gsm rno subject-coverage capability comparison and coverage solution_r2.0

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  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


    Coverage Capability

    Comparison and CoverageSolution


  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


    Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution Internal Use Only


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    Revision %istory

    $rodu&t 'ersion (o&ument 'ersion Serial Number Reason )or Revision

    &1)0 +irst publis*ed

    &$)0,odi!i-ation in Se-tion %)$)$and Se-tion %)$).


    (ate (o&ument 'ersion $repared by Revie+ed by Approved by

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    ZT Con!idential "roprietary # $01% ZT CO&"O&'TIO() 'll rig*ts reserved) II

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    Appli&able to, S, net6or optimiation engineers

    $roposal,-e)ore reading t*is do&ument you *ad better *ave t*e )ollo+ing /no+ledge ands/ills.

    SE 1no+ledge and s/ills Re)eren&e material

    1 (ull (ull



    Follo+up do&ument,A)ter reading t*is do&ument you may need t*e )ollo+ingin)ormation.

    SE Re)eren&e material In)ormation

    1 (ull (ull



    ZT Con!idential "roprietary # $01% ZT CO&"O&'TIO() 'll rig*ts reserved) III

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    About "*is (o&ument


    C*apter (es&ription

    1 'ppli-ation S-enarios :es-ription o! appli-ation s-enarios

    $ ,aterial Colle-tion :es-ription o! material -olle-tion

    9 Coverage Capability Comparison :etails o! -overage -apability -omparison

    % Solution !or Coverage Capability:i!!eren-e

    Solution !or -overage -apability di!!eren-e

    5 Coverage Capability valuationCases

    Cases about -overage -apability evaluation

    ZT Con!idential "roprietary # $01% ZT CO&"O&'TIO() 'll rig*ts reserved) I;

  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


    Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution Internal Use Only

    T':ivider Units and Combination ,odes)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))59)$)1 Types and 4osses o! Combiner>:ivider Units)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))59)$)$ Combination ,odes o! Combiner>:ivider Units))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5

    5 Solution )or Coverage Capability (i))eren&e.................................................6%)1 TOC ?ZT@ A TOC ?Bisting@))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))7%)1)1 Stati- "o6er 4evel 'dustment ?(ot !or S:&@))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))7%)1)$ T& Output "o6er 'dustment ?+or S:&@)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))7%)1)9 Using 4o6ain 'ntennas))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8%)1)% &edu-ing t*e 'ntenna Deig*t))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8%)1)5 &edu-ing t*e 'ntenna :o6ntilt))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))/%)$ TOC ?ZT@ E TOC ?Bisting@))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))/%)$)1 'dopting :ual 'ntenna+eeder Systems ?(ot !or S:&@)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))/%)$)$ 'dopting :ual 'ntenna+eeder Systems ?+or S:&@))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))10%)$)9 'dopting t*e :"CT Te-*nology ?(ot !or S:&@)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))10

    %)$)% 'dusting t*e Stati- "o6er 4evel ?(ot !or S:&@))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))11%)$)5 'dopting t*e CO&Us on t*e To6er)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1$%)$)7 Using 4o64oss +eeders)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1$%)$)8 Using Dig*ain 'ntennas)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1$%)$)/ In-reasing t*e 'ntenna :o6ntilt)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))19%)$)10 In-reasing t*e 'ntenna Deig*t)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))19

    7 Coverage Capability Evaluation Cases........................................................355)1 Case 1F &+ output po6er valuation

  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


    Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution Internal Use Only

    3 Appli&ation S&enarios

    Git* t*e !ast development o! mobile -ommuni-ationH t*e adustment and optimiation o!

    t*e net6oring stru-ture is be-oming one o! t*e important business strategies o!

    operators gradually) 'nd t*enH t*e number o! net6or s6ap proe-tsH *ome and abroadH

    is in-reasing greatlyH and t*e range o! net6or s6ap is enlargedH in-luding not only t*e

    edge net6orsH but also larges-ale metro area net6ors ?,'(s@) T*e s6ap proe-t is

    one o! t*e ey 6ors o! ZT) G*et*er t*e rules and regulations o! s6ap are per!e-t

    in!luen-es t*e s6ap progress and t*e users satis!a-tory level dire-tly) In order to ensure

    t*e *ig* e!!i-ien-y and smoot* pro-ess o! t*e s6ap proe-tH its !lo6 and -ontent s*ould

    be regulated) In t*is do-umentH -overage -apability evaluation !or t*e eBisting net6or

    be!ore t*e s6ap is des-ribed)

