g.s. writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other...

BSNL PENSIONERS NEWS GUJARAT APRIL - 2021 05 We should always maintain distance in house, office and even going out for any work and should not be a part of crowded area irrespective of any type of work justification. Now it is not time for us to stage rallies, demonstrations or dharna for strengthening our just, genuine and legal demands. We have to suit with the time and wait for improvement in present pandemic situation. We have before us, result of legal battles fought by Pensioners Associations and also Working Employees. Though they proclaim loudly that they have won, the jargon of wording of judgments and its interpretation by the authorities have not permitted even an inch to have such judgments implementation and present pandemic situations indirectly inspires to have alleged malice design working. Whom to blame?! Reverting to our side, a very simple and accepted concept that all likeminded Unions/Associations should get them united and struggle jointly legal battles as well. But we have seen, practically, this has remained only as concept in mind-set of people. A case won by the Pensioners long ago could not be implemented for the years togather and number of pensioners are diminishing from list without testing fruits of their struggle. We all are anxiously witnessing the processing of Payment of IDA to working BSNL Employees and BSNL Pensioners. Maximum delay tactics are being applied and we are suffering. Anomaly case won by the Associations is facing same fate, though cleared by Apex Court, filed contempt petitions; it is yet to be implemented. Medical Reimbursement bills of Pensioners are not cleared since last four years and even those who have opted for without voucher, payment are yet remains unpaid. The working employees are accorded approval overriding priority over pensioners is peculiar situation. Same situation prevails on various provisions for Pensioner's welfare. The rules say, when a Pensioner expires, his spouse should get her family as shown in his PPO. But we have seen in majority of cases concerned authorities are avoidably G.S. Writes.... Since last three months we are passing through very crucial time. At the time of writing, we are not aware that how long we will have to pass through such pandemic time, the authorities have realised that irrespective of gravity of situation, complete lock down is not real remedy and on the contrary it adds fuel to fire and making situation worse economically as well as on so many counts. Last year We have tasted sourness of the situation; so, we will also not prefer the same. Since we do not wish to highlight any ill effect of pandemic which may place you all in more morbid status of your mind set; we are not highlighting the present pandemic situation, but do wish to warn you and make you aware that now you are fully responsible to maintain your health by following the most rigids rules voluntarily and keep your family healthy. Slight negligence will place you in nowhere situation, monetarily and socially, as even your closest friends and relatives, irrespective of their concern for you; will not be able to come to your physical health and confer the advice which now a days all electronic, print and government media are propagating. Now issue of main concerns for all us is to be on safer side and save ourselves from pandemic of Corona-19, which is spreading with Rocket speed than previous year. As Govt. is taking very cautious steps and not prepared for lock-down as it creates multiple issues for survival of citizens and economy of country gets adversely effected. So let us, accept our voluntary restrictions, not to move out of house unless it is warranted, not to attend marriage/birthday parties, not to visit relatives in hospitals, always wear Mask, to take bath each time when you go out and come back to your home. Ensure that your family members are also not going out of your house without unavoidable necessity.

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Page 1: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


We should always maintain distance in house, office and even going out for any work and should not be a part of crowded area irrespective of any type of work justification.

Now it is not time for us to stage rallies, demonstrations or dharna for strengthening our just, genuine and legal demands. We have to suit with the time and wait for improvement in present pandemic situation.

We have before us, result of legal battles fought by Pensioners Associations and also Working Employees. Though they proclaim loudly that they have won, the jargon of wording of judgments and its interpretation by the authorities have not permitted even a n i n c h t o h a v e s u c h j u d g m e n t s implementation and present pandemic situations indirectly inspires to have alleged malice design working. Whom to blame?!

Reverting to our side, a very simple and accepted concept that all l ikeminded Unions/Associations should get them united and struggle jointly legal battles as well. But we have seen, practically, this has remained only as concept in mind-set of people. A case won by the Pensioners long ago could not be implemented for the years togather and number of pensioners are diminishing from list without testing fruits of their struggle.

We all are anxiously witnessing the processing of Payment of IDA to working BSNL Employees and BSNL Pensioners. Maximum delay tactics are being applied and we are suffering.

Anomaly case won by the Associations is facing same fate, though cleared by Apex Court, filed contempt petitions; it is yet to be implemented.

Medical Reimbursement bills of Pensioners are not cleared since last four years and even those who have opted for without voucher, payment are yet remains unpaid. The working employees are accorded approval overriding priority over pensioners is peculiar situation.

Same situation prevails on various provisions for Pensioner's welfare. The rules say, when a Pensioner expires, his spouse should get her family as shown in his PPO. But we have seen in majority of cases concerned authorit ies are avoidably

G.S. Writes.... Since last three months we are passing through very crucial time. At the time of writing, we are not aware that how long we will have to pass through such pandemic time, the authorities have realised that irrespective of gravity of situation, complete lock down is not real remedy and on the contrary it adds fuel to fire and making situation worse economically as well as on so many counts. Last year We have tasted sourness of the situation; so, we will also not prefer the same. Since we do not wish to highlight any ill effect of pandemic which may place you all in more morbid status of your mind set; we are not highlighting the present pandemic situation, but do wish to warn you and make you aware that now you are fully responsible to maintain your health by following the most rigids rules voluntarily and keep your family healthy.

Slight negligence will place you in nowhere situation, monetarily and socially, as even your c losest f r iends and re lat ives, irrespective of their concern for you; will not be able to come to your physical health and confer the advice which now a days all electronic, print and government media are propagating.

Now issue of main concerns for all us is to be on safer side and save ourselves from pandemic of Corona-19, which is spreading with Rocket speed than previous year. As Govt. is taking very cautious steps and not prepared for lock-down as it creates multiple issues for survival of citizens and economy of country gets adversely effected. So let us, accept our voluntary restrictions, not to move out of house unless it is warranted, not to attend marriage/birthday parties, not to visit relatives in hospitals, always wear Mask, to take bath each time when you go out and come back to your home. Ensure that your family members are also not going out of your house without unavoidable necessity.

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delaying there cases having their own interpretation. Their Rules says when Spouse name is their in Joint Pension Account, there is no need for spouse to open her Pension Account again. On our representation's rules are reiterated by the CCAs, but bank CPPCs are not honouring.

For widow/diverse/unmarried daughter, there is provision for Family Pension. But to get her name approved takes years togather to succeed as many offices are being closed and the records are not available, are general excuse. The officers are avoiding to sign as controlling officer in pension papers and she has to run from pillar to post.

If she succeeds, then comes production of income certificate from Collector/Mamlatdar. When she approaches the authorities, they show the G.R. issued by the Governments and say, their hands are tight and can not issue income certificate for income less than 1,50,000/-.

In Gujarat Circle, Case of Mrs. V. M. Patel, a widow daughter for whom her father had already applied for insertion of her name, when he was alive; could not be done and thereafter her case was recommended and sent to GM's office which was misplaced and she was directed to apply fresh. She applied fresh, and again though her case was already justified, she could not get her family pension, as she could not get the Income Certificate of her actual income due to governments instructions. We represented the case to various authorities including PMO but could not get result. Poor widow is now at mercy of her daughter, Since last Seven years, she is struggling. There is other several cases in Gujarat Circle and may similar situation in other circles as well.


We now started full-fledged function from our own BDPA (INDIA) office at 410-A/411-A, Swaminarayan Avenue, Near A.E.C. Fly Over Bridge, Naranpura, Ahmedabad 380013 and our office new land line No. is 079-27476566 and the working hours are from 14.00 to 17.30 from Monday to Friday excluding Holidays. Still many members are sending their correspondence at residence of the G.S. or old C.T.O. Ahmedabad address. In

such cases, we are not receiving your letters. So please take note of this change.

All the District/Circle Secretaries and members are requested to send their POST on new address as we have completely closed our function from C.T.O. Ahmedabad Compound and G.S. has also shifted his residence.


After prolonged struggle, our dream to have our own Office has been realized and we have started to function from new office w.e.f. 01.10.2020. Those who those who visit our office will feel comfortable and will be proud to our own office equipped with latest equipment and other essential accessor ies . Now, jus t l i ke B S N L conversion from DoT, we will have to incur all the expenditure towards electr ic i ty, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance Fund”

We request our valued members to sacrifice their one cup of tea per month and donate rupees one hundred only per year to the Association to maintain our office and represent our various issues strongly, which include Pension Revision as well. We will published the passport size of such donors in black and white pages appreciating their support.


Members are backbone of any Association and its numerical strength always counts to extend its horizon throughout the country. We have reached satisfactory level of membership on date and our target is 15000 by year end. So, we request you to kindly enrol at least one member from your Pensioners Group.

Though we were passing through pandemic situation, we are thankful to all our senior activists who have enrolled maximum membership during this period. Surat, Vadodara deserve our lavish praise. Other Circles have also continued to cooperate and add maximum membership.

We can understand that due to pandemic; all were handicapped and it was rather difficult to make progress but now when the

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present situation become normal and with all precautions our activists can move in the direction of enrolling new members.

Even in Lock Down period BDPA (INDIA) has maintained to work from Home and taken up numerous irritating issues of Pensioners and got redressal. We have maintained our web www.bdpa.in also regularly providing latest news and information for pensioners. From July 2020 onwards we have commenced the printing/posting of magazine. Formerly, we were managing posting of magazine through our active workers who were giving their services for the said work attending our office. We could not continue the same procedure due to Corona-19 and restrictions by the Govt. from time to time and managing the work through our outer resources. N o r m a l l y w e a r e n o t p r i n t i n g correspondence made by us but in order to show you that we were alive, majority of issues taken up during this period are incorporated in this issue.

Attention: Regarding eMO

At present, we receive many remittances through eMO (Electronic Money Order) which contain no communication. Many times, is almost impossible to locate your Membership, City and result in transferring in Suspense account. In such cases, a letter with full address and details may be posted simultaneously. Sometime back, we had received eMO from Mysore which remained in suspense account till the Sender inquired for fate of his remittance.

Administrative Charges

The Association was charging Rs.100/- year and scheme of paying Rs.700/- for ten years at a time. In view of introduction of GST @ 28% on printing, there is increase in our magazine cost and we cannot afford to provide the magazine at the same cost. The issue was discussed at length on 17th September, 2017 in the Circle Conference held at Rajkot. The following decisions were taken.

1. With effect f rom 01.04.2018, the Administrative Charge for magazine are Rs.700/- for five years.

2. It is very cumbersome procedure to maintain account for yearly charges and

as such it was decided to request the members to pay Rs.700/- as one-time charges for specific period. However, those who want to subscriber for one year, Rs.150/- will be charged for financial year commencing from April and ending on March. Those are paying in between will be subscriber again in the month of April for ensuing year.

Members are requested to kindly note that there is increase in paper cost as well and the increase is essential to maintain regular publication of magazine. Due to loss of magazine, we are trying to send one copy till the stock is available. We have curtailed list of complementary copies as well to contain the expenditure. Though the magazine was costing rupees 150/- we have tried to supply the same at half cost but we cannot afford to continue it further. Posting of Birthday Card is discontinued and we may start soon with available of required resources to meet with expenditure. Please co-operate and make your organization strong and viable to sustain uninterrupted publication of magaz ine . Th i s w i l l m in im ize ou r administrative work. Please note that subscription commence from 1st April each year for four issues.


We receive numerous complaints from the Pensioners regarding non receipt of the magazine doubting its posting. We would like to clarify that we mail all the magazine on due posting date under clear receipt and the magazine carry printed stickers of their latest address. The same difficulties are being experienced by the subscribers of other magazines as well. Before inquiring for non-receipt of magazine, members are requested to lodge a written complaint to their delivery office and send copy of the same to us, so that we can represent such cases to the postal authorities.

Those who desire the magazine through Couriers should contribute extra charges which wi l l be int imated to member depending upon his address.

District/Circle Secretary -Please Note

1. That the Dy. Registrar of Trade Unions, State of Gujarat, Gandhinagar has

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approved change in our title as “BSNL & DOT PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION (India)” W.E.F. 08.02.2013.

2. That the Dy. Registrar of Trade Unions, State of Gujarat, Gandhinagar has approved the amendments in our c o n s t i t u t i o n v i d e h i s l e t t e r N o : Shra.AA.9/74/2012 Dated 08.02.2013.

3. Membership Subscription: For new members, our subscription is total Rs. 750/- (which include Rs.100/- Admission Fee for CHQ, Rs. 200 CHQ Quota, Rs.250 Circle Quota and Rs.200/- District Quota).

4. New members have to subscribe for our Q u a r t e r l y M a g a z i n e “ B S N L PENSIONERS NEWS (GUJARAT)” for which he has to pay Rs.700/- if subscribe for five years or Rs.150/- is subscribe for One year. The New Year begins from April each year for the subscription purpose.


You can prefer Bank Transfer for your remittance of Membership/Administrative Charges/ Donation/ Pension Revision Donation.


Name of Bank : Canara Bank

Name of Branch : Bhadra Branch

Name of City : Ahmedabad-380001

IFSC Code : CNRB0000317

Current Account No. : 0317201012977

P l e a s e i n f o r m u s b y e m a i l [email protected], after effecting Bank Transfer and send Xerox copy of your remittance for issuing Receipt against the said payment. The working hours are 14.00 to 18.00 hours from Monday to Friday.


Pension Adalat

The CCA Gujarat convened Pension Adalat for Ahmedabad, Mehsana, Palanpur, Himatnagar and Surendranagar on 30.03.2021 through Google meet, as the recently renovated Conference Room was engulfed in fire and damaged. There were only three cases for the Adalat.

Telangana Circle hold its pension Adalat on 16.03.2021through VIDIO Conference.

Clarification regarding visit of COVID-19 patient in non- empanelled hospital and processing of MRS claims thereof.

No.GJCO-1 1/21(13)/1/2020-GJ-ESTT-RECTT Dt. 27/03/2021

To :


O/o GMTD Rajkot (BA).

Subject: Clarification regarding visit of COVID-19 patient in non-empanelled hospital and processing of MRS claims thereof.

Ref: Your office letter No. HRD/BSNL/EMP-MR-SCHEME/RLG/134 dated 22.03.2021

With reference to above cited subject, kindly find herewith the BSNLMRS -guidelines for regulation of expenditure on indoor treatment issued by AGM(Admn) Corporate O f f i c e N e w D e l h i v i d e l e t t e r n o . BSNL/Admn.I/15-2/05(pt.) dated 8/8/2002 for kind reference.

Also, kindly find herewith the letter issued by DGM(Admin) BSNL CO New Delhi, “Clarification regarding visit certification as per hospital records” along with letter of ADG(Admn) BSNL CO New Delhi, for “BSNLMRS-Guidelines for regulation of expenditure on indoor treatment”.

“If visit and certification is not found feasible due to some practical difficulty then the CGM, in respect of field office Staff, may exempt the requirement of aforesaid cert i f icat ion. In al l other cases the certification by an officer of the parent office of an employee or by an officer posted at the place of hospitalization will be invariably required.”

The same may please be followed and visit ce r t i f i ca te ma y p l e a se b e i s su e d accordingly.

This is issued with the approval of competent authority.

Encls : As above.

Asstt General Manager (HR/Estt)

O/o CGMT Ahmedabad

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Yet another landmark judgement from the Apex Court delivered on 8-2-2021. Andhra State Government deferred salary and pension for March and April 2020, in the name of Covid19. One retired District and Sessions Judge, Smt. Dinavahi Lakshmi Kameshwari, challenged the AP Govt order as a public interest Litigation. On 11th August 2020, the Andhra High Court ordered that deferment is illegal and directed the Government to pay the deferred salary and pension with 12% interest. AP Govt approached Supreme Court with a Civil Appeal. The CA was limited to interest portion of High Court order. Disposing the CA 399 of 2021, Hon'ble Supreme Court Bench consisting of Justice Dr D V Chandrachud and Justice M R Shah reduced the rate of interest from 12% to 6%. At the same time the Supreme Court upheld the observation of High Court that “Salaries and pension are rightful entitlement of employees and retirees for the service rendered to the government and it cannot be deferred….”

(Courtesy : AIBSNLPWA Web)


Aravalli District 6th Get together

6th Get to Gather of Aravalli District held on 03.03.2021 at Modasa at Jesis Hall under the presidentship of Shri Kankrolia, District President. S/Shri D.D. Mistry, R.C. Sharma, H.C. Bhatia, N.A. Patel and N.G. Parmar, attended it. Shri Nayi, District Secretary accorded warm welcome to executive team from Ahmedabad and delivered his speech and also gave accounts of the Branch. He added that within short span of time, branch has enrolled more than 180 members. Shri Kankrolia, spoke on how to avail CGHS Facilities and its benefits. S/Shri V.N. Ninama, B.R. Bodat, H.G. Mochi, R.M. Gor and U.A.Manva part ic ipated in the meeting.Shri R.M. Gor Spoke, how to live retired life peacefully and remain healthy and continue routine activities.

Shri D.D. Mistry, GS spoke on various irritating issues for Pensioners on Medical Reimbursements claims, its payment, latest position on 3rd PRC and freezing of I.D.A. and latest legal position. He also spoke how to maintain pension related documents keeping them handy for emergencies.

Pensioners aging 75+ were honoured in the meeting by flowers and shawl. Shri U.A. Manva anchored the event very nicely.




After long crisis period of Covid-19, BDPA (I) Navsari Branch started first Birthday meeting on Monday 01-2-2021 at 10:30 hours at Akshar Township Shiv Mandir Ground, Navsari. More than 25 Pensioners participated and met their friends after pretty long period and were happy to greet each other and exchange their experiences of pandemic period. S/Shri Shivpujanram Prajapati, I.C. Rana and Smt. D.C. Kshatriya spoke on the occasion throwing light on latest developments on various issues.




January 27, 2021

All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks)

Madam/Dear Sir,

Strengthening of Grievance Redress Mechanism in Banks

Please refer to the 'Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies' issued as part of the Monetary Policy statement dated December 4, 2020, wherein it was stated that with a view to strengthen and improve the efficacy of the grievance redress mechanism of banks and to provide better customer service it has been decided to put in place a comprehensive framework comprising certain measures.

2. Reserve Bank of India has taken various initiatives over the years for

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improving customer service and grievance redress mechanism in banks. Detailed guidelines on customer service were issued to banks encompassing various aspects of operations that impact customers. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme was introduced in 1995 to serve as an alternate grievance redress mechanism for customer complaints against banks. In 2019, Reserve Bank also introduced the Complaint Management System (CMS), a fully automated process-flow based platform, available 24x7 for customers to lodge their complaints with the Banking Ombudsman (BO).

3. As part of the disclosure initiative, banks were advised to disclose in their annual reports, summary information regarding the complaints handled by them; and certain disclosures were also being made in the Annual Repor t o f the Ombudsman Schemes published by the Reserve Bank. To further strengthen grievance redress mechanisms, banks were m a n d a t e d t o a p p o i n t a n I n t e r n a l Ombudsman ( IO) to function as an independent and objective authority at the apex of their grievance redress mechanism.

4. Effective grievance redress should be an integral part of the business strategy of the banks. It is, however, evident from the increasing number of complaints received in the Offices of Banking Ombudsman (OBOs), that greater attention by banks to this area is warranted. More focused attention to customer service and grievance redress will ensure satisfactory customer outcomes and greater customer confidence.

5. In view of the above, and to further strengthen the customer grievance redress mechanism in banks, it has been decided to put in place a comprehensive framework comprising of, inter-al ia, enhanced d isc losures by banks on customer complaints, recovery of cost of redress from banks for the maintainable complaints received against them in OBOs in excess of the peer group average, and undertaking intensive review of the grievance redress mechanism and supervisory action against banks that fail to improve their redress mechanism in a time bound manner. Details of the framework are provided in the Annex.

6. The framework will come into effect

from the date of the circular.

Yours faithfully,

(Ranjana Sahajwala)Chief General Manager

*******H u s b a n d ' s A p p o i n t m e n t O n Compassionate Ground Won't Take Away His Fundamental Right Of Remarriage:

Allahabad High Court- January 17, 2021

The Allahabad High Court last month ruled that the pet i t ioner (Husband) employed on compassionate basis on the death of his wife, won't be precluded from re-marrying.

The Bench of Justice Pankaj Mithal ruled, “Merely because petitioner has been appointed on compassionate basis, he cannot be forced to sacrifice his/her fundamental right of remarriage, after the death of the earlier spouse.

Court No. – 29Case :- WRIT – A No. – 8797 of 2020

Petitioner :- Mohammad HaidarRespondent :- State Of U P And Another

Counsel for Petitioner :-Surendra Prasad Mishra

Counsel for Respondent :–C.S.C.,Daya Ram Yadav

Hon'ble Judge in the chair : Pankaj Mithal,J.

Heard Sri Surendra Prasad Mishra, learned Counsel for the petitioner and learned Standing Counsel for State-respondent No.1.

Briefly stated facts of the present case are that the petitioner was appointed on compassionate basis on the death of his wife. The petitioner now intends to marry the younger sister of his wife.

Therefore, he seeks permission from Basic Shiksha Adhikari where he is employed to re-marry Learned Standing Counse l submi t s tha t t he re i s no requirement under law for getting any permission for re-marriage by an employee. The petitioner appears to have applied for permission to re-marry in view of Rule 5 of the 1974 Rules.

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Rule 5 of the Uttar Pradesh Recruitment of Dependants of Government Servant Dying in Harness Rules, 1974 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Rules, 1974') provides as under:-

“5. Recruitment of a member of the family of the deceased – (1) In case a Government se rvan t d ies in ha rness a f te r the commencement of these rules, and the spouse of the deceased Government servant is not already employed under the Central government or a State Government or a Corporation owned or controlled by the Central Government or a State Government, one member of his family who is not already employed under the Central Government or a State Government or a Corporation owned or controlled by the Central Government or a State Government shall, on making an application for the purpose, be given a suitable employment in Government Service on a post except the post which is within the purview of the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, in relaxation of the normal recruitment rules if such person –

(i) fulfils the educational qualifications prescribed for the post:

Provided that in case appointment is to be made on a post for which typewriting has been prescribed as an essential qualification and the dependent of the deceased Government servant does not possess the required proficiency in typewriting, he shall be appointed subject to the condition that he would acquire the requisite speed of 25 words per minute in typewriting well within one year and if he fails to do so, his general annual increment shall be withheld and a further period of one year shall be granted to him to acquire the requisite speed in typewriting and if in the extended period also he again fails to acquire the requisite speed in typewriting, his services shall be dispensed with.

Provided further that in case appointment is to be made on a post for which the knowledge of computer operation and typewriting has been prescribed as an essential qualification and the dependent of the deceased Government servant does not possess the required proficiency in computer operation and typewriting, he shall be appointed subject to the condition that he would acquire the 'CCC' certificate in

computer operation awarded by the DOEACC Society or a certificate equivalent thereto from an Institution recognized by the Government together with the required speed of 25 words per minute in typewriting well within one year and, if he fails to do so, his general annual increment shall be withheld and a further period of one year shall be granted to him to acquire the required certificate in computer operation and the required speed in typewriting and if in the extended period also he again fails to acquire the required certificate in computer operation and the required speed in typewriting, his services shall be dispensed with.”

(ii) is otherwise qualified for Government service; and

(iii) makes the application for employment within five years from the date of the death of the Government servant:

P r o v i d e d t h a t w h e r e t h e S t a t e Government is satisfied that the time limit f ixed for making the application for employment causes undue hardship in any particular case, if may dispense with or relax the requirement as it may consider necessary for dealing with the case in a just and equitable manner:

Provided further that for the purpose of the aforesaid proviso, the person concerned shall explain the reasons and give proper justification in writing regarding the delay caused in making the application for employment after the expiry of the time limit f ixed for making the application for employment along with the necessary documents/proof in support of such delay and the Government shall, after taking into consideration all the facts leading to such delay, take the appropriate decision.”

(2 ) As fa r as poss ib le , such an employment should be given in the same department in which the deceased Government servant was employed prior to his death.

