gmodel colsua-18092; no.of pages15 article in press...

Please cite this article in press as: L. Guo, et al., Polymer/nanosilver composite coatings for antibacterial applications, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects (2013), ARTICLE IN PRESS G Model COLSUA-18092; No. of Pages 15 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects xxx (2013) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects journal homepage: Polymer/nanosilver composite coatings for antibacterial applications Liya Guo d,1 , Weiyong Yuan c,1 , Zhisong Lu a,b,∗∗ , Chang Ming Li a,b,c,a Chongqing Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials & Technologies of Clean Energies, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China b Institute for Clean Energy & Advanced Materials, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China c Center for Advanced Bionanosystems, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue 637457, Singapore d School of Physical Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China highlights Progress on antibacterial mechanism and cytotoxic effects of nanosilver is presented. Antibacterial functions of polymers are described. Recent proceedings in fabrication of polymer/nanosilver composite coat- ings for antibacterial applications are surveyed. Future challenges and directions of polymer/nanosilver composite coat- ings for antibacterial applications are proposed. graphical abstract article info Article history: Received 31 August 2012 Received in revised form 8 December 2012 Accepted 20 December 2012 Available online xxx Keywords: Nanosilver Polymer Nanocomposite Antibacterial agent Bionanotechnology abstract Nanosilver is regarded as a new generation of antibacterial agents and has great potential to be uti- lized in antibacterial surface coatings for medical devices, food package and industrial pipes. However, disadvantages such as easy aggregation, uncontrollable release of silver ions and potential cytotoxicity greatly hinder its uses. Recently, polymers possessing unique functions have been employed to fabricate nanocomposite coatings with nanosilver for better biocompatibility and enhanced antibacterial activity. This review starts with progress on antibacterial mechanism and cytotoxic effects of nanosilver. Antibac- terial functions of polymers are subsequently discussed. Advances of fabrication of polymer/nanosilver composite coatings for antibacterial applications are surveyed. Finally, conclusions and perspectives, in particular future directions of polymer/nanosilver composite coatings for antibacterial applications are proposed. It is expected that this review is able to provide the updated accomplishments of the polymer/nanosilver composite coatings for antibacterial applications while attracting great interest of research and development in this area. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Corresponding author at: Chongqing Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials & Technologies of Clean Energies, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China. Tel.: +86 23 68254727; fax: +86 23 68254969. ∗∗ Corresponding author at: Chongqing Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials & Technologies of Clean Energies, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China. Tel.: +86 23 68254795; fax: +86 23 68254969. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Z. Lu), [email protected] (C.M. Li). 1 These authors contributed equally to this work. 1. Introduction Bacterial contamination on various surfaces of medical devices, wound dressings, industrial pipes, food packages, and separation membranes is a globally serious concern, posing great threat to their efficiency and lifetime [1–7].Generally, bacteria adhere on these surfaces followed by growth under suitable environmental conditions to form so-called biofilms, which are notoriously diffi- cult to be removed [1,8–10]. The biofilms provide ideal shelters for bacteria inside to metabolize safely with much increased tolerance to antibiotics and host immunological defense, and to infect and/or 0927-7757/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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OLSUA-18092; No. of Pages 15

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical andEngineering Aspects

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olymer/nanosilver composite coatings for antibacterial applications

iya Guod,1, Weiyong Yuanc,1, Zhisong Lua,b,∗∗, Chang Ming Lia,b,c,∗

Chongqing Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials & Technologies of Clean Energies, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, ChinaInstitute for Clean Energy & Advanced Materials, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, ChinaCenter for Advanced Bionanosystems, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue 637457, SingaporeSchool of Physical Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China

i g h l i g h t s

Progress on antibacterial mechanismand cytotoxic effects of nanosilver ispresented.Antibacterial functions of polymersare described.Recent proceedings in fabrication ofpolymer/nanosilver composite coat-ings for antibacterial applications aresurveyed.Future challenges and directions ofpolymer/nanosilver composite coat-ings for antibacterial applications areproposed.

g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 31 August 2012eceived in revised form 8 December 2012ccepted 20 December 2012vailable online xxx


a b s t r a c t

Nanosilver is regarded as a new generation of antibacterial agents and has great potential to be uti-lized in antibacterial surface coatings for medical devices, food package and industrial pipes. However,disadvantages such as easy aggregation, uncontrollable release of silver ions and potential cytotoxicitygreatly hinder its uses. Recently, polymers possessing unique functions have been employed to fabricatenanocomposite coatings with nanosilver for better biocompatibility and enhanced antibacterial activity.This review starts with progress on antibacterial mechanism and cytotoxic effects of nanosilver. Antibac-

anosilverolymeranocompositentibacterial agentionanotechnology

terial functions of polymers are subsequently discussed. Advances of fabrication of polymer/nanosilvercomposite coatings for antibacterial applications are surveyed. Finally, conclusions and perspectives,in particular future directions of polymer/nanosilver composite coatings for antibacterial applicationsare proposed. It is expected that this review is able to provide the updated accomplishments of thepolymer/nanosilver composite coatings for antibacterial applications while attracting great interest of

t in t

research and developmen

Please cite this article in press as: L. Guo, et al., Polymer/nanosilver compositEng. Aspects (2013),

∗ Corresponding author at: Chongqing Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials &echnologies of Clean Energies, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China.el.: +86 23 68254727; fax: +86 23 68254969.∗∗ Corresponding author at: Chongqing Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials &echnologies of Clean Energies, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China.el.: +86 23 68254795; fax: +86 23 68254969.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Z. Lu), [email protected] (C.M. Li).1 These authors contributed equally to this work.

927-7757/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.ttp://

his area.© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Bacterial contamination on various surfaces of medical devices,wound dressings, industrial pipes, food packages, and separationmembranes is a globally serious concern, posing great threat totheir efficiency and lifetime [1–7].Generally, bacteria adhere onthese surfaces followed by growth under suitable environmental

e coatings for antibacterial applications, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem.

conditions to form so-called biofilms, which are notoriously diffi-cult to be removed [1,8–10]. The biofilms provide ideal shelters forbacteria inside to metabolize safely with much increased toleranceto antibiotics and host immunological defense, and to infect and/or

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pread to other places for enlarged area [1,9,11]. The only effec-ive way to remove the biofilm-induced infection/contaminations to completely dump the contaminated devices/items withew ones for replacement, which is extremely inconvenient andostly [1,9,12]. Therefore, it is highly desirable to design high-erformance antibacterial surfaces that can strongly resist bacterialdhesion and/or kill bacteria for preventing biofilm formation.

