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  • 8/3/2019 Gregory J. Harris, Oleg L. Polyansky and Jonathan Tennyson- Ab initio rotationvibration spectra of HCN and HNC


    Spectrochimica Acta Part A 58 (2002) 673690

    Ab initio rotationvibration spectra of HCN and HNCGregory J. Harris, Oleg L. Polyansky 1 , Jonathan Tennyson *

    Department of Physics and Astronomy , Uni 6ersity College London , Gower Street , London , WC 1 E 6 BT , UK

    Received 13 July 2001; accepted 31 August 2001


    We have calculated an ab initio HCN /HNC linelist for all transitions up to J = 25 and 18000 cm 1

    above the zeropoint energy. This linelist contains more than 200 million lines each with frequencies and transition dipoles. Thelinelist has been calculated using our semi-global HCN /HNC VQZANO + PES and dipole moment surface, whichwere reported in van Mourik et al. (J. Chem. Phys. 115 (2001) 3706). With this linelist we synthesise absorptionspectra of HCN and HNC at 298 K and we present the band centre and band transition dipoles for the bands whichare major features in these spectra. Several of the HCN bands and many of the HNC bands have not been previouslystudied. Our line intensities reproduce via fully ab initio methods the unusual intensity structure of the HCN CNstretch fundamental (00 0 1) for the rst time and also the forbidden (02 2 0) HCN bending overtone. We also comparethe J = 1 0 pure rotational transition dipole in the HCN /HNC ground and vibrationally excited states withexperimental and existing ab initio results. 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords : Ab initio methods; Potential energy surface; Rotationvibration spectra /locate /s

    1. Introduction

    The infrared spectrum of the HCN /HNC sys-tem has been the subject of numerous theoreticaland experimental studies and continues to be of great interest to both molecular spectroscopy andastronomy. Within molecular spectroscopy theHCN /HNC system is a prototypical isomerisingmolecule with stable (HCN) and a metastable

    (HNC) isomers both with linear geometries. The

    H nucleus in the bending mode of the moleculeundergoes large amplitude motion, so much sothat high excitation can result in the H nucleusbecoming delocalised and can provide an isomeri-sation pathway. However, despite many theoreti-cal studies of the isomerising motion of themolecule [1 3] these so called delocalised stateshave yet to be observed experimentally. The rela-tive simplicity of the HCN /HNC system canprovide a benchmark for theoretical analysiswhich can be extended to more complexmolecules. HCN and HNC, are also importantmolecules throughout astronomy, for exampleHCN has been observed in comets [4,5], planetaryatmospheres [6], molecular clouds [7,8], carbonstar atmospheres [9,10] and circumstellar masers

    * Corresponding author. Fax: + 44-20-7679-2564.E -mail address : [email protected] (J. Tennyson).1 Present address: Institute of Applied Physics, Russian

    Academy of Science, Uljanov Street 46, Nizhnii Novgorod,603024, Russia.

    1386-1425 /02/$ - see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S1386-1425(01)00664-3

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  • 8/3/2019 Gregory J. Harris, Oleg L. Polyansky and Jonathan Tennyson- Ab initio rotationvibration spectra of HCN and HNC


    G .J . Harris et al . / Spectrochimica Acta Part A 58 (2002) 673 690 674

    [11]. In fact, prior to its detection in the interstel-lar medium in 1971 by the radio astronomersSnyder and Buhl [12,13], HNC had only beenobserved in the laboratory by means of matrixisolation spectroscopy. Of particular interest to usis the role of HCN in C-star atmospheres, calcula-tions by J rgensen and co-workers [14,15] suggest

    that the proper detailed treatment of the vibra-tion rotation spectrum of HCN can have pro-found effect on the structure of the C-star modelatmospheres. It is this problem that motivated ourongoing project to calculate an extensive ro-vibra-tional linelist upto high levels of rotational excita-tion to aid the modelling of these stars.

    Much experimental work has been done tomeasure the intensities and frequencies of bothHCN and HNC bands, however, beyond the fun-damental bands ab initio intensity calculationshave been performed only on the stretching bandsof HCN and HNC by Botschwina and co-workersJakubetz and Lan [2] and Bowman et al. [3] havetreated HCN and HNC simultaneously by usingsemi-global dipole and potential surfaces, to simu-late isomerisation and to calculate vibrationallyaverage dipole moments, respectively.

    In this work, we present ab initio room temper-ature (298 K) synthetic spectra for HCN andHNC along with band centres and transitiondipoles for the prominent features in the roomtemperature spectra. We also quote line intensitiesfor the HCN CN stretch fundamental band,which has unusual intensity structure, and also forthe forbidden (02 20) bend overtone. These spectraform part of our ongoing work and were calcu-lated from line frequencies and transition dipoleswhich were computed simultaneously for HCNand HNC using our VQZANO + PES and dipolemoment surface (DMS) reported in our earlierwork [16]. We also present pure rotational J =1 0 transition dipoles in the ground and excitedstates of HCN /HNC.

    Ultimately the accuracy of any nuclear motioncalculation is dependent upon the accuracy of thepreceding electronic structure calculations and thepotential and dipole surfaces. It is therefore desir-able that we use the best potential and dipolesurface that are available to us, in Section 2 wereview the merits of existing HCN /HNC PES and

    DMS. In Section 3, we describe our computa-tional method, in Section 4 we present our spectraand nally we conclude in Section 5.

    2. The potential energy and dipole surfaces

    Our ongoing project of the calculation of an abinitio HCN /HNC linelist for application in as-tronomy imposes limits on the type of potentialsurface that we will be using. At the C-star tem-peratures in which HCN has a major role inopacity ( T eff B 3000 K) [14], a signi cant amountof HCN /HNC will be in the HNC form. It is alsoimportant to note that the transition dipoles of HNC bands are more than twice as strong as thecorresponding HCN band transition dipoles, soalthough HNC will be much less abundant thanHCN each HNC molecule will have a larger effecton opacity than each HCN molecule. This makesit desirable to be able to study the behaviour of both HCN and HNC, which requires a globalHCN /HNC potential surface that maintains accu-racy to high energies.

    Wu et al. [17] have tted a global HCN /HNCpotential energy surface (PES) to experimentaldata to create a PES which can reproduce knownexperimental vibrational energy levels to within 1cm 1 . However, although spectroscopically ttesurfaces reproduce known experimental data tohigh accuracy, they tend to extrapolate high lyingenergy levels outside the tted region far morepoorly than do ab initio surfaces. We intend toperform calculations on HCN /HNC upto 18000cm 1 above the zero point energy (ZPE). At thehigh end of this range only a few HCN /HNCenergy levels have been measured so a tted PESis likely to perform poorly, for this reason wehave chosen to use an ab initio PES.