(3) Every appointment made under sub-rule (1) shall be subject to the condition that the person appointed under sub-rule (1) shall maintain other members of the family of deceased Government servant, who were dependent on the deceased Government servant immediately before his death and are unable to maintain themselves.

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(4) Where the person appointed under sub-rule (1) neglects or refuses to maintain a person to whom he is liable to maintain under sub-rule (3), his services may be terminated in accordance with the Uttar Pradesh Government Servant (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1999, as amended from time to time.”

The aforesaid Rule nowhere stipulates that any permission is required by a person employed on compassionate basis for re-marriage. It only provides that the person employed on compassionate basis shall maintain other members of the family of the deceased government servant. It also provides that in case he neglects or refuses to maintain them, his services services may be terminated. This does not mean that there is any rider on the right of the employee to re-marry. This is what has also been laid down by this Court in the case of Smt. Santoshi v. State of U.P. and 2 others, Writ-A No. 834 of 2020, decided on 21.1.2020. It has been observed that right to marry with person of choice is an integral part of Article 21 of the Constitution of India. Merely because pe t i t i oner has been appo in ted on compassionate basis, he cannot be forced to sacrifice his/her fundamental right of remarriage, after the death of the earlier spouse. A person would not earn any disqualification on this score and warrant any disciplinary proceedings.

Thus, there is no provision under law which requires any person to seek permission from the employer for re-marriage.

In view of the aforesaid facts and circumstances, as there is no statutory requirement under law for seeking permission of Basic Shiksha Adhikari for the purpose of re-marriage by an employee, who has been appointed on compassionate basis, I am of the opinion that the petitioner has unnecessari ly invoked the wri t jurisdiction of this Court.

The petition as such is misconceived and is dismissed.

Order Date :- 11.11.2020


Reimbursement cannot be denied to a central government employee either during service or after retirement if he/she does not seek treatment from a hospital that is not on the list of CGHS-empanelled hospitals, the SC said.

The Supreme Court of India has delivered a verdict that would spell relief for central government employees.

In its judgement, a two-judge bench of the apex court clearly says that an employee of the central government cannot be denied reimbursement of medical bills on the grounds that the employee opted for treatment from a private hospital during an emergency.

Reimbursement cannot be denied either during service or after retirement if the employee does not seek treatment from a hospital which is not in the government panel or in the list of the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) empanelled hospitals, the SC said.

“The right to medical claim cannot be denied merely because the name of the hospital is not included in the government order,” the bench of Justice RK Agrawal and Justice Ashok Bhushan said.

Speaking for the bench, Justice RK Agrawal stated, “Can it be said that taking treatment in speciality hospital by itself w o u l d d e p r i v e a p e r s o n t o c l a i m reimbursement solely on the ground that the said hospital is not included in the Government Order?”

“The real test must be the factum of treatment. Before any medical claim is honoured, the authorities are bound to ensure as to whether the claimant had actually taken treatment and the factum of treatment is supported by records duly certified by Doctors/Hospitals concerned.”

“Once, it is established, the claim cannot be denied on technical grounds,” the Supreme Court said. 'No fetters can be placed on rights of Central govt employee' The apex court went on to add that it is a settled legal position that the employee during his lifetime in service or after his retirement is “entitled to get the benefit of the medical facilities and no fetters can be placed on his rights”.

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It further said that speciality hospitals are established for treatment of specified ailments and services of doctors specialized in a discipline are availed by patients only to ensure proper, required and safe treatment.

The court also took note of “slow and tardy pace of disposal of MRC by the CGHS in case of pensioner beneficiaries and the unnecessary harassment meted out to pensioners who are senior citizens, affecting them mentally, physically and financially…”

SC orders formation of high powered committee Directing that all such claims “shall be attended by a Secretary-level High Powered Committee in the concerned Ministry which shall meet every month for quick disposal of such cases”, the court said: “We are of the opinion that after submitting the relevant papers for claim by a pensioner, the same shall be reimbursed within a period of one month.”

I t also directed the sett ing up of “Committee for grievance redressal of the retired pensioners consisting of Special Directorate General, Directorate General, 2 (two) Additional Directors and a specialist in the field which shall ensure timely and hassle-free disposal of the claims within a period of seven days.”

“We further direct the concerned Ministry to take steps to form the Committee as expeditiously as possible,” the court said.

CGHS approach 'very inhuman'

The court order was issued on a petition by a retired central government official who had sought treatment from two private hospitals and demanded the reimbursement of medical bills. The government had initially refused to reimburse the bill saying that implant of CRT-D device was not required. The court said: “It is acceptable to common sense, that ultimate decision as to how a patient should be treated vests only with the doctor, who is well versed and expert both on academic qualification and experience gained. Very little scope is left to the patient or his relative to decide as to the manner in which the ailment should be treated.”

Holding that the CGHS approach in the instant case was “very inhuman”, the court said: “This is hardly a satisfactory state of affairs. The relevant authorities are required to be more responsive and cannot in a mechanical manner deprive an employee of

his legitimate reimbursement.”

The Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS), the court said was propounded with a purpose ofproviding health facility scheme to the centra l government employees so that they are not left without medical care after retirement.


[https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/can-t-deny-medical-reimbursement-to-central-govtemployees- treated-outside-cghs-hospitals-sc-1766702-2021-02-07]


Withdrawal of circulars on Recovery of excess pension made to pensioners:



RBI/2020-21/84 Dt. 21/01/2021

DGBA.GBD.No.SUO 546/45.01.001/2020-21

The Chairman / Chief Executive Officer

All Agency Banks

Dear Sir,

Withdrawal of circulars on Recovery of excess pension made to pensioners.

It has been brought to the notice of RBI that the recovery of excess /wrong pension payments from the pensioners are being made in a manner that is not in keeping with the extant guidelines / Court orders.

2. This issue has been examined by RBI and it has been decided that the following c i rcu lars issued by Depar tment o f Government and Bank Accounts, Reserve Bank of India related to recovery of excess pension paid by agency banks stands withdrawn with effect from the date of this circular –

Circular no DGBA. GAD. No. 2960 / 45.01.001 / 2015-16 dated March 17, 2016

Circular no CO.DGBA (NBS) No.44/GA.64 (11-CVL) 90/91 dated April 18, 1991

Circular no CO DGBA (NBS) No.50/GA.64 (11-CVL) 90/91 dated May 6, 1991.

3. It may please be noted that though the above-mentioned circulars issued under the signature of RBI stand withdrawn, agency banks are requested to seek guidance from respective Pension Sanctioning Authorities regarding the process to be followed for recovery of excess pension paid to the

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pensioners, if any.

4. As regards the issue of refund to be made to the government of excess/wrong pension payments, banks may be guided by the guidelines laid down in our Circulars Nos.DGBA.GAD.H10450/45.03.001/2008-09 dated June 1, 2009 and DGBA. GAD. H. 4054/ 45.03.001/2014-15 dated March 13, 2015. Agency banks are again advised that, where excess pension payment has arisen on account of mistakes committed by the bank, the amount paid in excess should be refunded to the Government in lumpsum immediately after detection of the same and without waiting for recovery of any amount from the pensioners.

Yours faithfully

(Charulatha S Kar)

Chief General Manager




Civil Appeal No 399 of 2021

(Arising out of SLP (C) No 12553 of 2020)

The State of Andhra Pradesh and Another Appellant(s)

Vs :

Smt Dinavahi Lakshmi Kameswari Respondent(s)


1. Leave granted.

2. This appeal arises from a judgment and order of the Andhra Pradesh High Court dated 11 August 2020. The State of Andhra Pradesh issued GOMs No.26 on 31 March 2020 and GOMs No. 37 on 26 April 2020. The backdrop for the orders was the outbreak of Covid-19 and the financial crises which had resulted as a consequence. The revenues of the State of Andhra Pradesh were impacted by the onset of the pandemic. The financial position of the State finds reference in the judgment of the High Court, which has been extracted below:

“The States' own revenue consisting of tax revenue and nontax revenue have shown a precipitous decline of 52% i.e. Rs 7593 crores in first quarter of 2020-21 as compared to 2019-20. The receipts were only Rs 7089 crores against Rs 14,682 crores of 2019-20. The States' own revenue

h a v e n o t s h o w n a n y a p p r e c i a b l e improvement in the month of July, 2020 also as the decline is to an extent of 49% amounting to Rs 2,129 crores for the first 20 days of the month of July, 2019.” The above extract in the judgment of the High Court is based on the submissions of the State.

3. By GOMs No. 26 of 31 March 2020, the State Government determined that it was necessary, as an urgent measure, to provide for a deferment of the salaries and pensions which it was obligated to pay. Consequently, paragraph 5 stipulated as follows:

“ 5 . G o v e r n m e n t , a f t e r c a r e f u l consideration of the situation arising due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the economic consequences of the lock down, the cessation of the revenue inflows and extra burden imposed on the State's resources to contain the epidemic & to provide relief to the people affected/likely to be affected, hereby orders for the deferment of Salaries / Wages/ Remuneration/ Honorarium / Pensions on gross basis, as per the following pattern:

(i) There shall be (100)% deferment in r e s p e c t o f H o n ' b l e C . M . / H o n ' b l e Ministers/Hon'ble M.L.As/ Hon'ble M.L.Cs, Chairperson & Members of all Corporations, elected representatives of all Local Bodies & people holding equivalent posts, as per the orders issued from time to time.

(ii) There shall be (60)% deferment in respect of All India Service Officers viz., IAS, IPS and IFS;

(iii) There shall be (50)% deferment in respect of all other Government employees, including workcharged employees & persons engaged under the category of direct individuals professions & through 3rd party, except Class-IV Employees;

(iv) There shall be (10)% deferment in respect of Class-IV, Out-sourcing, Contract and the Vil lage & Ward Secretariat employees;

(v) The deferment mentioned in respect of Para 5(i), (ii),(iii) & (iv) supra shall be made applicable mutatismutandis in respect of the retired employees in the respective categories.

(vi) The above deferment shall be equally appl icable to the serving & ret i red employees of all PSUs/Government aided

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Institutes/Organizations/Universities/Societies/Autonomous bodies/ Semi autonomous bodies, etc. in respect of their Salaries/ Wages / Honorarium / Pensions.”

4. It is also provided that the above orders would come into force in respect of the salary, wages, remuneration and pensions for the month of March 2020,payable in April 2020 and would continue to remain in force until further orders.

5. On 4 Apr i l 2020, there was a modification by the State Government in terms of GOMs No.27 which provided for the payment of full salary to the employees of three departments, namely, (i) medical and health department;

(ii) Police department; and (iii) sanitation workers working in rural local bodies or urban local bodies, such as Nagar Panchayats, Municipalities and Municipal Corporations.

6. On 26 April 2020, GOMs No.37 provided for a further modification under which the Government, having noticed the hardships which were being faced by the pensioners, directed the payment of full pension to all categories of pensioners.

7. A writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution was filed before the High Court by a former District and Sessions Judge. The gravamen of the grievance was that salaries and pensions are due as a matter of right to employees and, as the case may be, to former employees who have served the State. Consequently, a direction was sought in the petition to the State Government to pay the outstanding salaries and pensions which had remained due.

8. The High Court by its judgment and order dated 11 August 2020 held that:

(i) The PIL at the behest of a public spirited citizen was maintainable, the petitioner before the High Court having instituted the proceedings pro bono without any personal interest;

(ii) Pension is payable to the retired employees for the past services rendered by them to the State;

(iii) Under Rule 9 of the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules 1980, pension can only be withheld or deferred under specific circumstances such as if the pensioner is found guilty of grave misconduct or

negligence during employment in a departmental or judicial proceeding. These circumstances had not been established;

(iv) Article 72 of the Andhra Pradesh Financial Code deals with the payment of salary to employees of the State, and provides that salary is payable on the last day of every month;

(v) The entitlement to the payment of salary is intrinsic to the right to life under Article 21 and to the right to property which is recogn ized by Ar t i c le 300A o f the Constitution;

(vi) The State could not by means of a government order have provided for the deferment of salaries and pensions without following recourse to law.(vii) Although the GOMs make reference to the state plan under Sec t i on 23 o f t he D isas te r Management Act, 2005, none of the provisions of the said Act provide for deferred payment of salaries or pensions.

9. On the above premises, the High Court directed (i) payment of the deferred salary for the months of March-April 2020 together with interest at the rate of 12% per annum and (ii) payment of deferred pension for the month of March 2020 with a similar rate of interest.

10. Aggrieved by the judgment of the High Court, the Government of Andhra Pradesh moved these proceedings under Article 136 of the Constitution. The State Government clarified in its Special Leave Petition that it was restricting its challenge only to the component of interest which had been imposed by the judgment and order of the High Court. On 18 November 2020, while considering the Special Leave Petition at the preliminary hearing, the Court issued a direction to the effect that the deferred portion of the payments on account of salaries, pensions and honoraria due to the employees or, as the case may be, to former employees be paid in two equal tranches. The first was directed to be paid on or before 15 December 2020, while the second was directed to be paid on or before 15 January 2021. The direction in regard to the payment of interest was stayed by this Court.

11. In pursuance of the above directions, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has disbursed the full amount of salary and pensions which came to be deferred by the

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GOMs which have been noted earlier. The only issue which now surv ives for determination is the liability to pay interest.

12. Mr Shekhar Naphade, learned senior counsel appearing on behalf of the appellants with Mr Mahfooz Ahsan Nazki, learned counsel, submits that the decision to defer the payment of salaries and pensions was taken due to the precarious financial position in which the State found itself as a consequence of the pandemic. Mr Naphade submitted that immediately after the issuance of first GOMs, a relaxation was provided for front-line workers such as those in the police, health and sanitation departments. Moreover, by a subsequent relaxation a direction was issued for payment of pensions to the pensioners. Hence, it has been submitted that the State had acted bona fide and there would be no reason to saddle it with the liability to pay interest. Alternately,it has been submitted that if interest is directed to be paid, the payment should be confined only in regard to the employees of the State falling in categories 3, 4 and 5 of the GOMs dated 31 March 2020.

13. Opposing the submissions of Mr Naphade and Mr Nazki, Mr Yelamanchili Shiva Santosh Kumar, learned counsel appearing on behalf of the respondents, urged that the intervention of the High Court must be understood in the perspective of the background facts, namely, that the State had intervened by issuing an administrative order in exercise of its powers under Article 162 of the Constitution without enacting a proper legislation for the deferment of salary or, as the case may be, pensions.

Learned counsel highlighted the serious hardships which would have been caused to pensioners as a result of the order of deferment and hence submitted that the High Court is fully justified in entertaining the PIL and in directing payment of interest at the rate of 12% per annum.

14. The direction for the payment of the deferred portions of the salaries and pensions is unexceptionable. Salaries are due to the employees of the State for services rendered. Salaries in other words constitute the rightful entitlement of the employees and are payable in accordance with law. Likewise, it is well settled that the

payment of pension is for years of past service rendered by the pensioners to the State. Pensions are hence a matter of a rightful entitlement recognised by the applicable rules and regulations which govern the service of the employees of the State. The State Government has complied with the directions of this Court for the payment of the outstanding dues in two tranches. Insofar as the interest is concerned, we are of the view that the rate of 12% per annum which has been fixed by the High Court should be suitably scaled down. While learned counsel for the respondents submits that the award of interest was on account of the action of the Government which was contrary to law, we are of the view that the payment of interest cannot be used as a means to penal ize the State Government. There can be no gainsaying the fact that the Government which has delayed the payment of salaries and pensions should be directed to pay interest at an appropriate rate.

15. We accordingly order and direct that in substitution of the interest rate of 12% per annum which has been awarded by the High Court, the Government of Andhra Pradesh shall pay simple interest computed at the rate of 6% per annum on account of deferred salaries and pensions within a period of thirty days from today. This direction shall, however in the facts and circumstances, be confined to categories 3, 4, 5 and 6 of GOMs No 26 dated 31 March 2020. We clarify that interest shall be paid to all pensioners of the State at the rate of 6% per annum on the deferred portion, for the period of delay. Having regard to the prevailing bank interest, the rate of 12% per annum which has been fixed by the High Court, would need to be and is accordingly reduced.

16. The appeal is accordingly disposed of in terms of the above directions. There shall be no order as to costs.

17. Pending applications, if any, stand disposed of.

Judge :[Dr Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud]Judge :[M R Shah]

New Delhi;

February 8, 2021

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B-701, DHARATI SAKET-2, Near Vande Mataram Homes, Chenpur Road, Ahmedabad - 382470.

B-701, DHARATI SAKET-2, Near Vande Mataram Homes, Chenpur Road, Ahmedabad - 382470.

B-701, DHARATI SAKET-2, Near Vande Mataram Homes, Chenpur Road, Ahmedabad - 382470.

B-701, DHARATI SAKET-2, Near Vande Mataram Homes, Chenpur Road, Ahmedabad - 382470.

BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

PHA Section (Admn. Branch)1st floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan Janpath, New Delhi.

No.BSNLCO-ADMN/18-5/2020- ADMN Dated:08 .02.2021


Sh.S. Basu,

111, NewAshiana Apartments , Plot No-10, Sec-6 Dwarka, New Delhi.

Sub. : Extension of confessional FTTH connection in lieu existing concessional broadband

connection for retired employees.

Ref No:AIBSNLREA/CHQ/2020/154 dated 30.12.2020

In reference to grievance on the mentioned subject regarding extension of concessional FTTH

connection in lieu of concessional broadband to retired employees, it is to state that your suggestion to

extend the facility to the retired employee is welcome and the same may be considered at appropriate time in

future taking in to account its viability and market dynamics etc.

This issues with the approval of competent authority.


(R.K. Sharma)

Deputy General Manager (Admin)

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Government of India Department of Health and Family Welfare

Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi - 110011

D.O. No. 1920764/2020/ImmunizationDated: 27, February,2021

Vandana Gurnani, I.A.S.Additional Secretary & Mission Director (NHM)

Dear Colleague,

This is in reference to the next phase of Covid-19 vaccination that is to begin from the 1st March, 2021 for the next priority group that includes the citizens that are aged 60 years or more and those that are aged 45 years to 59 years with specified comorbidities.

As already conveyed, the private Hospitals that are empanelled under the AB-PMJAY, CGHS or the State's Health Insurance schemes would also be COVID19 Vaccination Centres (CVC) along with the Government health facilities. The vaccination would be provided free of charge at the Government health facility while it would be on payment basis in the Private health facilities.

The service charge to be recovered by private hospitals acting as COVID Vaccination Centres would be subject to a ceiling of Rs.100/- per person per dose.In addition, private hospitals will recover Rs.150/- per person per dose as cost of vaccine dose. Hence, financial ceiling of the total amount recoverable by private hospitals is Rs.2501- per person per dose. It has also been informed that this arrangement will remain effective till further orders.

It is further informed that when the vaccines are handed over to the private empanelled hospitals under AB-PMJAY, CGHS or under the State Health Insurance schemes, the cost of the vaccines()Rs 150/- per dose, is to be electronically deposited immediately by these hospitals, in the bank account of National Health Authority created in this regard.

The details of the account are as mentioned below:

Name of account: "National Health Authority Covid Vaccination"

State Bank of IndiaMain Branch New DelhiAccount No 40038441558IFSC code SBIN0000691with warm regards

Yours sincerelySd/-

(Vandana Gurnani)

File No2.1602510812021/CGHS-III

No. 118025108/213211CGHS-111 Dt. 23 Mar, 2021Government of India

Ministry of Health & Family WelfareDir. Genl. of CGHS (CGHS-III)

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.


Yash Pal Sharma, Circle Secretary, Haryana Telecom Circle, BSNL, Head Quarter, Gharaunda, Karnal, Haryana.

Sub: Opening of CGHS Dispensary at Karnal Haryana for penisoners of Govt of India-regarding.


With reference to your letter dated 08.07.2021 regarding the subject matter mentioned above the undersigned is directed to convey that the Central pensioners residiny in non CGHS covered area can avail CGHS facilities from nearby CGHS city after payment of required subscription charges.

However. this Ministry takes a considered view regarding opening of new Viewless Centres at new places at an appropriate time taking inlo consideration the norms for opening new Wellness Centre and availability of resources. At present there is no proposal regarding opening of a CGHS Wellness Centre at Karnal, Haryana.

(Dr. G D Paliya)Addl. Dy. Dir. General (HQ)

We had also made strong representation through BPS and also local MP and CM Office.

We will not holding any Get to Gather or Any Meeting till unlock period is completely over and we will be allowed to move freely without any restriction.

We know that this will take more time, but we have no option and cooperate to the Administration to contain Corona-19.

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A Govt. of India Enterprise"Coal Bhawan"

Premises No. Q4, MAR Plot No. AF-IllAction Area-1A, New Town, Rajarhat

Kolkata-700156 (West Bengal)

CIL/C5A(iv)/Freezing DA/CPSE's/B-779

Dated 17.12.2020


Sub : Freezing of Dearness Allowance to E m p l o y e e s o f C e n t r a l P u b l i c S e c t o r Enterprises(CPSEs) drawing pay as per 2017, 2007, 1997, 1992 & 1987 IDA pay revision guidelines at current rates till 30th June, 2021-regs

In terms of Off ice Memorandum No.W-02 /0039 /2017 -DPE(WC) -GL-XVI /20 da ted 19.11.2020 from Director, Department of Public Enterprises(DPE) on the above subject, the relevant part of the OM dated 19.11.2020 is as under:

"In view of the crisis arising out of COVID-19, it has been decided that additional instalments of Dearness Allowance payable to employees of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) drawing pay as per 2017, 2007, 1997,1992, 1987, IDA pay scale guideline, due from 01.10.2020 shall not be paid. The additional installment of Dearness Allowances due from 01.01.2021 and 01.04.2021 shall also not be paid. However, Dearness Allowance at the current rate with effect from 01.07.2020 will continue to be paid.

As and when the decision to release the future installments of Dearness Allowance due from 01.07.2021 is taken by the Govt., the rate of Dearness Allowance as effective from 01.10.2020, 01.01.2021, 01.04.2021 will be restored prospectively and will be subsumed in the cumulative revised rate effective from 01.07.2021. No Arrears for the period from 01.10.2020 till 30.06.2021 shall be paid."

The above OM would be applicable in case of Board level and below Board level executives under the IDA pattern whose pay has been revised w.e.f. 01.01.2017 as per DPE's OM dated 03.10.2018.

The directions in the above Office Memorandum are to be complied till further orders.


(Tripti Parag Shaw)

General Manager (P-EE)

File No. S11030/11/2021-EHS Dt. 2nd March, 2021Government of India

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfare

(EHS Section)Nirman Bhawan, Niw Delhi

ToShri T.K. Damodaran,Chennai,

Subject: Extension of CGHS facilities to beneficiaries outside India.


I am directed to refer to your email dated 06.02,2021 on the above noted subject and to say that your petition has been examined in the Ministry. As per rule 11 of CS(MA) Rules, 1944, a Government Servant and his/ her family members are eligible to obtain medical treatment outside India or, as the case may be, to claim reimbursement of the cost of medical treatment obtained inside or outside India. It is, therefore, evident that the term 'Government Servant', denotes all serving central government employees (CGHS as well as CSMA beneficiaries). Hence, the provisions of CS(MA) Rules, 1944 are applicable in case of serving Central Government employees. Further, as CS(MA) Rules are not applicable to pensioners, provisions relating to treatment abroad are not applicable in their case,

2. This issues with the approval of competent authority,


(Sandeep Kumar)Under Secretary to Govt. of India







Page 16: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)



No. BSNLCO-TAXN/13(15)/1/2020-Taxation/4045

Dated:- 03-02-2021

ToThe Chief General Managers and IFAs,All BSNL Circles/Units.

Sub:- TDS deduction on payment of medical bills of Retired Employees –Reg.

The undersigned is directed to inform you that, this office has received a PMOPG complaint filed by the BSNL Retired Executive Association addressed to Chairman CBDT regarding deduction of income tax (TDS) on medical bills of Retired Employees at the time posting in SAP.

