good governance and accountability

Good Governance and Accountability Eko Prasojo

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Good Governance and Accountability


Page 1: Good Governance and Accountability

Good Governance and Accountability

Eko Prasojo

Page 2: Good Governance and Accountability

Contract Between Government and Citizen

• Constitution as broadest principle

• National Laws and Regulation

• Regional and Local regulation

• Active Citizens Involvement in Government

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What is Governance (UNDP 1997)

• The use of political authority and exercise of control over a society and the management of resources for social and economic development

• Incorporation a political dimension (commitment to achieve public goods) and a technical dimension (efficient of management)

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Governance is:

• the complex mechanisms, process, relationships and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their rights and obligations and mediate their differences

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Governance is shifting paradigm of state

It is based on the paradigm shift in the role of the state from controlling to providing a macroeconomic and micro economic environment that creates incentive for efficient economic activities, establishes and enforces institutional arrangements such as law and order, rules and property rights to domestic and international investment and provides basic social services and framework for human resource development (Cheema, 2005).

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Dari Government ke Governance

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What is the differences between Government and Governance

• Government as structure, governance as process

• Government as polititician and bureaucrat, governance as whole elements of state

• Government is single dimension, governance is multi dimension

• Government is “providing”, governance is “enabling”

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The Essence of Good Governance

• Legitimacy: the public’s acceptance of the authority

• Accountability: Assuring the legitimacy through the accountable performance

• Management effectiveness: Performance orientation and transparent procedures

• Availability of information about laws, procedures and results

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Political Dimension of Good Governance

• Democratic election

• Respect for Human Right

• Rule of the law

• Political openness

• Equity

• Public participation

• Judicial Independence

• Transparency

• Freedom of information

• Accountability

• Absence of corruption

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The Dimensions of Good Governance

• Efficient and effective Governance

• Participative Governance

• Balanced Governance

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The building of Good Governance

Government Citizen and other


Needs, demand






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Strengthening Partnership

Gov. CitizenGroups

Build Communication linkages



Legal Framework

Discretionary Procedure



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Main Indicators of Good Governance

• Political awareness of people to the society and their environment

• Political trust to the government and the politics

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World Governance Indicators

• Control of Corroption

• Voice and Accountability

• Rule of Law

• Regulatory Quality

• Political Stability and absence of Violence

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Pattern of People’s Participation• Political participation is active if both political

awareness and trust high

• Political participation is apathy if political awareness and trust low

• Political participation is militant-radical if political awareness high and trust low

• Political participation is passive if political awareness low and trust high

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Strengths of Civil Society

• A large constituency (NGOs National Coalition and formations)

• Grassroots base

• Ability to organize communities

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Participation and voice

• Voice “an idea from the private to the public sector”

• A ‘force’ to help enhance government accountability and performance

• VOICE MECHANISMS1. Within formal governance arrangements (elections,

complaint mechanisms, etc.)2. ‘Parallel’ mechanisms (through NGOs, informal community

gatherings, etc.)

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Major questions

• What is the affect of voice mechanisms in developing countries? – Do voice mechanisms empower citizens?

– Do voice mechanisms enhance accountability?

• What factors seem to influence voice expression?

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Some considerations

• Voice mechanisms not always enhance accountability

• Where low influence: No accountability gains• Where high influence but narrow focus: narrow accountability

effect• Where high influence and broad focus: broad accountability

effect, greatest potential for all-around empowerment

• Note: Different voice expression effects through different voice mechanisms

• Question: What factors influence effects?

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Factors influencing ‘voice’ effects

• The voice mechanism adopted matters:– Greater influence where voices speak into key governance

processes (planning etc)– Greater influence where mechanism seen as ‘appropriate’

in context of formal governance structures

• Mechanism design details matter:– Influences on access to mechanism and ability to

participate– The participation agenda (who sets it, etc.)– The approach to assessing participation through the

mechanism– INFORMATION (access, ‘legibility’ etc.) and the structure

of public sector processes and documents

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Factors influencing ‘voice’ effects• Voice transmission mediums

– Once voice expressed, how transmitted to governing leaders?

– Once voice expressed, how is feedback transmitted back to citizens?

• Politics and administrative influence– “Closed’ models of governance– Incentives for those governing to listen?– Intergovernmental tensions (who should we listen to)?

• Socio-economics and social structures– Inequalities– ‘Social capital’ and organization

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Increasing participation

• Awareness Raising

• Policy Advocacy

• Institution Building

• Capacity Building

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Best Practices Good Governance

• Impact on society (tangibel and intangible)

• Partnerhsip

• Sustainability

• Leadership and community development

• Social equality

• Local context

• Transferability

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End of Presentation