    T*is guide is !or regulating and en*an-ing -overage -apability evaluation !or t*e eBisting

    net6or e=uipment in t*e primary stage o! t*e s6ap proe-tH and is =uite *elp!ul !or t*e

    s6ap 6or)

    T*is do-ument mainly introdu-es t*e di!!eren-es o! t*e te-*ni-al indi-ators o! t*e

    e=uipment and pur-*ased parts o! di!!erent vendors and t*e ne-essity o! eBisting

    net6or evaluation be!ore t*e s6ap and o! -omparison a!ter s6ap) T*e des-ription *as

    t6o partsF TOC ?ZT@ A TOC ?eBisting@ and TOC ?ZT@ E TOC ?eBisting@) 'nd ZT S:&

    e=uipment and 8000 series e=uipment are des-ribed respe-tively in every part)

    ZT Con!idential "roprietary # $01% ZT CO&"O&'TIO() 'll rig*ts reserved) 1

  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


    Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution Internal Use Only

    2 !aterial Colle&tion


    To -ommuni-ate 6it* t*e -ustomerH -olle-t t*e e=uipment in!ormationH engineeringparameters o! t*e original net6orH and radio parameters be!ore t*e s6apH and -*e-and analye t*e original data)

    Gor ContentsF

    '-=uiring data materials in-luding t*e engineering parameters o! original net6orH

    e=uipment in!ormationH -ombiner lossH to6er ampli!ier lossH and ele-tri-al map

    '-=uiring t*e radio parameters o! t*e original net6or and :Tlog be!ore s6ap

    Combing t*e engineering parameters and radio parametersH and preparing data !or

    -overage -apability -omparison

    ZT Con!idential "roprietary # $01% ZT CO&"O&'TIO() 'll rig*ts reserved) $

  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


    Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution Internal Use Only

    4 Coverage Capability Comparison


    To -ompare and analye &+ output po6er be!ore and a!ter t*e s6ap a--ording to t*e

    e=uipment indi-ators o! t*e eBisting net6or and t*at o! ZT to avoid -overage

    s*rinage a!ter s6ap)

    Gor ContentsF

    etting t*e t*eoreti-al &+ output po6er o! t*e eBisting net6or a--ording to t*e

    T& output po6erH -ombination modes and lossH to6er ampli!ier types and lossH


  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


    Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution Internal Use Only


    "9 $:ER

    Remar/s,SK ?;oi-eHCS1LCS%H,CS1L,CS%@


    6*en t*e number o! T&s inea-* -ell is less t*an %)G*ent*ere are more t*an t6oT&sH signals *ave to got*roug* a -ombinerH 6*i-*-auses a loss o! 9 d+G:&>I&CH but doesnot support :"CT) ,ultipledensity T& is used)

    ::T>+G:&>I&C issupported) :ualdensity T&is used)

  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


    Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution Internal Use Only


    "9 $:ER

    Remar/s,SK ?;oi-eHCS1LCS%H,CS1L,CS%@



    builtin nor eBternal@ in,8$0$H and t*e &+ outputpo6er eeps being 90G?,SK@>1/6 ?"SK@) ,8$0$does not support :"CTH butsupports ::T>+G:&>I&C):ualdensity T& is used)

    ,8$0. 90 G ?ra-top@18 G ?ra-top@

    ,8$0. *as eBternal-ombiner CUH and CUloss s*ould be -onsidered6*en -ombination isne-essary) :uring :"CTH t*eobe-tive o! introdu-ing CUis !or po6er -ombination inCU and p*ase -*e- inC,< inside t*e T&) 't t*istimeH CU loss s*ould not be-al-ulated) ,8$0. supports:"CT>::T>I&C>+G:&):ualdensity T& is used)

    4.2 Combiner;(ivider

  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


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    C:U ?

  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


    Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution Internal Use Only

    5 Solution )or Coverage Capability


    5.3 "C =#"E? "C =EBisting?

