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Presentation Plus! The American Republic To 1877

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Chapter Introduction

Section 1 No Taxation Without


Section 2 Uniting the Colonists

Section 3 A Call to Arms

Section 4 Declaring Independence

Chapter Summary

Chapter Assessment

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Chapter Objectives

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• Describe why the British had problems in North America after the French and Indian War.

• Explain how the colonists responded to unpopular British laws.

Section 1: Taxation WithoutRepresentation

Chapter Objectives

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• Identify the causes of the Boston Massacre.

• Explain how Britain tried to maintain its control over the colonies.

Section 2: Building Colonial Unity

Chapter Objectives

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• Identify the events that took place at the Continental Congress.

• Describe the early skirmishes of the American Revolution.

Section 3: A Call to Arms

Chapter Objectives

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• Understand what happened at the Second Continental Congress.

• Explore why the Declaration of Independence was drafted.

Section 4: Moving Toward Independence

Why It Matters

A spirit of independence became evident early in the history of the American people. Far from the established rules and restrictions they had faced in their home countries, the new settlers began to make their own laws and develop their own way of doing things.

The Impact Today

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The ideals of revolutionary America still play a major role in shaping the society we live in. For example:

• Americans still exercise their right to protest laws they view as unfair.

• Citizens have the right to present their views freely.

Guide to Reading

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The British government’s actions after winning the French and Indian War angered American colonists.

• revenue

Main Idea

Key Terms

• writs of assistance

• resolution

• effigy

• boycott

• repeal

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No Taxation Without Representation

1. A feeling of distrust between the colonists and Britain grew due to:

(pages 132–134)

A. British soldiers stationed in the colonies and on the frontier

B. the Proclamation of 1763

C. the passing of trade laws and the Sugar Act

-----colonists feared that the British soldiers would interfere with their liberties and the Proclamation limited their freedom.

No Taxation Without Representation

2. Smuggling lead to the Writs of Assistance.

3. Sugar Act of 1764 was devised to stop molasses smuggling.

A. The act actually lowered the tax on

imported molasses

B. Lower taxes would increase revenues for


C. Basic right to trial by jury was

eliminated by the new court system

(smugglers convicted by judges, not juries) (pages 132–134)

New Taxes on the Colonies

1. STAMP ACT Was a tax on all printed materials (newspapers, playing cards, etc.)---It was a direct tax passed without the colonists consent= anger and opposition.

2. Colonists protested the act:

A. resolutions passed---Patrick Henry

B. Sons of Liberty---effigies, raiding and demonstrations.

C. Boycotts= non-importation agreement.

(page 134)

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3. The Stamp Act Congress petitioned the King and Parliament saying that their own assemblies could tax the colonies= Parliament repeals the Stamp Act in March of 1766.

4. Declaratory Act replaced the Stamp Act =

Parliament could tax whenever and wherever

they wanted to.

New Taxes on Colonies (cont.)

(page 134)

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New Taxes on Colonies ( con’t)

6. The Townshend Acts (1767)----Tax on glass, lead, paint, paper and tea= all imported items.

7. More boycotts= Daughters of

Liberty urged colonial Americans

to wear homespun fabrics.

(page 135)

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Checking for Understanding

__ 1. to refuse to buy items from a particular country

__ 2. legal document that enabled officers to search homes and warehouses for goods that might be smuggled

__ 3. a formal expression of opinion

__ 4. incoming money

__ 5. rag figure representing an unpopular individual

A. revenue

B. writs of assistance

C. resolution

D. effigy

E. boycott

Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left.






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Guide to Reading

As tensions between colonists and the British government increased, protests grew stronger.

• Rebellion

• propaganda

Main Idea

Key Terms

• Committee of Correspondence

Trouble in Massachusetts

1. Riots between British soldiers and Bostonians broke out.=Rebellion

2. Boston Massacre-5 dead-Crispus


3. More boycotts

4. Townshend Acts were repealed-----except for the Tea Act.

5. Samuel Adams reinstitutes the “Committees of Correspondence”.


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A Crisis in Boston

1. The Tea Act of 1773 was passed to save the

British East India Company from folding.