    There are currently three ab initio semi-globalHCN /HNC PES available these are the ANO

    CCSD(T) PES of Bowman et al. [1], the PES of Varandas and Rodriques [49] and VQZANO +PES covered in an earlier paper [16]. Our ab initioVQZANO + PES simultaneously ts 1527 ANOCCSD(T) points calculated by Bowman et al. [1]with 242 cc-pCVQZ /CCSD(T) points, the surfaceis morphed with 17 aug-cc-pCVQZ /CCSD(T) cal-

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    G .J . Harris et al . / Spectrochimica Acta Part A 58 (2002) 673 690 6

    culated in the HNC region of the PES. Finally toimprove the representation of the HNC part of the surface. The VQZANO + surface is also ad- justed to coincide with three cc-pCV5Z /CCSD(T)points calculated at the critical points of theHCN /HNC system. The VQZANO + PES in-cludes relativistic and adiabatic corrections, which

    are often neglected when constructing an ab initioPES.Vibrational energy level calculations with the

    VQZANO + PES give stretching band originsthat more closely match experiment than do thestretching band origins calculated with the Bow-man et al. PES [1] and the bending band originsare of a comparable level of accuracy, see below.The positions of the HCN and HNC minima of the VQZANO + PES are considerably closer toexperimental equilibrium bond lengths, deter-mined by isotopic substitution [18,19], than thoseof the Bowman et al. PES. This is likely to resultin the VQZANO + PES giving a better represen-tation of the molecules rotational motion than theBowman et al. PES. Overall the VQZANO + PESis in general superior to the PES of Bowman etal., as a result we use the VQZANO + PES for thecalculations presented here.

    There are three semi-global dipole moment sur-faces (DMS) available these are the TZP /AQCCDMS of Jakubetz and Lan [2], the aug-cc-pCVTZ /CCSD(T) DMS of Bowman et al. [3] andcc-pCVQZ /CCSD(T) DMS of van Mourik et al.[16]. The DMS of Jakubetz and Lan was calcu-lated with the smallest basis of these three DMS,the intensities calculated with it compare withexperiment far less favourably than do our calcu-lations with the van Mourik et al. DMS, seebelow. The DMS of Bowman et al. [3], uses fewerpoints and a smaller basis than the van Mourik etal. DMS [16]. The van Mourik et al. surface as aresult is the best available DMS and the onewhich will be employed here.

    3. The calculation

    Frequencies and dipole transition strengthshave so far been calculated for all the HCN /HNCrotational vibrational transitions between states

    with energy less than 18000 cm 1 and J 5 2This data set contains more than 200 million linesand 80000 rotational vibrational energy levels.Our vibrational, rotational, and dipole transitioncalculations were performed with the DVR3Dprogram suite [20], which uses an exact kineticenergy (EKE) operator and a discrete variable

    representation (DVR) for the vibrational motions.Jacobi coordinates were used with Legendre poly-nomials to give the angular grid points and Morseoscillator-like functions for the radial grids.Thirty- ve grid points were used for the R coordinate, 21 for the r coordinate and 50 for theangular coordinate. This basis was optimised toobtain a balance between the level of convergenceand the available computer resources. Althoughthis basis is slightly smaller than the one used inour previous work [16], it is suf cient to convergeall calculations reported here. The parameters forthe morse oscillator like basis in the r coordinateare r e = 2.3 a0, D e(r )= 29.0 E h and e(r )= 0.010E h . The parameters for the morse oscillator likebasis in the R coordinate are R e = 3.2 a0, D e(R )=5.0 E h and e(R )= 0.004 E h . Where r e is thequilibrium distance, D e is the dissociation energyand e is the harmonic frequency, see Ref. [20].

    The huge number of lines that we have calcu-lated required a large amount of processing powerwhich make it necessary to parallelise the proces-sor intensive routines of the DVR3D codes. TheopenMP fortran API multiprocessing directives[21] with the MIPSpro 7 Fortran 90 compiler [22]on the Miracle 24 processor SGI Origin 2000computer, were used to perform the parallelisa-tion. The most processor intensive module of theDVR3D suite is DIPOLE3, which calculatesdipole transition strengths between states whichare not rigorously dipole forbidden. One loop of this module calls a rank 1 matrix update subrou-tine and consumes 95% of the runtime. By paral-lelising this loop we were able to reduce the run

    time by a factor of ve when running on eightprocessors.

    We have used our linelist to calculate roomtemperature (298 K) absorption spectra of bothHCN /HNC and HNC as a separate molecule.The spectral calculations were limited to bandswhich have lines with absolute intensity above 4

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    G .J . Harris et al . / Spectrochimica Acta Part A 58 (2002) 673 690 676

    cm 1 mol 1. Figs. 1 and 2 show a spectral mapof the HCN /HNC spectrum over the range 0 18000 cm 1, the intensity of HNC bands at roomtemperature is less than the cut off intensity, sothere are no HNC bands shown in this spectrum.Fig. 3 show the spectrum in the region of the(4000) stretching overtone.

    To ease comparison with experiment and earlierab initio work, the line transition dipole data wasreduced to band transition dipoles for all theHCN bands shown in the spectrum and for otherselected bands, see Tables 1 and 2. For a givenband this was done by dividing each line transi-tion dipole by the square root of the appropriateHo nl-London and vibrational intensity factors togive the band dipole for that line. The mean banddipole and the standard deviation were calculatedusing the band dipole calculated from each line.Our standard deviation thus measures the reliabil-ity of using band dipoles and Ho nl-London fac-tors, it does not account for the systematic errorsin our calculation.

    The Ho nl-London factors used in experimentalworks by two different groups, Maki et al. [23]and Smith et al. [24] differ by a constant in somecases. Van Mourik et al. [16] re-derived the Ho nLondon factors from the matrix elements given byGordy and Cook [25] and they agree with theHo nl-London factors of Maki et al. In all cases

    we have used the Ho nl-London and vibrationalfactors of Maki et al. and in the cases where wehave used the data of Smith et al. we have con-verted from their Ho nl-London factors to thoseof Maki et al.

    For a band with unusual or perturbed structureit is more meaningful to compare line intensitiesdirectly than it is to compare tted band dipolesand Herman Wallis constants. For this reasontwo bands for which band transition dipoles areinappropriate are not included in the band dipoletable. These bands are the HCN C N fundamen-tal (00 01) (see Table 3) which has unusual Rbranch structure, see Maki et al. [26], and the

    Fig. 1. Ab initio spectral atlas for HCN in absorption, between 0 and 8000 cm 1 at 298 K. transitions are labelled 6%16%2l %6%3 ftransitions from the ground state and 6%16%2l %6%3 6 1 6 2l 6 3 for transitions from an excited state.