    5.3.3 Stati& $o+er Level Adustment =Not )or S(R?

    T*e engineer s*ould mae t*e &+ output po6er o! ZT e=ual to or be -lose to t*at o!

    t*e eBisting net6or t*roug* adusting t*e stati- po6er level)

  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


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  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


    Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution Internal Use Only

    5.3.7 Redu&ing t*e Antenna (o+ntilt

    In order to ensure t*e net6or -overage a!ter t*e s6apH t*e &+ output po6er s*ould be

    stronger t*an t*at o! t*e eBisting net6or) 'nd t*en t*e best met*od is to redu-e t*e

    antenna do6ntilt and ensure indept* -overage) '--ording to t*e a-tual :T test and

    analysis a!ter t*e s6apH t*e engineer -an use Kat*rein antenna do6ntilt -al-ulation tool

    to adust Cluster area -overage to ensure t*at t*ere is no overs*ooting 6*en t*e

    -onse-utive -overage is guaranteed) T*is met*od -an redu-e t*e net6or inter!eren-e



    T*is operation -an guarantee t*e -overage as 6ell as indept* -overage)

    T*is met*od is t*e best substitute !or stati- po6er level adustment in t*e

    s6ap proe-t)

    Capa-ity eBpansion is al6ays ne-essary a!ter t*e s6ap ?T*e eBpansion

    in-luding ne6 sites building@H and antenna do6ntilt minimiing is one e!!e-tive

    met*od to suppress overs*ooting and inter!eren-e)


    It is ne-essary to mae adustmentH re!erential per!orman-e statisti-s and :T

    analysis in t*e engineering optimiation a!ter t*e s6ap) T*e engineering

    6orload is *eavy and t*e operation period is longH 6*i-* eBerts -ertainin!luen-es on t*e net6or)

    5.2 "C =#"E? D "C =EBisting?

    5.2.3 Adopting (ual AntennaFeeder Systems =Not )or S(R?

    I! t*e -apa-ity s*ould be -*anged !rom %T&s to 5N8 T&sH it is ne-essary to add

    level 1 -ombiner unit)

  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


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    It is ne-essary to add one antenna !eeder system and t*e spa-e !or

    installationH pole number and relative -omponents o! t*e to6er s*ould be-onsidered)

    5.2.2 Adopting (ual AntennaFeeder Systems =For S(R?

    I! t*e -apa-ity s*ould be eBpanded to more t*an $ &&UsH it is ne-essary to add t*e

    eBternal -ombiner unit)

  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


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    Git* $)5 d< :4 gain broug*t by internal -ombination dedu-tedH t*e dualT&

    oint transmission -an satis!y t*e -ustomers re=uirement o! 6ide -overage)


    T*e p*ysi-al -on!iguration is $ times o! t*e a-tual -apa-ityH and t*e -apa-ity is

    sa-ri!i-ed !or -overage)

    +or t*e -ells 6it* less t*an t6o T&s and t*e -ells 6it* less t*an . T&sH

    :"CT is re-ommended !or -ells 6it* more t*an $ T&sH :"CT is not


    5.2.5 Adusting t*e Stati& $o+er Level =Not )or S(R?

    I! t*e &+ output po6er o! eBisting net6or is stronger t*en t*at a!ter t*e s6ap ?6it*in M

    1)5 d

  • 8/11/2019 GSM RNO Subject-Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution_R2.0


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    T*e !re=uen-y multipleBing rate o! (o)$ sub-ell is in-reasedH and t*e

    !re=uen-ies used in t*is -ell -an also be used in ada-ent -ells)

    It is unne-essary to -*ange t*e net6or stru-tureH and t*ere is no spe-ial

    re=uirement on t*e *ard6are o! t*e system)


    T*e evaluation !or s-enarios s*ould be meti-ulousH and outer -ir-le

    -ongestion may *appen)

    +or t*e net6or 6it* good tra!!i- balan-eH t*e -apa-ity may be in-reased a

    little or even redu-ed)

    5.2. Installing RR

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    :uring t*e operationH t*e engineer s*ould a-=uire t*e operators approval

    !irstlyH and

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    T*e engineer -an improve t*e -overage -apability 6it* eBtreme met*ods)


    T*e !easibility is still to be evaluated) T*e problem o! to6er spa-e in-reases

    t*e di!!i-ulty level o! t*e engineering implementation)

    ZT Con!idential "roprietary # $01% ZT CO&"O&'TIO() 'll rig*ts reserved) 1%

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    Coverage Capability Comparison and Coverage Solution Internal Use Only

    7 Coverage Capability Evaluation Cases

    7.3 Case 3, RF output po+er Evaluation -e)ore t*e

    S+ap in ne S(R S+ap $roe&t


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    7.2 Case 2, Coverage S*rin/age Caused by

    Combiner Sele&tion (uring -"S @000 S+ap


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    In t*is solutionH t*e signal 6ill pass t*e level $ -ombinerH and (C:U M (CU Q %). M 9)5

    Q 8)1 d