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GS1 Data Source Healthcare Web interface user manual for the healthcare sector Release 3.1, Ratified, 14 August 2017

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GS1 Data Source Healthcare

Web interface user manual for the healthcare sector

Release 3.1, Ratified, 14 August 2017

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GS1 Data Source Healthcare

Release 3.1, Ratified, 14 August 2017 © 2017 GS1 Nederland Page 2 of 14

Document Summary

Document Item Current Value

Document Name GS1 Data Source Healthcare

Document Date 14 August 2017

Document Version 3.1

Document Status Ratified

Document Description Web interface user manual for the healthcare sector

Log of Changes

Release Date of Change Changed By Summary of Change

1.0 5-12-2016 Elisa Zwaneveld

Amanda deLaroque

First publication.


(WSP 6.0 Q1, 2017 release)

17-2-2017 Dyonne van Heest Belinda Berthauer

Added text and screenshot to 1.2 Dashboard

Changed screenshots in all chapters

Changed order of chapters add-release-publish-hierarchy to: add-hierarchy-release-publish

Deleted Chapter 5 ‘Error messages’. This chapter can be found in document ‘Compliance to U.S. FDA UDI-regulation with GS1 standards’.


(WSP 6.2 Q3, 2017 release)

02-08-2017 Dyonne van Heest Added text and screenshots to 2.1 Create an item

2.1.1 Item base information

2.1.2 Identification (optional) and

2.1.3 Classification

Added text and a screenshot to 2.2 ‘Modified Manual GPC selection’.

Changed (lay-out) screenshots in all chapters

3.1 14-08-2017 Dyonne van Heest Added text and screenshot to 2.9 ‘Publish Item’


The text of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission on condition that the source is acknowledged.

Whilst/although every care has been taken to ensure that the content of this document is correct, GS1 Netherlands cannot be held responsible for errors or missing information in this publication. For questions regarding the contents of this publication, please contact GS1 Netherlands’ Customer Support by dialling +31 20 511 38 88 or by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

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Table of contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4

1 Account information ..................................................................................... 5

1.1 Log in ............................................................................................................................ 5

1.2 Dashboard ..................................................................................................................... 5

2 Creating and publishing items ...................................................................... 6

2.1 Create an item ................................................................................................................ 6

2.1.1 Item base information ............................................................................................. 7

2.1.2 Identification (optional) ........................................................................................... 7

2.1.3 Classification .......................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Modified Manual GPC selection .......................................................................................... 8

2.3 Mandatory and optional attributes ..................................................................................... 9

2.4 Create a hierarchy ......................................................................................................... 10

2.5 Add an article to the hierarchy ........................................................................................ 11

2.6 Validate items ............................................................................................................... 11

2.7 Release items ............................................................................................................... 11

2.8 Edit items .................................................................................................................... 12

2.9 Publish items ................................................................................................................ 12

2.10 Upload multiple items .................................................................................................... 12

2.11 Import and export ......................................................................................................... 13

3 CIC messages ............................................................................................. 14

3.1 CIC summary ............................................................................................................... 14

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This document is intended for suppliers within the healthcare sector who use GS1 Data Source Healthcare (GS1 DAS). It explains how to use the web interface to enter and share data with parties in the Netherlands and worldwide, such as hospitals, wholesalers and/or governmental bodies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

What is GS1 Data Source Healthcare?

With GS1 Data Source Healthcare suppliers exchange product data in the healthcare industry via one central

international network. GS1 Data Source Healthcare is a solution based on the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) standard. Suppliers send their data to the data pool and determine which customers have access to this information.

Manufacturers are also able to leverage the data pool to publish their product information to all trading partners using the GDSN, based on the principle ‘publish once to all’.

Comply with U.S. FDA requirements

If you wish to publish data to the US FDA Global Unique Device Identification Database (GUDID) first read the roadmap ‘Compliance to U.S. FDA UDI-regulation with GS1 standards’ carefully.

