i,ii, iii... · web...

‘kkl- fo-;k-rk- Lo’kklh LukrdksRrj egkfo|ky; nqxZ ikB~;Øe & jktuhfr foKku l= ¼2017&18 @ 2018&19½ ch-,- I,II,III jktuhfr foKku foHkkx

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Page 1: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

‘kkl- fo-;k-rk- Lo’kklh LukrdksRrj egkfo|ky; nqxZ

ikB~;Øe & jktuhfr foKkul= ¼2017&18 @ 2018&19½

ch-,- I,II,III

jktuhfr foKkufoHkkx

Page 2: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

Lo’kklh ;kstukch-,- & jktuhfr foKku

ikB~;Øe laca/kh tkudkjh ,oa fu;el= ¼2017&18 @ 2018&19½

1-orZeku esa ch-,- Hkkx 1 2 3 ds ikB~;Øe fo’ofo|ky; ds ikB~;Øe ds vuqlkj gksaxsA izR;sd ikB~;Øe esa 5 bdkbZ gksxsaA nqxZ fo’o fo|ky; }kjk izLrkfor ikB~Øe ds vuq:i ckn esa la’kks/ku fd;k tk;sxkA

2- ijh{kk iSVuZ esa ifjorZu fd;k x;k gSA orZeku esa ch-,- Hkkx I, II, III esa uhps Ø- 3]4 ,oa 5 ds vuqlkj ijh{kk if)fr ykxw gksxhA

3- ikapksa bdkbZ dks rhu [k.Mksa esa foHkkftr fd;k tk;sxkA [k.M v dks gy djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA ftlesa y?kq iz’u ¼oLrqfu”B½ iz’u lHkh bdkbZ;ksa ls fy;k tk;sxkA vad & 10A ftlesa 10 iz’u gy djus gksaxsA

4- [k.M o y?kq mRrjh; gksxkA iz’uks dh la[;k 10 gksxhA izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz’u iwNs tk;sxsaA ftlesa ‘kCn lhek gksxh tks 50 ls 100 ‘kCnksa rd gks ldrk gS rFkk 5 iz’u gy djus gksaxsA vad & 25

5- [k.M l esa fuca/kkRed iz’u gksxsA izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz’u iwNs tk;sxsaA ‘kCn lhek 300 ls 450 rd gksxhA rFkk 5 iz’u gy djus gksaxsA vad 40

6- izR;sd iz’u i= 75 vad ds gksaxsA

Page 3: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

Subject Expert – 1. Dr. A.P. Verma H.O.D. Departmental Members

2. Dr. Ajay Chandrakar Dr. Arvindra Shukla Nominated Members from Vice-Chancellor – 1. Dr. Shakil Hussain Dr. Laxmi Dhruw Other Members - 1. Smt. Surbhi Bakshi Dr. Vedvati Mandavi 2. Shri. Harish Kumar Sahu

Other Department Member- Dr. Rajendra Kumar Choubey

Lo’kklh ;kstukch-,- & jktuhfr foKku

Approved syllabus for B.A. by the members of Board of studies

l=&2017&2018 B.A. Part – I

1- jktuhfrd fl)kar & izFke iz’u i=APolitical Theory – First Paper.

2- Hkkjrh; ‘kklu ,oa jktuhfrA f}rh; iz’u i= Indian Government & Politices. Second Paper

B.A. Part – II

1- ik’pkR; jktuhfr fparu & izFke iz’u i=AWestern political Thought – First Paper.

2- rqyukRed ‘kklu vkSj jktuhfr & f}rh; iz’u i=AComparative government– Second Paper

(Britain, America, China and Switzerland)

B.A. Part – II

1- varjkZ”Vªh; jktuhfr & izFke iz’u i=AInternational politics – First Paper.

