glucose meter - fundamentals and design

1 Introduction This application note shows a basic glucometer using Freescale products to determine approximate concentration of glucose in blood. This glucometer can be implemented with K53 microcontroller of the Kinetis family and with MCF51MM and S08MM128 MCUs, part of the Flexis MM family. It includes Freescale USB stack to show data through a graphic user interface (GUI) in a PC. This application note is for anyone with an interest in glucometers as a medical electronic application, such as biomedical engineers, physicians, medical equipment developers, or someone out of those fields but with an interest in the operation of a glucometer. 2 Glucometer fundamentals This section provides basic explanation of blood glucose regulation process in a human body and principle functionality of a glucometer. Freescale Semiconductor Document Number:AN4364 Application Note Rev. 1, 01/2013 Glucose Meter Fundamentals and Design by: Miriam Garcia Yanez © 2013 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents 1 Introduction..............................................................1 2 Glucometer fundamentals.........................................1 3 Glucometer implementation......................................2 4 Software model.........................................................7 5 Running MED-GLU demo.....................................14 6 References...............................................................25 A Software timer........................................................25 B Communication protocol.........................................27

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Page 1: Glucose Meter - Fundamentals and Design

1 IntroductionThis application note shows a basic glucometer usingFreescale products to determine approximate concentration ofglucose in blood.

This glucometer can be implemented with K53microcontroller of the Kinetis family and with MCF51MMand S08MM128 MCUs, part of the Flexis MM family. Itincludes Freescale USB stack to show data through a graphicuser interface (GUI) in a PC.

This application note is for anyone with an interest inglucometers as a medical electronic application, such asbiomedical engineers, physicians, medical equipmentdevelopers, or someone out of those fields but with an interestin the operation of a glucometer.

2 Glucometer fundamentalsThis section provides basic explanation of blood glucoseregulation process in a human body and principle functionalityof a glucometer.

Freescale Semiconductor Document Number:AN4364

Application Note Rev. 1, 01/2013

Glucose Meter Fundamentals andDesignby: Miriam Garcia Yanez

© 2013 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.


1 Introduction..............................................................1

2 Glucometer fundamentals.........................................1

3 Glucometer implementation......................................2

4 Software model.........................................................7

5 Running MED-GLU demo.....................................14

6 References...............................................................25

A Software timer........................................................25

B Communication protocol.........................................27

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2.1 Natural blood glucose regulationGlucose (C6H12O6) is a carbohydrate whose most important function is to act as a source of energy for the human body, bybeing the essential precursor in the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The energy stored in ATP can then be used todrive processes requiring energy, including biosynthesis, and locomotion or transportation of molecules across cellmembranes. According to cellular requirements, glucose can also be used in the creation of proteins, glycogen, and lipids.

The blood glucose concentration is very tightly regulated. Human body has two hormones released by pancreas that haveopposite effects: insulin and glucagon. Insulin is produced by beta cells of the pancreas while glucagon is produced by alphacells. The release of insulin is triggered when high levels of glucose are found in the bloodstream, and glucagon is releasedwith low levels of glucose in the blood.

This blood glucose regulation process can be explained in the following steps:

1. After the glucose has been absorbed from the food eaten, it gets released in the bloodstream. High blood glucose levelstriggers the pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin enables the muscle cells to take glucose as their source of energy and toform a type of molecule called glycogen that works as secondary energy storage in the case of low levels of glucose. Inthe liver cells, insulin instigates the conversion of glucose into glycogen and fat. In the fat cells of the adipose tissue,insulin also promotes the conversion of glucose into more fat and the uptake of glucose.

2. The pancreas will continue to release insulin and liver and fat cells continue to use glucose till the drop of concentrationof glucose is below a threshold; in that case, glucagon will be released instead of insulin.

3. When glucagon reaches the liver cells, it initiates the conversion of glycogen into glucose, and fat into fatty acids,which many body cells can use as energy after the glucagon enables them to. The cells will continue to burn fat fromthe adipose tissue as an energy source, and follow with the protein of the muscles, until the levels of glucose increaseagain by the digestion of food, and that terminates the cycle.

