greco-roman presentation

Greco/Roman Mythology Michael Imperiosi and Michelle Trojan

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by Michael Imperiosi & Michelle Trojan


Page 1: Greco-Roman Presentation

Greco/Roman Mythology

Michael Imperiosi and Michelle Trojan

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Neolithic Period (6000-2900 BC)●a time of farming and simple life

History of the Greeks

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●bronze metal introduced ●Lerna Village

○ roofs made of clay tiles and stone walls○ baskets with personal seals○ Stone fences for protection

●Burial systems for deceased

Early Bronze Age (2900-2000 BC)

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Lena Village

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●wet painting of plaster- fresco type●stone carving- soft stones such

serpentine, steatite and soapstone●stone seals- identifying marks

Minoan Age (2000-1400 BC)

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●Peloponnese, Southern Greece /Athens / Thebes / Pylos/ Tiryns

●beehive tombs ●rich and poor classes●Linear B - own script

from Linear A which was used by Minoan

●King Agamemnon

Mycenaean Age (1600-1100 BC)

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The Acropolis

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●cause by the fall of the Mycenaeans○ internal problems and invasions by the

Dorians●no growth/ development in this

period●population drop●no sign of art or language

The Greek Dark Ages (1100-800 BC)

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●revival of art and poetry●small farming villages grew to form

‘poleis’ city-states ●each ‘poleis’ was protected by a god

or goddess (ex. Athena was the goddess of Athens)

●spread to Asia Minor, from North Africa to the coast of the Black Sea

Archaic Period (750-500 BC)

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●era of war and conflict○ Greeks v. Persians○ Athenians v. the Spartans

●Socrates ●‘demokratia’ - rule by the people

To Find Out More-

Classical Greece (500- 336 BC)

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Hellenistic Greece

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● Greek and Roman Gods were the bases of everyday life

● Few Gods were worshipped at first● As Greek and Roman civilization grew more Gods

were worshipped and added to the “Family Tree”● Gods were worshipped daily● Each God had a different role in Greco/Roman Life● Examples of Gods

○ Zeus(Jupiter):God of the sky/Chief Olympian God○ Poseidon(Neptune):God of the sea○ Hades(Pluto):God of the dead/underworld○ Dionysus(Bacchus): God of wine and party○ Demeter(Ceres):God of agriculture

● Each God was praised depending on their role in Greco/Roman life

Early Greco/Roman Life

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● Greco/Roman Mythology influences life today● Not as much as it did in early life● The Gods/mythical creatures are used today for

store names and sport team names● The names symbolize strength or power● Many of the original myths are still used today● Some myths are now used and put in modern

context○ Movies: Percy Jackson/Clash of the Titans○ Stories:Percy Jackson series○ Comic Book Heroes: Olympian Gods(DC


Present Greco/Roman Life

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Arts and Architecture

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Minoan Queens Fresco

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Parthenon- for Athena (on the

Acropolis in Athens)

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More for Athena

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The Temple of Apollo at Didyma


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● Ruler of Olympus● God of the Sky


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●Brother of Zeus●God the Sea and Horses


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●Zeus’ other brother●God of the dead and underworld


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● Olympian God of War, Battlelust, Civil order, and Manly Courage

● Was not a well liked God because of his egocentric ways

● Son of Zeus and Hera


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● Goddess of war, wisdom and domestic arts● Daughter of Zeus ● Sister of Ares


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● Goddess of Victory● Daughter of the Titan War God Pallas


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Important Gods

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● There were many popular stories● Many stories are still told today and well known

○ Story of Hercules○ Story of Prometheus○ Story of Perseus○ The Odyssey○ The story of Hades and Persephone ○ Jason and The Argonauts

● Just to name a few

Popular Stories

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Jupiter - king of godsJuno - queen of godsNeptune- god of the seaPluto-god of the underworldApollo-god of the sunDiana- god of the moonMars- god of warVenus - god of loveMercury - messenger of the

godsMinerva - god of wisdomBacchus - god of wine

Roman GodsSo….basically the Romans had the same gods as the Greeks but had different names for them

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The Colosseum

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Page 30: Greco-Roman Presentation -----read about it

The Pantheon

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