greek civilization social studies 9b

Greek Greek civilization civilization Juan Fernando Garrido Sebastián Rivero Martín Jara Salomé García 9 th b

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Page 1: Greek civilization social studies 9b

Greek civilizationGreek civilization

Juan Fernando GarridoSebastián RiveroMartín JaraSalomé García 9th b

Page 2: Greek civilization social studies 9b

*Greek civilization now is Greece, is a country located in Southern Europe, on the southern end of the Balkan Peninsula .

*Greece is surrounded on the north by Bulgaria, the Republic of Macedonia and Albania; to the west by the Ionian Sea; to the south by the Mediterranean Sea and to the east by the Aegean Sea and Turkey. *Geographic size: 51,000 square miles.*it has considerable climatic variation .

* Greece is mountainous, and the country is one of the most mountainous countries of Europe.

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*Greece had the first known democracy ‘’ATHENIAN DEMOCRACY’’ .

*Many Greek city-states seem to have been petty kingdoms; there was often a city official carrying some residual, ceremonial functions of the king (basileus), After the rise of the democracy in Athens, other city-states founded democracies.

* Sparta was a notable exception to the rest of Greece, ruled through the whole period by not one, but two hereditary monarchs. 

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*The economy was Based on farming, fishing, farming ,agriculture, and the war.

*Particularly in the imperialistic Athenian system.

*Also exploitation of slaves,The production model was feudal.

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*The greeks believe in Gods like:

*The Greek mythology is composed of stories told the Greek elders about gods and heroes. The nature of the world and the origins and the importance of their practices

*Zeus, the god of sky and thunder , the most powerful ruler, brother of Poseidon and Hades .*Hera : Zeus 's consort , queen of the gods , goddess of marriage, fidelity .*Poseidon : The driver of the seas , oceans and earthquakes , brother of Zeus and Hades .*Ares : the god of war, cruelty.*Hermes : the messenger god *Hephaestus , the god of fire, the forge , manual labor , artisans and weapons.*Aphrodite : Goddess of love.*Athena : Goddess of wisdom , education and war, the protector of heroes.*Apollo : the god of dance, the arts, music, archery , prudence , male beauty and prophecy.

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*Artemis : Goddess of the hunt , animals , chastity and the Amazons .*Demeter : Goddess of the earth, flowers and plants , food and agriculture.*Hestia : Goddess loving home and family.Other important deities included:*Hebe : Goddess of youth and the helper of the gods.*Helios the sun god .*Selene - the goddess of the moon.*Hades : god of the underworld and the dead on the queen, brother of Poseidon and Zeus.*Dionysus , the god of the pantheon younger , and the god of wine, wild nature and open sexuality .*Persephone : the goddess of the underworld , daughter of Demeter , wife of Hades.*Heracles: a hero and a demigod with a lot of strength ( Hercules ) .

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*Ancient Greek technology developed during the 5th century BC, *Inventions that are credited to the ancient Greeks are the gear, screw, rotary mills, screw press, bronze casting techniques, water clock, water organ, torsion catapult, the use of steam to operate some experimental machines and toys, and a chart to find prime numbers, etc.

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*Writing began in Greece with the Minoan Culture. It started with Hieroglyphs and moved on to a syllabic alphabet *All these alphabets were difficult and required a special scribe to write and read them .

*The fact that the Mycenaean language was found to be an early version of Greek was most significant find of this language.

*Mycenaean culture conquered the Minoans about 1450 BCE but their culture later collapsed about 1100 BCE. After that writing seem to have stopped in ancient Greece.Slavery

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*Greek art began with small wooden sculptures ( xoana ) . Later began to work on marble .The most glorious period of Greek art was the so-called Age of Pericles .*the temples (architecture)were made of clay, stone and marble

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*Slavery played a major role in ancient Greek civilization. Slaves could be found everywhere. They worked not only as domestic servants, but as factory workers, shopkeepers, mineworkers, farmworkers and as ship's crewmembers. *It is difficult for historians to determine exactly how many slaves there were during these times, because many did not appear any different from the poorer Greek citizens.

*There were many different ways in which a person could have become a slave in ancient Greece. as the child of a slave,prisoner if their city was attacked in one of the many battles which took place during these times.and become a slave was if a family needed money, they sell one of the children into slavery.

*Those who were healthy, attractive, young and submissive, could sell for as much as ($180.00).

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*The civilization of the Ancient Greek began about 700-year B.C and ended in 146 B.C.

*This civilization ended with the victory of Romans at the battle of Corinth.

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*Ancient Greece's philosophers have made contributions to western civilization

*Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato are some of the most well known philosophers ever.

*Aristotle is well known for believing that if people study the origin of life they will understand it more.

*Medics in the western civilization have been impacted by many of ancient Greece's contributions. Hippocrates, who created the Hippocratic oath, was a renounced mathematician, and doctor he is sometimes referred to as "the father of medicine.

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*The Classical Period or Golden Age of Greece was around 500 to 300 BC, and it ended with an inglorious and lengthy war between Athens and Sparta.*During this period of time significant advances were made in a number of fields including government, art, philosophy, drama and literature,has given us the great monuments, and architecture.

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