grace&covenant&presbyterian&church& ·...

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church Asheville, North Carolina June 14, 2015 – 10:30 am “The grace of God means something like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldn't have been complete without you.” ― Frederick Buechner Prelude Concerto in G (allegro) J. S. Bach Introit Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Hugo Distler * Call to Worship On this day, we gather with thanksgiving in our hearts. For God's love is ever constant in our lives. On this day, we would talk of all that is ours. Grace upon grace has been poured into our lives. On this day, we would speak of what we believe. We will sing glad songs for all that God has done. * Hymn 386 Come, Worship God (Psalm 95) O QUANTA QUALIA * Call to Reconciliation

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Page 1: Grace&Covenant&Presbyterian&Church& · 2015-06-12 · *+Doxology& & & & &Prayers&of&the&People&& Each!section!of!the!prayer!will!conclude:!“God,!inyour!grace”!

Grace  Covenant  Presbyterian  Church  Asheville,  North  Carolina    

June  14,  2015  –  10:30  am      


“The  grace  of  God  means  something  like:    Here  is  your  life.  You  might  never  have  been,  but  you  are  because  the  party  wouldn't  

have  been  complete  without  you.”      

―  Frederick  Buechner    

    Prelude           Concerto  in  G  (allegro)                                                  J.  S.  Bach       Introit                                               Praise  to  the  Lord,  the  Almighty                          Hugo  Distler    *    Call  to  Worship                            

On  this  day,  we  gather  with  thanksgiving  in  our  hearts.    For  God's  love  is  ever  constant  in  our  lives.    On  this  day,  we  would  talk  of  all  that  is  ours.    Grace  upon  grace  has  been  poured  into  our  lives.    On  this  day,  we  would  speak  of  what  we  believe.    We  will  sing  glad  songs  for  all  that  God  has  done.  

 *   Hymn  386   Come,  Worship  God  (Psalm  95)                O  QUANTA  QUALIA      *    Call  to  Reconciliation        

Page 2: Grace&Covenant&Presbyterian&Church& · 2015-06-12 · *+Doxology& & & & &Prayers&of&the&People&& Each!section!of!the!prayer!will!conclude:!“God,!inyour!grace”!

*   Litany  of  Confession                          God  of  love,  comfort  your  people  this  day:  we  confess  the  emptiness  of  our  souls,  which  sends  us  searching  for  all  those  things  which  cannot  nourish  us.      Our  restless  longing  for  the  goods  of  the  world  fill  us  envy.      Our  belief  that  still  waters  are  stagnant  causes  us  to  thirst.    Our  trust  in  hollow  promises  turn  us  away  from  you.  Forgive  us,  Goodness  Incarnate.      Call  us  back  from  our  wayward  lives,  so  we  may  find  rest  in  the  stillness  of  your  gentle  heart;  we  may  find  healing  from  your  scarred  hands;  we  may  find  that  life  for  which  we  yearn,  together  in  you  and  through  Jesus  Christ,  our  Lord  and  Savior.  Amen.  

 *   Assurance  of  Forgiveness  

This  is  the  good  news:      God  will  walk  with  us  in  every  moment,    God  will  fill  us  with  goodness  and  mercy,    God  will  bring  us  home  to  live  forever.  Anointed  with  grace  and  forgiveness,  our  lives  overflow  with  love  for  all  people.      Thanks  be  to  God.    Amen.    

*   Response   (Please  repeat  as  directed)  

 *   Passing  of  the  Peace       The  Peace  of  Christ  be  with  you.       And  also  with  you.  

    Faith  Sharing  with  Children                     Prayer  for  Illumination                

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  New  Testament                                              Philippians  2:1-­‐11       The  Word  of  the  Lord       Thanks  be  to  God!  

    Gospel                              Luke  14:1,7-­‐14         The  Word  of  the  Lord       Thanks  be  to  God!  

    Sermon     “RSVP”                              Kristy  Farber                         Silent  Meditation    *   Hymn  377     I  Want  to  Walk  as  a  Child  of  the  Light              HOUSTON    *    Affirmation  of  Faith   (from  the  United  Church  in  Canada)  

We  are  not  alone,  we  live  in  God's  world.    We  believe  in  God:  who  has  created  and  is  creating,  who  has  come  in  Jesus,  the  Word  made  flesh,  to  reconcile  and  make  new,  who  works  in  us  and  others  by  the  Spirit.    

We  trust  in  God.    

We  are  called  to  be  the  Church:  to  celebrate  God's  presence,  to  live  with  respect  in  Creation,  to  love  and  serve  others,  to  seek  justice  and  resist  evil,  to  proclaim  Jesus,  crucified  and  risen,  our  judge  and  our  hope.    

In  life,  in  death,  in  life  beyond  death,  God  is  with  us.    

We  are  not  alone.  Thanks  be  to  God.  Amen.  

    Our  Life  Together  (Please  sign  the  Friendship  Pad  located  in  your  pew)       Defibrillator                                    Megan  Shook  

Choir  Recognition           Offering  (Please  place  prayer  cards  in  the  offering  plate  for  the  Prayers  of  the  People)       Prayer  of  Dedication                                       Offertory  Anthem         My  Soul's  Been  Anchored  in  the  Lord                          Moses  Hogan        

Page 4: Grace&Covenant&Presbyterian&Church& · 2015-06-12 · *+Doxology& & & & &Prayers&of&the&People&& Each!section!of!the!prayer!will!conclude:!“God,!inyour!grace”!

*   Doxology    

      Prayers  of  the  People    

Each  section  of  the  prayer  will  conclude:  “God,  in  your  grace”  Please  respond:  “Hear  our  prayer”  

      The  Lord’s  Prayer    

Our  Father,  who  art  in  heaven,  Hallowed  be  thy  name,  Thy  kingdom  come,  thy  will  be  done,  On  earth  as  it  is  in  heaven.  

Give  us  this  day  our  daily  bread;    and  forgive  us  our  debts,    

as  we  forgive  our  debtors;  and  lead  us  not  into  temptation,  

but  deliver  us  from  evil.  For  thine  is  the  kingdom,  and  the  power,  

And  the  glory,  forever.  Amen    *    Hymn  770   I’m  Gonna  Eat  at  the  Welcome  Table            WELCOME  TABLE      *   Charge  and  Benediction    

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  Postlude   Concerto  in  G  (Presto)                      J.S.  Bach    

(For  some,  the  Postlude  serves  as  festive  music  to  accompany  their  going  back  out  into  the  world.  Others  prefer  to  remain  seated  and  listen.  Please  be  mindful  of  these  different  needs  as  you  depart.  Thank  you!)  


*  Please  Stand  in  Body  or  Spirit.      

                     We  gather  to  worship  God  who  is  larger  than  all  our  imagination!  We  encourage  all  persons  to  sing  the  gender  nouns  and  pronouns  

they  prefer  in  referring  to  God.    


Our  Life  Together…    

 Thank  You!  Head  Usher:  Beth  Kissling  |  Liturgist:  Susan  Meade    

The  flowers  that  decorate  our  sanctuary  this  morning  are  given  by  the  members  of  the  choir  to  honor  Marty  Dean  upon  her  retirement  from  44  years  of  service  to  the  Chancel  Choir.      Staff  Transitions  As  the  Session  and  congregation  have  been  discussing  over  the  past  two  months,  there  a  many  changes  going  on  with  the  staff  of  the  church.    The  Personnel  Committee  and  Session  have  thought  through  the  process  and  we  want  to  try  and  outline  as  carefully  as  possible  how  members  can  get  whatever  they  need  from  the  church  as  needs  arise.      

Please  look  for  a  document  explaining  everything  on  both  the  credenzas  next  to  the  sanctuary,  or  in  the  Information  Station.  Also  find  this  information  in  our  Thursday  Weekly  News  email.  If  you  are  not  currently  signed  up  to  receive  this  weekly  email,  please  contact  Gihani  Isaacs  (Communication  Coordinator)  to  add  your  name  to  the  list.    Welcome  to  Cam  Murchison  who  begins  a  role  with  us  today  as  part  of  our  transition.    Cam  will  be  in  worship  with  us  from  time  to  time  and  will  be  working  with  the  Session  and  staff  to  help  guide  the  transition.    Cam  is  a  long  time  friend  of  our  congregation  and  we  look  forward  to  him  getting  to  know  this  congregation  on  a  deeper  level  and  for  you  all  to  get  the  chance  to  know  him.  

 Serve  Pritchard  Park  Breakfast  Ministry  |  NEXT  Sunday,  June  21    Volunteers  &  Donations  Needed!  We  are  in  need  of  several  volunteers  and  donations  for  this  month’s  Pritchard  Park  Breakfast  Ministry.  Please  take  a  look  at  the  sign-­‐up  sheet  in  the  narthex  to  see  if  you  can  help  fill  some  gaps.  Or  contact  Jane  Lee  Vondette  at  505-­‐2003  or  [email protected].    Thank  you!  

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Marketplace  AD  (VBS)  Desperately  Needs  Volunteers!  June  22  -­‐  25  |  9:00  AM  -­‐  12:00  PM  We  are  in  desperate  need  of  shopkeepers  to  volunteer  for  Marketplace  Vacation  Bible  School.    We  need  adult  and  youth  volunteers.  This  is  a  fun  job,  that  you  can  do  1,  2,  3  or  all  4  days.  You  will  be  helping  kids  in  the  shops  with  crafts,  games  or  trying  food.  Everything  you  need  will  be  explained  and  given  to  you  and  it  is  so  much  FUN!  Please  contact  [email protected]  as  soon  as  possible  if  you  can  help!  

Care  Prayer  List  [We  are  happy  to  pray  for  anyone  who  is  in  need.  Concerns  will  stay  on  this  list  for  a  month  unless  we  hear  otherwise.  Please  keep  us  updated.]      Jerusalem  Church  elders  |  deacons  |  congregation;  Frank  Wilson  (Martha  Kisiah's  nephew);  Linda  Albin  (Les  &  Susan  Stradley's  friend);  Matt  Lyles  (Fred  &  Heather  Hudson's  friend);  JoDell  Hawthorne  (Donna  Robertson's  cousin);  Frances  Buchanan  (Brian  Buchanan's  mother);  Michael  Siburt  (Anna  Jarvis'  son-­‐in-­‐law);  Dorothy  LaRue  Sloane  (Donna  Robertson's  cousin);  Natalie  DeVito  (Karen  Rohls'  daughter);  Bubby  Crawford  (Starla  Schnurbusch's  sister-­‐in-­‐law's  father);  Natalie  Taggert  (  Kay  Cole's  friend);  Terry  Churchfield  (Susie  Churchfield's  brother);  Heath  &  Peggy  Rada  (Moderator  of  the  PCUSA  General  Assembly);  Barrett  &  Ali  Payne  (Commissioned  to  Columbia  Seminary);  Mark  &  Heather  Merritt  (Commissioned  to  Columbia  Seminary);  Richard  Simons    (Gerry  Simons'  son);  Pam  Morrell  (Penny  Ponder's  daughter);  Tricia  &  Steve  Minnick  (Mary  Lou  Nash's  friends);  Kimo  Hyatt  (Keaton  Hill's  father);  Al  Williams;  Sandy  Jividen;  Janet  Bondurant;  Jack  &  Betty  Smith;  Lorraine  Formato;  Dana  Victor  Little;  Mimi  Aldridge;  Bettie  Pritchard;  Sarah  Harwell;  Mary  Ellen  Horne;  Susan  Stradley;  Donna  Robertson;  Carly  Stein;  Debby  Lee;  Alva  Bennett;  Robin  Gaiser;  P.  Diane  Chambers;  Bill  de  Groot    Sympathies  extended  to  Keaton  Hill  and  family  on  the  death  of  her  grandmother,  Betty  Cleaveland;  Congratulations  to  Barbara  Boyd  on  the  birth  of  her  grandson,  on  June  6,  in  Germany.    Wetlands  Water  Park  (Jonesborough,  TN)  |  Monday,  August  10  |  6:00  –  8:00  PM    $10/person;  $40/Family  max  |  (children  ages  3  and  under  are  FREE)  |  Scholarships  available  upon  request | RSVP  by  Saturday,  August  1  to  Nancy   Grace  Covenant  is  renting  out  Wetlands  Water  Park  and  you  are  invited!  Toddlers,  children,  youth,  adults  -­‐  come  and  play  with  us!  Wetlands  is  about  an  hour  from  GCPC  and  has  a  great  zero  entry  pool,  lazy  river,  toddler  water  slides  and  a  few  bigger  slides  as  well.    Invite  your  friends,  because  Grace  Covenant  will  have  the  whole  place  to  ourselves!  You  can  go  early  and  enjoy  Jonesborough  or  meet  at  the  church  to  carpool/caravan.  Please  see  our  web  site  under  CARE  to  learn  more!    Grace  Covenant’s  Annual  Congregation  Retreat  |  Sunday,  September  12  Montreat,  NC  |  Rev  Dr.  Willie  Jennings-­‐Retreat  Leader  (Associate  Professor  of  Theology  and  Black  Church  Studies  at  Duke  Divinity  School)  |  Camping/Lodging  available  all  weekend.  Please  see  our  web  site  under  GROW  or  the  Thursday  Weekly  News  email  to  download  a  registration  form,  or  pick  a  hardcopy  from  the  Information  Station.  