In this connection, it is intimated that, the relevant extract of the Income Tax Act, 1961

related with the matter are as follows:-

“As per Section 15 of the Income Tax Act,1961, the following income shall be chargeable to income-tax under the head “Salaries” u/s 15:-

a). Any salary due from an employer or a former employer to an assesse in the previous year, whether paid or not;

b). Any salary paid or allowed to him in the previous year by or on behalf of an employer or a former employer though not due or before it became due to him;

c). Any arrears of salary paid or allowed to him in the previous year by or on behalf of an employer or a former employer, if not charged to income-tax for any earlier previous year.

[Explanation 1]. For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that where any salary paid in advance is included in the total income of any person for any previous year it shall not be included again in the total income of the person when the salary becomes due.

[Explanation 2]. Any salary, bonus, commission or remuneration, by whatever name called, due to, or received by, a partner of a firm from the firm shall not be regarded as “salary” for the purpose of this section.

Further, as per Section 192 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, “Any person responsible for paying any income chargeable under the head “Salaries” shall, at the time

of payment, deduct incometax on the amount payable at the average rate of income tax computed on the basis of the rates in force for the financial year in which the payment is made, on the estimated income of the assesse under this head for that financial year.”

Further, as per Section 192, following conditions must be satisfied for applicability of Section 192:-

- Any payment is made by an employer to his employee.

- Such payment must be chargeable under the head ‘Salaries’.

- Quantum of such payments for the financial year in which such payments are made exceeds maximum amount not chargeable to tax (generally referred to as ‘threshold limit’).

Further, Tax is to be deducted at the time of payment of salary, i.e., tax is to be deducted at the time of ‘actual payment’ of salary. When the salary is only credited to the account of employee and is not actually paid to him, tax is not required to be deducted; tax will be deducted only at the time when salary is ‘actually’ paid to the employee.

In view of above, it has been decided by the Competent Authority to discontinue the existing practice of deducting TDS at the time of posting of medical bill in the SAP and deduct TDS on Retirees Medicals Bills at the time of payment with effect from January 2021 (i.e. Q4 of F.Y. 2020-21) onwards.

This is for your kind information and necessary action please.

This may be treated as Most Urgent.

This issues with the approval of Sr. GM (Taxation).

Sd/-(Subrat Kumar Mohakud)

AGM (Taxation)

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Page 17: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


1/17/2019-Ðè »æÇ Ðè ÇÏHê (§ü)çÎÝ¢æÜU 8th, ÈUÚ±Úè, 2021

|¢¢Ú¼ S¢ÚÜU¢ÚÜU¢<¢ÜU, H¢ïÜU çà¢ÜU¢²¼ ¼‰¢¢ Ðï´à¢Ý ¢æ~¢¢H²

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¼èS¢Úè ¢æçÁ¢H, H¢ïÜU Ý¢²ÜU |¢±Ý,¶¢Ý ¢¢ÜïüUÅ, ݧü çÎÌè-110003,

ÜU¢²¢üH² ¿¢¢ÐÝSubject : Amendment of income criteria for grant of family pension to children/siblings suffering from mental or physical disability-regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that in accordance with sub-rule (6) of Rule 54 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, a child/sibling of a deceased Government servant/pensioner, who is suffering from a mental or physical disability, is eligible for family pension for life, if the disability is of such a nature so as to prevent him/her from earning his/her livelihood. Further, as per the said Rule 54, a member of the family is deemed to be earning his/her livelihood, if his/her income, from sources other than family pension, is equal to or more than the minimum family pension and the dearness relief admissible thereon. This income ceiling is also applicable for determining eligibility for family pension of a child/sibling, suffering from a mental or physical disability.

2. The matter regarding income criteria for determining eligibility for family pension in the case of a child/sibling, suffering from mental or physical disability, has been reviewed in this Department, keeping in view the special needs of such a child/sibling, who requires greater medical care and financial assistance. It is considered desirable that the income ceiling for grant of family pension to such children/siblings should commensurate with the amount of the entitled family pension in their case.

3. Therefore, it has now been decided that a c h i l d / s i b l i n g o f a d e c e a s e d G o v e r n m e n t servant/pensioner, who is suffering from a mental or physical disability, shall be eligible for family pension for life, if the appointing authority is satisfied that the disability is of such a nature so as to prevent him/her from earning his/her livelihood, as evidenced by a disability certificate obtained from a competent medical authority. Such a child shall be deemed to be not earning his/her livelihood, if his/her overall income from sources other than family pension is less than the entitled family pension at ordinary rate and the dearness relief admissible thereon, payable on death of the Government servant/pensioner concerned.

4. Accordingly, a child/sibling of a deceased Government servant/pensioner, who is suffering from a mental or physical disability, shall be eligible for family pension for life, if he/she fulfils, among others, the following conditions:

i. A disability certificate is issued by the competent medical authority.

ii. The overall income of the disabled child, from sources other than family pension, remains less than the entitled family pension at ordinary rate (i.e. 30% of the last pay drawn by the deceased Government servant/pensioner concerned) p lus the dearness re l ief admissible thereon.

5. The provisions of Rule 54 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 shall stand modified to the extent mentioned above only and the amended provisions shall take effect from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum. A formal amendment of Rule 54 shall be notified separately.

6. In cases where a child/sibling, suffering from a mental or physical disability is presently not in receipt of a family pension due to non-fulfillment of the earlier income criteria, family pension may be granted to such a child/sibling, if he/she fulfils the income criteria mentioned in para 3 and 4 above and also fulfills the other conditions for grant of family pension at the time of death of Government servant or pensioner or previous family pensioner. The financial benefits, in such cases, shall accrue from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum and no arrears for the period from the date of death of Government servant/ pensioner/previous family pensioner shall be admissible.

7. This OM is issued with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their ID No. 1(2)/EV/2020 dated 29.12.2020 and 02.02.2021.

8. In its application to persons belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders are issued under Article 148(5) of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India vide their ²ê.¥¢ï.S¢æw²¢ -28-SÅ¢ÈUG ãÜU.

(çݲ¢)/»¥¢Ú / 09-2019 dated 25.01.2021.

9. The Administrative Divisions of all Ministries / Departments and attached/subordinate offices are requested to bring the contents of these instructions to the notice of all concerned for compliance.

(S¢æÁ¢² à¢æÜUÚ)

|¢¢Ú¼ S¢ÚÜU¢Ú ÜïU ©Ð S¢çÓ¢±

Page 18: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


Government of IndiaMinistry of Communications

Department of TelecommunicationsOffice of Controller General of Communication Accounts

NICF Campus, Ghitorni, New Delhi - 1 10047.

No. 13-8/2020-21 /BA&IT/54 to 86 Dt. 4-3-2021


All Pr. CCAs/ CCAs

Subject : Regarding payment of Fixed Medical Allowance to BSNL pensioners through CPMS

R e f : ( i ) O / o C C A K a r n a t a k a C i r c l e L e t t e r No.12/FMAl20211 dated 21/01/2021 (Enclosed (ii) No.47-14/CPMS/TA- I I /2018/4696-4726 dated 21/10/2019

Vide letter under reference (i) a suggestion for adding a feature of Fixed Medical Al lowance (FMA) in SAMMPANN for BSNL Pensioners has been raised_ Presently, in SAMPANN, option of opting for FMA is extended only to CDA pensioners. As per DoT O.M. dated 21.10.2019 under reference 11).A pensioners (BSNL) arc also eligible to opt for FMA. Presently, such functionality is not available to IDA pensioners in SAMPANN. However, deselopment of extension of FMA to 1I)A pensioners and a utility for change of FMA after generation of PPO is part of the development plan and will be developed in due course.

I am directed to convey that till such time the functionality is developed, the following process for payment of FMA to eligible I.D.A. (BSNL) pensioners could he followed by CCA offices:

- Necessary corrigendum regarding inclusion of FMA may be issued by CCA Offices manually which can then be uploaded on the Pensioner's Dashboard using the Upload Utility.

- The payment of FMA (as per eligibility) may be entering the FMA related amount in the Arrear column in the Monthly Bill at DH (PDA) level while processing.

- Once the FMA Change Utility has been built, the necessary authority will be generated by the system and FMA amount will be incorporated in the Monthly Bill automatically.

- Also, after development, for fresh cases. FMA will he extended to IDA cases as well like it has been done for CDA cases.

This issues with appros al of the Competent Authority.


(Traranjeet Singh) ACGCA (BA&1T)


Government of IndiaMinistry of Heavy Industries & Public enterprises

Department of Public EnterprisesPublic Enterprises Bhawan.

Block No.14, CGO Complex,Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110003.

Dated, the 9th March, 2021


Subject: WP No29212/2020 filed by BSNL

employees Union Vs Union of India & Ors before

the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala at Ernakulam-reg.

The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of letter 'No. BSNLEU/418(IDA) dated 25.02.2021 of BSNL Employees Union alongwith the Order dated 17.02.2021 of Hon'ble High Court of Kerala at Ernakulam in the matter mentioned above.

2. In this regard it is informed that DPE issues DA rates for executives and Non- Unionized Supervisors of CPSEs from time to time. DA rate for workmen/non- executives is governed by the Wage Settlement between the Trade Union / Association and the management of the CPSE concerned. DPE has no role in Wage Negotiation.

3. In view of the above, Department of Telecommunication, the administrative Department of BSNL, is requested to take necessary action

(Samsul Haque)

Under Secretary

We do not know how many months will be taken to effect the change by pension sanctioning / disbursing authorities.

ykÃkLke fkuEÃký MkMÞk kxu ykÃku íkuLke hsqykík suíku ÷økíkk ð¤økíkk yrÄfkheLku ÃkwhuÃkwhk ËMíkkðus MkkÚku fhðkLke hnuþu. íÞkhçkkË íkuLke ºký Lkf÷ ykÃk yuMkkurMkyuþLkLku kuf÷e þfþku.

Page 19: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


Government of IndiaMinistry of Communications

Department of TelecommunicationsOffice of Controller General of

Communication AccountsNICF Campus, Ghitorni, New Delhi-110047.

No. 13-8/2020-21/BA&1T/ 21 to 53 Dt. 4-3-2021


All Pr. CCAs/ CCAs

Subject: Submission of Life Certificate by SAMPANN pensioners- reg.

Ref: O/o CCA Assam Circle letter no. ASM/CCAJPEN ADALAT/2020-21 dt.27/01/2021 (Enclosed)

Vide letter under reference a suggestion has been given by a Pensioners Association regarding Submission of Life certif icate of SAMPANN pensioners in a uniform month (in month of November every year) along with other pensioners.

In this regard it is to mention that for convenience of D o T p e n s i o n e r s r e c e i v i n g p e n s i o n v i a SAMPANN/Financial Management System only, timeline for Life Certificate submission has been relaxed by means of staggering. By way of staggering, a pensioner has to submit his/her Life Certificate within one year of submission of the previous Life Certificate. Therefore, he/she does not have to mandatorily submit the Life Certificate in November of each year. For example, if a pensioner retires on 31st January, 2020 then he/she has to submit his/her Life Certificate next in or before February, 2021.

However, instead of submitting the Life Certificate in a staggered manner, a pensioner can submit his/her Life Certificate in November also or in any other month he/she desires before the expiry of his/her Life Certificate.

Therefore, I am directed to convey that all Pr. CCA / CCA offices may inform pensioners and Pensioners Associations regarding the above via letter/SMS/call.

This issues with approval of the Competent Authority.


(Taranjeet Singh)



O/o. CCA ASSAM TELECOM CIRCLEBSNL Bhawan, 5th Floor, Panbazar,

Guwahati, Assam - 781001.

No. ASM/CCA/PEN ADALAT/2020-21Dt. Guwahati 27/1/2021


The Jt Controller General of Communication Accounts

NICF Campus, Ghitorni, New Delhi-110047.

Subject: Submission of Life Certificate of SAMPANN pensioners in a uniform month along with other pensioners, viz-the month of November every year.

Ref: CCA Assam Circle letter No: ASM/CCA/ Pen Adalat/2020-21 dated 18.01.2021.

Inviting kind reference to the point No: 10 of the Minutes of National Pension Adalat heid on 07.01.2021 forwarded Vide this office memo of even number dated 18.01.2021, it is to state that members of Pensioner's Association present in the said National Pension Adalat has raised an issue in respect of submission of life certificate of SAMPANN pensioners in a uniform month along with other pensioner, i.e. in the month o f November every year. A f ter implementation of SAMPANN, a pensioner is required to submit his life certificate in the month preceding the month of his retirement in the next year. For example, if an employee is retired in the month of July/2020, he needs to submit his life certificate on or before last date of June/2021.

During the discussion with the representatives of pensioners association on the occasion of National Pension Adalat held on 07.01.2021, they had stated that submission of life certificate in different months depending upon date of retirement creates confusion among the pensioners and accordingly there should be a uniform month for submission of life certificate along with other pensioners, i.e. the month of November every year.

The representat ives of the pensioners association were informed during discussion on 07.01.2021 that their suggestion shall be forwarded to the higher authority. Hence this communication,

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Sd/-Account Officer (Pension)O/o the CCA : Assam Circle


Page 20: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance



Bharat Sandier Bhavan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001.

No: BSNLCO-ADMN/1211/2021-ADMN Dated: 05/02/2021

To,Sh. S Narasimhan42, School Road, Prrambur, Chennai, PIN-60001 1, TN

Sub:- Order of First appellate authority(FAA) against information sought vide RTI appeal no. BSNID/A/E/21/00023 dated:08/01/2021 under RTI act-2005 --case of Sh S. Narasimhan.


1. RTI request with registration no. BSNLD/R/E/20/01612 dated: 10.12.20

2. Reply submitted by CPIO,admin cell vide letter No. BSNLCO-ADMN/ 12/ 1/ 2021- ADMN Dated: 07 Jan 2021

3. RTI first appeal with regn. no. BSNLD/A/E/21/00023 dated:08.01.2021

In reference to above referred RT1 request dated 10.12.2020, reply submitted by CP10 BSNL vide letter under reference- 02 above were examined and following are the observations.


Informationsought vide RTI request

Representative vide Firstappeal

Comments of FirstAppeal authority

W h e t h e r B S N L f a m i l y pensioners are eligible for migrating from BSNLMRS medical facility to CGHS card facility

I wanted clarification from BSNL C O ' w h e t h e r B S N L f a m i l y pensioners are eligible to migrate from BSNLMRS facility to CGHS medical facility'. There is no clear reply to my RTI question whether BSNL family pensioners are eligible to migrate from BSNLMRS facility to CGHS medical facility now. BSNL has quoted Aug-20, 2010 clarifications order which explains about BSNLMRS facility alone.I want a clear reply from you whether BSNL family pensioner are allowed for migration from BSNLMRS faci l i ty to CGHS medical facility now.

I n f o r m a t i o n / R e l e v a n t B S N L M R S g u i d e l i n e s regarding eligibility of family pensioners for BSNL MRS facility is already provided by CPIO vide RTI reply dated: 07.01.2021.

Further, Entitlement of BSNL family pensioners is decided by CGHS authority, there is no restriction in BSNLMRS policy for opting CGHS by BSNL family pensioners.


If you are not satisfied with the orders of First Appellate Authority / Information provided to you by the CP10 after passing the order by FAA, you may appeal to the Central Information Commission, Second Appellate Authority on following Address:

Central Information CommissionCIC Bhawan, Baba Giangnath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi.

Enclosed: None

Sd/-(A. M. Gupta)

Sr. OM (Admin)/ First Appellate AuthorityJanpath, H.C. Mathur Lane, New Delhi-110001.

Page 21: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


Government of IndiaMinistry of Personnel. Public Grievances & Pensions

(Department of Personnel & Training)North Block, New Delhi

Dated 20th January, 2021

Shri Dinesh D. MistryBSNL& Dot Pensioners Association IndiaC-11, Suvarnadham Avenue,Opp. Sundarvan, Ranip, Ahmedabad-382480.Gujarat.

Subject : Public Grievance petition bearing CPGRAMS Registration No. DOPAT/P/2021 /00040


I am to refer to your representation dated 03.02.2020 forwarded by Department of Justice to this Department vide OM dated dated 28.12.2020 requesting for grant of one notional increment on date of retirement (30th June) in the light of the judgement rendered by the Honble High Court Mardras Bench in W.P. No. 15732/2017 in the case of P. Ayyaamperumal Vs. Union of India.

2. It may kindly be noted that the judgment of Hon'ble Madras High Court in W.P. No. 15732/2019 in the case of Shri Ayyamperumal. is in personam, i.e. specific to the case of petitioner only.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/-(Murali Bhavaraju)

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India


Corporate OfficePension Section, 5th floorBharat Sanchar Bhawan

H.C. Mathur Lane, New Delhi-110001


No. 40-22/2011-Pen (B) Dt. 15-3-2021


All Heads of Circles / Telecom Districts / Regions / Projects / Telecom Stores / T e l e c o m F a c t o r i e s 8 0 O t h e r Administrative Offices Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

Sub: Timely payment of retirement benefits to the retiring employees. - regarding.


I am directed to forward herewith a copy of D O P&P W O.M. No. 3(6) /202.1-P86PW(H)-7083 dated 09/03/2021, on the above mentioned subject for information and further necessary action.

Enclosure As above

Yours faithfully,Sd/-

(Sudhanshu Shekhar Ray)Asstt. General Manager (Estt.)








For updating your self

with latest developments

and news for BSNL

Pensioners, form a habit

to regularly visit our web

www.bdpa.in at least

once in a day and share

the news wi th your

Pensioners Friends.

Page 22: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance



Subject—Timely payment of retirement benefits to the retiring employees

The undersigned is directed to say that timelines have been prescribed under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 for each activity involved in the processing of a pension case and for payment of pension and gratuity to a retinng Government servant. As per this timeline, the process of verification of service and other preparatory work should be undertaken one year before a Government servant is due to retire on superannuation, the Government servant should submit the forms six months before retirement, the Head of Office should send the pension case to the PAO four months before retirement and the PAO should issue PPO and send it to CPAO one month before retirement The CPAO required to issue the Special Seal Authority within 21 days, thereafter

2. Instructions have been issued vide this Department's OM No 1/27/2011- P &PW (E) dated 01 08 2017 for handing over the copy of pensioner PPO to him/her at the time of retirement along with other retirement dues The Rules also provide for sanction of provisional pension in cases where a Government servant is likely to retire before finalization of his pension and gratuity

3. 'BHAVISHYA, the online Pension Sanction 8 Payment Tracking System, facilitates online tracking of pension sanction and payment process by the individual as well as the administrative authorties and keeps the retiring employees informed of the progress of pension sanction process through SMS/Mail The system is, therefore, very useful for ensuring timely payment of pensionary benefits to the retiring Government servant

4. In spite of the timelines prescribed in the rules/instructions and simplification/streamlining of the procedures through BHAVISHYA, issue of the PPO and payment of retirement benefits continue to be delayed in a large number of cases A significant percentage of the grievances registered on the CPENGRAMS relate to non-payment of retirement dues for several months after retirement Delay in settlement of retirement dues also leads to avoidable litigation In a number of cases, the courts have directed payment of interest for the delayed period to

No. 3(6)/2021-P&PW(H)-7083 Dt. 9th March, 2021Government of India

Ministry of Personnel & Public GrievanceDepartment of Pension and pensioners' Welfare

8'" Floor, Janpath Bhavan, Janpath, New Delhi,

the affected pensioners, besides making adverse comments on the functioning of the administration

5. In order to ensure timely payment of retirement dues in all cases, it has been decided that the progress of the pension cases should be regularly monitored by the Heads of the organizations and the Heads of Departments An effective monitoring mechanism is required to be established in every office/Department to review the progress of processing of the pension cases The information available from the BHAVISHYA software may be utilized for this purpose

6. Farewell programs are often organized in the offices on the occasion of retirement of employees This is one of the most appropriate occasions that can be utilized to review the progress of the pension cases and to sensitize the concerned staff about the importance of timely payment of retirement dues Accordingly. In every farewell function, Heads of organizations/Departments/offices may review the progress of pension cases of all the employees of that organization. Department/office, who are due for retirement in the next six months Wherever the processing of any pension case is found to be behind schedule, proactive action must be taken to ensure that all retirement dues are paid on time to the retinng Government servant

7. A half-yearly statement may be submitted by each Department / organization! office to the Secretary of the administrative Ministry/Department indicating the particulars of the Government servants in whose case issue of PPO was delayed by more than two months after retirement on superannuation The statement may also contain the reasons for the delay in issuing the PPO and remedial action taken to avoid such delays in future

8. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the above instructions to the notice of the officesifield organizations under their administrative control for strict compliance.

Sd/-(Rajesh Kumar)

Under Secratary to the Government of India

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Page 23: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance

guarantee Bonds and in-principle approval for merger of BSNL and MTNL.

The following steps have been taken by the Government to implement the revival plan:.

1. VRS has been successfully implemented in BSNL and MTNL. As a result, salary expenditure is reduced by around Rs. 600 crores (approximately 50%) in BSNL and by around Rs. 140 crores (approximately 75%) in MTNL.

2. BSNL and MTNL have raised Rs. 8,500 Crores and Rs. 6,500 Crores respectively on the basis of sovereign guarantee extended by the Government.

3. BSNL will manage the mobile services of MTNL in Delhi Licensed Service Area (LSA) from 01.04.2021.

4. Government has issued instructions for mandatory utilisation of BSNL network for internet/broadband. landline and leased line requirements by all Departments / Ministr ies and other Government Undertakings / Bodies under Central Government.

Both BSNL and MTNL have become EBITDA positive for the Half Year ending September 2020 and Nine Months ending December 2020.

(c) & (d) 5G services are yet to be launched in India.







Will the Minister of Communications he pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is considering shutting down Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL);

(b) if not, whether the Ministry is looking to boost revenues for the above mentioned PSUs by activating 5G spectrum;

(c) whether MTNL and BSNL have the infrastructure to host 5G spectrum; and

(d) if so, the reasons for delay in activation thereof?





(a) to (d) A statement is laid on the Table of the House. As under :

(a) & (b) Government has no plans to close down Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL).

The Government stands firm to revive both BSNL and MTNL.The Union Cabinet approved the revival plan for BSNL and MTNL on 23.10.2019. The revival plan inter-alia, includes reduction in the Staff cost through a Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for employees of age 50 years and above, administrative allotment of spectrum for providing 4G services through capital infusion by Government, monetisation of core and non-core Assets of BSNL/MTNL to generate resources for meeting CAPEX, retiring debt and other requirements, debt restructuring by raising of sovereign



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Page 24: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance

Government of India Ministry of Finance

Department of Expenditure

Rajya SabhaUnstarred Question No.1669:

Shri Naranbhai J. Rathwaanswered on Tuesday, 9th March, 2021.

Freezing of DA

Will the Minister of Finance be pleased to state:

a) whether freezing of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Central Government employees/pensioners till July, 2021 has subjected them to undue hardship;

b) if so, the reasons for not restoring DA to Central Government Employees and pensioners before July, 2021; and

c) whether Central Government employees and pensioners are not entitled to three installments of DA and, if so, whether Government would also release these installments and, if not, reasons therefor?


Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance (Shri Anurag Thakur)

(a,& b) In view of the crisis arising out of COVID-19 pandemic, the Government has decided to freeze three installments, of Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief to Central Government employees and pensioners due from 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020 & 01.01.2021. The amount Rs.37530.08 crores saved on this account will help to tide over the economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic

(c) As and when the decision to release the future installments of Dearness Allowance due from 01.07.2021 is taken, the rates. of DA as effective from 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020 and 01.01.2021 will be restored prospectively and will be subsumed in the cumulative revised rates effective from 01.07.2021.



Parliament SectionWage revision for BSNL employees

Mar, 04,2021

From : [email protected]

Subject : Wage revision for BSNL employees

To : [email protected]


Starred / Unstarred Diary No. 53173, U3299

The Question will be put down for - 18/03/2021

Answer on the Ministry Department - Comunications (comm)

Wage revision for BSNL employees

Shri M. Shaninugm : wi l l the Minis ter of Communications be pleased to state

(a) when was wage revision last made in BSNL for its employees and sice when it is due;

(b) the reason for not giving effect to wage revision despite many employees have taken VRS;

(c) by when the wage revision will be given effect to;

(d) whether the pension of retired employees would also be revised in view of persistent demand from them; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?


