graphics vector graphics 2d only. overview of common functions and parameters.. drawing in matlab....

Graphics • Vector graphics 2D only. • Overview of common functions and parameters.. • Drawing in Matlab. • We will see how a common file format stores the information. • Looking at similar functions in PDF.

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Page 1: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information


• Vector graphics 2D only.

• Overview of common functions and parameters..

• Drawing in Matlab.

• We will see how a common file format stores the information.

• Looking at similar functions in PDF.

Page 2: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information


• Source of confusion.

• Vectors vs Bitmaps.

• Here we are concerned with vector graphics.

Page 3: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information

Vector Graphics

• Is to pictures what MIDI is to sound.

• Uses lines, predefined shapes, curves and (predefined text).

• Can be very compact.

• Good for plotters.

• Converted to bitmap for monitor display.

Page 4: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information

Co-ordinate systems

• Vector graphics based upon an x, y co-ordinate system.

• The x co-ordinate runs from left to right across the screen.

• The y co-ordinate usually runs from the bottom (= 0) of the image to the top, but sometimes from top (= 0) to the bottom.

Page 5: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information

Co-ordinate systems

• To set up co-ordinate system in Matlab.

• haxes=axes– Sets up a co-ordinate system starting

at 0 on the x- and y-axes and extending to 1.0 on the x-axis and 1.0 on the y-axis.

• You may now draw on this system.• You can change the axis scaling

using the “axis” command.• But by default the scaling will

increase to accommodate your objects.

Page 6: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information

Lines in Matlab

• Function line used to draw lines• h = line(x, y) where x and y are x

and y co-ordinates of the start and end of a line. H is a “handle” to the graphics object (used for setting properties.

• Example– x=[20 50]– y=[30 80]– hline = line(x,y)

Draws a line from point x=20, y=30 to the point x=50, y=80

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Rectangles in Matlab• Function “rectangle” used to draw

rectangles in Matlab.• Often (in other packages and ‘C’

routines) rectangles are defined by 2 points only – Bottom left and top right.

• In Matlab– hrect = rectangle('Position', [100 100

50 25]) – (start position (x,y) then width and


• Also used to draw ellipses and circles– hcirc = rectangle('Position', [100 100

50 25], 'Curvature', [1 1]). – A circle is an ellipse with the same

(height as its width)

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Polygons in Matlab

• h = patch(x, y, ‘c’) draws a polygon, the vertices of which are contained in x and y, and is filled by colour ‘c’.

• Example draw a red filled pentagon.– Need 5 points in x and y.– x=[50 25 100 175 150]– y=[50 100 150 100 50]– hpoly = patch(x, y, ‘r’)

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• Draw a line from point x=20, y=30 to the point x=50, y=60.

• Draw a rectangle with the bottom left hand corner at point x=30, y=50 and the top right hand corner at point x=70, y=80.

• Draw a circle of radius 3 and centred at point x=50, y=60.

• Draw a blue filled triangle.

Page 10: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information


• The main figure has a “handle” in the Matlab environment.

• Handles allow Matlab to keep track of figures and graphic objects.

• Within the main figure we have an axis object; this also also has a handle.

• It is a “child” object of the figure.

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• We differentiate between or identify objects by their handles

• Sort of pointer.• When we add drawing objects

such as our lines, rectangles, patches, they become child objects of the axis object and are also identified by handles.

• So we now have an axes with four children.

• We can return there values using• Hchild=get(haxes, ‘Children’)

Page 12: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information


• So our structure so far could be drawn as.

Hfigure is the handle to the figure and has child object with handle


haxes has4 children with handleshline, hrect,hcirc, and


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• Or in hierarchical form




line rect patchrect

Represents handles


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• The handle of the figure is returned in variable “hfigure”.

• It gives us access to all the properties of the figure. get(h) returns a copy of the figure’s (object’s) properties including its children.

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Handles, Try it

• Type “maindetails=get(hfigure)”

• maindetails lists all the properties in the figure.

• The structure includes handles to the child objects.

• We can use the handles to gain access to the child objects and alter their properties.

