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  • 7/29/2019 Google Chromo Os(Docu)



    A Technical Report on


    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

    For the award of degree of





    L.Snehakala (08B81A05A0)



    Affiliated To

    [Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kukatpally, Hyderabad]



  • 7/29/2019 Google Chromo Os(Docu)



    Cherabuddi Education Societys

    CVR College of Engineering

    (Approved by A.I.C.T.E & Government of Andhra Pradesh and Affiliated to JNTU University)

    VASTUNAGAR, Mangalpalli (V) Ibrahimpatan (M), R.R. District, PIN501 510

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    Phones: Code within A.P.: 958414; Code from Outside: 08414

    General: 252222, 252369Office Telefax: 252369/252396, Principal: 252393 (O)


    This is to certify that the technical seminar entitled GOOGLE

    CHROME OS done by L.SNEHAKALA (08B81A05A0) during the

    academic year 2011-2012 in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of

    Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering to Jawaharlal

    Nehru Technological University is a record of bonafide work carried out by herunder our supervision.

    Ch. Ram Mohan Prof. L.C. Siva Reddy

    Associate Professor Head of DepartmentDepartment of CSE Department of CSE[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/29/2019 Google Chromo Os(Docu)



    CHROME OSContents

    1 INTRODUCTION1.1What is Google Chrome OS41.2History...........................................................................................................................5

    2 Features...62.1Speed.............................................................................................................................62.2Quick Booting...............................................................................................................62.3Simplicity.......................................................................................................................62.4Ultimate Security..........................................................................................................62.5Sand Boxing...................................................................................................................72.6Verified Boot..................................................................................................................72.7Data Encryption............................................................................................................72.8Continuous Update.......................................................................................................72.9Printing..........................................................................................................................82.10 Use of Cloud.............................................................................................................8

    3 Cr-48 Prototype Hardware....84 Hardware support & compatibility...................................................................................95 How to use Chrome OS......................................................................................................10

    5.1Boot................................................................................................................................105.2Tabs and Customization...............................................................................................125.3Applications shortcuts and Panels...............................................................................135.4Flash playback...............................................................................................................135.5Remote application access............................................................................................145.6Integrated media player...............................................................................................14

    6 Architecture.147 Chromium OS......................................................................................................................158 Chrome OS vs. Chromium OS............................................................................................159 Google Chrome OS vs. Microsoft Windows......................................................................1510 Advantages and Disadvantages of Chrome OS................................................................1611 Chrome OS achieves............................................................................................................1612 Future of Chrome OS.........................................................................................................1813 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................19


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    1.1What is Google Chrome OS?

    Google Chrome OS is an upcoming Linux-based, open source operating system designed

    by Google to work exclusively with web applications. Chrome OS was announced on July 7,

    2009.Google chrome OS is not available as a download to run and install but it will be ship

    on specific hardware which is manufactured from Googlespartners. Chrome OS main aim is

    the users who spend most of their time on the Internet. Google Chrome browser has been

    redesigned in underlying security architecture of the OS so that users don't have to deal with

    viruses, malware and security updates. Web is the platform for application developers. All

    web-based applications will work automatically and new applications can be written using

    your favorite web technologies. These apps will run not only on Google Chrome OS, but onany standards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux thereby giving developers the

    largest user base of any platform.

    Google chrome OS : 0.12.433.35 Company/developer: Google Inc. Programmed in: C,C++ OS family: Unix- like Supported platforms: x86,ARM KERNEL type: Linux kernel Default user interface: Graphical interface used on the Google chrome


    Update method: Rolling release

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    Google developers began coding the operating system in 2009, inspired by growing

    popularity and low power consumptions of Net books and their focus on the internet access.