Nanomaterials can play an important role in antibacte-ial applications primarily due to their large surface area andize/shape-dependent physicochemical properties [5,7,13–15].mong various antibacterial nanomaterials nanosilver is the mostromising one, which has exhibited much greater antibacterialffect as compared to bulk silver materials [5,13–20]. In addition,anosilver has a broad-spectrum antibacterial activity to kill a vari-ty of bacteria existing in everyday life, nosocomial environments,nd industrial processes, including those that are antibiotic-esistant [5,13]. Thus, it is very promising to introduce nanosilvern a surface for broad antibacterial applications. However, it istill illusive to fabricate surface coatings with strong antibacte-ial effects and good biocompatibility/environmental safety bysing nanosilver only [21–23]. Aggregation of silver nanoparti-les, uncontrollable release of silver ions and promoted adhesionf bacteria greatly reduce antibacterial effects of nanosilver17,19,23–25]. Polymeric materials with great structure tailorabil-ty and flexibility have pronounced potential to inhibit aggregationf nanosilver and form uniform surface coatings on various sub-trates [19,26]. These materials can also control the release ofilver ions for sustained antibacterial effects and reduce cytotox-city [17,27]. More importantly, they can be designed to resistacteria adhesion and enhance bactericidal properties [12,28,29].hus, it is profitable to combine nanosilver and polymer matrix toorm multifunctional composite coatings for antibacterial applica-ions. It is noted that polymer/nanosilver composites with differenthapes, in particular with a fiber shape, have been extensively stud-ed [30–33]. The applications of silver polymeric nanocompositess advanced antimicrobial agents have also been reviewed recently34]. However, polymer/nanosilver composites for antibacterialurface coating and the fabrication methods are not systematicallyummarized.

In this review, research progresses on antibacterial mechanismnd cytotoxic effects of nanosilver are firstly presented. Polymerunctions for antibacterial applications are subsequently described.hen, recent proceedings in the fabrication of polymer/nanosilveromposite coatings for antibacterial applications are further sur-eyed. Finally, conclusions and perspectives, in particular the futureirections of polymer/nanosilver composite coatings for antibacte-ial applications are proposed. It is expected that this review is ableo provide the updated advances of the polymer/nanosilver com-osite coatings for antibacterial applications while attracting great

nterest of research and development in this area.

. Antibacterial mechanism of nanosilver

Nanosilver is a cluster of silver atoms with sizes ranging fromto 100 nm, which can be synthesized with various approaches

sing different precursors, reductants and capping agents [35].s summarized in previous reviews, nanosilvers with differentizes, shapes and surface properties could be produced via variouspproaches such as photo-reduction, chemical reduction, seed-ediated growth, templating synthesis and biosynthesis as well

36–40]. Nanosilver applied in antibacterial tests possesses distinct

Please cite this article in press as: L. Guo, et al., Polymer/nanosilver compositEng. Aspects (2013),

orphology and physicochemical properties. Therefore, a compli-ated mechanism with multiple pathways may exist in nanosilveractericidal effects. In addition, the morphology and physicochem-

cal properties of nanosilver may affect its interaction with bacteria,

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thus becoming the major factors involved in nanosilver antimicro-bial effects. Due to its large surface area-to-volume ratio, nanosilverexhibits great efficiency against a broad spectrum of bacteria andis widely used in clinical applications such as catheter coating,wound dressing and antibacterial hand gels [35]. It is very critical tounderstand scientific insights of antibacterial effects of nanosilverfor designs of composites containing nanosilver as an antibacterialsurface coating. In recent years, several reviews have summa-rized possible antimicrobial mechanisms of the nanosilver [35,41],but the mechanism is still not fully elucidated. In this sectionthree mostly recognized antibacterial mechanisms are discussed.This review mainly focuses on the antibacterial effects of poly-mer/nanosilver composites. Thus, the antivirus mechanism and theantimicrobial mechanisms for nanosilver-based materials are notincluded in this survey although anti-virus effects are importantparts in antimicrobial activity of the nanosilver.

2.1. Antibacterial effects caused by nanosilver-released silver ions

Metallic silver (Ag(0)) on the surface of nanosilver can beoxidized into Ag2O in aerobic solutions [20,42,43]. Then themetabolism of bacteria creates an acid environment for the releaseof silver ions, which has been evidenced in several studies con-ducted by different laboratories [20,42,43]. It is believed that thesilver ions interact with bacterial cell walls, plasma membranes,bacterial DNA and proteins, as well as ribosomes, resulting in bac-tericidal effects [35,44–47]. Bacterial cell wall is a specific layerof peptidoglycan consisting of sugars and amino acids outsidethe plasma membrane [48]. Numerous receptors and enzymesresponsible for cell respiration locate in the peptidoglycan layer.Since silver ions can bind with negatively charged peptidoglycan,they could easily attach to the thiol group ( SH) of receptors andenzymes along the peptidoglycan membrane resulting in misfol-ding of proteins, further disabling the bacteria oxygen metabolizingenzymes and leading to bacterial death [49–52]. Interestingly,Gram-positive bacteria are less susceptible to nanosilver thanGram-negative bacteria [46], which may be explained by the muchthicker peptidoglycan cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria thanthose of Gram-negative bacteria. For Gram-positive bacteria thethick peptidoglycan molecules form a dense network-structuredcell wall around the bacterial cell membrane, which may preventpenetration of silver ions into inner parts of the cell wall. There-fore, the silver ions only react with outer layers of peptidoglycanand cannot cause significant adverse effects on the bacteria. Neg-atively charged plasmic DNA inside bacteria is another target ofsilver ions [46,47]. Silver ions diffuse into the bacterial cells andbind to DNA bases to inhibit the replication and transcriptionprocesses, further preventing bacterial production. Zong and co-workers well controlled the synthesis and tests under anaerobicconditions to preclude Ag(0) oxidation and release of Ag ions. Itwas found that the silver nanoparticles did not show toxic effectson Escherichia coli. However, significant antibacterial activity wasdetected when E. coli was treated with the same nanoparticlesunder aerobic conditions [53]. This work fundamentally confirmsthat the antibacterial activity is caused by nanosilver-released sil-ver ions, but cannot be used to explain the antibacterial mechanismof nanosilver due to the ambient environment in real applications.

2.2. Intrinsic antibacterial properties of nanosilver

Silver ions released from nanosilver have been proven to beone possible mechanism. However, it is not the only mechanism

e coatings for antibacterial applications, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem.

for antibacterial activity of nanosilver. In a comparative study ofnanosilver and silver ions it was observed that silver nanoparti-cles showed a higher antibacterial potency than silver ions, whichsuggested that nanosilver might possess intrinsic antibacterial

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apability besides the elution of silver ions [54]. Nanosilver canind with cell walls as well as plasma membranes of bacteria andenetrate into bacterial cells, causing structural changes, degrada-ion, and finally cell death [55,56]. The nanosilver-released silverons may change the permeability of cell wall for better penetra-ion of nanosilver into bacterial cells. Interestingly, a recent workeported that common ligands including chloride, sulfide, phos-hate, or organic acids in the silver salts-based comparative studiesould hinder the bioavailability and mitigate the toxicity of silverons but not nanosilver at relatively low concentrations [54,57].he presence of common ligands might cause the higher nanosilverntimicrobial effects observed than their equivalent silver ions con-entration in previous reports [54]. In comparison to Zong’s workentioned in Section 2.1, it can be found that whether nanosilver

as intrinsic antibacterial properties remains as a question. Deli-ate control of nanosilver properties and experimental conditionsay be needed in future investigations.

.3. Antibacterial effects caused by reactive oxygen species

The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by nanoma-erials is a well-established mechanism for nanotoxicity. A lot ofanomaterials have been demonstrated to induce production ofOS in biological systems and further to result in oxidative stress,

nflammation, and consequent damage to proteins, membranesnd DNA [58–64]. Results obtained by using electron spin reso-ance method coupled with spin trapping and spin labeling showhat nanosilver can induce pH-dependent production of hydroxyladicals and oxygen in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, a bio-ogically relevant product continuously generated in cells [65]. These of ROS scavenger could significantly decrease ROS levels inacteria and antibacterial activity of nanosilver [65]. The resultslearly indicate that ROS production is involved in the antibacte-ial activity of nanosilver. Since silver ions can also generate ROS,OS involving in antibacterial activity of nanosilver may come

rom both nanosilver and its released silver ions. The excess ROSan break the oxidation/anti-oxidation balance inside bacterialells, leading to formation of oxidative stress. Subsequently, ROSeacts with biological molecules such as proteins, lipids and DNAo cause significant antibacterial effects. The presence of oxygens of great importance for ROS generation. Thus, ROS-mediatedntibacterial activity could be a possible mechanism in ambientondition.

. Effects of morphology and surface charge on nanosilverntibacterial activity

Size, shape, surface charge, and aggregation status of nanoma-erials significantly affect their interactions with biological systems34,35,66,67]. As to nanosilver these parameters are of great impor-ance to its antibacterial activity as well [34,35].

Nanosilver with a smaller size possesses higher surface-to-olume ratio, exposing more silver atoms on its surface and furtheracilitating the release of silver ions [68]. In addition, small nanosil-er enters bacteria more easily and its high surface energy canromote the generation of ROS, causing much stronger oxida-ive stress in bacterial cells than large one [35]. In a recent studyilver nanoparticles with sizes of 44, 50, 25, and 35 nm wererepared by using glucose, galactose, maltose and lactose, respec-ively. The smallest (25 nm) silver particles showed the strongestntimicrobial activity, while the largest particles (50 nm) had the

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owest antimicrobial effect [69]. Therefore, nanosilver with smallerize shows stronger antimicrobial activity. Very recently the cyto-oxicity was examined using silver nanoparticles with differentharacteristic sizes (∼10, 50, and 100 nm) against several cell lines

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including MC3T3-E1 and PC12. It was observed that the smallestsized silver nanoparticles (10 nm size) had a greatest ability toinduce apoptosis than the other ones (50 and 100 nm) [70]. Thus,although small nanosilver can offer strong antibacterial activity,the potential cytotoxic effects on human and the non-sustainablerelease profile significantly limit its applications in antibacterialcoatings.

Nanosilver with different shapes such as nanosphere, nanorod,nanoplate, nanotriangle and nanowire can be obtained by using dif-ferent approaches and synthesis conditions [71–73]. They exhibitdistinct optical and electrical properties for applications likesurface-enhanced Raman scattering and immunosensing [74–77].Colony forming capabilities of E. coli cells treated with spheri-cal, rod-shaped, and truncated triangular silver nanoparticles werecompared to explore shape effects on nanosilver antibacterialactivity [78]. The strongest antibacterial activity was observedfor truncated triangular silver nanoparticles, while rod-shapednanoparticles displayed inferior performance [78]. The percentageof {1 1 1} facets, which have a high-atom density and high reactiv-ity, in differently shaped silver nanoparticles is proposed to explainthe shape-dependent antibacterial effects [78].

Surface charge is another critical parameter that can greatlyinfluence the bioactivity of nanosilver. Silver nanoparticles withvarious surface charges ranging from highly negative to highlypositive have been utilized to study the role of surface charge inantimicrobial activity [79]. It is quite similar to the easy bindingof positively-charged silver ions with negatively charged bacterialcell wall. Negatively charged nanosilver presented less toxic effectto bacillus species (Gram-positive bacteria), whereas the positivelycharged nanosilver showed the strongest antibacterial activity. Theauthors attributed the charge-dependent effect to the interactionof nanosilvers and negatively charged cell wall [79]. The electro-static repulsion force between negatively charged nanosilver andcell wall blocks the contact of nanosilvers with bacteria, leadingto the less toxic effects. However, the interaction force betweennanosilver and cell wall changes to attraction when positivelycharged nanosilver is used, then resulting in a strong antibacterialactivity.

It has been observed in several reports that aggregation reducesantimicrobial effects of nanosilver [80–82]. Undoubtedly, aggrega-tion of nanosilver can decrease contact possibility of bacteria andnanoparticles. In addition, aggregation of nanosilver causes greatreduction of surface-to-volume ratio, further inhibiting the elutionof silver ions and production of ROS. Therefore, highly dispersednanosilver is favorable for antibacterial applications.

Based on above information, control of size, shape, surfaceproperties, and aggregation degree is crucial for performance ofnanosilver-caused antibacterial effects. However, currently it is stillvery hard to find a synthesis approach that can produce nanosilverwith optimized properties. Thus, polymers have been combinedwith nanosilver to control silver ions release, surface charge, disper-sion status and even the shape of nanosilver for achieving desirableantibacterial surface coating materials.

4. Cytotoxicity of nanosilver to mammalian cells

Nanosilver-caused toxicity to mammalian cells has been exten-sively investigated [42,83–87]. A recent review discusses thetransport, activity and fate of silver nanoparticles at cellular andorganism levels [88]. Nanosilver is cytotoxic to several different celllines, including mouse fibroblast (NIH3T3) [89], monocytes (THP1)

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[90], rat liver cells (BRL 3A) [58], male mouse germline cells (C18-4)[91], human lung fibroblast cells (IMR-90) and human glioblastomacells (U251) [42]. The developmental toxicity and neurotoxicity ofnanosilver are also reported both in vitro and in vivo [86,92].

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Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the preparation of antibacterial surfaces anddetection of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm formation by safranin staining inwells coated with (a) allylamine plasma polymer film (b) with PVS and (c) withadsorbed silver nanoparticles [120]. Reproduced by permission of Institute of

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Several mechanisms were proposed to elucidate the cytotox-city of nanosilver [34,93]. Similarly to its antibacterial effects,he cytotoxicity of nanosilver was related to the release of silverons, which can target mitochondria to induce the mitochondrialwelling, aberrant metabolism and apoptosis. Silver ions may alsoind with intracellular biological groups such as DNA and RNAomplex to block the replication and transcription processes, influ-ncing the cell cycle and resulting in genotoxicity. Additionally,ytotoxicity induced by nanosilver- and silver ions-generated ROSre the most extensively investigated mechanism. Exposure to sil-er nanoparticles causes the production of ROS intracellularly in aoncentration-dependent manner [34,93]. If sufficient amount ofOS accumulates in cells, the resulted oxidative stress can lead tohe cytotoxic consequences including DNA/protein oxidative dam-ge, apoptosis and necrosis. The alteration of the production ofytokines associated with the inflammatory response is consid-red to be the mechanism for inflammation-related toxic effects34,93]. Both stimulatory and suppressive effects on the productionf pro-inflammatory factors have been reported [94,95]. Stensbergt al. has speculated that the bi-directional effects of nanosilver arettributed to the exposure dose and cell type applied in differenttudies [88].