2. It lowered the tea tax, but produced a


3. Bostonians tried to force British cargo ships out of Boston.

4. Boston Tea Party---colonists disguised as

Mohawks dumped 342 chests of tea into

Boston harbor.

(pages 138–139)

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5. The Coercive Acts were implemented by

Parliament to punish Boston and teach the

American colonists a lesson:

A. Boston harbor was closed

B. Town meetings were banned

C. British troops were housed (quartered)

in private homes.

D. These acts were called the Intolerable

Acts by the American colonists.

( Violated their rights )

A Crisis in Boston (cont.)

(pages 138–139)

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Checking for Understanding

__ 1. ideas or information designed and spread to influence opinion

__ 2. an organization that spread political ideas through the colonies

A. propaganda

B. committee of correspondence

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Guide to Reading

Colonial leaders met at Philadelphia in 1774 to discuss a united response to British policies. Seven months later American and British troops met in battle for the first time.

• Minutemen

Main Idea

Key Terms

• Loyalist

• Patriot

A Meeting in Philadelphia

1. The Continental Congress was formed in 1774 to fight for American colonial interests.

2. They drafted a statement of grievances and boycotted all British goods and trade.

3. Colonial militia’s were developed just in case. ( Minutemen )

(pages 141–142)

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Fighting Begins

1. British troops in Boston were ordered to confiscate all colonial weapons and arrest

militia leaders.

2. Paul Revere and Dr. William Dawes made their famous midnight ride to Lexington and

Concord to warn Sam Adams and John Hancock, that the British were coming.

3. The Battle of Lexington became the “Shot

Heard Around the World”.

4. British troops were ambushed on their way back to Boston. (200 wounded/73 dead) (pages 142–144)

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Fighting Begins

1. Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys captured Fort Ticonderoga. (cannons/ammo)

2. 20,000 colonials volunteered for the militias.

3. Battle of Bunker Hill (Breeds)= a British victory, but also a moral success for the

Americans as the colonist proved to be a

formidable opponent for the British.

4. American colonists must chose a side:

A. Patriots= fighting for their independence

B. Loyalists/Tories= loyal to King George III(pages 144–145)

__ 1. companies of civilian soldiers who boasted that they were ready to fight on a minute’s notice

__ 2. American colonists who were determined to fight the British until American independence was won

__ 3. a group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies

__ 4. American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence

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Checking for Understanding

A. militia

B. minutemen

C. Loyalists

D. Patriots

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Guide to Reading

The Second Continental Congress voted to approve the Declaration of Independence.

• petition

Main Idea

Key Terms

• preamble

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The 2nd Continental Congress

1. The 2nd Continental Congress met in May of 1775. New delegates included Ben Franklin,

John Hancock and Thomas Jefferson.

2. Congress would govern the colonies:

A. Authorized the government to run the colonies

B. Set up a money and postal system

C. Established the Continental Army with G.W. as

its commander.

D. It sent a peace proposal to King George III called

the “Olive Branch Petition”, which he ignored

and prepared for war. (pages 147–150)

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2nd Continental Congress

3. Washington’s army defeated the British at Boston on March 17th,1776.

4. The American army captured the

Canadian city of Montreal, but not


5. Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”

became a very popular reading.

(pages 147–150)

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Declaring Independence

1. Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Adams and Roger Sherman were enlisted into the drafting and the making of the Declaration of Independence. ( Main author was T.J.)

2. 12 colonies voted for separation on July 2nd, 1776. Two days later on July 4th is when they actually signed the declaration.

3. The Declaration Of Independence has 4 parts to it: (pages 150–151)

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Declaring Independence (cont.)

