greet xie eatre - prince william county,...

E:STABUSHBD MAT, |Mfr VOL. XXV. No. 14. MANASSAS, VA, FRIDAY. AUGUST 22, Itlf ILM A TEAR IN ADVAMCS Hitfi 'i7L~l'L"L"ii"^L'!."fL^-.' ^sl-iri'Lilr; xie eatre Mmidmyi Aug. 25, Special, the Great NaxioBova in "EYE FOR EYE" BAPffiTSMEET oTTiCbane Is hartdr The .f~ trinaph e»iin<liiig in briOiaaoe, poww aai bematy .the .prariMH sum WW af tUs stair of 8tan OB screen or stace. T ^ is taken from the funens stage .MBed ."Xtkei- wrHtea ^ a Belgiaa ^runatist. NaanMmi did B»t Hke the rrcMh title, so she adopted the Bibii- cat wwosT An eye' form eye and a tooth for a tooth" expleaseD the idea rf the plot. ar- vfH hC {^tonaie Piirtwt 4 ia iU aixty-foaitfa iMt WMk A Nortb Forii. LQsdoan t;.. Many viaitoci were g f wit JHraea WgMat. Staaart. Fan- quier, Akiaafciai taaHmxl^ Loor doun. ^ . Dr G. W. KcDaaal. oi BkkmMid, addressed the «noaatio>a «B the $75,- 1)00,000 carapaijtB which the Bouthem Baptists propgee to raise in the next five yean for religioaa, educational and phOanthropie work. Virginia'a portion of this amooat is $700,000 and a p«at-efl«K wiU be put, fortt t« nue it. , Reports adopted by the aaaociatien included Foreign Misaisns, read by Rev. E. B. Jackson, of Alexandria; Home Kiaai<ms, by Mr. G. L. Hntehi- lOD, of Aldie; Colportage, by Jodce C. E. Nioot, of AVraandria; Orphanage. .hy Mr. S. W. Pitti, of AkauaMa, and State Missions, by Rev. T. D. D. Clark, MANY ATTEND REUNION OF LBACHMAN FAMILY MnLXynn and NIB. Ettot Eater- fain Famfly .Party Aceoi4- intta- BAFHSTS GREET I RETDRNINfi MPi The oBcars of the associattojg we5~ re-elected as follows: Moderator, Mr. Edward T. Fenwic^ of Falls Chnr^; cleric, Mr. Ja^es R. MansBeld, of ;Alexandria; asdstMit derk, Mr. G. L. ^tiiU-lilsm, Bf AMte! NAZIMOVA %n "EYE wt EYE" Tuesday^ August, 26tift OttVg THOMASf AS TOTlDrr >liitl*<U«3af I IWi TlMEBASr.'^ ,«e-ltc A^imim^mr ETHEL CLArrON IN_ . "iKIAGCilE PEPPER" See tUa immtj star •• a.^SeW LUy. J « t the tte-17e. s Ai]^niut ^ M i A PAKAMOUlt —^WALLACE REtP IW "ALIAS MIKE MORAN" A reunion o n i i e T i i i r t n w fhadly, an aamial custom for many years, was' stragTaaiagr « UM nww at MW. RobMla Lynn on Main street,'the hoa- teeaes being Mrs. Lynn and her sister. lfa» B. A. Btiot. Abevt fer^ nM»- bers of the family, embracing three geaeratiMis,. and several additional guests were present.. The dinuw was served by Annt Jane Tlieaiaa, who has been with the f fiarhinsii Jamily for nearly foaty years. * Members of the party were Messrs. J. P. LMKhmin and <j. C Leacbman, Mrs. J. F. Dogaa, Mrs. £. C. Bade, Mrs. B. A. Eliot, Mrs. Roberta Lynn, Miss Katie B. Leachmaa, of Wsihing- bm, and MrsTE. L. <Jarroll. 6fCtan^ lottasville; Mrs. Allen Laws Oliver, Allen Laws Oliver, jr., and Jack OH- ver, of Ctipe Cirardeao, Mo.; Misses Lillian and Marie liearhman, of Bris- tow; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Cox, of Washington; Mr. Barehdl Leach- man, Miss Sarah Ti>ac)miaTi, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lynn and tiieir d^Offhters, Anna Neville^and^Jane Marye; M^ Fraric Nev3ie Bufk and WT HftH t^ Ja-^Hanor-of Soidkn* •ar»»ln« *ddieaa b^ lUr. B. N. Ckrdner. ""x A large congregation sttemdeH a cel^bratiMi' at the Manassas Baftiat CSnnch finnday rvwiing "In Jh—ar vt the man from that church wha sanrad with the colors here and te f^aaea. The thMoh with OM SfaHy efVywhera in evidence BMde an appropriate set- ting for the service P/i w*lMgne and thanksgiving. F^lowing an organ prriadn^by Miaa Georgia Barrell^ Mn. K. B. S^riakal played the proeeai^pnal and the yeoag men, many of them still in nnifacwi, msrrhed np the aisle to seats resecvai w* thein~iieai "tfar pnlpil. The COB- gregatldn Mse as they entered tlie church, led by thie ushers, Messrs. Btay- mond Davis, WerUi Storice, John Broaddus and W. E. Tmsler and lit- tle Misses Meaker Burke and Jaaat Tivsler and Masters Holtsmaii DavM- son and WilUara Tmsler, who drew aside the ribbons, whid marked the reservations at the front of the^nreh. Th» 'gii.gK.yfnisr—stilt stawiiHTOg, and dHvhtar, Neville, jr., and Jean, joined in s i n g i n g ' ^ Star-I^iangled of Port Norfolk; Misses Lney and Bawier," after"^^Uch "Rev. Westwood Etisabrth Buck; Mrs. John L. Eliot Hutchison resd the ScripCnre" leeasa and little Miss Jane Love mat, Wss end offered the invoeataoo. Rev. T. Uatse Ayrea, Ux. Thomas A. Oyr»n,' D. D. Oark; pastar'af the ehawA. e<- kr.'G. Hains ndd. o< Uw Pluns. \n]I be held at Meant neqij^iMpiiar county. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES AT CfiURCH OF ^ a S l B S E N Jhr. rrof' Series W atBndl^. -'ao( ,ll-17c of NorfUk; Ueat. Oaode C. CwroD, I f«red Qie words of { of CharlotliesviUe, who has just re-! ing the j<qr of the i tuned fren France; Mr." and Mrs. "»« "hie to participate m such-a ede- Ji^n» Wir~B&kea ana theiT little | hwtien and a he«rtMt trftote to tiMiV;^ soa'aad daughter, RHsabetii ,aad^nwn mAeaerwca. Jamaa^^jr.; MrslThwnas R. LMtftfawn.j Mr. George CL TjAcr called Miss T^Mii^ Ashby Leaehman and of tiiirty naaaa rapreaaated by ' TboBUs Kehards T^tThman, ti Lyneh^ j btae stars on thc^iervier ftiw. Burg; Miss Hearie Dogan, of Para, was prominent .«nong the M i l M. E. Comptun, of Aiw^a- d><c>ritioni, and called atteotiep ta HM hat^y fact that none of tiie stan have turned to gtdd. Mr. H. W. 8a»- ders resaeaded to the gall calL e»- dria; Mr. Andrew N. CamOl. «f Waah- ingtoB, and Miss Susie Bhaaar, of "Waahington. ^ \ __^ hispsst Roiaiui in 'The Hcet^a Traa." _ _ tfite Law. A new Scnnett comedy* 'iUiU/s Wash Day." iw|M| —faktidbi.fa iiimmt. News and FetdWeclilr. Ref^. L Garbo-, of HaRiaanbarg, [i liaiinQii f vwngflifflh i •inylgii Sat-- '>Aday-«t Bradkgr Chmdi of the even Uoe Mead ay- not iiiiasiitslii « aanma to • • bencfaea. Ba» Mr fTsttisr's fiist msssagi ' nAIRYMKN RALSB PRICE OF MILK TO 45 pwasing for the incn tjen «t the wefewna and eonSnoe as goal Oct^twrPriee Ji ^hove Priee Uit Stptember, solo, "Mother** PMytt," by Rev. Mr. Ciarictwo adection hr the Acit and hgp 111 Vim \ ^ -Al^ »Ovw-flBseNoii-Skid *•*=* r '• Tt 'ill ' Tifm -"^'JT' ' ~- ' GOOD Txs&Basf^-G&fm^vsaaK^Bs^ ^NEWMAN-TROaSLER CfK CENTRAL G A R A ^ R.lLIIAyB, Ya. "Lahater* Togetiwr With God." He A meeting of the Prince William Suaan Ub ^ " ' W n gave a i imiliiiiL aaked encb diristian finrt M. ^ tw County Dairymen's -AsaeciBtiMi was^ entitled -"WV" the Bey Has Gone realiae thirt on^ tlBiBiq^ trae }ora}tr,,beU at the courthouse in Manaaaaa on Home." eonseesatian and faB smrrendtf is ft Fridsy, the milt situation and prices, ^n»e addx«M of the evenmg waa poesihie to Imild God's kingdom in the beingtij^principnl t o ^ of disennii». g^je ^y Rev BL, N Gaidn« aC wcrid^ fin. bdief befaig tlmt it ia Ut. J. J. Qmner, chairman af the as- p ^ f l B a ^ j ^ snoke^ <rf the new « n T""^ *• ""^r ! ? ^ ' ! i ^ * * ' »«=*•**««' lareaided. i-,,^, ^hjeh the worid is entering at ton A ia possiUe to hft others tea . As a result of the conference the ^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ .„„^ givvg as fha higtox Bi»ne^ pricyof milk wSl be rwaed, beginning fyn/i..n^t»l ^y.—^Hj'in the i^£Bt «f Prayer. Lifting Dp, Jesus, A. Mes--XJrt8*»er l.jg the nmamnrfjBpoe «rf^ eivSia^iBii an j a n a iTAhtiiimiiiraa nf iOsr'vr'Gea's I««i7 ife^ac^g the ccota a gaOoo, ti>e scale r i ^ v accord- ^^ mdividual MBI, with h—iH«y jn Great SalvataoB and Towtr Bnildinc jng to the butter fat. The price o f ^ t ^ , , , „ i „ ^ tfa, M-^—.~i . I- ffi thr tiifwirs »iHi:h wn .to ailk. ahith lisa lisen jinmittilji tsat-\ ^jf^^ rf ^^ty tt f***. ^ img***"*- ^ he tiaeted next .w«ek. IW inNitiiigi jag the summer, thlk time jmnprfreifit'-f^-Q,^- begin SMii evening witt sei« sKvke M cents, the price dready set for > fj^ meetnig eloaed with a brief at 8:15 and pteaehhig at %m. Every- September. The iwiee daring May' p^yer by Ifr. L. LedmanrappeiiBtw^ body <• tovited to attend.' ^iijd June was 32 eeata, with a raise of. ^^^^ ^ ^ pnptmt Soidav flrhnal twejwts for J ^ gjilAagurt^j__ I ^^ ^-^^grt^Jaa, ignained stan^ig t h e probabOity of redcganmng a ,^^j^ ^^^ receaBonal WM ph9«d by was discussed ^^ p p g^^^i, POD6»giaTBP ?OR SVNATB Ni "sr Again^ ^^** by and the members practkaOy agreed pn?fwmi matdiad oA. ^" ""^ Tlie associataoa -Isa-aboBt tw» to its reocganizatioa. -has -net been/ Boninated fer'ffie stato' tain an oflkial tester. fsfenia'Titx mwtliig of the i eprtMwg Tbey pay for Circulation—advertiserft, of cmane. See The Journal Subscription List ^..„r.. ^^ ALFRED PRESCOTT HURT - Prot ^. H. 4)odge, of Manassas, was y«ara. as it baa been impossible to oh- ^. MCynjRCYCLE WRECK conaaittee of tht fbapteeBth senatorial FARMERS TO BUY A LOT district^wteh was hddat Atoaadrto ^ j ^ ERECT WAREHOUSE Monday aflaiuaaa. VML Dodge vriU eppoae Ur. WaKac TaaaOl Oliver, wito TV>rMW Ti«e and TdcphMne Pile to Avoid T^k tony «f An 'After the ad that what he is ast what in the deasocratie ari- •It- —- ^ Aiag PMTDedgeifia^rt Wa Sd Fertiliaer, Linw. ~~Svlr and pAs Danid JUfred Preaeott, aoa and Mrs. D. H. P^eaeatt, waa fniia his mutmtycle aa tbe August IbMAar it had electo^ h^: A meeting of the Prince William' tree-aaB ttttphane pole on taa ' a'^***. County braadi <rf the FanacnT Bda-1 iag road aad »—— ratioaat •~**=Tb«ld'ooFTii»y at the cearttswai. tbe Mr. J. T. gloiy; t*. bsMsr of Mias Ealeyon Hal, wbe has insa tbe gnest of Mrs. i. L. Harrall. ^ ito eovae was servad aad prises awarded to Miss Catbsrtot Laxkai aad lb. W; €anaH~ttea: Tbe gmsii ware MlsMs Halcyoa HaO, EHsaijoth Larkia, Margaset Roop. Sallie NerveU Larkin. Cstheriae Larkin, LUbaa Larkpi and T saist OTallaghan aad Measrs. Cbaries Lar- kia, Carroll Rice. Reewcll Roaad, Pky- tea L«rldn and John Willcoson. of tiw are Mr. J. T. Flory» ef local; Mr. W. T sen. of the Maaaaaas local: Mr. R. L. Lewia. of the Wel&agtoa kwal; Mr. W. E. Varaer. of tbe BreatsviUe local; Mr. E. N. Pattia. ef the CMharpia lo- cal, aad Mr. E. E. ConwalL ef tba la- HOlktcaL THB MMJRNAL liwlatiea s»sr af Maaassss. tev« b e * Uv- to Modferd. Mima., fw aevctal Toan France ]aat yaar aad re saUred Tcfto College. He ia a gusidsua of Mrs. WaHam Foote, of •aaaaaas. and a of MsiiiMOS Sgb Sebssl. MAKE AMERICA BSTTER The fofumsat men of tbe trilHac how to <fe in a trits if sr- ticiss now nammfr in tnr Ty".' SsctMa of tbe W»*hmir-.iin C^UJ... . Star. Next Sunday'* arurle » by Fr»<ienck H r,i;»<>-i ip< tW House of R«»prtM•:.>.!

