group presentation msms

Project Team Members: Mr. Larry Khan (Project Manager/ Team Leader) Mr. Carmichael Ellis (Telecom Specialist) Mr. Vincent Kirk (Security Consultant) Ms. Joanna Inniss (Financial Analyst) Mr. Nigel La Fleur (Senior IT Consultant) Introduction Project MSMS 1

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Project Team Members: Mr. Larry Khan (Project Manager/ Team

Leader)Mr. Carmichael Ellis (Telecom

Specialist)Mr. Vincent Kirk (Security Consultant)Ms. Joanna Inniss (Financial Analyst)Mr. Nigel La Fleur (Senior IT


Introduction Project MSMS


Summary: Metropolitan Security Monitoring Systems(MSMS) referred to as “Project” was born out of the need to bring about a definitive change in the reduction of criminal activities in our Capital City of Port-of-Spain.

The Project was sanctioned and sponsored by The Ministry of National Security and is expected to be completed within eighteen (18) months , from Jan. 1st 2012 to June 30th 21013 with an approved baseline budget of five (5) million TT dollars.The Project success criteria will be to ensure key stakeholders cooperation and satisfaction, maintain deadlines and schedules, and demonstrate the importance of surveillance and security in our capital city. MSMS was chosen over other alternatives due to the fact it had numerous advantages to its methodologies, quality assurances, and depth of scope. The camera monitor system guarantees a “24-7” option which can span the entire city and is far more effective than traditional patrols.Apart from the primary sponsor (Min. of National Security), other stakeholders to benefit from this Project are: Port-of-Spain City Corporation, Port-of-Spain Police Division, DOMA, Project beneficiaries (citizens, commuters, employees, pedestrians etc.)

Introduction Project MSMS


Purpose:This plan details how the approach to changed will be approached, what defines change, the functionality of the change control board, and the related change m’gmt. processes.The change m’gmt. system for the Project will ensure that all proposed changes are clearly defined, reviewed by the relevant authority, and agreed upon for inclusion and communication to all stakeholders. The Change Management approach will consist of the following criteria: Changes are within the scope and clearly beneficial How the change will be included How is the change managed in its inclusion

Definition of Change:It will be the Project Manager’s responsibility to maintain communication of approved changes with the Project’s stakeholders. Additionally, all approved changes must be documented where necessary and these updates must be communicated to all parties concerned

Project Change Control Process Project MSMS


Change Control Authority:The Ministry of National Security is the designated authority for all proposed change requests to the Project. They will review all change requests, assess their impacts on the project risk, scope, cost, and schedule, and approve or deny each change request accordingly.

Once change requests are submitted to the Project Manager by fellow team members or stakeholders, they will be documented into the official change request log and discussed in fortnightly meetings held every Monday for assimilation. If more information is needed for a particular change request, the request will be deferred and sent back for more detailed information. For critical changes, the Project Manager will be given the leeway to contact Ministry officials before the usual scheduled meetings to assess such change requests.

Project Change Control Process Project MSMS


Roles and Responsibilities:

Project Sponsor Approval: All changes to budget and funding All changes to project schedule baseline Any changes to project scope

Project Manager: Collect and document all change requests from project stakeholders Conduct preliminary risk, cost, schedule, scope analysis of change before

Ministry referral Seek elucidation from change requests pending unusual issues Document revisions for all approved changes Collaborate with officials from the Ministry of National Security

Project Team and Stakeholders: Submit all change requests via standard change request forms Provide detailed information on change request forms Address in depth questions regarding any submitted change requests

Project Change Control Process Project MSMS


Change Control Process:The Change Control Process for the Project will follow the standard change process method for all projects. The Project Manager has overall responsibility for executing the change management process for each change request. The process will follow the stages as described hereunder:

1. Stakeholders identify the need for a change – Request will be submitted on a completed change request form to the Project Manager

2. Project Manager will document change in the change request log – This log of all submitted change requests remains active throughout the project’s lifecycle

3. Project Manager / Team and Requestor meet to evaluate the change – The Project Manager will do a preliminary assessment on the impact to risk, cost, schedule, and scope and seek clarification from team members and the requestor

4. Project Manager submits change request to Ministry – The Project Manager will submit the change request, as well as the preliminary assessment, to the Ministry for review

5. Ministry to give decision on change request – The Ministry will discuss the proposed change and decide whether or not it will be approved based on submitted information.

6. Project Manager incorporates change – If a change is approved by the Ministry, the Project Manager will update all necessary project documentation accordingly.