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Grow  2015  Summer  Women’s  Memoir  Series  |  Wednesdays  |  7:00  PM  |  Library  Join  us  for  a  series  of  book  talks  focusing  on  memoirs  written  by  people  of  faith.    Hosted  by  Kristy  Farber,  Heather  Gast,  and  Rebecca  Gurney,  and  open  to  all  women  of  the  church.    One  copy  of  each  book  can  be  found  in  the  newly  revamped  library  annex  upstairs  in  the  Memorial  Garden  Overlook.  Please  pre-­‐read  the  books  to  ensure  lively  discussion  but  come  either  way!    

June  17  |  A  Severe  Mercy  |  Sheldon  Vanauken  July  15  |  Brown  Girl  Dreaming  |  Jacqueline  Woodson    August  12  |  Jesus  Land  |  Julia  Scheeres  

 Parable  Godly  Play  Lessons    Sundays,  June  21  through  July  26  |  10  AM  |  Sanctuary  In  conjunction  with  our  summer  parable  sermon  series,  we  will  be  doing  Godly  Play  lessons  that  go  along  with  the  week's  parable  before  worship  June  21-­‐July  26.  This  is  the  wonder-­‐filled  curriculum  we  will  be  doing  for  our  preschool  through  elementary  school  next  year.    Preschool  through  adults  are  welcome!    Godly  Play  Curriculum  |  Preschoolers-­‐5th  Grades    Information  Session  |  August  28-­‐29    As  many  of  you  are  aware,  we  are  moving  to  the  Godly  Play  curriculum  next  year  with  our  preschoolers  through  fifth  graders.    This  wonder-­‐filled  program  has  many  opportunities  for  participation  including  storytellers,  snack  helpers  and  door  keepers.  We  would  love  for  you  to  consider  where  you  may  fit  in!  On  August  28-­‐29,  we  will  be  hosting  a  Godly  Play  trainer  at  GCPC  where  you  can  learn  all  about  the  curriculum.  If  you  are  interested  or  want  more  information,  please  contact  Heather  at  [email protected].      Summer  Choir  Opportunity  |  Sing  In  Worship!  We  need  your  help.    Starting  next  Sunday  our  Chancel  Choir  will  begin  their  much-­‐deserved  summer  break.    However,  worship  continues  throughout  the  summer  and  we  need  individuals  to  help  us  lead  singing  in  worship.    Our  summer  choir  is  a  brand-­‐new  endeavor  and  is  open  to  all  children  youth  and  adults.    We  will  meet  each  Sunday  morning  at  9:00  a.m.  in  the  Sanctuary  and  prepare  something  musical  to  share  in  worship.  Come  join  us  at  9:00  a.m.  in  the  sanctuary  any  Sunday  you're  in  town  and  add  your  voice  to  the  joyful  noise!  


Next  Sunday,  June  21,  2015  Worship  Service  at  10:30  AM  

Summer  Courtyard  Fellowship  at  11:30  AM        

 Sermon:  “Pray  to  Lose”  by  Kristy  Farber  Scriptures:  Luke  11:1-­‐13  


Page 8: Grace&Covenant&Presbyterian&Church& · 2015-06-12 · *+Doxology& & & & &Prayers&of&the&People&& Each!section!of!the!prayer!will!conclude:!“God,!inyour!grace”!

CALENDAR  Sunday     14     10:30  AM   Worship  –  Choir  appreciation             11:30  AM   Summer  Courtyard  Fellowship               4:00  PM     Worship  at  Westminster  Pres.  (15  Overbrook  Pl.)  Tuesday   16     9:00  AM     Prayer  Group  Wednesday   17     7:00  PM     Summer  memoir  series  Fri-­‐Sun     19-­‐21         Camping  trip  to  Briarbottom  Campground  Sun-­‐Fri     21  -­‐  26         Montreat  Music  conference  

21           Pritchard  Park             10:30  AM   Worship             11:30  AM   Deacons             11:30  AM   Summer  Courtyard  Fellowship               4:00  PM     Worship  at  Westminster  Pres.  (15  Overbrook  Pl.)            -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  God  Welcomes  All  by  John  Bell.  (c)  2008  GIA/Iona  Community  WGRG.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Reprinted  with  permission  under  copyright  license:  A-­‐724337