Most Immediate

Department of Telecom(SU-IV Section)


Endt. No.58-03/2021-SUV-IV Dated : 06.03.2021

Kindly provide requisite information in respect of above mentioned parliament question along with notes of supplementary and Executive Summary, in MS-Word format, by today positively through email ( in MS Word Format only. Kindly don't use a b b r e v i a t i o n s i n s t e a d o f f u l l f o r m s ) a t [email protected] and also fax at: 23372096 (confirm fax at: 23372096)



Due to Corona EpidemicSituation the upcomingGet to-gather is abadondedtill the Situation gets well tonew normal.

Page 25: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance

window from 1st October onwards, has been provided to them to avoid the general rush from 1st November onwards.

Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare started a Pilot Programme “DLC from home campaign” in 2018 in 7 cities through Pensioners' Associations. The objective of the campaign was to extend support to aged and infirm pensioners in submission of Life Certificate digitally from home. In 2019, this project was expanded to cover 24 cities and this has continued up to 2021 as well, with the help of Registered Pensioners' Associations

Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare roped in the India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) and utilize its huge network of Postmen and Gramin Dak Sevaks in providing doorstep facility to pensioners for submission of life certificate digitally. As a result a huge number of pensioners across the country shall be able to avail doorstep service through Postmen/ Gramin Dak Sevak, without visiting to bank branch or standing in a queue outside the bank branches by paying a nominal amount

(c) & (d): Yes, The major issues reported regarding authentication processes of Digital/Life Certificates is non capturing of finger bio-metrics due to aging. Keeping in view the difficulties have been reported in capturing through finger print devices, IRIS enabled devices have been provided by this department to Pensioners' Associations which is more effective and convenient. Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare is also instrumental in roping in an Alliance comprising 12 Public Sector Banks which does “Doorstep Banking” for its customers in 100 major cities of the country under Ease of banking reforms. As a result, Public Sector Banks (PSB) Alliance has introduced the service for collection of Life Certificates under the umbrella of Doorstep Banking. This Department also issued instructions, whereby the Banks were directed to resort to Video based Customer Identification Process for obtaining a Life Certificate within the guidelines of RBI which will obviate the need to resort to a bio-metric enabled device.









(a) whether the Government has taken appropriate technical and administrative measures for providing Life Certificate easily to the old age pensioners to be furnished by them to concerned institution/bank;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government has taken cognizance of the fact that old and differently abled pensioners face difficulty in submitting Life Certificate through online mode and therefore have to submit Life Certificate to their concerned institution/bank by presenting themselves mandatorily; and

(d) whether the Government proposes to take any steps to provide the facility of submitting Life Certificate to the old and differently abled pensioners through phone or at their doorstep by sending the persons from the concerned institution/bank to collect the said certificate?







(a) & (b): Yes, the Government has taken many technical and administrative measures for providing Life Certificate easily to the old age pensioners to concerned institutions/banks. The details are as under:-

Keeping in view the difficulties faced by very senior citizens aged 80 years and above, an exclusive

Page 26: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance






Will the Minister of Communications be pleased to state.

(a) when was wage revision last made in BSNL for its employees and since when it is due;

(b) the reason for not giving effect to wage revision despite many employees having taken VRS;

(c) by when the wage revision will be given effect to;

(d) whether the person of retired employees would also be revised in view of persistent demand from them; and

te) if so. the details thereof?




(a) to (c) Wage revision for executive & non-executive employee of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) was made with effect from 01-01-2007. Next wage revision is due with effect from 01-01-2017. However, BSNL has been incurring losses since 2009-10. BSNL does not fulfil the criteria under affordability clauses as per Department of Public Enterprise (DPE) guidelines dated 03-08-2017 on pay revision in Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSEs) w.e.f. 01-01-2017. Therefore, the pay revision in BSNL has not been considered due to its poor financial condition and continuous losses. BSNL continues to incur loss despite many employees opting for Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS)

(d) & (e) Pension revision in case of BSNL IDA pensioners is intrinsically linked with pay revision of serving employees to avoid anomaly of pension amount between present and future retirees of the same status and grade. Accordingly, case of pension revision of employees permanently absorbed in BSNL will have to await implementation of 3rd Pay Revision Commission (PRC) in BSNL.


BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

O/o. Pr. General Manager (NWO) CFAM.P. Telecom Circle, BSNL Bhwan,

Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal-462027.

No. PGM (NWO) CFA/CLOSING OF CDMA N/W/2017-18156 Dt. 09-05-2019

ToAll SSA HeadsMP Telecom Circle

Sub: - Provision of Mobile connection to retired/retiring BSNL employees in view of closure of WLL Services: Regarding

Ref: - Corporate Letter No: - 2-712007-PHA Dated20-7-2007 Circular No. 111200-PHA

With the approval of competent authority. It is intimated that those retired/retiring BSNL employee who are not provided Land Line facility due to non-feasibility or availing existing WLL connection may be provided Prepaid Mobile facility on monthly recharge basis as per.

Salient features :

1. Free SIM in lieu of rent free connections

2. C-TOP Up of the value equivalent to free local calls C-TOP UP may also be provided on existing BSNL SIM in the name of the employee.

3. Employee has to give undertaking that he is not availing the land line connection.

4. All other guidelines as per Circular No 11/2007-PHA have to be followed.

5. This facility is approved for Iwo months from date of issue of letter.

This is to be implemented with immediate effect please.


M.P. Circle

Free Local Calls(monthly)

C-TOP UPValue (in `)

As per circular No. 11/2007-PHA Approved


Executive falling in category 500 500E3 and above includi full timeDirectors CMA

Executives fallintegory E 1 and E2 250 250

Non-Executives falling in category 150 150NE-5 to NE-11

Non-Executives falling in category 100 100NE1 to NE4

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Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government proposes to revive Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and if so, the details thereof and the steps taken by the Government in this regard; and

(b) the time by which 4G and 5G services will be made available to all BSNL mobile customers in the country especially in the State of Kerala?







(a) & (b) A statement is laid on the Table of the House. As under

(a) The Government approved the revival plan for Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) on 23.10.2019. The revival plan inter-alia, includes measures to reduce the staff cost through a Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for employees of age 50 years and above, administrative allotment of Spectrum for providing 4G services with funding through budgetary allocation, monetisation of Land/Building and Tower/Fibre assets to generate resources to retire debt, meet CAPEX and other requirements, and debt restructuring by raising of Sovereign Guarantee Bonds.

The Government approved Rs. 25,697 crores (Rs.14,366 crores on account of Ex-Gratia on VRS and Rs. 11,331 crores due to advancement of pensionary benefits spread over a period of ten years) through budgetary allocation for VRS in BSNL. Full cost of spectrum of Rs. 24,084 crores will be funded by

Government. Government also approved sovereign guarantee for bonds of Rs. 8,500 crores to be raised by BSNL for its debt restructuring.

The following steps have been taken by the Government to implement the revival plan:

1. VRS has been successfully implemented in BSNL. Total 78,569 employees opted for VRS. As a result, salary expenditure of BSNL has reduced by approximately 50%.

2. Fund allocation of Rs. 24,084 crores for spectrum for 4G services has been made.

3. BSNL has informed that the funds raised through the sovereign guarantee bonds have been utilised to repay its existing high-cost debt.

4. BSNL has taken steps to monetise its core and non-core assets. In Phase-I, 4 (four) properties of BSNL have been identified for bidding through Department of Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM). BSNL has further informed that it has raised Rs. 306.37 crores from monetisation of land/ building assets directly since announcement of revival package. In addition, BSNL has finalized an agreement for raising Rs. 1800 crores through securitization of its tower rentals.

5. Government has issued instructions for mandatory ut i l isat ion of BSNL network for internet/broadband, landline and leased line requirements by all Departments/Ministries and other Government Undertakings/Bodies under Central Government.

(b) BSNL has reported that it has introduced 4G services in its mobile network at a few locations on limited scale using its existing spectrum for 3G services. A total of 8,629 Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) of 4G are working in the country including 887 in Kerala as on 31.12.2020.

BSNL has issued an Expression of Interest (EOI) on 01.01.2021 for prior registration/Proof of Concept (PoC) from Indian Companies interested in participating in BSNL's upcoming 4G tender.5G services are yet to be launched in India.


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this 05 year validity period only.

The existing plastic cards will however continue till their 05 year validity period ends.

ln case of pensioner cards (except whole life card), the e-lndex Card / plastic card/"Print your own card" validity and download facility would be from date of approval on the application for plastic card by Additional Director of the city/Headquarter in Delhi, till the period covered by the subscription deposited by the pensioner.

The plastic card printing agency wil l henceforth print CGHS cards of main card holder and dependents with the same "Valid upto" date, as captured in the database of the main CGHS card holder (exception being whole life pensioner cards where "whole life" is to be printed in place of"valid upto" date).

Beneficiaries would be able to apply for renewal of plastic cards 03 months from expiry date of existing card. The new e-Index Card valid for Syears from date ofapproval by department/ CGHS as the case may be, would be available for downloading after SMS confirmation from CGHS.

It is reiterated that in case any of the beneficiaries (main card holder or dependent) becoming ineligible for availing CGHS facilities, it shall be the responsibility of the main card holder to immediately inform the Additional Director/CMO l/C either through the department (in case of serving beneficiaries) or directly (please see at www.cghs.nic.in FAQs at serial numbers 1 and 4 to 9 for details). It is also reiterated that in the event of the main card holder's failure to inform CGHS about change in the eligibility status, then CGHS facility to the beneficiary and his dependents is liable to be withdrawn in addition to any other action as deemed fit by CGHS/ appropriate authority (including disciplinary proceedings against serving beneficiary under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965). Department will be responsible for retaining and getting deleted from Database the CGHS cards of its employees transferred to non cGHs covered areas / organizations or on resignation / retirement.

The information regarding the new e-lndex card facility would be disseminated to the main

card holders through SMS.


(Dr. Anil Ranga)

Director (CGHs -policy)


F.No.S. I 101 l/3/202 l-EHS Dt. 10th, 02, 2021Government of India

Ministry of Health & Family WelfareDepartment of Health & Family Welfare

(EHS Section)Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011

Office Memorandum

Subiect: Facility for downloading of Index Card and Validity of CGHS Card- Regarding.

It has been the endeavour of CGHS to provide more on-line facilities for its beneficiaries especially during COVID times. As a step further in this direction, the facility to download and print the Index Card is now available to the CGHS beneficiaries. On verification of the CGHS card application by Additional Director of the CGHS city/headquarters, an SMS would be sent to the registered mobile number ofthe main card holder, fo l lowing which the Index Card wou ld be downloadable by the main card holder and his dependents. The beneficiary will no longer be required to visit the Office of Additional Director of the ciry/headquarters at Delhi to collect the paper Index Card. The beneficiary can use the downloaded lndex Card (e-lndex Card] to avail all CGHS facilities in CGHS units as we[[ as at empanelled hospitals and diagnostic centres.

How to download the Index Card: On receiving the SMS regarding verification of card application, the beneficiary would be required to go to "Beneficiary login" at www.cghs.nic.in and login using his Beneficiary ID and password. An OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number as well as email of the beneficiary for authentication, following which the beneficiary would be able to download the e-lndex Card.

Validity of CGHS Plastic Cards: Earlier, CGHS cards of serving beneficiaries and their dependents were valid for 05 years from the date of being printed. This often resulted in differing card expiry date of main card holder and his dependents, for instance, in case of addition of a new dependent.

To remove this anomaly, henceforth, in case of all new/renewed serving CGHS cards, the validity period ofthe Plastic Card, e-lndex Card, as well as "Print your own Card" will be the same for main card holder and all their dependents i.e.,05 years from the date when the department has approved the application for plastic card of the main card holder'

This will be irrespective of the date when their card is printed. ln addition, the e-lndex Card and "Print your own Card" facility would be available during

Page 29: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance

to twenty-seven thousand rupees per month.

2. The limits of Rs 45,000/- per month and Rs

27,000/- per month in the existing Rule 54( I I) were

determined at the rate of 50% and 30%, respectively,

of the highest pay of Rs. 90.000/- in the 6th CPC and

were notified vide Notification No.38/80/2008-P&PW

(A) dated 8th June. 2011 (GSR 176 dated the Ilth June,


3. References have been received in this

Department in regard to the limits of two family

pensions payable to child/children in respect of both

the parents, after the 7th CPC.

4. The highest pay in the Government has been

revised to Rs. 2, 50,000/-per month after the 7th CPC.

Accordingly, it is clarified that, with effect from 01. 01.

2016, the amount of Rupees forty five thousand per

month in Rule 54(11)(a)(i) & (ii) shall stand revised to

Rupees one lakh twenty-five thousand per month

(being 50% of Rs.2,50,000/-) and the amount of twenty

Seven thousand per month in Rule 54(11)()) shall

stand revised to Rupees seventy five thousand per

month (being 30% of Rs. 2,50,000/4

5. Formal amendment to the Central Civil

Services (Pension) Rules in this respect shall be

notified separately.


Sanjoy Shankar

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India



1/1(2)/2020-P&PW (E) Part-1 Dt. 12th February, 2021Government of India

Nlinistry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare

3rd Floor, 1, Lok Nayak Bhawan,khan Market, New Delhi.


Subject: Revision of limits of two family pensions

payable to a child in respect of both the parents

after the 7th CPC.

In accordance with sub-rule (11) of rule 54 of the

Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules 1972, in case

both wife and husband are Government servants and

are governed by the provisions of that rule, on their

death, the surviving child/children is/are eligible for two

family pensions in respect of the deceased parents. As

per the existing rule 54, if one of the parents dies while

in service or after retirement, the family pension in

respect of the deceased shall become payable to the

surviving husband or wife and in the event of the death

of the husband or wife, the surviving child or children

shall be granted the two family pensions in respect of

the deceased parents, subject to the limits specified


(a) (i) If the surviving child or children is or are

eligible to draw two family pensions at the

rate mentioned in sub-rule (3) of Rule 54,

the amount of both the family pensions

shall be limited to forty-five thousand

rupees per month;

(ii) If one of the family pensions ceases to be

payable at the rate mentioned in sub-rule

(3) of Rule 54, and in lieu thereof the family

pension at the rate mentioned in sub-rule

(2) of Rule 54 becomes payable, the

amount of both the pensions shall also be

limited to forty-five thousand rupees per


(b) If both the family pensions are payable at the

rates mentioned in sub-rule (2) of Rule 54, the

amount of two family pensions shall be limited

Your move to enroll at

least one member from

your VRS-2019 Optee will

strengthen our

Association to safeguard

your pensioners benefits.

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WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION. SEE RULES 5(2), 6(1), 12, 13 (1) AND (2), 14 (1) AND (2), 15 (1) AND (2) AND 16 (1) AND (2)

(To be submitted in duplicate after retirement but within one year of the date of retirement)

PART-I To, The Controller of Communication of Accounts Gujarat Telecom Circle, Ahmedabad 380 001.

Subject: Commutation of Pension without Medical Examination.

Sir, I desire to commute a fraction of my pension as indicate below in accordance with the provisions of the Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules 1981. The necessary particulars are furnished below. 1. Name (As per PPO) : Pension Payment Order Number : 3820200122________ 2. Father's/Husband's name : 3. Designation at the time of Retirement 4. Name of office in which employed : 5. Date of Birth : 6. Date of Retirement : 31/01/2020 7. Class of Pension on which retired : BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme 2019 8. Amount of Pension authorized : 9. Fraction of pension proposed to be commuted (Indicate percentage, equal to or less than 40%) Place: ________________ Signature______________________ Date: ________________ Postal Address Note: The applicant should indicate the fraction of the amount of monthly pension (Subject to a maximum of 40% thereof) which he desires to commute and the amount in rupees.



Received from Shri __________________________________________(name), ______________________(former designation), application in Part I of Form 1 for the commutation of a percentage of pension without medical examination.

Place: ________________ Signature ______________________

Date: ________________ (Head of Office/SSA)

(NOTE. - This acknowledgement is to be signed, stamped and dated and is to be detached from the Form and handed over to the applicant. If the form has been received by post, it has to be acknowledged on the same day and the acknowledgement sent under registered cover.


(THE FORM OF APPLICATION FOR COMMUTATION OF PENSION) NAME OF THE APPLICANT ____________________________________. Forwarded to the Controller of Communication of Accounts, Gujarat Telecom Circle, Ahmedabad With remarks that :- (i) The particulars furnished by the applicant in Part-I have been verified and are correct. (ii) The applicant is eligible to get a fraction of his pension commuted without medical examination. (iii) The commuted value of pension determined with reference to the Table applicable at present comes to Rs. ___________. (iv) The amount of residuary pension after commutation will be Rs. ________________. 2. It is requested that further action to authorize the payment of the amount of commuted value of pension may be taken as

in Rule 15 of the Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981. 3. The receipt of part-II of the form has been acknowledged in part-II which has been forwarded separately to the applicant

on ____________. 4. The commuted value of pension is debitable to Head of Account.

Place: ________________ Signature ______________________ Date: ________________ (Head of Office/SSA)

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OFFICE MEMORANDUMSub: Submission of Form 14 by the spouse to the pension disbursing bank after the death of the pensioner - instructions reg. The undersigned is directed to draw attention to the requirement of applying for family pension in Form 14 as given in rule 81 (2) (A) (ii) of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. 2. This Department has been receiving representations from various quarters to do away with the condition of applying for family pension in Form 14 as it is causing inconvenience to widows, who find it difficult and embarrassing to present themselves before two Gazetted Officers/persons of repute for attestation of Form 14. 3. Before commencement of family pension, personal identification details of the spouse such as specimen signature, personal mark of identification and left hand thumb impression, proof of age/date of birth of spouse and an undertaking from him/her for recovery of excess payment are to be obtained by the bank. Form 14 serves as a standard processing sheet, which defines and delineates the exact requirement of information to be given to the pension disbursing Bank. It was apprehended that in the absence of this standard, the widows may be asked to submit any relevant or irrelevant information by the bank. This could also lead to delay in commencement of the family pension. 4. The matter has been examined and it has been agreed that in case the pensioner and spouse are holding a joint account, the possibility of claim for family pension from someone else does not arise. Therefore, in such cases, there is no requirement of Form 14. The spouse may inform the Bank of death of the pensioner and request the bank for commencement of family pension, through a simple letter. He/she may enclose a copy of death certificate of pensioner, PPO, proof of his/her own age/date of birth and an undertaking for recovery of excess payment. In other cases, i.e., where the pension is not being credited to the joint bank account of the pensioner and his/her spouse, Form 14 will be continued to be obtained by the banks. However, the condition of attestation of Form 14 has been done away with and witnessing by two persons has been considered as sufficient. 5. For all future cases, Head of Office will forward to the PAO, along with similar details for the pensioner, the specimen signature, personal mark of identification, left hand thumb impression, the proof of age / date of birth and an undertaking from the spouse regarding recovery of excess payment. After the death of the pensioner, the spouse of the deceased pensioner will be required to provide only death certificate to the paying bank, who will identify the spouse based on the information given in the PPO and its own "Know Your Customer" procedures. Where the pensioner and hislher spouse do not have a joint account, Form 14 will be required as in para 4 above. 6. This issues with the concurrence of Department of Expenditure, vide their ID No. 601/E.V/2013, dated 13.09.2013.

Sd/-(D.K. Solanki)

Under Secretary to the Government of India





CPAO/Tech/Bank Performance/37 Vol-III(A)/2020-21/81 Dated: 12.02.2021


The Head of CPPC/GBD

Subject:- Documents to be submitted by family pensioner alongwith the formats.


Your kind attention is invited to CCS Pension (Rules) 1981, Para 24 of the "Scheme for Payment of Pension to Central Government Civil Pensioners by Authorized Banks", read with DP&PW Notification dated-29.08.2014 and DP&PW OM No.1/27/2011-P&PW (E) dated-20.09.2013 wherein the simplified procedure for payment of family pension is mentioned. The payment of family pension at the rate and to the person indicated in the PPO may be commenced by the paying branch on the receipt of following documents:-

1. Where spouse having joint account with pensioner.

i) Application for grant of family pension

ii) Copy of Death Certificate of pensioner.

iii) Proof of his/her own age/Date of Birth (Date of birth is required to regulate the amount of additional pension on attaining the age of 80 years and above).

iv) Undertaking to the effect that any amount to which he or she is not entitled to or any amount which may be credited to his or her account in excess of the amount to which he or she is entitled would be refunded or made good.

2. Where spouse do not have joint account with pensioner.

i) Application for grant of family pension on death of a Govt. servant or pensioner in Form 14 as prescribed in CCS Pension rules may also be obtained in addit ion to aforementioned documents.

All the Heads of CPPCs are requested to take cognizance of the codal provisions mentioned above in order to reduce the time taken by bank branch and CPPC for conversion of pension in to family pension to spouse or in cases co-authorization has already been provided in PPO.

This issues with the approval of the Chief Controller (Pensions).

Sd/-(Neeraj Kulhari)

(Dy. Controller of Accounts)

No.1/27/2011-P&PW(E) Dt. 20/09/2013Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & PensionsD. P. & P.W.

Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi.

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(c) in the said rules, for rule 57, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“57. The Head of Office shall write to the Directorate of Estates at least one year before the anticipated date of retirement of the Government servant who was or is in occupation of a Government accommodation (hereinafter referred to as the allottee) for issuing a `No demand certificate' in respect of the period preceding eight months of the retirement of the allottee.”

(d) in the said rules, in rule 58, for the words “two years” the words “one year” shall be substituted;

(e) in the said rules, for rule 59, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“59. Stages for the completion of pension papers on superannuation. – The Head of Office shall divide the period of preparatory work of one year referred to in rule 58 in the following three stages, namely:–

(a) First Stage. – Verification of service. –

(i) The Head of Office shall go through the service book of the Government servant and satisfy himself as to whether the certificates of verification for the service subsequent to the service verified under rule 32 are recorded therein.

(ii) In respect of the unverified portion or portions of service, he shall verify the portion or portions of such service, as the case may be, based on pay bills, acquittance rolls or other relevant records such as last pay certificate, pay slip for month of April which shows verification of service for the previous financial year and record necessary certificates in the service book.

(iii) If the service for any period is not capable of being verified in the manner specified in sub-clause (i) and sub-clause (ii), that period of service having been rendered by the Government servant in another office or Department, the Head of Office under which the Government servant is at present serving shall refer the said period of service to the Head of Office in which the Government servant is shown to have served during that period for the purpose of verification.


Government of IndiaMinistry of Personnel,

Public Grievances and PensionsDepartment of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare


New Delhi, the 29th August, 2014

G.S.R………… (E). – In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in relation to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, namely:-

1. (1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Pension) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2014.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), -

(a) in rule 32,–

(i) in the marginal heading, for the word “or”, the word “and” shall be substituted;

(ii) in sub-rule (1), for the word “or”, the word “and” shall be substituted;

(iii) after sub-rule (1), the following shall be inserted, namely:-

“(1A) For the purposes of verification of service, the Head of Office shall follow the procedure provided in clause (a) of rule 59.”;

(b) in the said rules, in rule 56, for sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2), the following sub-rules shall respectively be substituted, namely:-

“(1) Every Head of Department shall have a list prepared every three months, that is, on the 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October each year, of all Government servants who are due to retire within the next twelve to fifteen months of that date.

(2) A copy of every such list shall be supplied to the Accounts Officer concerned not later than 31st January, 30th April, 31st July or 31st October, as the case may be, of that year.”


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which makes him or her entitled to any benefits which he or she is not otherwise entitled to, it shall be construed as a grave misconduct.

(b) Second Stage. - Making good omission in the service book. –

(i) The Head of Office while scrutinising the certificates of verification of service, shall also identify if there are any other omissions, imperfections or deficiencies which have a direct bearing on the determination of emoluments and the service qualifying for pension.

