global child dental fund annual review 2014

global child dental fund Annual Review 2014

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This report includes reference to the Senior Dental Leaders (SDL) programme which is run in partnership with King's College London and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. To be able to work with such an amazing group of global leaders who contribute to and participate in this programme is a real privilege.


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global child dental

Annual Review2014

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Welcome to our Annual Review 2014

In 2011 we published our strategic plan for the charity ʻReflections andProgress: 2011–2015ʼ. Now we are planning for our tenth anniversary in2016 and the publication of our strategic plan for 2016-2026.

During the past four years, our main areas offocus have been fourfold. First we have beenworking with and supporting our Senior DentalLeader Alumni. The impact of a global networkof Senior Dental Leaders, working to promotechild oral health, cannot be underestimated.

Second, we have supported ʻdemonstrationʼinitiatives through our Smiles and Hopes projects,which again are led by our SDL alumni. Third, wehave promoted social responsibility, especiallyamong young members of the profession. Lastly,we have nurtured partnerships with other organi-sations especially the World Federation of PublicHealth Associations, the International Federationof Dental Hygienists and the Alliance for A CavityFree Future.

This year, Kingʼs College London hosted the SDL-8programme. We are grateful to Professor DianneRekow and her team for their generous hospitalityand administrative support.

Likewise, it was encouraging to have the headof Dental Public Health at the University ofKhartoum, Sudan, Dr Nazik M. Nurelhudaattend as the ʻTony Volpeʼ 2014 awardee.

We look forward to assisting her with her workin Sudan in 2015. The enthusiasm andcommitment of all of the delegates this yearwas inspirational – we will endeavour tocollaborate with them all in the coming years.

In 2012 a Facebook group was launchedamong dentists in India to better understandtheir needs as they work towards improvingservices for disadvantaged Indian children.After a slow start this year, the group nowcomprises over 5,500 Indian dentists engagingin discussions and voluntary projects.

As the year draws to a close, I would like toextend warm greetings and thanks to everyperson and organisation that has contributed to


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We are very proud of our developing and existingpartnerships worldwide, forged through mutualtrust and the sharing of knowledge and capacity.

Professor Raman Bedi, Chairman

our work in 2014. This includes the Charityʼscore staff and Trustees, our sponsorsColgate-Palmolive and Henry Schein, andall our friends and supporters.

However, most importantly, we would like tothank the dedicated individuals who havehelped us implement our programmes. It isthrough their tireless efforts, day in day out,that the worldʼs most disadvantaged childrenhave brighter futures and better smiles.Further details and in-depth reports aboutour work can also be found at our


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Developing Partnerships

Partnerships are critical to the Charityʼs success andwe have nurtured 3 global initiatives. First, we workwith the World Federation of Public Health AssociationsOral Health group. Second, we collaborate with theInternational Federation of Dental Hygienists. In 2015we will launch our joint ʻOne in a Millionʼ project todistribute one million toothbrushes to disadvantagedchildren. Third, we work closely with the Alliance for aCavity Free Future, sharing the common goal thatchildren born after 2026 should be cavity free.


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In March we co-funded, with the BorrowFoundation, a 3 year oral health capacitybuilding project in Zambia. The project isbased in Ndola, the second city in Zambia,and our partner there is a local NGO, theIsubilo Community Resource Centre.

The aim of the project is to build a locally ownedand financially sustainable programme which willhelp build oral health provision in rural parts of thecountry. In July the Principal of Lusaka DentalSchool, Dr Nalumino Sayela, successfully visitedthe Copperbelt Province, Ndola to deliver theletter from the Ministry of Education permanentsecretary authorising Isubilo and dental trainingschools to visit Copperbelt schools.

As a first step to gaining permission to operatewithin the province, Dr Sayela, Mr Chonde andMr Haabeka visited the Provincial EducationOfficer at Mukuyu House in Ndola.

Zambia ProjectLater, at his office, permission was granted bothto operate in the area and to visit schools in hisdistrict, and successful visits followed.

Since June the team has visited and operatedin 5 government run schools, 10 communityschools and 7 government run schools locatedin the peri-urban areas of Ndola.