Contact and support

An online support function is available in the web interface in the upper right hand corner. If you have any other questions concerning the use of GS1 Data Source Healthcare or the publication of data, please contact GS1 Nederland via [email protected] or call 020 511 38 88.

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1 Account information

1.1 Log in

After receiving log in information from GS1 Netherlands you start entering your items into the web interface. Use the link below and enter the user name, GLN and password, which GS1 has provided. There are two options:

1. For publication to the US FDA Global Unique Device Identification Database in the test environment in

order to fulfil the test scenarios use the following link:

2. For publication to parties worldwide, including the U.S. FDA GUDID in the production system use the following link:

Please note: do you want to publish data to the U.S. FDA? Then fulfil the test scenarios first, this is required by the FDA. After you completed these you start entering data using the link above. Read more about these

test scenarios in the document ‘Compliance to U.S. FDA UDI-regulation with GS1 standards’.

1.2 Dashboard

The overview after log in shows the number of items in your catalogue and their current publication statuses:

NOT RELEASED: items that have been added or changed but that have not been released, published or sent.

RELEASED: items that are ready to be published.

SENT: all underlying items of a published hierarchy will be sent during the publication of the highest level.

PUBLISHED: items that have been published to trading partners.

You can also find your recent added and corrected items on the left site of the dashboard. On the bottom of the

screen you’ll find training videos and 1WorldSync Twitter updates.

Figure 1.1: dashboard

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2 Creating and publishing items

In this chapter we explain how to add, change and publish trade items. For explanation about the validations, meaning and rules concerning the different data attributes, use the attribute overview on our website.

Please note: refer to the ‘Help’ button at the upper right hand corner to get to know more about the web interface and its functions. All functionalities and the basics of working with the application are explained more extensively than in this document.

2.1 Create an item

Register your first item via ‘Items’ in the left top corner (see figure 3.1). We advise you to first take a look at the attribute overview in order to understand how the different attributes are constructed and to make sure you fill in correct data.

Create a new item using the plus button (2).

Figure 2.1: starting screen

When creating a new item, choose ‘plus create’ and fill in the ‘Item Basic Information’ as stated below:

Figure 2.2: item Basic information, identification, classification

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2.1.1 Item base information

Template name: the template does not apply. GTIN: enter the Global Trade Item Number. If the entered GTIN is shorter than 14 digits, place a 0 (zero) or multiple 0 (zeros) before the number.

GLN: the Global Location Number of you company is pre filled. Target market: for the FDA GUDID, select United States (840). Do you want to publish to other data receivers? Then select the target market in which your data receiver is located Article type: select ‘base item’ for all base items and select ’packaging item’ for all levels greater than the base item. Important: in order to apply the FDA specific validations, which will assist you in entering correct and

complete data, choose ‘Select Receivers’ and search for the FDA GLN (11000001017041) as a new recipient. Then select the FDA and click on ‘Create’. If you do not register the FDA as a data recipient not all mandatory data attributes are shown!

2.1.2 Identification (optional)

Figure 2.3: identification window

The second page offers you the possibility to enter the most important information to identify the item. Select a language in the dropdown menu and fill in the attributes.

Short description: the trade item’s short, but possibly complete product description. Trade item Description: the trade item’s unique, unabbreviated, complete product description. Brand name: the name used by the brand owner to uniquely identify a line of trade items or services, which is recognizable for the consumer Functional name: describes use of the product by consumer. It should help clarify the product classification associated with the GTIN. For example, ‘salad dressing’, ‘drill’, ‘beer’ etc.

Entering information in these fields is not mandatory, but might be helpful if you would like to get some suggestions for a matching GPC in the next step.