Normally, the cytotoxic level of nanosilver or silver ions is muchigher than the antibacterial level. However, long term exposureo low concentrations of nanosilver can induce toxicity to rats [96].hus, specific care should be taken before nanosilver is used as anntibacterial agent. Since biocompatible polymeric materials areidely used to reduce toxic effects of nanomaterials, they may

lso be utilized to fabricate antibacterial surface coatings with goodiocompatibility.

. Role of polymers in antibacterial coatings

Nanosilver faces great challenges for antibacterial surfaceoatings due to easy aggregation, difficulty to be robustly andontrollably immobilized on surfaces, potential toxicity to humaneings and the environment, lack of controllability in synthesisnd processing, and burst release of silver ions [17,19,23,24]. Poly-eric materials are good candidates to form composite coatingsith nanosilver due to their great structure tailorability, flexibil-

ty, and various methods available for polymer immobilization19,26,97,98]. Polymer components in antibacterial coatings servearious chemical and physical functions [99–101]. Firstly, they canct as stabilizers for nanosilver synthesis and prevent nanosilverrom aggregation in solutions or on surfaces. Secondly, polymersunction as linkers for nanosilver, which is directly loaded or in situynthesized in antibacterial composite coatings. Thirdly, polymersan be used as matrix to control silver ion release by changing thenteraction between polymers and nanosilver, as well as nanosil-er concentration. These functions are closely related to fabricationethods of composite coatings, and thus will be further discussed

n an individual section (see Section 6). In this part we will reviewheir biofunctions including anti-adhesive and bactericidal proper-ies, which can synergistically promote antibacterial effects of theomposite coatings.

.1. Polymers with bactericidal effect

It has been extensively reviewed that polymers containingntimicrobial functional groups are employed to enhance the effi-acy of some existing antimicrobial agents, minimize the environ-

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ental problems with conventional antimicrobial agents and pro-ong the lifetime of the antimicrobial agents [97]. The combinationf bactericidal polymers and nanosilver synergistically enhancesactericidal effects, although bactericidal activity of polymers


generally is much weaker than that of nanosilver [102,103]. Onone hand, the polymers could stabilize and disperse nanosil-ver for enhancing its antibacterial property. On the other hand,with stronger bactericidal property than polymers, nanosilvercan play a major role in the short-term antibacterial effect ofpolymer/nanosilver composite coatings, [23,104] while after itsdepletion in the form of silver ions the bactericidal polymers canhave a dominant effect in the long-lasting or permanent antibacte-rial coatings [97].

Polymer based on quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) isone of the main types of bactericidal polymers (see examples inFig. 1) [1,12,29]. A QAC based polymer normally includes threeparts: apolar alkyl chain, spacers and cationic groups. The spac-ers will ensure the mobility of the cationic groups for antibacterialeffects [1,12]. QAC combined with hydrophobic alkyl chain pro-vides a possible “hole-poking” mechanism for antibacterial effects[1,105]. The alkyl chain could greatly influence antibacterial per-formance by offering high lipophilicity to cause effective damageof structural organization and integrity of cell membranes, followedby cytoplasmic membrane disruption, leakage of cytoplasmic

e coatings for antibacterial applications, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem.

contents, and cell lysis [29,106]. N-hexyl-N′-(4-vinylbenzyl)-4,4′-bipyridinium dinitrate (HVVN), a typical QAC polymer, has beensynthesized to form a composite coating with silver nanoparticles

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n PET surfaces. The composite coatings show strong antibacte-ial activity against E. coli and still remain stable after prolongedmmersion in phosphate buffer solution and after aging in a weath-ring chamber [102].

Chitosan is a natural polymer derived from the deacetylationf chitin with both antibacterial property and biocompatibility107,108]. Several possible mechanisms have been proposed toxplain its antibacterial property. The positively charged amineroups could interact with negatively charged bacterial cell mem-rane and further cause the leakage of intracellular constituents.hitosan could also bind with DNA after penetration into the nucleif bacteria, subsequently inhibiting the synthesis of mRNA androteins [108]. Chitosan/heparin/nanosilver composite coatingsave been prepared for antibacterial applications. The compositeoatings have strong bactericidal effects on E. coli without sig-ificant cytotoxicity to mammalian cells. In addition, the strongntibacterial property can last for 1 month [22,103].

Other bactericidal polymers have also been reported suchs polyhexamethylene biguanides [12,29], furanone-incorporatedolymers [12,109], antibiotics-attached polymers [12,110], andntimicrobial peptides [1,12,28]. Although these polymers havereat potential to be combined with nanosilver for the fabrication ofolymer/nanosilver composite coatings, they are still adopted very

ittle for this application. Thus, they should present tremendouspportunities for future investigation.

.2. Polymers with anti-adhesive effect

Another main biofunction that polymers can provide in antibac-erial surface coatings is to resist the adhesion of bacteria, whichs the first and critical step for biofilm formation [1,9,12]. Thentegration of nanosilver and anti-adhesive polymers has beenemonstrated as one of the most efficient strategies to produce

surface coating with strong antibacterial activity [99,104,111].Most typical anti-adhesive polymers that have been used for

olymer/nanosilver composite coatings should be polyethylenelycol (PEG). Surfaces functionalized with PEG can reduce adhe-ion of proteins, bacteria and cells due to formation of an interfacialayer to prevent direct contact of surface and proteins [12,112].he adhesion-resistant ability depends on the chain length, graftingensity, and molecular weight of PEG [112,113]. A network coatingontaining nanosilver, PEI units and hydroxyl groups has been pre-ared for antibacterial applications. After modification with PEGhe coating presents a microbe-repelling property besides silveron release and contact killing effects, demonstrating the strongnti-adhesive activity of this multifunctional active antimicrobialetwork coating [104].

Besides PEG, some natural polymers such as dextran andeparin have also been used for polymer/nanosilver compositeoatings to resist the adhesion of bacteria [111,114]. Use of dex-ran and heparin not only introduces anti-adhesive properties tohe nanosilver-based composite coatings, but also significantlymproves their biocompatibility [111,114]. Both properties are ben-ficial to antibacterial applications of the coatings.