Arrangements were made with a spaciouslodge in Ndola, and the team continued theirprogramme with students from the LusakaDental School. Four groups of final year DentalTherapist students joined the team for oneweek periods. Since the end of August, 16primary schools were visited. This project is anexample of our SDL alumni working together;Dr Itone (Ministry of Health), Dr Sayela (DentalTherapy School) and Dr Chonde (GCDFund).


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In April Professor Bedi joined an InternationalResearch group focused on Early ChildhoodCaries in South and Central America.

The meeting was held at the University ofValparaiso, Chile. Other than colleagues fromChile and Brazil, paediatric dental experts fromthe USA and Australia were present. ProfessorBedi was the only representative from Europe.

This effort will strengthen the network ofresearchers and academics at universitiesinvolved in Early Childhood Caries. It will also beinstrumental in expanding academic teaching,research and social projects in Latin America forthe benefit of disadvantaged children.

We are currently fundraising for a projectin the Philippines which will establish aschool based dental program in Boholprovince. This initiative is being pursuedin collaboration with Philos, a U.S. basedNGO, and I-Check, a local Philippinesbased NGO.

It is planned that two dental clinics will be built inelementary schools, with the dentists being partof the school team undertaking daily supervisedbrushing alongside prevention and treatment.

Visiting dentists and student from the Philippines,the United States and the United Kingdom willsupplement the dental service.

The Research Group meeting during a 3-day conference at the University of Valparaiso, Chile. On the26th April 2014 the Basic Human Right for child oral health, the ʻValparaiso declarationʼ, was launched.

Research Group Philippines Project


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In August 2014, after much delay, GlobalPartners (GP) began Phase III of our HopeThrough Healthy Smiles in the city ofSar-e-pul, Afghanistan. Our desire was tobegin in March, but due to delays in gainingthe required permissions from the govern-ment, the programme started much later.

GP followed the same process as was under-taken in Shebirghan city in 2013. Working withthe local Ministry of Education, ten schools andcommunities were chosen to receive oral healtheducation. After the schools were chosen,project implementors worked with each schoolto choose one teacher to represent their school.

These teachers then attended a 4-dayseminar. Here they were trained in basic oralhealth, brushing and flossing, and tooth care.

After completion of the seminar each teacherreceived the necessary supplies to teach basicoral health to their students. These supplieswere left with each of the participating schoolsso they can continue to effectively teach aboutoral health in the years to come.

The second National Oral Health Conferencefor Timor Leste took place in October 2014.This was once again part of a collaborationbetween GCDFund and One-2-One, buildingupon the great successes of 2013.

The existing dental workforce, community healthworkers and students of Dilli University travelledfrom all corners of the country to receive clinicalskills teaching in the countryʼs capital.

Key messages in prevention were taught andreinforced from last year. Many members of theexisting workforce expressed a desire to moveaway from extractions towards prevention andoral health promotion in Timor Leste, wherenotably over 43% of the population is under15.

The students were once again incredibly keento increase their skills and knowledge, and theirconfidence increased from the initial conference.

Afghanistan Timor Leste


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SEAL Cambodia has treatedover 33,000 children so far!


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Dental caries is the single most importantoral disease affecting many children inKenya, and its prevalence appears to be onthe rise. Coupled with this, the oral healthmanpower in Kenya is insufficient to meetthe rising needs of these children.

In August the Kenya Association of PaediatricDentistry (KAPD) and the Global Child DentalFund jointly hosted the 2nd training workshopfor Kenyan Community Oral Health Workers.The theme of the workshop was: ʻCreating acarious-free environment for Kenyan childrenʼ.Four paediatric dental specialists provided the1-day training in Nairobi. The trainees received

lectures and practical training on provision oforal health education to children and theircaregivers, diet counselling, the use of fluoridesupplements and pit/fissure sealants inprevention of dental caries. They were alsotaken through various caries managementtechniques, including the use of AtraumaticRestorative technique (ART) in the treatmentand prevention of caries in children.

The workshop was opened by Professor RamanBedi and sponsored by Colgate Palmolive.

KenyaProfessor Raman Bedi visited Cambodia inJune to meet with stakeholders, explorenew partnerships, and monitor progress.Highlights of the visit included:

1. Meeting SEAL CAMBODIA partners.20 representatives from the MOH, SEALsponsors, NGOs, International University, andUniversity of Puthisastra attended the meeting.Over 33,000 children have been sealed so far,and the project was extended to include bothGrade 1 and 2 children.