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2.1.3 Classification

Figure 2.4: classification window

In the last step you classify your item. In general you have two options here:

1. Get a suggestion based on the item identification you’ve made in the previous step

2. Manually select a GPC code

If you entered information in at least one field in the previous step, you will get a list of

suggestions on a matching GPC code including a percental likelihood. This feature was introduced during release 6.0. Simply click on the ‘Apply button’ to select the suggested code and finish the wizard. Segment: select an industry Segmentation or Vertical Family: select a broad devision of a segment

Class: select a group of like categories GPC / Brick: GPC Brick code of the GS1 Global product classification (GPC), that specifies the product category

of the trade item. – When the GPC- browser is provided here in the software (not in every view), the related GPC attribute types – i.e. further more detailed levels of the chosen brick category – are additionally offered below for selection of the respective GPC Attribute Values that can then be indicated, as well.

In case of an item copy all fields will be prefilled. The input field for the GTIN will correctly display an error message that the current GTIN is already existent in the system, so of course the GTIN needs to be changed to create a new item as copy of an existing one.

2.2 Modified Manual GPC selection

By typing within the fields you’ll do a search. Search results are always limited due to the selection made in the preceding field.

Filling out a field without its ancestor will result in showing more entries in the dropdown. Selecting a value in this case will automatically fill out any empty ancestors.

The most important value, the GPC Brick code is visually separated and handled a little bit differently from the other fields. Initially the GPC Brick is limited due to the selections made in the preceding input fields, but if you do a search within the field by start typing something you can search over the whole set of GPC Bricks. Selecting a brick code which has other parents (Segment, Family or Class) then selected will result in changing the preceding input

fields properly.

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Figure 2.5: manual GPC selection

2.3 Mandatory and optional attributes

In the web interface you find flex bars that are used to sort data attributes per subject. The flex bars and tabs indicated with a red dot (see figure 3.3) contain mandatory fields. Enter all mandatory fields indicated with a red exclamation mark. For optional fields, please see the attribute overview.

Save the item once you filled in the mandatory and optional fields. Validate the item to check if all fields are filled in correctly. After adding all information, the item report below the item information shows the errors.

Click on the individual error to go to the exact location of the error. Change the trade item information and click the ‘save’ button.

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Figure 2.6: mandatory fields

2.4 Create a hierarchy

Click on the ‘Edit hierarchy’ button to add components to your packaging, or packages to your base item if you

wish to create a hierarchy. Click the dropdown menu ‘Edit Hierarchy’ and select the GTIN you want to add or create a new item. If there is more than one component in a package, then adjust the amount to reveal the correct contents. Finally, validate the hierarchy.

Figure 2.7: creating a hierarchy

The following screen will open:

Figure 2.8: screen opens to create a hierarchy

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2.5 Add an article to the hierarchy

You can add an item to the hierarchy in two different ways. The first is to add an entirely new article, which must include all required features in the form. The second way is to add an existing article to a hierarchy.

Figure 2.9: add an article to the hierarchy

First of all, you decide if you want to add an overhead unit or an underlying unit. Then you have the choice to add one or more existing items (left) or a new item (right):

Figure 2.10: selecting an existing Package item

Next, the quantity of items in the packaging is requested:

Figure 2.11: entering the amount of items in a package

2.6 Validate items

Click on ‘Validate’ to generate a validation report with a list of attributes that are not filled in correctly. Clicking

on the attribute in the report will automatically take you to the attribute in the interface. Once the validation

report states the item has no errors, it can be released and published.

2.7 Release items

After creating, saving and linking an item, you can release it. ’Release’ has three functions:

- Validation of the hierarchy and capture of potential errors.

- Registration of the GTINs in the data pool.

- Changes are automatically sent to receivers if GTINS have been published previously.

It is not possible to publish without releasing. In addition, you need to resolve all errors before you are able to release items.

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2.8 Edit items

Select the item you want to edit in the item list and click on the ‘edit button’. Remember to save and release the changes. A validation report appears.

