gliptins- evaluation

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  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Gliptins: Current Status

    & Future Promise

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation



    Treatment of diabetes has undergone majorchanges in last decade

    Ne drugs ith ne mechanisms of action ha!ebeen introduced

    "b#$c%target is often not reached in spite ofman' glucose%loering strategies

    (an' therapies increase risk for h'pogl'cemia

    #ctions be'ond blood glucose control arearranted)

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation









    (NHANES)2 HbA1c < 7%

    HbA1c > 7%

    1. Liebl A et l. Dibetolo!i "#$S23 2&&2' 2. S* SH et l. +A,A 291$33# 2&&"' 3. Leiter

    LA et l. C + Dibete 37$/2 2&13

    HbA1c-targets often not reached





  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Heie et l. ,+ 333$12&& 2&&6

    Another problem is thatwe intensify therapy late

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Early treatment

    More aggressive intensication oftreatment

    Durable treatment with beta-cellpreservation

    This gives us the lessons for newphilosophy

    Time ! do more

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Maintained "#T in 1! years

    Developed $#T after year %A*r4 Dibete #/$726-731 2&&9

    Time &years'

    * + , - . $* $+#lucagons








    // /

    Time &years'

    * + , - . $* $++










    / / /

    uli e5retio lu5!o e5retio

    Dual islet defect occurs early duringdevelopment of T!D

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation



    $mpaired insulin secretionAugmented glucagon secretion


    Main pathophysiological defects in T!D

    #lucose utili*ation +Hepatic glucose production , 3 "'pergl'cemia

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    #oal Metformin

    . T/D




    , $nsulinsensitivity

    4 4 4

    , $nsulin


    4 4 546

    + #lucagonsecretion

    7 4

    Mechanisms of glucose-loweringtherapy in

    relation to goal for early intervention

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    3hat #liptins Add to T!DM Therapy

    Comprehensive mechanism of action Targeting multiple levels in T!DM pathophysiology

    Dual targeting of 4 cells and 5 cells

    Improvement in Disposition/Adaptation Index

    $mprovement in both $nsulin secretion 6 $nsulinsensitivity

    Glucose dependent secretion of Insulin secretion

    2esser ris7 of hypoglycemia

    Targeting postprandial and overall glycemia

    Preservation of Beta cells

    timulate 5 cell neo-genesis

    )educe 5 cell apoptosis

    Eects !eyond !lood sugar lo"ering#$

    r + Dibete 5 Di. 2&&6'6(#)$2&7-21#

    re erri 8r5ti5l !uie to t*e 5re o t*e :ei5l ptiet Si;t* eitio 2&&"Apte ro: A*r4 et l. Dibete Cre. 2&' 2/$ 1936

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Gliptins# %ultiple !ene&ts

    Targets pathophysiology through both beta- and alpha-cells

    $mproves glycaemic control8

    8educe "b#$c in patients ith t'pe + diabetes b' 9$)$)educes both 90# and 00#

    High tolerability and safety

    2ow ris7 of hypoglycemia


    A*r4 et l. Dibete Obe ,etb 13$77#

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    :ildagliptin reduces glucagonand hepatic glucose release




    B BBB













    Delta #lucagon &ng(2'

    !=8== !?8===!8== =>8== =%8==








    Delt E8 (:!?!:i)

    17$&& 2&$&& 23$&& &2$&& $&& &/$&&




    **************** 8l5ebo



    l et l. + Cli Eo5riol ,etb 92$12"92&&7

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    #dopted from ;sposito ,-:,01$

    2. randomised controlled trials included= ith a total of +*=1*0 patients 5alogliptin= n?$2@0> linagliptin= [email protected]> saAagliptin= n?+0$+> sitagliptin=n?1$+@> !ildagliptin= n?.+.06

    Baseline "b#$c of the studies ranged from 2)+ to @)0) (ean baseline "b#$c= eighted b' sample sie= as .)*0 5ranging from 2)@- to .)$,6)"b#$c !alue= used to adjust b' baseline "b#$c= as .)*

    ther meta anal'ses including !ildagliptin are a!ailable 5e)g) Fakhour' D

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Liu et l. Dibete Obe ,etb 1"$/1& 2&12