2. Meeting with One-2-One and CamKids todiscuss project sustainability after year 3.

3. Meeting with the staff of the PaediatricDental Department at the National UniversityDental School to discuss another grant givento help repair the dental chairs and providematerials for students.

4. Meeting with the President of the Universityof Puthisastra to discuss future collaborationand involvement of their dental students in theSEAL Cambodia project. The new ColgateBright Smiles Bright Futures assistance for thepaediatric dental clinics was also discussed.

SEAL Cambodia


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Friends and Family

Untreated caries was the most prevalent of all 291medical conditions considered in the recent globalhealth burden study. In many countries, the commonesthospital operation involving general anaesthesia,for under 5-year-olds, is dental extractions. The DNAof any charitable organisation is the work of itssupporters and volunteers. We are indebted to theselfless efforts of all the individuals who havesupported and advocated our mission this year.Without you our work would not be possible.


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Dr. Joury is currently workingas an Assistant Professor ofDental Public Health andOral Epidemiology in theFaculty of Dentistry, DamascusUniversity. She qualified as anorthodontist from DamascusUniversity in 2001.

Throughout her education andprofessional career, she hasreceived academic distinctionsand honours. Her passion isin using her knowledge andskills to promote oral healthand general wellbeing ofdisadvantaged children andcommunities across the globe.

New GCDFundConsultants

This year Easter Joury, Ajay Mahajanand Nour Alkhatib joined us as consultants.They are experienced dental healthpractitioners who will voluntarily give theirtime and energy to support our projects.

Dr. Mahajan completed hisundergraduate studies atHimachal Pradesh Universityand received his BDS degreefrom H.P. Government DentalCollege and Hospital Shimla,Himachal Pradesh, India.

He has published many nationaland international researchpapers in journals of repute.Dr. Mahajan has a great interestin working for the betterment ofunderprivileged and the poor andwas associated with assessingthe oral health status of Tibetanimmigrants residing in Shimla,H.P., India.

Dr. Alkhatib worked for manyyears at Eastman DentalInstitute, UCL, KCL and WHOCollaborative centre. As anepidemiologist he contributedto refining NHS dental strategy.

His main interests are psycho-social determinants of health,outcome measures in health,tobacco control and treatmentneeds in children. Dr. Alkhatibʼswork is published in internationaljournals and he is a regularreviewer for many health carejournals. He currently works asa strategist for private andgovernment bodies.

Dr. Easter Joury Dr. Nour AlkhatibDr. Ajay Mahajan


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In 2013 Nishant won the Richard Law Award.Recently he gave us this feedback:

“It was a huge blessing to receive this award. It isa nice addition to my education fund and helpedme in completing my pending research projects.Being nationally recognized makes me feel notonly honoured, but proud. I feel like the path Ichose in life, rife with challenges that push meacademically and socially, is the right one.

However, this scholarship has made me evenmore driven to ensure that I am not the only oneto receive the benefits of my labour. I shouldcontinue to reach outward to positively influenceand help those across the globe. While on thischosen path, I want to create communities andenvironments that strive to help everyone reachtheir dreams, just like how the academy helpedme reach mine.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank theGCDFund for this greatly appreciated scholarship.I also congratulate the new winners of prestigiousRichard Law Award.”

Nishant Mehta

Other friends and family stories...

This summer we coordinated a dental chairdonation between London and Haiti.

After serving years at Birmingham ChildrenʼsHospital, 3 dental chairs had to find a new homefor their next chapter of life. Along with ourregional consultant, Dr. Hyewon Lee, we identifieda suitable home and arranged to donate them toan upcoming community-based dental clinic inWorld Grace Orphanage in Haiti.

Dr. Soo-woo Kim, a periodontist who taughtat the Harvard School of Dental Medicine,launched this non-profit organisation, calledDentists for Humanity, in 2013. In collaborationwith other dental professionals and engineerswho share the same heart in Boston, USA in2013, Dr. Kim launched various communitydental services for vulnerable youth andhomeless people.

With the three dental chairs that arrived in Haitithis spring, Dr. Kim and his team arranged aseries of dental mission trips to this community-based dental facility throughout the summer.

