gnss network - cors

1 GNSS Network - CORS Solusi GNSS Network - Reference Stations Oleh : Yulianto Dwi Prasetyo Aptnh MH BPN Gresik [email protected] 101010101011110001100001010101010100101011001010010101010001111110101010111101010101010100010111101010111010010100101 010101010011010101010101001010100101010100101010101101011010000110101010101010101111100100100001111001101101010101001 0001010101010101010101 Pendidikan dan Latihan Pengukuran dan Pemetaan Badan Pertanahan Nasional RI Bogor, 14 – 27 Maret 2011

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Gnss Network - Cors


Page 1: Gnss Network - Cors


GNSS Network - CORSSolusi GNSS Network - Reference Stations

Oleh :

Yulianto Dwi Prasetyo Aptnh MH

BPN [email protected]



Pendidikan dan LatihanPengukuran dan Pemetaan

Badan Pertanahan Nasional RIBogor, 14 – 27 Maret 2011

Page 2: Gnss Network - Cors

2 Leica Networked Reference Stations

GPS SPIDER – Reference Station

GPS SPIDER : Suatu integrasi software dan Hardware untuk

Mengontrol dan mengoperasikan satu receiver GPS

ataupun beberapa receiver GPS dalam suatu Network.

Cotinuously Operating GPS Reference Station (CORS) :

- Fully Control GPS Receiver

- Network RTK (SpiderNET)

- Logging Raw, Rinex, dan Event log data

- Internet/FTP data push

- User management

- Remote connections

- Support GSM/GPRS services

Komunikasi Receiver GPS :

- Direct Serial (RS232)

- Modem, Analog atau ISDN

- TCP/IP (LAN, Internet, NTRIP)

On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

Pendidikan dan LatihanPengukuran dan Pemetaan

Badan Pertanahan Nasional RIBogor, 14 – 27 Maret 2011

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3 Leica Networked Reference Stations

GPS Network Design



On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

Pendidikan dan LatihanPengukuran dan Pemetaan

Badan Pertanahan Nasional RIBogor, 14 – 27 Maret 2011

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4 Leica Networked Reference Stations

GPS Network - Aplikasi

Geodetic Control Surveying Engineering Konstruksi Monitoring Deformasi GIS & Mapping Mining Positioning Machine Control Navigasi Survey Hidrografi Aerial Survey



On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

Pendidikan dan LatihanPengukuran dan Pemetaan

Badan Pertanahan Nasional RIBogor, 14 – 27 Maret 2011

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Network RTK Strategy

MAC – The Master Auxiliary Concept

Leica joint proposal pada tahun 2001

tentang RTCM Messages untuk Network RTK (co-author Gerhard Wuebbena, Geo++)

Menggunakan Informasi dari Network

Reference Station - RTCM V3.0



On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

Pendidikan dan LatihanPengukuran dan Pemetaan

Badan Pertanahan Nasional RIBogor, 14 – 27 Maret 2011

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Leica GNSS Reference Stations Single Reference Station

Provides Real Time Kinematic corrections to Rovers

< 30 km

Limitations: Resources – Equipment Costs; Staff; Planning…

Performance – Range; Reliability; # Users; Comms Type

Using carrier phase observations GPS Rover receivers equates to RTK accuracy of 10mm + 1PPM

At 30 Km : accuracy of 40mm ; 4cm ; 0.040 m with 99.99% confidence

Using Code only Range of 200Km: accuracy of <1m

< 200 km

On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

Pendidikan dan LatihanPengukuran dan Pemetaan

Badan Pertanahan Nasional RIBogor, 14 – 27 Maret 2011

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RTK With Radio

On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

Pendidikan dan LatihanPengukuran dan Pemetaan

Badan Pertanahan Nasional RIBogor, 14 – 27 Maret 2011

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Accuracy, Reliability, AvailabilityGood Bad

Leica GNSS Reference Stations Single Reference Station

‘Average‘ Ionospheric conditions

On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

Pendidikan dan LatihanPengukuran dan Pemetaan

Badan Pertanahan Nasional RIBogor, 14 – 27 Maret 2011

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Accuracy, Reliability, AvailabilityGood Bad

Leica GNSS Reference Stations Network of Single Reference Station

‘Average‘ Ionospheric conditions

On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

Pendidikan dan LatihanPengukuran dan Pemetaan

Badan Pertanahan Nasional RIBogor, 14 – 27 Maret 2011

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Accuracy, Reliability, AvailabilityGood Bad

Leica GNSS Reference Stations Network of Single Reference Station

‘Average‘ Ionospheric conditions

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Accuracy, Reliability, AvailabilityGood Bad

Leica GNSS Reference Stations Network of Single Reference Station

‘Average‘ Ionospheric conditions

< 70Km

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NTRIP - Streaming Data GPS Melalui Internet



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Leica Networked Reference Stations

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15 Leica Networked Reference Stations

“Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol” (NTRIP) merupakan suatu protocol aplikasi untuk streaming (alur data) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) melalui Internet.