- the preamble, or introduction

- a list of the rights of the colonists

- a list of the grievances against Britain

- a proclamation claiming the emergence of a new nation

(pages 150–151)

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Checking for Understanding

__ 1. the introduction to a formal document, especially the Constitution

__ 2. a formal request

A. petition

B. preamble

Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left.



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Checking for Understanding

__ 1. companies of civilian soldiers who boasted that they were ready to fight on a minute’s notice

__ 2. to cancel an act or law

__ 3. incoming money

__ 4. American colonists who were determined to fight the British until American independence was won

__ 5. to refuse to buy items from a particular country

A. revenue

B. boycott

C. repeal

D. propaganda

E. militia

F. minutemen

G. Patriots

H. preamble

Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left.






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Checking for UnderstandingDefine Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left.

__ 6. a group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies

__ 7. ideas or information designed and spread to influence opinion

__ 8. the introduction to a formal document, especially the Constitution



A. revenue

B. boycott

C. repeal

D. propaganda

E. militia

F. minutemen

G. Patriots

H. preamble


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Reviewing Key Facts

What did the British do to keep colonists from moving westward?

The British issued the Proclamation of 1763 to keep the colonists from moving westward.

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Reviewing Key Facts

What was the purpose of the First Continental Congress?

Its purpose was to unite all the American colonies in protest of British taxes.

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Reviewing Key Facts

How did the events of 1776 move the colonists closer to self-government?

The Declaration of Independence was approved and the struggle for American independence had begun.

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Reviewing Key Facts

According to the Declaration of Independence, if a government does not protect the basic rights of the people it governs, what do people have the right to do?

The people have the right to alter or abolish the government and create a new government.

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Reviewing Key Facts

Identify the four sections of the Declaration of Independence.

The four sections are: the preamble, the list of rights American citizens felt they should have, the list of grievances against the king, and the announcement that the United States would be formed as a new and self-governing nation.

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Critical Thinking

Drawing Conclusions Why did the colonists think that the Stamp Act ignored the colonial tradition of self-government?

British Parliament taxed the colonies directly without their consent.

Critical Thinking

Analyzing Information According to the Declaration of Independence, what are the three basic freedoms to which every person is entitled?

The three basic freedoms are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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Geography and History Activity

Colonists could not reach the Great Lakes, the Ohio River, and the Mississippi River.

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What bodies of water did the Proclamation of 1763 prevent colonists from reaching?

Geography and History Activity

Spain claimed this land.

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What nation claimed the land west of the Mississippi River?

Geography and History Activity

It became part of the Province of Quebec.

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The land west of the Appalachian Mountains became part of what province?

Geography and History Activity

The Appalachian Mountains were an approximate boundary.

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What natural feature was cited in the Proclamation of 1763 as an approximate boundary?

Directions: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to the question that follows.

An English philosopher named John Locke wrote about his belief that people had natural rights. These included the right to life, liberty, and property. In Two Treatises of Government,Locke wrote that people created government to protect natural rights. If a government failed in its basic duty of protecting natural rights, people had the right to overthrow the government.

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Standardized Test Practice

Test-Taking Tip Look for clues in the passage to support your answer. For example, the passage refers to life, liberty, and property. It also states that people had the right to overthrow the government. Which answer does this information best support?

Locke’s ideas contributed to the

A Proclamation of 1763.

B Intolerable Acts.

C Declaration of Independence.

D Articles of Confederation.

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Standardized Test Practice

Why did Britain fight to keep the American colonies?

Possible answer: Britain had an economic interest in keeping the colonies.

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Explore online information about the topics introduced in this chapter.

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Language Arts As Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence, he was greatly influenced by other literary works. Six months earlier Thomas Paine, in Common Sense, had outlined the steps needed to declare independence. Jefferson also drew many ideas from John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government.

The route of the Boston Marathon generally follows the route taken by the British in their retreat from Concord.

