god bless our tape homevgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/bf849... · 2020. 6....

God Bless Our God Bless Our Tape Home Tape Home What’s in your packet? What’s in your packet? Lesson pages for teacher use......................pages 2-4 Lesson pages for teacher use......................pages 2-4 Stencil Print Out..........................................................page 5 Stencil Print Out..........................................................page 5 God Bless Our Tape Home Tutorial.........pages 6-7 God Bless Our Tape Home Tutorial.........pages 6-7 1 1 3 hrs 3 hrs Ages 4-12 Ages 4-12 www.youngfoundations.org/creations www.youngfoundations.org/creations

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Page 1: God Bless Our Tape Homevgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/bf849... · 2020. 6. 5. · REVELATION 22:18-19 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of

God Bless Our God Bless Our Tape HomeTape Home

What’s in your packet?What’s in your packet?Lesson pages for teacher use......................pages 2-4Lesson pages for teacher use......................pages 2-4Stencil Print Out..........................................................page 5Stencil Print Out..........................................................page 5God Bless Our Tape Home Tutorial.........pages 6-7God Bless Our Tape Home Tutorial.........pages 6-7


3 hrs3 hrs

Ages 4-12Ages 4-12


Page 2: God Bless Our Tape Homevgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/bf849... · 2020. 6. 5. · REVELATION 22:18-19 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of

“God bless our Tape Home”• Good morning, class! Today, we are going to talk about choices; decisions that will affect how you spend eternity.• God has placed each one of us on free moral agency. That means we can choose whom we will serve. There are only two choices, God or the devil. Our God foreknew the choice we would make before the foun-dation of the world! He is an awesome God! Let’s listen as Brother Branham talks about the first people given that choice.

Play Quote #1“And God gives you your choice. “Choose you this day who you shall serve.”In the garden of Eden there was a tree of--of knowledge and a Tree of Life. Man was given the privilege to choose either one he desired. And so is it today; you’re given your privilege, as free moral agents, to choose whatever you want to choose.”


• Just as Adam and Eve, every man, woman, and young person must, “Choose you this day who you will serve.”

FLANNEL: Add Israel (a group of people), Joshua, and Jordan river.• Israel had to make a choice one day. After following Joshua into the Promised Land through many battles, it was time for Joshua to go to be with the Lord. He gathered all of Israel together to talk with them. He re-minded them of all that the Lord had done for them and was warning them. Let’s read about it in Joshua.

Joshua 24:14-5 14 Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD. 15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

• What decision did Joshua ask Israel to make? Would they serve the gods of Amorites and heathens, or serve the Lord?• Who did Joshua choose to serve? The Lord.

FLANNEL: Add Pillar of Fire.• What did he say? (recite as class “...but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”)• Joshua chose to serve the Lord. We too can choose to serve the Lord by hearing and obeying His Voice. How can we hear His Voice? Listen carefully, Brother Branham will describe..

Play Quote #2“Now, I’m just your brother, by the grace of God. But when the Angel of the Lord moves down, It becomes then a Voice of God to you. Maybe it...If I offended you by saying that, forgive me. But I felt that might been resented. But I am God’s Voice to you. See? I say that again. That time was under inspiration. See? And I--I felt bad about the first time, but It re-peated it.Now see, I can say nothing in myself. But what He shows me, I say it. You believe it and watch what happens.”

51-0505 MY COMMISSION• Who is God’s Voice to us? Brother Branham! Who? Brother Branham! He is God’s Voice to us.

FLANNEL: Add picture of Pillar of Fire over Brother Branham.• Who can tell me Revelation 10:7? Lets sing as a class! (sing Revelation 10:7)• We live now in the 7th Church Age, in the days of the Voice! • We must choose if we will serve God by hearing and obeying His Voice through His prophet and through this Bible; both are God’s Voice to us, the Spoken and Written Word of God, a double barrel shot gun!

FLANNEL: Add Tape and Bible• 22Turn to Revelation 22:18-19 in your Bible.

Page 3: God Bless Our Tape Homevgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/bf849... · 2020. 6. 5. · REVELATION 22:18-19 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of

REVELATION 22:18-19 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

• We are commanded to not add or take away from this Book (Hold a Bible and show to class) It’s a very se-rious thing to add or take away from the Word of God. What will happen if we do? The Bible says God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this Book, and God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this Book.• Brother Branham speaks on this too, let’s listen.

