go90grow live webinar

Live Go90Grow Webinar World’s Laziest Networker.com TM 2014 – Go90Grow TM 2014 – All rights reserved The Brief Review Don’t sweat it, not a 30 minute review of videos Reason: Set up for 2 major pieces of content Bring you through recruiting cycle Start-to-enrollment Help us talk about ‘real life’ It’s all about the “Hero’s Journey” Keep in mind Pareto’s Principle Upside down 80-20 rule 3 Biggest Misconceptions, Strategy doomed There’s Only 2 Types of Networkers In The World The lottery mindset ? = Misconceptions 1. You just have to find the right people 2. People don’t duplicate, systems do 3. Duplication is how to build a big business The Professional’s mindset ?= Learn __________ that drive the Money Making Areas 1. Getting 80%+ to agree to look, rejection free 2. Getting them to show up 3. And ________________ better so those who enroll learn Skills 1 & 2, succeed ! The ‘gansta’ money is in here ! Increase enrollments, Boosts GV, Bigger Checks ! We simply cannot teach what we do not know Al & Nancy *Same System* - Price, Meetings Same Product, Belief Same Comp Plan Same Hours, Commitment Same Upline, Same City Same Sponsor Difference? _________________ If we are going to make money, we’ll need to learn some ________________

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The Brief Review • Don’t sweat it, not a 30 minute review of videos

– Reason: Set up for 2 major pieces of content – Bring you through recruiting cycle – Start-to-enrollment

• Help us talk about ‘real life’ – It’s all about the “Hero’s Journey”

• Keep in mind – Pareto’s Principle – Upside down 80-20 rule – 3 Biggest Misconceptions, Strategy doomed

There’s Only 2 Types of Networkers In The World The lottery mindset ? = Misconceptions

1. You just have to find the right people 2. People don’t duplicate, systems do 3. Duplication is how to build a big business

The Professional’s mindset ?= Learn __________ that drive the Money Making Areas

1. Getting 80%+ to agree to look, rejection free 2. Getting them to show up

3. And ________________ better so those who enroll learn Skills 1 & 2, succeed ! The ‘gansta’ money is in here ! Increase enrollments, Boosts GV, Bigger Checks ! We simply cannot teach what we do not know

Al & Nancy • *Same System* - Price, Meetings • Same Product, Belief • Same Comp Plan • Same Hours, Commitment • Same Upline, Same City • Same Sponsor • Difference?

• _________________ If we are going to make money, we’ll need to learn some ________________

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My Multi-Million $ Discovery In Video 3 1st Tiny Bit of Info solves Recruiting Mystery • 4000+ years old • Story within all • Movies, books etc • How does it apply?

• It’s ____________ story!! • Has them on edge of seat • BTW, it’s your story • It’s the ‘secret’ to recruiting

hero |ˈhi(")rō|noun ( pl. -roes) a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities : a war hero.• the character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities, and with whom the reader is expected to sympathize.

Let’s Pick Up Speed • A little vocabulary from video 3 so we can go faster • A Suspect – a name and a number • A Possibility – Suspect who agrees to look • A Prospect – Possibility who has volunteered their ____________ to look

– Everybody knows: – We cannot build the desire needed to overcome fear with fear [Al does this]

• KEY: You cannot sponsor [Burn on brain!] – A Suspect – A Possibility – All unmet expectations happen here

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The Recruiting Cycle ~ Up Close 3 Step Plan • Step 1 ~ Strike Interest & Sort & BFU

– Successful Step 1? – Separate Pretenders from Contenders – Did You Book a Follow-up?

• Step 2 ~ Prospect Reviews Info – Third Party Tool ~ CD, Website – Meeting

• Step 3 ~ Collect _____________ – A distributor’s job? Collect ________________ – More often we do it, the more $ we make

Everything Happens at Step 1 • Step 1 – Strike Interest, Sort, Book Follow-up • Strike Interest with Framed Fire-lighter Skill

– Firelighter, not firefighter – Lights the fire of hope within them about their life – Arouses Curiosity in them ABOUT THEIR LIFE

• KEY: The Limbic System – Where’s the beef? Right Here – This is the core of go90grow’s 3 skill sets – The 2nd of those two tiny pieces of information – What is it?

Limbic System Is Money • What is it? • The limbic system is the part of the brain that evaluates the reward potential of

judgment calls • The limbic system is about their core values. It’s serious business and won’t be lured by

the promise of shiny things! [re:The plan, product or company] • It’s the sales filter or your key to success

– Got go90grow? You got the key – Why? – The HJ Skill Set communicates positively w/Prospects Limbic System – They believe Reward Potential greater than perceived risk – Everybody wants to be a Hero in their tribe! - - - A feeling of significance – “Call to action” [enrolling] becomes a call to hero within, not to ‘join’ an MLM

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Let’s Get Busy Recruiting Sally for Tom • Step 1 – Strike Interest, Sort, book follow-up

– Skill 1 – Framed Fire-Lighter Skill – Tom & I do a 3-way to Sally – The Framed Firelighter gets ‘yes’ from Sally, she says she’ll look – You now have a possibility, NOT a prospect – World’s Laziest Networkers Law 2 of Recruiting?

