graduation exercise of the 79th class

Graduation Exercise of the 79th Class May 22, 2010 “An Exceeding Great Army”

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Graduation Exercise of the

79th Class

May 22, 2010

“An Exceeding Great Army”

(Seated left to right) Betty Tracy, Dawna Gilbert, Gibby

Gilbert, Gerald Paden, Ed Wharton, Truitt Adair, Virgil

Yocham, Chris Swinford, Don Perry, Sammy Flanary, and

Charles Speer

(Middle row left to right) Ron Bontrager, Terry Fanning, Paul

Dowell, Monty Pettyjohn, Pat Sheaffer, Ben Walker, Kris

Smith, Doyle Gilliam, Victor Ellison, Rebecca Garnett, and

Bill Powers

(Back row left to right) Dwight Whitsett, Doug Reeves, Kevin

Haynes, Bob Jackson, Tim Brumfield, Stuart Jones, Brad

Pruitt, Speedy Hart, Bob Anderson, Hollis Maynard, and Jerry


S un set In t er n a t iona l

Bib le In st i t u t e

2009-2010 Fa cu l t y

P r esid en t ’s Welcom e T he students, facu lty, staff and adm inistration of

S unset In ternational Bible Institu te welcom e you to the

com m encem ent cerem ony of the 79th graduating class

from our resident school.

A total of 56 m en and wom en are pictured in th is

program , having earned either the Bachelor of Biblical

S tudies Degree or the Associate of Biblical S tudies Degree

in residence here in Lubbock , or, in som e cases, in our

in teractive video con ference sites in Fall R iver, Massachu-

setts and Puyallup, Washington . S om e of these earned

their degrees and certificates through external studies,

video satellite schools and on -line courses. S om e gradu-

ated from the S chool of Missions in Decem ber. In addi-

tion , there is a list of 41 S IBI alum ni who hold certificates

of graduation from previous years and have now com -

pleted the required leveling work to earn degrees in Bibli-

cal S tudies. S om e on th is list are here today to receive

their d iplom as in person but m ost, scattered across the

US A and around the world , will receive theirs in the m ail.

Beyond all of these, there are over 450 who are graduating

th is year from over 63 in ternational partner schools. Most

of their nam es could not be listed but you will find a repre-

sentative list in th is program .

J oin ing m ore than four thousand other graduates of

various d isciplines at S IBI, these go forth well -equipped

for the great task of preaching the w h ole gosp el t o t h e

w h ole w or ld , w h ol ly t o p lea se God .

Our prayers for strength , our hope for the fu ture,

and our dream for the evangelization of the world accom -

pany these graduates as they begin a new phase of their

m in istry lives.

Please join us in prayers for m a-

Graduation P rogram

S in gin g Kevin Haynes, Director of Cont inuing Educa t ion

Welcom e Truit t Ada ir , P resident

P r a yer Monty Pet tyjohn, Director of P lacement

In t r od uct ion of S p ea ker Truit t Ada ir , P resident

Com m en cem en t Ad d ress Bobby Deason

Lady Lake, FL

P r esen t a t ion of Cer t i fi ca t es Truit t Ada ir , P resident

Bob Crocket t , Cha irman of the Board

Char les Speer , V.P . of Minist ry Tra ining

Virgil Yocham, Dean of Externa l Studies

Tim Burow, Dean of In terna t iona l Studies

Com m en d a t ion of Gra d u a t es Board of Directors

Ben ed ict ion Paul Dowell, Dean of Missions

“An Exceed ing Gr ea t Arm y”