Project Change Control Process Project MSMS


Definition & Purpose: This Plan will define the communications structure for the Project. It will serve as a guide for communications throughout the duration of the Project and will be updated to reflect changing needs. The plan identifies and defines the roles of persons involved in the Project. It also includes a communications matrix which maps the communication requirements of the project. An in-depth guide for conducting meetings details the communications rules and how the meetings will be conducted, ensuring successful meetings.

Core Communications Group: Project Sponsor Key Stakeholders Project Manager Core Project Team Technical Lead

Communications M’gmt. Plan Project MSMS


Communication Matrix:

Communications M’gmt. Plan Project MSMS


Scope Statement: This Project is to develop a comprehensive Camera Monitoring Security System in the City of Port of Spain. Upon testing and acceptance, the responsibility and maintenance is to be handed over to the City of Port of Spain. The Project Manager is responsible for the overseeing of the Project and shall meet the following deliverables, which includes a functional Camera Monitoring Security System with a Baseline Budget of five million ($5,000.000.00) TT dollars, to be completed on or before June 30th 2013 and Milestones are to be established after every Phase of the Project.

Business Objectives include: Business need/ opportunity/ objective Product description Deliverables Scope of Work (SOW)

Design Cameras Completion criteria Risk Assessment Project controls

Scope M’gmt. Plan Project MSMS


Initiation: Needs assessment Creation of Preliminary Scope Statement Develop Project Charter Define Roles and Responsibilities Budget Information

Planning Create Scope Statement Determine Project Team Project Team Kick-off meeting Produce Base Map with Crime Statistics in P.O.S. Create Base Map with Network Analyze Map and determine ‘Hot – Spots’ Develop Project Management Plan Determine Budget Determine Assumptions and Dependencies Determine Constraints

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Project MSMS


Execution: Project Kick-off meeting Design System Procure Hardware and Software System Installation Testing Phase

Phase 1 (Hardware) Phase 2 (Software) Phase 3 (Back-up & Recovery)

Monitor & Control Project Management Project Status Meetings

Closeout Audit Procurement Document Lessons Learned Update Files & Records Final Sign-off Project Hand - Over

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Project MSMS


Purpose: The purpose of this Schedule Management Plan is to establish a formal process by which the Project schedule will be created and establishes how schedule management will be executed. This process includes the tools necessary for schedule creation and management, the roles and responsibilities of the project participants in creating and managing the schedule, and the monitoring and control of any proposed schedule changes. In order to successfully complete this project, it is imperative that formal schedule management guidelines are created, implemented, and followed.

Schedule Management Core Group with assigned roles & responsibilities: The Project Sponsor Project Manager Senior Information (IT) Consultant Telecom Specialist Security Consultant Other Project Stakeholders

Schedule M’gmt. Plan Project MSMS


Schedule Management Approach: The schedule for this Project was based on the Project Charter The WBS breaks the project work down into manageable work

packages with all of the necessary scheduling detail The project schedule will be a result of all required project work in the

correct sequence while accounting for all task dependencies and required resources

The Project Schedule will be created as a Gantt chart in MS Project As tasks are completed the Project Manager will update the schedule

accordingly in order to provide awareness of the project schedule to all team members.

The creation of the Project schedule will result in many tasks and milestones. However, the following milestones must be included in the schedule as a minimum and will require acceptance by the Ministry of National Security:

Project Approval Project Plan Approval Acceptance of project deliverables Going Live Project Close-out review

Schedule M’gmt. Plan Project MSMS


Schedule Monitoring & Control:The Project will be monitored and controlled aggressively by the Project Manager and team. In order to provide constant schedule awareness, the Project Manager will chair bi-weekly project schedule meetings. At these meetings all project team members will be required to report the status of their assigned work as it relates to the schedule. This will allow the Project Manager to fully understand the status of the project schedule and provide him with the opportunity to shift or re-allocate resources, funding, or submit schedule change requests as necessary.

As each schedule task is completed, the team member responsible for the work will provide an update to the Project Manager notifying him of such. These notifications must be immediate and not wait until the next bi-weekly project schedule meeting. This will allow the Project Manager to track schedule status in real time in order to provide status updates to the Ministry of National Security or Stakeholders as necessary with current information. Additionally, as interim project deliverables are completed, they will be presented to the Ministry of National Security for deliverable acceptance.