2- yksd iz’kklu & f}rh; iz’u i=A

Page 4: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

Public Administration – Second Paper

Subject Expert – 1. Dr. A.P. Verma H.O.D. Departmental Members 2. Dr. Ajay Chandrakar Dr. Arvindra Shukla Nominated Members from Vice-Chancellor – 1. Dr. Shakil Hussain Dr. Laxmi Dhruw Other Members - 1. Smt. Surbhi Bakshi Dr. Vedvati Mandavi 2. Shri. Harish Kumar Sahu

Other Department Member- Dr. Rajendra Kumar Choubey

Lo’kklh ;kstukch-,- & jktuhfr foKku

Syllabus and Marking scheme for First / Second / Third Year

l=&2017&2018 @ 2018 & 2019Class Paper No. Title of the Paper Marks Allotted in Theory

Max Min

B.A. I

I Political Theory 75 25

II Indian Government & Politics 75 25


I Western political Thought 75 25

II Comparative Government Politics 75 25

B.A. III I Intentional Politics 75 25

II Public Administration 75 25

02/ Theory Papers – 150

Total Marks - 150


Theory 75 marks

MM 75

A (Very Short Ans.) = 01 x 10 = 10

B (Short Ans.) = 5 x 5 = 25

Page 5: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

C (Long Ans.) = 8 x8 = 40

Subject Expert – 1. Dr. A.P. Verma H.O.D. Departmental Members 2. Dr. Ajay Chandrakar Dr. Arvindra Shukla Nominated Members from Vice-Chancellor – 1. Dr. Shakil Hussain Dr. Laxmi Dhruw Other Members - 1. Smt. Surbhi Bakshi Dr. Vedvati Mandavi 2. Shri. Harish Kumar Sahu

Other Department Member- Dr. Rajendra Kumar Choubey

Lo’kklh ;kstukB.A. Part - I Political Science paper First

Session – 2017 – 2018 / 2018 - 2019

Political Theory

Unit -I

jktuhfr foKku dh ifjHkk”kk] {ks= rFkk Lo:Ik] jktuhfr foKku dh v/;;u i)fr;ka ijaijkxr vkSj O;ogkj ijdA jktuhfrd fl)kar & izd`fr ,oa egRoA ‘kfDr ,oa lRrk& vFkZ] L=ksr] vk/kkj] izdkj ,oa lhek;saA Definition, scope and Nature of Political science methods of study – traditional and behavioral nature and significance of political theory power and authority – meaning, bases, Sources, function and limitation.

Unit -II

jkT; & vko’;d rRo] jkT; ds mRifr ds fofHkUu fl)kar&nSoh mRifr ds fl)kar] ‘kfDr fl)kar] lkekftd le>kSrs dk fl)kar] fodkloknh fl)kar] vakfxd ¼lko;o fl)kar½ mnkjokn ,oa lektoknAState – essential or constituent elements of state various theories of origin of state – the divine origin theory of the state, force theory, social contract theory, evolutionary or historical theory state – dominant perspectives – organic theory, libereralism and socialism.

Unit –III

laizHkwrk & vFkZ] fo’ks”krk;sa] fl)kar] egRo] izdkj ukxfjdrk&vf/kdkj&Lora=rk & vFkZ] ifjHkk”kk izdkj ,oa fl)karA

Page 6: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

Sovereignty – meaning, characteristics Austin’s theory of sovereignty, kinds importance citizenship, Rights, liberty – meaning definition, kinds various theories.

Unit -IV

Lkekurk ,oa U;k; & vFkZ] ifjHkk”kk] fo’ks”krk;sa] laca/k] yksdra=&vFkZ] ifjHkk”kk] fo’ks”krk;sa vko’;d ifjfLFkfr;ka] yksdra= dh pqukSfr;kaAEquality and justice – meaning definition characteristics, Relation between equality and liberty. Democracy – meaning, definition, character sticks. Basic nead of situation challenges to democracy.

Unit -V

fodkl ,oa dY;k.kdkjh jkT; & vo/kkj.kk] fo’ks”krk;sa dk;Z] miyfC/k;ka] pqukSfr;kaA lkekftd ifjorZu ds fl)kar & vFkZ] ifjHkk”kk ,oa fofHkUu fl)kar] fo’ks”krk;saADevelopment and welfare state – concept characteristics, function, achievements challenges Theories of social change – meaning, definition characteristics and various theories.

