group behaviour ppt

Group Behaviour Lokesh Irabatti MIT, Pune

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Group Behaviour Lokesh IrabattiMIT, Pune

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MeaningTwo or more people

Shared goals

People see themselvesAs members

There is interactionAmong members



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Types of groups

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A formal organization is formed when:•Two or more persons come together.•They have a common objective (goal).•They are willing to work together to achieve the common objective.Formal Organization has its own rules and regulation. These rules must be followed by the member

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• All informal organizations exist within the formal organization.

• An informal organization is a network of personal and social relationships.

• There are many groups of friends in a formal organization.

• An informal organization does not have its own rules and regulation.

Informal group

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Why do people joint group?


By joining a group, individuals can reduce the insecurity of standing alone. People feel stronger and more resistant to threats when they are part of a group. Group provides safety and protection against a common enemy. 

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Affiliation- Groups can fulfill social needs. People enjoy the regular interaction that comes with groups me membership for many people these on the job interaction are their primary sources for fulfilling their need for affliction. Power-What cannot be achieved individually after becomes possible through group action. There is power in number.

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 Goal achievement-

Through pooling of knowledge, resources, talents and power in-group, people are able to achieve goals that may not be possible individually. More than one person can achieve one particular goal easily. In such instances management will rely on the use of formal group


Membership of prestigious groups increases the self-esteem of people. It generates positive felling of self worth.

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Individuals get recognition and status when they are members of groups that are considered to be important by other. people look at them with respect and awe. 

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5 stage model of group development

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Four different aspects of group structure are:Norms




Group Structure

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Group normsNorms are the Set of belief's, feelings, and attitudes commonly shared by group members. These are also referred to as rules or standards of behaviour that apply to group members. Norms serve three functions namely

Predictive- basis for understanding the behaviour of others

Relational- some norms define relationships

Control- regulate the behaviour of others

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RoleVarious parts or roles are played by group members.

There are two elements that define this role identity- Role Perception-An individual is expected to

behave according to his own perception in the group. Role Expectation-It is defined as how others believe

one should behave in a given situation

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Status is “ a socially defined position or rank given to groups or group

members by others.” Group members get high status or low status in the

Group based on their authority and performance

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The bonds of interpersonal attraction that link

group members

The way in which skills& abilities of the group

members mesh to allow optimal performance


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High Cohesiveness - Unity- Interactive- Positive Feelings- Ability to Cope with Problems- More Productive

Low Cohesiveness- Negative Feelings- More Problems- Less Productive

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Group Decision-making Group Decision making is a process of taking

decisions collectively by group of members.

Group consists of committees, taskforce, team & other formal & informal groups.

Group decisions would become particularly appropriate for non programmed decisions i.e. new or unique decisions e.g. moving to new market, product diversification, new investment etc.

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Process of decision making

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•Brain storming

•Nominal group technique

•Electronic meetings

•Interacting groups

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•Brainstorming is a group technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its member.

•Generate as many ideas as possible, suspending evaluation until all the ideas have been suggested.


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•Individuals silently list their ideas.

•Ideas are written on a chart one at a time until all ideas are listed.

•Discussion is permitted but only to clarify the ideas. No criticism allowed.

•A written vote is taken

Nominal group technique

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• Most of the decision making in a group happens in a meeting.

•The most important advantage is that the members can interact face to face.

• Disadvantage is that the decisions taken in interacting groups are affected by group think, pressure to conform etc.


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Electronic meetings

•The members of the group interact with the help of computers through connected computer terminals.

•Projector screen is used to show the individual comments and votes on an issue.

•This method reduces group think and the time wasted in socializing the meeting.

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The groups operate on a common tasks and common attitudes. The group behaviour is how you interact between the group members in social situation.

The group behaviour is essential to study since it helps to find how the relationships are made within a group. This helps to know how a group is made and how it should be organized, lead and promoted .

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