• You cannot sponsor a possibility • Law # 1 of Successful Recruiting?

– People ____________ sales pitches they did not ask to hear

– People ______________ stories – People can’t control the impulse to ask to hear a story that may make life better

Be A Herald Not A Pitchman Call To Hero • At info exchange time, Sales Filter may rise

– Don’t go for follow-up here, Sort instead [Step 1" SI, Sort, BFU] – SORT? Meaning: are they a prospect? – How? Get Sally to make a presentation – How? Use The Hero’s Journey Skill # 1, Possibility Presents – The ‘possibility’ presents to you and talks 80% of the


• What does ‘Al’ do when he senses interest?! – Talks, talks, talks 80-95% of the time – Plan, product, company – Raises RISK in possibilities’ mind and the sales filter

kicks in – How? – He makes the ‘unknown’ _________________, big &


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The Possibility Presents • Step 1 ~ Strike Interest & Sort & BFU

– Use Possibility Presents Skill to SORT – 1 Question, then Possibility Presents – #1 – EZ Skill, massive shift – Possibility makes the presentation

• With this skill the ‘flame of hope’ becomes an Inferno

– They state their reason for looking, ignites within hope and they tell us:

– “Yes, I want to do something about it right now.” – How do we get them to tell us that? – Simple, we paraphrase back what they told us and ask, ‘Is that what you

mean?’ – Then, we ask, “Would you ______________________ something about it?”

We Uncover Sally’s Value KEY: Sally Volunteers Her Treasure, Heroic • Wants to pay for her kids, Jack & Jill, education

– By the way, this skill is only 4 phrases, total of 23 words – Easy & BIG payoff, never have to over come objection – How many engage? 80% – We then ‘assign’ homework- by restating the ?, jot down

• Still Step 1 ~ Strike Interest & Sort & BFU – Successful Step 1? Did You Book a Follow-up?

• Confirm our Hero’s Integrity right here @ Step 1 – With this skill… “No Shows” become ancient history – Prospects tell us their feelings about ‘no shows’ – Prospects tell us how they feel about people who don’t show up – Prospects tell us, again, why they want to meet – Can you imagine someone telling you those 3 and not showing?

– KEY: Both skills take about 6 minutes total; prospect talks _______% of time!

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At Step 3 No One Will Ever Stall Again • Let’s Eliminate ‘stalling’ and then do The Invisible Close

– Fulfilling my promise – KEY: Never do anything unless you know why you are doing it.

• Don’t ask questions you don’t….

• “Thanks for showing up like you said you would. I really want to acknowledge your integrity. Would it be OK with you if I let you know how I like to work so I can do my best and eliminate any pressure ?”

– 15 years, no one has ever said ‘no’

This Takes Less Than 2 Minutes • Telling you this is a successful business model, which Gates, Trump & Warren Buffet use

as well as AT&T, Coke, Toyota, Sprint, Verizon and dozens of Fortune 50 companies use is like telling you Rolls Royce is a fine car…you already know that.

• Most people appreciate knowing what’s going to happen next so I’d like to suggest we skip the traditional sales type presentation. Personally I don’t like sales pitches, pressure or pushy people who keep calling back so I just don’t do it. I promise you this is one rep who won’t haunt you, call you back or pressure you if this is not for you.

You’re Setting The Agenda • Instead of giving you some long sales pitch, what I like to do is find out more about

why you’re considering making some additional income to see if we can fill your needs then show you exactly what we do and how we get paid….and get a simple yes or no.

• If you’ll agree to give me a simple ‘yes, this is for me’ or ‘no thanks’, I’ll keep my promise”

• Smile and shake hands while stating, again, “so your going to give me a simple, “yes, let’s get started” or “no thanks” and I’m never going to call you back and haunt you if ‘no thanks’ is your answer – you’re comfortable saying no, yes?”

Restating Why They Are There • “On the other hand if it’s as clear to you as it is to me that this will pay for Jack and

Jill’s education, let’s just go ahead and get started, is that OK with you?” [got them back in Hero’s Journey]

• (Don’t hesitate) In other words I don’t want to play the phone tag, texting, emailing relay game where I’m calling you and you don’t want to tell me it’s not for you – it’s just gets to weird for me – that your held hostage by your cell – or do you like that game Sally?”

• Wait for an answer

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We Teach Peeps How to Treat Us • You’ve let them know in 120 seconds

– Why you are there

– Why_________________are there

– The agenda for the meeting

– The meeting is about _________

– The first thing you’ll be talking about

– How the meeting will ___________

– You’ve set the agenda! You’ve been honest.