Some other anti-adhesive polymers have shown great poten-ial for the fabrication of polymer/nanosilver composite example is poly (2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (PMOXA). PMOXAttached poly-L-lysine (PLL) with the optimal grafting density canliminate protein adsorption to a level of <2 ng/cm2, equal tohe protein repellent properties of the most effective PEG-basedoatings [12,115]. Zwitterionic surfaces formed from sulfobetaine

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ethacrylate and methacryloyl polymers have also been demon-trated to reduce both short-term (1–2 h) and long-term (24–28 h)dhesion and biofilm formation of E. coli, Straphylococcus epidermisnd Pseudomonas aeruginosa [12,115].

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6. Methods to form polymer/nanosilver composite coatings

Two ways are utilized to incorporate the nanocomposites withwell-dispersed nanosilver on surfaces: (1) polymers with nanosil-ver are fabricated first and then attach to surfaces; (2) polymersare immobilized on surfaces first followed by nanosilver incorpo-ration. In both cases, it is very critical to successfully attach thepolymers on a surface. In this section, we will briefly summarize thenanosilver loading approaches, and then present recent progresson fabrication of polymer/nanosilver composite coatings in termsof polymer attachment methods. In particular, layer-by-layer (LbL)approach with unique advantages for the fabrication of antibacte-rial coatings will be highlighted in detail. Finally, different methodswill be summarized and compared with respect to polymer type,coating approaches, Ag NP loading and Ag NP size range.

6.1. Incorporation of nanosilver

A lot of methods have been developed for the incorporation ofnanosilver into polymer matrix. Since their principles are similar,they will only be briefly summarized here.

In general, nanosilver is primarily incorporated by directadsorption or in situ synthesis. The direct adsorption of nanosilveris very simple and controllable, but it can easily induce aggregationbetween silver nanoparticles. For example, in Dacarro et al.’s work,nanosilver was directly adsorbed on covalently attached PEI layer[116]. With the increase of the adsorption time, the color of coatingchanges from yellow to red and brown black, indicating the suc-cessful attachment of silver nanoparticles but with aggregations.In comparison, in situ synthesis approach is relatively difficult tobe carried out due to the challenge for silver ion loading. However,it is more advantageous than direct adsorption of nanosilver in theformation of uniformly distributed silver nanoparticles in polymermatrixes. Many matrixes such as PBT [117], PVA [101], HVVN [102]and polyelectrolyte multilayers [103,118,119] have been appliedfor the in situ synthesis of silver nanoparticles, and different mech-anisms have been used for silver ion loading. For example, Wan et al.have loaded silver ions by using the chemical affinity between sul-fur and silver [117]. Yuan et al. have exploited both coordinationand electrostatic force to load silver ions [103]. Rubner et al. haveused ion-exchange reaction for the loading of silver ions [118,119].

6.2. Surface attachment via physical adsorption

Physical adsorption is the most straightforward approach tomodifying surfaces with polymers/nanosilver composite coatings.Various forces such as electrostatic force, hydrogen bonding, andbiomolecular recognition can be used to drive the adsorption[120,121]. As a facile and inexpensive approach physical adsorptioncan be applied to attach various functional polymers/nanoparticleson nearly any surface with suitable functional groups or charges[100,121]. Furthermore, most of them can be performed in aque-ous solution at low temperature and ambient pressure, renderingit a green approach [100,120,121].

Electrostatic force is one of the most commonly used inter-actions for physical adsorption. Travan et al. [100] activateda bisphenol A glycidylmethacrylate (BisGMA)/triethyleneglycoldimethacrylate (TEGDMA) thermosets surface to expose carboxylgroups through hydrolysis. Then silver nanoparticles, synthe-sized with lactose-modified chitosan as a biocompatible stabilizer,were adsorbed on the activated thermoset by electrostatic forcebetween carboxyl groups and positive chains of the polysaccharide.

e coatings for antibacterial applications, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem.

Vasilev et al. [120] exploited the electrostatic interaction to immo-bilize polyvinyl sulphonate (PVS)/silver nanoparticle compositeon a surface. To efficiently attach negatively charged PVS/silvernanoparticle composites on the surface, plasma polymerization

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Plasma and/or light irradiation is also frequently used for surfaceactivation and polymer attachment. PLLA surface was covalentlymodified with a nanosilver-incorporated polymer via four sequen-tial steps (Fig. 4) [101]. Firstly, oxygen plasma treated PLLA films

ig. 2. Molecules synthesized and proposed reaction scheme (Left), antibacterial acnd B), and quantitative S. epidermidis cell attachment data obtained from image an

f allylamine was employed to produce an amine-functionalizedurface with positive charges for facilitating the electrostaticdsorption (Fig. 1). Both polymer/nanosilver composite coatingsiscussed above have shown excellent antibacterial properties,emonstrating the efficacy of this electrostatic force driven physicaldsorption method. It is worthy of a note that the polyelectrolytessed to not only provide the electrostatic charge, but also stabilizeilver nanoparticles for relatively uniform distribution. Further-ore, these polyelectrolytes offer unique functions for practical

pplications, in which lactose-modified chitosan provides biocom-atibility and low cytotoxicity while PVS offers anti-thrombogenicctivity.

Besides the electrostatic force, other interactions such asydrophobic force and hydrogen bonding have been utilized tohysically immobilize polymer/nanosilver composites on a surfaces well. A novel nanosilver-incorporated antibacterial hydrogel waseveloped using reactive catechol moieties functionalized water-oluble PEG (Fig. 2). The precursor solution was spin-coated onto

clean TiO2-coated Si wafer. After gelation the hydrogel coatingas attached on the surface via physical adsorption, in which cate-

ol moieties play an important role as adopted during the DOPAdhesion on various surfaces by the same mechanism [122–124].urther, the catechol oxidation and silver ion reduction occurredimultaneously, forming intermolecular crosslinking and nanosil-er [99].

.3. Surface attachment via covalent bonding

Covalent grafting of polymers provides a promising strategyo achieve long-term environmentally stable and well-definedolymer/nanosilver composite coatings [102,117]. Various func-ional groups can be introduced into the polymeric coatings byrganic synthesis approaches for nanosilver incorporation, antibac-erial property, and biocompatibility [111,116,117,125]. However,n comparison to the physical adsorption, the covalent attachmentannot be applied universally on various substrates, and thus new

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hemistry is needed for different substrates. Due to the diversityf chemical reaction usable for polymer attachment, here we onlyocus on the two most commonly used and important approaches:elf-assembly and irradiation.

of Ag-cPEG hydrogels (upper right), Bacterial attachment onto Ag-cPEG coatings (A (C) [99]. Reproduced by permission of Elsevier.