NTRIP merupakan suatu turunan, stateless protocol berdasarkan Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1. Peningkatan object HTTP menjadi GNSS data streams.

NTRIP di desain untuk mengirimkan data koreksi differential (mis : pada RTCM-104 format) atau tipe lain dari GNSS data streaming kepada stationary atau mobile user melalui Internet, support untuk semua PC, Laptop, PDA, atau receiver yang terkoneksi dengan suatu broadcasting host.

NTRIP support wireless Internet access menggunakan Mobile IP Networks seperti,GSM, GPRS, EDGE, CDMA atau UMTS.

Developed by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geographie (BKG )

NTRIP – Overview (1)



On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

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16 Leica Networked Reference Stations

NTRIP Overview (2)

NTRIP terbagi atas 3 system software components:




NTRIPCaster adalah actual HTTP server program sedangkan NTRIPClient dan NTRIPServer berlaku sebagai HTTP clients.

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17 Leica Networked Reference Stations

NTRIP Overview (3)

Didasari oleh HTTP data streaming standard dan sangat mudah untuk di implementasikan dalam kondisi limited client dan server platform resources yang tersedia.

Aplikasinya tidak terbatas pada satu jenis data streaming yang dibawa; mampu untuk mendistribusikan beberapa jenis GNSS data.

Potensial untuk mensupport penggunaan secara massal; mampu mengirimkan ratusan data streams secara bersamaan hingga ribuan user ketika ketika menjalankan Internet Radio broadcasting software.

Mampu streaming data kepada beberapa mobile IP network karena menggunakan TCP/IP.

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18 Leica Networked Reference Stations

GNSS Internet Radio- Tools untuk alur data/streaming

Merupakan NTRIP client for windows

Available dan free di internet:

Digunakan untuk meng-konfigure GPS SPIDER

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19 NRS Technical Training September 3-5, 2008, Heerbrugg CH19

GNNS SpiderNet - Realisation of MACMaster-Auxiliary Corrections (MAX) – RTCM standardized

Leica MAX RTCM V3.1 Network RTK

Based on Master-Auxiliary Concept Simplex (e.g. Radio modem) or duplex

communicationsRTK Proxy ServerRTK Data distribuiton

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MAX Corrections

1. Transmission of raw observation data from the reference stations to the network processing facility.

2. Network estimation process including ambiguity resolution to reduce the stations to the common ambiguity level.

3. (Optional) NMEA GGA position received from the rover at the network processing facility. The most appropriate reference stations are chosen for the rover based on its location.

4. Formation and transmission of RTCM 3.0 network message using corrections for the Master station and correction differences for the auxiliary stations.

5. Computation of high accuracy rover position using the full information from the reference network.

Network Processing Facility

Auxiliary Reference Station A

Auxiliary Reference Station B

Auxiliary Reference Station C

Auxiliary Reference Station D

Master Reference Station




5.Rover User

On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

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2121 NRS Technical Training September 3-5, 2008, Heerbrugg CH21

Transmits raw data of master and ambiguity levelled correction differences for up to 32 auxiliary sites

Fully standardised format and content defined in RTCM 3.1

Works in two way and broadcast mode

All relevant information available to the rover

Rover algorithm able to use the data in an optimal way, including multi-base positioning, non-fixed satellites and even fall back to single base RTK

Slightly higher bandwidth usage (depends on cell size)

GNNS SpiderNet - Realisation of MACMaster-Auxiliary Corrections (MAX) – RTCM standardized

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22 NRS Technical Training September 3-5, 2008, Heerbrugg CH22

GNNS SpiderNet - Realisation of MACIndividualized Master-Auxiliary Corrections (i-MAX)

Leica i-MAX Individualised corrections

Support for earlier model rover receivers RTCM V2.x, V3.0 baseline format Duplex communication required

RTK Proxy ServerRTK Data distribuiton

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i-MAX Corrections

1. Transmission of raw observation data from the reference stations to the network processing facility.

2. Network estimation process including ambiguity resolution to reduce the stations to the common ambiguity level.

3. NMEA GGA position received from the rover at the network processing facility. The most appropriate reference stations are chosen for the rover based on its location. The master station is chosen as the reference station closest to the rover.

4. Leica GPS Spider calculates the network corrections for the rover and applies them to the observations from the master station.

5. Formation and transmission of RTCM 2.3 or Leica format corrections from the master station.

6. Computation of high accuracy rover position using the reference network.

Network Processing FacilityAuxiliary Reference

Station A

Auxiliary Reference Station B

Auxiliary Reference Station C

Auxiliary Reference Station D

Master Reference Station




6.Rover User


On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

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2424 NRS Technical Training September 3-5, 2008, Heerbrugg CH24

GNNS SpiderNet - Realisation of MAC

Transmits computed data that is referenced to a real reference station

Uses commonly understood single base formats

Compact data transmission

Content of messages not standardised (in particular use of a priori troposphere model)

Requires two way communications

Network information is lost (not all relevant information is available to the rover)

Individualized Master-Auxiliary Corrections (i-MAX)

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25 Leica Networked Reference Stations

