google analytics and online ads

Google Analytics and Online Ads KPI PRESENTATION BY NITIN TONSE

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Post on 27-Jan-2015



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This PPT is for knowing about google Analytics basics with few types of reports and also about online ads, their advantages and disadvantages


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Google Analytics and Online AdsKPI PRESENTATION


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What is ?

• Free service offered by Google

• The most widely used website statistics service*

• Provides statistics and reports about visitors and transactions on a website

• At-a-glance dashboard view as well as detailed reports

* Source:

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After login screen of Google Analytics

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Home screen of Google Analytics

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How does Google Analytics work?

• Establish a User ID and password at

• Google then provides a “page tag” or Google Analytics Tracking Code that needs to be added to each page of a website

• This tag collects data and sends it back to the Google servers for processing

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What does it do?

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that analyzes:

• Website traffic

– Where visitors came from

– How they are navigating through your site

• How they navigated from page to page

• Which pages they stayed on longest or left from the most frequently (“bounce rate”)

• Conversions

• downloads

• page views

• registrations

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What does it do?

• E-commerce

– Volume of transactions

– Dollar value of transaction

– Success of transactions

• % complete and % dropped out of sales funnel

• AdWords Performance

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How can it help a website?

• Helps with development and optimization of landing pages

– How relevant were they to the visitor?

• Identifies navigation challenges that may prevent visitors from getting to your goal

• Optimization of AdWords performance

– keywords

– timing

– geographic differences

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Real Time Tracking (RTT)

• Real-Time allows you to monitor visitor activity as it happens on your site or app. The reports are updated continuously and each page view is reported seconds after it occurs on your site. For example, you can see:

– how many people are on your site right now,

– their geographic locations and the traffic sources that referred them,

– which pages or events they're interacting with, and

– which goal conversions have occurred.

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Real Time Tracking (RTT)

• With Real-Time, you can immediately and continuously monitor the effects that new campaigns and site changes have on your traffic. Here are a few of the ways you might use Real-Time:

– monitor whether new and changed content on your site is being viewed

– understand usage of your mobile app through event tracking

– see whether a one-day promotion is driving traffic to your site or app, and which pages these visitors are viewing

– monitor the immediate effects on traffic from a blog/social network post or tweet

– verify that the tracking code is working on your site or app

– monitor goal completions as you test changes to your site

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Real Time Tracking (RTT)

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Real Time Tracking (RTT)

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Keywords Overview

• There are two types of traffic that come to a site through search engines; organic (unpaid) and paid. By reviewing the keywords users are entering into search engines, web masters are able to get an overview of the organic traffic that is coming through their site. 

• if a keyword has a high ‘average time on site’ associated with it, the visit was probably of more value to the user than a visit resulting from a keyword with a low average time on site. 

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Why link AdWords to Google Analytics

• Google Analytics is a tool that keeps track of all the traffic that comes to a website. It can tell you:

– How many people visit your site

– How many pages they view and how long they stay

– What series of pages they saw

– The pages from which people leave your website

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Why link AdWords to Google Analytics

• When you create a link between Google Analytics and AdWords, you are allowing four types of data to flow between the two. This means that you can:

– Import Google Analytics goals and transactions into AdWords

– View Google Analytics site engagement data in AdWords

– Create remarketing lists in Analytics to use in AdWords for targeting specific audiences

– Automatically view your AdWords click and cost data alongside your Analytics site engagement data

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AdWords Report

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• Goals are a versatile way to measure how well your site or app fulfills your target objectives. You can set up individual Goals to track discrete actions, like transactions with a minimum purchase amount or the amount of time spent on a screen.

• Each time a user completes a Goal, a conversion is logged in your Google Analytics account. You can also give a Goal a monetary value, so you can see how much that conversion is worth to your business. You can analyze the Goal completion rates, or conversion rates in the Goal Reports. Goals conversions also appear in other reports, including the Visitor Report,Traffic Reports, Site Search Reports, and the Events Reports.

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Goals report

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Industry Benchmarking

• To gain access to this feature users must opt-in to “share the account data in an anonymous, aggregated format”

• Once enabled, Google Analytics assesses the profiles in your account, categorizes them by vertical market and number of visits

• and aggregates the data for inclusion in the benchmarking project

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What dows the benchmarking include?

• The benchmarking reports include:

• Visits

• Pageviews

• Average pages per visitor

• Bounce rate

• Average time on site

• Percent of new visitors

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Website’s new visits benchmarked against similar industry

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Website’s new bounce rate benchmarked against similar industry

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Benchmarking examples

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• Although Google Analytics lets you do a multitude of comparisons on a website’s data it does not allow you to directly compare against other sites. 

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Online Ads

• Is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web marketing messages to attract customers.

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• Contextual ads

• banner ads

• Blogs

• rich media ads

• social network advertising

• Interstitial ads

• online classified advertising

• advertising networks

• e-mail marketing

• e-mail spam

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• 1994- Pay-per-click keyboard advertising debuts at

• 1998- HotWired is the site to sell banner ads in large quantities to corporate advertisers.

• 2000- Google rolls out AdWords, a pay-per-click service.

• 2001- Pop-up ads fill users screens.

• 2005- video ads bring $121 million- just over 1% of online ad revenue.

• 2007- Facebook debuts its advertising system, including beacon.

• 2009- Companies such as Lotame begin to experiment with engagement as the new ad unit an social networks.

• Today, it is one of the essentials of a successful business, a media platform that allows interaction with customers.

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• Larger Target audience- post an ad on the internet, and you have the internet embracing your service with arms wide open.

• Easy to keep a Track of- it isn’t that easy track and measure the advertising figures in case of offline marketing.

• Better information- Advertiser has the capability of conveying more details with regards to the product he is selling, at a very low cost.

• Faster than Other mediums- Start sending out your ads the moment you sign up for the campaign, unlike other sources of advertising.

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• Lets Consumers decide- It lets consumers or viewers to decide whether to view the advertisement at all or not.

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• Many advertisement are seen spam and there are blockers to protect against the ads.

• Many websites have ads, so customers experience advertising fatigue or blindness and may not see the ad.

• Websites lack the first- hand experience that a store offers, which can lead to high returns on sales stemming from online advertising.

• Spring up from the expense, and often low return, of online ads.