Page 16: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information

Properties, get() and set()

• We can retrieve a copy of the values associated with a graphic object through its handle by using S=get(hrect)

• The structure contains all the properties of the graphic object.

• However, since it is a copy we cannot change the actual information associated with the graphic object.

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Properties, get() and set()

• So in true “OO’” style we must use an access method/function to adjust parameters..

• Set(h,'PropertyName',PropertyValue)

• Get(h) or Get(h, ‘PropertyName’) returns the property.

• Note ‘quotes’

Page 18: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information

Order of objects

• As an drawing object is added to the axes object an entry (drawing object’s handle) is placed in the “children” array of the axis object.

• We can rearrange this array to change which object is on top.

• Again we are simply swapping handles

• We need to call “refresh” to see it.

Page 19: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information

Order of objects

• So we get the axes objects “children” array.

• hchild=get(haxes, ‘children’)• Make a copy

– htemp=hchild

• Rearrange the handles to the objects– htemp(4)=hchild(1)– htemp(1)=hchild(4)

And set the axes “children: array to our new values

set(haxes,’children’, htemp)

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Deleting objects.

• We can delete an object using its handle.

• delete(hpoly)

• Better put it back!

• hpoly = patch(x, y, ‘r’)

Page 21: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information

Stroke, Fill and Colour

• All vector graphic shapes have stroke and fill “properties”.

• They affect how the graphic is drawn.

• Stroke is how lines (and outlines are drawn) fill is how shapes are filled in.

• One property is “colour” (‘color’ in Matlab.

• Some other properties for stroke are:– Width ‘LineWidth’– style (dotted dashed etc.) ‘LineStyle’

Page 22: Graphics Vector graphics 2D only. Overview of common functions and parameters.. Drawing in Matlab. We will see how a common file format stores the information

Stroke, Fill and Colour

• To alter the fill and edge colour of a shape in Matlab:– set(hrect, 'FaceColor', [1 0 0])

for fill colour– set(hrect, 'EdgeColor', [1 0

0.5]) for stroke colour.– Where hr is a handle to the


• Line width and style may also be applied to the shape’s outline.

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Transparency and “alpha” channels.

• Another property of vector graphics is the ability to add transparency.

• Many packages allow the adjustment of transparency from 0% to 100%.

• An “alpha channel” (in addition to the colour channels id s provided with the objects for this purpose.

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Transparency and “alpha” channels.

• We can access the alpha channel of our shapes by the alpha property of the “patch” drawing object in Matlab.

• Face and edge (fill and stroke) have separate alpha channels.

• It has values between 0 and 1.

• Defaults to 1• set(hpoly, ‘FaceAlpha’, 0.5)

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• Text may be added to vector graphics.

• htext=text(50,100, ‘Dogs and cats’)

• Properties “font” and “colour” (at least) may be changed.

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• Draw the rectangle as above but change the outline to red and fill the rectangle with cyan.

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• Described mathematically.• Polynomial equations.• Degree of equations is the

highest power of x.• Linear y = ax + b

– degree 1

• Quadratic. y = ax2 + bx + c. – degree 2

• Cubic. y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d– degree 3

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• Linear degree 1 e.g. y = 2x + 5.

x = [-10 :10]; plot(x, 2*x + 5)

• Quadratic degree 2 e.g. y = x2 + 0x + 5.

x = [-10 : 10]; plot(x, (x.^2) + 5)

• Cubic degree 3 e.g. y = 2x3 + 20x2 + 3x +2 .

x = [-10 : 10]; plot(x, 2*(x.^3) + 20*(x.^2) + 3*x + 2)

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Bezier curves

• P(t) = P0 (1-t)3 + P13t(1-t)2 + P23t2(1-t) + P3t3

• As t takes values between 0 and 1. P’s are x, y points

• Really two equations.

• x(t) = x0 (1-t)3 + x13t(1-t)2 + x23t2(1-t) + x3t3.

• y(t) = y0 (1-t)3 + y13t(1-t)2 + y23t2(1-t) + y3t3

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Bezier curves

• Consider t=0 then (1-t) = 1– P(0) = (x0, y0) = P0 so curve

goes through first point.