Dr. Soo-woo KimNishant Mehta

Chair Donations


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Since 2010 Prue Preston has been activelyworking with orphan children at the variousorphanages in Tanzania. The homes she hasworked with have benefitted not only fromnew toothbrushes and curative care, but alsofrom a greater understanding of oral healtheducation tailored to their local culture.Recently she gave us this update on her work:

Some 30 children and adolescents living on thestreet and in orphanages in Mwanza have beenidentified as having dental needs such as pain,swellings and fractured teeth. Some of thesechildren have no families. Some are beingsupported to attend school and come off thestreets into homes.

Hope Dental Centre is a practice in Mwanzawhich is part of the dental charity Bridge2Aidproviding access to dental treatment to those

in Mwanza and wider Tanzania and trainingto health workers in rural areas. Funded byaward money, Hope Dental has examinedsome of these children in pain and hasprovided treatment for them.

The boys gathered in the waiting room and lovedhaving their pictures taken and played with lego.When it came to sitting in the dental chair, theboys were very reluctant, some absconded butwere encouraged back to have treatment later.

The children were provided with toothbrushesand taught about and encouraged to look aftertheir teeth. They also received fillings, somerequired extractions, one girl had a swollenface due to a dental abscess, she was givenantibiotics and will be seen again next weekalong with some children who are also returningfor further treatment.

Smiles & Hopes Tanzania


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Developing Social Responsibility


Each year we run programmes that raise awarenesswithin the dental profession of the importance ofglobal social responsibility. It is vitally importantthat the collective skills and knowledge of dentalstudents and professionals are utilised effectivelyfor suffering children, not just at local level, butaround the world.

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SDL-8 was held in London from Sunday 9thto Friday 14th March. This year 17 delegatesattended from around the world.

On the Monday morning Dianne Rekow gavethe ʻWelcome Addressʼ. During the sessionsand workshops that followed, the delegatesdeveloped their leadership skills and learnthow to use them effectively to advance oralhealth agendas and improve the dental healthof children.

Further highlights included case studies onʻWorkforce Developmentʼ and ʻMid-levelprovidersʼ by Professors Bruce Donoff andChester Douglass of Harvard School ofDental Medicine.

This year Dr Nazik M. Nurelhuda fromKhartoum in Sudan received the Tony VolpeAward. Dr Nurelhuda is the Assistant Professorof Dental Public Health, University of Khartoum.

We have created and published online,3 educational booklets aimed at improvingdental literacy among pregnant andnursing mothers.

The booklets are for mothers all over the world.It is anticipated that the information will guidethem in making healthy choices for themselvesand the lifelong oral health of their children.This project is unique in its global reach.

The booklets are being translated into severallanguages, including Arabic, Mandarin,Portuguese and Spanish and are freelyavailable on our website. There is the potentialfor up to 51 languages to be incorporated,increasing the breadth of the audience thesebooklets can educate.

The booklets can be downloaded from theSocial Responsibilty section of our

Oral HealthBooklets

Senior Dental Leaders8 Programme


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In honour of the late Richard Law, anaccountant who tragically died from oralcancer, each year we offer an award of$500 to dental students in India throughan essay competition.

This year the competition was very strong. Fromthe 44 essays received, the judges selectedDr Viswa Chaitanya Chandu from Siber Instituteof Dental Sciences, Tenali, to receive the award.

Viswa was delighted to recieve the award forhis project and commented:

Richard Law Award

“Receiving this award is anamazing honour. I have developeda love towards Public HealthDentistry over the 5 years of myundergraduate education. I wouldlike to use the prize money toimprove as a Public Health Dentist,with an ultimate aim to reach thepinnacle of my specialty.”


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The undergraduate category award was won by Zarna Patelfrom Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Visnagar.Zarna commented:

“Receiving this award is like childhood dreamcome true. It has boosted my confidencehugely and will remain a very prestigiousmemory of my life. I am glad for what itrepresents and it will be very helpful for myfuture career. I intend to spend the prizemoney on participating in InternationalConferences and some research activities.”

Runners up certificates were given to Satinder Kaur, SakshiGarg, Ishmeet Nagpal in the post-graduate and Shafali Patel andYashwini Rathore in the undergraduate categories, respectively.

This yearʼs competition was incredibly successful. We would liketo take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part.