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    G .J . Harris et al . / Spectrochimica Acta Part A 58 (2002) 673 690 6

    Fig. 2. Ab initio spectral atlas for HCN in absorption, between 8000 and 18000 cm 1 at 298 K. transitions are labelled6%16%2l %6%3 6 16 2l 6 3 for transitions from an excited state.

    forbidden HCN bend overtone (02 20) (see Table3). For these bands we compare our calculatedabsolute lines intensities with experimental abso-lute line intensities. Line intensity can be calcu-

    lated from line transition dipole by using:

    I L =2y 2L (2J + 1)

    3hcm 0Q vr


    exp E kT

    1 exp hcw

    kT nv L2 (1)Here, for clarity we use SI units where possible, I Lis the line intensity (m 2 atm 1), L is theLoschmidt number (2.686763 1025 moleculesm 3 at 1 atm and 273.15 K), w is the wavenumberin m 1 of the line, h is the Planck constant, c is

    the speed of light, m 0 is the permittivity of freespace, k is the Boltzmann constant, E is theenergy of the lower ro-vibrational energy level, T is the temperature, Q vr is the ro-vibrational parti-tion function and v L is the line transition dipole incoulomb meters (1 debye = 3.33564 10 30 C m).For the particular combination of units of dipole

    moment in Debye, intensity in cm 2 atm 1 anwavenumber in cm 1 , Eq. (1) becomes:I L

    =11.183309 w(2J + 1)

    Q vr

    273.15T exp

    E kT

    1 exp hcw

    kT nv L2 (In this work a value of Q vr (298 K) = 149.94given by Maki et al. [33] was used.

    The experimental data of Smith et al. [24,27,28]and the earlier theoretical work of Botschwinaand co-workers [29 31], was originally reportedas integrated band intensities (cm mol 1). Foconsistency we have converted these band intensi-

    ties to band transition dipoles. Band intensity isrelated to band transition dipole by the formula:

    I B :2y 2N A w0

    3hcm 01 exp

    hcw0kT nv 2 (

    Again for clarity we use SI units, where I B is thband intensity in m mol 1, N A is the Avogadronumber, w0 is the wavenumber in m

    1 of the band

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    G .J . Harris et al . / Spectrochimica Acta Part A 58 (2002) 673 690 678

    centre and v is the transition dipole in C m. Thisformula is based upon Eq. (1) and takes intoaccount the manipulation that Smith et al. [24]performed on their data to give integrated bandintensities. The approximation here is a result of using the wavenumber of the band centres ratherthan that of the individual lines. At worst this

    approximation is accurate to a few percent, betterthan the approximation made when using Ho nl-London factors and less than the experimentalstatistical error. The factor in square brackets onthe RHS of Eq. (3) is the population differencebetween the two states. It gives rise to inducedemission and is very close to 1 for the range of results reported in this work. With rearrangementand using the particular combination of units of dipole moment in Debye, intensity in cm mol 1

    and wave number in cm 1, the above formulabecomes:

    v : ' I B2.5066379 105 w0 (4)

    This equation is of the same form as used byBotschwina et al. [29], to convert between bandtransition dipole and band intensity.

    The aim of our calculations is to produce acomplete linelist of the HCN /HNC system includ-ing transitions to and from HCN, HNC and thedelocalised states. Consequently localised HCN

    and HNC transitions are mixed together with thedelocalised states. To produce a room tempera-ture HNC only spectrum it is necessary to sepa-rate the localised HNC transitions from the othertransitions. Bowman et al. [3] have suggested us-ing the sign of the permanent dipole moment of avibrational level to identify it as a HCN or HNCstate. It is dif cult to obtain absolute informationfrom our calculated transition dipoles, so in thiswork HNC and HCN states are separated bycomparing the transition dipole of a ro-vibra-

    tional state to the ground HCN state and to theground HNC state. Localised HNC states willhave a far greater transition dipole to the HNC

    Fig. 3. Absorption spectrum in the region of the HCN (40 00) overtone at 298 K. The HCN (40 00) overtone shows a signi cant diin intensity as a result of intensity borrowing in the region of the J = 17 P branch line and the J = 15 R branch line.

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    G .J . Harris et al . / Spectrochimica Acta Part A 58 (2002) 673 690 6

    Table 1A comparison of experimental and theoretical band centres and transition dipoles for the most prominent HCN bands at 298 K thathave excitation in the bending mode, in cm 1 and Debye and standard deviation in the last digit given in brackets

    Experiment a6 1 6 2l 6 3 This work b6%16%2l %6%3

    w0 v w 0 v

    674.4140 4 2 0 668.300 3 1 0 0.184(3)

    0 3 1e 0 0 2 2 0 686.921 0.188(1) 682.13 0.175(13)0 3 1f 0 686.9210 2 2 0 0.189(1) 682.22 0.202(11)

    689.509 0.185(3)0 3 1 0 687.100 4 0 0 0.196(26)699.434 0.183(5)0 2 0 0 699.030 1 1 0 0.199(17)702.037 0.190(2)0 2 0 0 699.500 3 1 0 0.197(8)

    0 3 1 00 4 2e 0 704.725 0.196(5) 702.91 0.187(31)704.725 0.188(7)0 3 1 0 703.000 4 2f 0 0.196(4)

    0 0 0 00 1 1 0 711.980 0.189(1) 715.93 0.200(1)0 2 2e 0 714.5500 1 1 0 0.189(4) 716.30 0.196(17)

    714.550 0.188(4)0 1 1 0 716.350 2 2f 0 0.200(2)717.231 0.196(1)0 3 3e 0 716.870 2 2 0 0.198(5)717.231 0.197(1)0 2 2 0 716.870 3 3f 0 0.198(6)

    0 3 3 00 4 4e 0 720.021 718.22 0.198(5)

    720.021 0.201(5)0 3 3 0 718.220 4 4f 0 0.198(5)0 2 2 00 4 2e 0 1391.65 0.0486(2) 1385.12 0.0470(14)1391.65 0.0488(2)0 4 2f 0 1385.120 2 2 0 0.0475(12)1391.56 0.0489(2)0 2 0 0 1386.550 4 0 0 0.0470(10)1401.47 0.0471(2)0 3 1e 0 1398.430 1 1 0 0.0496(35)1401.47 0.0475(4)0 1 1 0 1398.570 3 1f 0 0.0463(32)

    0 0 0 00 2 0 0 1411.41 0.0496(2) 1414.92 0.0479(11)1900.060 2 0 0 1892.831 0 0 0 0.00498(7)

    0 1 1 00 4 0 0 2090.98 0.00320(1) 2085.62 0.00369(50)0 4 2e 0 2106.200 1 1 0 0.00330(2) 2101.43 0.00342(65)