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Page 1: GREET xie eatre - Prince William County, · Virginia'a portion of this amooat i s $700,000 and a p«at-efl«K wiU be put,




'i7L~l'L"L"ii"^L'!."fL^-.' ^s l - i r i 'L i l r ;

xie eatre Mmidmyi Aug. 25, Special, the Great NaxioBova in



oTTiCbane Is hartdr



trinaph e»iin<liiig in briOiaaoe, poww aai bematy .the .prariMH sum WW af tUs stair of 8tan OB screen or stace. T ^ i s taken from the funens stage

.MBed ."Xtkei-wrHtea ^ a

Belgiaa ^runatist.

NaanMmi did B»t Hke the rrcMh title, so she adopted the Bibii-cat wwosT An eye' form eye and a tooth for a tooth" expleaseD the idea rf the plot.


vfH hC

{^tonaie Piirtwt 4 ia iU aixty-foaitfa

iMt WMk A Nortb Forii. LQsdoan t;.. Many viaitoci were g f wit

JHraea WgMat. Staaart. Fan-quier, Akiaafciai taaHmxl^ Loor doun. ^ .

Dr G. W. KcDaaal. oi BkkmMid, addressed the «noaatio>a «B the $75,-1)00,000 carapaijtB which the Bouthem Baptists propgee to raise in the next five yean for religioaa, educational and phOanthropie work. Virginia'a portion of this amooat is $700,000 and a p«at-efl«K wiU be put, f ortt t« n u e it. ,

Reports adopted by the aaaociatien included Foreign Misaisns, read by Rev. E. B. Jackson, of Alexandria; Home Kiaai<ms, by Mr. G. L. Hntehi-lOD, of Aldie; Colportage, by Jodce C. E. Nioot, of AVraandria; Orphanage.

.hy Mr. S. W. Pitti, of AkauaMa, and State Missions, by Rev. T. D. D. Clark,


MnLXynn and NIB. Ettot Eater-fain Famfly .Party Aceoi4-



The oBcars of the associattojg we5~ re-elected as follows: Moderator, Mr. Edward T. Fenwic^ of Falls Chnr^; cleric, Mr. Ja^es R. MansBeld, of ;Alexandria; asdstMit derk, Mr. G. L. ^tiiU-lilsm, Bf AMte!


Tuesday^ August, 26tift OttVg THOMASf AS

TOTlDrr >liitl*<U«3af I I W i

TlMEBASr.'^ ,«e-ltc

A^imim^mr ETHEL C L A r r O N I N _ . "iKIAGCilE P E P P E R "

See tUa immtj star • • a. SeW LUy. J « t the tte-17e.

s Ai] niut ^ M i A PAKAMOUlt


A reunion o n i i e T i i i r t n w fhadly, an aamial custom for many years, was' stragTaaiagr « UM nww at MW. RobMla Lynn on Main street,'the hoa-teeaes being Mrs. Lynn and her sister. lfa» B. A. Btiot. Abevt fer^ nM»-bers of the family, embracing three geaeratiMis,. and several additional guests were present.. The dinuw was served by Annt Jane Tlieaiaa, who has been with the f fiarhinsii Jamily for nearly foaty years. *

Members of the party were Messrs. J. P. LMKhmin and <j. C Leacbman, Mrs. J. F. Dogaa, Mrs. £ . C. Bade, Mrs. B. A. Eliot, Mrs. Roberta Lynn, Miss Katie B. Leachmaa, of Wsihing-bm, and MrsTE. L. <Jarroll. 6fCtan^ lottasville; Mrs. Allen Laws Oliver, Allen Laws Oliver, jr., and Jack OH-ver, of Ctipe Cirardeao, Mo.; Misses Lillian and Marie liearhman, of Bris-tow; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Cox, of Washington; Mr. Barehdl Leach-man, Miss Sarah Ti>ac)miaTi, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lynn and tiieir d^Offhters, Anna Neville^and^Jane Marye; M ^ Fraric Nev3ie Bufk and WT HftH t ^

Ja-^Hanor-of Soidkn* •ar»»ln« *ddieaa b^ lUr. B. N. Ckrdner.

""x A large congregation sttemdeH a

cel^bratiMi' at the Manassas Baftiat CSnnch finnday rvwiing "In Jh—ar vt the man from that church wha sanrad with the colors here and te f^aaea. The thMoh with OM SfaHy efVywhera in evidence BMde an appropriate set­ting for the service P/i w*lMgne and thanksgiving.

F^lowing an organ prriadn^by Miaa Georgia Barrell^ Mn. K. B. S^riakal played the proeeai pnal and the yeoag men, many of them still in nnifacwi, msrrhed np the aisle to seats resecvai w* thein~iieai "tfar pnlpil. The COB-gregatldn Mse as they entered tlie church, led by thie ushers, Messrs. Btay-mond Davis, WerUi Storice, John Broaddus and W. E. Tmsler and lit­tle Misses Meaker Burke and Jaaat Tivsler and Masters Holtsmaii DavM-son and WilUara Tmsler, who drew aside the ribbons, whid marked the reservations at the front of the^nreh.

Th» 'gii.gK.yfnisr—stilt stawiiHTOg, and dHvhtar, Neville, jr., and Jean, joined in s i n g i n g ' ^ Star-I^iangled of Port Norfolk; Misses Lney and Bawier," after"^^Uch "Rev. Westwood Etisabrth Buck; Mrs. John L. Eliot Hutchison resd the ScripCnre" leeasa and little Miss Jane Love mat, Wss end offered the invoeataoo. Rev. T. Uatse Ayrea, Ux. Thomas A. Oyr»n,' D. D. Oark; pastar'af the ehawA. e<-

kr.'G. Hains n d d . o< Uw Pluns.

\n]I be held at Meant neqij^iMpiiar county.


Jhr. rrof' Series W

atBndl^ .

-'ao( , l l -17c

of NorfUk; Ueat. Oaode C. CwroD, I f«red Qie words of { of CharlotliesviUe, who has just re-! ing the j<qr of the i tuned fren France; Mr." and Mrs. "»« "hie to participate m such-a ede-Ji^n» Wir~B&kea ana theiT little | hwtien and a he«rtMt trftote to tiMiV; soa'aad daughter, RHsabetii ,aad^nwn mAeaerwca. Jamaa^ jr.; MrslThwnas R. LMtftfawn.j Mr. George CL TjAcr called Miss T^Mii Ashby Leaehman and of tiiirty naaaa rapreaaated by ' TboBUs Kehards T^tThman, ti Lyneh^ j btae stars on thc^iervier ftiw. Burg; Miss Hearie Dogan, of Para, was prominent .«nong the

M i l M. E. Comptun, of Aiw^a- d><c>ritioni, and called atteotiep ta HM hat^y fact that none of tiie s tan have turned to gtdd. Mr. H. W. 8a»-ders resaeaded to the gall calL e»-

dria; Mr. Andrew N. CamOl. «f Waah-ingtoB, and Miss Susie Bhaaar, of

"Waahington. \ _ _ ^

hispsst Roiaiui in 'The Hcet^a Traa."

_ _ tfite Law. A new Scnnett comedy* ' i U i U / s Wash Day." i w | M | —faktidbi.fa iiimmt. News and FetdWeclilr.

R e f ^ . L Garbo-, of HaRiaanbarg, [i liaiinQii f vwngflifflh i •inylgii Sat--'>Aday-«t Bradkgr Chmdi of the

even Uoe Mead ay-not iiiiasiitslii « aanma to • • bencfaea.

Ba» Mr fTsttisr's fiist msssagi '


pwasing for the incn tjen «t the wefewna and

eonSnoe as goal

Oct^twrPriee Ji ^hove Priee

Uit Stptember, solo, "Mother** PMytt," by Rev. Mr. Ciarictwo adection hr the Acit and

• hgp 111 Vim


^ -Al^


* • * = * r '• Tt 'ill ' T i f m -"^'JT' ' ~- '

GOOD Txs&Basf^-G&fm^vsaaK^Bs^ ^NEWMAN-TROaSLER CfK



"Lahater* Togetiwr With God." He A meeting of the Prince William Suaan Ub ^ " ' W n gave a i imiliiiiL aaked encb diristian finrt M. tw County Dairymen's -AsaeciBtiMi was^ entitled -"WV" the Bey Has Gone realiae thirt on^ tlBiBiq^ trae }ora}tr,,beU at the courthouse in Manaaaaa on Home." eonseesatian and faB smrrendtf is ft Fridsy, the milt situation and prices, n»e addx«M of the evenmg waa poesihie to Imild God's kingdom in the being tij^ principnl t o ^ of disennii». g^je ^y Rev BL, N Gaidn« aC w c r i d ^ fin. bdief befaig tlmt it ia Ut. J. J. Qmner, chairman af the as- p ^ f l B a ^ j ^ snoke^ <rf the new « n T""^ *• ""^r ! ? ^ ' ! i ^ * * ' »«=*•**««' lareaided. i-,,^, ^hjeh the worid is entering at ton A ia possiUe to hft others tea . As a result of the conference the ^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ .„„^ givvg as fha higtox Bi»ne^ pricyof milk wSl be rwaed, beginning fyn/i..n^t»l ^y.—^Hj'in the i^£Bt «f

Prayer. Lifting Dp, Jesus, A. Mes--XJrt8*»er l . j g the nmamnrfjBpoe «rf^ eivSia^iBii an jana iTAhtiiimiiiraa nf iOsr'vr'Gea's I««i7 i f e ^ a c ^ g the ccota a gaOoo, ti>e scale r i ^ v accord- ^^ mdividual MBI, with h—iH«y jn Great SalvataoB and Towtr Bnildinc jng to the butter fat. The price o f^ t^ , , , „ i „ ^ tfa, M - ^ — . ~ i .


ffi thr tiifwirs »iHi:h wn .to ailk. ahith lisa lisen jinmittilji tsat-\ ^jf^^ rf ^^ty tt f***. ^ img***"*- ^ he tiaeted next .w«ek. IW inNitiiigi jag the summer, thlk time jmnprfreifit'-f^-Q,^- — begin SMii evening witt se i« sKvke M cents, the price dready set for > f j ^ meetnig eloaed with a brief at 8:15 and pteaehhig at %m. Every- September. The iwiee daring May' p^yer by Ifr. L. LedmanrappeiiBtw^ body <• tovited to attend.' ^iijd June was 32 eeata, with a raise of. ^^^^ ^ ^ pnptmt Soidav flrhnal

twejwts for J ^ gj i lAagurt^j__ I ^^ ^-^^grt^Jaa, ignained stan^ig the probabOity of redcganmng a , ^ ^ j ^ ^^^ receaBonal WM ph9«d by

was discussed ^^ p p g^^^i, P O D 6 » g i a T B P ?OR SVNATB

N i

"sr Again^ ^^** by and the members practkaOy agreed pn?fwmi matdiad oA. ^" ""^ Tlie associataoa

-Isa-aboBt tw» to its reocganizatioa.