(ii) Every effort shall be made to complete the verification of service, as specified in clause (a) and to make good the omissions, imperfections or deficiencies referred to in sub-clause (i).

(iii) Any omission, imperfection or deficiency which is incapable of being made good and the per iods o f serv ice about wh ich the Government servant has submitted no statement and the portion of service shown as unverified in the service book which it has not been possible to verify in accordance with the procedure laid down in clause (a) shall be ignored and service qualifying for pension shall be determined on the basis of the entries in the service book.

(iv) For the purpose of calculation of average emoluments, the Head of Office shall verify from the service book the correctness of the emoluments drawn or to be drawn during the last ten months of service.

(v) In order to ensure that the emoluments during the last ten months of service have been correctly shown in the service book, the Head of Office may verify the correctness of emoluments only for the period of twenty-four months preceding the date of retirement of a Government servant, and not for any period prior to that date.

(c) Third Stage. - As soon as the second stage is completed, but not later than eight months prior to the date of retirement of the Government servant, the Head of Office shall –

(i) furnish to the retiring Government servant a certificate regarding the length of qualifying service proposed to be admitted for the


(iv) On receipt of communication referred to in sub-clause (iii), the Head of Office in that office or Department shall verify the portion or portions of such service, in the manner as specified in sub-clause (ii), and send necessary certificates to the referring Head of Office within two months from the date of receipt of such a reference:

Provided that in case a period of service is incapable of being verified, it shall be brought to the notice of the referring Head of Office simultaneously.

(v) If no response is received within the time referred to in the preceding subclause, such period or periods shall be deemed to qualify for pension.

(vi) If at any time thereafter, it is found that the Head of Office and other concerned authorities had failed to communicate any non-qualifying period of service, the Secretary of the administrative Ministry or Department shall fix responsibility for such non-communication.

(vii) The process specified in sub-clauses (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) shall be completed e ight months before the date of superannuation.

(viii) If any portion of service rendered by a Government servant is not capable of being verified in the manner specified in sub-clause (i) or sub-clause (ii) or sub-clause (iii) or sub-clause (iv) or sub-clause (v), the Government servant shall be asked to file a written statement on plain paper within a month, stating that he had in fact rendered service for that period, and shall, at the foot of the statement, make and subscribe to a declaration as to the truth of that statement.

(ix) The Head of Office shall, after taking into consideration the facts in the written statement referred to in sub-clause (viii) admit that portion of service as having been rendered for the purpose of c a l c u l a t i n g t h e p e n s i o n o f t h a t Government servant.

(x) If a Government servant is found to have given any incorrect information willfully,

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purpose of pension and gratuity and also the emoluments and the average emoluments proposed to be reckoned for retirement gratuity and pension.

(ii) direct the retiring Government servant to furnish to the Head of Office the reasons for non-acceptance, supported by the relevant documents in support of his claim within two months i f the cer t i f ied serv ice and emoluments as indicated by the Head of Office are not acceptable to him.

(iii) forward to the retiring Government servant Form 5 advising him to submit the same duly completed in all respects so as to reach the Head of Office not later than six months prior to his date of retirement.”

(f) in the said rules, after rule 59, the following rule shall be inserted, namely:-

“59-A. A Government servant, retiring for reasons other than superannuation may, submit Form 5 before such retirement but after the competent authority has approved such retirement or the retirement has become effective, as the case may be.”;

(g) in the said rules, for rule 60, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“60. Completion of pension papers. – In cases under rule 59, the Head of Office shall complete Part I of Form 7 not later than four months before the date of retirement of a Government servant and in cases under rule 59-A, the Head of Office shall complete Part of Form 7 within three months after submission of Form 5 by a Government servant.”;

(h) in the said rules, in rule 61, –

(i) sub-rule (3) shall be omitted;

(ii) for sub-rule (4), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“ (4) The papers referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be forwarded to the Accounts Officer not later than four months before the date of superannuation of a Government servant and i n c a s e s o t h e r t h a n r e t i r e m e n t o n superannuation not later than three months after the date of submission of Form 5.”;

(i) in the said rules, in rule 62, the words, brackets and figures, “within the period specified in sub-rule (4) of rule 61” shall be omitted;

(j) in the said rules, in rule 63, for sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“(1) The Head of Office shall, after ascertaining and assessing the Government dues referred to in rule 71, furnish the particulars thereof to the Accounts Officer in Form 8.”

(k) in the said rules, for rule 64, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“64. Provisional pension for reasons other than Departmental or Judicial proceedings.– (1)

Where in spite of following the procedure laid down in rule 59, it is not possible for the Head of Office to forward the pension papers referred to in rule 61 to the Accounts Officer within the period specified in sub-rule (4) of that rule or where the pension papers have been forwarded to the Accounts Officer within the specified period but the Accounts Officer may have returned the pension papers to the Head of Office for eliciting further information before issuing pension payment order and order for the payment of gratuity and the Government servant is likely to retire before his pension and gratuity or both can be finally assessed and settled in accordance with the provisions of these rules, the Head of Office shall rely upon such information as may be available in the official records, and without delay, determine the amount of provisional pension and the amount of provisional retirement gratuity.

(2) On receipt of Form 5, in a case of retirement otherwise than on superannuation, the Head of Office shall sanction provisional pension and also provisional retirement gratuity till issue of Pension Payment Order.

(3) Where the amount of pension and gratuity cannot be determined for reasons other than the Departmental or Judicial proceedings, the Head of Office shall –

(a) issue a letter of sanction addressed to the Government servant endorsing a copy thereof to the Accounts Officer authorising –

(i) 100 per cent of pension as provisional pension for a period not exceeding six months to be reckoned from the date of retirement of the Government servant; and

(ii) 100 per cent of the gratuity as provisional gratuity withholding ten per cent of gratuity.

(b) specify in the letter of sanction the amount

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recoverable from the gratuity under subrule

(1) of rule 63 and after issuing the letter of sanction referred to in clause (a), the Head of Office shall draw –

(i) the amount of provisional pension ; and

(ii) the amount of provisional gratuity after deducting therefrom the amount specified in sub-clause (ii) of clause (a) and the dues, if any, specified in rule 71, in the same manner as pay and allowances of the establishment are drawn by him.

(4) The amount of provisional pension and gratuity payable under sub-rule (2) or sub-rule

(3) shall, if necessary, be revised on the completion of the detailed scrutiny of the records.

(5) (a) The payment of provisional pension shall not continue beyond the period of six months from the date of retirement of a Government servant or from the date of submission of Form 5 by the Government servant, whichever is later, and if the amount of final pension and the amount of final gratuity had been determined by the Head of Office in consultation with the Accounts Officer before the expiry of the said period of six months, the Accounts Officer shall-

(i) issue the pension payment order; and

(ii) direct the Head of Office to draw and disburse the difference between the final amount of gratuity and the amount of provisional gratuity paid under sub-clause (ii) of clause (b) of sub-rule (3) after adjusting the Government dues, if any, which may have come to notice after the payment of provisional gratuity.

(b) If the amount of provisional pension disbursed to a Government servant under subrule (3) is, on its final assessment, found to be in excess of the final pension assessed by the Accounts Officer, it shall be open to the Accounts Officer to adjust the excess amount of pension out of gratuity withheld under sub-clause (ii) of clause (a) of sub-rule (3) or recover the excess amount of pension in instalments by making short payments of the pension payable in future.

(c) (i) If the amount of provisional gratuity disbursed by the Head of Office under sub-rule (3) is more

than the amount finally assessed, the retired Government servant shall not be required to refund the excess amount actually disbursed to him.

(ii) The Head of Office shall ensure that chances of disbursing the amount of gratuity in excess of the amount finally assessed are minimized and the officials responsible for the excess payment shall be accountable for the overpayment.

(6) If the final amount of pension and gratuity have not been determined by the Head of Office in consultation with the Accounts Officer within a period of six months referred to in clause (a) of sub-rule (5), the Accounts Officer shall treat the provisional pension and gratuity as final and issue pension payment order immediately on the expiry of the period of six months.

(7) As soon as the pension payment order has been issued by the Accounts Officer under clause (a) of sub-rule (5) or sub-rule (6), the Head of Office shall release the amount of withheld gratuity under sub-clause (ii) of clause (a) of sub-rule (3) to the retired Government servant after adjusting Government dues which may have come to notice after the payment of provisional gratuity under sub-clause (ii) of clause (b) of sub-rule (3).

(8) If a Government servant is or was an allottee of Government accommodation, the withheld amount should be paid on receipt of `No Demand Certificate' from the Directorate of Estates.”;

(l) in the said rules, in rule 65, for sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“(1) (a) On receipt of pension papers referred to in rule 61, the Accounts Officer shall apply the requisite checks, record the account enfacement in Part II of Form 7 and assess the amount of pension, family pension and gratuity and issue the pension payment order not later than one month in advance of the date of the retirement of a Government servant on attaining the age of superannuation.

(b) In the cases of retirement otherwise than on attaining the age of superannuation, the Accounts Officer shall apply the requisite checks, complete Part II of Form 7, assess the amount of pension, family pension and gratuity, assess dues and issue the pension payment order within three months of the date of receipt of pension papers

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from the Head of Office.

(c) The Accounts Officer shall indicate in the Pension Payment Order, the name of the spouse of the Government servant, if alive, as family pensioner.

(d) The Accounts Officer shall also indicate in the Pension Payment Order, the names of the permanently disabled child or children and dependent parents and disabled siblings as family pensioners if there is no other member of family to whom family pension may become payable before such disabled child or children or dependent parents or disabled siblings.

(e) On receipt of a written communication from the Head of Office on an application from an existing pensioner or family pensioner, the Accounts Officer shall also indicate in the Pension Payment Order, the names of the permanently disabled child or children and dependent parents and disabled siblings as family pensioners if there is no other member of family to whom family pension may become payable before such disabled child or children or dependent parents or disabled siblings.

(f) The Pension Disbursing Authority shall authorise family pension to the members of family referred to in clause (c), (d) or (e) in accordance with the provisions of rule 81 in the order indicated in rule 54.”

(m) in the said rules, in rule 66, in the proviso, for the words “not exceeding five hundred”, the words “not exceeding three thousand five hundred” shall be substituted;

(n) in the said rules, in rule 68, –

(i) for sub-rule (1), the following shall be substituted, namely:-\

“(1) In all cases where the payment of gratuity has been authorised later than the date when its payment becomes due, including the cases of retirement otherwise than on superannuation, and it is clearly established that the delay in payment was attributable to administrative reasons or lapses, interest shall be paid at the rate applicable to General Provident Fund amount in accordance with the instructions issued from time to time: Provided that the delay in payment was not caused on account of failure on the part of the Government servant to comply with the procedure laid down by the Government for processing his

pension papers.”

(ii) in sub-rule (2), for the words “administrative lapse”, the words “administrative reasons or lapse” shall be substituted;

(iii) in sub-rule (4),after the words “payment of gratu i ty ” , the words “on account o f administrative lapses.” shall be inserted;

(o) in the said rules, in rule 70, after sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely:-

“(1-A) The question whether the revision has become necessary on account of a clerical error or not shall be decided by the administrative Ministry or Department.”

(p) in the said rules, in rule 72, –

(i) in sub-rule (1), for the words “eight months before the date of retirement of the allottee”, the words, “within two months” shall be substituted;

(ii) in sub-rule (4), the words “of four months” shall be omitted;

(q) in the said rules, in rule 73, for the words “the dues two years before”, the words “the dues one year before” shall be substituted.

(r) in the said rules, in rule 77, for sub-rule (3), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“ (3) Where the fami ly of the deceased Government servant is eligible under rule 54 for family pension, the Head of Office shall address the eligible member of the family or the guardian, as the case may be, in Form 13 for making claim in Form 14.”

(s) in the said rules, in rule 80,–

(i) for the words and figures “items 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26” wherever they occur, the words and figures “items 14, 21 and 22” shall be substituted;

(ii) sub-rule (3) shall be omitted;

(t) in the said rules, in rule 80A, in sub-rule (5), in the proviso, for the words and brackets “two hundred and fifty rupees (inclusive of relief on family pension)”, the words “three thousand five hundred rupees and admissible dearness relief” shall be substituted;

(u) in the said rules, in rule 80B, –

(i) in the marginal heading, for the words “final pension”, the words “final family pension” shall be substituted;

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(ii) after sub-rule (2), the following sub-rules shall be inserted, namely:-

“(2-A) The Accounts Officer shall, while authorising the family pension for the first eligible member of the family, indicate the names of the permanently disabled child or children and dependent parents and disabled siblings as family pensioners in the Pension Payment Order, if there is no other member of family to whom family pension may become payable before such disabled child or children or dependent parents or disabled siblings.”

(iii) sub-rule (5) shall be omitted;

(iv) in sub-rule (6), for the words “final pension”, the words “final family pension” shall be substituted;

(v) in the said rules, in rule 80C, in sub-rule (1), –

(i) in clause (i), in sub-clause (g), for the words “ the permissible period of four months from the date of death of the Government servant”, the words “the permissible period thereafter,” shall be substituted;

(ii) after clause (viii), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:-.

“(ix) Any amount of licence fee or damages, remaining unpaid after adjustment from the withheld amount of gratuity, may be ordered to be recovered by the Head of Office through the Accounts Officer concerned from the dearness relief without the consent of the family pensioner and in such cases no dearness relief shall be disbursed until full recovery of such dues has been made.”;

(w) in the said rules, for rule 81, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“81. Sanction of family pension and residuary gratuity on the death of a pensioner or family pensioner. – (1) Where the Head of Office has received an intimation regarding the death of a pensioner or death or ineligibility of a family pensioner, he shall ascertain whether any family pension or residuary gratuity or both in respect of the deceased pensioner and any family pension in respect of the family pensioner are payable and proceed as hereinafter provided.

(2) (a) (i) If the deceased pensioner is survived by a widow or widower who is eligible for the grant of

family pension under rule 54, the amount of family pension as indicated in the Pension Payment Order shall become payable to the widow or widower, as the case may be, from the day following the date of death of the pensioner.

(ii) The Pension Disbursing Authority shall, on receipt of a claim in Form 14 from the widow or widower, authorise the payment of family pension to the widow or widower, as the case may be:

Provided that no claim in Form 14 shall be required if the widow or widower was holding a joint account with the pensioner in which pension was being credited.

(iii) The Pension Disbursing Authority shall authorise payment of family pension to the widow or widower, who is not required to submit Form 14, on receipt of information in writing of the death of the pensioner:

Provided that such widow or widower shall submit a copy of death certificate to the Pension Disbursing Authori ty and an undertaking to the effect that any amount to which he or she is not entitled to or any amount which may be credited to his or her account in excess of the amount to which he or she is entitled would be refunded or made good.

(v) Subject to the provisions of clause (b), if the deceased pensioner is survived by a permanently disabled child or children or dependent parents or disabled siblings whose names have been included in the Pension Payment Order as family pensioners under clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 65, the Pension Disbursing Authority shall, on receipt of a claim in Form 14, authorise payment of family pension to the member of family who is el ig ible to receive fami ly pension in accordance with the provisions of rule 54.

(vi) Where the deceased pensioner is survived by spouse and permanently disabled children or dependent parents or disabled siblings, whose names had not been included in the Pension Payment Order previously, the Accounts Officer shall include their names in the Pension Payment Order on receipt of a written communication from the Head of Office.

(vi) The Pension Disbursing Authority shall, on death or ineligibility of the family pensioner and

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on receipt of a claim in Form 14, authorise payment of family pension to a permanently disabled child or dependent parent or disabled sibling whose name has been included in the Pension Payment Order as family pensioner and who is eligible to receive family pension in accordance with the provisions of rule 54.

(b) (i) Where the Pension Payment Order does not include name of any member of the family or where the Head of Office is of the opinion that in accordance with the provisions of rule 54, the family pension in respect of the deceased pensioner or family pensioner has become payable to a member of the family other than those whose names have been included in the Pension Payment Order under sub-rule (1) of rule 65 or sub-clause (i) or sub-clause (iv) of clause (a), including a person who became member of the family of the pensioner after the retirement, he shall, on receipt of a claim in Form 14, sanction the family pension in Form 20 or Form 21, as the case may be, to such member of family to whom family pension has become payable.

(ii) If family pension is sanctioned under sub-clause (i), the Head of Office shall include the names of any permanently disabled child or children and dependent parents and disabled siblings as family pensioners if there is no other member of the family to whom family pension may become payable before such disabled child or children or dependent parents or disabled siblings.

(3) (i) Where a widow or widower in receipt of family pension remarries and has, at the time of remarriage, child or children from the deceased Government servant or pensioner who is or are eligible for family pension, the remarried individual shall be eligible to draw the family pension on behalf of such child or children if such individual continues to be the guardian of such child or children.

(ii) For the purposes of clause (i), the remarried individuals shall apply to the Head of Office in Form 14, along with a declaration that the applicant continues to be the guardian of such child or children.

(iii) If the remarried individual has, for any reason, ceased to be the guardian of such child or children, the family pension shall become

payable to the person entitled to act as guardian of such child or children under any law for the time being in force and such person may submit a claim in Form 14 to the Head of Office for the payment of family pension.

(4) If the person eligible for family pension is a minor or is suffering from any disorder or disability of mind or is mentally retarded, the guardian may submit a claim in Form 14 on behalf of such person.

(5) Where on the death of a retired Government servant a residuary gratuity becomes payable to the family of the deceased under sub-rule (2) of rule 50, the Head of Office shall sanction its payment on receipt of a claim or claims in Form 22 from the person or persons eligible to receive the residuary gratuity."

(x) in Form 5, for the words "eight months before the date of his retirement" the words "six months before the date of retirement" shall be substituted;

(y) in Form 14,-

(i) for the marginal heading, the following marginal heading shall be substituted, namely:-

"Form of application for family pension on death of a Government servant or pensioner or on death or ineligibility of a family pensioner" -

(ii) for sub-item (iv) of item 1, the following shall be substituted, namely:-

" ( i v ) Da te o f dea th o f Gove rnmen t servant/pensioner! date of death or ineligibility of family pensioner."

[F.No.1119/ 2013-P&PW (E)]


(V andana Sharma)

Joint Secretary

Note. - The principal rules were published in 'the Gazette of India, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) vide number S.0.934, dated the 1st April, 1972. The Fourth Edition of the rules corrected up to July, 1988 was published in the year of 1988. The said rules were subsequently amended vide the notifications issued earlier.

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No. 12(19)/2020-P&PW(H)-6569 Dt. 18/02/2021Government of India

Ministry of Personnel & Public GrievanceDepartment of Pension and pensioners' Welfare

8th Floor, Janpath Bhavan, Janpath, New Delhi.


Subject: — Process to be adopted for settlement

of pension dues where a retiree expires prior to

filing Pension papers.

The undersigned is directed to say that Rule 59 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rule. 1972 provides for a definite timeline for preparatory work for processing of pension case of a retiring Government servant. The Rule inter alia provides for submission of pension papers by the retiring Government servant six months before the date of superannuation. Instances have, however. been brought to the notice of this Department where a Government servant died after retirement without having submitted the pension papers. As a result of this, the PPO could not be issued to the Government servant after his retirement. This also makes it difficult to sanction family pension to the eligible member of the family of the deceased retired Government. It is, therefore, again emphasized that the timeline for submission and processing of pension papers may be strictly adhered to avoid such situations.

2. The claim of a Government servant for pension accrues as soon as he retires from Government service. Similarly, the claim of the family for family pension accrues on death of a Government servant during service or after retirement. In order to avoid any hardship to the family of a retired Government servant, who dies without submitting the pension papers, it has been decided. in consultation with the office of Controller General of Accounts. that the following procedure may be adopted for processing of the case for sanction of pension in respect of the deceased retired Government servant and for sanction of family pension to his/her family:-

i. The spouse of the deceased ret i red Government servant or, in the absence of the spouse, a member of his/her family eligible for family pension. may submit the claim in

Form 14 (Application for family pension on d e a t h o f a G o v e r n m e n t s e r v a n t / pensioner/family pensioner) along with Form 3 (Details of family), to the Head of Office.

ii. The Head of Office shall process the case in Form 7 (Form for assessing pension, family pension and gratuity)'and send Form 7, Form 3, Form 14, Form 20 (Sanction for family pension on death of a pensioner/family pensioner) and a forwarding letter in Form 8 to the PAO for authorization of pension and family pension in respect of the deceased retired Government servant.

iii. The PAO shall authorize the pension (in respect of the deceased retired Government servant) and family pension to the spouse / eligible family member. Only one PPO shall be issued by the PAO authorizing pension and family pension in Part-II of the PPO. Part-Ill of the PPO, which is applicable on death of a Government servant while in service, would not be relevant in such cases.

iv. The payment of arrears of pension for the period from the date following the date of retirement upto the date of death shall be made by the PAO to the family pensioner.

v. The PPO shall, thereafter, be sent to the Pension Disbursing Authority, through the Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO), for payment of family pension.

3. While forwarding the pension papers to the PAO, the Head of Office shall make an indication in the Check List of Form 7 to the effect that the case pertains to a retired Government servant, who died without submitting the pension papers.

4. The Administrative Divisions of all Ministries / Department, their attached / subordinate offices and Pay & Accounts Offices are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned for compliance.

Sd/-(Rajesh Kumar)

Under Secretary to the Government of India


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Z.15025/10/2020/DIR/CGHS February, 2021Government of India

Ministry of Health & Family WelfareDirectorate General of Central Govt.

Health Scheme (CGHS-III)Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.


Sub: Inclusion of second wife's name in CGHS pensioner card-regarding. Kind reference is invited to your email dated 3.2.2021 vide which clarification of this Directorate regarding subject matter was sought. 2. In this regard the undersigned is directed to request you to follow the procedure as enumerated under the Rule 18 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 for endorsement of family pension entitlement of post retiral spouse in the Pension Payment Order of Central Government Civil Pensioners as given below: (i) As and when a pensioner marries or re-marries after retirement he shall intimate the event to the Head of Office who processed his pension papers at the time of his retirement. He shall also furnish along with his application an at tes ted copy of the marr iage cer t i f i ca te f rom Registrar/Gram Panchayat/ District Magistrate in respect of his post-retirement marriage. (ii) The Head of Office on receipt of the application mentioned above and after due verification where necessary, forward the papers to the concerned Pay & Accounts Officer for issue of Corrigendum PPO. While forwarding the papers to the Pay & Accounts officer, the provisions of clause (b) of sub-rule (7) of Rule 54 of the CCS (Pension) Rules 1972, shall be kept in mind. When the pensioner does not have any child or children from his previous marriage, if any, the post-retiral spouse shall be eligible for full family pension. Where the pensioner has any eligible child or children from another wife who is not alive, the family pension to the post-retiral spouse and the child/children from the previous marriage will be authorized in terms of clause (b) of sub-rule (7) of Rue 54 ibid. (iii) The Corrigendum PPO shall be forwarded by the Pay & Accounts Office to the concerned pension disbursing authority through the Central Pension Accounting Office. A copy of Corrigendum PPO shall also be endorsed to the pensioner. As far as children, including those born after retirement, are concerned, a fresh PPO will be issued as and when the turn of each child for receipt of family pension is reached as at present. 3. To verify the genuiness of marriage claim by pensioners seeking CGHS facilities for his second wife, corrigendum PPO may be demanded from the pensioner issued as per Rule 18 of CCS (pension) Rules 1972. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

(Dr. G D Paliya)

Addl. Dy. Dir. General (HQ)


THE HONOURABLE MR JUSTICE A N BADARWednesday, the 17th day of February 2021

WP (C) No. 29212/2020 (B)PETITIONER












write Petition (civil) praying inter alia that in the circumstance stated in the affidavit filed along with the WP(C) the High Court be please to direct the 1" respondent to issue orders to release increased IDA wi effect from 91-10-2020 other than executives and non unionist supervisor pending disposal of this writ petition.