    EPP%, inhibitors

    )is7 for hypoglycemia

    Placebo%controlled change in "b#$c


    *). *)@*)2


    Basal insulin

    THE #GIs

    GJP%$ Biphasic insulin


    *)2 *). *)2 $)* $)$

    Gliptins# 'ery (o" ris) of


  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    :ery low ris7 for hypoglycemia by




    A*r4 et l. Dibet *er #$"#9 2&1"

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation










    Stop secrete insulin from the K%cells

    Stimulate li!er glucose release






    Hypoglycemia defence

    ;Lects of !ildaglipti

    A*r4. 5 Helt* 0i? ,! 9$1## 2&13

    ag pt n n ts g ucagon at

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Hypo Eu Hyper#lucose









    ag pt n n ts g ucagon athigh glucose

    and increases glucagon at lowglucose

    Ahrn, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 941!"#, !$$9



  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Gliptins# %ore than GlucoseControl

    (ipids %onami et al+ Adv Ther, -an, .0.

    %Gliptins ha!e been reported to reduce cholesterol=but results ha!e been inconsistent)

    %(onami et al meta%anal'sis shos that treatmentith EPP%, inhibitors is associated ith a signiMcantreduction in total cholesterol 5%*)$. %*)+@> %*)*-O

    mmolJ 5%2)* %$$)+> %+)1*O mgdJ6> P?*)**+6)

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Eiabetes associated ith increased risk offractures

    Pioglitaone reduces bone densit' and isassociated ith increased risk of fractures

    Insulin associated ith fractures possibl'

    because of increased risk of h'pogl'cemiaand falls)

    Gliptins# %ore than GlucoseControl

    Bone *ealth

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    GJP%$ induces osteoblast diLerentiationand inhibits osteoclastic acti!it')

    GJP%$ receptor agonists ha!e been shon

    to stimulate bone formation in rodents ) ;Aperimental data in animal models

    suggest that gastric intestinal pol'peptide5GIP6 is also capable of increasing bonedensit')

    $ncretins and GoneDensity

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    D00i and 9ractures8%eta1Analysis

    Monami et al. Diabetes Care 34:24742476, 2011Diabetes Care 34:24742476, 2011

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Gliptins# %ore than GlucoseControl

    Blood Pressure+,%eek multicenter= randomied= double%blind placebocontrolled stud' comparing !ildagliptin 51* mg d or bid6

    to placebo Drug/placebo Mean reduction in

    systolic blood pressure(mmHg)

    Mean reduction in

    diastolic blood pressure(mmHg)

    Vildagliptin 50 mgN=17

    ! 0"#

    Vildagliptin 100 mg


    %"5 !"!


    0"# 0"1

    "athwani et al, !==<

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Gliptins# %ore than GlucoseControl


    Shannon et al. Diabetes, 2013

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Gliptins# %ore than GlucoseControl

    Cardiovascular 2afety

    (onami et al== Eiabetes bes (etab $1:$$

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Met the ri&ar' (a)et' obecti+e o) non

    in)eriorit' -H $.9/0 9% C2 $./9 3 1.$/

    Long-term cardiovascular outcomes trials withDPP-4 inhibitors

    CA0OLNA 5ina6litin +(. 6li&eiride

    Mean 73/ ', #$$$ (8bect(

    All trial( are rando&i(ed,

    do8bleblind, &8lticentretrial( +(. lacebo, 8nle((

    otheri(e (tated

    ECOS :ita6litin

    ; to ', 14,$$$ (8bect(

    !$$/ !$1$ !$1! !$14 !$1# !$1/

    SAO0 :aa6litin; to 4 ', 1#,$$ (8bect(

    Objectives =o deter&ine the lon6ter& e))ect o) ??4 inhibitor on C@ o8tco&e( and other

    clinicall' rele+ant e+ent( in atient( ith =! at hi6h ri( o) C@

    Primary endpoints =i&e to )ir(t occ8rrence o) a ri&ar' C@ e+ent C@ death, non)atal &'ocardial

    in)arction or non)atal (troe

    EFA,NE Alo6litin

    ; to ', 4$$ (8bect(

    Met the ri&ar' (a)et' obecti+e

    o) nonin)eriorit' -H $.9#0 9%

    ;C5 1.1#

    Met the ri&ar' (a)et' obecti+e o) non

    in)eriorit' -H 1.$0 9% C2 $./9 1.1!