-has -net been/

Boninated fer'ffie stato' tain an oflkial tester. fsfenia'Titx mwtliig of the i eprtMwg

Tbey pay for Circulation—advertiserft, of cmane. See The Journal Subscription List

^..„r.. ^^ ALFRED PRESCOTT H U R T -Prot ^. H. 4)odge, of Manassas, was y«ara. as it baa been impossible to oh- ^ . MCynjRCYCLE WRECK

conaaittee of tht fbapteeBth senatorial FARMERS TO BUY A LOT district^wteh was hddat Atoaadrto ^ j ^ ERECT WAREHOUSE Monday aflaiuaaa. VML Dodge vriU eppoae Ur. WaKac TaaaOl Oliver, wito

TV>rMW Ti«e and TdcphMne Pile to

Avoid T ^ k

tony «f An 'After the

ad that what he is ast what

in the deasocratie ari-•It- —- ^ Aiag PMTDedgeifia rt

Wa S d Fertiliaer, Linw. ~~Svlr and p A s

Danid JUfred Preaeott, aoa and Mrs. D. H. P^eaeatt, waa fniia his mutmtycle aa tbe August IbMAar it had

electo^ h^: A meeting of the Prince William' tree-aaB ttttphane pole on taa ' a'^***. County braadi <rf the FanacnT Bda-1 iag road

aad »—— ratioaat •~**=Tb«ld'ooFTii»y at the cearttswai. tbe

Mr. J. T. gloiy; t*.

bsMsr of Mias Ealeyon Hal, wbe has insa tbe gnest of Mrs. i . L. Harrall. ^ ito eovae was servad aad prises

awarded to Miss Catbsrtot Laxkai aad lb. W; €anaH~ttea:

Tbe gmsii ware MlsMs Halcyoa HaO, EHsaijoth Larkia, Margaset Roop. Sallie NerveU Larkin. Cstheriae Larkin, LUbaa Larkpi and T saist OTallaghan aad Measrs. Cbaries Lar­kia, Carroll Rice. Reewcll Roaad, Pky-tea L«rldn and John Willcoson.

of tiw are Mr. J. T. Flory» ef local; Mr. W. T

sen. of the Maaaaaas local: Mr. R. L. Lewia. of the Wel&agtoa kwal; Mr. W. E. Varaer. of tbe BreatsviUe local; Mr. E. N. Pattia. ef the CMharpia lo­cal, aad Mr. E. E. ConwalL ef tba la-


THB MMJRNAL liwlatiea s»sr

af Maaassss. tev« b e * Uv-to Modferd. Mima., fw aevctal

Toan France ]aat yaar aad re saUred Tcfto College. He ia a gusidsua of Mrs. WaHam Foote, of •aaaaaas. and a

of MsiiiMOS S g b Sebssl.

MAKE AMERICA BSTTER The fofumsat men of tbe

trilHac how to <fe in a t r i t s if sr-ticiss now nammfr in tnr Ty".' SsctMa of tbe W»*hmir-.iin C^UJ... . Star. Next Sunday'* arurle » by Fr»<ienck H r,i;»<>-i ip< tW House of R«»prtM•:.>.!

Page 2: GREET xie eatre - Prince William County, · Virginia'a portion of this amooat i s $700,000 and a p«at-efl«K wiU be put,


IMMJ Fonst, is imnriiiic tUt h ^ ^ ^ MKt VMk flhe «a i be tbe

«tf Mrs. K. L. I>aimBtr at kar

ICsa Griimaa ««• grmdaated at We]-Waley ia J B M aiU wiU «MC1I gX SUart

Mrs. .Ch>nBB Oo^k, fuiiuuty MlBS Beet«r. «f Qoaatico, is IMT Mtbar, Mn. E. R. Ka«tw.

Bar. K. 8. Hinks, af Elk Kadge. Md^ ia ymHtxag fiipd> have, aad «ffl

a. Aay

Ax^ust la to 23 rhk k a "bi|^' week the ooabtiT work needs I ; op • bit, or die

Certain-tSeed deders'to aaist yoa i a prc^wriy rtaiting your aevr Ixnae and in sMdng foor pnaentliDaae i»-r^r.4^r fn«- rtM> fall

Every boiBe-4tnd bniMing needs Certain teed extra qiiality nx>fin{ or paint; ptMaftiiy the interior'

•yo» k a ^ _ Yon wiy then be

Toa will,find k tDjoai. to visit jroar Certain teed deialer'; week and leara frvnn lum bow •fom. Ctn carry oat your pims aft the leatt expense and With the best icsnhir

yoo in nuking cfae «eiec6oB w ^ hert^& jpour aoed. —

Certainteed P> A ! N T 3 - V A w fsi • iis H E S —


*w. Msa. JL 4> M. rallw and M i l Jeasl

;.a< BaHiiaora, arc al «Mka at "^Midc OaCL'

TWliBCli Maa. W. D.BiAw mA fitOa r. BelMi. kft « i Wnday ta viait

aar fSwrnmati, (Hna. TTba l a w B . j a i ^ - « i w »t Waaetiay.

o< ]aat

the paeple of Aa C W M P I J ^ , awl in ^itc af tlMi atamr weaitfaer aad Uch ecU wiad w U d prevaaled darincr tlK a i 9 ^ hanr, and iaUtfai'ed gnatljr «A;k tlte amBgcsBaota ior the eeM-<a^ and ykaMre a( tiK swirta, tlie

MM a «H7 baKT me aoda^.

tiie raeeiptB beiac ••laiithiiig aMr a ]ian*«d deOaci Tlie Hather Gaoae yktMca BBder the 'iiiiaaaiiaiMit of Hxa. C. D. 8. Caaikaaa, » wbii^ a nawlii dC Htde giria took pait, wen veiy frati^ aad attzaetive, wad it ia ^aad tiiat they anil be wpeated later

'^cD Baaaa," the home a< Kia. SaaMna Bdl Mta- Hajwailrt, vaa tra^ arartby of vta saaM an .^Bsaday af laat a>aek aphen Ciety-taPB atf •&* Xasajr >atfana «H- tiia 4ar at the aaaovan aaa xa^auBu Baaac* s aaaBr 'VB canlnt Iv TBEiraa. acuMRa of the faaaOr a«d acrved ^ o i e i ^ l e « • 4er the tiMTaa «be tewa.

Mn. BciTB ane chilSreB, ariih aaana graadehiMktai, aana tan-hk-lavB, afid aewefal lelalivea.nade vp "the |au!<ly.

Tlte chilAaB «< Mea. BcJI n e Mra. W. M. rafiiia, 'tri Frr**^ v,-\w*i

WiBiajB GHirett, a< HayaBuhat; KadMnae Pi'iiitf, aJF Lyndibacri

Iba. W. J. Weber awl Mfaa Tsc^aa Sdl, af WaaWngtaa; Mga.

of JMUaC


JAKJOI i HiM>»»aLJrA'^ i* ear StM» aurf kav


mim Attsmu

\SKI ail

^ i n L L T O D a M B T


\s&km 1991 lii lei ^InL New Tail «dl s i Ue »ri hag set M fii^ alike AM It fan it Mljn^jvnk-k n ; ^ m ^ w k %^UkwtmMk teaii

Meiil iod Groceries •4^^a I^HQLH^JI^

We have nwrnHrd one of the terf A niwif ooonten oo tne •

yoa boy. Y M wii~&cMicai itaiy and

We will

EllevcMi cowiy tubercqim teartedTmoit of tfamr years old, f m to be fresh in September and Octdber; two-

2Lnd colts, carriage, ronaJSout, miDc wagon, left-band two-horse p^m, Z shof^ jilows, doable set wagon harness^



grrindstoDe, cross cot saw, log cbain,^T2^r cooler, wheat cradle, carriage pole, riifing caili¥ator,lot of double trees and smgle trees. TERMS:--Sams of $10 and onder, cash; over diat amoant

ipaaaad xtrnm^k"

jin" -" Hin, «a ipeik arith kM favily.

0<wM Kaya, jr , wha 1

gTandeathar. retanad bMe at St. Dma.

a credit of six mondiswii be s^ven, the purchaser exccu-X-Snttheb«.erf

af bia

- •

ting interest bearing, na^otiable note with approved security,l^J^ '^« oavable at the Pe(»ies Ratioaal Bank of Manassas. W" .- f \

; k W .'i^..*.- A—*• * > I AucV F. a WYNKOOP - " a D HINER

Woody ud« Sifliday-Beavoa, iriw k

a(>ni. MiaB Laetae*L«Kf«rd ia va

hut-mAt i-acaia—they will

to Eat

My tine etnlvsces Staple and Fancy Grooeries

Tin sad E m m d w a r e

O a i B AM K OUnKB



1 Wc mrareeiatc the liberal aatrasac* af the n^bhr at wmt QCICK LimCX DEPAKTMKVr. W« w S ri««ya ha t:tad ta Btrrc jau &t


Page 3: GREET xie eatre - Prince William County, · Virginia'a portion of this amooat i s $700,000 and a p«at-efl«K wiU be put,


of CTideaoet i i ^ i i i f t,

tBAftfBAUm with

—HtrfirtJBB ty B^B>y Fwt wrf fay fl>e

Mr. FOT4 MN)d kk njin^OM &r

'wUds k far Jb . aettr iBX «

Xr. Fari, hMpfOy, Mmooneea Qmt tihe «MMy WW tite SMltairt * H t of Ins til Ml Ml flr voHh to lSbMi tfa^ «««• aix fieBTti JB «B n i ^ tiptan tt inrfcilM « nafiwSM «r tte

9 ^ mmt BBfortawite-«cx)aE, ier wliitk we «Be xcapaHoUea faat for -Nttch it JB iliijii—ililf to •wign. a CBne—dw land cf «R«r tiHtt the • £ -tsr aiwsy* wvd* to IhUmc on .the lniatet'B Aen\ the figncs in siqiple-

« « Xr. XeetJie M i « i tend fa Me GUvis^ cofaBBB, Hid Tioe «ana, anak-a « tt •>pBT fiMt l b . Qi6««r ted c«r xiad Mr. Meetw'a itoa^ taimtji. wlndi b fltrtne, aad «h(ii« Xr. <mwm a majaritir IB iflw JMi if t tt j jad i he ia

cteim. I TlSs table waa ptorted }aat-«aek«a

an • ! • wiatfc rt f i r fhnr irf " ^ *—" M a « afts- aleetaaa ta «MaiB HK^ftfi^] f U z f a r ^vote, aad arfaae t t e W l f i u « M M ^ ^*ate «aa gn«K (yr-raet^ « J z a t ji^fcriatiil. we r e ^ r i r t hJTmt^u

and Farm Pix>diK^

Fat Cattle Showi THE FEATURE



precaUc tlw


of • •

l.f«yB Its iMMB M F M V f M t



iMmiti n are t te hrt«»t flem ia New Tar t ; aiad • 9S te OM Aay a ^ i T


— r — — - T - — • — : — - ^ :

I Wor FroMsOirt appl to -die | ime sL-L6dL

la tlMB* dar* af pniAtMrtaK. v ^ t te h«k eaat af trriat i i a loal i l l .

bf • . $ U i w a a i » a

« ! > •

Aa lane aa anybody'* =••• I« ctiD wMBiaad h««

Twill toocli aa «D onleai we ifeai* TW bardiB aad tlw tear

—Folcer McKioaiV.

the «r'«DMOND6*

NkiiiiRyt l A R A S S A l





Page 4: GREET xie eatre - Prince William County, · Virginia'a portion of this amooat i s $700,000 and a p«at-efl«K wiU be put,


BRHieCALNEWS Cooaeil will be h M a l i o a d a y «v«tii&g a t the TowB Ball.

will mMt in resular •—itoa at the rtwittihrnitii on Jvttinx^—'—

wicb • B 4 - M U U M S tHQ b« played to-morrow aft^w^oon on Bound Athletk Firfd.

—There are said to be over 12,000 Tinriiiee at Quantieo at the (veeeot time. 'Eifht t h ^ m n d arriTed 'iurt 11 r f k frnni (ITITIMI r

— M j » IKiabeth Larlda enterti^Md a few yoonc people Tueaday e u n i n c at the hoMW of Mr^ and M n . C. H. Larlda os IPeet eteeet.

—A Bnnetjiiy of the Ladies' MentOr rial Atoodatfon of Maneitet will be held at Red Ooaa headqoartera Wed-ne«sday afternoon at three o'clock.'

—Mr. S. C. Harley, committeeman for Priaoe William county, attended a

But Vailay, the wril-taMwn T « M ted by Mr. # a t e TteTn-, oi

imMmim t^HSmryiVSm on Prf t and w ^ inataaUy Idlted. hia

nedc beins <bnAen ^ the fal), Hia cciored jockey. Codie Moxria. of ^ioea-


meeting of the Maryland and Virtrinia milk producera' aaaociation in Waah-ington yeaterday.