This petition again coating on for orders upon perusing the petition a the affidavit filed in support of WP(C) and this Court's order date 07.01-2021 and upon hearing the arguments of SRI V. V. SURESH, Advocate for t petitioner and of SRI P VIJAYKUMARR, ASSISTANT SOLICITOR GENERAL OF INDIA for R1 & R2, the court passed the following:


Heard both sides, & Perused the statement filed by responders 1 and 2. By way of interim order, it is clarified that the communication at Ext. P4 is only applicable to the Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs drawing 2017, 2007, 1997, 1992 & 1987 IDA pay scales. If the members of the petitioner Union are not falling under this category, respondents shall not deny benefit of Dearness Allowance to them.


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BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

Corporate OfficePension Section, 5th, Floor, Bharat Shanchar Bhawan, H.C. Mathur Lane, New Delhi-110001.

No.48-2/2020-Pen (B) Dated: 19-03-2021


All Heads of Circles/Telecom Districts/ Regions / Projects / Telecom Stores / Telecom Factories & Other Administrative Offices Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

Sub: Recovery of dues other than Government dues from the retirement benefits of BSNL VRS-2019 Scheme retired employees - Clarification regarding.


I am directed to refer to this Office letter of even no. dated 20/01/2021, wherein guidelines to recover due amount from the retirement benefits of BSNL VRS-2019 Scheme retired employees has been issued. After issuance of the aforesaid letter, this Office is receiving clarifications from various Telecom Circles/ Units with regard to applicability of the aforesaid guidelines in case of certain categories of BSNL VRS-2019 retirees.

2. The matter has been examined in BSNL Corporate Office and it has been decided to issue the following clarifications with regard to applicability of the guidelines issued vide this Office letter of even no. dated 20/01/2021, as under :-


Clarification Sought Clarification Issued

Those BSNL VRS-2019 retirees, who have been allowed to retain BSNL accommodation on the basis of any of the existing provisions for retention of BSNL accommodation on payment basis, such as CROP 2020 Policy, are out of the purview of these instructions.

Those BSNL VRS-2019 retirees, who have vacated the BSNL accommodation within the permitted time period i.e. 30/09/2020 but not submitted "No Dues Certificate (NDC)" to the concerned PAO, are out of the purview of these instructions.

Whether those BSNL VRS-2019 retirees, who have retained BSNL accommodation on the basis of any of the existing provisions for retention of BSNL accommodation on payment basis in case of retired BSNL employees, are also covered under the instructions issued vide BSNL CO letter dated 20/01/2021 ?

Whether those BSNL VRS-2019 retirees, who have already vacated BSNL accommodation but not submitted "No Dues Certificate (NDC)", are also covered under the instructions issued vide BSNL CO letter dated 20/01/2021 ?



All the Heads of Circles/Administrative Units of BSNL are, therefore, requested to take necessary action, in accordance with the aforesaid clarifications.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/-(Sudhanshu Shekhar Ray)

Asstt. General Manager (Estt.)

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File No.34-38/2019--Pen(T) Dt. 15/02/21Government of India

Ministry of Communications Department of Telecommunications

516, Sanchar Bhawan, 20 - Ashoka Road New Delhi - 110 001.



Shri D.D Mistry, General Secretary

BSNL & DOT Pensioners' Association (India),C-11, Suvarnadham Avenue,

Opp. Sundarvan Flats, Ranip,


Subject: PG Registration No. DOPPW / P / 2021 /


Please refer to above cited PG. It is stated that this is a policy matter and not an individual grievance.

2. However, it is also stated that the said BSNL pensioners are getting pension in Industrial DA (IDA) pattern in terms of Rule 37-A of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. Pension revision in this case is intrinsically linked with pay revision of serving employees to avoid anomaly of pension amount between present and future retirees of the same status and grade. Due to poor financial condition of BSNL, it has not been possible for the Government to agree to the demand of pay revision.


(Madhu Mankotia)

Section Officer (Pen-T)


CO.HRMD.No. 6994/ 18.01.000 /2020-21

March 19, 2021 The Regional Director/Principal Chief General Manager/ CGM-in-Charge/Chief General Manager/ General Manager (O-i-C)/ Principals of Training Establishments, Reserve Bank of India

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Novel Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) - Vaccine

Please refer to letter CO. HRMD.No.6468 / 18.01.000 / 2020-21 dated February 26, 2021 on the captioned subject.

2. In this connection, it has been decided to reimburse cost of vaccine against bills to employees as well as their eligible dependents under BMFS. Employees may submit their claims in Samadhan after taking both the doses of the vaccine. While submitting the claim in Samadhan, 'COVID VACCINE' may be chosen as the ailment.

3. Cost of vaccination will be paid to retired MAF members and their spouse at Rs.500/- per person for two doses under MAFS. This amount will be credited to the account of MAF members by Samadhan in the month of April 2021. No documents need to be submitted for this purpose.

4. The contents of this letter may please be brought to the notice of all concerned.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/-(Navjot Kaur)

Deputy General Manager


We regret our inability to publish regular lists of new members enrolled and donations received due to present alarming situation. We appreciate that out of our six regular pillars of our Ahmedabad office; five had been affected with Corona Positive and over come from the ill effects of the same. Naturally, we cannot expect them to be attending our office regularly as they were naturally under constrains/restrictions from their family members. However, we have tried to maintain our routine work with their help.

We assure you that we will publish same in consolidated form in our ensuing issue. However, we assure that we have posted magazine to all new members who have paid their administrative charges and also to those who have renewed their subscription during this period.

Friendly yours,

D.D. Mistry



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BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

Corporate OfficeTaxation Section,

Bharat Shanchar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001.

No: 1001-09/2019-20/Taxation/BSNL VRS 2019/3762 Dated: 20.03.2020



Ref: This Branch's letter(s) of even no/- 3719 dated 29.01.2020 and no/3723 dated 11.02.2020 and Section 10(10C) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 ("the Act") read with Rule 2BA of the Income Tax Rules, 1962 ("the Rule")

Sub: Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) guidelines on payments made to VRS, 2019 Optees

In continuation to this Branch's letters as mentioned above and as per Section 10(10C) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 read with Rule 2BA of the Income Tax Rules, 1962, the following guidelines with respect to TDS shall be ensured while making payment to VRS Optees:

1) TDS on ex-gratia

Ex-gratia may be considered as a part of salary within the broad and inclusive definition of salary under section 17 of the Act. Therefore, provisions under section 192 of the Act will govern the TDS obligations of BSNL on these payments. Thus, TDS shall be deducted on payment basis.

So, if the first installment of ex-gratia is paid on 31.03.2020 and second instalment is to be paid in the subsequent months in the next financial year, TDS may be deducted on the first instalment in the current financial year. TDS on the second installment shall be deducted and deposited in the subsequent financial year as and when it is paid.

2) Form 16

The amount of ex-gratia on which TDS has been deducted will be included in the Form 16 to be issued to VRS Optees.

3) Quantum of tax exemption allowable to an eligible BSNL VRS-2019 Optee.

TDS is required to be deducted as per provisions of Section 192 of the Act on the annual income of the employee under the head "Salaries" at the time of making the payment. Further, salary is taxable as per the provisions of Section 15 read with Section 17 upon due or receipt whichever is earlier. On a conjoint reading it can be inferred that no TDS is required up to INR 5 lakhs paid to each employee.

Accordingly, exemption of INR 5 lakh shall be considered only against the first instalment paid to VRS Optees and TDS to be deducted may be computed accordingly.

4) The VRS Optees may be intimated the total amount of ex-gratia to be paid in two instalments for necessary tax compliances by the BSNL VRS, 2019 Optees while filing their Income Tax return as per IT Act.

5) TDS on Leave Encashment

TDS is required to be deducted at the time of payment of leave encashment.

This has the approval of Director (Finance), BSNL Board.

Sd/-Sr. GM (Taxation) BSNL CO, New Delhi


(A Government of India Enterprise)Corporate Office - Taxation SectionFirst Floor, Bharat Sanehar Bhawan

Jaupath, NewDelhi-110 001.

No: 1001-09/2019-20/Taxation/BSNL VRS 2019/3713

Dated: 11-2-2020

All concerned CGMs/11cAsiDDOs,

BSNL CO/Circle Office/BAs/SSAs/PAUs

Ref: Quantum of tax exemption available to an eligible BSNL VRS-2019 optee under Section 10(10C) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 ("the Act") read with Rule 2BA of the Income Tax Rules, 1962 ("the Rule")

Sub: Addendum to this Branch's letter of even no/. 3719 dated 29.01.2020

In continuation to this Branch's letter of even no/. 3719 dated 29.01.2019 (available on intranet portal); the Quantum of tax Exemption available to (BSNL VRS-2019 optee shall he as follows:

i) Rule 2BA read with Sec 10(10C) of the Act provides a maximum limit of Rs 5 lakhs on the amount that will be exempt from tax. The CBDT has clarified that, in case the amount received exceed Rs 5 lakhs, only the excess over Rs 5 lakhs will be liable to tax.

ii) TDS at applicable rates may be deducted over and above Rs 5 lakhs on ex-gratia. However, the provisions of PF, Gratuity, Pension, Leave encashment, medical re-imbursements etc. are to be governed under regular provisions and not u/s 10(10C).

iii) The VRS optee(s) can claim either exemption u/s 10(10C) or relief u/s 89, but not both, on such amounts received or receivable on or after 01.04.2009. This exemption is to be provided one time only in a single Assessment Year upon first time receipt of ex-gratia. Such exemption cannot be given proportionately.

Page 44: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


iv) VRS optee(s) may declare that whether he/she wants to opt Exemption u/s 10(10C) or relief ufs 89. However, for claiming relief u/s 89 by the VRS optee(s) conditions mentioned under Rule 21A (copy enclosed) needs to be satisfied. Further, the relief amount calculated u/s 89 read with Rule 21A needs to be declared by the VRS optee(s) well in advance so that TDS amount may be calculated accordingly.

This issues with the approval of Sr. GM (Taxation), BSNL CO.

-Inc!: As above. Sd/-

(Subrat Kumar)

AGM (Taxation) BSNL CO, New Delhi



Original Application No.353/2015 With

M.A.No.514/2017 Dated this the 16th day of February 2021

Date of Reserve: 22.09.2020 Date of decision: 16.02.2021

CORAM: Hon'ble Sh. Jayesh V. Bhairavia, Member (J) Hon'ble Dr. A.K. Dubey, Member (A)

1. Vinodkumar Nathubhai Changawala, Son of Nathubhai Changawala Age about 72 years - Retired employee Residing at C/44, Pavitrakunj Society, Near CTM Char rasta, CTM-Hatkeshwar road, Under Flyover Bridge, Ahmedabad-380 026.

AND 21 OTHER PENSIONERS ...Applicants (By Advocate Mr.P.H.Pathak)

Vs. 1. Union of India, Represented through Secretary, DOCSanchar Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 001.

2. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd., A Govt. of India Enterprise, (Notice to be served through The Chairman, BSNL, 5th Floor, Janpath, New Delhi – 110 001.

3. Principal General Manager, BSNL, Gujarat Telecom Circle, Telephone Bhavan, CG Road, Ahmedabad – 380 015. ..... Respondents (By Advocates Ms.R.R.Patel & Mr.M.J.Patel


Per: A.K.Dubey Member (A)

1. The appl icants have preferred th is OA No.353/2015 seeking direction to the respondents to extend the benefit of upgradation under 10% BCR Scheme to the applicants at par with his juniors in the light of judgment of Hon'ble Apex Court in BSNL vs. B.N.Mistry & Ors. The reliefs sought in this OA are as under:-

"(A) The Hon'ble Tribunal be pleased to declare the inaction on the part of the respondents in not deciding the representation/reminders at Annexures A/26/1 to A/26/47 of the application and not extending them benefits of 10% BCR at part with their juniors in light of the decision the Hon'ble Apex court as illegal, unjust, arbitrary and violative of Art.14 and 16 of the Constitution of India.

(B) Be pleased to direct the respondents to grant the benefits of 10% BCR to the applicants at par with juniors to the applicants in light of the judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in case of BSNL Vs. B.N.Mistry & Ors. and grant all consequential benefits to the applicants with 12% interest.

(C) Be pleased to direct the respondent No.1 to take appropr ia te s teps aga ins t the respondent No.3 and direct the respondent No.3 to pay special cost and compensation to the applicants who are senior citizens as they are compelled to approach the Hon'ble Tribunal even after the judgment in case of BSNL Vs. BN Mistry & Ors.

(E) Any other relief this Hon'ble Tribunal deem fit and proper, in interest of justice be granted."

2. The counsel for the applicant contended that the applicants who were broadly in two groups viz.(i) retired Section Supervisor (SS) / (S.No.1 to 12) Chief Section Supervisor (CSS) in the cadre of Telegraphist Assistant (S.No.1 to 12) and (ii) retired Chief Telegraph Master (CTM)/ Telegraph Master (TM) (SNo.13 – 23), and were employed with Central Telegraph Office, Ahmedabad, approached this Tribunal against the inaction of the respondents in deciding their representation for grant of "10% BCR" benefits after the decision of Hon'ble Apex Court in B.N. Mistry & Ors vs. BSNL, as it was a judgment in rem. He argued that even this Tribunal had held that if the reserved candidates were granted higher pay scale, their seniors were required to be protected

Page 45: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


by grant of same benefits. Aggrieved by this Tribunal's order, the respondents preferred SCA No.21808/2005 before the Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat but Hon'ble High Court upheld the claim of senior employees. Then the respondents went to Hon'ble Supreme Court by filing Civil Appeal No.4528/2006 & Ors. But respondents' appeal was rejected there too (Annex. A/3). Hon'ble Apex Court had ruled that in 10% BCR, reservation had no application and if junior employees belonging to reserved category were promoted and granted higher pay, all seniors to them too were required to be given that benefit with consequential entitlements. The Counsel submitted that it was a settled principle of law followed by the Hon'ble Courts that all similarly situated employees are required to be granted the same benefit irrespective of whether they had approached Hon'ble Court of law or not. The applicants in this OA were all similarly placed employees entitled to 10% BCR benefits at par with their juniors. He reiterated the grounds in the application and urged that inaction on part of respondents was against the letter and spirit of Hon'ble Apex Court's order.

3. Respondents filed their reply, denying the appl icants' averments. Counsel for the respondents argued that respondents had extended the benefits under Hon'ble High Court order only to those applicants who were party to SCA No.21808/2015, because the Hon'ble Court had granted relief to those who went to it.

4. Applicants' counsel filed rejoinder reiterating the contentions raised in the application, Relying on the Hon'ble High Courts' judgment in State of Gujarat vs. Secretary, Labour, Social Welfare & Tribunal Development Deptt & Anr, he argued that the law declared by Hon'ble Apex Court or High Courts are binding on the State and its officers and they are not allowed to take the plea that they were not party to the previous proceedings. Applicants had preferred Miscellaneous Application No.336/2015 for joint application since all of them are similarly placed and facts and circumstances too are the same and the M.A. was allowed on 03.12.2015.

Facts emerging from the documents and papers brought before us are briefly mentioned as under: - (CAT/AHMEDABAD BENCH/OA No.353/2015) 9

4.1 A group of employees was enjoying promotion to the post of HSG (Gr.III) under the BCR scheme dated 16.10.1990. This

promotion was on the basis of their seniority and fitness. As per instruction, 10 % of these posts were to be upgraded to Gr.IV in the scale of 2000-3200 - commonly referred to as "10% BCR". Thus, the promotion to Gr.IV against 10% BCR was as per seniority list in Gr.III.

4.2 However, this procedure was challenged by certain officials before the Principal Bench of CAT through OA No.1455/1991. Hon'ble Principal Bench vide its judgment dated 07.07.1992 directed that the promotions to 10% posts in the scale of 2000-3200 (Gr.IV) would have to be based on seniority in the basic cadre subject to fulfilment of other conditions of BCR, viz, those who are regular employees (as on 01.01.1990) and had completed 26 years of service in the basic grade (including higher grade). The DoT had filed an SLP against the said judgment. Hon'ble Apex Court vide its order dated 09.09.1993 upheld the judgment.

5. In view of the judgment of the Principal Bench, eventually upheld by the Supreme Court, the procedure of promotion to Gr.IV was reviewed and accordingly, the promotion to the Gr. IV was to be given from amongst officials in the Gr.III on the basis of their seniority in the basic grade, subject to the fitness determined in the DPC as usual. Accordingly, this promotion to Grade IV was restricted to 10% posts in Gr.III as provided for in the BCR's scheme.

6. Vide OA No.457/1997 a group of officials approached the Tribunal for directing the respondents not to withhold the benefit of promotion in 10% BCR scheme in the light of promotion of Mr.Baria who was junior to the applicants' therein. This very Tribunal allowed that OANo.457/1997 and accordingly, directed to extend the benefit of 10% BCR promotions as per their basic grade seniority as conceived in the BCR scheme and declared that they would be entitled to all consequential benefits. However, the Tribunal restricted the arrears to one year prior to the filing of that OA. Against this order, the respondents went to Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat through Special Civil Application Nos.11696, 11697, 11699 and 11702/2002. Aggrieved by the order passed by Hon'ble High Court the respondents had filed Civil Appeal No.4527/2006 before Hon'ble Apex Court. The said appeal was dismissed by the Hon'ble Apex Court.

Page 46: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


7. Pursuant to the order of this Tribunal in OA No.438/2004 dated 01.09.2005, and order in OA No. 280/2006 on 12.03.2008, order of Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat in SCA No.21808/2005 dated 26.10.2005 and in accordance with the orders of Hon'ble Apex Court dated 01.10.2013 in CA No.4528/2006, the respondent vide communication No.ATA/D-1/CA4528 OF 2006 /BNM/14-15 dated 09.06.2014 complied with the direction and placed the Telegraph Masters then the Telegraphists (who were under the administrative control of Chief Superintendent, Central Traffic Office, Ahmedabad) in the scale of Rs.2000-3200.

8. Accordingly, the 10% BCR benefit was extended to the 5 persons. On the basis of the order of this Tribunal which was upheld by Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat and Hon'ble Apex Court, as also in the light of Hon'ble Apex Court's order in BSNL vs. B.N.Mistry & Ors., the applicants wish to get the benefit of 10% BCR at par with their juniors.

9. At the time of final hearing, both the parties reiterated their contentions. The applicants have made several representations to the authorities but without any success. The main issue here appears to be of the procedure which stands confirmed by the Hon'ble Apex Court and accordingly the respondents have gone ahead. BSNL communication dated 09.06.2014, the procedure in this regard has been clarified. It is clear that 10% BCR concept is under very scheme and requirements to be fulfilled in order to ensure promotion of 10% Gr.III officials of the higher grade. It has to be borne in mind that the procedural prescriptions have to be complied with except when the procedure itself exempts from it.

10. In view of the above factual matrix, the respondents are directed to decide the pending representation of the applicants keeping in mind the aforesaid discussion within a period of 8 weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of this order. Accordingly, this OA is disposed of. M.A.No.514/2017 filed by respondent also stands disposed of. No Cost.

A.K.Dubey Jayesh V. Bhairavia

(Administrative Member) (Judicial Member)


S h r i S . P a u l , r e t d

CSS,Trichy, aged 70 years, expired

on 16.04.2021 at Chennai today in

his daughter’s house at 4.30am.. He

was senior leader in the FNTO

union. He was All India Treasurer in

the Line Staff union and Advisor to

Late Abdul Sathar, GS . He was very

much helpful to al l members

particularly Line staff in all matters

even when his physical condition

was not sound.

His demise is a great loss to

the trade union movement and

BSNL/BDPA (I) members.


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Page 47: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

File No.GJC0-11/21(13)/1/2020-GJ-ESTT-RECTT Dated : 27/03/2021

ÜU˲¢‡¢ ¥Ýé|¢¢x¢,¢éw² ¢ã¢ÐíÏ¢æÜU ÎêÚS¢æÓ¢¢Ú ÜU¢ ÜU¢²¢üH²

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ToAGM(Admn),O/o GMTD Rajkot (BA).

Subject : Clarification regarding visit of COVID-19 patient in non-empaneled hospital and processing of MRS claims thereof.

Ref : Your office letter no. HRD/BSNL/EMP-MR-SCHEME/RLG/134 dated 22.03.2021

With reference to above cited subject, kindly find herewith the BSNLMRS -guidelines for regulation of expenditure on indoor treatment issued by AGM(Admn) Corporte Office New Delhi vide letter no. BSNL/Admn.I/15- 2/05(pt.) dated 8/8/2002 for kind reference.

Also, kindly find herewith the letter issued by DGM(Admin) BSNL CO New Delhi, "Clarification regarding visit certification as per hospital records" along with letter of ADG(Admn) BSNL CO New Delhi, for "BSNL MRS Guidelines for regulation of expenditure on indoor treatment"

"If visit and certification is not found feasible due to some practical difficulty then the CGM, in respect of field office staff, may exempt the requirement of aforesaid certification. In all other cases the certification by an officer of the parent office of an employee or by an officer posted at the place of hospitalization will be invariably required."

The same may please be followed and visit certificate may please be issued accordingly.

This is issued with the approval of competent authority.

Encls : As above.Sd/-

Asstt General Manager (HR/Estt)O/o CGMT Ahmedabad


CORPORATE OFFICEAdmin Cell, Bharat Sanchar Bhavan

Janpath, New Delhi-110001.

BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

No: BSNLCO-ADMN/ 11(15)/2/2020-ADMN Dated: 22-01-2021



UP(West) Telecom Circle


Sub: - Clarification regarding visit certification as

per hospital records.

Reference:- Your office letter No: UP(W)/Admin-I/IMBB/2019-20/Part-XV/31 dated 13.08.2020.

In reference to above referred letter from your office, you are requested to refer this office letter No.:

BSNL/ Admn.I/ 15-2/05 (pt.) dated 24.03.2006 (Copy

enclosed), wherein it is clarified that if visit and certification is not found feasible due to some practical difficulty then the CGM, in respect of field staff and the concerned Director, in respect of BSNL corporate office staff, may exempt the requirement of aforesaid certification.

In all other cases the certification by an officer of the parent office of an employee or by an officer posted at the place of Hospitalization will be invariably required.

It is hereby intimated that the case may be resolved by the circle as per aforementioned clarification and other guidelines issued under BSNLMRS policy.

This has been issued with the approval of competent authority.

End: As above.


[Rajiv Kumar Sharma]




Page 48: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

Corporate OfficeAdmn. Branch, New Delhi.

No. BSNL/Admn.1/1 5-2/05 (pt.) Dt. August, 8th, 2005


Sub: BSNLMRS-Guidelines for regulation of expenditure on indoor treatment

The issue of restoration of powers to field units for sanctioning of Indoor medical expenditure beyond five times Basic + DA of the employee was in consideration at Corporate Office for some time. The following decision has been taken by the competent authority for streamlining the process of sanction of indoor expenditure:

I. CGMs shall have full powers to approve the expenditure incurred on the treatment taken in Govt. hospitals.

2. In respect of Indoor treatment, taken in empanelled hospitals, COMs shall have full powers to settle the claims, where at least 900/0 of the total expenditure arc covered under the rate list prescribed by CGHS for specialized and general purpose treatment and diagnostic procedure.

3. In case of treatment taken in non-empanelled hospitals in emergency condition with approval of competent authority, CGMs shall have full powers to settle the claim by restricting it to CGHS rates.

4. The financial powers shall not be sub-delegated by CGM.

5. In all cases involving hospitalization of two or more than two days, a designated officer of BSNL shall visit the hospital and give a certificate as per enclosed format. The certificate shall be attached to the claim while forwarding the same to CGM's office for approval.

6. The instruction regarding attaching a certificate by the concerned doctor identifying the patient in the copy of the BSNLMRS Card as conveyed by this office O.M. No. BSNL/Admn.I/15-4/04 (Pt.) dated 15.10.2004 should be strictly followed.

End: as above.

Sd/-(Amarjit Bhatia)

Assistant Director General (Admn.)


BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)


Statesman House, New Delhi-110001.

No. BSNL/Admn.I/15-2/05 (pt.) Dt. March 24, 2006

Sub: BSNLMRS - Guidelines for regulation of

expenditure on indoor treatment.