2.2 Diabetes mellitusDiabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high or low blood glucose levels, which results from the pancreas not workingproperly and not producing enough insulin or when the body cells do not respond to it in the correct way. There are threetypes of diabetes:

1. Type 1 diabetes is also known as juvenile diabetes because it is typically diagnosed in children and young adults. Inthis type of diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. 5% of the population with diabetes has this type of illness.

2. Type 2 diabetes is the result of the body not producing enough insulin or the cells not using insulin properly. This is themost common form of diabetes. 90% of the population with diabetes has this type. Some of the risk factors are physicalinactivity, excess body weight, genetics, age greater than 45 years, and ethnicity.

3. Gestational diabetes is high blood glucose levels first diagnosed during pregnancy. This does not mean that the womanwill have diabetes after she gives birth or that she had it before she conceived, but it is a risk factor for type 2 diabetesin the future.

3 Glucometer implementationThis glucometer (referred as MED-GLU) is implemented using a Freescale MCU Kinetis K53, a MCF51MM or aS08MM128 MCU part of the Flexis MM family.

The features of Kinetis K53 and some of the peripherals in its integrated measurement engine are:

• Ultra low-power operation• Two operational amplifiers (OPAMP)• Two trans-impedance amplifiers (TRIAMP)• 2 × 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC)• 2 × 16-bit SAR analog-to-digital converter (ADC), up to 31 channels with programmable gain amplifiers (PGA)• Inter-integrated circuit (I2C)

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• USB connectivity• ARM® Cortex™ M4 core with digital signal processor (DSP) instructions

The MCF51MM and S08MM128 provide the following useful features and peripherals:

• Ultra low-power operation• Two operational amplifiers (OPAMP)• Two transimpedance amplifiers (TRIAMP)• 16-bit SAR analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 4 differential channels and up to 12 external single-ended channels.• 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC)• Inter-integrated circuit (I2C)• Universal serial bus (USB) connectivity• Multiply-accumulate unit (MAC only in MCF51MM)• ColdFire V1 and HCS08 cores, respectively

The implementation still requires some external components. These components are integrated in an external Analog FrontEnd (AFE) which is described below.

3.1 MED-GLU AFEMED-GLU AFE includes all the external components necessary, except test trips, to implement a glucometer along with theKinetis K53 MCU. The AFE functional block diagram is shown and described in figure below.

Figure 1. MED-GLU AFE functional block diagram

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3.1.1 Medical ConnectorThe Medical Connector is a standard connector used on some Freescale boards. It includes the most important analogperipherals and the channels for I2C communication. In the table below channels used for the glucometer implementation areshown.

Table 1. Channels used for glucometer implementation

1 VCC (3.3V) VSS (GND) 2

3 — — 4

5 ADC1 — 6

7 ADC2 Vref .1v DAC 8

9 Op-Amp 1 Out Op-Amp 2 Out 10

11 Op-Amp 1 Input – Op-Amp 2 Input – 12

13 Op-Amp 1 Input + Op-Amp 2 Input + 14

15 TRIAMP 1 Input + TRIAMP 2 Input + 16

17 TRIAMP 1 Input – TRIAMP 2 Input – 18

19 TRIAMP 1 Out TRIAMP 2 Out 20

3.1.2 Glucometer sensor (test strips)The sensor used has an electroenzymatic approach, which means that it takes advantage of glucose oxidation with a glucoseoxidase enzyme. The presence of glucose oxidase catalyzes the chemical reaction of glucose with oxygen, which causes anincrease in pH, decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen, and increase of hydrogen peroxide because of the oxidation ofglucose to gluconic acid:

The test strip measures changes in one or several of this components to determine the concentration of glucose. The stripsused in this design have three terminals or electrodes. Figure 2 shows the test strip terminals:

• Reference electrode• Working electrode• Trigger electrode

A negative voltage of –0.4 V is applied at the reference electrode. When blood or a glucose solution is placed in the strip, achemical reaction occurs inside it, generating a small electrical current proportional to the glucose concentration. This currentis constantly monitored while the strip is in place, allowing the device to monitor when blood is placed.

Figure 2. Test strip terminals

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After the chemical reaction stabilizes, 5 s, the voltage is read by the ADC and compared using a look-up table to obtain theproportional glucose value in mg/dL. This value is sent to the host computer to inform the glucose value.

3.1.3 Current to voltage converterThe output generated by the test strip is a current that represents the glucose concentration. This current must be converted tovoltage so that it can be properly filtered and treated. This conversion is performed using a current to voltage converter thathas a single supply, low-input offset voltage, low-input offset and bias current TRIAMP embedded on the K53, and anexternal feedback resistance. The used circuit is shown in the figure below.

Figure 3. Current to voltage converter

The formula for the output voltage is:

3.1.4 Amplification and filteredThis block is divided into an amplification section and then a low pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 8 Hz designed toeliminate high frequency noise. The figure below shows the circuit.

Figure 4. Amplification and filtered circuit

The following equation obtains the filter cut frequency using R2 and C3:

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3.1.5 Vref generator 0.1 VThis reference voltage is generated by a simple voltage divisor and an external OPAMP. The figure below shows the Vrefgenerator circuit (0.1 V).

Figure 5. Vref generator circuit (0.1 V)

3.1.6 Vref generator –0.4 VThis negative voltage is applied, –0.4 V, in the reference electrode of the strips. First we obtain the negative voltage, –3.3 V,then with the help of a voltage inverter, a charge pump voltage inverter can be build with only three external 1µF capacitors.

Figure 6. Voltage inverter circuit

With the negative voltage, the reference voltage, –0.4 V, is generated by a simple voltage divisor and an external OPAMPthat is configured as a voltage follower. Following figure shows the Vref generator circuit, –0.4 V.

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Figure 7. Vref generator circuit, –0.4 V

4 Software modelThe MED-GLU demo is based on the Freescale USB stack and behaves as an USB CDC (Communication Device Class).The demo works using state machines that execute one state per cycle, avoiding CPU kidnapping and emulating parallelism.

The figure below shows the general software model.

Figure 8. General software model

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Each state machine is a task that has to be performed by the MCU. Completing one at a time and not running the next oneuntil the previous one is accomplished in a FIFO (First In First Out) order. Each state machine contains several substatemachines allowing equal distribution of the CPU load among all the state machines. As mentioned before, software is basedon the Freescale USB Stack with PHDC. More information about this software can be found in the USB Stack with PHDCAPI Reference Manual, available on

The MED-GLU software is divided into three main parts:• Initialization• Communication with PC• Measurement execution

4.1 InitializationWhen running the MED-GLU demo, the first step is to initialize all the peripherals needed for demo execution. On the main()function, the first function that is called Init_Sys(), initializes the clock and interrupts for working with USB. Then, someperipherals for AFEs and the Software Timer are initialized for the first use. USB is initialized as a CDC so communicationswith the host can start. After this, the state machines execute in an infinite loop.

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Figure 9. Initialization routine

4.2 Communication with PCThe communication of the device with the PC is via USB. The device is configured for working as a CDC and behaves as aVirtual Com Port installed on the computer.

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4.2.1 Command receptionThe main function for command reception is SerialComm_PeriodicTask, which is the CDC Virtual Com Port routine and iscalled by the main program. This function is constantly checks the USB input buffer for received data. When a data packet isreceived, the function checks whether the received packet is a request according to the communication protocol. If it is arequest, the function checks the command requested and executes it. The figure below shows the flow diagram of thefunction SerialComm_PeriodicTask.

Figure 10. SerialComm_PeriodicTask flow diagram

4.2.2 Command executionThe MED-GLU demo software recognizes two Request Commands, GluStartMeasurementReq andGluAbortMeasurementReq, which start or stop glucometer measurements respectively. At the execution of either of thesecommands according to the Communication Protocol, a confirmation packet is generated indicating that the command hasbeen received. When the GluStartMeasurementReq is executed, a confirmation packet is also generated to indicate whetherthe command was successfully executed or not. The figure below shows a request command flow.

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Figure 11. Request command flow

4.2.3 Sending packetsThe function in charge of sending the data packets to the host is SerialComm_SendData. Data packets when created arestored on the output buffer and a data counter variable increases indicating the size of the output buffer. The function whencalled, checks the size of the data counter variable and if it is not zero, it means that there are new data packets in the outputbuffer that need to be sent. The function calls the CDC interface, part of the USB Stack with PHDC to send the packet. Thefigure below shows the flow diagram of the function SerialComm_SendData.

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Figure 12. SerialComm_SendData flow diagram

4.3 Measurement executionAt the execution of the function GluStartMeasurementReq, the function GlucoseMeter_StartMeasurement is called.GlucoseMeter_StartMeasurement initializes what is needed, so measurements can be performed. This function first initializesADCs for working with an 8-bit resolution, then resets the GlucoseMeter_GlucoseValue variable.

Then the GlucoseMeterActualState is set to STATE_WAITING_FOR_BLOOD, indicating to the GLU state machine that theglucose sample needs to be placed on the test strip. A Software Timer is now started for taking an ADC sample every 50 ms.More information about the Software Timer can be found in Software timer.

4.3.1 State waiting for bloodIn the function GlucoseMeter_StartMeasurement, the GlucoseMeterActualState is taken out of its idle state and set to StateWaiting for Blood. On the next state machine execution, the function StateWaitingForBlood is called.

The StateWaitingForBlood function asks whether a glucose solution has been detected by checking if the variable Electrode1is more than a specific threshold, and an infinite loop is created until a glucose solution is detected. Once the detection hasbeen made, the GlucoseMeterActualState is set to STATE_MEASURING, the GlucoseMeterActualEvent toEVENT_GLU_BLOOD_DETECTED and a timer of 5 s is started.

4.3.2 State measuringWhen the 5 second timer is started in the StateWaitingForBlood function, the FinishGlucoseMeasurement_TimerEventfunction is called, because that is the time the test strips require to stabilize the chemical reaction. After 5 seconds haveelapsed, ADC values of the Electrode1 are used in a look-up table to obtain the proportional glucose measurements in mg/dL.This measurement is sent to the GUI to be displayed.

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4.4 CalibrationThe look-up table referred to is the result of a calibration process that has to be done before correct measurements areachieved. It has to be done with normal and constant conditions of temperature and humidity.

What is needed to do this calibration, is a simple commercial glucometer, glucose solution, and MED-GLU demo running.The following paragraphs explain in details about this calibration.

With the glucose solution, make four different concentrations in mg/dL from lower ones like 30 or 40 approximately,medium ones like 80 or 90, above medium like 130 or 140, and higher ones like 180 or 190. They do not need to be thosevalues exactly, but it could be done with the help of the commercial glucometer and dilution techniques. After that, with thehelp of a serial terminal and the understanding of the Communication Protocol in Communication protocol, fill out a table asshown below; the values displayed are only examples.

Table 2. Calibration table example

Glucose value (mg/dL)

Commercial glucometer (X)

ADC decimal value

MED-GLU demo (Y)

33 55

99 126

130 150

157 175

The following figure shows a chart of the data made with Microsoft Excel.

Figure 13. Correlation chart (commercial glucometer vs MED-GLU demo)

The behavior of the test strips is linear, so the results have to be extrapolated in order to get the desired look-up table. Right-click the blue data series in the chart, from the pop-up menu, select "Add Trendline..." In the Trendline Options, there are sixtypes of trendlines available, select “Linear” and at the bottom select “Display Equation on chart” then click "Close".Following figure shows the chart with the trendline.

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Figure 14. Chart with trendline

With equation y = 0.966x + 25.28, it is possible to extrapolate from an ADC value of 0 to 255, and in that way get a look-uptable. The variable is GlucoseLookUpTable for Vref of 3 V.

5 Running MED-GLU demoMED-GLU demo is developed for running on the Freescale Tower System enabling fast prototyping and a short time tomarket. The following steps will guide how to run the MED-GLU demo.

5.1 Tower system configurationThe following figure shows the components the MED-GLU demo that need to be assembled to work properly.

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Figure 15. Required components

The TWR-SER, TWR-K53N512, TWR-MCF51MM, and TWR-S08MM128 boards require the configuration of somejumpers. The jumper configuration list is the following:

TWR-SER• J10 1–2• J16 3–4

TWR-K53N512• J1 Disconnected• J3 Disconnected• J4 1–2• J11 1–2• J15 1–2• J17 1–2• J18 1–2

TWR-MCF51MM and TWR-S08MM128 jumper configuration:• J1 1–2• J2 1–2• J10 2–3• J11 1–2

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• J12 Open• J18 1–2, 9–10, 11–12, and 13–14 Open

When the jumpers have been configured, the Tower System has to be assembled, the connector marked as PRIMARY withthe primary elevator, and the connector marked as SECONDARY with the secondary elevator. The MED-GLU AFE must beconnected on the medical connector. The following figure shows the Tower System assembled.

Figure 16. Tower system

5.2 Loading applicationSoftware for the MED-GLU demo is developed on IAR Workbench for ARM 6.10 for the Kinetis K53 MCU and onFreescale CodeWarrior 6.3, Service Pack for compatibility with MM/JE devices required, for MCF51MM256 andMC9S08MM128 MCUs. This section explains how to load the program on each IDE.

5.2.1 Loading IAR project on K531. Connect the USB cable to the TWR-K53N512 board. Make sure the device is recognized as an Open Source BDM –

Debug Port. Install the Open Source BDM drivers in the IAR folder.

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2. Open the project, USB_CDC.eww, and make sure the debugger in the project options panel is PE micro. To do that,choose Menu > Project > Options, select the category Debugger and check that PE micro is selected as shown in figurebelow.

Figure 17. Debugger selection3. By clicking the DEBUG button, the project will be loaded into the MCU (see figure below). The project will compile

automatically and load into the MCU. After that, disconnect the USB cable from the TWR-K53N512 board.

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Figure 18. Debug button

5.2.2 Loading CodeWarrior project on MM devices1. Connect the USB cable to the TWR-SER board to turn it on. Connect a USB cable to the TWR-MM Controller

Module. The device must be recognized as an Open Source BDM – Debug Port, install the Open Source BDM driverson the CodeWarrior folder.

2. Open the CodeWarrior project for the MM module to be used and make sure the option Open Source BDM is selectedfor debugging as shown in Figure 19.

3. Press the Debug button to automatically compile and load the program into the MCU.

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Figure 19. CodeWarrior window4. When the program has loaded successfully into the MCU, disconnect the USB cable from both the TWR-SER and MM

controller board.

5.3 Running MED-GLU demoAfter the Tower System is assembled and the project loaded in the MM or K53 MCU, the demo can be used. Follow the nextsteps to run the demo without problems:

1. Connect the USB cable to the TWR-SER board as shown in Figure 20. The device has to be recognized as a VirtualCom Port. To accomplish this, install the driver for the Virtual Com Port included in the project folder.

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Figure 20. USB cable connected to TWR-SER2. After the driver has been installed and the device recognized correctly, open the Graphic User Interface (GUI). A little

window called “Port Chooser” will appear asking for the COM PORT number assigned to the device.3. Select the correct COM PORT number and click OK as shown in Figure 21, the GUI interface will appear on the screen

as shown in Figure 22.

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Figure 21. Port Chooser

Figure 22. GUI Main screen4. Make sure the Caps Lock is not activated on the keyboard, and then press Shift + D to enter the GUI in doctor mode as

shown in figure below.

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Figure 23. GUI in doctor mode5. Place the test strip on the connector of the AFE as shown in Figure 24 and click on the GLU area on the GUI. Now

place the glucose sample on the white target area at the end of the test strip as shown in Figure 25. Measurements willstart and after a while, the measurements will appear on screen as shown in Figure 26.

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Figure 24. Test strip placement

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Figure 25. Glucose sample placement

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Figure 26. GUI running

6 ReferencesThis section lists online resources related to this application note, available on the Freescale website.

• Reference manuals and data sheets for Kinetis K53 (K53P144M100SF2RM, K53P144M100SF2), MCF51MM256(MCF51MM256RM, MCF51MM256), and MC9S08MM128 (MC9S08MM128RM, MC9S08MM128).

• Schematics of the Tower Modules and MED-GLU board.• USB Stack PHDC User Guide (MEDUSBUG).

Appendix A Software timerSoftware timer functions handle an array of subroutines with predefined elapse times. The software timer is constantlychecking the elapse times, and when one or more of these times are reached, the respective subroutine is called.

The software timer allows better management of time dependent subroutines because only one MCU timer is needed. Thetimer must be configured to generate 1 ms interruptions and a variable must be increased by one on every interrupt executionindicating the quantity of milliseconds elapsed.


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A.1 Initializing software timer

An MCU timer must be initialized to generate an interrupt every 1 ms. On the interrupt routine a global variable must beincreased by one on every interrupt execution. This variable must be specified on the file SwTimer.h and the initializationfunction must be called on the function SwTimer_Init in the file SwTimer.c.

At the beginning of the application, function SwTimer_Init must be called. This function cleans the objects array, releasingall the software timers and leaving them available for application. The MCU timer initialization must be called in thisfunction.

A.2 Creating a software timer

After the Software Timer has been initialized, a Timer can be created by using the function SwTimer_CreateTimer(pFunc_tcallBackFunc). The input parameter is the name of the function to be called. When this function is executed, it returns atimerId value that is necessary to start or stop the created timer. If a 0xFF is returned as timerId, this means that themaximum number of timers has been reached and the timer could not be initialized. The maximum number of timers isdefined as MAX_TIMER_OBJECTS and can be found on file SwTimer.h.

Example: My_Timer_Id = SwTimer_CreateTimer(Function_To_Be_Called);

Function SwTimer_StartTimer(UINT8 timerId, UINT16 tickPeriod_ms) starts the SwTimer, the input parameter timerId isthe timerId number returned by the Create Timer function when the timer was created. tickPeriod_ms is the period of time inmilliseconds that has to elapse to execute the function. The following example starts the previous created timer to executeFunction_To_Be_Called every 10 ms.

Example: SwTimer_StartTimer(My_Timer_Id, 10);

When the time defined has elapsed, the function Function_To_Be_Called is executed and the timer is deactivated. A newStart Timer statement must be written to activate the timer again, when the programmed time has elapsed. FunctionSwTimer_StopTimer(UINT8 timerId) stops the selected timer.

A.3 Functional descriptionWhen the function SwTimer_CreateTimer is called, a new object in the Timer Object Array is created. FunctionSwTimer_PeriodicTask is constantly called on the Main Application Routine and checks all the timer objects on the TimerObject Array. When the MCU timer, configured to interrupt every 1 ms, generates an interrupt, a variable increases its countby one indicating that 1 ms has elapsed. The SwTimer_PeriodicTask function checks this variable. If it is different than zero,the value of this variable is taken away from the Timer Object programmed Time. If the programmed time of a Timer Objectreaches zero, the subroutine declared for that timer on the function SwTimer_CreateTimer is called and the created times isset to INACTIVE until a new SwTimer_StartTimer is called.

The following block diagram shows the SwTimer_PeriodicTask subroutine.

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Figure A-1. SwTimer_PeriodicTask subroutine

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Appendix B Communication protocolThe application communicates with the Graphic User Interface (GUI) in the PC using the Freescale USB Stack with PHDCwith the device acting as a CDC (Communication Device Class). The device communicates via a serial interface similar tothe RS232 communications standard, but emulating a virtual COM port.

After the device has been connected and a proper driver has been installed, the PC recognizes it as a Virtual COM Port and itis accessible, for example using HyperTerminal. Communication is established using the following parameters.

• Bits per second—115,200• Data bits—8• Parity—None• Stop Bits—1• Flow Control — None

Communication starts when the host (PC) sends a request packet indicating to the device the action to perform. The devicethen responds with a confirmation packet indicating to host that the command has been received. At this point, the host mustbe prepared to receive data packets from the device and show the data received on the GUI. Communication finishes whenthe host sends a request packet indicating the device to stop. The following block diagram describes the data flow.

Figure B-1. Communication protocol data flow

Packets sent between host and device have a specific structure. The Packet is divided in four main parts:• Packet Type• Command Opcode

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• Data length• Data

The image below shows the packet structure.

Figure B-2. Packet structure

B.1 Packet typeThe Packet Type byte defines the kind of packet to be sent. There are three kinds of packets that can be sent between host anddevice.

B.1.1 REQ packetThis is a request packet, this kind of packet is used by the host to request to the device to perform some action like a start orstop measurement. A REQ packet is usually composed of 2 bytes, Packet Type and Command Opcode. Data Length and DataPacket bytes are not required.

B.1.2 CFM packetThis is a confirmation packet; this kind of packet is used by the device to confirm to the host that a command has beenreceived, and sends a response indicating if the command is accepted, or if the device is busy.

B.1.3 IND packetThis is an indication packet. This kind of packet is used to indicate to the host that an event has occurred in the device anddata needs to be sent. For example, this is used when the device has a new data to be sent to the GUI.

The following table shows the HEX codes for every Packet Type.

Table B-1. HEX codes

Packet type Hex codes

REQ 0x52

CFM 0x43

IND 0x69

Packet type

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B.2 Command opcodeThe Command Opcode byte indicates the action performed for a REQ packet, and the kind of confirmation or indication, incase of CFM and IND packet types. There are different Opcodes for every Packet Type. The following table shows thedifferent Opcodes. See Note1

Table B-2. Opcodes

Opcode REQ CFM IND Opcodes(Hex)

Glucose meter







Blood Pressure Meter









Electro Cardiograph Opcode










Height scale


Weight scale




Table continues on the next page...

1. Software related with this application note does not respond to all of these commands.

Command opcode

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Table B-2. Opcodes (continued)

Opcode REQ CFM IND Opcodes(Hex)



Pulse oximetry









System commands



B.3 Data length and data stringThe data length and data string bytes are the data quantity count and the data itself. The data length byte represents thenumber of bytes contained into the data string. The data string is the information sent, just the data, therefore the Data Lengthbyte must not count the Packet Type byte, the Command Opcode byte or itself.

B.4 Functional description

Communication starts when the host sends a REQ packet indicating to the device to start a new measurement. The host mustsend a REQ Packet Type to start transactions (Figure B-3).

Figure B-3. Start packet sent by host

The Start Opcode can be any Opcode related with start a measurement, for example, if we wanted to start the ECG indiagnostic mode, the Data Packet will look like Figure B-4.

Data length and data string

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Figure B-4. Starting ECG in diagnostic mode

0x52 is the HEX code for a request (REQ) Packet Type, 0x12 corresponds toECG_DIAGNOSTIC_MODE_START_MEASUREMENT. After sending the REQ packet, a CFM packet must be receivedindicating the status of the device. The received packet must look like Figure B-5.

Figure B-5. Confirmation packet structure

The error byte indicates the device status. The table below shows possible error codes.

Table B-3. Error codes

Error HEX code

OK 0x00

BUSY 0x01


If the error byte received corresponds to OK, the device starts sending data as soon as a new data packet is ready. If BUSYerror is received, the host must try to communicate later. If the error received is INVALID OPCODE, data sent andtransmission lines must be checked.

If a CFM packet with an OK error has been received, the device starts sending Information related with the measurementrequested. This is performed using indication packets (IND). Indication packet structure is shown in Figure B-6.

Figure B-6. Indication packet structure

The first byte contains the HEX code for an Indication Packet type. The second byte contains the Opcode for the kind ofindication, for example if the device is sending an Indication Packet forECG_DIAGNOSTIC_MODE_NEW_DATA_READY, the HEX code read in this position is 0x14 because this is theIndication Opcode for a new set of data from the ECG diagnostic mode. The next byte is the Length which indicates thequantity of data sent.

The first couple of bytes after the Length byte are the Packet ID bytes. The Packet ID is a 16-bit data divided in 2 bytes to besent and contains the number of packets sent. The Packet ID number of a data packet is the Packet ID of the previous packet+ 1. For example, if the Packet ID of the previous packet sent was 0x0009, the Packet ID of the next packet must be 0x000A.This allows the GUI to determine if a packet is missing.

The following data bytes are the Data String and contain the information of the measurement requested. The Data quantity isdetermined by the Data Length byte and data is interpreted depending on the kind of measurement. For example, for theMED-EKG Demo from Data 2 to Data n-1 contains the data graphed. Every point in the graph is represented by a 16-bitsigned number, this means that every 2 data bytes in the packet, means it is one point in the graph. The first byte is the mostsignificant part of the long (16-bits) and the second byte is the less significant part. The long is signed using 16-bitcomplement. The last byte contains the Heart Rate measurement. This byte must be taken as it is, an unsigned char data thatcontains the number of beats per minute. Figure B-7 shows a typical MED-EKG demo indication packet.

Functional description

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Figure B-7. MED-EKG IND packet

When a Stop request is sent by the host, the device stops sending data and waits for a new Start request command. Figure B-8shows the Stop Command structure.

Figure B-8. Stop command structure

Immediately after this, the device must acknowledge with a CFM packet shown in Figure B-9.

Figure B-9. Stop CFM packet

The CFM packet for stop does not require an error code, it just must be received. If this packet has not been received, therequest has been rejected or not taken and must be sent again to stop the measurements.

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