—A meeting of the Manaaaaw Boy Scout troop will be held a t Bsffner Building tomorrow evening - * t 8 o'clock, according to the attMuneement of Scoutmaetar | L O. ffibb.

—Mr. R. Hairy Lee, aon of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lee, who. arrived home from France a short fiine Ago *Bd )>** been honorably discharged from the service, haa aoceptitf a position ia Washington. ,

—Mr. Fenton M. Foley, one of the oldest and hg««; Inwrn i-i^wMnm fff | { a i - : shall, died at hia home on Angoat 4, says tlte Paoquier Democrat. He leaves one ^aagbter, Mrs: A P. Kib-ler, and four grandchildren.

—Mrs. W. I. Steere left yesterday for Cottage Cfty Sani6irinm^ Marr land, whertT she wilt"be under'treft-ment for several werics; She waa ac­companied by Mr. S t e m who will n -t a m tb'Maaaaaaa this week.

—BIr. Charles Tnmer Weather-holtz and Miss BeidahWeUa, both of Fairfax county, who left .home last week to attend a miuatrd ^shew-in' Maaassaa, ooiiitft»ed the Journey to Rockville, Md>, nAitra they w o e qniet-Ty»M^ried.

—:i!aJ«"*^P. Britton, of Bristow, ImgemH^BftA a c a B toehold a aeriea of

for ^ d e r J^L. Gotfaiie, who Hgyendgt ChMreh of

Brethren ia f ^ w r Sandttaky, Ohio. ThA menljng 4a t* b«gi« A"-grust 30.

—The Q d p ^ e r town -coimeil has appropriated fHMHt^jtake care ef tiie


borg, soatained a badly amaahed arm, but fortopytely wa^ tttA, otiwi liaii ia-')nrad^-^l/ondoun Times. , •

-i FrieaaiTef Pr. Charies P. Biwsall. I l iaijun who waa defeated by Mr. PiankHa j i , Williama ia the Fair&x race for the House of Delegatea.'have given up tha idea vjf. e<mteatiag the election, accord­ing to Fairfax and Loudoun newapa. pars. It waa tlaimsd that l i ^ g u h y i -

tiets feiBma til th> viiitftf tgwafetr which vat Mr. WiUiaan U 4 maijar-ity. After eoonad had been engaged conference waa held sad t l^ ^ a a tima-doned.

— n a n s are being slowly matured for the bringing of eleetrie lights and power from Alexandria to Vienna and Fairfax. It ia proposed to buy the current from an Alexandria l i ^ i ^ C company and to aeU it to the people of Fairfax county along the propoaed ex-

To do this a stock company with a capiUI of about $M,000 will be fcrnned<~—Fair^fax Herald.

—A camping party whfeh left "The Hermitage," the home of Mr. and Mra Rich«rd H. l « e , last week, haa been «ajoying a stay near Charies Town, W. Va., fishing, bathing and motoring ov«r the fine roada ne«f Charles T9wn. Membera of the part? iadude Misa Carolyn H. Lee and Miaa Calla Gesnell, af Washington; Mr. Prank ^Cock^rille ami aiater, ef Greenwich; MJM Vtryinim ?.«» »n/t Mi and Robert Lee and Mr. and Mrs. E.

Mr. aad Mra. R. M., Matthew and SOD passed through town Tpeaday en route to Washington, after spending! * w n i a i n iiilh Mr. BL P: Badfey.

Mr. and Jf t i . W.-X:^^ylor, of Mil- j ford Mills, w*re rseest Washiagtmi

M. P. O'Oallaghaa, of Athens, ( ^ , haa been visitinc his fao i ly near

Misa Margaast BoEshaagh, af Bar-age, Md., b thsgwaat e< )mtmmX,Mr%. I. K rnwwn

R.- Fitshngh, of Greene county.

^ A n .automobile hHonging to Mr. Mr. 0 . C. Carlin, in which w o e the family of Mr. Carlin and two friends. waa run into near Predei'ick, Md., by a sidecar motorcycle' m~whieh 'were two Baltimore men. Only the eiq>at driving of the Carlin <^> « Miiwr.mT whb Stopped ids-do- Jnstas the wheels were touching one tff the men on the ground, prevented a seriona accident. N o one was injured, though tiie bnmp-(9' of the automobile had to b e courted to £ree the fork and the hfendlehar iA the atotoreycle.—^Fairfax Herald.

—Mr. Robert W. Adamaon, who has bem in Wariiiagtaa for aeyerali montha, has returned t o Mswasiras and ia now., in partnerahip wife'Mr. George

honor of in the service ^%e c w n l ^ Mnrd of supervisors has indicated . its wQIiBg-ness to contribute.

—Mr. Dave Waller, of Bread Bun, has been quite ffl fk« s ix w e ^ s . Af­ter three operations in two weeks, we are glad w ieeara Ike is' rteadily im-proving thosgh not yet a U e to leave his physician'sjew^m^ W M ^ J ^ B J ^ ^ Fauquier BwnoMat. ~

—Mr. Everett O'Ncil, son of Mrs. Dennis CNeQ, who haa been visiting here since his return from overg^M, has accepted a poaitiMi with the fire department a t Camp HumiAriea, where his brother, Mr. Dennis O'Neill also home frosi_france^ is employed.

—Rev. Weatwoed Hntehiaon. «rf I t t -

B. Cocke, tO. Godce's Pharmacy. Ui Adamsen, n ^ is ttsnson irf^Mra. R. i. Adaimson, i»~«iM a reghitered'phar-

B e was bom nad. raised in

a boy at the diug^ sUiie uwiieJ Mi: Walter Shannon, now «f Norfirik, wiio sold hia boaineaa^lKre to Mr. W. Frai Dow«B. Beth Mr. CociM and Mr. Adanuon Are sous iii tfcn of Mr. and l b s . C. E. Nash.

—'the People's National Bank of Leesbnrg is exhibhing^ twe Itank d a d a Which are briieved U* b e - B i e oldest checks now in eristenfe drawn tXk a^AiQSrisiB btuDit, The first, dat­ed May 19, 1*788, and drawn for tite

Mr. T. P. HnttoB, <rf Govaas, Md. «riio oiias proiprt?, in. Willmrt, made^A bqsiiirpBj^rip t^ th ia aection lart wedc^

Ml. and Mis. J. M. Huf • • • — i n

nassas, officist^ on August 12 at the}famons Baron gtenben, who was the marriage of Miss l lary D. Chartters, d a a ^ t e r of Mr. a i. Chartters, and Mr. M«rm»Ti r B1«W, yap..)/Ml- I. » I ai^ tiM. y ^ p ^ ^ . f I i - i» PiailiB WJI. Blake, the cM^eaKiiiy hrtag pttftoiinnd- i isMs^l?. -ft-A^-a^sattiar e i Mr,-Hag. at Berea B^itist Ckstdt in Btcf^vd county. ,' _ ' - • . - ,

—Mr. W. L. Covostooe haa. paor-chaaed the l&(Lne«a_farm of,Mr. J. H. S tede on the SwQey road and wilLtake posseeaion NovenAer 1. Mr. Cenji-stope came t » Manaaasa Cram the Val­ley a few meatha age' and Maa hatn living on the p i e p i l y "ef Ml;. M. J. Boabong near ta«« .

—Mr. .J . B . GercntHlt^^hM chased the gencnd nwrdtaadis* inesa of Mr. W. Attoe Wood at W d -Tington and took' day. Mr Wond

last Pri-

HuMsh ft- Clarfcsan at bosiaess of Haymarket, new managea>eat on Monday. ^

—Miss Julia W. Lewis has aol4 the.

now orropied kgr T M B J a r g c i t n r W S i C l ^ ^ a to Mr. Renjasiin Binhsr, e«-aeet t s nl le , Albcmarie eeunty. Tlte prop­erty includes tite twenty-eight aeras a< land; Mr. Rinker wiU take ppinssion Oetobsr 1.

—Senator Thomas S, Martin, of Virginia, majority laaJer in the sen­ate, is again undcrroinr trea»"»*»»« «t nf Coafe^ a €^r}otte«vilIehe«pital . Phyiieiaas attending Ima say he-is making good progress and will aoan be able to re-ram te his heote. T U s ia Sanater Martin's second visit t e the "heapttal this aommer.

fonnerly Miss Annie Dean Miteh«l]|. now residing'at Wilmingtoo, DeU are

B Q T , who afterward was viee-presi dent of the United SUtes in Jeffer-' aon's administration, aad who kiOed Alexander fiMnilton in~ tlie famwta d a d at Woehawkan n Mfti. T i e second cheek, which is for |1S, U-dat-f Beat(«viUe, W a n t a eoonxy.

Miss Elizabeth 0 7 W 1 ^ n s t u M d

tot^esrilie. ' Mr. H. W. Saadera aad Mr . 'V . B Bullock i^ttended Qm Warn^tea s b e v Wedheeday.

Miss Susie £teaar, of Washington, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J a n e s Weir Birkett.

Mr. Worth H. Sierke, of the Ptap&s Bank, is spen(ttng hia vaei|ti<m with relatiyea in New Jersey. _

Mia* Catharine W d r hM retunied from a visit to Harriaoab.urg Paris, Fauquier county.

Miss Flmrence Kincheloe, of Alexaa-dria, spent several days this week wiUt Mrs. E. Wood Wsir.

Mr. J o h n ^ Wilson left ysetenlay te spend a week's vacation with rdattrea at Paris, Fadqpoier conaty.

Missea Helen and OUve CampbeU, of Washington, visited their cousin. Miss Helen Cannon, last week.

Mrs. J. H. Burke. Maater John -H. ****• Hftj^sklf^il^-.^KannHa^a

were Washingtim visit^n* today. - Mr. J. Parker Mllbum, of-VieniHi, examiner of ,records> for this section,' was a Manaaasa visitor yesterday.

Mrs. J. C Meredith, accompanied fty-Mrs. H, T.. Willis, of Waisi -rec«itly viuted dhesapedce Beach.

Meaara.^. T. Dromhdler and E. D. Wisaler have been visiting at Wttynes-

>rb, Mr. DrumheUer'a former home. Mr. P a d Rexrode, who reeeatly re­

turned fifom Prance and Germany, ia visitii^: his fajliier, Mr. J. H. Rexrode.

Mr. and JIzB. .H. H;_Fldieity , of Roanoke, have been visitiag Mr. Fla­herty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Flaherty. ^ _

Mrs. Prank Neville Back and her i i t ^ son aad daughter, of Nerfdk. are vidting Mr^ Bod^s mother, Mrs.

little grandson, .a€ M a a d o , spent Sat-mMlay at^tbe home of tiidr daughter, Mrs. 1.1!: Breed«n.

' Mrs.' Allen Laws Oliver and her two llttte tens, of Cape Girardeaq, Mo., are visiting Mrs.- Oliver's fstiwa, Mr. J. ]& Xeaclu^an.

Mra. B. Lynn Robertson has retuni­ed. ^ v m Mount Vernon. N. T., where she w i s the guest of her parents, Mr. a a | . I C rs , .A .H . j a e g e r - - _ _.;^ _

Mrs. M. 8 . Graftin, of Baltimore, » sum of %tAM, i s -^gse f f by Aaron | visiting~liar son-in-law iind deaghter,

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C TnOoss, at their home on West street..

Mra. R.~A. Finndl has returned to the home ef her sister, Ipn . B.-J. H d -dcB. after a visit^to^her d d home a t

New Member of Firm

ed Jan. 20, 1792, and is dgned by the

old driUmaster of the coatinentd aAny in )i» Amcriam rsvdntisa. Thqc

Waiiaais, ef Londeua.



Wr. Gei»se R. SmitiV'adjutant ef

l>nrg inviliag i I of Ewdl Camp

ef Confederate Vetamas,

Wednesday aad Tharaday, Sep^nber 2 to 4. The atate normd ached doiMutbijes fcavr^pen engaged

e f viaitan and. raem aad meaia may be tea at Oia apodal rate of $1.S0 par day. Tlw

ed a liSH I t e HMke tina one of the awet egjfynhle and larfety attended remions ever bdd ia Virginia sad ftr this reason the elvea aad daeghters

te attend. EweO Camp wiU hold a mreting at

the Netienal Beak ea Saturday, Au geet » . at H e'deek. at which time

for ty trip win plated aad the adjutant will be enabl ed 10 •tfvtse'thk'ltarrisenba tee concerning the attendaaee from this aectioB. All Confederate Mkhers

now contemplatinir a return to the | »r« invited to attend this meeting. fa rm which was presented to them aa Sons of veterans are especially invit-


Mr. and Mra^ Charies C. Wenrich and thdr Kttle acm, e f Washiagten, have been visitinc Mr. Wcnridi's par^ eats . Mr. aad Mra. H. p.-Wenridi .

i fr^Aylet t V a a e a h i ^ retnnech t» Washint tau after j Q ^ d g i g a few days with his Cather, Hb, John & WQ-eon. and-his-gsaadatethar, Mrs. Leu N i e ^ " " ' --

Miss fialcyen fiaO. w4w haa been tile guest a fher onde and aant, Mrs. J. L. Han«B, \A W^iumimr foistsl, 'eir i o ^ l e her Jbenw kt Little BedcArfc .

