good vibes: emotion and happiness

Miguel Losantas UPCM class 2015

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Post on 27-May-2015




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My report about emotions and happiness for our Physio 296 elective


Page 1: Good vibes: Emotion and Happiness

Miguel Losantas

UPCM class 2015

Page 2: Good vibes: Emotion and Happiness

*EmotionImportancePerspectives on

emotionWhat it can affect

*HappinessDefinitionNeural correlatesMotivation

*Positive PsychologyDefinitionKnown benefitsInterventions

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*Integral part of life

*Can be positive or negative

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*Evolutionary PerspectiveBasic emotions

Universally recognizableCan’t be simplified

Ancient brain structuresLimbic system/rhinencephalon

AdaptationNutritious foodFight or Flight

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*Social Construct PerspectiveObserved through behavior


Cultural basesLoveAnger

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*Neural correlatesPhineas Gage

Normal at firstAccidentBehavioral change

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*Neural correlatesBrain structures

Limbic systemPrefrontal cortex

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*Neural correlatesHormones and neurotransmitters


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*Autonomic Nervous SystemHeart rate, respiratory ratePupilsLie detector

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*Facial ExpressionHappiness, sadness, fear, surprise, anger, disgustSeen in different culturesCan be recognized cross-culturallyFacial feedback

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*Decision makingGut FeelGood and Bad

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*Neural CorrelatesSensationCoding vs Causation

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*Neural CorrelatesHedonic Hotspots

Nucleus Accumbens, Ventral Pallidum, Brainstem

Orbitofrontal CortexNeurotransmitters

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*Reward and pleasure

*Extrinsic and Intrinsic

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*Strengths and virtues

*Meaning and fulfillment

*Central ConcernsPositive emotionsPositive traitsPositive institution

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*Known BenefitsBetter physical healthBetter mental healthBetter quality of life

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*Physical activity


*Relaxation techniques

*Social Interaction

Page 19: Good vibes: Emotion and Happiness

*Control your emotions

*Be the best that you can be!