• Consider t=1 then (1-t) = 0– P(1) = (x3, y3) = P3 so curve

goes through last point.

• In between curve is pulled towards P1 and P2.,

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• Try Matlab function mybezier.m

• Examine the function.

• Set up four points P0, P1, P2, P3. – e.g. P0 = [2, 3]

• Run the function.

• Experiment with different points.

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Other mathematical curves

• B-splines


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Storage of Vector Graphics.

• Many formats– Autocad DXF.– Photoshop PSD.– Paintshop Pro PSP.

• We will consider PDF’s implementation because it may be viewed easily.

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PDF format

• Portable Document Format

• Developed by Adobe.

• Developed from PostScript (and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)).

• PostScript describes pages as vector graphics.

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Graphics in PDF

• Similar operations to Matlab (and other).

• PDF allows many complex graphics operations.

• Lines• Rectangles• Curves• No direct method for circles.• We will look at a small selection

to see that the PDF file can store vector graphics.

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PDF graphic instructions.

• All PDF graphic instructions use postfix notation where parameters are followed by the graphics operation instruction.

• Fill and stroke parameters are set before the object is drawn.

• To see a created object we must “fill” and “stroke” it.

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PDF graphic instructions.

• After adding to the PDF file we should really adjust the “Length” parameter of the stream and the “startxref” pointer at the end of the file. (see example file test.pdf)

• When counting additions a new line (in Windows/Dos) counts as 2 characters.

• However, Acrobat seems quite tolerant of errors in these fields.

• (Ghostscript is not)

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Lines in PDF

• We must firstly move to the start of the path. (see test.pdf)– 150 250 m

• Then we draw a line from this point to the end of line.– 400 250 l

• To see the line we must draw the stroke– S

• Try your own using note pad saving the file by some different name.

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Rectangles in PDF

• We set up the start point (x, y), then specify the width and height of the rectangle.

• Then use the re operator to create the rectangle.– 200 300 50 75 re

• We must then draw the stroke and fill the rectangle. “B” does this in one operation. – B

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Rectangles in PDF

• We set up the start point (x, y), then specify the width and height of the rectangle.

• Then use the re operator to create the rectangle.– 200 300 50 75 re

• Creates a rectangle starting at point x=200 y=300 width=50, height = 75.

• We must then draw the stroke and fill the rectangle. “B” does this in one operation. – B

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Bezier curve in PDF

• Set starting point (x, y) for curve using m operator– 300 300 m

• Add the two “control points” (x, y pairs) and the end point and create the curve using the c operator:– 300 400 400 400 400 300 c

• Draw and fill the curve. – The example also closes (joins the

ends together) using the b operator (which also draws the stroke and fills the closed shape)

– b

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Stroke and fill in PDF

• Note that fill and stroke colours are set up before the affected object is drawn. In PDF terms we set the “graphics state”.

• Some “graphics state” commands:– Set line width

• Number w.

– Set line style• [ a b ] 0 d ( [ ] is solid line)

– Set stroke colour• R G B RG

– Set fill colour • R G B rg

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Graphic manipulations

• Explained in detail in separate lecture.

• Translation, scaling, rotation.

• May be applied to vector or bitmap images.

• Less artefacts with vectors.

• This is set up as a “graphics state” in PDF using the cm operator.

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• Making objects larger or smaller

• In PDF we change the “current transformation matrix” of the “graphics state” using the cm operator.

• For scaling:– sx 0 0 sy 0 0 cm

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• Moving objects left/right and up/down

• In PDF we change the “current transformation matrix” of the “graphics state” using the cm operator.

• For translation:– 1 0 0 1 tx ty cm

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• Making objects larger or smaller• In PDF we change the “current

transformation matrix” of the “graphics state” using the cm operator.

• For rotation:– cos sin -sin cos 0 0 cm

– Eg• 0.707 0.707 –0.707 0.707 0 0 cm

rotates the current co-ordinates by 45o

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Further information

• Hill, Computer Graphics. Prentice Hall.

• Adobe specifications available from– Postscript– PDF