    2106.20 0.00327(1)0 1 1 0 2101.480 4 2f 0 0.00357(14)2113.45 0.003263(1)0 3 1 0 2114.460 0 0 0 0.00359(15)2570.86 0.0228(1)0 3 1 0 2571.811 2 0 0 0.0236(14)

    0 2 2 01 1 1e 0 2577.63 0.0232(1) 2571.98 0.0229(17)2577.63 0.0232(1)0 2 2 0 2572.031 1 1f 0 0.0245(15)

    0 2 0 01 1 1 0 2592.75 0.0226(1) 2589.31 0.0239(24)2599.50 0.0226(1)1 0 0 0 2591.750 1 1 0 0.0238(10)2807.06 0.00824(5)0 0 0 0 2813.980 1 1 1 0.00906(36)3502.120 2 0 1 3510.990 0 0 0 0.00313(6)4005.63 0.00986(11)0 0 0 0 4004.271 1 1 0 0.00986(94)

    0 1 1 01 3 1e 0 4654.89 0.000784(3) 4650.21 0.000785(110)4654.89 0.000786(4)0 1 1 0 4650.341 3 1f 0 0.000781(80)

    0 0 0 01 2 0 0 4684.31 0.000795(5) 4686.28 0.000735(93)4879.730 1 1 2 4891.880 0 0 0 0.000310(51)5571.890 0 0 0 5586.500 2 0 2 0.000272(3)5806.15 0.00137(1) c2 0 0 0 5797.450 1 1 0 0.00172(8)6084.80 0.00052(4) c0 0 0 0 6088.561 1 1 1 0.000545(19)

    0 2 0 02 2 0 0 6441.54 0.00892(14) 6440.92 0.00789(1)6480.78 0.00889(4)0 1 1 0 6474.622 1 1e 0 0.00835(22)0 1 1 02 1 1f 0 6480.78 0.00901(4) 6474.71 0.00826(6)

    6761.331 2 0 1 6768.510 0 0 0 0.000479(7)7194.220 0 0 0 7190.602 1 1 0 0.00146(12)7440.481 3 1 1 7445.620 0 0 0 0.000107(8)7853.510 0 0 0 7855.832 2 0 0 0.000150(20)

    0 0 0 01 1 1 2 8182.18 4.14(6) 10 5

    8544.07 0.00071(5) c0 1 1 0 8543.752 1 1 1 0.000625(4)

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    G .J . Harris et al . / Spectrochimica Acta Part A 58 (2002) 673 690 680

    Table 1 ( Continued )

    6%16%2l %6%3 6 1 6 2l 6 3 Experiment a This work b

    w0 v w 0 v

    8816.001 2 0 2 8830.270 0 0 0 6.35(10) 10 5

    2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 9257.53 8.2(6) 10 5 c 9259.64 9.48(19) 10 5

    3 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 9568.35 0.0010(4) c 9560.81 0.001082(9)

    9914.40 5.5(2) 10 5 c0 0 0 0 9922.922 2 0 1 4.31(2) 10 50 0 0 03 1 1 0 10281.8 3.2(2) 10 5 c 10 276.7 0.000210(19)

    2 3 1 1 10580.50 0 0 0 1.43(15) 10 5

    0 0 0 0 10 925.23 2 0 0 3.78(28) 10 5

    0 1 1 04 1 1 0 12557.3 0.00023(3) c 12 548.1 0.000218(5)2 3 1 2 12 624.30 0 0 0 1.55(1) 10 6

    13270.8 1.4(4) 10 5 c0 0 0 0 13 264.14 1 1 0 3.47(42) 10 5

    15452.1 6.6(5) 10 5 c 15 441.05 1 1 0 5.32(6) 10 50 1 1 016165.6 3.4(3) 10 5 c 16 156.90 0 0 0 6.67(115) 10 6 d5 1 1 0

    a Experimental data, band centres taken from Refs. [27,34,43 45], transition dipoles from Maki et al. [23] and from Smith et al.[24,27] where marked.

    b The ab initio calculations of this work, using the VQZANO + PES and the cc-pCVQZ /CCSD(T) DMS of van Mourik et al. [16].c

    Experimental measurements of Smith et al. [24,27].d This band is involved in intensity stealing.

    ground state than to the HCN ground state. Thisallowed us to identify localised HNC energy levelsand transitions between them. Using this methodonly a handful of HCN states were mis-identi edas HNC states, these tended to be HCN states withextremely low transition dipoles to the groundstate, for example the HCN bending overtone(0880) (0000) which is a forbidden transition.Transitions involving these few miss-identi edstates were removed by hand. It may also bepossible to identify delocalised states using thismethod. The wave functions of delocalised stateshave signi cant magnitude in both HCN and HNCpotential wells and so should have similar transi-tion dipole to the low lying localised states. How-ever, as a result of the problems discussed abovethis is a qualitative method and is not whollyreliable.

    We are in the process of calculating a fully abinitio partition function, but at present despite our

    literature searches we have not found a partitionfunction for HNC. This effects only calculation of absolute intensities for HNC and will not effect ourspectra in which we give relative intensities or ourband transition dipoles.

    Fig. 5 shows a spectral map of HNC in absorp-tion for 0 8000 cm 1, Fig. 6 is the absorption

    spectrum in the region of the Q and R branch of the bending fundamental. Band transition dipolesfor the prominent HNC bands are compared withexisting experimental and theoretical values inTables 5 and 6.

    Finally from the J = 0 1 pure rotational trans-itions in the HCN and HNC ground and someHCNexcited states, we give vibrationally averaged per-manent dipoles and compare them with experimentand the ab initio vibrationally averaged dipole mo-ments calculated by Bowman et al. [3], see Table 7.

    The vibrationally averaged dipole moment of agiven state is approximately equal to the J = 0pure rotational transitions from the following argu-ment. The rotational transition dipole moment fora given vibrational level n is given by: nJ %v nJ The vibrationally averaged dipole moment is thecase where J %= J = 0 and can be approximatelyequated to the rotational transition dipole multi-plied by the correct Ho nl-London factor:

    n0 v n0 : nJ %v nJ H J (

    Furthermore H J = 1 for the case where J %=and J = 0. Therefore the J = 1 0 pure rotationaltransition dipole is equal to the vibrationally aver-aged dipole moment within the approximationsmade when using Ho nl-London factors.