Ez ek iel 37:10

Graduating Class and De stinations

Re s ide ntia l Studie s Divis ion

Ba chelor of Bib l ica l S tud ies

Brandon Scot t Aaron

T ulsa, OK

Philip L. Abuzeide

Lubbock , T X Michael Alexander Avara

undeterm ined

Zachary Richard Bla isdell

undeterm ined

J oe Anth ony Car r asco

Olton , T X

Daniel F . N. Cou t inho

Lovington , N M

Kevin William Kelly

undeterm ined

J ordan Alexander


N ewark , OH

Lewis J . Par ry

T ulsa, OK

Paulo César


J ohn R. Fernandez

Wichita Falls, T X

Dea f Bib l ica l

Min ist r y S tud ies

Rance Du st in Schumach er

S nyder, T X

Roger W. Ta lanyi

East Africa

Alish a Dawn Tucker

Lubbock , T X

Evan Hutch in son

Brem erton , WA

Glenn R. Campbell

Fall R iver, MA

Derr ick J ames Allen

Ellensburg, WA

J er emiah D. Brewer

S eattle, WA

Wom en’s Associa t e

of Bibl ica l S t ud ies

S .I.B.I.Ne Fa l l R iver , Ma ssa ch u set t s

Alissa Shea Schumacher

S nyder, T X

S.I.B.I.Nw P u ya l lup , Wa sh in gton

Ba ch elor of Bib l ica l S t u d ies

Chad Adkins

Larry Bates

Bradley Scott Beckett

Joe Boe

Robert Howard Bole

Jerry Bradford

John W. Brooks

Dwight Cleophas Burton

Jonathan Charley

Roy Christopher

Luther Cooper

Vance S. Davis

Bill R. Day

Jorge del Bosque

Richard W. Derrick

Wayne H. DeWindt

Teddy J. Edwards

Weldon Farrar

Clifton Fox

John Henley

E. Hugh Howard

Travis D. Huffman

David W. Hurlocker

Maurice “Mo” Johnson

Brian David King

Garry L. Martin

L. Darrel McMillen

Matthew David Palmer

Carlton Parsons

Don Perry

Darrell G. Rains

Charles Rhineheimer

Michael Sherman

Fred Sigle

Gary J. Smith

Gary L. Smith

Mick Smith

James M. Suddeath

Harry L. Summers

Carlos Valle

Associa t e of Bib l ica l S t u d ies

Ba ch elor of Th eology

Nikolas Secula Philip R. Stroud

Anthony Fletcher Karen Prebianca Hoots

Alum ni De gre es*

*Alumni who graduated with a “Certificate of Ministry” in

one of the 5 decades of SIBI and have how completed the

required leveling courses, have been awarded the appropriate


Thao S. Vang

External Studie s Divis ion

Ba ch elor of Bib l ica l S t u d ies

Stephen Lynn Power s

Associa t e of Bib l ica l S t u d ies

Roger D. Er ickson

Edward G. Planas

Victor J onath an Vadn ey

Raymond A. Bowden J r .

Fredr ick L. Starks

J ona than Mar shall Orr

Michael D. Miller William G. Taylor

Brandon’a Garcia

Cuernavaca, Mexico

J ennifer Lynn Aaron

S cotland

J er emy D. Aaron

S cotland

Amy Fowler

Belém , Brazil

School of Miss ions

Ryan Bunge

S cotland

Darrell K. Chappell

S cotland

Shayla Ch appell

S cotland

Nick Fowler

Belém , Brazil

F. Pa t r ick Garcia

Cuernavaca, Mexico

Mayra Melendez

Costa R ica

Brian D. King

Belém , Brazil

Melissa R. King

Belém , Brazil

Luis Anton io Melendez

Costa R ica

Recardo Reyes

Cuernavaca, Mexico

Brandon Pr ice

Kharkov, Ukraine

Kat ie Pr ice

Kharkov, Ukraine

J ennifer J ohnson

S cotland

Pamela D. McAdams

S cotland

J effrey Scot t Sims

Cuernavaca, Mexico

Monica Reyes

Cuernavaca, Mexico

Krist in a Mar ie Sims

Cuernavaca, Mexico

César Eduardo Rocha

Mexico City, Mexico

Chr ist ina Mar ie Vick

S cotland

Robin Allan Vick

S cotland

Name Protect ed


Name Protect ed


J amie Rocha

Mexico City, Mexico

In te rnational Studie s Divis ion

With more than 450 graduates in over 63 ministry training schools around the

world, it would be impossible to list every name. Here is a list of graduates from

10 of our schools that will represent S.I.B.I. International graduates everywhere.

Athens International Bible Institute - Athens, Greece - 6 graduates

Anthony Adu-Borsah Francesca Augustin

Fanny Ebane Ebond Ivo Ebong

Emmanuel O. Mensah Yohannes Woldearegaye

Center for Biblical Training - Cap Haitian, Haiti - 12 graduates Calix Jumenex Daniel Charles

De’louinor Dorena Gerald Cadet

Herns Francois Jephte Oremus

Johny Vilnord Jorabel Trevol

Occene Prince Philton Telemarque

Simon Faustin Wiltonne Eliama

Batam Bible College - Batam, Indonesia - 10 graduates

Alimin Immanuel Berutu

Talizamuala Nafetali Gulo

Martinus Halawa Osarao Laia

Kristhoforus Namlin Yulius Ipan

Dedi Harmanto Yohanes P.

Cambodia Bible Institute - Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 4 graduates

Try Tray Kim Sovan Lor

Sokly Lot-Lee Pisey Seng

Philippine International Bible Institute - Olongapo City, Philippines - 3


Jeffrey Haban Mars Moral Aldrin Soraino

Philippine International Bible Institute - Batangas, Philippines - 9 graduates

Darwin Payadyad Eleazar Bae

Ron Jacob Moises David Jayson de la Cruz

John David Abaya Bryan Hallare

Conrad Salcedo Crisanto Fruelda

Jeffrey Perena

Ukrainian Bible Institute - Donetsk, Ukraine - 6 graduates

Yokov Voitsehovsky Marina Derevyando

Vadim Tupika Roman Evchev

Larisa Yazikova Bogdan Yasinsky

Atlantic International Bible Institute - Havana, Cuba - 16 graduates

Alexander Dominguez Poliakov Alexander González Góngora

Ariel Aguado Albear Barbarito Alonso del Rio

Divier Hernández de la Rosa Emigdio Ruano Vargas

Héctor Garcia Pérez Idorge Cutiño Santana

Lázaro Cisneros Clavel Manuel Gilberto Naveira Lima

Oscar López Oramas Osmany Fuentes Ruíz

Osvaldo Roberto Gutiérrez Parra Roberto Betancourt Rubio

Roberto Padilla Fernández Yasnier González González

Quito School of Biblical Studies - Quito, Ecuador - 10 graduates

Isaac Castillo Ismael Castillo

Javier Cañar Wilmer Correa

Juan Huebla Klever Melendez

Rodrigo Montaño José Pacheco

Francisco Polanco Enry Franco

Swedru International Bible Institute - Agona Swedru, Ghana - 2 graduates

Osafo Korantwi Emmanuel Aidoo

Note s

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