googlemaps & plan

Plan & Googlemaps I plan to cycle from my home in cambridge town to granchester early morning, around 10am. I will go down the cycle path leading to Trumpington, the journey should take about 15 minutes overall. If possible i will be shooting on a day that is particularly sunny, since i believe this is when the village looks itʼs best, this will also give my photographʼs improved lighting, and overall, give my shots a better look. I will be beginning my shoot on the outskirts of Granchester village starting at the church, i believe the church will make for some nice scenic shots. I will then go further into the village, taking shots of different buildings as i go along. Near the centre of the village there is a nice river area that i plan to photograph. Once i am in the centre of Granchester village i will make my way through to the main fields and parkland area, i will take a majority of my shotʼs through out this area, working my way around until i come to the river at the end of the fields, there are several treeʼs and potentially appealing shotʼs to be taken in this area.

Upload: scott-duru

Post on 22-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Plan & Googlemaps I plan to cycle from my home in cambridge town to granchester early morning, around 10am. I will go down the cycle path leading to Trumpington, the journey should take about 15 minutes overall. If possible i will be shooting on a day that is particularly sunny, since i believe this is when the village looks its best, this will also give my photographs improved lighting, and overall, give my shots a better look. I will be beginning my shoot on the outskirts of Granchester village starting at the church, i believe the church will make for some nice scenic shots. I will then go further into the village, taking shots of different buildings as i go along. Near the centre of the village there is a nice river area that i plan to photograph. Once i am in the centre of Granchester village i will make my way through to the main elds and parkland area, i will take a majority of my shots through out this area, working my way around until i come to the river at the end of the elds, there are several trees and potentially appealing shots to be taken in this area.