David Lamson David Lamson, an African American who had fought in the French and Indian War, commanded the forces defending Concord. After the warning at Boston, all the young men of Concord had been pressed into service as minutemen, so the defense of the town fell to older citizens.

British Soldiers Redcoats was the name the Patriots used to describe British soldiers. The patriots also called the British bloodybacks and lobsters to ridicule their bright red uniforms.

Militia From the Latin miles, which means “soldier,” comes militia. During the Revolutionary War, the term referred to all able-bodied men between the ages of 16 and 60 (who were potential soldiers).

Distinguishing Fact From Opinion

Why Learn This Skill?

Suppose a friend says, “Our school’s basketball team is awesome. That’s a fact.” Actually, it is not a fact; it is an opinion. Knowing how to tell the difference between a fact and an opinion can help you analyze the accuracy of political claims, advertisements, and many other kinds of statements.

This feature can be found on page 146 of your textbook.Click the Speaker button to replay the audio.

This feature can be found on page 146 of your textbook. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information.

Learning the Skill

A fact answers a specific question such as: What happened? Who did it? When and where did it happen? Why did it happen? Statements of fact can be checked for accuracy and proven.

An opinion, on the other hand, expresses beliefs, feelings, and judgments. Although it may reflect someone’s thoughts, we cannot prove or disprove it.

Distinguishing Fact From Opinion

Learning the Skill

• Does this statement give specific information about an event?

This feature can be found on page 146 of your textbook. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information.

An opinion often begins with phrases such as I believe, I think, probably, it seems to me, or in my opinion. It often contains words such as might, could, should, and ought and superlatives such as best, worst, and greatest. Judgment words that express approval or disapproval–such as good, bad, poor, and satisfactory–also usually indicate an opinion.

Distinguishing Fact From Opinion

To distinguish between facts and opinions, ask yourself these questions:

Learning the Skill

• Can I check the accuracy of this statement?

This feature can be found on page 146 of your textbook. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information.

Distinguishing Fact From Opinion

• Does this statement express someone’s feelings, beliefs, or judgment?

• Does it include phrases such as I believe, superlatives, or judgment words?

Practicing the Skill

Read each numbered statement on the following slides. Tell whether each is a fact or an opinion, and explain how you arrived at your answer.

This feature can be found on page 146 of your textbook.

Distinguishing Fact From Opinion

Practicing the Skill

This feature can be found on page 146 of your textbook. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers.

1. Paul Revere rode to Lexington with the news that the British redcoats were coming.

Fact; this is a statement of fact about an event that can be verified.

2. The redcoats were the most feared soldiers in the world at that time.

Opinion; this is a belief or judgment that includes superlatives and cannot be verified.

Distinguishing Fact From Opinion

Practicing the Skill

This feature can be found on page 146 of your textbook. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers.

3. The Daughters of Liberty opposed the Tea Act of 1773.

Fact; this is a statement of fact about the political position of a group that can be verified.

4. The Boston Tea Party raiders should have sunk the tea ships.

Opinion; the expression should have indicates someone’s feeling.

Distinguishing Fact From Opinion

Practicing the Skill

This feature can be found on page 146 of your textbook. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

5. George III was a foolish king.

Opinion; the idea that George III was foolish reflects a personal belief.

Distinguishing Fact From Opinion

Loyalists and Tories

After viewing “Loyalists and Tories,” you should:

• Understand that many Americans stayed loyal to England.

• Know that much of the spirit of rebellion started in the city of Boston.

• Recognize that Ben Franklin wasnever able to persuade his own son to join the Patriots.


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Discussion Question

What event in Boston scared William Franklin?

Loyalists and Tories

The event that scared William Franklin was the Boston Tea Party.

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Discussion Question

Why was New Jersey in a particularly strategic position?

Loyalists and Tories

New Jersey occupied a strategic position because it lies between Philadelphia and New York.

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No; the Boston Tea Party occurred three years after the repeal of the Townshend Acts.

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