In Dacarro et al.’s work [116], PEI was linked with silane, andthen covalently immobilized on a Si-OH terminated surface (glass,quartz, or silicon with SiO2 layer) to form a self-assembled mono-layer (SAM). This covalently bonded PEI layer was much more stablethan physically adsorbed one over a wide pH range, and could beused as an efficient linker for binding of silver nanoparticles (Fig. 3).Wan et al. first self-assembled a monolayer of 2,2′-bithiophene (BT)on the Cu surface. Then, a chemical oxidative graft polymerizationof BT on the monolayer was carried out to prepare a homogeneousPBT film. Silver ions were subsequently loaded via their interac-tion with sulfur for reduction into nanosilver [117]. Similarly, inthe work of Ferrer et al.[114], a wafer was first functionalized withamine group via forming a SAM through silane chemistry, and thendextran with embedded silver nanoparticles was covalently immo-bilized on the wafer.

e coatings for antibacterial applications, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem.

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of PEI-silane structure and two step synthesis ofa silver nanoparticle monolayer grafted on PEI SAM. The chemical bond betweenglass and PEI-silane is Si O Si bond [116]. Reproduced by permission of The RoyalSociety of Chemistry.

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ig. 4. (A) Process for fabricating PLLA-PVAgel/Ag(0) Film. (B) Optical images of adhedhesion on different substrates relative to that on glass (which served as the cLLA-PVAgel/Ag(0) [101]. Reproduced by permission of American Chemical Society.

ere grafted with polyHEMA via UV-initiated polymerization toroduce PLLA-OH. Secondly, the PLLA-OH films were oxidizedsing pyridinium dichromate (PDC) to get aldehyde-functionalizedLLA (PLLA-CHO). Thirdly, PVA was directly immobilized on PLLA-HO via acid-catalyzed acetal formation. Finally, silver ions were

oaded into PVA matrix, after which the hydrogel was formedy the “freeze/thaw” method. The silver ions were then reducedo silver nanoparticles to form polymer/nanosilver compositeoating, which could show excellent anti-adhesive and antibac-erial performance. In the work of Shi et al. [102], PET wasrstly pretreated with argon plasma for the formation of sur-

ace oxide and peroxide groups, and then a UV-induced surfaceraft polymerization was carried out to attach HVVN on pre-reated PET (Fig. 5). Silver nanoparticles were synthesized in situy UV-irradiation. The antibacterial test showed that HVVN chainxhibited an antibacterial property, and silver nanoparticles greatlynhanced the antibacterial effect. This composite thin film could

Please cite this article in press as: L. Guo, et al., Polymer/nanosilver compositEng. Aspects (2013),

ill 99.9999% of the bacteria within 5 h, and its antibacterial func-ionalities were very stable (Fig. 5). Ho et al. [104] first modifiedEI with polymerizable double bonds by reacting with methacry-oyl chloride to obtain PEI-MA. A network coating was then

ela cells on (a) glass, (b) virgin PLLA, and (c) PLLA-PVAgel/Ag(0); (d) is percent Hela). The scale bar is 100 �m. (C) Antibacterial activities of (a) PLLA-PVAgel and (b)

synthesized using UV-initiated copolymerization of PEI-MA and2-hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA) on trimethoxymethacryloxypropylsilane-modified glass slides. Silver nanoparticles were incorporatedby silver ion loading and reduction (Fig. 6A). After nanosilver load-ing and PEG covalent modification, this coating could kill morethan 99.9% of the bacteria in the bacteria suspension surround-ing it. Furthermore, after the silver was released to a degree thatcannot kill the bacteria, the coating still allowed four to eighttimes less bacteria to adhere than that without PEG (Fig. 6B andC).

6.4. Layer-by-layer self-assembly

LbL self-assembly, based on alternate adsorption of differentbuilding blocks primarily driven by the electrostatic force, hasbeen widely used for fabrication of functional ultrathin filmcoatings [46,111,126–133]. Recently, a lot of works have been

e coatings for antibacterial applications, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem.

reported to use this approach for the fabrication of antibacterialcoatings [3,103,114]. The advantages of this technique are asfollows [111,126,127,134–136]: (1) various building blocks suchas polyelectrolytes, nanoparticles, and biomacromolecules can be

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ig. 5. (A) Scheme of argon plasma pretreatment and the graft copolymerization ohe different substrates: pristine PET (�), VBV-PET (�), HVVN-PET (�), HVVN-PET a�). The cell number was determined by the surface-spread method [102]. Reprodu

sed; (2) virtually any substrate with any geometry and chemical

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omposition can be adopted; (3) the nanostructure and chemicalomposition can be controlled at the molecular level; (4) it is facile,ow-cost, and environmentally friendly. Since LbL approach can

ig. 6. (A) Architecture of a multiply active antimicrobial PEI network film. (B) Numbexperiments were performed at least in triplicate and the error is the standard deviationespective unmodified network (typically 5 to 20 × 102 colonies/cm2). [b] The number gEI-MA/HEA network. (C) Images (0.6 cm × 0.75 cm) of S. aureus colonies grown after beinnd to a similar network additionally modified with PEG (right). Cultivation time was 96

N with the PET. (B) Viable E. coli cell number as a function of time in contact withaction in AgNO3 for 30 min (�), and HVVN-PET after reaction in AgNO3 for 15 min

y permission of American Chemical Society.

provide such advantages that are particularly promising for the

e coatings for antibacterial applications, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem.

fabrication of polymer/nanosilver composite coatings, it will behighlighted in detail in this section. The principle of this approachis shown in Fig. 7 [136].

r of S. aureus colonies grown on differently modified PEI-MA/HEA networks. All. [a] The reference for each sample was number of bacterial colonies grown on theiven in parenthesis is the PEI content of the network given in wt.%. [c] PEGylatedg attached to a PEI-MA/HEA network with 2.5 wt.% PEI and loaded with silver (left)

h [104]. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley and Sons.

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electrolytes as building blocks, Yuan et al. [103] have employed


ig. 7. The principle and process of LbL self-assembly [136]. Reproduced by permis-ion of American Association for the Advancement of Science.

LbL polymeric coatings with nanosilver show greatly enhancedntibacterial performance, and thus have received much attention2,5,22,103,137]. One of the main challenges is to embed nanosil-er into multilayers. The pioneering work using polyelectrolyteultilayers as nanoreactors to synthesize silver nanoparticles was

eported by Rubner et al. [118,119]. In this work, poly(allylamine

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ydrochloride) (PAH)/ poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) film was fabricatedith LbL self-assembly. By adjusting assembly pH, the number of

ree carboxylic acid groups in the film was tuned. The nonionized

Fig. 8. Schematic of the metal-ion exchange and reduction process flow (not draw

ig. 9. Scheme showing the design of a two-level dual-functional antibacterial coating wbL deposition of a reservoir made of bilayers of PAH and PAA. (A) A cap region made ofith a quaternary ammonium silane, OQAS. (C) Ag+ can be loaded inside the coating usin

reated in situ using the nanoreactor chemistry described previously [137]. Reproduced b

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carboxylic acid groups were then utilized for the loading of sil-ver ions, which were further reduced to form ultrasmall silvernanoparticles in the polymer matrix (Fig. 8). Spatial control of sil-ver nanoparticles could be realized by incorporating non-activemultilayer regions. Furthermore, the nanoparticle size and silverconcentration could be controlled by the assembly pH and alsosilver ion exchange and reduction durations.

