godzilla super battle

GODZILLA: SUPER BATTLE FAQ: reversion#1 This is a new version of the FAQ that is posted at Godzilla games 4 U! I wrote the original, but I got kind of carried away with my swearing, and wrote down a bunch of stuff that really didn’t need to be there. This is basically the same FAQ, only this time I have put way more thought into it and removed the profanity. I have also added full strategies to all of the monsters using my experience of playing this game for over 3 years to write, what moves to use, what moves not to use, and how to play as each monster effectively. Oh and to the dude that put up this FAQ, sorry man if you didn’t want any profanity you should have just said something. Any way my fault and I hope this FAQ will soon be complete by the addition of each monsters Ultimate move. {Just to let you know this game has three names {destroy all monsters}, {Super battle}, {Greatest battles} just call it what you want. 1.At last I have a ROM of GODZILLA SUPER BATTLE! I first saw a picture of this awesome Godzilla fighting Game in an EGM, they said the game was pretty good, and would be worth buying if you were a G fan. Which I am a huge Godzilla fan! But they said it was highly unlikely that it would have a US release. Well it didn’t get a US release but I imported it 2 years ago, and yesterday I found a SNES ROM for it! So who cares if the title screen is in Japanese. You can still play the game and enjoy it, because all the important stuff {round time meter, monster names, and fight status after a round} are written in English. You can enjoy the endings as well sense all they are is a scene with your monster standing over his fallen enemy. {Note: the ending scene depends on what difficulty you play the game on} 2. Emulator notes:

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Godzilla Super Battle



This is a new version of the FAQ that is posted at Godzilla games 4 U! I wrote the original, but I got kind of carried away with my swearing, and wrote down a bunch of stuff that really didn’t need to be there. This is basically the same FAQ, only this time I have put way more thought into it and removed the profanity. I have also added full strategies to all of the monsters using my experience of playing this game for over 3 years to write, what moves to use, what moves not to use, and how to play as each monster effectively. Oh and to the dude that put up this FAQ, sorry man if you didn’t want any profanity you should have just said something. Any way my fault and I hope this FAQ will soon be complete by the addition of each monsters Ultimate move. {Just to let you know this game has three names {destroy all monsters}, {Super battle}, {Greatest battles} just call it what you want.

1.At last I have a ROM of GODZILLA SUPER BATTLE! I first saw a picture of this awesome Godzilla fighting Game in an EGM, they said the game was pretty good, and would be worth buying if you were a G fan. Which I am a huge Godzilla fan! But they said it was highly unlikely that it would have a US release. Well it didn’t get a US release but I imported it 2 years ago, and yesterday I found a SNES ROM for it! So who cares if the title screen is in Japanese. You can still play the game and enjoy it, because all the important stuff {round time meter, monster names, and fight status after a round} are written in English. You can enjoy the endings as well sense all they are is a scene with your monster standing over his fallen enemy. {Note: the ending scene depends on what difficulty you play the game on}

2. Emulator notes:I found that the best emulator for the ROM version of this game is the new version of ZsnesV0.915C. As the best settings, 100% scan lines, resolution at 640x480 Vesa.1, and interpolation on. The interpolation makes the game look and feel more like the real game, while the scan lines make the animation much more fluid, almost better then the home version! One of the best features with this emulator is the ability to disable certain options {disable interpolation, change resolution, frame rate adjust, etc} to make your game perform much more fast! For example disable interpolation, and change the resolution to 320x280. Now the game will run almost twice as fast as the original, only the graphic detail will not be as good. It’s your choice rather you want a fast game, or a good-looking game. Note: for the ROM version of this game to work you must start the game and wait for the title screen to appear, then reset the game, I suggest after doing this, apply your game settings and save the state. Then every time your start the ROM wait for the title screen and load your state. Another note, having your settings adjusted for fast game play may cause to controls to become awkward, and stick at times. In case you are having problems getting your ROM to run fast this is the system status of my computer.

I have a Packard Bell 730 series {never let your mom buy a computer for you, there not very good at it} with a 266 Cyrix processor, and a Pentium co-processor. If your computer matches or extends these hardware requirements, you ROM should run the way you please, with out any problems. 3. Well thanks to my own personal gaming experience, I have found almost all of the moves for the game besides the Ultimate moves that I have no idea how to do. And now after looking at the manual pages {thanks to Godzilla games 4 u!} I have almost all of the moves confirmed. I still need to find out the ultimate moves though, from what I heard they are very hard to do. I wrote down this info because I don’t think you can find the whole manual anywhere. So I wrote a legend of the controls, and a personal strategy for every monster.