Koreksi MAX pada cell

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26 Leica Networked Reference Stations

Koreksi MAX pada cell

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27 Leica Networked Reference Stations

Koreksi MAX pada cell

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28 Leica Networked Reference Stations

Koreksi MAX pada cell

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29 Leica Networked Reference Stations

Koreksi Auto-MAX

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30 Leica Networked Reference Stations

Koreksi Auto-MAX

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31 Leica Networked Reference Stations

Koreksi Auto-MAX

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32 Leica Networked Reference Stations

Koreksi Auto-MAX

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33 Leica Networked Reference Stations

i-MAX corrections

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34 Leica Networked Reference Stations

i-MAX corrections

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35 Leica Networked Reference Stations

SITE SERVER – File Product Services (FPS)

Format Data :

GPS Raw data

RINEX (dari data stream atau hasil download MDB files)

Hatanaka (compact RINEX)

Quality Check

Online RawData status

Akses Data file : Local pada PC atau Network server

Global via Intranet

atau Internet-FTP

Status Information: via E-Mail

Logfile-Archive & FTP

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36 Leica Networked Reference Stations

GPS SpiderNET – Real Time User Management

Authentication & Authorisation :

GPUID NMEA message

Telephone number (menggunakan access router)

IP Adress

NTRIP authentication

Accounting & Auditing:

Aktifitas Logging GPS rover

Detailed Log files (*.xml)

General Summary Log files (*.txt, machine readable)

Display real time GPS rover - user status

Graphical map

Report view table

RTK Proxy ServerRTK Data distribuiton


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37 Leica Networked Reference Stations


GPS SpiderNET – Architecture Overview

Site Server


Remote Control

FTP Data push



FD File & Raw Data

Data Archive



Site Server




Cluster Server(Network Processing)

Cluster Server2(Network Processing)

Network Server

RTK Proxy ServerRTK Data distribuiton

Remote GUIGraphical

User Interface



W IC 0A C T /C H 0

A C T /C H 1

W IC 0A C T /C H 0

A C T /C H 1



Access Router

RTCM V2.3 DGPSNearest Site




Ntrip / CMR+SingleSite


On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

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38 Leica Networked Reference Stations

GPS SPIDER Interface



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39 Leica Networked Reference Stations

GPS SPIDER – Virtual Rover

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40 Leica Networked Reference Stations



Choke Ring



GPS Receiver


Proxy Server

Choke Ring



GPS Receiver

Choke Ring



GPS Receiver

Modem link

Konfigurasi Jaringan

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Data Centre – GNSS Service Provider

Secure Local Network

Data Consumer

NTRIP Connection DMZ

RTK Proxy Server

Web Server

FTP Server


Site Server Network Server

On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

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Leica Networked Reference Stations

Sensors Leica System 1200+ GRX1200+ GNSS Reference Station Receiver

L1 Accuracy: 0.2mm (Phase), 2cm (Code) RMS

L2 Accuracy: 0.2mm (Phase), 2cm (Code) RMS

Operating Conditions

Temperature: -40°C to +65°C

Humidity: Up to 100%

Water: Waterproof to 1m


L1/L2/L5, 120 channel GPS/GLONASS, GALILEO ready receiver

Lower cost than RTK unit

Real time correction data in all standard formats

Dual power input

Remote control with GNSS Spider software

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Leica Networked Reference Stations

AR25 3D choke-ring antenna

For first-order networks, IGS stations and primary control


Built to last

Dorne & Margolin element

For data of highest quality

Desained for all wather

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44 Leica Networked Reference Stations

GNSS SPIDER Software Interface



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45 Leica Networked Reference Stations

On The Job TrainingPengukuran Dasar

Kanwil BPN Prop Nusa Tenggara Barat21 Februari – 3 Maret 201

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Communication Link

Leica Networked Reference Stations

Base Station comm

Dibutuhkan jalur komunikasi data yang realible (less noise)

24/7 day

Tidak dibutuhkan koneksi yang cepat (broadband) tetapi stabil dengan latency dibawah 1 second

Private network

Rover Station comm

Memiliki fitur minimal GPRS

Coverage area yang luas

Memiliki kestabilan tinggi

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Parameter GPRS (berbeda tiap operator)

APN :indosatgprs Username :indosatgprs Password :indosatgprs

APN :telkomsel Username :wap Password :wap123

APN Username :xlgprs Password :proxl

Leica Networked Reference Stations

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Parameter Server

IP: Port:2001 Mountpoint:Max_BPN1_RTCM3.1


Username :leica4mePassword :leica4me

Leica Networked Reference Stations

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USAUSAMontreal, Montreal,


Moscow, RussiaMoscow, Russia


GNSS Reference NetworksGround Segment - Infrastructure

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Hong KongHong Kong



GNSS Reference NetworksGround Segment - Infrastructure

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Real Time Network

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52 Leica Networked Reference Stations

Ordnace Survey Network, UK

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Jaringan Referensi Satelit PertanahanBPN Se-Jawa Bali

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Terima Kasih

Leica Networked Reference Stations