20) n 2012 aon

    all stahlds, asd n lant xpnc and nstu-nts, ncludn th eath Chat, to nfo govnnts

    n th ffts t shft t sustanal dlpnt.

    e. mANAgiNg reSoUrCeS AND

    eNAbLiNg A TWeNTy-FirST-CeNTUrygreeN revoLUTioN

    1. agrIculTure

    100.W t Gn rutn t m ung, t

    t n u n u tt n n

    gnz unutn. agutu m

    Three quarters of the worlds poor live in rural areas, and 2.5 billion rural inhabitants are

    involved in agriculture, with 1.5 billion of them living in smallholder households The

    opportunity exists for a dramatic improvement in these peoples lives, while at the same

    time helping them to move to more sustainable production models.

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 39

    emwng t mk utn

    2009 pn rn agutu intmnttt rt rgt, l n ru

    Gnmnt, t t t n tk t

    mt utn n-mkng n u ng-

    mnt n nt t t t.

    106. su w n n nttutn n ntt wt

    t t t nt t n t

    gutu, n mngmnt n wt. inttutn

    tt n , y gun n knwg-

    ng, u t f n agutu ognztn

    t Unt Ntn (fao), t cnutt Gu n int-

    ntn agutu r n t intntn fun

    agutu dmnt, nngy mtnt

    nt m-ng. Utmty, w,ntgt u mngmnt w n n g

    gnn n mngmnt. T mt

    t wt mngmnt, w ntgt

    m n tt t t ng mutt

    mn n t u m mtng t, w

    t n mn n.

    107. a utn gutu utn w n nw

    t t u t ntntn gutu

    t, n tu nung t d mnt

    un. it w qu ttntn t mn t, nu-

    ng m ug xtnn , w n

    t gn-nt, gn tt mt m m

    wmn, w tng u n ng ut utn

    nntn n gt n ntmnt n gu-

    tu n mnt. T t u

    tu m n u-sn a, w g-

    utu y n y 10 nt n 1960 n

    w mt ng t tnt t t mng

    tu .

    2050, t tunt xt mt mmntn t , w t t m tm ng tm

    t m t m utn utn m.

    103. sm m nmu unt tnt

    t n , tmut u nm n m

    xt n nt nt u. in t

    t n, w, m m w ut

    mt t t w utn n t

    t (ngng m n t t t n t t t

    gun), mkt (m u t twnt-t-ntu

    mmuntn t mntng n t g

    mkt), t n k mngmnt (u nu-

    n n ttn) n n tng. w n, n gt t, n ntmnt. Mu

    t w ntnu t m m unt wn u,

    ut tn u w n t m m

    mnt tn. atug t gu-

    tu n n t m 1980 43 nt, t

    n nt uw tn n t n gn

    gt n, u u-sn a n sut n

    cnt a. T t t n u-t tn-

    w nt, n nnt nnng u

    m nt n t ntxt ( t. iv w).

    105. W ntmnt n t gutu t w-nm

    unt ugnt n, t nw tn n

    tn mun , w-t n -tnt ntnt t n tnng t

    n n wt. etmt uggt tt mu 80

    mn t n (n t wt tt w n

    nt t) n qu n nw ntntn nt-

    mnt n 2000, m tn t n u-sn

    a. hw, t xt gun u t

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG

    emwng t mk utn


    dvlpnt, t nsu that cuttn-d sach s

    apdly vd f laaty t fld. gvnntsshuld task FAo wth wkn wth ky patns and

    stahlds t ntat and cdnat ths tas, as thatanzatn has a unu andat t duc th wldfd dfct.

    rcndatn 16

    109. gnnts shuld w twads ant n lalpncpls f sustanal and spnsl land and watnvstnt dals, ncludn nn ffts t pt

    spnsl acultual nvstnt (rAi), wth patcu-

    la phass n ptctn th hts and llhds fp ppl wh dpnd n ths asc sucs, whlnsun nnntal sustanalt.

    rcndatn 17

    110. gvnnts shuld stalsh and scal up ntatd

    wat suc anant schs, an fully n

    nd that wat plays ultfactd ls, ncludn f

    dnn, santatn, acultu, ndust and n.

