grade 10 career presentation january 2013

January 10th and 11th, 2013 Career Development: Do What You Love Thursday, January 10, 13

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Page 1: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

January 10th and 11th, 2013

Career  Development:    Do  What  You  Love

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 2: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Learning ObjectivesLearn how your individual preferences and passion may determine the career in which you gain the most satisfaction.

Learn which possible careers and career clusters might best match your individual preferences, interests, and strengths.

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 3: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Mission StatementsAs student advocates, SAS counselors assist students in discovering themselves, their passions and directions in life.

Shanghai American School inspires in all students: •A lifelong passion for learning•A commitment to act with integrity and compassion

•The courage to live their dreams.Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 4: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Do What You LoveAdvice from Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple and Pixar

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” -- Stanford Commencement speech by Steve Jobs in 2005

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 5: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Review of Completed Work in Naviance

Do What You Are: assessment on your personality type, your strengths, and your weaknesses

Learning Styles Inventory: assessment that gives insight into how you learn in order to help you maximum your potential

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 6: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Your Path

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 7: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Your Path

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, April 2008:

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 8: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Your Path

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, April 2008:

■Only 2% of people surveyed claim to be working in the occupation they had planned when they were 18 years old.

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 9: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Your Path

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, April 2008:

■Only 2% of people surveyed claim to be working in the occupation they had planned when they were 18 years old.

■Americans average ten to fourteen jobs between the ages of 18 and 34 and three to five career changes by the age of 38.

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 10: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Next Steps

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 11: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Next Steps Log into your Naviance account.

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 12: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Next Steps Log into your Naviance account.

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 13: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Next Steps Log into your Naviance account.

Complete the following three surveys:

Thursday, January 10, 13

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Next Steps Log into your Naviance account.

Complete the following three surveys:1. Career Interest Profiler survey (10 minutes).

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 15: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Next Steps Log into your Naviance account.

Complete the following three surveys:1. Career Interest Profiler survey (10 minutes).2. Complete the Cluster Finder survey (5 minutes).

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 16: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Next Steps Log into your Naviance account.

Complete the following three surveys:1. Career Interest Profiler survey (10 minutes).2. Complete the Cluster Finder survey (5 minutes). 3. Complete the Career Interest Profiler Follow-up Survey (20 minutes).

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 17: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Next Steps Log into your Naviance account.

Complete the following three surveys:1. Career Interest Profiler survey (10 minutes).2. Complete the Cluster Finder survey (5 minutes). 3. Complete the Career Interest Profiler Follow-up Survey (20 minutes).

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 18: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Next Steps Log into your Naviance account.

Complete the following three surveys:1. Career Interest Profiler survey (10 minutes).2. Complete the Cluster Finder survey (5 minutes). 3. Complete the Career Interest Profiler Follow-up Survey (20 minutes).

Meet with your counselor in small-group Flex sessions on January 24th (4B) and 25th (1A).

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 19: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

Career Interest Profiler

Log into your Naviance account and click on “career interest profiler” in the ‘careers’ tab.

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 20: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

What is the Career Interest Profiler?

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 21: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

What is the Career Interest Profiler?

180 questions about work activities that people do at their jobs

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 22: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

What is the Career Interest Profiler?

180 questions about work activities that people do at their jobs

a tool to help identify your Holland Codes -- a system to classify jobs into six categories, interest clusters, or work personality environments

Thursday, January 10, 13

Page 23: Grade 10 career presentation January 2013

What is the Career Interest Profiler?

180 questions about work activities that people do at their jobs

a tool to help identify your Holland Codes -- a system to classify jobs into six categories, interest clusters, or work personality environments

When choosing your answers, think about whether you would like or dislike doing a particular work activity if you had a chance to do it.  Try not to think about whether you have enough education or training to perform the activity.

Thursday, January 10, 13

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Career Interest Profiler

Thursday, January 10, 13

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Cluster Finder

Thursday, January 10, 13

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Cluster Finder *Plan of Study

Thursday, January 10, 13

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Follow-Up Survey

Thursday, January 10, 13