Yks[kd & MkW- ch-,y- QkfM;k MkW- iq[kjkt tSu

MkW- ‘;ke lqUnjeohjds'oj

Subject Expert – 1. Dr. A.P. Verma H.O.D. Departmental Members 2. Dr. Ajay Chandrakar Dr. Arvindra Shukla Nominated Members from Vice-Chancellor – 1. Dr. Shakil Hussain Dr. Laxmi Dhruw Other Members - 1. Smt. Surbhi Bakshi Dr. Vedvati Mandavi 2. Shri. Harish Kumar Sahu

Page 7: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

Other Department Member- Dr. Rajendra Kumar Choubey

Lo’kklh ;kstukB.A. Part –I Political Science paper Second

Session – 2017 – 2018 / 2018 – 2019

Indian Government & Politics

Unit -I

Hkkjrh; lafo/kku & fuekZ.k ,oa L=ksr] fo’ks”krk;sa izLrkouk] ewy vf/kdkj ,oa ewy drZO;] jkT; ds uhfr funsZ’kd rRoAIndian constitution – making, sources features, preamble, Fundamental rights and fundamental duties, directive principles of state policy.

Unit -II

dsfUnz; ‘kklu & jk”Vªifr] laln] eaf=e.My ,oa iz/kku ea=h & xBu] fu;qfDr] vf/kdkj] ‘kfDr;ka ,oa okLrfod fLFkfrAThe union government – president, parliament, council of ministers and the prime minister organization, method of election, rights and powers, actual position.

Page 8: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

Unit –III

jkT; ‘kklu & jkT;iky] eaf=ifj”kn ,oa eq[;ea=h fu;qfDr] xBu] vf/kdkj] ‘kfDr;ka ,oa okLrfod fLFkfr] dsUnz&jkT; laca/k & fo/kk;h iz’kklfud] foRrh;AThe state government – governor council of minister and chief minister – (Election) composition, rights and powers and actual position. Center – state relation legislative, administrative, financial.

Unit -IV

loksZPp U;k;ky; ,oa laoS/kkfud izfØ;k & xBu {ks=kf/kdkj] orZeku ifjis{; esa cnyrk Lo:IkAHkkjrh; jktuhfr ny & jk”Vªh; ,oa {ks=h; & vFkZ ifjHkk”kk] fo’ks”krk;sa ,oa izdkj fuokZpu vk;ksx& xBu] dk;Z vf/kdkjASuprem court and constitutional procedure composition, jurisdiction, changing nature at present time, India political parlies – national and regional – meaning, definition, features and kinds. Election commission – composition factions and power.

Unit -V

Hkkjrh; jktuhfr ds izeq[k eqn~ns & tkfr] /keZ] Hkk”kk] {ks= ,oa xjhch mUeqyuAMajor issues in Indian politics – caste, religion, language, region poverty alleviation.

mi;ksxh iqLrdsa & jktuhfr foKku ch-,- izFke Yks[kd & MkW- ch-,y- QkfM;k

MkW- iq[kjkt tSuMkW- ‘;ke lqUnjeohjds'oj

Page 9: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

Subject Expert – 1. Dr. A.P. Verma H.O.D. Departmental Members 2. Dr. Ajay Chandrakar Dr. Arvindra Shukla Nominated Members from Vice-Chancellor – 1. Dr. Shakil Hussain Dr. Laxmi Dhruw Other Members - 1. Smt. Surbhi Bakshi Dr. Vedvati Mandavi 2. Shri. Harish Kumar Sahu

Other Department Member- Dr. Rajendra Kumar Choubey

Lo’kklh ;kstukB.A. Part –II Political Science paper First

Session – 2017 – 2018 / 2018 - 2019

Western Political Thought

Unit -I

IyksVks & U;k;] f’k{kk] lkE;okn ,oa vkn’kZ jkT; fo”k;d fopkjA

Page 10: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

vjLrq & jkT;] lafo/kkuksa dk oxhZdj.k] nklrk ,oa Økafr laca/kh fopkj] jktuhfr foKku ds tud ds :Ik esa Plato’s – justice, education, communism and plato’s indial state. Aristotle – state views, classification of state or constitution or governments. Slavery, revolutions. Aristotle as the father of political science.