Mr. and Mrs. J. A

it has becMM BcecaBary tkat we take OB flmc fw«e. " i T i l i


iagton, visited D f u l i n lest w

and Mrs. J. L. aad ware .^aeeem,'

W. A^MUttn, t^B/aaJty kaornn as 'Vobbie^ to Us Mends at larfe. He is eonectad wiUl our JbnsaesS and wffl Irt fadird c U to kave

^ "•HP* «•< P*<nMH<c ef an his friea^aiad we o a afBsreikr: »MlB« id evSMstoaHfs m IHLITKK HKKVICK miT^mntM^ JWOIffTAJTESnCHtMLALL. ^ ^ . • "•

rtOUR TOmG-AND SUNDRY UNE fe beii« adde# to YHd if there ia aa^tUaK we have hiipiiind to i aai w r w S he ealy t«> dad to onkr aaae for ]

*V lllil


W O h v S a s i ^ af Nennk,!

is apendieg tiw s e ef Mr. and Mrs.

ar a t the ha M. WaDw.

Broad Ben.y Mr. and Mrs. A A. Codzan,

neyd cuMul/^dafBtSar< Mie. W. E. Trasler hwt week.

Mr. aad Mrs. William Beid aad chil­dren, ef Bettimate, and Mrs.;yeiia D . |


f i r ' -"



-flfflt AM. NIGHT AND KMKRGBNCY > O O R N ^ W ^ J R C T I AND W m T S B m E l S . - _ _ ^ . , ^ _ „


Mr. and Mrs. Nervell Leikfai, oa.Mam street.

' l b s Leha D. Mcts b a guest a t the home of Re*. C Wirt Trainham. at BnilBCUa, King and tjoesn county.

Hen. C. J. MeetM, Bev. Behert L. Lewis, li^r. E. R. Conner and Maater Edgar C4aatet attended the Warrenten

Mrs. Pale S. Vwablte . ef WeshiM ton, waa a recent f a s t ef Mr. aad

Cocke s Pharmacy -f^Ot^— - B. w. ADAMBON

• eddinif present by their father. Mr t to attend and join the camp

Mrs. Robert T. Myes^ of Meridian. Miss., is visittajT bar mothw, Mra. Margaret Lewii.

Mrs. Bessie Newman, of Waaluas-u>n. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R.


Meen. «BT» the Dm-ke eerres- • ir t/y the Fairffljc Herald. Mr - ,i rra.iij.H'f nf ManaRS«« Hier

mMnorv of their fathers who served i Conner. ""h The Confedemcv ir. the war he-


jy r. -lia.'^^i'^.

Mr .T W French, of Washin»rton. , _j ^ . -me of .Mrs, M. V O r w


Y o u r Si ;./-n • ->

Page 5: GREET xie eatre - Prince William County, · Virginia'a portion of this amooat i s $700,000 and a p«at-efl«K wiU be put,


KID AY. AUGUST 22. 1519 1 ^

-wiBHAWiMraa mpBMAT^ MAfJAXJAS. vnu^nnA PAUL

Mrs. Kate Saadltll ^pAt last waric with Mias ftar]fBafao&, near Brtatow.

Mj3>»SJnaiiB >n<Hna» Margtrtt Lina, Cft AiaMMd ia^ awA BareT-S . Griffith and Kiaa Etauar Gtiflttii, af Waahin«toil, viaitad^ Mra. D. R. Lnraa yesterday.

Mr.« and Un. L. J. MoqtfMr avd Bon, accompanied by Kr. and Mrs. J. P. Matthew, atotorad oat fr«M Vaah-Ihgton U) apaiKl ti>$ mafc ••< witk Mrs. Martha Matdkcw.

Mra. Boberta Lyna and her gtand-dauciiter. Mitt Looiaa Ayraa, hare re-iamad from CharlottaaviUa, whera they Vara the gneati of Mra. I^n'a •later, Mrs. E. 1^ CarroD.


•"'bobert Barrow, mother and itaphaw of Uii.lL B. Allred, haw retamad to Bnrlington. N. C, afttf a ahort viait to Mr. and Mrs. AUrad. ' Mra. J. C. Maro«»th, witb Mr. Joaapfa CoefcOTiile, MIM Katie CociwriUe and Mitt Oiith Laws, of Greenwich, siMnt seMBMl d a y rixnUy at. Wslrinrf, Md ,

Catharpiw «UM H.y k.!,* _.»-^ Xy by Aoixwvff'CoadCfl, Ifo. 43, Or­der Kratemal Amcneaas, was well at­tended and a soecess in esazy—acax. Abaat $210 waa taken in at tlie <».iia-jpendin( some time with Mr. apd ireahaMBt fable, which was ia charge <rf a committae of iadiea of Sodley CSuireh, and the proceeds will be tiaed for the benefit of tha x^inreh. Tha gate'reoei^ta aatoonted to aboat fl03.

Three Kaaaaa of bidl were ptAyad, the first betwyi Oatfcar^ and Green-wieh^wiiich rttnlted in a victoiry for Catharpin, the scoate hting 9 to 7. Tha seeoad same, between the JnBi<»

ifr« Jnh« I w««p« m,u y««tfflr]tiaim fj <>rt«r|». u d Haymarkct,


«f-people ciuity meeting on Sunday.

JOaa-GMTgia MiMiaU. of CUften.

was another victory 4ar Catharpin, the score being • to 2. The-thiad-waa tween Aldie and Gainesville, Gaiaaa-.yille being Ticterioua by the aeore of 18 to 10. '

0«t^-1Vwa Meaibcrs Atteai. Among tha lodge members from a

where t h ^ were tibe g»ml»^^ Mrs. T. H. Medley. ^

llrs. A. J. Adams, accompanied by h«r daiigbtor, Mrs. L Q, Hawkins and Mrs. Hawkins' baby son, Clarke, all of Waahington, hava b a ^ viaiting Mrs. Adams' danghtar. Mrs. W. P. Lattin, near Msnassts

Mr. and Mr*. J. P. Matthew and Mr. Thpmaa linriian, who have ^een vis­iting relativea and firiends II Sione Hooie, left Tnesday for their homea in Laa VegM, Ney. . Mitt Marion Lewis and Miss Elaa-Bor Lewis have retnmed from a abort viait to relatiTCS at AnHapoiis, Md, "nnf were accompanied home by Mr,


f '^t

ton for a short tame. Mrs. BobMt A. Hotehuon and

Mittes Ruth and Elixabath Hntehison liave retnmed.irom a viitt to rdativea ui j!Jew York. Mr. Hatcfaasen went to Kew Yurk tl».meci Chem. -^—


were: Meaars. Frank WiUiama, of Wast Virgiaia; Samort Cronefa, oi Leesba^; James Pearson, of t^rtoa, Fairfax coimty; Doaglas, Harv«y, aarence and Walter ^ Mcintosh, of Middlebnrg, and Lyndon Andersoa, of Washington, D. C.

Miss Annie Tolley, of Soath Caro­lina, is the guest qf her cooain, Mra. R. h r^mr,m «» ^i»l^»l^. Hil l

Mrs. O. M. Doaglas. Mr. R. C. lUmbo has letemed to Us

home in Alexandria. - Mils San Crewa. of Washington, spent the wiesk-end here with bar mother, Mrar W. -G. Crwse. —

A recq>tion was given Wadassday afteraooB ia booor «( M«i9r R. S. keyser. who has jast rstmtad ixtm France.

Mr. R. L. Jacobs, H Waahingtaw,

i(m GO TO THE TSOUBLK? J. ffp to UM tro«Ue eC eoak

•Bitforyoo. HWe carry a fofi Hae of FOOB-tain and B»tUe DriBk% LOWMT'S ChomlatoB, dcarctta*. Clgan aadTvbacco. IWe atrive to vkaM—Try M .


OaaBty ft^^SAvMs Ffirit CaMidHatian

•pent ttie week-«Ml at hia heme bei*. —Mw Eliaabet|>-KaHyi al Pittabw^jhg PA., is visiting hsc paBenta. Mr. aad Mrs. Eugene Keyser.

Mitt EUa Crewe, of California, is visiting relativaa in the no^dtorhoed.

Mr. William B. N. Brookea, af Wsshingtitn, Mrs. Brookes at •^dgawood."


Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Brower, jr., and their snudl daaghter and Min Bartha Larriek, of Round Hill, viaitad bme the first at the week and attond*d the field day.

Dr. J. L. Sanford and Mr. Frederitk Sanber, of Clifton, spuit a few days •trtlh tlU&da b«w lUli wwh^ '—*" ~

-Peraenal Mtaptio*. Mias Edmonia FUtie is visiting rel­

atives near MidAebnrg. "" -Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bngeaa and

children, of WaiOiingUm, are gneata of Mia. Dm'geaa' parents, Mri. and. MiiSir

It seems that ill lock has a griev­ance against oSur genial friend, Capt. John O. Eariy, says the Grene County Record. ConsUble ShiiUtt liavfaig forgotten his promise to come over and help pnt the fa»y away,



CoaMaatioa of Cakdui Ox-

9t Umt aaJPotoA to Wator Soiable For


IKEATERDU (Potaaii LtoM)

Analyaia AprO 24,1919 CakioBi OxMe (BMO)^ . . . ,37S2i Macr-esiim Oidda . . . . . . . .0177 Sniplinr Tria^Ma> ASM

^<ihfe :€^K-Ellis«ft..


•dr«i, of; Ljrachfrarg, have been -visits Ing at the hoase of Mrs. Roberta Lynn.

Miss ^izi^>eth Pope has zetomed-fcpm a visit to Miss Mainie Ora Shoe-

vmaker, near E^ttainirgh, Pa. Miss Maary Sendees, who has been

y t Colnn.Kip TM/-h«f«' CaV\^ff., KfW

York; viuted her brot^«. Ms. H. W. Sanders, dnring thp week, leaving for her home' at Richmmid Wednesday evtttii^, acconmaiiiftd by Mr. Sattdeim.

^"_\. Hon. C. A. Smdjir, of the Hoose oi Delegates, eame home £n»n RfrhmixMl to spend t l» wedr-euJ with his iamilyr

Mza. Harry Beavana and d a n ^ tar, Mias May Beavans, of Wanhing-ton, ir«e xecent goeats <rf Mr. and Mis. J. n. Biulm. • —

BIr, aad Mrs! Walter WararfoTHMii-1 U U O B ^ ^the fruat door. ly of Sudley Farm, who moved ta Proctor, IQmkra tewnears a0o. *av* retained to X^rginia and wiU l i ^ oa Mountain View ^arm in Fairfax county.

;M»Mm. Winston and Clarenee Mc-Ihto^, of Middlebnrgrwere-gwarta of tteir brotiier, Mr. James Mclntoah, the first of the wedL. ' ' T '-

"Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lyndon Ander-

Capt Early recently .mounted the hay loft and n id laddie cook! go to the biases. Finks Early and Will <M-Qer hauled the hay up. The trio were waking fine progni«ss when Cap­tain happened to arouse some bees that had a nest ia tlie lofi and ferth-wlth lliay aUacked liim; Mr.- Baily beat soeh a Ijasty retreat that he either f^ or rolled through the hay hole to ^le floor below with i ^ o t a hundred beea urf^ng him on « i & their stingus. As a residt^his left tog waa painfnUr -fanrfc—CaptT Eariy .bryhe a toe tiTbig to kidc tha bouse cat

atTcoatact with a sockmg chair wlntk be had set observed waa be

bim kiMl the cat.

TMalPotosii Watw StrinUc Potosh.



rSUffWeGrow WHY?

^ B e A ^ S E - ^ Tilia ia a ttnm^ careful, safe and stioeesafal institu­

tion. It is a fnming, active, up-to-dato bank in erety par^ular -

^ B E C A U S E Yoor aeeeant will beltp^e^Oed by this bank and

-jfourM«3:«rt.wp^jUwitfirjecpn^ .

B E C A U S E ftnr fnndn •rr" ffinried bV a modern burglar-proof

safaand with full ibsorance.

• ; B E C A U S E Ow OAccrs are experioiced bankers. Oar dlrecton

are wcQ-known, wdl-to-db busincaa mat. " ____ .

B E C A U S E —^—If you are not a cuetomer of this hank, let thia be.




an invitation to you to become one.

Hie Peoples Natioiial Bank i OF MANASSAS, VmGINLA:

t&9x&es««s»es:e^s^ess^xe^rs^»tesi3^^ The Toiiiiisl n aad worth H The Jonmal—$1 and worth It



eon, of Washington, spent a *ew daya this week with Mr. aad Mrs. L L An-dersuu aud attended^fee fidd day.

Mn. A'driine HoCFman a n d j b a . J. g. Hotfma1i-ape«^ Thaiaday with Mrs,

Mr, awl Mrs Vfmm Wi T<kr sari ^iBdicn are vastting: Mr. tdike's lela-tivas at Happy OctA. Mrs. Lakemad

M a ^ And Dorothy Lake have viaiting aelatives in Cincianati,

Ohio, jmd Edward and Chaxitt have tnen at Happy Cinek aQ the suauwr.

Mra. Cbrenee Flanm«, artw has teen the gqaast of rdatrves and fiaea^Jn Fauquier an l U^dmrnxooB-fiea, jqiwnt aevesd ^ y s last week w t h IKV si^beia, Jlxa. A- S. Harrison and Ifis . R. N. Wrean, of Bemdon, tetec •m jn'wing to bcT.biHBe iMaT ManBBsaa.

Bev. and Mta. DeFi»est Wade have -returned from a vacation' trip to Reiteley ^uringa, W. V*., Tbey were aocoovanied .by Rev. I b ^ J R a i r t moUmt and aiatKS, Mia. P. .D. WaSe Aad MMM LSVlpla aial Flerenar

^^Waite, of Greenwood, S. C, wiio .are tUr^gncsts at the manse

Mr. and Mrs. ASiseil A. Hooff, AU^ son A. Hoeff, Jr., *nd ^ohn Boeing

•'Bo«« have setaned feott a visit *> 1 TnlalrfT •- Oiarlaa Town. W. Va.

MWrtSCOtgi C B w d baa leUuaed HUM a \dWt te PmL nnd Mta. H. 9. Button, of Farmiagdale, Loaig Uand, and i^attma in «<3Mr parta of New Tort - -

Min Mary Roaanberger aad Mitt TTtoii nttaa»sr>ir Irfff TfffflilhT ^

at JeffersoatOB,. Cnlpeper eennty. lEte- Mary keaenbeTgar tufauuud

Tnra dsj fnr-r Faadericlrshwrg, * ) * »

Aadrey and Mai^rat rmr. e« Broad ROB, aad Mitt NeQ Cave, of fiatnaa-ilTr atotared throogb Maaaa«

where tbey attended «ha

baby SMI, Herman. o€ tng the week were tbe Benaey's parenta. Dr. Simpautf.

-—Mr. and-Mrs. « . - & Hjnaon^ and taarily are spendiHy eame- -time ai-tbear bongalow 6a Occoqaa run.' Mr. and Mn. Hynson have as Uieir goesta Mrs. Hynaon's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. aad ] 6 B . Brooke Gocb-nauer, aad her sister, MK*. J. M. Kincheloe, #n of Upp«v9a, apd hm niece, Mrs. Pieilutek Ant^ a* Grove, N. J. .

, Among thoaa who attended tb* 'camp meeting at Benton's woods on Sunday wrte Mr. snd Mrs. C. E. Fisher. Misses -Gertrude and risber, Ehner rBrll«r. Mr. awJ "Mrs: CoUe J Timmons, Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Bausermsn and their little aon, Charlf^ ar-i Mr and Mrs. B. C. Com-w»>ri »..•.: Ib<>'r sons. Cietn«it «n<* r4«r-

-jirti(^ w^nt to Loudoun

Mr. Jamea W. Keys, of Baltimore, Md., is visitintr his nkttt, Mts^ Lizsie Itnnini '- _ _

Edmimd Wilson, of Middtobarg.


' . ' . ' , BtnS WANT** Bide - ^ be reedvcd nnfil Septem­

ber Ifiu. fmr famishing wood and denning ttdleta tX Bacan-IUce School, tat tibe term <A in»-8K, wniiafing a<

Tba w«.d to * ^ J f » * * ^ ' « ^ M o n d a y . ionxA dry ^ney^awfod and s^rt, noC^J'!^^ over 18 indies long, intb s n t ^ l e kindling teec Htme. ,

The toilets to be cleaned «adi month or mm>e oft<n if ifeeessaqr-

The beaxd xesenw t te . ^ ^ tn *e-jeet aiy-Qg- all hidiL ,

•Adifaeaa all bada to W- A . Xidmril. Cleric, Haaa«y, V*. "

Mr: Charles Gordon is' viuting at Hii home in Albemarle comity.

Mr. C- R. Earhart mot«H«d to M»-naaiMs Saturday.

Mr. G. C BaUey,-^ ataiitey, anA^Mr. Richard Thoorp vistted tlC the home of Mr. e . P. Ennis this week.

T S H M UOMW lUMr-l neas trip to Bealeton last week.

Mr. Marshifll , Beavers sp«it the week-end with Mr. N ^ Ennia. «f NokesvOle. ^ -

Mrs. J. W. Faanoa B on the aide Jist

Mr.'Gaocxe Eanis and family, Biiateiaburg, vbittad -at-tba-his bretbv,. Mr. Conidias I

Mr. '^doks, «f Bytbaore, & vi£tr fiag his aister-inrlaw,. Mra. Sampaim Beain^ ^

Messrs. N. SOB have n

Ef Ennis and J. D. Pear-tnmad frsM a Vait to,


T * * -T T " ^ ^*r%ffrr T.n«i|»—tbey wfli

bring wnuKa.

^FCOWS iwai

I' a^^kpt 10 • y CBtira

Tkto herd ii i i l it i ^ abMrt forty Hshrtilna. newly • • ^ thwn nia»d «• my

AMa theoM Gearsetown aM a ^ eppeaite the fara ef Mr. trict, MsnUwtry C—ty. Ma.

AM G ) \ ^ TubercuKne Tested 'TERMS OF SALE—AH ewh, T —e third caah, batonec to

nd ato Maths on svitob^ \%i\n\l naton whIA mmA fit aattoinetotr^ a r altoraq*.

TWB is an opportMiity to secare a »aad herd «r atotte eowB.

TALBOTT h PRETn'MAN, EDWARD J. STELLWAGEN. Attomers, RoekvUto, Md. Owner.

TW»>7^^»W«W*>i .SOX. ABT'rfH.ABl.E^S 1. (uLLLLlSS..MAI»ai<"r



W U t e

•19^1 MAN

Duck PanU.


FfYMS Q N' S TTie Quality Shop Manassas, Virgini.

• i 4 i - . - ; i i S i i i . - . — -


Page 6: GREET xie eatre - Prince William County, · Virginia'a portion of this amooat i s $700,000 and a p«at-efl«K wiU be put,


mssfm JBE MAI>iAhSAS i O U K N A L , MA.NASS,VS, VIR( . IMA K K I D W , Al GTST 22. 19!?>


Bethel VaUmtma.

Preschias at 11 ». m. _ ,, NokeflTille—Prwduiw*t 2ttf p. m.

MBnaBajM PrMbyttttea CtaTCh, Rev. DeForeet-Wad*, FMtar.

Surday School «t 9:4$ k. m. BPISC(M>AL

Trinity Epiaec^al Cihvch, Bnv. A. Stuail QniWI, BlIUI. ^

Sunday School at 10 6'clodk a. m. Service first, aocoBd and fewCh

Sunday at 11 a. m.; termej Sumdtf st «:U0 p. m.

St. Ann's Memorial Chav^, Nekes-ville. Seryjce first Smidajr »t 8 p. m.;

- 1 » - | » - - • - -

MMWmri—nrat ai^ tUtd ^avktys



itDassas TitMfef Co.» W. I. ATRKT, Propristor.

- B a c c a t e , F w t t a w aotT Ot t i A r «f Mwrfhawdtae *r othw proaipdy traaaferred or <Ietty«raiL

third Sunday at 11 S. BAPTIST

Manassas Baptist Cfanicli, Benr. T. D. D. Clark, pastor.

fmrtny iaadaip flelweiiiJUi • i i morning service, 11 o'eioek; B. Y. P U., 6:45; evening service at 7:90.'


ciuciiKV una:

the mad lorscna. Mias Cmra Kail i i^, ^ Ateyapdria,

Hiclu last week. The people o< Cherry Hill are very

cathusiastie.over the prospect of bet­ter road eoi|dita<Mis. Improveaeats art h»i<n» marta niwtofr IW sapi

the partieiriar ^rtmtXM.

of Mr. J. Q, Crane, who has had sev erCl years, ejcperieaee in road boild' y^g ia several states.

Enoonraced by the praepeet of bat*. ter roods, several people in (be aeich-Aorhood have parehaaed antowriHles.

JJas^-H, > B«ih«y, »t MiaaiiiiiDn,

B W U t e

Wednesday—Prayer meetiac at 7:30 p. m. REV BAtfNETT GBIM8LBT*8 AP-

POINTMKNTS Broad Run, second sad fourth Sim-

• lays, 11 a. m. Hatchers Memorial, seeoid Snnday,

;i:3U p. m.; foorth Sunday, 8 p. oa:; rifth" Sunday, 11 a. m. *

Oak Dale, third Sonday,- 11 a. m., und first Sunday, 8:00 p. m.

Auburn, first Sunday, 11 a. « . , aad third Sunday 8iWp. m.

CATHOLIC All Saints' Catholie Omreh, Man­

assas, Father WiOiam < ^ , pastm. Mass at 7:30 a. m., first, third and

fifth Sundays. Second and fourth Sundays at 10:30 a. m., followed by Wnediction of the Blessed Sssrament. On the first Sunday of every month special devoti<Hi in honor of tiM Sa­cred Heart of Jeans.

MBIH0DI8T .ME. Church, Sooth, Bev. WflUau

Stevensr pastor.—— r-;

Made may aM nUsfaefory.

10QI R Street. Cenwr teniW WasliinsUHi. D. C.


-Offl^^lL t G. BuUdins —Viiftala

Geo. De Bakw Undertaker

AND UagSSBD Lee Ave., Near-C H.

EMBAUfES , Msnsssss, Va.

Prompt attention ~ ^ ^ all. orden. Prices as low as food service aad n» -terial wHl justify. Carried in StM*.

is spenrting a. few weain 4ri^ Mr. W. G. Bnriiey.

Mr. Qninton Caney has moved to Cbvry HiU. where, iie JUa a fwaitioa with the Distriet of CelnnilMa redac­tion plant.

Mr. G. e . Sootter spent Snnday in

Miss Josephine Willianu qtcnt the wedc-end here as the gaast of ]ir.aAd Mrs. John Hieks.

Mrs. Craa« and her daagMer, of Taunton, Maaa., are viaituMT Mrs. CraM'k aen, Mr. J. 6. Crane, for a few weeks.

Mrs. R. O. Wigslsswor^ and her dangbtw, Mrs. G. E. Soutter, wore in Washington <tti bosineas Mnwilay





i.ntiqrfy wowiw w w HAIM Pursuant to the terms of a <:qtaiH

collateral agreramit made and enter-

' ins,Heaars. Edward Parley, of wash-

Manassas—Sunday School at 9:i5. Preaching at ILa. m and 8 p. m. Epworth Leagne at 7:S0 p. m. Prayer meeting Wedneadty at 8:60

p.m. . ' Preaching firsthand. tUrd Smdays

at Bradley at 3 p. m. Preaching atj BoAliaU seeood and

fourth Sundays at S pu in. ~ ~ CHURCH OP THB BKBT8KKN Rev. E. £ . BlOfiq^jjSiier: Bav. 3.

M, Kline, assistant. , , , _ „ Cannon Branch-Sunday School at f^^^ ^^^^Lp^r*"*^ * "^'^

10 a m i**^^ •»•«*• ^ WBL-J . Parrish. and te ^ e salfl rentwnts,,tlMi

wQl olfer tar 8a|e at^fob-^ ane&on to tte ISgkea^Mdder for cash on the 2Srd day of Ai«ast,49i9, at 12 Vdedc, noon, in the Bank id Quahtico,' Quantico, Va., thtee cwtain T HiiiMji Biiitils, as iullmw. OHB fWuUl

Miss Myrtle Priest, at Washington, is spending a few days with her par­ents. - Mr. G. D. Amentront and fiunily,

e< Ohio, and Mr. N. H. Anneutront, ot. Aagi0ta Springs, reeentty vMted at tte home of Vr. 8. P. Armentnot and are now vufitang relatives in the Shaaandefth vmUef.- "BMJ are eaak-ing the trip by a»rtoa»elMle and are

Ooen Breedflb, w from this place.


son and the Bank of Qnantico, Qnan- ,-^— •—-.-^ ^ ^ . , .. . _^_^ tioo, Va., dated March 22, l 9 » , a b d l ' ^ " ' ^ _ r l ? Z^f^*^ S^^ James S. Goodman and the Bank of Qnratico, Va^ dated November' 29, 1918, and Wm. J. Parrish and tiie Bank ^ Qoa^tiee, Va., dated Seeonher 18, 1918, default having l>een made m the payment of a ndte <rf;$90.00 made hf

H. Wastei, a iiute dC MO.0O




Preaching first K(id~1lrirt at 11 a. m.