In continuation of this office orders of even No. dated 8th August 2005 on the subject cited above, it is further clarified that in case an employee or his dependent has to be hospitalized in emergency at a place other than his/her place of posting, parent office will advise an officer posted at the place of hospitalization to visit the hospital and certify the hospitalization. However, if such visit and certification is not found feasible due to some practical difficulty then the CGM, in respect of the field staff and the concerned Director, in respect of the Corporate Office staff, may exempt the requirement of aforesaid certification.

In all other cases the certification by an officer of the parent office of an employee or by an officer posted at the place of hospitalization will be invariably required. In case the family of any employee permanently stays at a place other than the place of posting of the employee, an arrangement may be made in advance such that a BSNL officer posted at the place of residence of the family is asked to visit the hospital and certify the hospitalization.


( Amarjit Bhatia )

Assistant Director General (Adnin.)

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Page 49: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

CORPORATE OFFICEAdmin Cell, Bharat Sanchar Bhavan,

Janpath, New Delhi-110001.

No: BSNLCO-ADMN/12(12)/4/2021-ADMN Dated: 26-03-2021

ToAll Head of Circles,All Head of BSNI. Units, BSNL.

Sub: Clarification regarding eligibility of the family pensioners who are beneficiaries of BSNLMRS to migrate to CGHS and reimbursement of one time CGHS subscription fee paid by the BSNL employee to the CGHS authority.

In reference to the above captioned subject representations are being received from various employees Unions/ Associations, BSNL circles, retired employees regarding clarification on migration to CGHS by BSNL family pensioners (Dependents of the deceased retired BSNL employee) who are availing BSNLMRS facility and reimbursement of the life time subscription to CGHS as one-time payment.

2. Vide BSNLCO letter NO: BSNUAdmn.1/14-15/09 (Pt) dated 02.04.2014 (Copy enclosed), the decision of extension of CGHS facilities to retired BSNL employees who are in receipts of Central Civil Pension/Prorata Pension was conveyed.

3. Vide BSNLCO letter No: BSNL/Adnui.I/14-15/09 (Pt) dated 29.07.2016 (Copy enclosed), Approval of the Management Committee of BSNL was conveyed for reimbursement of one time CGHS subscription fee, paid by the BSNL employee to the CGHS authority. This was applicable to only those BSNL employees who surrender BSNLMRS facility and opt for CGHS facility.

Further, it was also decided by the MC that the retired BSNL employees and their dependents are not eligible to opt BSNLMRS facility in future, once they migrate to CGHS facility.

4. Vide BSNL CO letter No: BSNL/Admn.I/I4-15/09 (Pt) dated:22.11.2018 (Copy enclosed) it has been clarified that the order dated 29.07.2016 regarding reimbursement of one time CGHS subscription fees are effective only from the prospective date.

5. Vide BSNL CO letter No: dated: 24.09.2004 & 15.01.2021 (Copy enclosed), Clarification on eligibility of Spouse and dependents of deceased BSNL

employees were issued.

6. In continuation and context of above subject, the matter is examined and following is clarified:-

The family pensioners (Dependents of the deceased retired BSNL employees) who get the CGHS facility by surrendering BSNLMRS card/facility are also allowed for one time reimbursement of CGHS subscription fee paid to CGHS authority for migrating to the CGHS facility.

This has the approval of the Competent Authority. End;

As aboveSd/-

DGM(A-dmin)BSNL CO, New Delhi


BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

Admn. SectionCorporate Office,

Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi.

No. BSNL/Admn.I/14-15/09 (pt.) Dt.: April 2, 2014


All the Chief General ManagersBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

Sub: Extension of CGHS facilities to retired BSNL employees.

I am directed to forward copy of letter No. 4-12(11)/2012-PAT dated 20th February 2014 received from Department of Telecommunications on the subject mentioned above. The retired employees of BSNL who are in receipt of Central Civil Pension are eligible for CGHS facilities in recognition of their services rendered in DOT/BSNL. Therefore, willing retired BSNL employees can avail CGHS facility by opting by complying with the requisite formalities. The information be widely circulated, and employees who opt for CGHS facility may be assisted by forwarding their applications to the respective CGHS units.

The details of employees seeking option for CGHS may be intimated on monthly basis indicating number of retired employees opted for BSNLMRS and number of employees opted for CGHS.

Sd/-( Raj Kumar Kushtawar)

Assistant General Manager (Admn.III)


Page 50: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


FILE No. 4-12(11)/2012-PAT Dt. 20/2/2014GOVERNMENT OF INDIA

Department of TelecommunicationsSanchar Bhavan, 20, Ashoka Road,

New Delhi - 110001.


The Chairman and Managing Director,

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited,

Bharat Sanchar Bhawan

H.C. Mathur Lane

Janpath, New Delhi-11001

Subject-Extension of CGHS facilities to retired

BSNL employees.


Re fe rence i s inv i ted to BSNL 's le t te r

Nos.BSNUAdmn-l/14-1519(pt.) dated 09.04.2012 and

dated 11.1.2013 regarding extension of CGHS

facilities to retired BSNL employees. The matter has

been examined in consultation with the Ministry of

Health & Family Welfare and it has been decided that:

i) The retired employees, who are in receipt of

Central Civil Pension/Pro-rata pension only from

Central Civil Estimates are eligible for joining CGHS,

other retired -employees cf BSNL are not eligible for


ii) Since CGHS is in operation only at 25 select

locations in the country, the retired employees of BSNL

who are in receipt of Central Civil Pension and

therefore eligible for CGHS facilities, may also be

considered for providing with an option to choose

either CGHS or BSNL-MRS post retirement as per

their convenience, in recognition of their services

rendered to DoT/BSNL.

2. However, it may be noted that the retired BSNL

employees who opt for CGHS would have to pay the

requisite fee to CGHS as applicable to Government


3. This issues with the approval of Secretary(T).

Yours faithfully


(Sanjay Agrawal)


BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

Admn. SectionCorporate Office

Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi.

No. MN t/Arlmn.1/14-15/09 (pt) Dt. July 29, 2016


Sub: Extension of CGHS facility to retired BSNL


The decision of extension of CGHS facilities to

the retired BSNL employees was conveyed vide letter

No, 4-12(11)/2012-PAT dated 20.2.14. The letter also

mentioned that BSNL employees who opt for CGHS

would have to pay the requisite tee to CGHS as

applicable to Government retirees. The facility was not

being extended to BSNL. employees due to different

pay scales applicable to BSNL employees. Now.

CGHS authorities have requested DOT to indicate

equivalent basic pay and Grade Pay as per the Central

Pay Scales on the Pension Payment Order (PPO)

which will facilitate evaluation of subscription and

room rent of the beneficiary. Retired employees intend

to avail CGHS facility may approach DOT and get the

equivalent basic pay and Grade Pay indicated on their

PPOs for availing CGHS facility.

Management Commit tee has approved

reimbursement of onetime payment of CGHS

subscription oaid by the BSNL employees. Retired

employees who intend to avail CGHS facility, will

surrender BSNLMRS facility and subscribe for CGHS

facility While surrendering BSNLMRS facility, they will

indicate their desire to avail CGHS facility On payment

of subscription, they will submit a final claim from

BSNL by furnishing the proof of payment indicating the


The information be widely circulated. Record of

retired employees migrating from BSNLMRS to CGHS

facility may be maintained and intimated to Corporate

Office on quarterly basis.


(Raj Kumar)

Assistant General Manager (Admn. IV)

Page 51: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

Admn. SectionCorporate Office

Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi.

No. BSNL/Admn.I/14-15/09 (Pt) Dt. Nov. 22, 2018


Shri M.R. Vashisht


BSNL & DOT Pensioners Association (India)

C-11, Suvarnadham Avenue

Opp. Sundaravan, Ranip

Ahmedabad 382480.

Sub: Extension of CGHS facility to retired BSNL


Please refer to your letter No. NU/CHQJ36/BDPA

dated 30.07.2018 on the subject mentioned above.

Orders regarding reimbursement of onetime payment

of subscription for availing CGHS facility by retired

employees was issued on 29.7.2016 with the approval

of the Management Committee. The matter was

examined and it is observed that orders are made

effective only from the prospective dates unless

otherwise specified and cannot be made effective

retrospectively on a later date.

This issues with the approval of the Competent



(Brahm Parkash)

Assistant General Manager (Admn.IV)


Admin Cell,Bharat Sanchar Bhavan

Janpath, New Delhi-110001.

No.: BSNL/Admn.1/15-1/2019 Dt. 15-1-2021


All Head of Circles,

All Head of BSNL Units, BSNL.

S u b : C l a r i f i c a t i o n / A m e n d m e n t f o r t h e

implementation of BSNLMRS- Eligibility of

BSNLMRS Policy for family dependents of

deceased BSNL recruited employees.

Reference:- BSNL CO Letter No: BSNL / Admn.1/1

(Pt.) dated 24.09.2004

Kindly refer to letter cited under reference above

whereby guidelines for the implementation of

BSNLMRS were issued. In this regard Para-1, i.e.

"Eligibility of family dependents of expired employees "

may be read as under:

"On the death of BSNL employee, who was

availing BSNLMRS facilities, the Spouse/ dependent

children shall continue to avail the same facility, as was

being availed by the employee prior to his/ her death.

However, the dependents shall not be entitled to

change any option."

This has the approval of the Competent Authority.

Sd/-(Sandeep Kapoor)



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Page 52: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


No. : S-11045/36/2012-CGHS (HEC) 26/3/21Dir. Genl. of CGHS

Ministry of Health & Family WelfareNirman Bhawan, New Delhi.


Sub: Extension of validity period of empanelment

of already empanelled Health Care Organizations

under CGHS.

With reference to above mentioned subject

attention is drawn to office order dated 01.10.2020

whereby empanelment of all existing empanelled

health cure organizations under CGHS was extended

till 31.03.2021.

In this regards it has been now decided to extend

empanelment of all Health Carr Organizations already

empanelled under CGHS for a further period of six

months w.e.f. 01.04.2021 till 30.09.2021 or till next

empanelment whichever is earlier on same terms

conditions and rates on which they are presently

empanelled. However, all hospitals and diagnostic

centres shall charge NABL rates only for those

investigations conducted by them which are NABL.

accredited, For all other investigations they shall claim

Non-NABL rates.

This issues with approval of AS & DG (CGHS).


(Dr. Sanjay Jain)

Director (CGHS)


©e yu[.yu. fðkýk - ©eíke ýeçkuLk fðkýkMk¼kMkË Lkt. 644 (ðzkuËhk)

sLrËðMk þw¼uåAk Yk. 500/-ykurVMk uELxuLkLMk Vtz Yk. 500/- xkux÷ Yk. 1000/-

We convey our heartfelt condolencesto the deprived family members

Mk¼kMkË Lkt. 7327 ©e nhrfþLk Sðhks¼kE ¼wðk (H.J. Bhuva)

íkk. 10/03/2021Lkk hkus ðzkuËhk wfku yðMkkLk Ãkku÷ Au.

Mk¼kMkË Lkt. 1608©e çkkçkw÷k÷ rðhËkMk Ãkxu÷

íkk. 5/03/2021Lkk hksu ôÍk ¾kík uËuð÷kuf ÃkkBÞk Au, íkuyku ôÍk íkk÷wfkLkk MkwhÃkhk økkLkk

MkhÃkt[ níkk.

Mk¼kMkË Lkt. 982©e su.yuLk. Ãkhe¾

íkk. 29/03/2021Lkk hksu yËkðkË fw k u yðMkkLk

Ãkk÷u A.u

Keep your Pension Account regularly at one place in your

Diary. It is important.

x¢¢-¶éà¢è, çà¢ÜU±ï Ï¢¢§ü, Œ²¢Ú-²¢Úè À¢ïÇGÜUÚ

»ÜU çÎÝ Á¢¢Ý¢ ãñ S¢Ï¢ ÜU¢ï Îéçݲ¢Î¢Úè À¢ïÇGÜUÚ

¼ê ÎÚw¼¢ï´ ÜU¢ï çx¢Ú¢¼¢, ¼¢ï |¢H¢ ÆèÜU Ï¢¢¼ ‰¢è

v²¢ ç¢H¢ ¼éÈU¢¡ ¼éÁ¢Gï, Ý¢Á¢GêÜU ÜUHè ÜU¢ï ¢¢ïÇÜUÚ

Page 53: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


We convey our heartfelt condolences to the deprived family members


ON 12.04.2021DUE TO COORNA.


EXPIRED ON 09.04.2021 AT SURAT. -----------


EXPIRED ON 09.04.2021.HE WAS BORN ON 27-May-1948 AND RETIRED ON31-May-2008 AS SG.T.A.



1944 AND RETIRED ON 28.02.2004---------

Mahajan Laxman C. Surat, Memberrship No. 8009, expired on 22.02.2021.

Patel Ramanbhai Ranchhodbhai,

Membership No.501,expired on 12,04,2021

at Surat


Sr.TOA TL, SURAT District, Membership No: 1099,

expired on 04.03.3021. He was born on , 15-Jun-1949 and retired on 30-Jun-2009

as Sr. TOA,TL.from C.T.O. SURAT.


Membership No:7187, retired TM SURAT EXPIRED ON

05.04.4021. HE WAS BORN ON 02-Nov-1952 AND

RETIRED ON 30-Nov-2012.


Membership No: 7908, Moti Dau, Retired TTA expired on 04.04.2021 due to CORONA. He was born on 01-Jun-1954 and Retired on 31-May-2014.

A.R. SAFIExpired on 31.03.2021. He

was Pilar of BMS in Gujarat & one of the well wishers of

BDPA (India) andSupportive to our actgivities.

MAHADEV V. SHINDE, (Father of Shri Prakash

Shinde- SURAT)EXPIRED ON 28.03.2021


Membership No,1682, Retired DE Tax, ANAND EXPIRED

ON 22.03.2021. He was born on 10.11.1950 and retired on


BACHUBHAI K. SUTHAR, Mmembership No.436,

Retired Sr.Supvr. Phones, VISNAGAR EXPIRED ON 12.03.2021. He was born on 05.08.1944 and retired on


Page 54: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


We convey our heartfelt condolences to the deprived family members

Shri Bhumit, aged 30 years, (Son our our member

Shri R.B. Chaudhary, C.T.O. Ahmedabad)

Expired on 15.02.2021


ON 12.02.2021

SureshbhaiAmarchandbhai Gandhi,

Membership No.7486, expired on 09.02.2021 at

Rajkot. He was bornon 02.09.1955 and retired

on 30.09.2015 as Sr. TOA P.

Smt. Kamlaben Dhalumal Jesani, (wife of Shri

Dhalumal Parchomal Jesani) expired on 09.02.2021

at Rajkot


Unjha Expired on 15.01.2021. He was born on 17.11.1941 and retired on 30.11.2001.






14.04.2021. HE WAS BORN ON 09.11.1950 AND

RETIRED ON 30.11.2010.

R . C . S O L A N K I , MEMBERSHIP NO: 1135, RETIRED C.S.S. C.T.O. AHMEDABAD EXPIRED ON 15.01.2021. HE WAS BORN O N 0 4 . 1 2 . 1 9 4 9 A N D RETIRED ON 31.12.2009.


S M T . M O H I L E K . P.SURAT, M.NO.5233, SR. T O A , E X P I R E D O N 0 6 . 0 1 . 2 0 2 1 . S H E W A S BORN ON 24.04.1944 AND RETIRED ON 30.04.2004.

BDPA (I) appriciate the noble gesture & social responsibility sences of his family. As his family donated his body to AMCMET medical college, Maninagar, Ahmedabad.


25.12.2020. He was born on 02.09.1956 and retired

on 30.09.2016.

Mk¼kMkË Lkt. 1133 ©e MkVeeÞkt yççkkMkeÞkt XkfkuhLkk ÄoÃkÂíLk¾uYLkçkeçke íkk. 10/05/2020Lkk hkus økk ¼k÷us íkk. WhuX wfku sLLkíkLkþeLk ÚkÞu÷ Au.

Mk¼kMkË Lkt. 151 ©e fu.yuMk. zk¼e íkk. 28/1/2021Lkk rËðMku yËkðkË wfku Ëuð÷kuf ÃkkBÞk Au.

Page 55: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


r¢»k MÃke[ yuLz neÞhªøk õ÷eLkef401, þw¼T nkuÂMÃkx÷, 8, MkhËkh Ãkxu÷ fku÷kuLke,

MkhËkh Ãkxu÷ çkkð÷kÚke WMkLkÃkwhk ytzhçkúesLke ðå[u,yËkðkË-14.

Phone : 079-27680200 (M) 9825448549Phone : 079-27680200 (M) 9825448549Website : www.krishclinic.comWebsite : www.krishclinic.com

Phone : 079-27680200 (M) 9825448549Website : www.krishclinic.com

MkÞ : Mkku Úke þw¢ 12 Úke 7 - yøkkWÚke yuÃkkuELxuLx ÷uðk rðLktíke.

Á[e rð. þknÁ[e rð. þknÁ[e rð. þkn(ykuzeÞku÷kuSMx yuLz MÃke[ ÃkuÚkku÷kuSMx)

kLkËT ykuzeÞku÷kuSMx yuLzkLkËT ykuzeÞku÷kuSMx yuLzMÃke[ ÃkuÚkku÷kuSMxMÃke[ ÃkuÚkku÷kuSMx

ðe.yuMk. sLkh÷ nkuÂMÃkx÷ - 2008 Úkeðe.yuMk. sLkh÷ nkuÂMÃkx÷ - 2008 Úke

kLkËT ykuzeÞku÷kuSMx yuLzMÃke[ ÃkuÚkku÷kuSMx

ðe.yuMk. sLkh÷ nkuÂMÃkx÷ - 2008 Úke

ðÕzo õ÷kMk ftÃkLkeLkk fkLkLkk þeLk Phonak (Switzerland) Phonak (Switzerland)

Resound (Denmark) Resound (Denmark)

Siemens (Germany) Siemens (Germany)

Starkey (USA) Starkey (USA)

Phonak (Switzerland)

Resound (Denmark)

Siemens (Germany)

Starkey (USA)

BSNL fo[khe íkus ÃkuLþLkhku kxu yuf fkLkLkk `20,000 yLku çktLku fkLkLkk `40,000 MkwÄeLkk neÞhªøk yuEz BSNL íkhVÚke heyuBçkMko fhkðe ykÃkðkLke MkwrðÄk WÃk÷çÄ Au.

WÃk÷çÄ Mkkhðkh fkLkLke çknuhkþLke íkÃkkMk (ykurzÞkuøkúk) fkLkLke çknuhkþLke íkÃkkMk (ykurzÞkuøkúk) Ëhuf ftÃkLkeLkk neÞhªøk yuEz íkus Ëhuf ftÃkLkeLkk neÞhªøk yuEz íkus çkuxhe WÃk÷çÄ. çkuxhe WÃk÷çÄ. fkLkLkk þeLk su fu fkLkLke ytËhLkk fkLkLkk þeLk su fu fkLkLke ytËhLkk (ITC, CIC) (ITC, CIC)

fkLkLke ÃkkA¤Lkk sufu (BTE, RIC) fkLkLke ÃkkA¤Lkk sufu (BTE, RIC)

Mkðo©uc Mkøkðz íkÚkk WÃk[kh yLku MkŠðMk Mkðo©uc Mkøkðz íkÚkk WÃk[kh yLku MkŠðMk

fkLkLke çknuhkþLke íkÃkkMk (ykurzÞkuøkúk) Ëhuf ftÃkLkeLkk neÞhªøk yuEz íkus çkuxhe WÃk÷çÄ. fkLkLkk þeLk su fu fkLkLke ytËhLkk (ITC, CIC)

fkLkLke ÃkkA¤Lkk sufu (BTE, RIC)

Mkðo©uc Mkøkðz íkÚkk WÃk[kh yLku MkŠðMk

©ðý ÞtºkLke sYheÞkík su ÷kufkuLku ðkhtðkh çkeòLke ðkíkLkwt su ÷kufkuLku ðkhtðkh çkeòLke ðkíkLkwt ÃkwLkhkðíkoLk fhðk fnuðwt Ãkzu. ÃkwLkhkðíkoLk fhðk fnuðwt Ãkzu. ðkík[eíkLke økuhMks ðkík[eíkLke økuhMks MkkkSf níkkþk MkkkSf níkkþk õ÷kMkY, exªøk, Mk¼knku÷ kuxk õ÷kMkY, exªøk, Mk¼knku÷ kuxk økúwÃkkt Mkkt¼¤ðkLke íkf÷eV økúwÃkkt Mkkt¼¤ðkLke íkf÷eV

su ÷kufkuLku ðkhtðkh çkeòLke ðkíkLkwt ÃkwLkhkðíkoLk fhðk fnuðwt Ãkzu. ðkík[eíkLke økuhMks MkkkSf níkkþk õ÷kMkY, exªøk, Mk¼knku÷ kuxk økúwÃkkt Mkkt¼¤ðkLke íkf÷eV

íkk ÃkuLþLkhku kxu ykhk Ëðk¾kLkk WÃkh Víkkt ykurzÞkuøkúkíkus neÞhªøk yuRzLku ÷økíkwt køkoËþoLk ykÃkðkkt ykðþu.¾kMk LkkUÄ :

Page 56: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


Administrative Fees for 5 years : Rs. 700/-

I hereby declare that I will abide by the Constitution of BDPA (INDIA).

(21) Aadhar Card No. (22) PAN No.

(23) Email ID :

Total : Rs. 1,450/-

Rs. 650/-

: Rs. 100/-

410-A/411-A, Swaminarayan Avenue, Nr. Torrent Office,Naranpura - Sola Road, Ahmedabad-380013.

Ph. (O) 079-27476566

Page 57: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance

fhkððk ðpÕVuh ykprVMk (fÕÞký yLkw¼køkkt) økÞku níkku, Ãký íÞkt fkuE nksh s Lknkuíkwt, ÃkqAðkÚke ¾çkh Ãkze fu "ywf" ¼kE hò WÃkh Au yLku õÞkhu ykðþu yu Lk¬e LkÚke. WÃkhe yrÄfkhe fkt íkku nksh ¤íkk LkÚke fkt íkku rxªøkku kt ÔÞMík nkuÞ Au. yux÷u khu nðu ÃkuLþLkh MktøkXLkLke ËË ÷eÄk rMkðkÞ Aqxfku LkÚke. (Ãký íku AíkktÞ yuf ÷ur¾ík VrhÞkË ykÃkðkLke íkMËe ÷uðe LkÚke.)

«Mktøk - 4

BSNL ÃkuLþLkh : nwt ypfkWLx ykprVMkkt urzf÷ çke÷ ykÃkðk økÞku íÞkhu íÞkt fkuE nksh Lknkuíkwt. fkuEfu Lku rzMÃku[ rð¼køkkt ykÃkðkLke Mk÷kn ykÃke. íÞkt rzMÃku[ õ÷kfo nksh LkÚke. Ãký çkeòu Ĭku ¾kðku Lkk Ãkzu yux÷k kxu nwt çke÷ yuLkk xuçk÷ WÃkh qfeLku ÃkkAku VÞkuo. Úkkuzk rËðMk ÃkAe ÃkqAÃkhA fhíkkt ¾çkh Ãkze fu kÁt çke÷ íÞkt Au s Lknª ! Auðxu Ĭku ¾kELku, khu òíku çke÷kuLkk çkk[fkktÚke þkuÄeLku ykÃkðwt Ãkzâwt. íku ð¾íku íÞkt nksh MxkVLku U WÃk÷e Lkshu [uf fhe ÷uðk rðLktíke fhe. Ãký yuýu Lkk Ãkkze ËeÄe.

yk, òu økýkððk çkuMkeyu íkku ÃkuLþLkhkuLke nuhkLkøkríkLkk ykðk yMktÏÞ Ëk¾÷kyku ¤e ykðu. Aíkkt Ãký WÃkhLkk çku-[kh «Mktøkku, ÃkuLþLkhkuLku Úkíke nuhkLkøkríkLkku ÏÞk÷ ykÃkðk kxu Ãkqhíkk Au.