Unit -II

eSfd;kosyh & eSfd;kosyh dk jkT; o ‘kklu] /keZ] uSfrdrk laca/kh fopkj ,oa jktn’kZu dks nsuA gkWCl & lkekftd le>kSrs dk fl)kar] ykWd&lkekftd le>kSrs dk fopkj] :lks lkekftd le>kSrs ,oa lkekU; bPNk dk fl)karA eSfd;kosyh ;qx f’k’kq ds :Ik esaAMachiavelli – child of his time, views on state and government, religion and morality, first modern political thinker (his contribution)

Hobbes and Locke – theory of social contract, jean Jacques Rousseau – theory of social contract and general will.

Unit –III

osaFke dk mi;ksfxrkokn ,oa lekt lq/kkjd ts-,l- fey & Lora=rk laca/kh ,oa O;fDr oknh fopkj izfrfuf/k ‘kklu laca/kh fopkjABentham – Utilitarianism, A great reformer, mill’s individualism, liberty and views on representative government.

Unit -IV

QzsfM+ªd ghxy & jkT; laca/kh ,oa }UnoknAVh-,p-xzhu & jkT; ,oa ‘kklu ,oa Lora=rk laca/kh fopkj] jktn’kZu dks nsuAG.V.F. Hegel – Views of state and dialecticism.

T.H. green – Views of state Government, views of political Liberty and contribution of green.

Unit -V

dkyZekDlZ & }UnkRed HkkSfrdokn] oxZ la?k”kZ] fl)kar vfrfjDr ewY; dk fl)kar ,oa bfrgkl dh vkfFkZd O;k[;k ,oa ekDlZ dh nsuAKarl – Marks – Dialectical materialism, theory of class struggle, theory of surplus value, Economic interpretation of history, contribution of mark.

mi;ksxh iqLrdsa & jktuhfr foKku ch-,- f}rh;

Page 11: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

Yks[kd & MkW- ts- ‘;ke lqUnje] MkW- lh-ih- ‘kekZ

MkW- iq[kjkt tSu

Subject Expert – 1. Dr. A.P. Verma H.O.D. Departmental Members 2. Dr. Ajay Chandrakar Dr. Arvindra Shukla Nominated Members from Vice-Chancellor – 1. Dr. Shakil Hussain Dr. Laxmi Dhruw Other Members - 1. Smt. Surbhi Bakshi Dr. Vedvati Mandavi 2. Shri. Harish Kumar Sahu

Other Department Member- Dr. Rajendra Kumar Choubey

Lo’kklh ;kstukB.A. Part –II Political Science paper Second

Page 12: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

Session – 2017 – 2018 / 2018 – 2019

Comparative Government & Politics

Unit -I

rqyukRed jktuhfr dk vFkZ] izd`fr] {ks= ,oa leL;k;sa rqyukRed jktuhfr ds v/;;u ds mikxe jktuhfrd O;oLFkk dk mikxe MsfoM bZLVu ,oa vkeaM ,oa ikosy ds vuqlkjMeaning nature, scope and problem of comparative politices.

Approaches for the study of comparative politics political system approach David Easten and almond and power.

Unit -II

laoS/kkfud lajpuk & laoS/kkfud dk;Zikfydk dk vFkZ] izdkj] dk;Z ‘kfDr;ksa dk dsUnz.k] rqyukRed foospukA dk;Zikfydk ,d rqyukRed v/;;u ¼fczVsu] vesfjdk] phu] fLojtjyS.M½Constitution structure - executive meaning, types functions describe comparative. Executive A comparative study (with special reference to Britain, American, China and Switzerland).

