graphology and numerology


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Graphology – the word is derived form the

Greek word “Grapho” – meaning: I write and

“logos” – meaning: Theory.

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Chinese independently used hand writing

analysis over 3000 years ago!

Until 1622 by a Italian physician Camillo Baldi.

In 1800’s was first given a name, and Jean

Crépieux-Jamin published L'ecriture et le

caractere (Handwriting and Character, 1888);

thus, Germany became the leading country in

the subject.

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Handwriting can be a way to understand your


Your conscious mind determines WHAT you

write and your subconscious mind controls

HOW you write.

Personality characteristics can be analyzed by

size, pressure, speed, spacing, slant, and over

20 other elements.

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Your handwriting is

unique! It has an


Whether you write it with

your hand or feet or

mouth, it is all the same.

What we write at a

moment is an instant

photo of how we think,

feel, and behave.

Handwriting is really ‘brain’

writing ..... And you can’t

fool your brain, no matter

how hard you try!” – Mary

Ann Matthews

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We have both conscious and unconscious elements in our

writing, the unconscious part is by par the most! And the

Unconscious never lies!!!

We construct random parts, to form known patterns which are letters…

Letters, in order to communicate ideas which are words.

Words written as a sentence has an imposed organization which conveys a creative purpose which is a message.

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There are many different indicators and patterns in

handwriting. Together, these form clues that reveal

various personality traits.

By studying them we are able to assess personality

with remarkable success.

Some of the important clues that handwriting

analysts look for are:

slant, pressure, rhythm, distribution, use of

margins and other details.

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Personal analysis – Want to know yourself or people

you care about better? You'll be surprised by the

insights you will receive.

Understanding Others – An easy and effective tool

to get to know other people, including their

strengths and weaknesses and also your

compatibility with them!!

Dating/counseling – If you want to understand

yourself or your relationships better

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Understanding peers/Business associates – You're in

an important meeting but can't seem to get a

"read" on other participants. Knowing about

handwriting analysis will provide important insights..

Child monitoring – Handwriting analysis is very

helpful for parents who want to understand and

monitor their children through development.

Criminal cases – What kind of person committed

the crime? Who is telling the truth? Knowing this

can help law enforcement determine what they're

up against and the type of person sought.

Old letters – What was Grandpa really like?

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Your handwriting holds the proof of your strengths that will help you to believe in yourself.

The ability to analyze handwriting can give you a new understanding of yourself or others who are dear to you.

You will be able to see yourself as others really see you.

Sometimes we feel that we have reached the crossroads in our lives. At such times we need to look at ourselves objectively.

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As the name suggests, Numerology is the science of Numbers. Numbers – which are present in every one’s life, in the form of D.O.B., Name numbers, Mobile numbers, house number, vehicle number etc.

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Numerology is a very ancient metaphysical science similar to astrology. It dates back into antiquity. The big difference between them is that numerology deals with how numbers influence objects and people in the universe, while astrology uses the planets, sun and moon.

Numerology, at least in its modern form, can be generally traced back to a man named Pythagoras, approximately 2500 years ago.

Letters are symbols for sound. Each sound has a set rate of vibration that can be measured. And each letter’s place in the alphabet is its rate of vibration.

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Kabbalah (Hebrew Alphabet)



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Kabbalah – means knowledge that comes through

the mind and soul.

Kabbalah Numerology is originated from Hebrew

mysticism and is based on the Hebrew

alphabet. It has only 22 vibrations because of the

different alphabets. Kabbalah, which means

knowledge that comes through the mind and soul,

interprets only meaning of names. We always call it

as Name Numerology.

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Chaldean numerology, sometimes known as

"Mystic Numerology", is probably the oldest system

of numerology known.

Chaldean numerology is originated in Babylonia at

the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers near

the Persian Gulf.

In Chaldean Numerology, the numbers assigned

to the letters are not determined by alphabetical

order, but instead by the vibration of each specific


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It differs from Pythagorean numerology in that it

does not assign the number 9 to any letter,

although 9 can occur as the final sum. The number

nine is thought to be holy and sacred and is

therefore held apart from the rest of the numbers.

Chaldean numerology analyzes both name (Name

Numerology) and date of birth (Birthday

Numerology). It is considered to be more accurate

than the Pythagorean system, however, Chaldean

numerology is less popular because it is more

difficult to master.

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The Pythagorean method was developed by


Like the Chaldean method, Pythagorean

numerology analyzes both name and date of birth,

and the interaction between the two. The basic

vibrations are 1 through 9, although the 11 (K) and

22 (V) are not reduced to a single digit because

these are master vibrations.

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It is a proven fact that the entire universe is in

constant vibration and, therefore, in constant


Numerology aims at identifying vibration

frequencies and assigns a numerical value to each

letter or sound, based on its sound vibration.

It is believed that all numbers have a vibration

frequency associated with then and each letter

has a numeric value, based on its sound.

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The key belief is that a constant repetition of any

given number causes a vibration frequency to

resonate throughout the universe which will attract

certain types of energy. Clearly, positive vibrations

draw positive energy and vice versa.

Consequently, any change or adjustment in the

spelling of our names causes a shift in the vibration

frequency (energy type), thus, affecting our lives.

Likewise, every time someone thinks of us, thinks of

our name, transmits towards us that type of energy

our name vibrates to. Now, it is important to

remember that the name we use for signing is how

we think of ourselves.

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Numerology is not fortune telling!

Numerology is the perfect practical ‘guidance tool’ we can carry with us.

It would be nice if we learn to know ourselves a little first, before we even assume to know someone else.

We can use it on ourselves, our children, others in the family and friends. See the reasons why we sometimes do and say things – why we act the way we do – and lead a more harmonious life.

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Numbers Positive Traits

1 Independent, leadership, self, alone but attracts


2 Good communication, talkative, indecisive but soft


3 Action, fast, aggressive, hot temper, impatient but spiritual.

4 Planner, intelligence and posses wisdom

5 Direction, principle, stubborn, destruction, busy obstacles

and emotional.

6 Wisdom, wealth and family oriented.

7 Lucky and attracts supporters.

8 Responsible, busy, stressful and hot temper.

9 Optimistic, liberal, business minded, loves to dream but


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Its not only the D.O.B of a person, but also the name that plays a major role in deriving the numbers.

Having at hand just the two – the D.O.B and Name of a person, over 15 major numbers are calculated, which have a specific role in your life at a particular point of time.

For Example, Challenge Numbers: Challenge numbers denote the challenges that you might have to face during your entire life time starting from your time of birth. Every person has 4 Challenge numbers which is spread over a period of 0 – 27 YEARS, 28 – 36 YEARS, 37 – 45 YEARS and 45 – End of life!!

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Lead a more healthy life by getting

to know your Numbers …

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