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    G .J . Harris et al . / Spectrochimica Acta Part A 58 (2002) 673 690 6

    Table 2A comparison of experimental and theoretical stretching band centres and transition dipoles for some of the most prominent HCNstretching bands at 298 K, in cm 1 and Debye ( 10 3), with standard deviation in the last digit given in brackets

    6%16%2l %6%3 6 16 2l 6 3 Experimental a This work b Earlier ab initio work

    w0 v w 0 v ANO c w0 v GTO d v AQCC e

    3311.48 83.1(17) 3307.751 0 0 0 85.3(16)0 0 0 0 3334.1 83.4 0.0703

    4173.07 4181.450 0 0 2 0.466(52) f 0 0 0 0 4161.5 0.130 0.7735393.70 5394.43 4.37(2)0 0 0 0 5399.41 0 0 1 4.63 2.416228.60 0.12(2) g 6242.42 0.198(12) 6211.40 0 0 3 0.1170 0 0 0 0.2476488.74 8.7(3) 6484.16 8.49(3)0 0 0 12 0 0 16519.61 8.81(12) 6513.50 8.60(4)2 0 0 0 6553.20 0 0 0 8.78 5.227455.42 0.11(1) g 7461.58 0.0959(91)0 0 0 0 7445.71 0 0 2 0.0974 0.2458585.58 0.68(1) g 8584.59 0.677(4)2 0 0 1 8595.90 0 0 0 0.785 0.4689496.44 0.066(3) g 9508.91 0.0648(8)0 0 0 0 9474.51 0 0 3 0.0771 0.07969627.09 1.03(2) g 9619.20 1.138(6)3 0 0 0 9668.30 0 0 0 1.12 1.1110631.4 0.050(2) g 10636.8 0.0320(4)0 0 0 0 10 623.72 0 0 2 0.0614 0.022911516.6 11536.1 0.0114(7)1 0 0 4 11 487.40 0 0 011674.5 0.185(4) g 11672.2 0.179(5)0 0 0 0 11 686.93 0 0 1 0.202 0.28312635.9 0.222(7) g 12626.2 0.225(2) f 4 0 0 0 12 686.10 0 0 0

    12658.0 0.053(4)g

    12669.9 0.0239(5)0 0 0 0 12 638.62 0 0 3 13702.2 0.029(2) g 13708.5 0.0216(1)3 0 0 2 13 695.50 0 0 0 0333 0.049914653.7 0.048(2) g 14685.0 0.0187(6)0 0 0 0 14 642.82 0 0 414670.5 0.051(2) g 14656.9 0.0513(3)4 0 0 1 14 683.90 0 0 015551.9 0.067(8) g 15539.3 0.0550(5)0 0 0 0 15 604.15 0 0 0 0.0671 0.16515710.5 0.0036(4) g3 0 0 3 15721.70 0 0 0 0.00487(3) f 15 700.3 0.00730 0.0019616640.3 0.0098(6) g 16660.7 0.00793(17)0 0 0 0 16 634.52 0 0 516674.2 0.0202(8) g 16685.0 0.00786(20) 16 683.64 0 0 2 0 0 0 017550.4 0.0282 h 17551.0 0.0154(58) f 17 574.4 0.02860 0 0 0 0.07555 0 0 1

    a Experimental data, band centres taken from Refs. [27,34,43 45], transition dipoles from Maki et al. [23] and others wheremarked.

    b The ab initio calculations of this work, using the VQZANO + PES and the cc-pCVQZ /CCSD(T) DMS of van Mourik et al. [16].c The ab initio ANO /CCSD(T) vibrational energy level calculations of Bowman et al. [1].d The ab initio 110 cGTO stretch only HCN DMS and calculations of Botschwina et al. [29], Botschwina et al. also calculated

    a combined intensities for three pairs of strong stretching bands: (40 00) and (20 03), (20 04) and (40 01), (20 05) and (40 02), see texe The ab initio TZP AQCC semi-global DMS and calculations of Jakubetz and Lan [2], using the Bowman et al. [1] potential

    surface.f These bands are involved in intensity stealing.g Measurements of Smith et al. [24,27].h Measurement from Romanini and Lehmann [28].

    4. Results and discussion

    4 .1. HCN spectrum

    Overall for transitions involving the lower en-ergy levels ( B 10000 cm 1) the transition dipolesof our bands (see Tables 1 and 2) agree in mostcases to within combined errors with experimentalwork and the ab initio work of Botschwina et al.[29]. However, for transitions involving the higherenergy levels ( \ 10000 cm 1) there are more

    signi cant deviations from experiment with vband dipoles differing from experiment by a fac-tor of two. These transitions are (20 03), (31 10(4110), (20 04) and (40 02). There appears to be

    something anomalous about the (3110) measure

    ment which is not reproduced by our calcul-ations which predict that ( n110) should havev 10 (n + 1) D and agree well with experimentand theory for n = 1, 2, 4, 5. The stretchingcombination bands (20 03), (20 04) and (40 02) eaclie within 40 cm 1 of a strong stretching

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    combination band, these bands forming a pair of bands which interact, the band pairs being: (40 00)and (20 03), (20 04) and (40 01), (20 05) and (40 02).The difference between the band centres of eachband pair in our calculations tends to differ fromexperiment by about 10 cm 1, this will serve toincrease or decrease the interaction between the

    bands in each pair depending on whether thebands are closer together or further apart. Theindividual band intensities of these pairs of bandshave not been reproduced accurately via fully abinitio techniques. Indeed Botschwina et al. [29]who used a smaller 130 cGTO basis HCN stretch-ing PES and 110 cGTO basis DMS, sidesteppedthe problem by calculating combined band inten-sities for each pair. To accurately reproduce ex-periment for these interacting bands, veryaccurate wave functions are needed, as was shownby Botschwina [30] who reproduced experimentmore accurately by using an empirical correctionto his wavefunctions.

    Overall our calculations agree to a similar levelof accuracy as the calculations of Botschwina etal. [29] and agree more closely to experiment inthe case of the (30 03) overtone from which thedipole from Botschwina deviates by a factor of two. It must be stressed that the calculations of Botschwina et al. involve only two-dimensional

    HCN stretching coordinates and use two-dimen-sional potential and dipole functions only andgive no information on bending excitations. Ourband transition dipoles are signi cantly bettethan the AQCC calculations of Jakubetz and Lan[2] supporting our choice of dipole surface.