BSNL ÃkuLþLkh MktøkXLkkuLke ¼qrfk

ÃkuuLþLkhkuLke ykðe nk÷kfe yu Mkkhe ÃkuXu MkSyu Aeyu yLku ntuþk íkuLku Mkk[wt køkoËþoLk ykÃkðk «ÞíLkku fheyu Aeyu. íku Aíkkt; íkuLku ðkhu½zeyu ykðe nuhkLkøkrík fu ðuXðe Ãkzu Au ? yuLkku ¾w÷kMkku ykÃke þfíkk LkÚke. yuf sðkçkËkh ÃkuLþLkh íkhefu, rLkð]r¥k ð¾íku ÃkkuíkkLke çkZíkeyku («kuþLkku) yLku ÃkuLþLk rLkÄkohýÚke rðøkíkku ÃkqhuÃkqhe [fkMke ÷uðe; yu Ëhuf ÃkuLþLkhLke sðkçkËkhe çkLku Au. rLkð]r¥k çkkË Ãký òu fkuE rðMktøkrík æÞkLkkt ykðu íkku ð¾íkkuð¾ík ¼hkíke ÃkuLþLk yËk÷íkkt hswykík fhðe òuEyu. ÃkuLþLkhkuyu ¾kMk æÞkLk hk¾ðwt òuEyu fu, òu íkuLke ÃkkMku ÃkqhuÃkqhe rðøkíkku nþu íkku s yu ËË fhe þfeþwt. çkkfe yËk÷íkLkk rLkÞ yLkwMkkh sYhe rðøkíkku ðøkh yu yËk÷íkkt íkuLkk fuMkkt ËhrÞkLkøkehe fhe þfíkk LkÚke.

kºk ÃkuLþLkhkuLku ËËYÃk ÚkðkLkk þw¼ ykþÞÚke s ÃkuLþLkh MktøkXLkLkk nkuÆuËkhku fk

«Mktøk - 1 BSNL ÃkuLþLkh, [k÷w Lkkufhe ð¾íku : nwt fo[kheMkt½Lkku MkÇÞ níkku yLku ÃkøkkhktÚke rLkÞrík MkÇÞ Ve fÃkkðeLku, U khk çkÄk MkuðkfeÞ «§ku fo[kheMkt½ WÃkh Akuze ËeÄk níkk. khku Ãkøkkh ðhMkkuðhMk ðÄíkku níkku yux÷u nwt ¾wþ níkku, íkuÚke U khe çkZíke fu Ãkp rVõMkuþLkLke fkuE ðÄw [kuõMkkE fhe Lknkuíke. rLkð]¥k ÚkÞku íÞkt MkwÄe khu fkuE ¾kMk MkMÞkyku Ãký Lknkuíke. BSNL ÃkuLþLkh, rLkð]r¥k ð¾íkuu : kÁt rLkÄkorhík ÃkuLþLk, hòykuLkwt hkufz YÃkktíkh, fkpBÞwxuþLk íkÚkk økúußÞwExe - çkÄwt u Mkns heíku Mðefkhe ÷eÄwt fkhý fu, rLkÞkLkwMkkh çkÄwt çkhkçkh s nþu, yuðku ¼hkuMkku níkku. BSNL ÃkLu þLkh, rLkðr] ¥kLkk Úkkzu k MkÞ çkkË : Lku fkuEfu fÌkwt fu, íkuLkwt ÃkuLþLk khk fhíkk ðÄkhu Lk¬e ÚkðkLku ÷eÄu íkuLku kuxku VkÞËku ÚkÞku Au. nwt yuLkk fhíkk rMkrLkÞh níkku yLku khe fkhrfËeo (MkuðkÃkkuÚke) Ãký rLk»f÷tf níke, íku Aíkkt ykðwt fu çkLÞwt nþu ?! rLkð]¥k ÚkE økÞku yux÷u MkŠðMk ËhBÞkLkLkk fkuEÃký ËMíkkðuòu U hkÏÞk s LkÚke. yux÷u; yufÚke çkeS ykurVMku Ĭk ¾kðkLke çkË÷u khu khk «§Lkk rLkhkfhý kxu ÃkuLþLkh MktøkXLkLkk ykþhu sðwt ðÄkhu Xef hnuþu.

«Mktøk - 2 BSNL ÃkuLþLkh : U Úkkuzk ð¾ík Ãknu÷kt kÁt Mkkhðkh çke÷ yufkWLx ykprVMkkt ykÃke íkku ËeÄwt Au, Ãký yuLkku fkuE Ãkqhkðku U hkÏÞku LkÚke. nðu çkeò rºkkuLku Mkkhðkh çke÷ku ¤e økÞk Au yLku ½ýk ð¾íkÚke U çkUf ¾kíkkkt íkÃkkMk Ãký fhe LkÚke. çkUfkt íkÃkkMk fhíkkt ¾çkh Ãkze fu, fþwt sk ÚkÞwt LkÚke. rºkku ÃkqAu Au fu, "çke÷ fE íkkhe¾u ykÃÞwt níkwt ?" íkku khku sðkçk Au fu, "Lku hf fu íkkhe¾ fþwt ÞkË LkÚke, yLku U fkuE Ãkqhkðku ÷uðkLkwt fu hk¾ðkLkwt æÞkLk hkÏÞwt LkÚke." yux÷u nðu khu ykurVMkkuLkk yktxkVuhk fhðk fhíkkt, ÃkuLþLkh MktøkXLkLke ËËÚke çke÷Lke íkÃkkMk fhkððkLkwt ðÄkhu Xef Ãkzþu.

«Mktøk - 3 BSNL ÃkuLþLkh : nwt kÁt urzf÷ fkzo rhLÞw


òLÞwykhe-2021Lkk íktºke÷u¾Lkkuøkwshkíke yLkwðkË

BSNL ÃkuLþLkh rºkkuLku xfkuh

Page 58: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


fhíkk nkuÞ Au. çkkfe íkuLku Ãký ÃkkuíkkLke Mkkkrsf sðkçkËkheyku yLku Ãkrhðkh kxu MkÞ ykÃkðku s Ãkzu Au. ½ýk MktøkXLkLkk nkuÆuËkhku ½uhÚke s fkfks [÷kðíkk nkuÞ Au yux÷u yuLku ¤ðk síke ð¾íku ÃkuLþLkhkuyu íkuLkk MkÞ-MkøkðzLkku ÏÞk÷ hk¾ðku òuEyu. MktøkXLkLkk nkuÆuËkhku íkLku Mkkt¼¤ðk-¤ðk kxu [kuðeMku f÷kf íkiÞkh nkuðk òuEyu-ykðe yÃkuûkk hk¾ðe yu ðÄkhu Ãkzíkwt Au.

kuxk¼køkLkk ÃkuLþLkh MktøkXLkku sYhe ykprVMk k¤¾wt Ähkðíkk LkÚke nkuíkk, yux÷u íkuLku Ãký çkeS fkuE ÄtÄkËkhe ftÃkLke fu ÔÞÂõík Ãkh ykÄkh hk¾ðku Ãkzíkku nkuÞ Au. yux÷k kxu ÃkuLþLkh MktøkXLkLkk nkuÆuËkhkuLkk yøkðz-Mkøkðz, MkÞ-MkwrðÄkLkku ÏÞk÷ hk¾ðku ¾kMk sYhe Au.

yksLkk MkMíkk zpxkÃkpf ðk¤k kuçkkE÷ Þwøkkt kuxk ¼køkLkk ÃkuLþLkhku, ÃkuLþLkLku ÷økíkk Ëhuf uMkus ðkpxTMkypÃk WÃkh ykzuÄz kuf÷u-Vkphðzo fhu hk¾u Au. fkuE pMkus, Ãkkuíku ÃkqhuÃkqhku ðktåÞk ðøkh çkeòykuLku ðkÞh÷ fhðkLkwt fnuðwt, yu rçk÷fw÷ ðkrnÞkík ðkík Au. fkhý fu ònuh ûkuºkkukt ykðk Zøk÷kçktÄ uMkuòuLke LkkUÄ fkuE s ÷uíkwt LkÚke. ¾hu¾h íkku ykðu÷k uMkusLku ÃkqhuÃkqhku ðktåÞk-MkßÞk çkkË s, ÷kufkuyu íkuLku kºk ÷økíkk-ð¤økíkk rºkkuLku s Vkuhðzo fhðku òuEyu. suLkkÚke sYh nkuÞ íkuLku AuÕ÷tAuÕ÷e krníke ÃknkU[e þfu. Ãkkuíku MkkÁt rLkð]¥k SðLk økk¤ðkLkwt þe¾zkðLkkhk Mkkhk «[khf Au, íkuðwt çkeòykuLku Ëu¾kzðk kxu ÷kufku økwzku‹Lkøk, økwzLkkExLkk Zøk÷kçktÄ uMkuòu Vkphðzo fhíkk hnu Au; suLku fkuEÃký heíku Mkkkrsf rþük[kh Lkk økýe þfkÞ.

ÃkuLþLkhkuyu yuf ðkík ¾kMk MkS ÷uðe òuEyu, fu Mkk[khku/rð[khÄkhkykuLkk «[kh-«Mkkh kxu ½ýk çkÄk zersx÷ yLku wrÿík (÷ur¾ík) kæÞku WÃk÷çÄ Au s, yLku hMk ÄhkðLkkhkyku yuLkk Úkfe òýe s ÷uðkLkk Au. íkuýu çkeòykuLke ÃkMktË-LkkÃkMktË òÛÞk ðøkh íkuLke WÃkh ÃkkuíkkLke rð[khMkhýe Xkufe çkuMkkzeLku íkuLku ÃkhuþkLk fhðkÚke Ëqh hnuðwt òuEyu. fkhýfu yu ÷kufku ykðk uMkuòuLku yufkË-çku yÃkþçËku MkkÚku kºk ze÷ex s fhe ËuðkLkk Au. yLku ykðwt çkÄwt rçk÷fw÷ ÃkMktË LkÚke, yux÷u yu çkkçkíku ðÄw [[ko fhðk køkíkk LkÚke.

¼ýu÷k økýu÷k ÃkuLþLkhku òu íkuLku ¤u÷k yøkíÞLkk uMkuòu, íkuLkk rºkkuLku MkkËeLku Mkh¤

¼k»kkkt kuf÷ðkLkwt þY fhþu íkku yuf kuxe MkksMkuðk fhe økýkþu.

nðu ykÃkýk q¤ «§ WÃkh ykðeyu. ÃkuLþLkhku òu ¾hu¾h ÃkkuíkkLkk «§ku «þkMkLkLkk æÞkLk WÃkh ÷kððk ktøkíkk nkuÞ íkku íkuýu Võík Ëþ YrÃkÞk ¾[eoLku RTI Lkwt þMºk yskððwt òuEyu. yk fhðkÚke íkuLku ÃkkuíkkLkk k÷kLke AuÕ÷tAuÕ÷e ÂMÚkíke íkÚkk yukt rð÷tçk ÚkðkLkwt fkhý, çktLkuLke ¾çkh Ãkzþu. òu fkuELku ÃkkuíkkLkwt Mkkhðkh çke÷ Lkk éÞwt nkuÞ íkku yu RTI fheLku - ÃkkuíkkLkk çke÷Lke AuÕ÷tAuÕ÷e ÂMÚkíke, tsqh ÚkÞu÷e hf íkÚkk [ku¬Mk Ëðk fu Mkkhðkh Lkktsqh ÚkE nkuÞ íkku íkuLkk fkhýku - suðe krníke køke þfu Au. yu rMkðkÞ Ãký - fux÷k çke÷ku Ãku®Lzøk Au, fux÷k [uf ÚkÞk, fux÷k çkkfe Au, fux÷k tsqh ÚkÞk Au, ðøkuhu rðøkíkku Ãký RTI nuX¤ køke þfkÞ Au. òu ðÄwLku ðÄw ÃkuLþLkhku yk hMíkku yÃkLkkððk ÷køkþu; íkku «þkMkLk ô½ktÚke òøkeLku ÍzÃkÚke fk fhðk ÷køku, yu rËðMkku Ëqh Lknª nkuÞ. fufu; fkuE yrÄfkheLku, ykðk Zøk÷kçktÄku çke÷ku ÷ktçkk ð¾ík Ãku®Lzøk hk¾ðk Lkk sðkçkku-fkhýku ðkhu½zeyu ÃkkuíkkLkk WÃkheykuLku ykÃku hk¾eLku íkuLke Lkkhksøke ðnkuhðkLkwt òu¾ WXkððkLkwt Ãkk÷ðu s Lknª.

Ëhuf ÃkuLþLkhLku ÃkkuíkkLke ÃkMktËLkk-hSLkk ÃkuLþLkh MktøkXLkkt òuzkðkLkku kir÷f yrÄfkh Au. Ãký òuzkíkkt Ãknu÷kt íÞkt íkuLkk «§ku WÃkh Ãkqhíkwt æÞkLk yÃkkþu fu fu ? íkuLke ¾kíkhe fhe ÷uðe òuEyu. Ëhuf ÃkuLþLkh MktøkXLkLkku wÏÞ nuíkw; fkuEÃký òíkLke hksfeÞ ÃkUíkhkçkkSÚke y¤økk hneLku, «þkMkLk Mkûk ÃkuLþLkhkuLkk «§kuLke òuhËkh hswykík fheLku, k÷kykuLkk u Mkh¤íkkÚke Wfu÷ ÷kððkLkwt yus nkuðku òuEyu. fux÷kf ÃkuLþLkh MktøkXLkku kºk MkÇÞ Ve W½hkðe ÷eÄk çkkË MkÇÞkuLkk «§ku ytøku ykt¾ ykzk fkLk fhíkkt òuðk ¤u Au. fkhý fu Mkûk, sqçkík yLku yLkw¼ðe Lkuík]íðLkk y¼kðu; ÃkuLþLkhkuLku økuhkøkuo Ëkuhíkk uMkuòu Vkphðzo fÞko rMkðkÞ íkuLkkÚke çkeswt fþwt h[Lkkíf fk ÚkE þfu yu nkuíkwt s LkÚke.

nðu Ähýk WÃkh çkuMkðkLkku fu ÃkkuMxfkzo yr¼ÞkLk [÷kððkLkku skLkku LkÚke hÌkku. fkhý fu «þkMkLk yuLke LkkUÄ MkwæÄkt ÷uíkwt s LkÚke. yLku kuxk ¼køkLkk MkÇÞku ykðk nkMÞMÃkË fkÞo¢kuÚke Ëqh hnuðkLkwt ÃkMktË fhíkk nkuÞ Au.

Page 59: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


÷kufþkne þkMkLk ÔÞðMÚkkkt MktÏÞk fu çknwrík çknw n¥ð yLku íkkfkík Ähkðu Au. òu kuxe MktÏÞk yLkw¼ðe Lkuík]íð nuX¤ nkuÞ íkku, MktÏÞkLke s LkkUÄ ÷uðkÞ Au yLku MktÏÞkÚke s ÄkÞko Ãkrhýkku u¤ðe þfkÞ Au. Ëhuf ÃkuLþLkhu fkuEÃký ÃkuLþLkh MktøkXLkkt òuzkíkkt Ãknu÷kt - yuLke ÃkkMku MkÇÞkuLkku rzSx÷ zuxk (krníke) WÃk÷çÄ Au fu Lknª ? yuLkk Xhkðku, rLkíke rLkÞku yLku Ãkrºkfk (uøkurÍLk) rLkÞríkYÃku «fkrþík ÚkkÞ Au fu Lknª ? - yk çkÄwt òýe ÷uðwt ¾wçk s yøkíÞLkwt Au.

ÃkuLþLkh MktøkXLkkt òuzkÞk çkkË ßÞkhu yÃke÷ fhðkkt ykðu íÞkhu; íkkhe ÔÞksçke ktøkýeyku «þkMkLkLkk æÞkLk WÃkh ÷kððk kxu r L kð uËL k k u k t M kn e fheL k u M k t ç k t rÄ í k Mk¥kkðk¤kykuLku kuf÷e ykÃkðk; yu MkÇÞkuLke sðkçkËkhe Au. suíku MktøkXLk MktÏÞkçk¤Lke íkÚkk ykŠÚkf árüyu sçkqík Au ? ykÄwrLkf xuõLkku÷kuSLkku yMkhfkhf WÃkÞkuøk fhe òýu Au ? fkuE çkøke[k fu trËh fu ½hktÚke fkfks [÷kðu Au fu ÃkAe ykÄwrLkf VŠLk[hÚke Mkßs ÃkkuíkkLke Mðíktºk ykprVMkuÚke fkfks fhu Au ? - yk çkÄe çkkçkíkku Ãký ÃkuLþLkhkuyu [fkMke òuðe òuEyu.

¾wçk sYhe yLku yøkíÞLke yÃke÷

íkksuíkhkt rLk]¥k ÚkÞu÷k Lkðk rºkku MktøkXLkkt òuzkE økÞk yux÷u íkuLke sðkçkËkhe Ãkqhe ÚkE økE yu kLkíkk nkuÞ, yuðwt yLku ÷køke hÌkwt Au. Ãký ¾hu¾h yuðwt LkÚke. yøkíÞLkk fu sðkçkËkh nkuÆkyku ÃkhÚke rLkð]¥k ÚkELku òuzkÞu÷k Lkðk MkÇÞkuLkk ÷pxuMx fkÞËk-rLkÞku íkÚkk «þkMkLkLke nk÷Lke fkÞoþi÷e rð»kuLkk íkuLkk yLkw¼ðLke ykhu ¾wçk sYh Au. íkuLke MkuðkykuLke ykhu ¾kMk sYh Au. ÃkkuíkkLke yLkwfw¤íkk yLkwMkkh òu íkuyku rLkÞrík YÃku yÚkðk íkku su íku fk ytøku sYh Ãkzu íÞkhu BDPA Lku ÃkkuíkkLke Mkuðkyku ykÃkþu, íkku ykÃkýu nsw Ãký ðÄkhu sçkqík çkLke þfeþwt. ykÃkýk fkfksLku ðÄkhu yMkhfkhf çkLkkððk Lkðk [nuhkykuLku þku÷ fhðk, yu yksLkk MkÞLke ¾kMk sYrhÞkík Au.

yËk÷íke Ãkøk÷kt ÷uðk çkkçkíku : yËk÷íke Ãkøk÷kt ÷uðkÚke ykÃkýwt ÄkÞwO Ãkrhýk u¤ððkkt ¾wçk Ze÷ Úkþu, yuðku ykhku MÃkü ík hÌkku Au. fËk[ Lke[uLke yËk÷íkkt Síke sEyu íkku Ãký Mkhfkh WÃkhLke yËk÷íkkt yÃke÷ fhðkLke s Au yLku Vhe ÃkkAku yuLkk [qfkËkkt rð÷tçk

ÚkðkLkku s Au; yukt çku ík LkÚke. ykðwt yøkkW ykÃkýu 10% BCR Lkk yuf EòVkðk¤k k÷kkt ¼kuøkðe [qõÞk Aeyu. yËk÷íkkt Síke økÞk ÃkAe Ãký yuLkk y÷ kxu fux÷ku ÷ktçkku Mkt½»ko ¾uzðku Ãkzâku níkku ! ÞkË fhe swyku !

®nËwMíkkLk xkEBMk, Lkðe rËÕneLkk íkk. 19/12/2020Lkk ytfkt ÷ÏÞk wsçk - yk "rð÷tçkfkhe ð÷ý"Lke Mkwr« fkuxuo økt¼eh LkkUÄ ÷eÄe Au. Mkwr« fkuxuoLkwt fnuðwt Au fu - "økwýËku»k [fkMkðkLke íkf÷eV ÷eÄk ðøkh Ëhuf k÷kLku yËk÷íkkt qfeLku Mkhfkh fkuxkuoLkwt ¼khý ðÄkhe hne Au. ykhk kuxk ¼køkLkk MkÞ yLku þÂõík økwýËku»k [fkMkðkkt s ¾[koÞ Au. yk LÞkÞÃkkr÷fkLkwt ¼khý ðÄkhðk kxu Mkhfkh Ãkkuíku sðkçkËkh Au."

ykÃkýe ½ýe ÔÞksçke ktøkýeykuLkk Wfu÷kt yûkBÞ rð÷tçk ÚkE hÌkku Au, yuLke Lkk LkÚke. Ãký yuLku kxu MkhfkhLku ¼ktzðk fhíkk íkku; yu yøkkW fÌkk «kýu sçkqík Lkuík]íð nuX¤ Lkðk yr¼økÚke òuhËkh hswykík fhðkÚke, ÄkÞko Ãkrhýkku ðnu÷kMkh u¤ðe þfkþu. yk fhðkÚke - ºkeS ðuíkLk MkwÄkhýk Mkrrík wsçk ÃkuLþLk MkwÄkhýk, MkkhðkhLkk çke÷kuLke MkÞMkh [qfðýe, CGHS Ëk¾÷VeLke BSNL îkhk MkeÄe s ykhkuøÞ tºkk÷ÞLku [qfðýe - suðk Mkkwrnf yLku çkeò ½ýk ÔÞÂõíkøkík «§kuLkwt rLkhkfhý íðrhík ¤e sþu; yu yufLku yuf çku suðe ðkík Au.

MktøkrXík hneþwt íkku Ãkkþwt,rð¼krsík ÚkEþwt íkku økwkðþwt.

«òMk¥kkf rËLk íkÚkk ykøkke íknuðkhkuLke nkŠËf þw¼fkLkkyku Mkrník.

ykÃkLkku MkÓËÞe

íkk. 16/01/2021 - rËLkuþ[tÿ ze. rMºke

General SecretaryBDPA (I)

yLkwðkË fíkko : yu[.su. ¼èrLkð]¥k SDE yLku Ãkqðo MknkÞf rLkËuþf

(hks¼k»kk)BSNL yËkðkË.

íkus ÏÞkíkLkk økwshkíke-®nËe nkMÞfrð

Page 60: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


Á¢Ý±Úè-2021 ÜïU ¼æ~¢èHï¶ ÜU¢çã‹Îè ¥Ýé±¢Î

BSNL Ðï‹à¢Ý|¢¢ïx¢è²¢ï´ ÜU¢ï S¢H¢ã

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BSNL Ðï‹à¢Ý|¢¢ïx¢è : ¢ñ´ ¥ÐÝ¢ çÓ¢ÜUèyS¢¢ ÜU¢Çü

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Page 61: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


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Page 62: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


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Page 63: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


Page 64: G.S. Writes...the expenditure towards electricity, municipal tax, maintenance charges and other misc. expenditure. To meet with expenditure, we have decided to start “Office Maintenance


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swLkLke yk¾h íkkhe¾u su ftE ykðu íku

íkLku sw÷kELkk ÃkuLþLkkt ¤þu. íÞkt

MkwÄeLkwt fkuE yuheÞMko ¤ðkÃkkºk LkÚke. yuðwt

sýkÞ Au ÃkAe íkku MkhfkhLke EåAk.

íkkhk uzef÷ fkzo heLÞw fhkðe ÷uþku yukt

Ãký MkwÄkhku fhðku nþu íkku yíÞkhu s þõÞ çkLkþu.

ÃkuÃkhkukt yLku xeðe Mkk[khkukt ¼Þkðn

yktfzkykuLke kÞkò¤ AkÃkðkkt ykðu Au

yuLkkÚke Ãký ykÃkýu fÞkt Aeyu yu ykÃkýu Lk¬e

fhðkLkwt Au. fkhý fu yk hkuøk yuðku Au sukt

ykÃkýu fkuELku íkus fkuE ykÃkýLku ËËYÃk ÚkE

þfíkk LkÚke. íkkð ¾ktMke þhËe fu WÄhMk ÚkkÞ íkku

íkkífkr÷f Mkkhðkh ÷uþku su íkLku çk[kððkkt

ËËYÃk Úkþu.

ykÃk Mknw íktËwhMík hnku yuðwt EåAwt Awt.

n»koË Mke. ¼kxeÞk(fkÞko÷Þ tºke)

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