4.Legend Note: The strategies are all written by me, and are from my own Experience from playing the game for over 3 years. They may Weak hit: Y. Not work for every body, but lets face it, no FAQ is gonna turn Strong hit: X. A bad fighting game player into a good one.Hold: B. Dash: ATaunt: press A twice {taunting slowly fells your opponents down meter}Dash attack: just hit Y or X during a dash {not all monsters can dash attack}

5. Screen display

Life meters: The yellow bar at the very top of the screen, as you get hit it depletes, when it reaches zero your monster will be defeated for the round.Down meter: The down meter is the small bar right below your life meter, as you take damage it fills, if it fills all the way you get knocked down, and you are vulnerable for attack until it depletes.Anger meter: This is the small portrait of your monster at the bottom of the screen. As you take damage it fills, once it is full your monster will become angry, and your monster will be glowing red. Now you can pull off Anger moves {or Super attacks as I call them} they do massive damage if they connect. But you can only do them once, and then you have to wait for the meter to fill again. Also the Anger bar resets if you get knocked down from your down meter becoming full. Note: You can also do your monsters ultimate attack when you are angry, if only I knew how to do them.

6.Movelists, Move info, Fighting hints and tacticsSpecial moves: Can be done at any time during the game, the are powerful if used wisely, but if a special is avoided or blocked you are briefly open for attack.Anger moves: Similar to specials only they do much more damage, and can only be done when your Anger meter is full.Ultimate attacks: VERY powerful as a matter of fact I refer to these moves as Finishing moves, because if you get hit by one and it doesn’t kill you, you still don’t have a chance at winning the round. They can only be done when your Anger meter is full. {Note: I have no idea on how to do the ultimate moves. I have seen three, and accidentally pulled off one. If you have any information on how to do any of the Ultimate attacks contact me at [email protected]}

Monster fighting tactics:When in doubt taunt: If you didn’t know already taunting slowly fills your enemies down meter. So if youHappen to take a look at the other monsters down meter, and you see its almost full, move back from your opponent for a second and taunt, and then if your enemy gets knocked down, move in for a few extra hits!

Are their combos? : Although there are no combo meters {any official combos} I have found many maneuvers that allow you to seek in 3-4 extra hits after a weak attack. All of the monsters have at least one combo that can be pulled off and most of them are listed in their status section. I really don’t think of them as combos, because they can be blocked after the first hit connects, but if done right and at the right time, your opponent won’t have time to react. {A good example is Gigan’s 5 hitter} Note: all of the combos {or whatever} were found on the novice difficulty level, they may or may not work on harder opponents.

Though if you think there are no combos, play the game on expert you’ll see what I’m talking about, you’ll find yourself getting hit anywhere to 2-4 times more after the first hit and you can’t do anything about it.

Go crazy: If you’re down meter is almost full, and your enemy is trying to back away, don’t let him! Your opponent is trying to get away from you so he can taunt over, and over until you get knocked down. Take this time to go crazy on the monster throwing every thing you got at him, until your down meter goes back down a good ways. The computer on the expert difficulty loves to do this and trust me if you don’t act on him backing away from you, you won’t be able to fight because you’ll be to busy begin knocked out! So you think you can win without throwing?: All of the monsters have a least 2 throws, the best thing about throws is they do slightly more damage then special attacks, and at least one of your monsters throws can set up combos. Like take Godzilla’s super-nova for example, after the throw {which I think is one of the coolest moves in the game} if your fast enough you can easily seek in an atomic blast, a standing tail whip, or a 2 or 3 low weak attacks. Although when playing the game throws my just seem like a waste of time, but you have to think the programmers devoted and entire button to throws, so they must have some kind of purpose. Note: I found that throwing a CPU controlled opponent is very hard to pull off, so never try to move in for a throw on a CPU enemy, only throw a CPU enemy if you see the opportunity.

Anger move tip: When doing an Anger move, you may already know that most of them knock down the opponent. Knowing this you should always try to get in close before doing an Anger move, so you can seek in a free hit or two. Any attack mixed with an Anger move is very deadly. Note: not all Anger moves knock down the enemy, so be aware of your characters Anger move and the effects it has on the opponent.

Note: All of the moves in this FAQ have been tested and confirmed. As of now every special move in the game is in this FAQ, as well as every Anger move. All I need is the ultimate moves and this will be thee complete move list to Godzilla: super battle! I have heard many rumors on how to do the ultimate moves, but none delivered, all I ask is that this FAQ have every move, and every command for that move right. I will say again, if you have any idea how to do the ultimate moves for this game Email me at [email protected], I will test the command that you give me over and over until it is confirmed. Maybe then I will be happy with this FAQ.Note: I would have put up pictures for SMG and Gouten, but Zsnes doesn’t allow screen shots. So I had to use a different emulator, and I had trouble getting the code to work on it, seeing as somebody stole my sidewinder.

