good governance

LEADERSHIP AND MANAGING EXCELLENCE ASSIGNMENT-2 SUBMITTED BY: Angad Bir Singh ENROLLEMENT NO: A1802013203 SECTION: C MBA-IB, 4 TH SEMESTER SUBMITTED TO: MR. V.P.KAKKAR Question : “Good Governance leads to flourishing of society and nation” Good governance is about the processes for making and implementing decisions. It’s not about making ‘correct’ decisions, but about the best possible process for making those decisions. Good decision-making processes, and therefore good governance, share several characteristics. All have a positive effect on various aspects of local government including consultation policies and practices, meeting procedures, service quality protocols, councillor and officer conduct, role clarification and good working relationships. CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD GOVERNANCE Good governance is accountable Accountability is a fundamental requirement of good governance. Local government has an obligation to report, explain and be answerable for the consequences of decisions it has made on behalf of the community it represents. Good governance is transparent

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good governance


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Question: “Good Governance leads to flourishing of society and nation”

Good governance is about the processes for making and implementing decisions. It’s not about making ‘correct’ decisions, but about the best possible process for making those decisions.Good decision-making processes, and therefore good governance, share several characteristics. All have a positive effect on various aspects of local government including consultation policies and practices, meeting procedures, service quality protocols, councillor and officer conduct, role clarification and good working relationships.


Good governance is accountable Accountability is a fundamental requirement of good governance. Local government has an obligation to report, explain and be answerable for the consequences of decisions it has made on behalf of the community it represents.

Good governance is transparent People should be able to follow and understand the decision-making process. This means that they will be able to clearly see how and why a decision was made – what information, advice and consultation council considered, and which legislative requirements (when relevant) council followed.

Good governance follows the rule of law This means that decisions are consistent with relevant legislation or common law and are within the powers of council. In the case of Victorian local government, relevant legislation includes the Local Government Act 1989 and other legislation such as the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, and the Equal Opportunity Act 2010.

Good governance is responsive

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Local government should always try to serve the needs of the entire community while balancing competing interests in a timely, appropriate and responsive manner.

Good governance is equitable and   inclusive A community’s wellbeing results from all of its members feeling their interests have been considered by council in the decision-making process. This means that all groups, particularly the most vulnerable, should have opportunities to participate in the process.

Good governance is effective and   efficient Local government should implement decisions and follow processes that make the best use of the available people, resources and time to ensure the best possible results for their community.

Good governance   is participatory Anyone affected by or interested in a decision should have the opportunity to participate in the process for making that decision. This can happen in several ways – community members may be provided with information, asked for their opinion, given the opportunity to make recommendations or, in some cases, be part of the actual decision-making process.

Good Governance is indeed very important for any nation. What is good and what is bad depends upon the situation and value judgment of the society. Good Governance within its ambit not only includes better administration but also effective policy making and quick and fair delivery of justice. For a country to prosper, these three wings, i.e., legislature, judiciary and executive must work properly and fairly. So good governance through right policy and decision making and effective implementation of policies so made helps in the growth of nation and its people. The term good governance has now become a very commonly used term usually attached to Executive of any State which denotes its capacity to govern a nation. Here a point should be noted that now as we are living in the era of welfare state, a difference must be drawn between 'ruling' and 'governing'. Good governance means and includes the process of Governing a nation in near to perfect manner and not ruling the nation. The advantages of Good Governance are as follows:1. It basically boosts up the credibility of the Government.2. It creates various opportunities and employments.3. It creates a better image of a nation at International level.4. It boosts up economy, GDP, living standards, HDI, Gini, etc.5. It eradicates corruption and makes the Government more responsible, towards the citizens.6. The basic problem of any system is not in its law making but in implementation of the same, and good governance helps in same.7. The role of Government has increased manifold in this era of democracy. It is not only viewed as the protector of rights but also as a facilitator. So good governance helps the Government fulfill all its obligations effectively.

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It obviously affects the flourishing of nation and society. Lets us take example of your family or group in which you are working. If you are governing it properly then there will be growth in every term. Every person may have different definition for good governance, but one thing is for sure that it is something good for nation and society. Some may define it by increment in GDP, some may be by satisfaction of citizens and some may be by reduction in corruption, but yes all these are good for nation. Here are some point:1. If someone is increasing industrialization, its effect GDP in positive way and hence flourishing nation.2. If some government is reducing corruption then it flourishes your society.3. If some government taking positive steps towards health and women security then it flourishes the nation and reputation of country.

The challenge

Good governance is essential to achieve development while true participatory democracy

ensures that development is equitable and sustainable. Public institutions need to be able

to manage public resources and conduct public affairs in a manner that is free of

corruption and abuse that upholds the rule of law and that protects and promotes the

realization of the rights of its people. The true measure of good governance is the ability

of a government to realize people’s human rights and deliver sustainable and equitable

development. Good governance is derived through transparency, accountability,

participation and responsiveness to the needs of the poor, marginalized and

underrepresented groups.

The Campaign for People’s Goals makes the following recommendations to guide a new development agenda to:

Strengthen rights and opportunities of people especially traditionally

underrepresented groups to take greater part in governance and affairs of the

community, nationally and internationally.

Actively engage people’s participation in development and implementation of policies at

local and national level, and paying particular attention to include traditionally

underrepresented groups such as women, basic sectors (workers and farmers), youth,

disabled persons, ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples;

Fully guarantee freedom of speech, a free press, the right to assembly and association,

and the right to vote and be elected in public office;

Limit influence of money in politics by imposing spending limits, contribution limits, and

bans on certain types of donations to political parties and offices;

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Recognize and value cultural diversity of different communities and support and promote

traditional knowledge and customary practices in governance;

Uphold the right of indigenous peoples’ communities to free prior and informed consent

in all actions, policies and developments affecting their communities; and

Consciously expand education and awareness raising on people’s rights to participate in

public affairs.

Institute measures for accountability, transparency, democracy and justice in


Recognize, legislate, enact and operationalize the right to information. This includes

publishing and disseminating budget information in easy and accessible formats through

all possible means;

Perform social audits in partnership with civil society;

Hold public justice and law enforcement agencies – police force and courts – to highest

standards of integrity and human rights adherence. Ensure access to remedies for victims

of human rights violations by strengthening ombudspersons, elections commissions and

human rights commissions; and

Introduce accountability mechanisms which people can access and participate in

regardless of their background and which they can use to ensure that their human rights

are being met; and ensure that these processes are decided in a transparent and equitable


Strengthen corporate accountability and human rights adherence.

Ensure compliance of business and industry with national laws and international human

rights and environmental standards; and

Strive to create international rules and monitoring mechanisms to guide the conduct of

transnational corporations, addressing issues such as transfer pricing, price fixing, tax

evasion, corporate lobbying and interference in national politics.