goblet of fire 4

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  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


    Hogwarts Annual Feast

    AppetizersNachos and salsa with screaming tomato

    Fruit salad with singing cherries

    Chicken noodle soup with flying crackers

    Vegetable platter-with walking carrots

    Main courses

    Steak and mashed potatoes withdancing gravy

    Spaghetti with spinning meatballs

    Salmon and maple glaze with glowing


    Pizza with climbing pineapple

    Roast chicken with green gravySide dishes

    Caesar salad with talking bread crumbs

    Fries with marching salt

    Mixed vegetables with slippery potatoes

    Fried mushrooms with spitting gravy


    Squeaking MilkHot chocolate with laughing


    Colour-changing Apple juice

    Sparkling Orange juice


    Icey ice cream

    Cookies- with sizzling chocolate


    Apple Pie- with disappearing peach


    Ice Cream Cake with floating


  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


    This is just like the sport Harry Potter

    & Victor Krum plays in J.K.

    Rowlings book, Except, instead of

    Broomsticks, Theres pool noodles.

    What you need,1 pool, best big,

    1 beach ball, (Quaffle),

    1 sink-toy, (Snitch),

    2 smaller balls, (Bludgers),

    6 floaty doughnuts, (hoops),

    15 straight pool noodles,


    16 players, 1 referee, 1snitch, 2

    Keepers, 2 Seekers, 4 Bludgers, &

    6 Chasers,

  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


    Invisibility cloaks

    The good thing about invisibility cloaks .is that you can sneak aroundplaces with out people seeing you. and that you can spy on people.but

    the bad thing about invisibility cloaks. is that mad eye moody can see

    thru invisibility cloaks .and that you can trip or get cot on your

    invisibility cloaks.and that people can bang into you if your not carfle.

  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


    What I think would be cool about having an invisibility cloak is

    thatIcould sneak places

    Im not supposed to, stay up latewithout being seen ,and there big enough that me and my best

    friend could fit under it or my older sister and me . What I think

    some of the drawback would be is that people could still hear

    you, you could run into people and your cloak could come of.

  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


    While having an invisibility cloak would be fun, there might be some minordrawbacks in having one. In the list below I have written down some of the

    things I think would be fun to do with an invisibility cloak and beside the

    good things I have written the things that might go wrong when doing

    these things.

    1) One of the things you could do with an invisibility cloak would be to

    listen to people when they were having a conversation and they wouldnteven know you where eavesdropping. The drawback to this, however,

    would be that if you sneezed, cough, yawned, ect. you could be found out

    and get in big trouble.

    2) If you were grounded, an invisibility cloak would come in handy to

    sneak out of the house. The huge drawback to this though would be if one

    of your parents saw a door open and close they would find you andprobably ground you for even longer.

    3) One of the funnest things you could do with an invisibility cloak would

    be to scare your little and/or bigger siblings and theyre friends. This

    would probably be my favorite thing to do with my invisibility cloak ifI had

    one. I would probably get in big trouble every time I did it but it would be

    worth it.

  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


    The Pros and Cons of Wearing anThe Pros and Cons of Wearing an

    Invisibility CloakInvisibility CloakPROSPROS

    You could:You could:

    1.1. Help people anonymouslyHelp people anonymously

    2.2. Listen to private conversationsListen to private conversations

    3.3. You could find out secrets and howYou could find out secrets and howpeople really feel about youpeople really feel about you

    4.4. Go to places that are restrictedGo to places that are restricted5.5. Get into places without buying aGet into places without buying a


    6.6. Play tricks on people with outPlay tricks on people with outbeing caughtbeing caught


    1. People could be jealous of the


    2. Your feelings may get hurt when

    you hear people talk about you

    3. You could get injured and no one

    would know where you were

    4. People may not trust you if they

    know you have one

    Although there isnt a large multitude of cons, I would be very

    careful when using the invisibility cloak. If I didnt use the cloak

    respectfully I would risk loosing and damaging friendships.

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  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


    Why does Harry wear Dobbys socks to the ball?Why does Harry wear Dobbys socks to the ball?

    What does it show about Harry that he waits to see if theWhat does it show about Harry that he waits to see if theother champions find and rescue their hostages?other champions find and rescue their hostages?

    Harry and Ron dont do so well at the Yule Ball. WhatHarry and Ron dont do so well at the Yule Ball. Whatare some of the things they do that are awkward orare some of the things they do that are awkward orembarassing?embarassing?

    Are these things normal for kids at this age?Are these things normal for kids at this age?Did J. K. Rowling write this part well?Did J. K. Rowling write this part well?

  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


    Assignment #4Assignment #4

    Choose one (or more if you like) of the following:Choose one (or more if you like) of the following:1.1. Hagrids dad tells him to never be ashamed of who he is. Why is thisHagrids dad tells him to never be ashamed of who he is. Why is this

    important advice?important advice?

    2.2. Fred and George make and sell Canary Creams that cause the eater toFred and George make and sell Canary Creams that cause the eater to

    burst into feathers. Write a recipe for Canary Creams and create an adburst into feathers. Write a recipe for Canary Creams and create an adto promote these unusual treats.to promote these unusual treats.

    3.3. Write a thank you note from Harry to the Dursleys for their ChristmasWrite a thank you note from Harry to the Dursleys for their Christmaspresent.present.

    4.4. J. K. Rowling uses lots of foreshadowing in her writing. For example,J. K. Rowling uses lots of foreshadowing in her writing. For example,

    Harrys fall through the stairs was foreshadowed earlier by NevilleHarrys fall through the stairs was foreshadowed earlier by Nevilletripping on the same trick step. Find and describe other instances oftripping on the same trick step. Find and describe other instances offoreshadowing in Goblet of Fire.foreshadowing in Goblet of Fire.

    5.5. Write the lyrics to a song the Weird Sisters might sing at the Yule Ball.Write the lyrics to a song the Weird Sisters might sing at the Yule Ball.

  • 8/7/2019 Goblet of Fire 4


    Our next Goblet of Fire session will beOur next Goblet of Fire session will be

    same time, same day next week:same time, same day next week:


    12:0012:00 1:001:00Please read Chapters 27Please read Chapters 27 -- 3030

    This afternoon Ill email everyone a copy ofThis afternoon Ill email everyone a copy of

    the assignment.the assignment.

    Im looking forward to receiving yourIm looking forward to receiving your

    assignment by Wednesday, November 23assignment by Wednesday, November 23

    Happy Reading!!Happy Reading!!