    There are two bands in our spectrum whichhave not yet been experimentally identi ed anmay well be experimentally detectable, these are(11 12) (0000) and (23 11) (0000). There is anelement of intensity borrowing present in somebands, one particular example is the (40 00)(0000) band, see Fig. 3. This band shows a signi cant dip in intensity as a result of intensityborrowing by the (23 12) (0000) band in the re-

    Table 3A comparison of experimental and theoretical line intensities (cm 2 atm 1 10 3) for the HCN (00 01) fundamental band

    J R branchP branch

    This work This workExperimental a Experimental a

    0 0.193 0.323

    0.4870.337 1 0.300 0.4971.14 20.839 0.295 0.5410.2361.92 0.49731.36

    4 0.171 0.3852.03 2.815 0.0725 0.2562.87 3.75

    0.1330.016164.715.61 0.044574.236.44 84.97 0.0297 0.00249

    5.55 0.01240.12497.080.22210 0.07057.535.86

    6.11 7.80 11 0.358 0.1670.5067.85 0.288126.09

    7.70 136.00 0.670 0.4207.37 145.84 0.796 0.5446.91 155.46 0.910 0.651

    166.31 0.7305.08 1.000.778175.674.66

    4.97 184.06 0.988 0.7924.26 193.51 0.967 0.7783.60 20 0.7360.8952.97

    a Experimental measurements of Maki et al. [26].

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    Fig. 4. The ab initio HCN absorption spectrum in the region of the HCN (00 01) fundamental at 298 K. Some lines for the P andR branches of the (00 01) fundamental and the (03 10) bend overtone are labelled.

    gion of the R(15) and P(17) line. Intensity bor-rowing is not accounted for by Ho nl-Londonfactors, so our band intensities were calculated

    using lines from outside the regions in whichintensity stealing was taking place. The errors onour band transition dipoles are a statistical mea-sure of how well suited to tting the intensitystructure of a band Ho nl-London factors are. Forsome bands, such as the (04 2e 0) (0110) bend hotband, errors are as much as 20%. Ho nl-Londonfactor will not accurately reproduce the intensitystructure of these bands.

    Table 3 compares the experimental results of Maki et al. [26] for the (00 01) band with our ab

    initio line intensities. The P branch ab initio lineintensities are approximately 30% stronger thatthe experimental intensities. The ab initio Rbranch peak, reach minimum and peak again atJ = 2,8 and 18, respectively, each of which are just above the experimental values at J = 1,7 and16, respectively. The intensities of the R branch

    lines beyond the minimum ( J \ 11) agree wewith experiment. None the less for the band ourcalculations are in reasonable agreement with ex-

    periment and amount to the rst fully ab initioreproduction of the intensity structure of thisband. The spectrum in the region of the (00 0

    fundamental is plotted in Fig. 4. The P branch of the (00 01) fundamental band and the P, Q and Rbranches of the (03 10) overtone band are themajor features in the spectrum. The unusually lowintensity of the R branch of the (00 01) fundamen-tal is clear in this gure.

    Botschwina et al. [31] using wavefunctions de-termined from the spectroscopically tted HCN

    potential surface of Carter et al. [32] and theirown ab initio 110 cGTO /CCSD(T) dipole surfacehave calculated the band dipole for the (00 0

    fundamental to within experimental error. Thecalculations of Botschwina et al. described theunusual structure of this band for the rst timand they determined a value of A1 = 0.188 fo

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    the rst order Herman Wallis constant whichagrees reasonably well with the experimentallydetermined value A1 = 0.1254 of Maki et al.[26]. Their value of A1, however, under predictsthe position of the minimum in the R branchputting it at about J = 4 compared to the experi-mental value of J = 7 and our ab initio value at

    J = 8. This highlights the high level of sensitivityof the R branch structure to the wave functionsand dipole surfaces used in the calculation.

    The (02 20) bend overtone is forbidden by thenormal dipole selection rules for a linear triatomicwhich are, for parallel transitions:

    D J = 0, 9 1, D l = 0 (6)

    with D J = 0 not allowed if l = 0. For perpendicu-lar transitions:

    DJ = 0,


    Dl =

    91 (7)

    Some bending states with different orbital an-gular momentum ( l ) can become coupled by cori-olis interactions, resulting in l being poorly

    dened. In this event the selection rules on l arnot rigidly obeyed. The (02 20) overtone intensitieswe have calculated are given in Table 4, theycompare well with the experimental intensities of Maki et al. [33]. The P and R branch, except forthe J = 5 line, agree to within 25% of experimentand the Q branch also agrees well, to within 30%

    of experiment. The calculated band centre at1432.24 cm 1 agrees to within 8 cm 1 with thexperimental value from Maki et al. [34] of 1424.76 cm 1 .

    The band centres are compared with experi-ment and the stretching vibrational band originsof Bowman et al. [1], in Table 2. Our calculatedHCN band centres agree reasonably well withexperiment, for transitions with frequency of lessthan 10000 cm 1 the mean deviation from exper-iment is 5 cm 1, for transitions with frequencygreater than 10000 cm 1 the mean deviationfrom experiment is 11 cm 1 . In general ourstretching band centres are closer to experimentthan those of Bowman et al. [1]. A fuller discus-

    Table 4A comparison of experimental and theoretical line intensities (cm 2 atm 1 10 3 , standard deviation given in the last digit) for theHCN (02 20) forbidden overtone band

    P branch R branch Q branchJ

    This workExperimental a Experimental a This workThis workExperimental a

    2 0.000251 0.006063 0.02030.00606 0.00601

    0.0330 0.04424 0.01040.149(5) 0.106 0.061(3) 0.07855 0.1500.022(8)

    0.1210.2536 0.3430.481(8)0.201(7)7 0.1710.834(9) 0.663 0.80(2) 0.507

    1.357(21) 1.14 1.392(18)8 0.890 0.252(6) 0.2259 0.2760.291(5)1.411.772.246(28)

    0.354(6)2.082.899(37) 0.3262.563.264(24)1011 4.445(25) 3.48 4.073(26) 2.82 0.406(6) 0.36512 0.469(5)5.673(36) 0.3974.48 5.352(25) 3.68

    7.097(36) 5.47 6.337(28)13 4.52 0.455(6) 0.4158.251(36) 6.41 7.447(37)14 5.29 0.470(5) 0.4229.141(46) 7.20 8.378(49)15 5.96 0.439(7) 0.417

    7.8210.200(48) 0.40016 6.468.895(47)0.3750.405(5)17 6.7610.579(47) 9.357(52)8.19

    10.645(79) 8.30 9.478(40)18 6.83 0.390(5) 0.3430.346(5)6.70 0.3058.1710.492(50)19

    6.328.577(41)7.80 0.26620

    a The experimental measurements of Maki et al. [33].

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    Fig. 5. Ab initio spectral atlas for HNC in absorption, between 0 and 8000 cm 1 at 298 K. transitions are labelled 6%16%2l %6%3 ftransitions from the ground state and 6%16%2l %6%3 6 1 6 2l 6 3 for transitions from an excited state.

    sion of band origins calculated with the VQ-ZANO + surface is given in Ref. [16].