A two-level antibacterial coating with both release-killing andcontact-killing properties was fabricated based on the above work(Fig. 9) [137]. A PAH/SiO2 nanoparticle multilayer was assembledas the outmost layer on a PAH/PAA LbL film. The SiO2 nanoparti-cles were then modified with a bactericidal quaternary ammoniumsilane, OQAS. Ag+ was loaded into the PAH/PAA region followed byreduction with dimethylamine borane complex to form releasablesilver nanoparticles. This nanocomposite coating showed a veryhigh initial bacteria-killing effect against both E. coli and S. epi-dermidis due to the release of silver ions and retained significantantibacterial property after depletion of silver due to the immobi-lized quaternary ammonium salts. The same research group alsodeveloped hydrogen-bonded multilayers with in situ synthesizedsilver nanoparticles both on planar substrates and on magnetic col-loidal particles [5]. The antibacterial activity significantly enhancedwith the increase of the coating thickness. In addition, the dura-tion of silver release was dependent on the total amount of silvernanoparticles as well as the number of loading and reduction cycles.This study also provides a method to realize the localized antibac-terial performances by magnetic directing.

Differently from Rubner’s works that used synthetic poly-

e coatings for antibacterial applications, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem.

two biocompatible and biodegradable polysaccharides, chitosanand heparin, to fabricate a multilayer film for silver nanoparticleincorporation. The amine groups of chitosan could coordinate with

n to scale) [119]. Reproduced by permission of American Chemical Society.

ith both quaternary ammonium salts and silver. The coating process begins with bilayers of PAH and SiO2 NPs is added to the top. (B) The SiO2 NP cap is modifiedg the available unreacted carboxylic acid groups in the LbL multilayers. Ag NPs arey permission of American Chemical Society.

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Fig. 10. AFM topography images with high surface density of silver nanoparticle on HA layers of 2 (I(a)), 4 (I(b)), 6 (I(c)), 8 (I(d)), 10 (I(e)) and 12 (I(f)). (2.5 �m × 2.5 �m,m d 4 HA C (II(ao resent





aximum z-range is 20 nm.), and CSLM images of E. coli on bare quartz (II(a), II(b)) anll cells were visible at an excitation wavelength of 488 nm due to staining with FITf 543 nm due to staining with propidium iodide (II(b), II(d) and II(f)). Scale bar rep

etal ions and carboxyl and sulfate ions could bind metal ionsy electrostatic force. Thus, silver ions were successfully loaded

n the multilayers for further reduction to form silver nanoparti-les. The silver concentration and nanoparticle size were tunabley changing assembly pH and loading pH. The composite thin filmsxhibited much stronger antibacterial effect than films without theilver nanoparticles. Furthermore, the antibacterial property couldast more than 1 month.

Cui et al. [138] reported an in situ approach to fabricate silver nanoarray in LbL assembled hyaluronan (HA)/polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride) (PDDA) multilayers (Fig. 10).he array structure relies on bilayer number. The surface densityf silver nanoparticles could also be tuned by bilayer number andV irradiation/drying cycles. Although HA/PDDA provides a betternvironment for bacteria survival than a bare quartz surface, theanosilver embedded multilayers kill most of bacteria, demonstrat-

ng excellent silver nanoarray-induced antibacterial performance.To date, most people focus on the antibacterial property of sil-

er nanoparticle incorporated multilayers. However, as discussedreviously, high concentration nanosilver can exhibit toxicityo mammalian cells. Agarwal et al. [21] have systematicallynvestigated the surface modification with silver nanoparticle-mpregnated PAH/PAA multilayers. They precisely controlled theilver content in the multilayers by changing the PAA pH. By reduc-ng the silver content to a value of ∼4 mg/m2, a film with goodttachment, spreading ability of mammalian cells and highly effec-ive antibacterial property against S. epidermidis was obtained. Inddition, after further lowering the silver content by decreasing theilver ion concentration in loading solutions, the result predicted

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hat there was a value, below which the antibacterial propertyould disappear, although it was not measured [21].

All of the above works load silver ions and nanoparticles afterhe fabrication of multilayer films, requiring the presence of free

A-layer surface without (II(c), II(d)) and with (II(e), II(f)) silver nanoarray formation.), II(c), and II(e)), whereas only dead cells were visible at an excitation wavelengths 5 �m [138]. Reproduced by permission of Elsevier.

functional groups as nanoreactors. Fu et al. [22] used LbL self-assembly of chitosan–silver ion complex and heparin to directlyassemble silver-ion incorporated multilayers on an aminolyzed PETsubstrate. Silver nanoparticles were then synthesized by reductionin the multilayers. It was shown that their size could be controlledby silver ion concentration and reductant solution pH. The nanosil-ver loaded multilayers showed an excellent antibacterial activityprimarily due to the silver nanoparticles, while exhibiting lowcell toxicity and good anticoagulation property attributed to thepolysaccharide films.

A novel LbL approach to fabricating nanoparticle multilayersusing polymer as both a linker and a reductant have recentlybeen developed by Sureshkumar et al. (Fig. 11) [139]. In brief,the substrate was immersed into dopamine solution in alkalilnepH environment (10 mM Tris, pH 8.5). The dopamine would self-polymerize on the substrate. This polydopamine coated substratewas further immersed into silver ion solution to adsorb andreduce silver ions into silver nanoparticles. These procedures wererepeated for several times to get a polymer/nanosilver compos-ite thin film coating. The silver nanoparticle multilayers showeda clear inhibition zone against E. coli, indicating its good antibac-terial activity. Furthermore, the activity could be enhanced byincreasing the deposition step. This approach could be extended tofabrication of multimetallic nanoparticles such as Ag–Au bimetal-lic nanoparticles (Fig. 11). Although the authors did not examinethe applications of these multimetallic nanoparticles, they couldprobably enhance the antibacterial and catalytic activities of silvernanoparticles.

e coatings for antibacterial applications, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem.

6.5. Surface attachment via other emerging approaches

Besides the above conventional methods, a lot of newapproaches are emerging for high-performance antibacterial

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ig. 11. Schematic illustration of the preparation of multilayered metal NPs on the society of Chemistry.

olymer/nanosilver composite coatings. Eby et al. [20] synthe-ized silver nanoparticles using lysozyme as both a stabilizer and

reductant. The silver nanoparticles and lysozymes formed aomplex, which was then electrophorectically deposited on sub-trates such as stainless surgical blades and syringe needles. Theysozyme not only maintained its structure and property for lysisf Micrococcus lysodeikticus cells, but also promoted the uniformoating on stainless steel surface. This coating exhibited antibacte-ial effects toward many types of bacteria including Acinetobacteraylyi, Bacillus anthracis Sterne, Bacillus subtilis, and Staphylococcusureus.