Authentic Mutual Agreement

• “Excellent, we have an mutual agreement. A simple ‘yes, let’s get started’ or ‘no this isn’t for me’ – right? So we’re agreed, 100%, yes?” [1 in 100 goes sideways, it’s over]

• “OK, let’s ask some questions. I’ll go first.”

• “Did you have a chance to do the ______________?” – They almost never do. [less than 15 since 1995] – Re-ignites hope, get the fire raging. Limbic ☺, reward potential

– The conversation is about their ______________________, not PPC – The meeting is about them, their Hero’s journey…so start there! – This step is the KEY to the vault. Why?

Crucial To Your Success Why The “Invisible Close’ Works • There are only 3 things in a prospects mind

– Can I make ______________?

– What would I have to ____________?

– Can I _____________ it?

• Think Limbic System • Reward potential of judgment calls

• As we go through the word-4-word listen & notice – Where the ‘what would I have to’ is defined – When the prospect ‘decides’ they can do it – When the prospect ‘confirms’ they can do it

• Social proof:

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The Invisible Close Remember The 3 Things In Prospects Head? • “What’s Tommy Done On Call?”

– They always say: “Nothing” or “Listened”

• “Is that something you feel you could ________?” – Always yes, sometimes with a chuckle

“Would it be OK if Tommy and I ____________________what I am doing for Tommy tonight?”

Prospect Executes The Invisible Close • “Tommy, myself and Rob, who’ll also work with you, have 4 years combined successful

experience with this system.” [don’t worry, the time frame doesn’t matter]

• “Sally, there are only__________ possible outcomes.”

– “You join and turn all of us into ____________________”

– “You join and we turn you into a ___________________ success”

– “Sally, which of those 2 things_________________________will happen?”

• This is a close meaning we ________________ our Twinkie Hole

Enrollment Is Easy 1 simple sentence • Make a positive statement & ask positive question

– Enroll Sally – Want to know what that sentence is?

No Upline or Team Yet?

No Problem • My sponsor had quit • Upteam too busy • No names [I’d tried everyone] • No support

– Not the problem • The real problem? Lack of Skills

– You get the skills – You build a team – Piece of cake – No bad habits to break

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Let’s Mini-Review • • • We Teach Wealth? Give Your Team Skills • Where is the big money, really, in NWM?

– Sponsoring or teaching?

• Teach " teach, teach " teach, teach, teach – Huh? – ____________ Tommy what to do – Teach Tommy how to teach Sally what to do – Teach Tommy how to teach Sally how to teach – Sounds simple there’s a catch – The Catch? We cannot teach what we _______________________

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Integrity is Handmaiden to Success

You got them to cross the threshold - enroll Can you teach them the skills? They joined believing they could create a different outcome, just like you did You are the “helper” & “mentor” If we don’t know the skills in the 3 money making areas, should we be recruiting? The ‘keys’ to the vault? Reassuring our Reluctant Hero you are an authentic mentor

We Cannot __________________ What We Do Not Know Let’s Be Blunt • Networking is about generosity, not greed • Al? He’s trying to get them in HIS biz and collect commission • Nancy? She’s trying to discover what the reluctant hero really values and collaborate

to help them get it • Key: Success is about service

– We can’t __________________what we do not have – Al gives hype and fear of loss – Nancy gives skills and support – Who would you want sponsoring you? – Success in MLM? Become the sponsor you would want

What makes a GREAT coach? Really? • Simple • Great coaching is getting the reluctant want-to-be Hero to think the way that we think

but have it be their idea and wanting to take action – And, we’re back to the HJ & Limbic system!

• You’ll learn the method we’ve been paid $170,000 to teach – Step-by-step, word-4-word how get Sally to tell you she needs to make calls to

get Jack and Jill’s education paid for – Oddly, easiest skill set to master, Moms are Fab! – Anyone can do it once they know how

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How Do We Get Better? Become A Part-time Brain Surgeon THE BIG 3 Money Makers? 1. Getting people to agree to ________

2. Getting them to actually show ______

3. KEY: Coaching others to __________

What’s in go90grow©? 1. Framed Firelighter Skills

2. Hero’s Journey Skills

3. Coaching Skills

Off Line Name Generation? Providing 1-2 Punch • Pure gold

– Never run out of people to talk to – 5 Proven methods

• The ‘Virtual Infinite Diamond Mine’

– Have 25 biz people expecting your call weekly – How to generate over 4000 – 10,000 names & #

instantly – All local, all free – It’s exactly how we built 5 MLMs to top tier earner

The Truth • It’s not net-wish-marketing

– Nor net-point and click-marketing – It’s net-WORK-marketing

• You don’t have to sponsor a lot of people

– You do have to know what to teach them so they succeed – It’s never been about sponsoring more, it’s about getting more people

effectively sponsoring people without you

• The real objective? – Teams who build effective teams without you – You need to know “how to” build teams – http://go90grow.info