Schedule M’gmt. Plan Project MSMS


Schedule Change Process: Must be approved by senior management Can be submitted by any team –member Review is done by PM and project team

Review must include evaluation of the impact on schedule, cost, scope, and resources

Once approved, it must follow the guidelines in the Change M’gmt. Plan

Once change exceeds boundary, it must be forward to Project Sponsor for further review and approval

Once a change request has been approved, the changes will be implemented and the Project Manager is responsible for updating the project schedule, all project plans/documentation, and communicating the change(s) to all project participants

Schedule M’gmt. Plan Project MSMS


Purpose: To define the methodology by which costs associated with the project will be

managed. It is necessary to ensure the successful completion of the project within it’s allotted budget constraints. Project success in part dependent on key stakeholders & project members adhering to and working within this plan and the overall project plan it supports.

Cost Management Plan - Core Personnel: Project Sponsor (Ministry of National Security): The approval of project’s

Cost Management Plan, budget & any additional funding needed. Project Manager (Mr. Nigel Khan): The day to day management of project

funds, development of the WBS, execution of expenditure in accordance with project cost management plan & budget.

Project Team (Nigel La Fleur, Vincent Kirk, Carmichael Ellis, Joanna Inniss): Execution of assigned work as per cost management plan, to assist project manager with implementation of metrics and variance analysis tools to ensure project deliverables are performed within allocated budget constraints.

Cost Management Plan Project MSMS


Project Baseline Approved Expenditure:

Cost Management Plan Project MSMS


Cost Control Measures:If the Project exceeds its thresholds at any time, corrective measures will be considered and implemented in order to bring the project back into an acceptable range of performance. The Project Manager and Project Team will consider all control measures which will result in correcting the project performance. A detailed analysis of all control measures will be presented to the Ministry of National Security. The analyses will consist of: General descriptions of the control measure Personnel involved Timeline to implement Issues or concerns regarding implementation Expected effect on project performance

All control measures will be reviewed by the Ministry of National Security. Upon approval from the Ministry, the Project Manager will lead the implementation of the authorized control measure.

Cost Management Plan Project MSMS


Purpose:The purpose of this Plan is to define procurement parameters for the Project in order to ensure its successful completion. Procurement is a deliberate process which involves many internal departments as well as external vendors. This Procurement Management Plan has been created to provide a framework in which all procurement actions will be managed across all of the organizations involved.

Procurement Requirements:

Procurement Management Plan Project MSMS


Procurement Management Plan - Core Personnel:

Procurement Management Plan Project MSMS


Vendor Identification and Selection: Project team identifies vendors based on procurement requirements. All vendor proposals evaluated by project team using the following

selection criteria: Vendor most capable of meeting procurement requirements delivery

dates. Past performance of the vendor (if applicable) Cost of procurement items Quality assurance measures Clear policies Defining Warranty & License arrangements

Project Manager works with the Procurement Manager & vendor(s), to draft and finalize the necessary contract(s) as selected and approved by the Ministry of National Security.

When complete, Project Manager begins the vendor management phase of the procurement process.

Procurement Management Plan Project MSMS


Vendor Management: The Project Manager is responsible for vendor management and will work with the Procurement Manager to oversee vendor performance for the Project. The Project Manager will measure the ongoing performance of each selected vendor as it applies to the requirements stated in their respective contracts. In order to ensure acceptable vendor performance, service level agreements (SLAs) will be included in the contracts which must be met by the vendors. SLAs for vendor performance include: Delivery of item(s) on or before date as agreed upon in the contract Delivery of item(s) at or below cost as agreed upon in the contract Acceptable performance/quality of item as agreed upon in the contract.

Failure of a vendor to adhere to these SLAs will result in the Procurement Manager submitting a formal dispute as appropriate.

Procurement Management Plan Project MSMS


Purpose:To establish a process to ensure that all project goals, objectives, and deliverables are met in compliance with acceptable and formally approved quality standards. The intent being to provide our customers with the product they require to meet the organization’s objectives. Roles and responsibilities, and the strategy to be used to achieve acceptable quality standards in the areas of technical design and documentation along with product and process development are defined here in.

Quality Management Plan - Core Personnel: Project Sponsor Project Manager Quality Manager / Telecom specialist Design Engineer Project Stakeholders

Quality Management Plan Project MSMS


Quality Control:For each deliverable the Project Manager will ensure that the following

below are met:

As the project plan evolves, more deliverables may be added and the quality standards may change (i.e. technological improvements in security equipment).