    4 .2 . HNC spectrum

    Fig. 5 is a spectral map of room temperature(298 K) HNC in absorption, and Fig. 6 plots ourspectrum against the experimental spectrum of Burkholder et al. [35] in the region of the Q and Rbranch of the HNC bending fundamental. Thedominant features of both the experimental andab initio spectra in Fig. 6 are the Q and R branchof the bending fundamental, but also visible arethe Q branches of the bending hot bands. The Q

    branch of the (020

    0) (011

    0) band in the experi-mental spectrum can just be made out within theQ branch of the bending fundamental and the Qbranch of the (02 20) (0110) is clearly visible. TheQ branches of the (02 00) (0110) and (02 20)(0110) in the ab initio spectrum at 476.794 and481.117 cm 1, respectively, are displaced from the

    experimental Q branches at 463.787 and 473.471cm 1 due to inaccuracy of the VQZANO + potential surface. All the band transition dipoles and

    the band centres of the major features in thespectrum (Fig. 5) are tabulated in Tables 5 and 6.Experimental data for band dipoles are only

    available for the HNC fundamentals [36,37], ourab initio calculations agree very well with bothexperimental and theoretical work for the stretch-ing fundamentals. However, for the bend funda-mental our calculation is in agreement with theonly other theoretical value [38], but disagreeswith experiment. The bending transition dipolewas not directly measured by Nezu et al. [36], but

    determined from the transition dipoles of thestretching fundamentals using the Herman Wallieffect. As both theoretical values agree it is likelythat the value of Nezu et al. is in error, in factNezu et al. [37] express doubts about the accuracyof their determination of the transition dipole of the bending fundamental. Beyond the fundamen-

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    tal bands theoretical intensity work has been doneonly on the stretching overtones [2,29], ourstretching overtones are in agreement with boththeoretical works.

    Our calculated band centres and the ab initioenergy levels of Bowman et al. [1] for the CN

    stretching bands are of comparable accuracy, forthe HN stretching bands our calculations arecloser to experiment, see Table 5. Maki and Mel-lau [39] estimated the band centre of the (03 1

    overtone from anharmonic vibration constants of HNC up to the quartic terms which were tted t

    Fig. 6. A comparison of ab initio and experimental [35] absorption spectra in the region of the Q and R branch of the HNC (01 1

    fundamental at 298 K.

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    Table 5A comparison of experimental and theoretical band centres (cm 1) and transition dipoles (Debye, with standard deviation given inthe last digit in brackets) for HNC fundamentals and some stretching overtones which are the prominent features of the spectrumat 298 K

    6%16%2l %6%3 This work bExperimental a aug-cc-pVTZ c Other theory

    v w 0 v w 0 vw0 w0d v e v f

    0 1 1 0 462.722 [1.04(27)] g 465.190 0.463(3) 0.4900.108(16) 2024.94 0.104(2) 2023.90 0 0 1 0.1062023.86 2024.6 0.103 0.1020.156(23) 3665.12 0.151(2) 3652.73652.66 0.1571 0 0 0 3599.1 0.157 0.164

    4026.40 h0 0 0 2 4029.20 0.0138(3) 4026.4 0.0136 4024.4 0.01261 0 0 1 5676.515664.85 h 0.00943(2) 5664.1 0.00999 5628.7 0.00985

    7189.53 0.0179(1) 7172.1 0.0163 7116.7 0.01347171.40 h2 0 0 0

    a Experimental data, band centres from Maki and Mellau [39] and Northrup et al. [46] and band transition dipoles from Nezu etal. [36,37].

    b The ab initio calculations of this work, using the VQZANO + PES and the cc-pCVQZ /CCSD(T) DMS of van Mourik et al. [16].c The ab initio stretch only cc-pVQZ /CCSD(T) potential and aug-cc-pVTZ /CCSD(T) dipole surface calculations of Botschwina et

    al. [29].d The ab initio ANO /CCSD(T) vibrational energy level calculations of Bowman et al. [1], quoted here are stretching levels only,

    see text.e The ab initio TZP AQCC calculations of Jakubetz and Lan [2], using the Bowman et al. [1] potential surface.f The TZ2P /CCSD(T) calculations of Lee and Rendell [38].g The transition dipole of the bending fundamental was estimated from the stretching fundamental transition dipoles using

    Herman Walis effect by Nezu et al. [36], see text.h These transitions have not been directly measured, but have been inferred from other transitions.

    Table 6A comparison of experimental and theoretical band centres (cm 1) and transition dipoles (Debye, with standard deviation give tothe last digit in brackets) of HNC hot bands and overtones which involve a degree of bending mode excitation and are prominent

    features in the spectrum at 298 K

    Experimental a6 16 2l 6 3 This work6%16%2l %6%3

    w0 w0 v

    463.7870 2 0 0 476.7940 1 1 0 0.466(154)0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 473.471 481.117 0.424(188)0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 926.507 b 941.910 0.0976(67)

    [1400.51] c 1428.850 0 0 0 0.0673(77)0 3 1 00 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1559.69 0.0199(1)

    2015.76 2017.540 1 1 0 0.103(16)0 1 1 10 0 0 00 1 1 1 2478.48 b 2482.67 0.0141(1)0 1 1 01 0 0 0 3199.88 0.0407(16)

    3630.19 3640.770 1 1 0 0.146(5)1 1 1 01 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4092.91 b 4105.90 0.0227(14)

    4534.45 b 4558.15 0.00455(42)0 0 0 01 2 0 0

    a Experimental band centres from Maki and Mellau [39] and Northrup et al. [46].b These transitions have not been directly measured, but have been inferred from other transitions.c This band centre was estimated by Maki and Mellau [39] from anharmonic vibration constants of HNC upto the quartic terms,

    see text.

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    their experimental data with a standard deviationof 16 cm 1. The large standard deviation of theirt implies that estimates of band centres from theseconstants will not be very accurate and as a resultthe large deviation from theory seen in Table 6 isto be expected. The stretching only HNC bandcentre calculations of Botschwina et al. [29] are in

    good agreement with experiment. This is despiteusing a 133 cGTO basis which is smaller than thecc-pCVQZ basis (198 cGTO) used for part of theVQZANO + PES [16]. However, the HNC poten-tial of Botschwina et al. [29] considered stretchingonly coordinates. Experiment and the ab initiocalculations of this work for the band centres of theHNC N H stretch fundamental and overtone devi-ate by 12.5 and 18.0 cm 1, respectively. It is likelythat this deviation is caused by the cc-pCVQZ /aug-cc-pCVQZ basis not being large enough to accu-rately describe the electronic structure of themolecule at HNC geometries in the R coordinate.