Sileika et al. [140] employed a simple immersion techniqueo deposit polydopamine onto polycarbonate substrates via self-olymerization of dopamine. Silver nanoparticles were in situeduced and deposited on the polydopamine modified substrates.nother layer of polydopamine was then deposited followed byraft coating with PEG via the reaction of thiol group and quinones.he release of silver ions from this coating could be sustained fort least 10 days. This composite thin film coating demonstrated aual function of bacterial-killing due to the silver nanoparticles andouling resistance due to PEG against E. coli, S. epidermidis, and P.eruginosa.

Please cite this article in press as: L. Guo, et al., Polymer/nanosilver compositEng. Aspects (2013),

Listcher et al. [23] have studied plasma deposition of a nanosil-er incorporated ultrathin polymer coating. This coating showed

controllable burst release of silver ions with the rate dependentn composition of gas mixture. Therefore, the coating exhibited an

able 1ynoptic table of reported approaches to fabricating polymer/nanosilver composite coatiange of anchored Ag NP.

Polymer type Method of coating Method of maki

Lactose-modified chitosan Electrostatic adsorption Direct adsorptioPVS Electrostatic adsorption Direct adsorptioCatechol-derivatized

poly(ethylene glycol)Physical adsorption bynon-electrostaticinteractions

In situ chemical

PEI-silane Covalent bonding Direct adsorptioPolybithiophene Covalent bonding In situ chemical

PVA Covalent bonding In situ chemical

HVVN polymer Covalent bonding In situ photocheDextran Covalent bonding Direct adsorptioPEI-HEA copolymer Covalent bonding In situ chemical

PAH/PAA multilayers LbL self-assembly In situ chemical

PAA/PAAm multilayers LbL self-assembly In situ chemical

Chitosan/heparin multilayers LbL self-assembly In situ thermal rHA/PDDA multilayers LbL self-assembly In situ photocheDopamine LbL self-assembly In situ chemical

e of polymer film using Pdop coating [139]. Reproduced by permission of The Royal

excellent antibacterial activity toward P. aeruginosa and S. aureusduring the burst release stage, and after that period, it had verygood long-term cytocompatibility, thus being very promising forimplants or medical devices.

Zaporojtchenko et al. [141] have employed co-sputtering ofnoble metals and polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) to produce sil-ver nanoparticle incorporated composite thin film coatings. TheAg/PTFE and Ag–Au/PTFE showed antimicrobial properties againstS. aureus and S. epidermidis. The silver ion release could becontrolled by the coating thickness, silver volume fraction andnanoparticle composition. The Ag–Au/polymer had higher antibac-terial ability than Ag/polymer nanocomposite.

6.6. Comparison of different fabrication methods

A synoptic table is drawn (Table 1) by us to summarize theapproaches discussed above for comparison, which clearly showsthat the LbL self-assembled multilayered film offers a promis-ing way to in situ produce small silver nanoparticles. In contrast,the in situ physical adsorbed 1-layer polymer film has relativelylarger silver nanoparticles. Direct adsorption of silver nanoparticlesprobably provides the widest tuning range of silver nanoparticle

e coatings for antibacterial applications, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem.

size by the pre-synthesis conditions. Nevertheless, real antibacte-rial applications are very complicated with different requirementsfor polymer types, processing parameters and nanosilver size.Apparently there is a great need to develop new approaches for

ng in terms of polymer type, method of coating, method of making Ag NP, and size

ng Ag NP Size range of anchored Ag NP References

n Clustered NP, >40 nm [100]n a few nm to above 50 nm [107]reduction ∼50 nm [99]

n ∼7 nm [116]reduction ∼15 nm [117]reduction unknown [101]mical reduction Tunable, ∼25 nm after 15 min reduction [102]n ∼5 nm [114]reduction Tunable, 4–50 nm [104]reduction Tunable, 2.1–9.3 nm [119]reduction Tunable, 3.69–6.13 nm [25]eduction Tunable, 6.4–35.0 nm [103]mical reduction Tunable, 8.1–12.4 nm [138]reduction 35–50 nm for the first layer [139]

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urther enhancing the performance of polymer/nanosilver compos-te coatings.

. Conclusions and perspectives

In conclusion, the polymer/nanosilver composite coating pro-ides a promising surface functionalization strategy to combinehe properties of polymers and nanosilver synergistically. Highntibacterial performance with bactericidal and/or adhesion-esistant properties has been achieved. Composite coatingith antibacterial properties and biocompatibility/environmental

afety has also been achieved. Although the polymer/nanosilveromposite coatings are significantly advanced in past decade, greathallenges still remain for fundamental exploration and practicalpplications.

Various methods to fabricate polymer/nanosilver compositeoatings have been developed, but great efforts should be paido controllability for nanosilver size, shape, distribution and itsnteraction with polymers. Exploration of an inexpensive andacile fabrication method to fabricate polymer/nanosilver compos-te coatings with well-tuned nanoparticle size, shape, distributionnd interaction with polymers will be very important for its differ-nt practical applications.

The polymers used in polymer/nanosilver composite coatingsre mostly selected from existing compounds. Rational designf new polymers targeting specific applications for poly-er/nanosilver composite coatings is important since it has

cientific significance while leading to important applications. Ansymmetrically structured polymer demonstrates both antibac-erial and human cell growth-promoting abilities by differenthemistry from its two side surfaces [142]. A bright direction foruch polymer/nanosilver composite is to design asymmetric chem-cal structures for different functions.

Polymers have great potential to be modified or/and immo-ilized by various functional groups. The one of the future hotesearch points could go to functionalize polymers used in com-osite coatings for multiple functionalities such as bactericidaloatings, anti-adhesive properties, and a multifunctional antibacte-ial coating integrating release-active, contact-killing, and bacterialesistant properties.

The controlled silver release from polymer/nanosilver compos-te coating is very essential for the time-dependent antibacterialroperties and the long-term antibacterial effect. Efforts on thentibacterial composite coatings with controlled silver releaseroperty are urgent for better antibacterial effect and personalizedse.

The underlying biological mechanisms of nanosilver antibacte-ial effect and toxicity against human cells are not fully understoodet. The effect of nanosilver size, shape, and uniformity onanosilver antibacterial ability is still illusive. In particular, the

undamental insights regarding the interaction of nanosilver withacteria, the biological effect of nanosilver and polymer/nanosilveromposite coatings on human cells as well as the implication onacteria adhesion and viability need to be further investigated.


This work is financially supported by National Key Basicesearch Program of China (973 Program) under contract No.013CB127804, Start-up grant under SWU111071 from Southwestniversity (Chongqing, China) and Chongqing Key Laboratory for

Please cite this article in press as: L. Guo, et al., Polymer/nanosilver compositEng. Aspects (2013),

dvanced Materials & Technologies of Clean Energies (Chongqing,hina). Zhisong Lu would like to thank the support by the Fun-amental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No.DJK2012C005).

PRESSchem. Eng. Aspects xxx (2013) xxx– xxx

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can befound, in the online version, at


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