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    $ncidences and odds ratios foradudicated CC: events by treatment

    Meta-analysis of vildagliptin >= mg bid data vs all comparators according to themethodology set by the . 9ood and Drug Administrationb>= mg bid odds ratio I=F% &>B C$ =F


    n ( " &B'M-H ))&>B C$'

    :ilda >= mg


    1= ( 1??


    1 ( 1>>>


    =F%% &=F?@


    :ilda >= mgbid

    %1 (

    ece&ber !$$/:cheiDer A, et al. iabete( Ibe( Metab. !$1$01!4/394

    =F=1 1 1===F1 1=

    :ildagliptin better:ildagliptin worse

    )is7 ratio

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    :ildagliptinn(" &B'


    n(" &B'

    M-H ))&>B C$'

    :ildagliptin>= mg KFdF(bFiFdF



    1F=% &=F1&=F@%'

    1F1 &=F

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    #20-1 receptor agonists




    D00- inhibitors



    #2T-! inhibitors

    (imitations "ith some therapies in management of T.Din renal impairment

    )enal function

    "ormal Mild )$ Moderate evere Termin

    #9) &m2(min' L=

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    EPP%, inhibitor use in renalimpairment 58I6

    !> mg oFdF 1!F> mg oFdF mg oFdF


    D00- inhibitors

    1== mg oFdF >= mg oFdF !> mg oFdF



    > mg oFdF2inagliptin

    :ildagliptin> >= mg oFdF>= mg bFiFdF



    erumCreatinine Male&mg(d2'


    9emale &mg(d2'




    Mild )$ Moderate )$ evere )$




    !F> or > mg oFdF !F> mg oFdF

    o)d) ? once dail'b)i)d)? tice dail'

    $) #!ailable at: http:)merck)comproductusapicircularsjjanu!iajanu!iapi)pdf> +) #!ailable at: http:$)astraeneca%us)compipiongl'a)pdfUpage?$>

    0) #!ailable at: http:general)takedapharm)comcontentMle)aspAVFileT'peCode?N;SIN#PI&cache8andomier?2+0-cLb%eb-c%,b*a%ac2@%+-.$*,+1c.@e>,) #!ailable at: http:bidocs)boehringer%ingelheim)comBIDeb#ccessQieSer!let)serVdocBase?renetnt&folderPath?PrescribingWInformationPIsTradjentaTradjenta)pdf>1) #!ailable at: http:)ema)europa)eudocsenGBdocumentlibrar';P#8%ProductInformationhuman***22$DC1***+*0+2)pdf

    ;!ans (= Eejager S= Scheier #= Fole' ) Is there e!idence of an' safet' diLerences among EPP, inhibitors in thetreatement of people ith T+E and reduced GF8 to chronic kidne' diseaseV Eiabetes Ther 5+*$16-:$%1

    :ildagliptin is eKually safe and eOectivein Moderate-evere )$ but with half of

    the cost among all gliptins

    #djusted mean "b#$c change from baseline to

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    SeIere rel i:pir:et

    #djusted mean "b#$c change from baseline toeek +, in patients ith moderate or se!ere

    renal impairment

    il!lipti #& :! J


    ,oerte rel i:pir:et

    K 1#7 12/

    L K 7.9% 7./% K 122 9#

    L K 7.7% 7.7%

    ,e HbA15 5*!e

    ro: L to E8











    2n atient( ith &oderate renal i&air&ent, (i&ilar roortion( o) tho(e recei+in6 +ilda6litin or lacebo eerienced an' AE -#/ vs7"%, an' :AE -9

    vs9%, an' AE leadin6 to di(contin8ation -" vs% or death -1 vs1%. =hi( a( al(o tr8e )or atient( ith (e+ere 2 AE( -7" vs74%, :AE( -19 vs

    !1%, AE( leadin6 to di(contin8ation -9 vs#% and death -! vs4%.