2.9 Publish items

Share data by clicking on the ‘publish button’. You decide who receives your data. With the ‘search’ button you choose or enter GLNs of the receiving parties.

Figure 2.12: search the GLN of the receiving party

For data publication to the U.S. FDA please select the FDA GLN and click ‘Publish’.

Figure 2.13: select data recipient

Please note:

- Make sure to always publish at the highest packaging level (highest level of the hierarchy).

- It is possible to publish to one or more GLNs at the same time.

- It is possible to publish one or more GTINs at the same time.

- Republishing is only necessary if a receiver specifically asks for it. This sometimes occurs if the

receiving party has misplaced data for example. Otherwise, previously published GTINs which are

modified only need to be released as the publication lines have already been established.

- The FDA has automated CIC (confirmation) messaging. These messages are visible in the ‘CIC Summary tab’ at the right hand side of the page.

- It is possible to add an extra target market or party. For publication to the U.S. FDA make sure to

register the data recipient while creating the trade item.

2.10 Upload multiple items

It is not necessary to enter every new trade item separately. The application allows you to carry out mass uploads and mass downloads of trade item data using Excel files. It is possible to download item data, change

them and then upload the data again. This is especially recommended for mass updates. It is possible to download an Excel template that can be used to create new item data.

Please note: we advise you to first enter a couple of items manually and then select these for your download.

This makes it easier to recognise the fields which must be filled in. Be sure to check every tab and be sure that

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the GTINs are in the exact same order in every tab! Also, do not adjust the format of the Excel otherwise the system will not be able to upload it.

2.11 Import and export

By exporting an Excel file you are able to generate an overview of all information registered for that particular trade item. This file can be used to easily upload trade item information of multiple items.

Figure 2.14: exporting items

Once you added trade item information to the Excel file you can upload the file. Use the upload button to upload the Excel file and change any non-valid data fields. During this process you will see a button in the top right-hand corner ‘release all items’. If these items were previously published this will ensure that updates are directly send to your partners. Be aware that this could create difficulties if there was a bit of a mix-up when entering data.

After uploading the items you receive an email with the following information:

- Number of articles in the Excel file

- Number of successfully imported items

- List of items that could not have been changed. This list also contains information about the reason why items could not have been imported.

Please note: please be aware that some tabs in the Excel file contain mandatory attributes and some only optional. You are allowed to delete tabs that contain only optional attributes to make your Excel file less

complex. Also we recommend to delete the ‘Publishing’ tab if the GTINS are already published, to avoid unnecessary errors after uploading.

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3 CIC messages

The CIC is generated by the data recipient (published to GLN) in order to inform the Data Source of the status of the GTIN(s) within the Catalogue Item Notification (CIN) that was published as a result of a subscription/publication match.

Within GDSN standards the CIC Response message is optional. If this message is sent, it must be generated at the highest level of the published trade item hierarchy. The Recipient Data Pool will send an error to the data recipient if this message is sent at any other level of the trade item hierarchy.

CIC Response Messages, CIC state:

3. SYNCHRONISED : the Data recipient is in agreement with the data sent and has synchronised their system with the data provided.

4. REVIEW : the Data recipient has received discrepant data that they are not able to synchronise.

5. REJECTED : the Data recipient does not want to synchronise on this trade item hierarchy and possibly does not want further updates.

When there has not been received any CIC messages a question mark will appear .

3.1 CIC summary

You will find CIC messages in the CIC summary. The most recent CIC for each response is displayed here. Clicking on the status item will open a pop-up window with more information about the CIC if available.

Figure 3.1: CIC history

Please note that only the most recent CIC from each data recipient is displayed here. If you have received

several CIC messages from the same party and wish to view all CIC, you can open the entire list by clicking on the ‘show CIC history’ icon. This list opens in a separate pop-up with more detailed information. If you’ve published to the FDA, please find out more about these exceptions in the document ‘Compliance to U.S. FDA UDI-regulation with GS1 standards’.