    2. marIne and coasTal ecosysTems

    111. hun mn y n mn

    , , tn, utu n nm -

    tunt. W ut 170 mn j, n m

    tn 1.5 n y n mn u t

    tn ntk. f, mn n t tum, tn-

    t, quutu n t u t n mnnnmnt mn .

    Ky tt u , n, mng n

    t wtn tm u t-

    tn m xtm wt nt, utn

    n t nt twn n t wt.

    ct n n ntg t t utu n w

    mn unt n .

    rcndatn 15

    108. govnnts and ntnatonal oanzatons should wokto cat a nw n voluton an v-n volu-

    tn f th twnt-fst cntu that as t at lastdul pductvty whl dastcally ducn suc

    us and adn futh lss f dst, tpsl lssand wat dplton and contanaton, ncludn thouh

    th scaln-up f nstnt n acultual sach and

    boX 7: FooD-eNergy veNTUre iN moZAmbiqUe

    a num t mn t tn

    wt utt n Mzmqu mng t mk nw

    ntgt -ng un tt w tun -unng kt wt n tn t.

    T un m ntn t n m nm

    mn, m 9,000 ngnu t

    n mt u gnu g mn. it

    m t u 20 nt u n t t,

    Mut, wt n n mtt tnt t

    tt gu m ngu mk.

    fm w t tunt t tntn m -

    n-un gutu n utn t uttng

    ng n t. cngng t t u-

    tn m ng ut w n

    tn- kng u m m t n

    un mkt jt t gnnt m nm

    n nuttn , w ttng g

    n nnng t.

    Tun m m w ngg t t

    n tn kng u utn t, mmnt

    utn mng t n t gunwk -

    nm n g utn mmunt.


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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 41

    emwng t mk utn

    rcndatn 18

    115. gvnnts shuld ct t th stalshnt fnal cans and castal anant faws naj an cssts, ncludn thuh:

    a. enhancd coopaton n ocans and coastal ana-nt nln lant stahlds;

    . man and castal plannn y cunts n nalaas, takn nto account th spcfc nds, cosysts

    and uss n th aa and supptd sld fundnchanss t dlp and plnt ths plans;

    c. buldn th capacty of an anas, polcyaksand scntsts n dlpn cunts, spcall sall

    sland dlpn cunts and th castal Stats;

    d. enhancd ntn and sullanc ssts.

    rcndatn 19

    116. Wh nal fshs anant anzatns

    a patn thy shuld sk t ak th plcs

    and pactcs cnsstnt wth and suppt cdnatd

    onal ocans anant. ronal fshs ana-

    nt anzatns, gnnts and an anasshuld fcus n an csst-asd appach t fsh-s anant n d t dl pd cncand nnntal nfts.

    112. Mn n t ytm un t w n

    n, n wt tt m n n t t n t t u xtnt ytm .

    K tm, u n mng, mgt

    m n t t, -

    tnt mtng t n mmunt tt

    mt un.

    113. extng n-t utn mnt mmt-

    mnt, u t ntn n agn 21 n t

    Jnnug pn immnttn t W

    summt n sutn dmnt, tu w wt

    n t n. hw, t n n mn n

    t ytm ntnung u nm,

    nut, mmunt n n mn

    tutu un unutn t t u mn u, wng t u u k -

    ty n nmtn, n mttn twn

    nnmnt n mnt nn. su

    qunt t t gtn t mn -

    tm tt t u un.

    114. ctng t mng n n gn, ntgt,

    ng-tm n ytm wu g u

    tk n t utn mngmnt mn u.

    it wu t u n xt n

    mt mtty mu n

    nm t. exm xt y, u t

    p on fmwk, t c Tng int-

    t, t cn s cmmn, t sut an

    atn rgn ctn ct Mng-

    mnt cnt, t sut a-w t tn

    ntt n t. but t t t u m-

    mnt, n t mny gn t g w

    u n t t gn.