Unit –III

laoS/kkfud lajpuk & fo/kkf;dk laxBu dk;Z f}lnuh; O;oLFkkfidk dk i{k ,oa foi{k rqyukRed v/;;u AConstitutional structure – legislature composition, functions, Arguments in far our of second chambers or Bicameralism.

fo/kkf;dk ,d rqyukRed v/;;u ¼fczVsu] vesfjdk] phu] fLoV~tjyS.M ds fo’ks”k lanHkZ esa½Legistature – A comparative study (with special reference to Britain, American, china and switzenland).

Unit -IV

laoS/kkfud lajpuk & U;k;ikfydk laxBu dk;Z] Lora=rk] egRo] fof/kdk ‘kklu ,oa U;kf;d iqujkoyksduAU;k;ikfydk & ,d rqyukRed v/;;u ¼fczVsu] vesfjdk] phu] vkSj fLoV~tjyS.M dh U;k; O;oLFkk½fof/k dk ‘kklu & U;kf;d iqufoyksdu Constitution structure – Judiciary composition, functions, liberty, importance, rule of law, judicial review.

Page 13: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

Judiciary – A comparative study (Britain, American, China and Switzerland) rule of law, Judicial review

Unit -V

jktuhfr laLd`fr] jktuhfrd lkekthdj.k dh vo/kkj.kk] jktuhfrd ny & fo’ks”krk;sa ,oa egRo] izdkj] vk/kkjAfczVsu vkSj vesfjdk nyh; O;oLFkk dh rqyuk phu dk lkE;oknh nyAncko lewg] jktuhfrd izfØ;k esa ukjh dh HkwfedkAPolitical culture, concept political socialization, political party – futures, significance kinds, base. Compare of Britain and U.S.A. Party system socialist party of china pressure groups, Role of Women on political process.

mi;ksxh iqLrdsa & jktuhfr foKku ch-,- f}rh; Yks[kd & MkW- ts- ‘;ke lqUnje]

MkW- lh-ih- ‘kekZ MkW- iq[kjkt tSu] MkW- ch-,y- QkfM;k

Subject Expert – 1. Dr. A.P. Verma H.O.D. Departmental Members 2. Dr. Ajay Chandrakar Dr. Arvindra Shukla Nominated Members from Vice-Chancellor – 1. Dr. Shakil Hussain Dr. Laxmi Dhruw Other Members - 1. Smt. Surbhi Bakshi Dr. Vedvati Mandavi 2. Shri. Harish Kumar Sahu

Other Department Member- Dr. Rajendra Kumar Choubey

Page 14: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

Lo’kklh ;kstukB.A. Part –III Political Science paper First

Session – 2017 – 2018 / 2018 – 2019

International Politics

Unit -I

varjkZ”Vªh; jktuhfr dk vFkZ] izd`fr] {ks=A vUrjkZ”Vªh; jktuhfr ds v/;;u ds mikxeAInternational politics – Meaning, Nature and scope Approaches to the study of International politics.

Unit -II

vUrjkZ”Vªh; jktuhfr ds fofHkUu fl)kar & O;oLFkk fl)kar [ksy] fl)kar] fu.kZ; fuekZ.k ,oa lapkj fl)kar] ekxsZUFkkÅ dk ;FkkFkZokn fl)karA jk”Vªh; ‘kfDr & ifjHkk”kk ,oa rRo] la?k”kZ] ‘kfDr lap; ,oa ‘kfDr izn’kZuADiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision – making theory, communication theory, Morgenthau’s theory of political Realism. Definition and elements of national power. Struggle for power, Retaining power, increasing power and Demonstrating power.

Unit –III

‘kfDr larqyu dh vo/kkj.kk &lS)kafrd ykHk ,oa ewY;kadu ‘kkafr ,oa lqj{kk dh vo/kkj.kk & lkeqfgd lqj{kk dk fl)kar AThe concept of Balance of power of power, an estimate the concept of collective security.

Unit -IV

jktu; dh ifjHkk”kk] izdkj] dk;Z] mn~ns’; ,oa lk/ku] fu%’kL=hdj.k & vFkZ] ifjHkk”kk ,oa fodkl] fu%’kL=hdj.k ds ekxZ dh ck/kk;sa ,oa fujkdj.kADiplomacy – Definition, Kinds and function disarmament – meaning, definitions and development the hindrances in the path of disarmament.