Christian WtnMrs St 8 pi. ni. Bradley^—Snnday Sdiool at 10 n. m. Preaching second and feurft Son-

days at 11 a. m. f lUMll l lBBAPfJBl .

PnmitiTe Baptist QmtA, S. Dalton, pastor. __

Services every fourth Sandyy at 11 a. m. and the Satarday |"'"''«»w>i|r at 2:80 p. m. - -

UNITED BBETHBEN. ReT L. C. Measick's appoiataMnts

follow: » Manassas—First and third Sundays,

iJUmHy B4Hid, par valoe fourth liberty Bonds of 160.00 eaA,

said Iwnds went attar>«"d to as collateral». seem tly as herein stated. .

9-6 - B; A . F I S H E B , Cashior.

ena a t y , Teeently virfted IGas GeeaBa Beavers.

Mr. Grady Coc^>a, of Waddngten, is visiting Us parents, Ifa. and lbs , , James Co |»er. '

Mr. Ford Stevens, who haa been in MJSi to his hmne and is alrte to be up.

Mr. Grady *Slioemaker aad faadly and Mr. J. C. Bean and fsmfly left by

lar A ^ to

- Mr. Levi Benven has tiaaglit eat the shoesbep of^Mr. D. £ . Woe^^nrd in Manassas; ' —Mr and Mrs J, Msetrsi Miss Ciss





TpGNs, mm



of tlie Kenhidfy Burley tobacco. A regular mfa*t


•|-l*T i -1 ' *'1 ^

Page 7: GREET xie eatre - Prince William County, · Virginia'a portion of this amooat i s $700,000 and a p«at-efl«K wiU be put,

i - K l l ) A \ . \ i < ,Lsr i»19 -??» MANASSAg JQpllNAU MANASSAS. VIRGINU



otdluKlMi «f li«T. Edward llkbor, pM-J' « » «t « » CHfton Baptirt C^<dCt Mondajr mominc at 11 o'eloek. TIM Biinisten yn» took part in the awr-•ice were Bev. \ . B. Jaekaoa, paator of the Pint Baptaat <aM»ck in Alex-awrfria, whn pneaeheJ the ewaei^i Bev. Weet«rood Hatdiiemi, of Maaaa-aas, who deliyered the charge to the church; BBT. T . D . D . Oark, pastor of the Manawee Baptist Chnreh, who <to-Uvered the charge to the cawiidata. and B«T. V. H. Coondll, of Warreo. ton, who preaoited the BiUa. SOT^ Mt. OuuiidU Mia KIT. H». Clark are



InvMt a i V t « f Ycpr S s n a f a m 'V/j Car^hiUj Plumed Bofldiag imdJa^voving



C 0


SiDffia GEaJNG


BLINDS \ « -





• •

s M O O


Of •



former paatore -of thia ehmch. Bev. J. H. Maeleod imacbed in the

Presbjteriafl Chnrch Sunday inani-ing. Ker. Edward Tahor preached at the Baptist Chnrch Soday ercnfa^ and ala* heUhaa afternoon aerriee for men only!

Clifton Tiaitora. Mrs. R. L. Harrison, her two soi

and daughter spent Sunday with rela­tives here. They were «eeempanie4 home by Miss Frances Boekley, wh* will visit them for several days.

Mr. and Mm. Dayia, of WaahiagtoB, were also woSk-end^ visitors. Mra. Davis, who will be remembered in Clifton as Miaa Boae Bigelow. favored the cengregaUou with a m o at the Preabytetian Chnrch.

Mr. F m k Ford returned on Satur­day fTMU Emerg«>cr Hoi^tal in Washington, iriiere he had recently naderipme a aerioas <3ipvtatitm. Ibr. Ford is in much better health and ap-pareatiy is on the road to fidl jr«-eov»7.. ,

Miss Miriam Bwddcy,' with her frioid, Miss Sara Crewe, ia spen<fiac the w e ^ at Atlaatie City.

Mr. W. H. Mathers has brakea ground for a new residence between

A l l BLS sopv^y dcv«t te oootentRMnt bey<aad anythh^

bodiad meUpw-miidneM; audi refre^uoc appctizifv. flavor and ooohwa. The more Caznela yoa afnoke tka gnatar becomaa year daKght—Camels are mvc^ m aii»-

tne neebyt«i»a Umrdi and CliRni House. . "

Mr. O. C. Sontiiard has installed a gas liglitin«^ plant at hjahome; Mr. O. li.' Detwfler and others are gettins* jeady to install theoBL-

Citfton Men BeetedT CUffam stood wdl in the late demo­

cratic primary, furnishing one county offieer and tiio'cBstzict otteers.

Msa. Lucy Payne is back home a f ta a'viait to her sister, M>s. Whaey, in Washington. '

Mr. and Mrs. Bayroond Wienn and their littla son, of. Heradqn, ai pauied by Mis. Wrenn's motter. B. J. HtMen, w«« reout vitntors..

Mrs. LaMont A. Williams, of Waah^ ingtoB, seeompimied by several la^iee, made a visit to Tvakota, the Florence Ql^befitqa^Misnon, last w e ^

KvarytluDC aboat Caroeia yoa pad ao tecinatinc ia doc to their quality—to the expert Ueod of choice Tutfciah and-choioe Oocneatic tobaocxM.'

YooH aay Camab are ia_ajciaaa by themaclvea—they aeesa made to meet your own per^onml teetein ao many waya! Freedocn from any onplM—nt dgaretty after-taato or«aretty odor makea Caaods particularly deainbfa tothemoat taatidioBaamokera. And, yoa amoke Camela aa HbefaPyaamaataypar own wiehea. for they-never tirayoHT

\m\ Too are ahvaya keen for the dcaretto aatia£M»ibn that Camelaaoattractive. Smokertreal-ize that the value ia in the dcaiettea and do not expect premiama or ooo-poos! Compare Camvlm with any e^a» I Kttm ill UtB workt Mt m y Artdtf7—

18c. a package

cigmnitmm or trnn pmek-

Wm tkim cmtton ibr thm or wMtm ytm trmwml



ZMI acres in fnnee William Coenty. (6 seres i^ a gead stato of cidtivation and tht renaiader in eai weeds with

•w. This farm is ! •

luhiiul AUord Kdley, who is now at Brad-dock Hdgfats, Md., that be is very much iaipro>ved ia health m d will soon be able to visit hia -CSiftoa congrega­tion, as he was pr^arfng to do when he was snddwilratridMn with las kmg ,illness.

n» lion liriaeh was loose and caas-ing ao mndb terror in the coonty dnr-

/ "


Tkt Co.


A U L It ta BuU D M H be d e e d r o l by

•nVietra lMs. L c i a c IbftTC^RMfall


ICkU-Girt tmtyon

Waki fanmc mi Fl6^ a GhsMt


having been captsved' eevaral weeks ago, before be was last reported as having been seenonseveaj orrasitm^


^tlwwHd woric was done by the cit-ixens of Boekhall eommuniH^Obst Fri­day, wheal t h ^ met to. cemetery. Sow modi can be aecom-I^ished when eeeh one dees, his part war e^eariy dCBMnatrated by the re­sult. A few more hears to bom the

A B U k re&se anil the wwk^will be comipletedr "••^

eoininiBU^ eaSermg~haa eqtressed ite ap^«dation of the snfaeJhmtitl T106 TCSUMPCd-

Mr. Anton Lund and Us sen, Her^ maa, air buildiag a ^dung, near

Vane Ctendlcr viaitod Us gran^ar-ente, Mr. and Mrs. W. & Whrnlow, at

vahmble from railnadr^CcE^cre^drlrtair. <jry w ^ f ^ c e l j ^ p s iM^^erchard mt aO

of' fruit, niee m u i a g watw. of fair dwelHag ef 7

P * ' efS

v e ^ eaar tenw. Gnirt Bariaii^ te Pantafer Conty.

522 aemai witUa 2 aUlea af ratraad and geed-vfflage where there fa fae •thssl. good sterea, Aurrtna and oth-er «eiivflri(|Kaf._IUi and in Ine aUte mt odtivatian and there h J<> tian and the reauiader in timh« and **^ weeds. U lays aleng hath aides

ALF^KFA iZStUm hay makes the beet and

nio:;t nutrttioua feed for horseu. cattle and all 11« Block. Pall

I is t'je proxwr time for BOWITIK-I When planKid the end of Au-

ast or aurina sepiemoer. If* wil l y e ! a f"ll crops and

I make under favorable condit ion^ { tfbur or Uve c u t t i n g of nutrt-Tuous hav the foiiowing-season.

Woo£-s A U a l f s Bead la Aaant-J eaa gxtm maA tast qoaUty o b .

[ •oU-improvinr all secdln.

- _ !• tlie beat at find fora«e crOpa [

for Fall seeding. Makes one of I the beat Wlr«ter cover crops, fur-1 nishes excel lent crazing and the \ crrlieet srcen feed or a cood hay crop. Oat tka baat Iky oi'ftw |

W O O D ^ S E E D S

ector o. HAYMARKET, VA;

Proaq»t and Mtwf«ctory Mr-vice. HeMTse funusbed for • a y reaaotudMe d?"*^"*-*'


ef a geod rmkOt reed, ia wefl fenced, aieety watered by weH. 8prii«p aad naninf atnam and ia. ideal fer cither datoyiag. general faradag er stack raiaiBg. There la afl U ^ af riea frpa and the biddinga, wfakh are

dU 7H

bana. I aad w» e A r it at flC,-

The eonuui&e whi(S-arninged f ^ & " j ^ UtUe Daily Farm Near Neh<a. "

I thai water


we are BtcRly evoiriBg oar belief ia these Cooater iMaas that yoar laeat—the ahraTB ia a ekaa. cool place, where no it «r the peaky t r raaara hayiac, ar auka a aalactiea befef* h^ia|*

ITS ALL BraitWE TOO! Sttiowdy. doa't yoa fed that yoa ewe It ia yevsetf

to boy deaa, whoieooan aMata?. CaaM ia aad leak at tUs baairtlAd iispky af aMirta, aarway.

^v**s full description and-infor­mation, and also tells about .the I

aiTOi a a r o » T » i . for W l l s o w i n g Write f o r ^ ^ t a l o g and pricea

of aaj Seeds required.

I T.W.WOOD Jk SONS. I - ,Ta.



Spkiiclkfly Ready To Serve the

Hbusd fFe


I Jfo

Saonders' Meat Market THE SANITARY WAY


i y i. -C C ~ - ^ ^ ^ ' ' ^ * ^ ^ I

at their Mrs.D. E.

sick hst. Mr. WiOaam Colbert

to Us heoM in

r visit to the hoaae -of hb Lee CoOiert.

Miss MaBada Maahall « ^ jsKkOt.

itmg rdatives in Waahiagton this, week.

Mr H. M- Robinson led the prayer Hieetmx Thursday eveninn «t- tiie Metbodut Church

to 91MM.

V ran are in the awrfcH fer a farm. he anre to aee B A R H A B T ft KHOOMB ktAft yenl«y. er If yeu imve eas to

them a «IM aasiiitj yen waa« to

• A i a A S T A 42 Nekeevine. Va.


Oak»—Hibba k Giddlnca Buildiivg^-

Mana8Ka.<i \ cmia

Me and Caahcto of aO 1 Hearse FumidMd Any Bca

••nshit instance. • KEASONABLE "PBICBS



^_, "GoMtaate. Law, IMI-


aB to l^giria hi the




STORE..: " Jk aad K Streets, N. W.

Washington, D. C


M a a a t a d i a a Nataral

S k i H Beaatif al Raa*.

Ftrat C t e B Wacli

J1112 Fifteeath Street, N .

Waahiactsa, D . C.

Phone. Ift0<>l.

The JHUL n.ii-- . '. - , , r.