    To ascertain marketing requirements for an operating system focused on net book Web

    transactions, the company did not do the usual demographic research generally associated

    with a large software development project. Instead, engineers have relied on more informal

    metrics, including monitoring the usage patterns of some 200 Chrome OS machines used by

    Google employees. Developers also noted their own usage patterns. Matthew Papakipos,

    former engineering director for the Chrome OS project, put three machines in his house andfound himself logging in for brief sessions: to make a single search query or send a short

    email. On November 19, 2009, Google released Chrome OS's source code as the Chromium

    OS project. As with other open source projects, developers are modifying code from

    Chromium OS and building their own versions, whereas Google Chrome OS code will only

    be supported by Google and its partners, and will only run on hardware designed for the

    purpose. Unlike Chromium OS, Chrome OS will be automatically updated to the latest

    version. On January 25, 2010, Google posted notes, images and a video of a conceptualdesign showing how a Chrome OS user interface might look on tablet PC with a 510 inch

    screen. The design would include the same basic layout as on net books, but with a touch

    interface; an onscreen QWERTY keyboard in different layouts; large, square icons placed

    above the tabs; and panels placed along the bottom edge that could be opened with an upward

    dragging motion. The posting was made two days before Apple announced the iPad table. On

    March16, 2011, several changes to Chromium OS were made which indicate the

    development of a tablet version of Google Chrome OS.In March 2010; Google indicated that

    consideration is being given to developing two versions of the operating system, a consumer

    version and an enterprise version.

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    2 .Features of chrome OS:


    Speed is an unsaid feature of the Google Chrome OS. Google Chrome has tremendous booting speed that the user never have to wait for

    the web

    Chrome notebooks boot in about 10 seconds and resume from sleep instantly. Websites load quickly and run smoothly, with full support for the latest web standards

    and Adobe Flash

    Every time you turn it on, it upgrades itself with the latest features and fixes. Chrome OS can run multiple Web applications in multiple tabs and each one

    is locked down from all others , so vulnerability has no chance to occur

    2.2 Quick Booting:

    The Chrome operating system is designed to allow computers to boot up to the Webwithin seconds.

    In these precious seconds, Chrome OS scans critical parts of the OS to make surethey have not been modified

    2.3 Simplicity:

    Basic user interface and features lend simplicity to the Google Chrome OS,

    making user interaction easier and adaptable

    2.4 Ultimate Security:

    The most fascinating and intriguing features presented by the Google Chrome OS isSecurity Maintenance.

    Chrome OS is the first operating system designed to counter security threats. It uses the principle of defense in depth to provide multiple layers of

    protection, so if anyone layer is bypassed, others are still in effect
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    2.5 Sandboxing:

    On the Chrome notebook, each web page and application visited runs in a restrictedenvironment called a sandbox

    If you visit an infected page, it cant affect the other tabs or apps on your computer,or anything else on your machine.

    Google expands its security by running each tab through a dedicated sandbox. These sandboxes have no access to hard drive. This means the browsing is separated

    from the other areas of the system this gives a total security from malware intrusion in

    to the hard drive.

    2.6 Verif ied boot:

    Even if malware manages to escape the sandbox, the Chromenotebook is s t i l l protected.

    Every time the computer is booted, it does a self check called Verified boot. If it detects that the system has been, corrupted in any way, typically it will repair


    2.7 Data Encryption:

    When you use web apps on your Chrome notebook, all the users documents arestored safely in the cloud.

    But certain kinds of files, like downloads, cookies, and browser cache files, maystillbe present on the computer.

    The Chrome notebookencrypts all this data using tamper -resistant hardware,making it very difficult for anyone to access those files.

    2.8 Continuous Update:

    The web evolves rapidly. Your Chrome notebook evolves with it. Every time you turn it on, it upgrades itself with the latest features and fixes. Annoying update prompts not included.
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    2.9 Printing:

    Google plans to create a service called Google Cloud Print, which will helpany application on any device to print on any printer.

    This method of printing does not require any drivers and there fore will besuitable for printing from Google Chrome OS.

    2.10 Use of Cloud:

    Users who use Chrome will have to perform all their computing online orin the clo u d , t h e re i s n o n eed o f d o wn lo ad in g t r ad i t io n a l

    so f tware ap p l i ca t io n s l ik e iT u n es , an d Micro so f t Of f i ce , o r

    s to r in g f i l e s o n h a rd d r iv es .

    Devices which are running under chrome OS will receive continuous updates. Chrome OS is a lightweight Linux based OS that will be available on net books and



    Google announced the Cr-48 laptop, a reference hardware design to test the Chrome

    OS operating system. It was named afterChromium-48, an unstable isotope of the

    metallic element known as Chromium the Cr-48 is intended for testing only, and

    will not be sold to the general public. The Cr -48 is the t est notebook

    designed for the Pilot program. The company demonstrated an offline version

    of Google Docs running on Ch rome OS and announced a 3G plan that

    would give Chrome OS users 100 MB of free data each month, with additional

    paid plans available from Verizon Google also addressed complain ts that the

    operating system offers little functionality when the host device is not

    connected to the Internet. Googles Cr-48 prototype "met the basic requirements

    for Web surfing, gaming, and personal productivity, but falls short for more intensive

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    Chrome OS is based on the open-source Chromium OS. Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips and The software

    architecture is s imple Google Chrome running within a new

    windowing system on top of a Linux kernel .

    For application developers, the web is the platform. While Chrome OS willsupport hard disk drives, Google has their higher performance and reliability, as

    well as the lower capacity requirements inherent in an operating system that

    acc ess es appl ica tio ns and mo st use r d ata on remote servers.

    All web-based applicat ions wil l automatical ly work and newapplications can be written using your favourite web technologies.

    And of course, these apps will run not only on Google Chrome OS, but on anystandards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux thereby giving developers the

    largest user base of any platform.

    The Google chrome OS will run on hardware incorporating an x86 or ARM basedprocessor.

    The solid-state drives are the drives primarily supported by the OS for speedand reliability issues but hard disk drives will also be supported.

    It consumes one-sixtieth as much drive space as Windows 7

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    5 How to use Chrome OS

    It is important that like Chrome-the-browser, Chrome-the-OS has an open-source sibling

    available, called Chromium OS. There is a simple setup procedure, however. When you start

    up your system, it's recommended that you sign in using a Google account. You're not

    required to, and if you'd prefer you can opt for the guest mode. Guest mode in Chrome OS

    cleverly uses the Chrome browser's trackless browsing mode, called Incognito. Incognito

    prevents guest users from leaving any traces of their session, as well as keeping them from

    making any changes to your apps and other settings. After choosing your log-in method,

    you're asked to read through and accept the EULA. This will only appear for the initial log-

    in; it won't show up for subsequent uses and users. Chrome then takes anywhere from 30 to

    60 seconds to synchronize your Google settings, if any, and then the computer is ready to beused.

    5.1 Boot:

    After several seconds youll get to the soft blue log-in page where youll have provide your

    Google email to get into the system.

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    The in browser Operating system would be logged into the Google mail. The default view is

    The user interface revolves around the top-positioned tabbed menu. In the right corner, you

    have few administrative buttons, including a battery, a network manager and options.

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    5.2 Tabs and customization:

    If you want to access any additional application you can open a new tab any time. By default

    tabs are designed in such a way that they are little similar to the interface used in Opera. We

    can use the tabs in any way we want

    5.3 Application shortcuts and Panels:

    Here you are provided with various applications like Gmail, yahoo, YouTube, contacts,

    calculator etc.

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    5.4 Flash Play back:You can also watch the flash content here.

    5.5 Remote application access:

    In June 2010, Google software engineer Gary Kacmarcik wrote that Chrome OS will access

    remote applications through a technology unofficially called "Chromoting", which would

    resemble Microsofts Remote Desktop Connection. The name has since been changed to

    "remoting," and is "probably closer to running an application via Terminal Services or by

    first connecting to a host machine by using RDP or VNC.