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG

    emwng t mk utn


    118. i ngy w uny , w t nw

    tunt wu n u, nung t mn

    mn mmuntn n nmtn, nw

    n tnng tn n wu nm

    gwt. rzng t tunt w n utn u t nnt mmunt w mn


    119. T utn n u ngy, w, m wt

    gnnt t, ngng m mt ng t ng

    ut n nnmnt gtn. T mut

    3. energy

    117. a k mn n utn ngy

    mj nqun nt n mt ng ut

    u nm n t, m

    uttut nt n t ng u tn. it tmt tt t 1.3 n k

    t tty, 2.7 n y n t t-

    tn u m kng n mt n

    t w utn t n n u u

    un m, .

    boX 8: THe greAT bArrier reeF: mANAgiNg NATUrAL reSoUrCeS SUSTAiNAbLy

    T Gt b r aut t gt tm n et, m t n mzng t nt, nm n -

    tt, m w n ngng n g t n wt. T mut-u Gt b r Mn pk xtn

    m tn 2,300 km ng t Qunn t n 344,400 km2. in 1981 t w t W htg t t ut-

    tnng un u.

    T Gt b r t t t nm n w-ng m tn 1 mn autn. T Gt b r n

    jnt tmnt ut nut tt gnt m tn $a 50 n nnu. aun 2 mn tut t t Gt

    b r ; t tut nut gnt xmt $a 5 n nnu n ut 50,000 j. sng t;

    mt Qunn $a 17 n nnum mmt xt tug 10 mj t ng t Gt b r t.

    Tn mm t n t Gt b r, ntutng un $a 140 mn t t nm .

    sutn mngng t Gt b r qu nng umn u wt t mntnn t ntu n utu ntgt.

    T Gt b r Mn pk znng n g ttn n k , w wng t t utn

    u (nung mn t ng) n t zn. N-tk zn (.., n-ng zn) 33 nt (115,000 km2) t k.

    T mn k n znng n mmnt n jnt tt mn k n ntn k mn tn n t Gt b r, mng t ng gmm.

    atn mngmnt n t mntn wt qut; u nutnt n mnt un; tt gttn n t

    tmnt; tt g-u wtn n t gnnt g ; u gunng; n n ttn wn n t

    mngmnt n u t mn k. T mu nu tt t Gt b r n t utu gntn n

    t n mn tt n t w.

    Source: Government of Australia.

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    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 43

    emwng t mk utn

    4. InnovaTIon and Technology

    122. inntn n tngy w t t t ut-

    n utn mnt. Mn nmtn

    n mmuntn tngy tuy

    nt xm. in mt gn, u ntwk

    n t u m mny, wng m-u-

    n wn t g mkt n m

    wt u-t-t-mnut wt nmtn tt n

    wt ntn n g utty. M

    tn n tut y wnng tt

    ung xtm wt nt u un

    n .

    tn ng t, t mt gnnt w

    nu t mnt n w nttn nw u n mmnt n ng n.

    bt n ug ug n nt , nw

    Gnmnt gmm n gnnt nw nt-

    mnt. ang t bmg Nw engy fnn,

    xm, 2011 w $206 n n tt n

    ngy ntmnt tm t tt tn ny

    n g. T nu n n n tt nt-

    mnt n w t $136 n. smutnuy,

    t t t ngy ntnty t w n-

    m ntnu t n. Ntwttnng t

    n, t ng t ntnu t mj -

    ng n mnn utn mnt.

    120. T t ng qutn w m-

    mnt n ng n n t m utk

    nw ng, t st-Gn

    nw ntt: sutn eng a. it t t

    g t 2030: un t mn

    ng ; t ung t t mmnt

    n ngy ny; n t ung t

    nw ng n t g ng mx.

    rcndatn 20

    121. gvnnts shuld wk n cnct wth apppat

    stakhlds t nsu unvsal accss t affdal

    sustanal n 2030, as wll as s t dul th

    at f pnt n n ffcnc and th sha fnwal n n th lal n x. gnntsand ntnatnal anzatns shuld pt n-savn tchnls and nwal ny thuh th

    ncntzatn f sach and dlpnt and nst-nt n th.

    boX 9: PUbLiC-PrivATe PArTNerSHiPS For eNergySUPPLy AND emiSSioNS reDUCTioN

    T 1,224-km N stm unwt n, w

    tug nm zn n t bt gn, w

    ntu g m t run ftn t t 26 mn

    eun u; t w ntut t utn n

    n x mn wn ng . it t g w

    un n Nm 2011.