    4 .3 . Dipole moments

    The J = 1 0 pure rotational transition dipolecalculated in this work is compared to experimentaldata and the ab initio vibrationally averaged dipolemoments calculated by Bowman et al. [3] in Table7. The HCN ground state and excited states for ourdipole moment agree marginally less favourablywith experiment than those of Bowman et al.However, for the HNC ground state we agreesigni cantly better with observation than Bowman

    et al. [3], which deviates from experiment by 0.078 debye and gives a value for the HNCground state dipole that is lower than that of theHCN ground state dipole. Botschwina et al. [31]used the empirical PES of Carter et al. [32] and a110 GTO ab initio dipole moment surface for theircalculations. Their results agree more closely with

    experiment than do the two fully ab initio calcula-tions. Implying that the errors in the fully ab initiocalculations are primarily due to the ab initiowavefunctions not being accurate enough.

    Stanton [40] provided Bowman et al. [3] withbenchmark calculations, at the cc-pCVQZCCSD(T) level, of the dipole moment at the threecritical points of the system. The dipole momentgiven by the cc-pCVQZ /CCSD(T) DMS of vanMourik et al. at the geometries of the critical pointscalculated at the cc-pCV5Z /CCSD(T) level by van

    Mourik et al. [16] are given in Table 8. The dipolemoments from the DMS of van Mourik et al. arein good agreement with the calculations of Stanton[40] and the dipole moment from the DMS of Bowman et al. [1].

    5. Conclusions

    We have computed room temperature spectra,band centres and band transition dipoles of HCNand HNC using purely ab initio techniques. Fea-tures in our spectra, including the region of the

    Table 7A comparison of experimental and theoretical vibrationally averaged dipole moments of J = 0 low lying HCN states and the HNCground state

    Experimental aug-cc-pCVTZ a(61 , 62 , 63) cc-pCVQZ b 110 cGTO c

    2.985 d(0,0,0) 2.98002.96412.97522.899 d 2.8793(0,2,0) 2.8776 2.8935

    (0,0,1) 2.981 d 2.9698 2.9599 2.97533.01162.99613.0054(1,0,0) 3.017 d

    3.05 f 2.9721 3.0320(0,0,0) e

    a Dipole moment calculations of Bowman et al. [3] with aug-cc-pCVTZ /CCSD(T) DMS.b This work, J = 0 1 rotational transition dipole using cc-pCVQZ /CCSD(T) DMS.c Dipole moment calculations of Botschwina et al. [31] with HCN-only 110 cGTO /CCSD(T) DMS.d Deleon and Muenter [47].e HNC ground state.f Blackman et al. [48].

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    Table 8A comparison of ab initio dipole moments (Debye) at thethree critical points

    cc-pCVQZaug-cc-pCVTZ OptimisedDMS a cc-pCVQZ cDMS b

    2.999HCN 2.993 2.9941.1811.171 1.178TS d

    3.087HNC 3.121 3.094

    a Dipole moments from the aug-cc-pCVTZ /CCSD(T) DMSof Bowman et al. [3] at the coordinates of the critical pointscalculated by Stanton [40] at the cc-pCVQZ /CCSD(T) level.

    b The Dipole moments from the cc-pCVQZ /CCSD(T) DMSof van Mourik et al. [16] at the coordinates of the criticalpoints calculated at the cc-pCV5Z /CCSD(T) level.

    c Dipole moment at the critical points calculated by Stanton[40] at the cc-pCVQZ level.

    d The transition state of [H,C,N].

    these predictions are useful for spectral analysis.In particular the use of variational nuclear motioncalculations and ab initio has provided means of assigning otherwise unanalysable spectra [41]. Akey feature of this ab initio procedure, often notshown by methods which involve tting to spectra, is that once rotational progressions can be

    reliably extrapolated [42]. This means that onceallowance is made for the overall band error,predictions can be very reliable. The present cal-culations, see Fig. 6 for example, reproduce therotational structure of the spectra accurately andwill form a good starting point for further spectralanalysis.

    This calculation is presently being extended tothe high temperatures required for astrophysicalstudies.


    We thank Tanja van Mourik and Attila G.Csa sza r for many helpful discussions. The calcula-tions were performed on the Miracle 24-processorOrigin 2000 supercomputer at the HiPerSPACEcomputing centre, UCL, which is part funded bythe UK Particle Physics and Astronomy ResearchCouncil (PPARC). The UK Engineering andPhysical Science Council, PPARC, the British

    council, the Russian Fund for Fundamental Stud-ies, and the Hungarian British Joint Academicand Research Programme (project no. 076) aregratefully acknowledged for funding.


    [1] J.M. Bowman, B. Gazdy, J.A. Bentley, T.J. Lee, C.E.Dateo, J. Chem. Phys. 99 (1993) 308.

    [2] W. Jakubetz, B. Leong Lan, Chem. Phys. 217 (1997) 375.[3] J.M. Bowman, S. Irle, K. Morokuma, A. Wodtke, J.

    Chem. Phys. 114 (2001) 7923.[4] W.F. Huebner, L.E. Snyder, D. Buhl, Icarus 23 (1974)

    580.[5] W.M. Irvine, D. BockeleeMorvan, D.C. Lis, H.E.

    Matthews, N. Biver, J. Crovisier, J.K. Davies, W.R.F.Dent, D. Gautier, P.D. Godfrey, J. Keene, A.J Lovell,T.C. Owen, T.G. Phillips, H. Rauer, F.P. Schloerb, M.Senay, K. Young, Nature 383 (1996) 418.

    HCN CN stretching fundamental and the HNCbending fundamental, match well the features of HCN and HNC spectra in published gures. Wehave plotted and assigned bands to a HCN spec-tral map in the range 0 18000 cm 1 and to aHNC spectral map in the range 0 8000 cm 1 .

    In general our band centres agree more closelywith experiment than do the ab initio energylevels of Bowman et al. [1] calculated with theirglobal ab initio PES. Our band transition dipolesfor both HCN and HNC agree more closely withexperiment than do those of the ab initio global

    DMS Jakubetz and Lan [2] and are of compara-ble accuracy to the stretching only CCSD(T) cal-culations of Botschwina et al. [29]. We have alsoreproduced the unusual structure of the HCN CNstretch fundamental via fully ab initio techniquesfor the rst time and have calculated the intensi-ties of the forbidden Q branch of the HCN (02 20)overtone, which compare well with experiment.

    Finally our HCN J = 1 0 transition dipolescompare well with experiment and also with thevibrationally averaged dipole moments of Bow-

    man et al.Reported here are band transition dipoles for

    several HCN and many HNC bands for which noexperimental or computationally determined bandtransition dipoles have previously been reported.

    An important reason for using ab initio tech-niques for calculating rotation vibration is that

  • 8/3/2019 Gregory J. Harris, Oleg L. Polyansky and Jonathan Tennyson- Ab initio rotationvibration spectra of HCN and HNC


    G .J . Harris et al . / Spectrochimica Acta Part A 58 (2002) 673 690 690

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