Unit -V

Page 15: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

vUrjkZ”Vªh; jktuhfr ds u;s izfrekuAi;kZoj.koknoS’ohdj.kekuokf/kdkjNew pattern of International politics



Human Rights

mi;ksxh iqLrdsa %&jktuhfr foKku ch-,- r`rh; o”kZMkW- ch-,y- QkfM;kMkW- ts ‘;ke lqUnje

Subject Expert – 1. Dr. A.P. Verma H.O.D. Departmental Members 2. Dr. Ajay Chandrakar Dr. Arvindra Shukla Nominated Members from Vice-Chancellor – 1. Dr. Shakil Hussain Dr. Laxmi Dhruw Other Members - 1. Smt. Surbhi Bakshi Dr. Vedvati Mandavi 2. Shri. Harish Kumar Sahu

Other Department Member- Dr. Rajendra Kumar Choubey

Page 16: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

Lo’kklh ;kstukB.A. Part –III Political Science paper Second

Session – 2017 – 2018 / 2018 – 2019

Public Administration

Unit -I

Ykksd iz’kklu & vFkZ] izd`fr ,oa {ks=] ,d vuq’kklu ds :Ik esa yksd iz’kklu dk ewY;kadu] yksdra=] yksd iz’kklu ,oa O;fDrxr iz’kklu esa lekurk;sa ,oa vlkeurk;saAPublic Administration – meaning and scope, nature evolution of the study of public administration as a discipline, differences and similarities between public administration and private administration.

Unit -II

Ykksd iz’kklu ds v/;;u dh i)fr ,oa mikxe ¼ijaijkoknh] O;ogkjoknh ,ao O;oLFkkoknh½ uohu yksd iz’kklu & fodkl] y{;] fo’ks”krkAMethods and approaches of public administration tradition, behavior and system approach. new public administration, development features and goals.

Unit –III

jktuhfr ,oa yksd iz’kklu] iz’kklfud O;ogkj& usr`Ro] fu.kZ; fuekZ.k] lapkj] tokcnsgh APolitics and administration, administrative behaviors – Leadership, Decision making communication accountability.

Unit -IV

Page 17: I,II, III... · Web viewDiverse theories of International politics system theory, Geme theory, Decision –

ukSdj’kkgh ,oa ctV izfØ;k & ukSdj’kkgh vFkZ] fo’ks”krk izdkj ,oa dk;ZA ctV izfØ;k ctV dh rS;kjh] laln dh Lohd`r] Hkkjr esa ctV dk fØ;kUo;u] forh; dks”kksa dk ys[kkadu] ys[kk ijh{k.k oS’ohdj.k ,oa mnkjhdj.k ds ;qx esa yksd iz’kkluAConcept of Bureaucracy- Meaning, features kinds and function. Budgetary process, preparation of budget, parliamentary approval, execution of the budget in India, accounting of founds, audit.

Public administration in the age of globalization.

Unit -V

Izk’kklu ij fu;a=.k & fo/kk;h ,oa U;kf;d fu;a=.k] lalnh; O;oLFkk esa fo/kk;h fu;a=.k ds lk/ku ,oa lhek;sa U;kf;d fuea=.k dh vko’;drk] lk/ku ,oa lhek;saAControl over administrative – the means of legislative control in parliamentary systems and limitation, method of judicial review, the ways and means of judicial control.

mi;ksxh iqLrdsa & jktuhfr foKku Hkkx III Yks[kd & MkW- ch-,y- QkfM;k

MkW- ‘;ke lqUnje

Subject Expert – 1. Dr. A.P. Verma H.O.D. Departmental Members 2. Dr. Ajay Chandrakar Dr. Arvindra Shukla Nominated Members from Vice-Chancellor – 1. Dr. Shakil Hussain Dr. Laxmi Dhruw Other Members - 1. Smt. Surbhi Bakshi Dr. Vedvati Mandavi 2. Shri. Harish Kumar Sahu

Other Department Member- Dr. Rajendra Kumar Choubey