Page 8: GREET xie eatre - Prince William County, · Virginia'a portion of this amooat i s $700,000 and a p«at-efl«K wiU be put,

PAGE £ » a a f : THy. MA\ASSA.H J^X'HNAl- MA.NA>.SA,S. VIRGINIA FRIDAY, VI ( i l ST 15. 1919

wsBsss imi&smkTseBm tSatk^'

TlMj^ C M I I I

For Sale—Fine c n u k Dariuun cow, 6 yearB, gtTttir 4 gaUoB* per i day. GWb B . MeDotiiald. & « n t » -viUe, V». . " 14-1*

Wantact -rMtc ied

Haay Tak* P u t

P r e c r a s


CCoBtribotad) general f a n a w c r k j d E y l t e lor The m— Santoy seiwwl caiifijiitiiii

H ^ B e o r N s k M ^ j jLt tiba Aabui7 V. B. Church last S«t-housework. viHe, Va. i4-3r urday wma a nuuiud auoceaa a* far a«

~ —' '' " I iplcndid ansic and mtriUfeBt -rtift Two H o n e s far Sale—I^uye . H M «r the rabjecu pnmmt»i eo«U

black mare 4 years oM and good'nuike it M . S e w a l tkiac> anapirad driving horae. C. E. M. Lewis,: to pr«v«at iiM ai ManasaaSi V«. . 14-4* [ „ gpad • • it ahooM

iall d the Mawww pssten wwra oiA I will not be responsible for {of t«ws aiid it bctoc Sataiday maiqr

debts* contracted by anyone ,e^- of tjw ladies were absest «1M ««ber-(ept mysdf i J. D . O e a e . 14-4 «tM woqid 1ia*e attented.

I—The wsmiTH^sstsJop was prvMti For Sale—25 Brown L ^ j h o m oym by ««». U C. Messick. pwrtoc of

hens and roosters; nearly all of |the ehoich, and the aftenmw sessiaai them full stock. Mrs. R . , & |by Ur.V. U. Smith, wiiik dming the Smith, Manassas, Va. 14-2 j recess tke Udies of Ute U . B . CSrareh


Fat CatlJe

The mtHh a-»»•»»> iair ef the F»»-'] qjoiar Canaty AcricaHonl Sociely will be held at MarAaU im and Thwaday «f next werii, Qsrdinc ta reparta from that vieButy! it will be the_iafitL^acceu^^_J^^ the histary ci the assaeiatiOTi.

While the <fat eattie show is tuad as t8etea« attraetieas are tihccxhibitiaii of ether live stock and farm ptvdncta, the wo-

a^attaa^t, hone show and racinc, aad an aii' battle IIIIIIPIMI] two hostila airplaaas. Tka clssaea and raeca ha*« iUled wall, ac-cardJng laTHnHBiiwBiwft Htfjt tary and the beef cattle exkShit ia «x-pec^ed to be one «f tlic finest eva^ made ia this aectioa.

The aAears of the fair ai« Mr. H. M. «, pr—i lawt; Mr A-JL JafcJ>

secretary, and Mr, J. W.

For headlights and chains; S t u d ^ haker roadster, first class condi-tion, four new- tires,-extra-'tire and rim; 3 h. p. gasoline engioe, in good condition, 2 driving pul-le\ s. G. L. RoeoibergeF, Ma­nassas, Va. 14-3

and others preiSded at a huieh taUeje Sale—Ford truck in first boontif i^ laden with food for the running condition, new body.

The sabjects discussed were: "How to interest the bey in Sabbath

School." ' - . _ • "Does the Sabbath Sdyxri steet the

For Rent or Sale—Farm wit^ large house and b a m ; also two rows. Emily C. Bound. ' 14-1*

i demands of the ace?^ . I "How to interest the infant class." I "How can the bnaiaess man aid the SaUwth School?"

"How to get the yowig man into tiie Sabbaft School and keep him there."

"The Teachers' Trainisc Caaas" was presented by Dr. H. U. Boop,

W a n t ^ — B y ftmployfld couple while Ti>g, 1>sn<rtt, Mrsarr n P, with two cJiildrek7_W!d 9 ZeM^JjBeU, W. L StMre, J. H. Dodge, G. D. competent white girl fcH- general j Baker, F. M, Smith, 3. L. Unawcaver, housework, including cooking s . T. Hall and J. J. CenMr and Mrs. and laundry Good honK and] Kate BandaO made'short jiddna^ca wages to suitaUe persoi!!. Ad-j^nd eatered diaensisBS «f the^aobjaeta aitiaa M i s . W. N . MHiei. 1 2 1 3 ^ TnBSBf. ' '~^ ' Shepherd St., ,N. W., W a ^ n g - | The nrasic of the Cannon. Biaildi ton, D. C. 14-SoetiCfif«Iiib is worthy of s p e i ^ maiT

TK- »iTTh cwiaiste aTlir. J. ,?••

The girty* canidng, poultry and pig chibs of Fauqniar aad Prince -ViUiara are holding a session at Hebron Sem­inary this week aad all seem to be-bav-iag an tii|<>y*ihie ttfoe. Mias GillMrt and Miss Ambler are with them.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Graybill, ntissieB-ari«9(, home fnun Swedan, Thwaday everiiag gavv a lectare at Hdntm Sem­inary on the manners and '' • •1 p • ml the people of that' caontzy. Mrs. GrayUll exhilrited .aonir of the tnmca worn by tlie wooMo-aad chU-<b«n there. The larce fmdience ent was UiftllJI AuUUa&SS^

The Methofiat Sanday Scho^ wiU btM its aaanai pienk Wedaaaday on the farm af Hr. 8fae|ppaid, a aula £«-

•it . Jirs. W. R. Free, jr.

"XHSB; aad others NOTICE TO ST0CKH(MLPBBS Cematt aad dai>g«^^

The stockholders of the Bank; whoae M«~f "*«« not of Occoquan, Incorporated, will the i«port«r. n a song of litatlc IBas hold their annual meeting <HI Mazy Snoi* and Maatcr Ft«d AMXA Monday, S^ytember 8 ,1918 , at I jwas also fine. o'clock p. m . in their h m k i n g The «a«veBtie« was fertiBBSe m house a t Occoqtiaa, Va. - Usiiug imjuint a minister from the 13-4 JAS. M. B A B B E E , CMhier. VaUey, Rw! P. L Gaiber. at the

.' (Jhutdt Of flic nigUueu. irhe taHrwd For Sale—A CSievndet ear ga ably 1900 several «f the sd^ects.

good conditioa; f4B0 cash fdr^^ l i k rw»ui< M:'lieta, ineaideRt «f qtrick s a l e , H L H h u N . G . H u f l l t ' near Woodlawn. 18-2* _

the MsTiaaaao Pistrfet Sand^y^ School Aaqpfiatiom, was imable to be laruamt,

' b«t made it known that he was in Wasted—To rent 6-to S-room hearty sympathy wtth tfaia. mid-si

house in Manassas by October 1. m«- meeting aad regretted moeh his R. N. Holfish, Box fil, MainWBas, inability to attend. Mr. Mets aasgres \ 'a. 13-3*- ns that thie regular fan meetiag ef^ie

ifisfrirt N O n C S - ^ ^rm pty the m m eiTWAie fiiw:

of $5.00 to any persoa furnishing. — . me with sufficknt evidenoe. to swiMMING PAKT¥ AT MIUY>BD convict any p^«on found hunt­ing, trespassing or lemimag TOMC Peapfe A i o r w ^ c r Sports fruit and wood from m y p l a c e ^ aa OneMa af lfa«. Harcd. near Cherry HiD, adjoiaiMr Bal^./- - ^ er. Detrick and others. T h i j r « - A party of young people enjoyed fer r e m a a s good BBtit omeeled

fe Edgar Sontter. 1 » 4 by me.

Per Sale—iTfce G. M. Goodwin farm, or wfll rent 00 r e u o n a U e terms to parl7'fsFRishias team and farming im^fanesta . A P I ^ to B. M. JhiimiHi SriSbem^ Va .


erenmg as tae gnests oS ]6f . J. L! HaireQ. Thti yoong p e o ^ after go­ing, in the water toaated mar^uaal-

and luastid Snenies" and re-later t» the hsase of Mr. and

mtm. HamB SB W^t the maaind>i af the spent with mnaiey gaincs and danwiifg. At~a lata 'fair^-wftaab

Ti ,. Ho-!ge, having returned served. : n: her vacation, will a c c ^ t * j ^ ^ HarreH^ goests were h a 1 ew pri%ate p p i l s in piano, voitee „ieee. Miss Halcyon HaO, of Uttie a-d e;,p.'-essiQa. Mrs. Hodge wiB aoet. Ark., hi whose hwof the party t)f at home before 10 a. m. to U-' was given, Btisaea Amriia aad Okisw^ 1 ar.pp for houra,ti»tJ!fflJ>fcmB-. B«»W«, Smme, Catherine, T flliaa and

ally eonveniCT±. 12-3 Elisabeft LarkiB, Daeoaiy J»fcy<» ~ ~ "^ Z ~ »nd l>onise O'Calla^haa, Ibaars. Pey-

i .sale—1316 Ford touring t ^ a>arles and Getege Laridn and :ar in excelkMt copthtion.' {"or m^^j _^ uuiclv sale, »37^IilUB«liUlbk nute h J A ^ i I r t m and MM. M. P. OXial . acceptable. B e n j ? 0 . Wood. Wrf- - ^ lington, Va. 12-tf

Firewood for aale, p o e and eaft mi.\ed. Ptace yonr order early. E. A. Turner,

Tw»j on fara far year I tSt ar

right a n a . W-son, GiJmmwWkt, • « .

ter, mas Oiristane -Five, letuiutd Monday from a two.,wedoi' visit to firieads in Nocfelk. '

a vistt to aeialivea ia Phikidri^iia. Mr. and Mrs. AB«a BsdiBe motored

from Washington Satnrdar aad wpati the wash end with Mrs. Bo«ii6*s par .ents bcae^ Thcgr by Mas Matiarie Gn&n, vt FaOs GSiurcb. ' Mr. and Ifet. Ira Fiory have aeld


Avericai Retl Cf«ss sisaYir»


ITlO YuU wjuit more Biilk and crcnun? If so, I '^ 70a •honU feed £UREKA DAIRY RATION, m

tW U^eat In quaSty aad aafeat to nae, for beat V Ygo BMiy Jbft fnmL Miaaoufii bat 5i!ft_£«ii,_^ IT A a k y ^ f ^ dealer ab4i^ EUREtUTV

tad find wh^ jnm IMVC loac been JiiiiiJin Hr, \m MANUFACTUBKD BY J* . «

IIS flfim i ^ AM) ttJJfG OttmAllW i i ALEXAMDRIA. VIRGINIA


to R.

For Sate—Nfaie Grade HolBteiB heifer catves froaa twetre to »ehool for y o a « <*a*««T » ' " , eighteen •mf lM'a i iar T. Warn-*"* vnllTng^ pay ftr y e v a S M t . T«fp er LeWto. i * - t f tM«ht <«baiisn>ie. to have indrridaal;

^ instroetKn short ho«ra o* work and '• have purehaaed woad work- V-perrjae* play. « * tanght m a c w r i - ^ machines^ aad am prepared »ne» witli the most modern methods. 1

do all iortrwf^iai^^aerfe J»-Pi~«t addnas X. can The Jooraal.^ Evans. 46 '* * gf*"^ °f eight ar tea children 1

can be aocured for the eotaae. this can i ar?<st rircatatioe ia Prises WiUiaai he trsde pooaibie. Statt age eif pvpfl' G

^ «unty Dsiihs ppra to ad»utiairi. and graoe he expects to SBter. 14-1

it k

JV a hi| frice f« av fM< id. Lil ai fi«t fai •

L. R O S C N B E R G £ R aiANASSAa. vmoiNiA -


AO k i a ^ af haaliag at aMeprioM. S w Me ar phaac C HL L a i t i a A Ca. ar t lw telaphMM



To the i

af aaparviaar As to my

eatioD to fiH aaid aSee if tiatUjd I l«-^er yoD to my pact reeor^

Rr^cpertSaXiy. —C. V. BAILEY

I ' War, ted—50,000 white oak

croRA ties. See aa aad get pnce«( M. L3-nch & Co. 2S-tI

N O T I C B ! Having made appHeatioB to the

Stata CorparatioD Caaiauaaim for te tta Nokavi»e,

and Backland Tei^booe Compawy annoaneec that eoTBmencing an the lat day of Srritamher, 1919. tk» telephene does of thin eompaay to nib-•eribera and stockhotderR will h* at the rate of twelve douara iJ12.iiO. aer aaBinn, psTsble in n(iv».nee ir. ' ; for the year or ir. aor.L:... ir.iiL&i njer ta. 11-4 WA.,. A b. VO i). sec irf.^.