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Look, there’s a Golem! A look at the golem in Yiddish and popular culture.

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Post on 18-Jan-2015




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Look, there’s a Golem!

A look at the golem in Yiddish and popular culture.

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Hallmarks that you’ve got a Golem

• First mentioned in the Talmud, it’s the first story of creation by God of man. All golems must be made of clay, and anyone who created a golem was considered wise and powerful.

• All golem’s are created with use of magic (or divine inspiration, depending on the writer).

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I.L Peretz “The Golem”

• Golem made in response to crimes committed against the Jewish population.

• Consider the morality: the golem is ordered to kill in defence of the Jewish people.

• The golem is given no literary dialogue, perhaps because golems were not known to speak.

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The Golem of Prague (1920)http://www.unexplainedstuff.com/images/geuu_03_img0530.jpg

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Folktales “The Golem of Vilna”• Not 100% golem: look, he’s got sand in him!• Activated not by a spoken Name, but by a scroll put in

his ear.• Multiple powers: can talk to fish, leap buildings,

change his appearance and fly.• Primary function seem to be to catch fish and perform

tasks on the Sabbath (because being non-human, didn’t have to do all the tedious tasks).

• Had a sideline job as a bouncer for the Jewish population. “When the governor heard about him...ah Lord, Lord...the golem, I mean the Gaon, sent the golem to slap the governor around a bit.” (pp.341)

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“Clay Golem”http://www.ddmspoilers.com/mm_01/clay_golem.jpg

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Yudl Rosenberg “The Golem and the wondrous deeds of the Maharal of


• Supernatural elements: divine inspiration through dream to create the golem.

• Human beings as mystical agents of the elements, learned men.

• Obedient without being intelligent.• Reference to Blood Libel (false allegation of

human sacrifice, usually aimed at the Jewish population).

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“Random ‘Ember Golem’ from Dudgeon's and dragon player”.http://www.itchstudios.com/psg/misc4/golem2ember.jpg

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Things to consider in popular culture

Comics Movies

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More comparisons

Popular Novel New music

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Where do we go from here?

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Questions to consider

• Is the Golem a ‘man playing god’ story?• Consider the morality: Golems committing

crimes on behalf of a people or defending a people?

• Active endorsement of magic and sorcery?• Is the golem ‘human’?