    * P

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    afety in Moderate to evere )enalimpairment

    "o deterioration of renal function with vildagliptin

    0el i:pir:et ,oerte SeIere

    e0 (,D0D) (:L:i1.73 :2)il #&:! J


    il #&:! JNK12"


    ,e elie 39.3 "&.3 21.9 2&.9

    ,e C*!e ro: belie &./6# &.#72 -1."#6 -1.121,ei C*!e ro: belie -&.&6/ -&.&67 -1.291 -1./72

    Eti:te B0 (,D0D) i ptiet @it* eIere :oerte 0 t 2" @?

    * eF -MB F e(ti&ated 8(in6 the M )or&8la. a(eline eF i( de)ined a( the

    loe(t o) eF -M +al8e( be)ore +i(it ! that ere calc8lated 8(in6 the (er8& creatinine

    +al8e be)ore +i(it ! and the a6e at the a((ociated creatinine &ea(8re&ent date

    =he o+erall incidence( o) AE(, :AE(, di(contin8ation( d8e to AE( and death( ere

    co&arable beteen +ilda6litin $ &6 d and lacebo treat&ent 6ro8(

    Go (tati(ticall' (i6ni)icant or clinicall' rele+ant di))erence( )or e+ent( o) identi)ied ri( ob(er+ed

    )or +ilda6litin

    MDRDB Modi)ication o) iet in enal i(ea(e@. 58a(he+ich1, A. :cheiDer!, K. :hao1, ?.H. Froo",4 L . Nothn'1

    Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 13: 947954, 2011.

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    ignicantly more T!DM patients with severe )$ achieve target HbA1c with vildagliptin compared to sitagliptin

    "1Nothn', ol)6an6, et al. OCo&ari(on o) +ilda6litin and (ita6litin in atient( ith t'e ! diabete( and (e+ere renali&air&ent a rando&i(ed clinical trial.ODiabetoloia-!$1 17.

    Both treatments ere elltolerated ith similar safet'proMles)

    No deterioration of renal

    function as obser!ed in an'group)

    Co5luio$*i tu proIie urt*er upport or t*e ue o

    D88-" i*ibitor i ptiet @it* eIere 0el :pir:et

    RCT in 148 patients over 24 weeks

    ADA i

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    ADA postion statement!=1>


    4avored,2afe till no",

    3eal lifeexperience+

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Future Promise

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Gliptins: Ee!eloped & XnderEe!elopment





    Teneligliptin #logliptin 5FE# #ppro!ed in +*$06

    #nagliptin 5#ppro!ed in apan in +*$+6

    Gemigliptin 5Being de!eloped b' JG life sciences6

    Eutogliptin 5 Being de!eloped b' PhenomiA Corp)6 Phase III Trelagliptin% nce in a eek 5#ppro!ed in apan in +*$16

    marigliptin% nce in a Deek 5Being de!eloped b' (erck)6

    Currentl' a!ailable in India

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    E;pi! role o 8

    Baggio J= Erucker E) Biolog' of Incretins: GJP%$ and GIP) Gastroenterolog' +**2>$0+:+$0$+$12

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    iit eIer 3 :ot*l

    HbA15 7.&% (t@i5e)


    il #& :! bi M ,E 1&&& :! bi

    il #& :! bi M ,E 1&&& :! bi

    # er

    M (bl) iuli

    M (bl) iuli

    At investigator discretion

    0u-i$ 3 @?

    Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

    ilda6litin E))icac' in co&bination ith &et)o0&n or earl

    treat&ent o) =!M






    8l5ebo bi M ,E

    1&&& :! biil #& :! bi M ,E 1&&& :! bi

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Stud' objecti!es: Primar'

    Y No!artis Pharma #G +*$, item code +02+,-

    To demonstrate that : the risk of initial treatment failure 5deMned as "b#$c Z

    2)*6 is loer ith the combination of !ildagliptin Wmetformin than ith metformin monotherap')

    the rate of loss in gl'caemic control o!er time5estimated annualied slope of "b#$c o!er time using arandom coe[cient model6 is loer ith !ildagliptin1*mg bid W metformin than ith metforminmonotherap'

    The stu! is positive i"at least one o" theseh!potheses is #et

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Potential implications

    Q;8IF\ is the Mrst stud' to in!estigate the long%term clinicalbeneMts of initial combination treatment !ersus the standard%of%care (;T monotherap' folloed b' addition of #E

    aressin$ ke! pathoph!siolo$i%al "eatures o" the iseaseat ia$nosis

    It ill pro!ide !aluable data on the durabilit' of gl'caemiccontrol= beta%cell function= insulin resistance= safet' andtolerabilit'

    It ill eAplore for earl' changes in the !asculature of patientsith T+E( earl' in the course of the disease

    &ressin$ pri#ar! %lini%al ob'e%tive "or treat#ent o"


    It has potential to change the a' e treat t'pe + diabetes)

    Y No!artis Pharma #G +*$, item code +02+,-

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    lipti i 2&1# beo < potetil

    be o 5urret reer5*


    pe 1 ibete

    Ee5t o europrote5tio euroe!eertio Diee o il::tio' porii rt*riti l::tor

    bo@el iee

    tt liIer iee

    CrioI5ulr iee

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Basic Succinct Statement % G#JQXS] Presentation: Tablets containing 1* mg of Qildagliptin)

    Indications: ^Gal!us is indicated as an adjunct to diet and eAercise to impro!e gl'cemic control in patients ith t'pe + diabetes mellitus 5T+E(6) It isindicated: as monotherap'= in combination ith metformin= hen diet= eAercise and metformin alone do not result in adeuate gl'cemic control= ith

    a sulfon'lurea 5SX6= hen diet= eAercise and a SX alone do not result in adeuate gl'cemic control= ith a thiaolidinedione 5THE6= hen diet=eAercise and a THE alone do not result in adeuate gl'cemic control) In triple combination ith a sulfon'lurea and metformin hen diet and eAerciseplus dual therap' ith these agents do not pro!ide adeuate gl'cemic control) Gal!us is also indicated in combination ith insulin 5ith or ithoutmetformin6 hen diet= eAercise and a stable dose of insulin do not result in adeuate gl'cemic control) ^Gal!us is also indicated as initialcombination therap' ith metformin in patients ith T+E( hose diabetes is not adeuatel' controlled b' diet and eAercise alone)

    Eosage and administration: ^#dults: The recommended dose is 1* mg or $** mg dail' for monotherap'= and for combination ith metformin= ith aTHE or ith insulin 5ith or ithout metformin6> 1* mg dail' in combination ith a SX> $** mg dail' for triple combination ith metformin and a SX)(aAimum dose is $** mgda' 5in to di!ided doses of 1* mg6)^Children 5under $. 'ears of age6: Not recommended) ^Special population: Inpatients ith moderate to se!ere renal impairment or ;nd Stage 8enal Eisease 5;S8E6= the recommended dose is 1* mg once dail')

    Contraindications: "'persensiti!it' to !ildagliptin or to an' of the eAcipients)

    Darnings and precautions: ^Gal!us should not be used in patients ith t'pe $ diabetes or for the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis) ^Not

    recommended in patients ith hepatic impairment including patients ith a pre%treatment #JT or #ST_+)1` the upper limit of normal) Ji!er functiontests 5JFT6 to be performed prior to treatment initiation= at three%month inter!als during the Mrst 'ear and periodicall' thereafter) Dithdraal oftherap' ith Gal!us recommended if an increase in #ST or #JT of 0` upper limit normal or greater persist) Folloing ithdraal of treatment ithGal!us and JFT normalisation= treatment ith Gal!us should not be reinitiated) ^Clinical eAperience in patients ith N\"# functional class III treatedith !ildagliptin is still limited and results are inconclusi!e) ^Not recommended in patients ith N\"# Class IQ)