The Project Manager is responsible for communicating any changes made to the project team and updating all project plans and documentation.

The Ministry of National Security will be responsible for the formal acceptance of each deliverable meeting the established quality standards.

Quality Management Plan Project MSMS


Purpose:The most important aspect of the Risk Management Plan is to identify which type of risk will have the highest overall impact on the Project as scheduled by the Project Team of the Metropolitan Security Monitoring Systems. As this Project has a large and expensive IT component necessary for a target of 95-100% efficiency according to standards defined in the Scope, then the strategies will emphasize Project risk over Process risk.

Risk Management Plan Project MSMS


Risk Identification Method: This activity entails identifying, monitoring, prioritizing, responding and testing effectiveness of the solutions throughout the Project life cycle. Having classified 6 key areas as important, it is recommended that the following summary be used as a template guide to detail additional possible threats.

Risk Management Plan Project MSMS


Preliminary Risk Assessment Check List: Equipment Theft & Vandalism Internal Technical IT difficulties Systems’ Maintenance Costs Natural disasters Communication & Disagreements Mitigation Strategy

Risk Probability/Impact Matrix:

Risk Management Plan Project MSMS


Risk Assessment Matrix Strategy:Risk Assessment Matrix & Strategy_JI.docx

Risk Response Strategy:The Risk Manager will ensure that documentation of all preliminary assessments is met in accordance as stipulated by the Project Team. Furthermore, it is expected that said Manager will develop the response strategies with a standard Risk Register and Project Risk Log along with the supporting Risk Identity Chart. This will include an official Risk Mitigation Plan for risk correction, as well as a Risk Management Form for action planning. Upon Project completion, these documents will be handed over to the Project Manager as defined in article 1.2 on responsibility for Project Risk Management.

Risk Management Plan Project MSMS


Purpose:The staffing management plan highlights the human resource requirements for the project and identifies the selection, training & enumeration processes.

Project Team - Organization Chart:

Staffing Management Plan Project MSMS


Staffing Management Plan – Core Project Team:

Project Manager (Full Time): To plan, execute, and finalize the project according to strict deadlines and within

budget. Coordinate all team workflow in order to achieve the project’s objectives and

scope. Financial Analyst (Full Time):

Monthly reporting and analysis, Ad hoc reporting, Budgeting, Forecasting and projections.

Telecommunications Specialist (Full Time): Monitor quality & installation of surveillance and other equipment. To trouble shoot & resolve issues due to faulty equipment. To distribute work assignments contractors and serve as a technical resource. 

Senior IT Consultant (Full Time): Define software, hardware and for surveillance network requirements.. Develop agreed solutions and implement new systems across surveillance

network. Designing, testing, installing and monitoring new system.

Security Consultant (Full Time): Responsible for implementing and managing the information encryption system

for the network. Liaise with key stakeholders to determine the specific security requirements of

the Network.

Staffing Management Plan Project MSMS


Project Team selection:Selection for these positions will be determined through interviews carried on by a selection board which will include the Project Manager. A heavy weighting in selection will be given to expertise, experience and qualifications. However, these conditions will not apply to third party consultants from the supporting Public Utilities who are also stakeholders and thus come highly recommended in their field

Project Team Training:As needed, any training required will be made available to the entire project team, the objective being to ensure a full understanding of the projects requirement and that these are met.

Project Team Enumeration:Enumeration will be based on international professional standards. No consideration will be given to overtime or extra wages, however, at the conclusion of the project a bonus of 40% of earnings will be awarded based on assessment carried out by an independent board of project managers set up for this purpose.

Staffing Management Plan Project MSMS


Project Title: M.S.M.S. – Metropolitan Security Monitoring Systems

Project Start Date: Jan 1st, 2012Project Finish Date: Jun 30, 2013

Budget InformationThe sponsorship on this project amounts to $5,000,000.00 TT dollars. The costs will be broken down into three areas of expenditure: Infrastructure & equipment $3,300,000.00 Deployment, rentals & installations$1,200,000.00 Training & contingency needs $500,000.00

Key Stakeholder / Project Sponsor: The Ministry of National Security

Summary Project MSMS


Project Objectives:To establish a comprehensive security camera network monitoring system in the capital city of Port-of-Spain, with the intention of reducing crime and / or to act as a deterrent for future criminal activities, thereby make Port of Spain a safer place for commuters and business owners.

Project Team Rolls & Responsibilities:

Summary Project MSMS


Questions / Comments

Project MSMS


Thank You

Project MSMS