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    5.6 Integrated media player, file manager:

    Google integrates media into both Chrome OS and the Chrome browser; enabling users to

    play back MP3s, view JPEGs, and handle other multimedia files while offline. Chrome OS

    also includes an integrated file resembling those found on other operating systems, with the

    ability to display folders and their associated files, as well as preview and manage file

    contents using a variety of Web applications, including Google Docs and

    6 Architecture:

    In preliminary design documents for the Chromium OS open source project, Googledescribes three-tier architecture: firmware, browser and window manager, and system-level

    software and user land services .

    The firmware contributes to fast boot time by not probing for hardware, such as floppy disk

    drives, that are no longer common on computers, especially net books. The firmware also

    contributes to security by verifying each step in the boot process and incorporating system


    System-level software includes the Linux kernel that has been patched to improve bootperformance.Userland software has been trimmed to essentials, with management by Upstart,

    which can launch services in pa rallel, re-spawn c rashed jobs, and def er s ervices in

    the interest of faster booting.

    The window manager handles user interaction with multiple client windows much like other

    X window manager.

    7 Chromium OS

    Chromium OS is the open source project, used primarily by developers, withcode that is available for anyone to checkout, modifies and build.

    Google Chrome and Chromium are the same OS. Except for the fact that theChromium operating system can be extended by anyone.

    Google Chromium is basically the advanced version. It is an open source development version for Google chrome OS which was released

    on November 19,2009
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    The Chromium OS is basically a test environment for Google developers.


    The two projects fundamentally share the same code base, but Google Chrome OS hassome additional firmware features, including verified boot and easy

    recovery, which require corresponding hardware changes and thus also don't

    work in Chromium OS builds.

    Google Chrome OS runs on specially optimized hardware in order to getenhanced performance and security.

    Chromium OS does not auto-update (so that changes you may have madeto the code are not blown away), whereas Google Chrome OS seamlessly

    auto-updates so that users have the latest and greatest features and fixes.

    G o o g l e C h r om e O S i s s u p p o r t e d b y G o o gl e a n d i t s p a r t n e r s ; C hr o m i u m O S i s supported by the open source community.

    9 Google Chrome Os Vs Microsoft Windows

    You know you are on to something big when the competition sits up and takes notice of you.

    Well, this is what precisely is happening with the case of Google and Microsoft. Google

    started with the search engine, which Microsoft is still trying to compete with its Bing. Next

    was the efficient G-Mail, which has topped the market with regards to email service provider.

    On its heels came the Chrome browser, which has managed to capture a substantial market

    though it is still a newbie. The only reason internet explorer is still dominating the market is

    because it is pre installed on every windows computer, which by itself is present on 90 per

    cent of the desktop computers worldwide and 70 per cent of enterprise computers.

    Google was just creating applications that would run on the Windows platform. But then

    came the announcement of the new Chrome OS, which is a lightweight browser, open source

    OS available primarily for net books. It promises to hook users to the net in a few seconds on

    the fastest growing category of computers, namely the net books used by people on the go.

    India is the fastest growing market for the Chrome browser. Also, net books are a cheaper

    option to desktops and laptops. More and more people are using the internet nowadays and

    Google is planning India to be one of the important markets.

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    Does Microsoft is worried about this hype. Windows is primarily a desktop OS and the whole

    world uses Windows. Also there are tremendous third party applications built for Windows.

    It is due to these reasons that Microsoft wont feel a dent in its armor with the new Chrome

    OS. But with Google spearheading Cloud Computing, which is thought of as the future of

    computers, Microsoft is making developments in that category.

    First its all about the web. All apps are web apps. The entire experience takes place within

    the browser and there are no conventional desktop applications. This means users do not have

    to deal with installing, managing and updating programs, Papakipos added.

    Second, because all apps live within the browser, there are significant benefits to security.

    Unlike traditional operating systems, Chrome OS doesn't trust the applications you run. Each

    app is contained within a security sandbox making it harder for malware and viruses to infect

    your computer.

    From how I look at this, existing users with Windows will not shift to Chrome OS due to the

    habit of using Windows. Corporate and Enterprise offices also will not shift to the new OS.