    Domen of child%bearing potential= pregnanc': Should not be used during pregnanc' unless the potential beneMt justiMes the potential risk to thefetus)

    Breast%feeding: Should not be used)

    Special eAcipients: Contains lactose

    #d!erse reactions:

    ^8are cases of angioedema) 8are cases of hepatic d'sfunction 5including hepatitis6 ^(onotherap' % Common: diiness % Xncommon: headache=

    constipation= oedema peripheral) ^Combination ith metformin % Common: tremor= diiness= headache) ^Combination ith a sulfon'lurea %Common: tremor= headache= diiness= asthenia) Combination ith a thiaolidinedione % Common: eight increase= oedema peripheral)^Combination ith insulin % Common: headache= nausea= gastrooesophageal reuA disease= chills= decreased blood glucose Xncommon: Eiarrhoea=atulence) ^Combination ith metformin and a sulfon'lurea % Common: diiness= tremor= asthesia= h'pogl'caemia= h'perhidrosis) ^Post%marketingeAperience % 8are: hepatitis 5re!ersible ith drug discontinuation6 Xnknon: urticaria= pancreatitis=bullous and eAfoliati!e skin lesions)

    Interactions: ^Qildagliptin has a lo potential for drug interactions) ^No clinicall' rele!ant interactions ith other oral antidiabetics 5glibenclamide=pioglitaone= metformin6= amlodipine= digoAin= ramipril= sim!astatin= !alsartan or arfarin ere obser!ed after co%administration ith !ildagliptin)

    Packs: BoA of + strips of $, tablets each

    Note: Before prescribing= please consult full prescribing information a!ailable from No!artis "ealthcare Pri!ate limited= Sando "ouse= Er) #nnieBesant 8oad= Dorli= (umbai% ,** *$.= Tel: *++ +,@1 ....

    For the use onl' of a registered medical practitioner or a hospital or a laborator')

    India BSS dtd $+ #ug +*$, based on international BSS dtd 0* ul' +*$, eLecti!e from $0 ct $,)

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Basic Succinct Statement Gal!us(et]

    Presentation: Tablets containing Qildagliptin(etformin h'drochloride MAed dose combination: 1* mg1** mg= 1* mg.1* mg= 1* mg$=***mg)

    Indications: ^Gal!us (et is indicated as an adjunct to diet and eAercise to impro!e gl'cemic control in patients ith t'pe + diabetes mellitus

    5T+E(6 hose diabetes is not adeuatel' controlled on metformin h'drochloride or !ildagliptin alone or ho are alread' treated ith thecombination of !ildagliptin and metformin h'drochloride= as separate tablets) ^Gal!us (et is indicated in combination ith a sulphon'lurea5i)e)= triple combination therap'6 as an adjunct to diet and eAercise in patients inadeuatel' controlled ith metformin and a sulphon'lurea)^Gal!us (et is indicated in combination ith insulin 5i)e)= triple combination therap'6 as an adjunct to diet and eAercise to impro!e gl'cemiccontrol in patients hen stable dose of insulin and metformin alone do not pro!ide adeuate gl'cemic control) ^ Gal!us (et is also indicatedfor the treatment of T'pe + Eiabetes mellitus ha!ing "b#$c _ . here diabetes is not adeuatel' controlled b' diet and eAercise alone)

    Eosage and administration: ^Eo not eAceed the maAimum recommended dail' dose of !ildagliptin 5$** mg6) ^Should be gi!en ith meals)^#dults: Starting dose for patients inadeuatel' controlled on !ildagliptin or metformin h'drochloride monotherap': 1* mg1**mg tice dail'and graduall' titrated after assessing adeuac' of therapeutic response) ^Starting dose for patients sitching from combination therap' of!ildagliptin plus metformin h'drochloride as separate tablets: 1* mg1** mg= 1* mg.1* mg or 1* mg$=*** mg based on the dose of!ildagliptin or metformin alread' being taken) ^Starting dose for treatment na!e patients: ma' be initiated at 1* mg1** mg d and

    graduall' titrated to a maAimum dose of 1* mg$=*** mg bid after assessing adeuac' of therapeutic response) ^Xse in combination ith asulfon'lurea or ith insulin: the dose of Gal!us (et should pro!ide !ildagliptin dosed as 1* mg tice dail' 5$** mg total dail' dose6 and adose of metformin similar to the dose alread' being taken) 8enal impairment: Eosage adjustment ma' be reuired in patients ithcreatinine clearance beteen -* and @* mlmin) ^Geriatric patients: Eosage should be adjusted based on renal function ^Children 5under $.'ears of age6: Not recommended)


