great meetings the life blood of your club. growth of your club 68% say long boring meetings the...

Great Meetings The Life Blood of your club

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Post on 27-Mar-2015




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  • Slide 1

Great Meetings The Life Blood of your club Slide 2 Growth of your Club 68% Say Long Boring Meetings the reason they dropped Growth of Club tied to the Family Dinner of your Club 68% Say Long Boring Meetings the reason they dropped Growth of Club tied to the Family Dinner of your Club Slide 3 What Makes a Good Meeting? Fellowship, Fun and Fulfillment Slide 4 Bad Meetings Do Not Begin/End on Time No Agenda The Salesman Program They think they are cute Run on Program Bad Food Bad meeting Place Its my Seat Tail Twister out of control no tail twister POOR PLANNING Do Not Begin/End on Time No Agenda The Salesman Program They think they are cute Run on Program Bad Food Bad meeting Place Its my Seat Tail Twister out of control no tail twister POOR PLANNING Slide 5 Fellowship Does not Just Happen Fostered by Leaders Games that work Main Reason People Join Does not Just Happen Fostered by Leaders Games that work Main Reason People Join Slide 6 Slide 7 Fun Every 5th Meeting--Go all out Be Creative Make it Inclusive--everyone takes part Every meeting should have some Fun Every 5th Meeting--Go all out Be Creative Make it Inclusive--everyone takes part Every meeting should have some Fun Slide 8 Fulfillment What Keeps Members Members Slide 9 Fulfillment Inspirational Programs Recognition for Jobs well done The Feeling that the Club is making a Difference Inspirational Programs Recognition for Jobs well done The Feeling that the Club is making a Difference Slide 10 Program Control 1. Be Careful of Program Selections 2. Make Program know expectations 3. Be Prepared to cut in if needed 4. Limit questions and answer sessions 5. Do not Excuse speaker 1. Be Careful of Program Selections 2. Make Program know expectations 3. Be Prepared to cut in if needed 4. Limit questions and answer sessions 5. Do not Excuse speaker Slide 11 Fun Fellowship Fulfillment Great Club Meetings Lead to great Clubs