growing with drupal and salesforce

Growing with Drupal and Salesforce

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Growing with Drupal and Salesforce

Mission & Model! We take in new and nearly new children's items

through community collections

! Volunteers process and package these items into highly tailored KidPacks®

! KidPacks® are distributed to children in need through a collaborative network of social service agencies and school partners

Cradles to Crayons provides children from birth through age 12, living in homeless or low-income situations, with the essential items they need to thrive - at home, at school and at play. We supply these items free of charge by engaging and connecting communities that have with communities that need.

Where We WereChallenges! Volunteer registration process is long and arduous, especially for

larger groups○ Much of the volunteer process was handled via simple

forms/email/spreadsheet○ No integration with CMS/Salesforce○ Large groups were difficult to track and manage

! Collecting Donations and tracking specific fundraising campaigns was difficult/non-existent○ Tracking email/fundraising campaign effectiveness was

cumbersome and not entirely consistent○ We needed to manually link the donations that were

flowing through our website with SalesforceOpportunity! Leverage Drupal & Salesforce in an effort to streamline our

donation and volunteering process to better scale our model.

Understanding our Business Processes

VOLUNTEERS• Volunteer Group Scheduling• Volunteer Visits & Registrations• Recognize Volunteers for Service• Categorize and Group Visits• Automate registration/sign in process

ENGAGED DONORS• Track and Acknowledge Gifts• Recognize highly engaged Donors• Forecast and track against goals• Plan and manage marketing events

PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS• Give Partners a tool to place Orders• Collect Partner Program/Org Info• Recognize highly engaged partners• Process orders quickly and efficiently• Better understand and meet growing demand

COMMUNITIES OF PLENTY• Track Product Donation Channels• Quickly Recognize Product Donors• Manage Drives and Collection Initiatives• Manage Product in the Giving Factory

Enter: Drupal & Salesforce

! We knew we needed to streamline and centralize access to information enterprise-wide.

! Drupal provides the front end CMS that allows us to put some of the day-to-day data entry tasks in the hands of our constituents.

! We can create custom landing pages/donation pages on our website to collect donations.

! The Salesforce Suite is the magic sauce that allows us to map fields in Drupal to fields in Salesforce.

! Salesforce provides the office-facing management/reporting tool for staff.

How Does it Work?! 2-way Data Sync: Drupal does all the heavy lifting to make sure Salesforce and Drupal stay in

sync.! Drupal periodically polls Salesforce for changes in either database and syncs those changes.

For Example:○ Salesforce Contact = Drupal User○ Salesforce Campaigns = Drupal Webform Campaigns○ Salesforce Volunteer Visits = Drupal Volunteer Visits

! End Result: We can move Salesforce data to website visitors/users and we allow them to input data that finds it’s way into Salesforce.

Guest/User enters data into


Drupal periodically syncs changes w/

SalesforceChanges in Salesforce are reflected in Drupal as well

Staff view/edit data and the site realizes the



Donations through the landing page are processed via PayPal and then non-

transactional information flows into Salesforce.

Where We Are

Donation Campaigns/Forms

! When constituents make online donations via a Webform Campaign or the General Donation form, the payment is processed via PayPal and Drupal creates a Closed/Won Opportunity record with donor information in Salesforce.

! If the donation is made to a Webform Campaign (i.e. landing page), Drupal relates the donation to the appropriate campaign in Salesforce.

! Website visitors/users must select their Cradles location which impacts how the data is recorded in Drupal and Salesforce.

Volunteering Through Drupal



Volunteers Inquire through our website and the information is then synced with a

corresponding Volunteer Visit in Salesforce

Volunteering Through Drupal (cont…)

! Volunteers can pre-register for visits by pasting a code we give them into a special form on our website - this code then relates all registrations to a particular visit both in Drupal and in Salesforce

! Allows us to quickly register large groups without manual data entry - group leaders can share the code with all the registrants, and everyone gets registered

! Ensures data entry is consistent through basic form validation and controls

Other Drupal-Salesforce Perks● Once they give or register to volunteer, users can log in and donate

without re-typing their contact information.

● Users can also manually update their own contact information via our website.

● When we update contact information in Salesforce the User's Drupal account reflects the information as well.

● We’ve effectively opened some of our daily data management tasks to our constituents.

● Our content management system has direct access to Salesforce data.

Benefits of Drupal

Flexibility: Drupal can handle many of our business requirements in terms of content management strategy and has the tools to also handle e-commerce, social features, wikis, photos and more.

Connections: Drupal can connect any data directly to Salesforce objects.

Some Not-So-Great Things

● Data management in Salesforce has a direct impact on your website. Large Salesforce operations can create backlogs in the sync process between Salesforce and Drupal - this can be mitigated, but should be considered

● Duplicates: Email is our identifier - so if a person uses two different emails to register or donate, we get duplicate contacts in Salesforce and Drupal

● Standardization: you have fewer tools to enforce data standardization on a public site than you do in Salesforce.

● Development & Learning Curve: Drupal has a higher learning curve (but is also more flexible) than other CMS’s – also much of the connection requries custom development and ongoing support.

Where We’re Going

With loads of rich, accurate data - we can begin utilizing business intelligence tools to gain deeper

insights and turn toward engagement and projection reporting.

Reassess some of our older systems and tools in an effort to streamline where possible by utilizing

AppExchange apps and/or new Drupal & Salesforce Platform features - with a clear focus

on digital communities and engagement.

Grow to new markets and bring new locations (and users) online. Additionally, build systems to engage with organizations across multiple