GODZILLA: King of the monstersSPECIALS:Atomic breath: D, DF, F+Y or X {you have to hold down the button for the flame to last longer. you can also direct the blast with the D-pad}Atomic fireball: D, BD, B+Y or X {can be done in the air}Tail whip: F, D, and DF+X

Tail whip: while in the air hold D, + X {this move is a great combo opener}Super Atomic fireball: F, FD, D, BD, B, BD, D, DF, F+Y or X {Anger move}

Godzilla’s Anger move ^ : He fills himself with such energy, that it bursts out of his body! Using the energy he throws a Super atomic fireball!Ultimate Atomic firewall:???THROWS:Bite: D, BD, and B+BSuper nova: B, BD, D, DF, F, FU, and U+B {this is the most powerful special attack in the game}Shoulder throw: F, FU, U, UB, B, and +B {you can reverse the movement and throw the enemy behide you}STATUS:Godzilla would be a balanced fighter in the game, if his specials didn’t do amazing damage, although he may seem slow at first if you know what you’re doing; you can go a long way with Godzilla. His Atomic blast move is very useful because it can be directed, so it is very good for air borne attackers, and downed opponents. Every time you knock down the enemy move in fast and do the Atomic blast, direct the blast down at the enemy for a good deal of damage then jump back quickly. The same is for jumping monsters just aim up at the air, and with out a doubt the monster will jump right into your blast. (This move is very effective against Mothra} His fireball all though it does a great deal of damage, it has a very long lag time. I suggest that if you want to keep your opponent at bay use your tail whip or a jumping fireball as it covers the entire screen and by the time you hit the ground you are ready to attack again. His standing tail whip is deceiving, it looks as if it wouldn’t be very powerful, but it is and it can be done easily right after a throw for a free hit. His low strong attack that uses his tail is very good at keeping your opponent at bay, but although it is slow, if timed right you can easily seek this move into a combo. His air borne tail whip is good for setting up the opponent for a combo, even if it is blocked the fact that they blocked high will stun them letting you get in a free low attack, once you land do 2 low weak attacks. Then if the two weak attacks connected, dash in with his head butt dash attack quickly. Then taunt, if you did the maneuver at the right time and succeeded in landing the last three attacks the taunt should knock down the enemy, if it does move in and do the atomic blast. This combo is very deadly and can almost kill the enemy, even if it is blocked it does a decent amount of damage, but it is extremely hard to perform.{this combo is very effective against aggressive monsters} His Anger move is very powerful but hard to connect due to the fact that it’s a projectile, but if done at close range the fire that comes out of his body will damage the enemy monster more and it almost guarantees the connection of the projectile. His throws are extremely powerful his Super nova blast is the most powerful none-Anger move in the game! If you happen to get a hold of the enemy try and pull off the Super nova, but if that doesn’t work try the shoulder throw. But be sure that if you use the shoulder throw that you reverse the command so you will throw him behind you, this sets him up for a combo. {All of Godzilla’s throws can lead to combos, you can always get in a single low weak attack after a throw, a standing tail whip, if your fast enough you can even land an atomic blast!}WEAK POINTS:

Godzilla’s standing fireball attack has a long lag time, and is very hard to recover from, as you are open for attack for about 3 seconds! That still doesn’t take away from the fact that if you get four direct hits with his fireball, the enemy is either, dead and buried, or on their way to morgue.He is kind of slow moving, but even then he can still be extremely aggressive and powerful. He actually is fast compared to most of the other monsters. I guess its just me, seeing as he is the main character and all I would expect him to be kind of, how would I say perfect. FIGHTER TYPE: Use Godzilla just after you have gotten into the game properly, Gigan is for beginners.

ANGUIRUS: Godzilla’s first enemy, and now his allySPECIALS:Tail whip: U, D, +Y or XBed of nails: hold B, F, +Y or XCannon ball: while in the air hold DF, +Y {combo opener}Tail hammer flip: B, BD, B, +Y or XSonic wannabe: F, FD, D, BD, B, F, +Y or X {Anger move}

Anguirus’s Anger move ^: He jumps into a the air, curls himself into a ball throwing himself at the enemy. After he drills into the opponent a while he rolls off of them, swinging with his tail one last time.Ultimate: ???THROWS:Bite: D, BD, D, and +BBum rush: B, BU, U, UF, and F +BFIGHT STATUS:Anguirus is a very fast yet very powerful monster to play as. His Cannon ball is by far his most useful move as it hits twice if timed correctly, making it very good for opening combos. As a matter of fact his