    Google is primarily aiming its new OS to the net book users and the tech savvy youth. On a

    whole, with its Android for smart phones, Google believes, and rightly so, that the way we

    are using computers is changing. Desktops are giving way to laptops, tablets, smart phones,

    etc. Google wants to be the pioneer in this field. It wants to be the future.


    One of the major advantages of Google chrome OS is its impressive speed. Unlike windows which uses up a lot of systems resources, Googles new OS is

    designed to be light weight and efficient.

    All computing activities can be conducted user need not install theantivirus

    Users data will be stored at dedicated servers so that the user can access the data andprograms at any time. By this feature it will eliminate useless system process and

    reduces the memory usage.

    Google chrome has over traditional OS in the area of computer security.

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    Since the new operating system is web-based, users are required to have anytime accessto the Internet to maximize Chrome usage.

    Lack of offline support is the main disadvantage of the Google chrome OS. If there are problems with connection, Chrome OS becomes virtually helpless, and

    does not allow you to execute even the basic operations in the offline mode.

    There are like RSS reader, Bookmarks manager are missing.


    People want to get to their e-mail instantly , without wast ing t ime

    wa it ing for the i r computers to boot and browsers to start up.

    They want their computers to always run as fast as when they first bought


    They want their data to be accessible to them wherever they are and not have to

    worry about losing their computer or forgetting to back up files.

    Even more importantly, they dont want to spend hours configuring their

    computers to work with every new piece of hardware, or have to worryabou t cons tan t sof twa re updates.

    There is a tiny little downside here: no local software.

    Browsers dont yet do everything, and there are two decades of Windows

    applications that have been written, performing functions t ha t cant yet be

    replicated in a browser.

    If you want to load music onto your iPod, for example, you need a

    computer that runs iTunes.

    Web sites often require programs to run alongside the browser, like Adobes

    Acrobat viewer.

    Even Google writes Windows programs for its Picasa photo editing product and Google

    Earth 3-D mapping system. But over time, more and more functions can be moved onto

    Web sites.

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    12 The Future of Chrome OS

    There are plenty of challenges for Google to address. One issue that may drive awayusers is that without an Internet connection, a Chrome computer's capabilities are

    severely restricted. Sans Web, there's simply not much this kind of machine can do,

    because it can't access any data or even programs other than the included media


    Many users may also be turned off by the idea of storing all data online. Most peopleare used to saving at least a few critical documents locally, and being separated from

    that data may be too much to bear.

    Privacy issues are another concern. We can store passwords, important financialinformation on your hard drive. Google may also encounter resistance from users who

    don't like low-quality net books. But those people may not have to wait long for Chrome to appear on better PCs.

    There's a good chance that if Chrome is successful on net books, Google will begin

    offering an updated version of the OS for more powerful laptop and desktop


    There's also the issue of control. People are concerned that Chrome puts them totallyat Google's mercy, with less control over their own data. To counter these issues,

    Google relies heavily on the goodwill it has generated over the years.

    And because many businesses already rely on a suite of Google products, such asGoogle Voice, Google Docs and Gmail, Google is betting that people will be likely to

    adopt the Chrome OS, if only due to inertia. Today we download and install software or apps on our PCs, smart phones, tablets,

    and connected TVs. In the future this may not always be the case. Its possible that in

    the future all of our software will run in the browser, not natively as an installed

    application. We call these applications web apps.

    A web app is an application that is used through a web browser instead ofbeingdownloaded and installed onto your PC or device. A web app has all the functionality

    of an installed application. The only major difference is that to use a web app you

    need to be connected to the Internet.

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    13 Conclusions

    As the next generation computing is based on the web the Chrome OS has its ownscope because the people went to connect always on the web.

    The cost of operating system is a problem now a day but the chrome OS is a freewareoperating system so it helps the people very much.

    These kinds of operating systems and net books are the next computers so the ChromeOS has abundant scope in future IT.