    N stm mt ntntn nnmnt tn n

    mmntng t n jt n ntn n

    ntntn nnmnt, mtm n g qumnt,

    nung t t cnntn n t ennmnt imt

    amnt n Tnun cntxt (e, 1991). N

    stm n t nt xmt 40 mn nt t nn-

    mnt n mntng gmm n mmtt t

    ng t xtng u t wt t bt Mn enn-

    mnt pttn cmmn. T t gt ung t

    mntng gmm w nut t cmmn

    bt s atn pn, w m t t t g g-

    ttu t bt mn nnmnt 2021.

    Source: Nord St ream (

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG

    emwng t mk utn


    g, wt u ut m tn nn-tn nw n t ng w, tw t t w

    utn (mt n ng unt) t k

    t t intnt, n wmn n w- t m-

    nm unt 21 nt k tn mn t wn

    m tn. Mn u n ng un-

    t k tn gn tgt.

    125. W t nntt utn n n

    y t t t, Gnmnt w mt tny

    n t m n n t tk unttn

    n ty u, w t -

    mnt ntnt n tn, n t nt

    nw mmuntn tng m mng nw

    123.smy, t u nmtn n mmuntntngy n m t y t ,

    ntn wng t n tmn,

    wy t n ttn tnt mty, ng

    t mny tt ty wu tw

    t n n tng t n. on t tm,

    mnw, gng t unn mmnt n

    u n t t tnny, ng t m

    knwg-ng n tt n, nung n

    ntu u mngmnt.

    124. Ty, m tn 5 n (80 nt t

    w utn) t tmmuntn

    ntwk. but w nt n t

    boX 10: reD eLCTriCA SmArT griD

    ett nnt t n g munt, n t utn mut w k t numtn n , ntnt-

    nu w, qung ntnt nng t. T t sn mn r et, t tnmn gnt, mng

    t tnmn g n t t sn tt tm, nt n nung tt utn nn t t w ttn

    n t tm t tu num mn. su n twn t tw, t n t t ntutn t t

    w ttn t n u t utut.

    Ung tt--t-t tng n -tm mmuntn wt t gntng ttn, r et tk w mn n

    tm, tung t qu t t t tt tm un u ntn n mngng t t w ttn,

    ttn n t tnmn g n ntntn xng (wt fn, ptug n M). it m nnu w -

    mn utn t n t w u tnmn g mnt n t mng . ajutmnt ng t

    utn gmm nt n wt t qut, t n t qumnt t w tm.

    lkng t t utu, r et t t t ntgt gwng munt nw ng (u t 60 nt t

    tt mn). o 300,000 GW nw ng, mt wn ng, w ntgt nt t sn g n t t

    . T ut n qut u nnt n utn ntmnt n mng t t tnmn g, nu-

    ng t nng nmtn n mmuntn tng.

    Source: Red Elctrica de Espaa, S.A. More information is available from

  • 7/27/2019 GSP Report


    resilieNT people, resilieNT plaNeT: a fUTUre WorTh choosiNG 45

    emwng t mk utn

    tchnly-ntd sustanal dvlpnt n an

    nlad scal, nhancn th tchnlcal capalty

    f dlpn cunts and tan full adanta f thptntal ls playd y clat-fndly tchnls

    n daln wth lal clat chan and n dvlp-

    n a n cny. Th ants achd und

    th Untd Natns Fawk Cnvntn n Clat

    Chan n Cancun and Duan a a d stp n ths


    F. bUiLDiNg reSiLieNCe

    1. socIal proTecTIon sysTems

    129. lk ny mj tntn, t g t

    tw gn gwt n utn mnt wnt tutu ng n t t nm n t,

    n t tng t tunt n nw

    ntnt. s ttn n t nt nt

    t mnmzng ung u n

    k t n ung u n m t

    tm gtn k wt ut mt

    ng, u t, nn ntt k n

    t n t g.

    130. at t t, ttn ytm nt ny t

    ng t nntz wk n mw t

    um ut m u ng, ut n

    t u t stt y nng t

    ntt twn tzn n stt tt t t t gnn u. at t m tm, n

    t tkn n gnng tm tt t nt ngt

    gmnt t tt ununt n ntn u

    ttt mtm mn, ut m tn wmn,

    u n nm wk tt n n nt w

    nu n ttn m.

    nquty. Wt t gt n , nw

    mmuntn tng n nt n

    muttu nt, nung utn n nm

    tunt un utn n t

    mntn utn t, n t t-

    yt ntnum n t gwt m n