Play Quote #3“So say I, in the Name of Jesus Christ! Don’t you add one thing. Don’t take, put your own ideas in It. You just say what is said on those tapes. You just do exactly what the Lord God has commanded to do. Don’t add to It. 188 He has ever, keeps His promise to us. Every promise that He has made, He’s kept it. Has He told you what would happen, and did it happen? I bring heavens and earth before you today, in a challenge. Has God ever said anything that He has not fulfilled and done exactly what He said He would do for us? Hasn’t He done it just the way He said He would do it? That’s exactly. So will He continue to do it. Just don’t add to It. Don’t take from It. Just believe It and walk humble before the Lord your God, for we’re nearing the going into the Land.”


• Brother Branham warns us not to add one thing, even our own ideas to it, but we should, “just say what is said on those tapes.” What was that again? We should say what is on the tapes!” (Repeat together)• There is only one way to make sure we say exactly what is on the tapes. Remember, the penalty is very severe if we add anything or take anything away. How can we be certain to only say what’s on the tapes? Play the tapes!• God had them recorded so we could hear the perfect Word of God. • “Choose you this day whom you will serve.”

Play Quote #4

FLANNEL: Point at Pillar of Fire image when Pillar of Fire is mentioned during quote.29 You must have it the same way tonight, a quick decision, now. Choose you this day Who you’ll serve. Take God at His Word. The Word’s been preached; the signs has been done; the Holy Ghost is here; the time... The hour has come for a decision made amongst the people. What more can God do? Sent it down with signs and wonders, discernments, proved it scientifically, put it on a picture, sent it across the world. Thousands times thousands are witnessing.


• “Take God at His Word!” This Word has been vindicated through signs and wonders like discernments, healings, and this picture. (Point to Pillar of Fire picture) Many are witnesses of signs and wonders through this living Word of God. How many have been healed or received the Holy Ghost, or know someone who has been healed or given the Holy Ghost while listening to a Tape? (Show of hands)• Each one of us must decide for ourselves whom we will serve. Who will be like Joshua and say, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord”? We will serve Him by taking Him at His Word. We will push play and obey! • As for me and my house we will hear the tapes!


Page 4: God Bless Our Tape Homevgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/bf849... · 2020. 6. 5. · REVELATION 22:18-19 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of



Page 5: God Bless Our Tape Homevgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/bf849... · 2020. 6. 5. · REVELATION 22:18-19 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of


Stencil Print Out

Page 6: God Bless Our Tape Homevgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/bf849... · 2020. 6. 5. · REVELATION 22:18-19 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of

What you will need:What you will need: Unfinished wood garden sign Unfinished wood garden sign "God Bless Our Tape Home Stencil" (print off or vinyl) "God Bless Our Tape Home Stencil" (print off or vinyl) Acrylic paint: colors of your choice Acrylic paint: colors of your choice Painters tape Painters tape Paintbrush Paintbrush Vinyl scraper Vinyl scraper Vinyl pick Vinyl pick



If you have a cameo machine, email [email protected], and ask for the If you have a cameo machine, email [email protected], and ask for the “God bless our Tape Home” silhoutte file. If you do not have a cameo, print off page 5 of this “God bless our Tape Home” silhoutte file. If you do not have a cameo, print off page 5 of this

tutorial and use it with carbon paper to trace the image onto your sign and paint the design.tutorial and use it with carbon paper to trace the image onto your sign and paint the design.

“God Bless Our Tape Home”

Page 7: God Bless Our Tape Homevgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/bf849... · 2020. 6. 5. · REVELATION 22:18-19 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of

You’re Finished!

Peel away the stencil and any tape you used.

Paint the stake.

11 22



Paint your stencil.. If you used a lighter color you may need to

apply a second coat of paint.

Place your new sign outside, andPlace your new sign outside, and


Apply the “God bless our Tape Home” stencil to your

wooden sign. Use your vinyl scraper to press out any air bubbles so the paint won’t


Optional but not necessary:Optional but not necessary:painting your sign with a painting your sign with a coat of lacquer after the coat of lacquer after the

paint dries will help it last paint dries will help it last longer outside.longer outside.


This is your This is your chance tochance to

tape or draw out tape or draw out any extra press any extra press plays you want plays you want

on your sign!on your sign!