  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    Domen of child%bearing potential= pregnanc': Should not be used in pregnanc' unless the potential beneMt justiMes the potentialrisk to the foetus)

    Breast%feeding: Should not be used during breast%feeding)

    #d!erse reactions:

    ^Qildagliptin: 8are cases of angioedema) 8are cases of hepatic d'sfunction 5including hepatitis6) ^Qildagliptin monotherap' %Common: diiness Xncommon: headache= constipation= oedema peripheral) ^(etformin monotherap' Qer' common: loss ofappetite= atulence= nausea= !omiting= diarrhoea= abdominal pain) Common: d'sgeusia) Qer' rare: lactic acidosis= hepatitis= skinreactions such as er'thema= pruritus and urticarial= decrease of !itamin B$+ absorption= li!er function test abnormalities) ^thereLects ith combination of Qildagliptin and (etformin % Common: tremor= diiness= headache) ^ther eLects ith combinationof Qildagliptin and (etformin ith insulin Common: headache= nausea= gastrooesophageal reuA disease= chills= blood glucosedecreased Xncommon: diarrhoea= atulence) ^ther eLects ith combination of Qildagliptin and (etformin ith a sulfon'lurea Common: diiness= tremor= asthenia= h'pogl'cemia= h'perhidrosis) Post%marketing eAperience: % 8are: hepatitis 5re!ersibleith drug discontinuation6 % Xnknon: urticaria= pancreatitis=bullous and eAfoliati!e skin lesions)

    Interactions: ^Interactions ith Qildagliptin: lo potential for drug interactions= no clinicall' rele!ant interactions ith other oralantidiabetics 5glibenclamide= pioglitaone= metformin6= amlodipine= digoAin= ramipril= sim!astatin= !alsartan or arfarin ereobser!ed after co%administration ith !ildagliptin) ^Interactions ith metformin h'drochloride: furosemide= nifedipine= cationicdrugs= drugs tending to produce h'pergl'cemia= alcohol)

    Packs: BoA containing - strips of $* tablets each

    Note: Before prescribing= consult full prescribing information a!ailable from No!artis "ealthcare Pri!ate Jimited= Sando "ouse=Er) #nnie Besant 8oad= Dorli= (umbai% ,** *$.= Tel: *++ +,@1 ....

    For the use onl' of a registered medical practitioner or a hospital or a laborator')

    India BSS dtd $+ #ug +*$, based on international BSS dtd 0* ul' +*$,= eLecti!e from $0 ct $,

    i5 Su55i5t Stte:et < lIu,et

  • 7/23/2019 Gliptins- Evaluation


    EisclaimerThe !ies= opinions= ideas etc eApressed therein are solel' those of the author)

    No!artis does not certif' the accurac'= completeness= currenc' of an' information andshall not be responsible or in an'a' liable for an' errors= omissions or inaccuracies insuch information) No!artis is not liable to 'ou in an' manner hatsoe!er for an'decision made or action or non%action taken b' 'ou in reliance upon the informationpro!ided) No!artis does not recommend the use of its products in unappro!edindications and recommends to refer to complete prescribing information prior to usingan' of the No!artis products)

    Issued in scientiMc ser!ice to medical professionals

    (or "ull prou%t in"or#ation please write to )

    No!artis "ealthcare Pri!ate Jimited=

    Sando "ouse= 2th oor=

    Shi!sagar ;state= Er) #nnie Besant 8oad=

    Dorli= (umbai= ,** *$.= INEI#