main offensive advantage is his combo potential, he can string together any were from 2-5 attacks one after another. Try to jump in with the cannon ball and if it connects even once, land and do 2 low weak attacks, if they connect do a standing strong attack then taunt. {You can try to jump in with a cannon ball, and once you land do a low weak attack, this is a very easy combo and is well worth mastering.}This might knock down the enemy, but only if they have a little bit of there Down meter full. But if it does knock them down you can either do several low weak attacks, or 2 low strong attacks for more hits or his tail hammer flip to do more damage! Although his combo capabilities will help you on the offense, his most noticeable trait is his ability to avoid the offensive player. Sense he is mostly moves on all fours he is very low to the ground making it easy for him to avoid most attacks, and its also easy for him to slip into the enemies defenses when ever the player feels he needs to get in a few hits!{Note: Always dash at the enemy when attacking with Anguirus never just walk, because if you dash you will run in on all fours, this almost guarantees that you’ll get to the enemy without getting hit on the way.} Anguirus can avoid all projectile attacks by simply ducking; this also opens an attack window. When the enemy fires a projectile dash in quickly as they are stunned, then try hitting them with a low strong attack, or a Bed of nails. Although he doesn’t have a projectile attack, he is also very good at keeping the opponent at bay, his standing strong attack has him do a back flip swinging his tail at the monsters face, its also great for air borne enemies. This move is very hard to get by due to the fact that not only does it hit the opponent, but it also sends him a few steps back from the monster he just hit! I have trouble fighting Anguirus as the CPU, because every time I try to move in on him he just whips me with this attack holding me back. His Bed of nails {as seen in the movie Godzilla versus Gigan} is his most attractive move, sense he doesn’t have a projectile this move is his projectile substitute, and needless to say its a pretty good one. Although this move launch’s you at the attacker with your back TURNED! You can easily see that although it is easy to block {as with all projectiles} even if it is blocked you fly back several steps away from the opponent. If timed right and you hit the enemy with the bed of nails, they will always be knocked down on the ground, you will quickly turn around to face your opponent, take this time to do a low strong attack. If you’re close enough you can get two extra hits besides one. It also so does slightly more damage than the average projectile, making it a useful but yet risking move to pull off, as if blocked and your going against a aggressive monster, chances are when it is blocked the enemy will take the time to hit you a few times. Some of the stronger characters can even knock you out of the sky with a projectile as you come flying at them with a Bed of nails; some like Biollante can even hit you with a basic attack and knock you down! His tail whip is good for sudden death matches {when both of the monsters have little life and are about to die} you can run back as if you were trying to avoid the monster. Wait for the enemy to advance then do the tail whip it gets them almost ever time. His Anger move is VERY powerful but it doesn’t knock down the enemy, so when you land you are open for attack. Try and do the move up close so all the hits will connect, and then you should roll over the monster landing behind him, giving you a chance to attack once more. {I love doing his Anger move and killing the enemy with it, because he’ll fly across the screen digging into his opponent with blood flying out of their body.}His throws are pretty strong but not worth the risk of getting close to the opponent, however his Bum rush throw can lead to combos. WEAK POINTS:He has no projectile attacks, which means if you want to be on the offense you have to take a chance of getting hit your self, by moving into close quarters with your opponent. Although his bed of nails is a good substitute, and it does decent amount of damage as well.His attacks only do decent damage, so you have to unload on the enemy to do any real hurting.FIGHTER TYPE: Somebody that has little experience with fighting games should not play as Anguirus, as he relies on fast and tricky movement about the battlefield.

BIOLLANTE: The plant version of GodzillaSPECIALS:Acid spit: D, DF, F, +Y or X {hold Y or X}Acid ball: D, BD, B, +Y or X Tentacle bear hug: hold Y or X for 2 seconds release {you can aim this attack in the air and catch a jumping monster.}Under tow Tentacle grab: D, D, and +XTentacle fury: D, D, and +YFull block: F, FU, +Y or X {hold Y or X}Acid rain shower: U, UB, B, BD, D, DF, F, FU, U, +Y or X {Anger move}

Biollante’s Anger move ^: He sends to tentacles at the enemy, as they connect they spit acid in the opponents face. After the tentacles disappear he spits more than 20 acid balls at the enemy!Ultimate: Gag me with a Godzilla:??? {This move is to cool I have to find out how to do it, she sticks half of the monsters body into her mouth and chews on them spitting them out across the screen}THROWS:Overhead: F, FU, U and +BShake and throw: U, UB, B, BD, D, DF, F, FU, U, and +BFIGHT STATUS:Biollante is a defensive fighter if I ever saw one; sense she can’t duck or jump you must keep your distance and wait for your enemy to make a mistake. She has many special attacks, one, which is almost entirely useless, or almost impossible to connect with. Although her specials are hard to work with, it really doesn’t matter as I beat the entire game as Biollante without using a single special attack! How do you ask? Well Biollante is a defensive monster, if you actually fight! She is the cheapest character I ever seen, use this simple combo, learn it well and you will beat the game in no time. Dash at the monster, then use your dash

attack, this will throw the monster behind you, then quickly press strong attack. You will hit the monster twice as they bounce off the ground, that’s 3 full powered strong attacks for the price of 2! Biollante’s basic attacks do more damage than any other monsters in the game, and you just hit the enemy with 3 strong attacks, that’s gonna leave a mark! Now for her specials, her Acid spit does tremendous damage, but you can’t aim it. Her Tentacle fury is very good for seeking in a few hits, and keeping monsters at bay. The Acid ball is only good for keeping the enemy at bay as the weak acid ball flies right in front of you. But the strong version of this attack is also very effective against jumping enemies but I would rather try and go for a tentacle grab, as the acid ball altogether doesn’t do much damage, her acid ball is also pretty good for downed opponents as well. {Note: never try the strong acid ball when the opponent is on the ground, as it gives them way to much space to get to you as the acid ball will fly right over there head.} Her tentacle bear hug is good for catching jumping enemies out of the air as well, because you can aim it, but that’s all its good for, but if you get lucking you can catch a incoming enemy with it. Her under tow tentacle bear hug does a good bit of damage, but good luck getting it to connect. Her full block move is her most useful special, as its very good for projectiles, but it falls apart after a while, and it is VERY good for avoiding basic attacks as they don’t damage the tentacle. If an opponent happens to get you into a corner, just full block and wait for him to back off, or do the 3 hit dash combo. Her Anger move is very powerful but very hard to connect with, even if the tentacles connect and hit the enemy, if the monster is to far away he’s just going to block every acid ball you send flying his way. So only do this move in close quarters, I found it very effective if the enemy has you backed into a corner. Just waits for him to get in close enough then surprise him with an Acid shower, and best of all now that he’s close every hit connects. Her throws do outstanding damage; her Shake and toss throw takes away almost half a life bar! Never try and do the overhead throw, its powerful but weak compared to the shake and throw, although with the both throws can lead to the same throw then strong hit combo as before. But the shake and toss still does more damage.WEAK POINTS:Of course she can’t jump or duck, this means she’s almost always open for attack!She is also very slow, if you want to be on the offense at all your gonna have to Hold down the dash button!Most of her special attacks have one use and that’s it, making it hard to work with her, as you have to remember all of her specials and what there good for.FIGHTER TYPE: Biollante is ok but seeing as she can’t jump or duck she is kind of hard to work with. Experienced fighter only.

KING GHIDORAH: The three-headed space monsterSPECIALS:Death ray: D, DF, F +Y or X {can be done in the air}Flying drop kick: D, BD, B +Y or XHead butt fury: Tap Y or X repeatedlyFoot stomp: Hold D +Y {when you’re in the air}Death rain: F, DF, D, BD, B, BD, D, DF, F +Y or X {Anger move}

Ghidorah’s Anger move ^: He jumps into the air, and throws several deaths at the opponent with such force, that it picks them up into the air as well!Ultimate: ???THROWS:Bite: D, BD, and B +BOver the back: F, FD, D, BD, B, and F +BEarth bound: B, BD, D, DF, and F +BFIGHT STATUS:Ghidorah and Godzilla are pretty much alike for me, although they have many differences they just feel the same as you play them, in a control and speed point of view. Ghidorah like Godzilla is almost a balanced fighter. His specials are all very useful and serve their purpose well; his death ray is your basic projectile, but with out the long lag of Godzilla’s fireball. This is by far the move you will use the most in the game, sense it does decent damage, has no lag time, and it hits several times. With Ghidorah you can just stand in a corner and death ray your way to victory, but what’s the fun in that sense there’s so much more he can do. His flying drop kick is very handy for seeking in a free hit, if you just happen to knock down the opponent, and he is to far away for you to hit him with a basic attack. Never try the drop kick just to hit the enemy, as it doesn’t knock them, and it throws you almost through the opponent. However if your fast enough you can easily seek in hit after hit with this move, while it sends you flying back and fourth across the screen. He fights very well in from air to ground combat {jumping in at the opponent} his jumping strong attack is very good at seeking in a hit or two. His foot stomp is best against downed enemies, also you can bounce off the opponent and if you keep the buttons held down you can hit again, and again! His head butt fury is one of the most useful attacks in the game; it hits several times, and can sometimes catch an enemy out of the air. Of course a multi hitting non-projectile ground attack is great for combos as well, so try this simple combo. First jump with a strong attack, then once you land do a standing weak attack, then do a strong head butt fury. This combo hits anywhere from 5-7 times if done correctly. Also you can try hitting your opponent with a head butt fury, then taunt once or twice to knock them down, then dash in and stand up quickly doing a low strong attack. This should be a 4-5 hitter if done correctly. His Anger move is one of the best in the game; it is very effective on all monsters. Sense it can only be blocked by the enemy crouching and then blocking, back away to the corner and wait for the opponent to attack. {if you are playing against the CPU, chance are you’ll have trouble getting this move to connect.} If done correctly you will pick them up into the air and continue to sting him with your death rays. His over the back throw is pretty good for combos as you throw the enemy behind you, if timed right you can seek in a low strong after this throw. His Earth bound throw is very handy for a few free hits, as you throw the opponent far into the air, as they fall and bounce off the ground when they come back down. If timed correctly you can get in a head butt fury as they come down, or as the bounce off the ground. I recommend trying this throw every time as it does a good amount of damage, and with the head butt fury mixed in to it, it is extremely deadly. His only real problem is his lack of speed, just like Godzilla.WEAK POINTS:He’s kind of slow. {Not a slow poke I may mind you}His close range fighting is very weak despite his multi hitting head butt fury.

FIGHTER TYPE: If you want to jump back a fourth, from close range combat to long, he is definitely the fighter for you. As with him, he is pretty effective up close and far away, but he isn’t perfect in either category.

MOTHRA: The giant insect from a radioactive islandSPECIALS:Powder: D, BD, B +Y or X {shoot eye beam into cloud}Eye beam: F, F +Y or XSpinning bug bomb: D, DF, F +Y or XQuick retreat: When on the ground F, FD, D, BD, B+APowder spears: Tap Y or X repeatedlyHoly fire: Hold X for 4 seconds release {Anger move} {you are hovering over the opponent to hit the enemy}

Mothra’s Anger move ^: He flies over the enemy, then focus all of her power into a huge beam of energy, he bears down the opponent as the beam pounds into their head.Ultimate: Call Battra: ???THROWS:Bite: F, FD, D, BD, and B +BPower Blot: B, BD, D, DF, and F +BJoy ride: B, BD, D, DF, F, FU, and U +B {this is a very powerful move}FIGHT STATUS:Second only to Gigan, Mothra is the most aggressive fighter in the game. He uses his impressive special moves to win his way over in a fight. Always use the quick retreat at the start of a fight, because when a fight starts he is on the ground, this move will throw you into the air backwards giving you time to get your

head together on what your going to do. His spinning bug bomb is his most useful attack, despite the fact that it launches you at your attacker with surprising speed. Always use the strong attack bug bomb, because it knocks down the enemy, and sets them up for a few extra hits if you’re quick enough. I would prefer you use the Powder spears after a bug bomb, as not only will it hit when you are attempting the move, but if timed right you will seek in 2-3 extra hits. His bug bomb is also useful for keeping the opponent at bay, sense even if it is blocked after the attack you will bounce back 3 steps from the enemy, this gives you time to pull back, before the opponent can counter. His eye beam although it doesn’t do any real damage, when it is mixed with his powder attack it does twice the damage and stuns your opponent setting them up for a few more hits. The enemy can even damage themselves if they try to throw a projectile, with a cloud of your powder in front of them. After the first eye beams you shoots into the powder always try and get another one in there. The powder spears are very effective for keeping a opponent at bay, and is also good for combos as you can fly in with a weak attack, and then do the strong powder spear, it will interrupt the attack if timed right and get in 3-4 extra hits. His powder spear attack also destroys most projectiles, making you able to hit the opponent if you are up close and they decide to throw a projectile. The game also forces you to take advantage of his amazing maneuverability, as his Anger move requires you to fly over the enemy and then release the button, it does a lot of damage. Just keep the enemy at bay with eye beams to get over them, then if it connects your enemy will fall to the ground, take this time to move down quickly and do a strong attack or a bug bomb or the powder spears attack. His throws are pretty weak besides his joy ride; his power bolt is a joke when it comes to damage. His joy ride is his most damaging attack {it does almost as much damage as Godzilla’s super nova.}; you can also seek in a bug bomb after a throw just in case you happen to pull one off. But sense his specials don’t do as much damage as they should, your best bet is to stay a good distance away and use your specials wisely. But I recommend staying right up in your opponents face not letting off them with your bug bomb, and powder spears attack.WEAK POINTS:His special attacks don’t do quite enough damage, and neither do his basic attacks, to be effective on the offense you must attack with a little for thought.FIGHTER STATUS: Besides his lack of any damaging attacks, Mothra is a very good monster to start the game off with, as he is very easy to pick up on. But he uses enough strategy for the expert player to enjoy playing him as well.

MEGALON: The giant cockroach from Sea TopiaSPECIAL:Death ray: D, DF, F +Y or X {can be done in the air}Bug bomb: D, BD, B +Y or XBug nail: F, F +Y or X {can be done in the air}Death bomb: F, FD, D, BD, F +Y or X {Anger move}

Megalon’s Anger move ^: He throws a huge Bug bomb at the opponent, when it hits the ground it causes a HUGE wall of flame.Ultimate: ???THROWS:Drill: D, BD, and B +AKick to the NAD’s: D, DF, and F +AGut drill: B, BD, D, DF, F, FU, and U +AFIGHT STATUS:I always thought Megalon was kind of cool {even though the movie made him more of a joke}, but in the game he is actually fun to play with! His drill attacks are devastating, because if you hold down the button the attacks last longer, and of course drill into the enemy. His death ray although it may seem like a rip off of Ghidorah’s death ray, its much more effective because he ducks as he launches it, making it great for countering other projectiles. His bug bomb is one of the most interesting moves, because it hits the ground and creates a wall of flame, making it great for combos. Try this throw a bug bomb and if it connects, do his Bug nail you will drill right into the opponent, this is very devastating and can cause a lot of damage. {Note: his bug bomb bounces off your opponent if thrown at the enemy at close range, so try to pull off the move a good 3 steps away from the enemy, or you’ll be open for attack.} His bug nail is very handy for fighting in the air as it can be done in the air, it also very good for combos. His bug nail is awesome for countering projectiles as it goes right through them! {Even Godzilla’s atomic fireball, now that’s bad!} You can even use the same Bug nail combo with the bug bomb with his Anger move. Do the Anger move and if it connects, do the bug nail and you will put a serious hurting on the enemy. His throws are all very powerful, even his basic throw, his gut drill is very powerful. Try to seek in a low drill attack after a Kick to the Nads throw, it really puts a hurting on the opponent. His only problem is he takes to much damage, and although his specials are very useful and tricky he still doesn’t have many. After a long fight with a CPU controlled monster, you so find yourself running out of patterns of attack, and wind up getting beat. Another weak point I have come to notice with Megalon is he has no real defense against air borne attackers. The only way he can defend him self is to jump into the air and do the Bug nail, knocking back the opponent, other wise he’s stuck.WEAK POINTS:He takes a little too much damage.He doesn’t have many special attacks, although the ones he does have are very useful.His lag times after drill attacks are terrible, if you use a drill attack and he opponent blocks or avoids it, the enemy has 2 to3 seconds to gloat on what he wants to do with you.FIGHTER TYPE: He is for some strange reason very fun to play with. But sense he takes to much damage I don’t recommend him to beginners.

GIGAN: The cyborg monsterSPECIALS:Flame-thrower: D, DF, F +Y or X {hold down the attack button for the flame to last longer, it can also be aimed like Godzilla’s atomic blast attack.}Laser: D, BD, B +Y or X {hold down the attack button for more lasers to come out of his eye.}Back flip slash: F, D, DF +Y or XBlender combo: F, DF, D, BD, B, F +Y or X {Anger move}

Gigan’s Anger move ^: He dash’s at the enemy at full speed, he lands near a 8 hit combo, and finish’s it off with a buzz saw throw, and a back flip tail slash.Ultimate: ???THROWS:Uppercut: F, DF, D, and +BBuzz saw: B, BD, D, DF, and F +BFIGHT STATUS:Gigan is a brawler, he is the only monster in the game were you can just rush at the enemy and whale on them, and win! His specials are pretty powerful, but I beat the game with Gigan without using a single special move! Try this Jump in hold DF, and then tap strong three times, now when the opponent is on The Ground hold down and tap strong again instant 5 hit combo! Learn this Combo and you can finish the game in no time! His combo potential is his best offensive feature; he has not only the easiest combos in the game, but the most powerful as well! Many moves can be linked into his three hit jump in combo, its just I prefer to do his low strong, as it hits twice after a single hit. His flame-thrower of course is great for downed and air borne opponents, as with all of the attacks that mimic Godzilla’s atomic blast. His eye laser is great for setting up the enemy for a trap, as if the first laser connects it goes right through the enemy, forcing them to jump forward at you to get away from the laser. This means when you do the eye laser

attack always be ready for the enemy to jump at you. His back flip slash is very good for surprising the opponent {it sure did surprised me!}, they just don’t really suspect Gigan to do a back flip in the air, and slash at you with his tail. His Anger move is a sight to be seen, he rushes in at the enemy doing a large combo, and goes right into a buzz saw throw, kind of cool huh? It also does VERY good damage, and it goes right through projectiles. However the opponent could knock you down with a basic attack. His Anger move cannot be blocked, the only way to avoid it is to jump over it, or knock him out of the air. Unlike most of the other monsters, both of Gigans throws do massive damage, and allow you to seek in a Flame-thrower, or a double hitting low strong. His buzz saw of course as I suspected does slightly more damage than his uppercut, so you should always try to go for that one. The only real problem with Gigan I think is that he needs more specials. Its just once you play through 3 fights with him, you feel that there’s nowhere else for you to go with him.WEAK POINTS:His lack of specials really takes a toll on him as a fighter.FIGHTER TYPE: The ultimate killing machine, in my mind. Beginners this is the monster for you. But the expert should stay away from him, as he doesn’t have enough strategy to keep the experienced game player entertained.

MECHA-GODZILLA: The metal GodzillaSPECIALS:Eye laser: D, DF, F +Y or X {can be done in the air and while flying}Chest laser: D, D, +Y or XMissile: hold D, BD, B, +Y or X {can be done in air}Barrier: B, B, +Y or XFly: Hold U+A, A {Note: when you are flying and you get hit, your down meter doesn’t decrease at all.}Flame-thrower: D, BD, B, +Y or X {Hold down the button for the flame to last longer, you can also aim this attack with the D-pad}Artillery: F, FD, D, BD, B, BD, D, DF, F, +Y or X {Anger move}

Mecha-Godzilla’s Anger move ^: Throws every weapon he was at the opponent!Ultimate: ???THROWS:Arm stab: F, FD, D, +Y or XFlame in the face: U, UB, B, BD, D, DF, F, +Y or XFIGHT STATUS:Mecha-Godzilla has the most powerful specials in the game, besides his throws that only do average damage. His projectile attacks like his eye laser, and missile’s do a great deal of damage, but at the same time they are projectiles and they can be avoided easily. His eye laser does slightly more damage than the average projectile, but you should use it a lot as if you do you’ll swamp the enemy, making it very likely they will try do retaliate and make a mistake. His missile attacks are very useful as they do massive damage, the strong version shoots three missiles, and they can also be aimed! Mecha-Godzilla is fighter to fear against a the downed opponent, as he has three powerful attacks that do massive damage if timed right, and are also very useful against downed enemies. His chest laser is made just for downed opponents, and it does very good damage if all four lasers connect. His Flame-thrower is very good at downed opponents as well, as it can be aimed much like Godzilla’s atomic blast, this means it is also good for enemies that like to jump in at you a lot. His low strong attack is good as well, although it doesn’t do as much damage as the two specials, and it can leave you open for attack as you slide at the opponent. His combo potential is very weak, you can only seek in extra attacks after a throw, however he can string together a second attack after his standing strong attack, making a three hit combo. His barrier block is great for projectiles, but I wouldn’t recommend trying it as your opponent could walk through the barrier and hit you! {Unlike in his first movie, if any thing touched his barrier in the movie it got burned} His Anger move may seem useful and it is as it almost kills the opponent. But being that it is a projectile {almost like Godzilla’s Anger move} it is very hard to connect. One good thing about his Anger move is you can hold down the attack button, and wait for the opponent to attack before launching your Anger move. His throws are not very powerful, although they are almost the only way you can perform a combo, but if you happen to get the chance to throw the enemy pull off the fire to the face one as it does more damage. The only real problem with him is he can’t duck, however he does crouch a little it is still little help trying to avoid attacks. WEAK POINTS:He is kind of slow. {But that’s what you get for being a 400ft tall hunk of metal}He can’t duck, as he is almost always open for attack.FIGHTER TYPE: Mecha-Godzilla is slow, and not very creative when it comes to combat. But he still manages to become an aggressive fighter as he will {and you should} swamp the opponent with projectiles.

Codes and secrets:

HIDDEN FIGHTERS: You can only play as these monsters in two-player mode! {Now that SUCKS}To play as Super Mecha-Godzilla at the title screen hold L&R and press U, L, R, D, Y, X, B, A very

Fast. You should hear a roar if you did it right. If you have problems getting this code to work you can beat the game on the expert difficulty and it will clearly state how to do the code correctly.To play as Gouten: the space sub, just enter the code again. Unlocking Guoten also unlocks Godzilla and Guotens stage in VS mode, Tokyo bay.

I didn’t play, as these two much as you can only play as them in VS mode, so I didn’t put much thought into they’re strategies. {If there was only a code to play as them in one-player mode, that would rule!}

90’s MECHA-GODZILLA and SUPER MECHA-GODZILLA:This guy has the same specials as the 60’s version of MG but there are a few new ones like the projectile reflector {just like the one on the SuperX2} but he doesn’t have the Barrier move, or the Flame-thrower. Here is how to do the reflector, and his other new moves.Reflector: B, B, +Y or X {after you absorb the beam press D, DF, F + Y or X} Take Gudis off back: Hold down and press dash.Shoot at sky: D, F, DF+Y or X {you must have Gudis on your back to do this move}Gudis attacks: Shoot laser: D, F, DF+Y or XMachine gun fury: B, BD, D+X, and X

Mecha-Godzilla 90’s Anger move ^: He dash’s at the enemy at full speed, and lands a near 9 hit combo!GOUTEN: The Submarine from spaceSPECIALS:Death ray: D, DF, F +Y or XBlast: D, BD, B, +Y or XDeep rising: Hold D+A, APoison cloud: Hold Y or X for three seconds then release.Super drill: F, DF, D, BD, B, BD, D, DF, F, +Y or X {Anger move}Mode2:Protective field: Hold Y or X for three seconds then releaseTriple death ray: D, DF, F, +Y or XStraight blast: D, BD, B, +Y or XElectro pulse: F, FD, D, BD, B, BD, D, DF, F, +Y or X {Anger move}FIGHT STATUS:This guy is so small you can hardly hit him period! It does have the cool ability to change modesOf attack, just hit B to switch between the two modes. It has two Anger moves, both, which are very effective. I haven’t really played as it much {seeing as you can only play as it in 2-player mode} so I don’t really know much about it. But I have found a single combo, rush in with a strong attack keeping the button held down, then release the button it will do it’s Poison cloud attack. WEAK POINTS:Its basic attacks are VERY weak.FIGHER TYPE: He is very weak, but very easy to pick up on.

By Kenneth Huber [email protected] FAQ is almost complete with the acceptation of all of the ultimate moves, if you have anything you would like to add to this, or any moves that you know that are not on this FAQ please Email me. I am always open to your questions and suggestions.The pain…the trauma…the tears…