In July Dr Tony Volpe,the former vice presidentof Clinical Research andScientific Affairs fromthe Colgate-PalmoliveCompany, became a newFellow of Kingʼs CollegeLondon.

Commenting on Dr Volpeʼsappointment as Fellow of theCollege, Professor DianneRekow said: ʻI am delighted torecognise Dr Volpe who Ihave known over many yearsas a distinguished researcherand clinician.

ʻHe has worked tirelessly tosupport the Senior DentalLeaders programme at KingʼsCollege London.ʼ

Tony VolpeKing’s Fellow


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Our e-depository website for recordingdental volunteering projects serves threemain functions:

1. Allows dental students and practitioners toupload projects they have undertaken in orderto help future volunteers and highlight theneeds of those whom they have visited;

2. Supports students and practitioners inlearning as well as sharing their volunteeringexperiences;

3. Aids fundraising, either for individuals them-selves or for the projects they are engaged in.

This year we received numerous projects fromcauses around the world, including Honduras,Myanmar, Haiti and Papau New Guinea.

Dental Electives

This year we began a newcollaboration with theInternational Federation ofDental Hygienists (IFDH).

The collaborative venturewill recognise with a prizecommendable efforts in socialresponsibility projects byDental Hygienists globally.The prize promotes awarenessof social responsibility withinthe dental profession.

Recently the 2014 winners of theGCDFund dental elective prizefor members of the InternationalFederation of Dental Hygienistswere announced.

A panel of experts from theGCDFund and IFDH judged thecompetition.

The 1st place winner was CarolMartin from the U.S.A. with herproject entitled ʻThe Road LessTravelledʼ. This project involvesproviding dental services andeducation in remote villages insouthern Honduras.

1st runner up was Ronald Knevelfor the project entitled ʻBuddhiBangara Projectʼ, supportingthe improvement of the oralhealth of Nepalese people andprofessionalising the dentalhygiene profession in Nepal.

2nd runner up was AygolVermot Babaki for the projectʻSwiss Dental Help in Myanmarʼ.The project aims to providedental health education andcare to the disadvantagedpeople of Myanmar, and willdistribute toothbrushes andother necessary dentalequipment.

The organisations are alsocollaborating to update theʻYoung Dentistsʼ portal of theGCDFund website, to includeʻYoung Dental Hygienistsʼ, andto provide a free resourcefocused on social responsibilityand leadership skills.

IFDH Collaboration


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What next for 2015?

Help us support the world’s most disadvantagedchildren by donating at: www.gcdfund.orgYou can also send a donation by post if you prefer.

Please make cheques payable to ʻThe Global Child Dental Fundʼ andpost to Rooms 329-331, 26-29 Drury Lane, London, WC2B 5RL withyour name, address, telephone number and email.


Next year we will continue working on our fullsuite of programmes, and additionally startplanning for both our 10 year anniversary in2016, and our strategic roadmap for the period2016-2026.

The ten year strategic plan will set the tone for thecharity, and our supporters and sponsors. We willengage with individuals and organisations todevelop critical partnerships and underpin ourresources. SDL-10 will take place in 2016 atKingʼs College, London. There, we will launch theroadmap and show how we will support ourgrowing SDL alumni. We believe that this growingalumni will address the global challenge of earlychildhood caries, especially among the mostdisadvantaged in our society.

Although we look forward to shaping tomorrow,the problems of today and tomorrow are of theupmost importance. Of particular note, next yearwe will continue fundraising for our Philippinesproject alongside the NGOs Philos and I-Check.It is planned that 2 dental clinics will be built inelementary schools, with the dentist being partof the school team undertaking daily supervisedbrushing alongside prevention and treatment.Visiting dentists and students from thePhilippines, the US and the UK will supplementthe dental service.

We look forward to working with you all nextyear as we dream and plan together.


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global child dental fund

If you would like to know how you can help usimprove the dental health of the most disadvantagedchildren worldwide, please contact us:

Email: [email protected] l Visit:

Global Child Dental Fund, Rooms 329-331,26-29 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5RL

Registered charity no: 1125850 (England & Wales)

ChairmanProfessor Raman Bedi

TrusteesDr Marion Bergman l Dr Tony Volpe l Mr Richard Price

Thank you to our main sponsors: