giró benet, judit - cv

This is my motivation Judit Giró Benet, 19, Biomedical engineering, University of Barcelona" is my formal presentation. My other description, the more personal and interesting one, the one that I want to be described and am proud of is presented below. They say that what defines people are the experiences that they live and all they learn out of them. I certainly agree with that and if I can choose how I want to be defined, I want to be a person who gets moved by great projects, someone that knows how to transmit that motivation into people around her and one who believes that, with the right partners and willingness, any project can become real. That's why I am writing this letter because I would love to work and learn with you. I have the determination, the motivation and, with your help, the ability. I just need your confidence. Thank you very much for your time, Judit Giró Benet . . . . JUDIT GIRÓ BENET . Biomedical Engineering Student University of Barcelona . [email protected] . 601 06 06 26 . Birth date: 5 th novembre 1996 . Av. Catalunya, 7 43144 Vallmoll, Tarragona, Catalonia

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This is my motivation

Judit Giró Benet, 19, Biomedical engineering, University of

Barcelona" is my formal presentation. My other description, the

more personal and interesting one, the one that I want to be

described and am proud of is presented below.

They say that what defines people are the experiences that they

live and all they learn out of them. I certainly agree with that and

if I can choose how I want to be defined, I want to be a person

who gets moved by great projects, someone that knows

how to transmit that motivation into people around her and one

who believes that, with the right partners and willingness, any

project can become real. That's why I am writing this letter –

because I would love to work and learn with you. I have the

determination, the motivation and, with your help, the ability. I

just need your confidence.

Thank you very much for your time,

Judit Giró Benet







Engineering Student University of Barcelona


[email protected] .

601 06 06 26 .

Birth date:

5th novembre 1996 .

Av. Catalunya, 7

43144 Vallmoll,

Tarragona, Catalonia


Biomedical engineering. Clinic Hospital and Faculty of Physics at University of

Barcelona. 120 ECTS credits with an average mark of 7.5 out of 10. Honour

distinction in the subject on Various variable calculus

2014 – currently

Scientific “batxillerat” (High School) at Vedruna Sagrat Cor School, Tarragona

with an average mark of 9.1 out of 10 2012 – 2014

Mandatory Secondary Education (ESO) at Claret School, Valls 2008 – 2012


Local Officer On Human Rights and Peace (LORP) in AECS (Health Sciences

Students Association of Catalonia), coordinating related projects in the Faculty

of Medicine, University of Barcelona.

2015 – currently

Active member in CEEIBIS (Biomedical engineering and health engineering

student’s council) 2015 – currently

Biomedical engineering class delegate 2014 – 2016


Autodidact experience with Arduino Starter Kit July 2016

Certificate on “Bionic technology in Medicine. Prosthesis orthosis and bionic

organs.”, by CEU San Pablo University, Madrid. Development of a functional

prosthetic arm using 3D printing technology and Arduino programming

June 2016

Certificate on “3D printing and imaging techniques”, organized by Pompeu

Fabra University, Barcelona. Practical project consisting on 3D-printing a

prosthetic vertebra out of processing a NMR of a real human vertebra

April 2015

Certificate on “Expert on emotional intelligence”, by Learn Nimbus academy

and Real Results Coaching July 2015

Position among the four finalists in the Batxillerat Final Project Contest of

Tarragona, organized by La Caixa - La Pedrera foundation June 2013

Uploading of the app “Una App per ELLS” onto Google Play Store as a result of

the Batxillerat Final Project, app aimed at treatment of infantile Autism,

developed under counselling of many experts in the field

April 2014

Position 131 out of 2.670 participants (5%) at Cangur Contest, testing logical-

mathematical student skills, organized by Catalan Society of Mathematics March 2014

Certificate on “App programming with android”, using the MIT tool

AppInventor by “OnLine” academy, Valls June - July 2013


Attendance at Train Your Summer 2016, event consisting on a TNT event (Training New Trainers) to acquire the necessary skills for becoming a trainer

September 2016

Attendance at EuRegMe 2016 (European Regional Meeting), organized by

IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students Association) in

Thessaloniki, Greece as a member of the Catalonian Health Sciences Students


April 2016

Attendance at AECS (Health Sciences Students Association) General Assembly in

three occasions 2015 – 2016

Zumba Fitness course at Dir Tusset gym, Barcelona 2014 – 2016

English exchange at Polzeath, Great Britain July 2013

Attendance at the Regional Rollerblading Championship (team choreography

mode) at Reus, Catalonia March 2012

Attendance at the National Rollerblading Championship (team choreography

mode) at Valencia, Spain May 2012

1st position at the Regional Rollerblading Championship (individual jumps

mode) at Mont-Roig, Catalonia September 2011

German exchange at Leverkusen, Germany July 2011

Level “parallel” of skiing by Vallnord Skiing School, Andorra March 2011

Sea baptism in Deep diving de Mar by Rei del Mar School at l’Escala, Catalonia July 2011

Orange level at windsurfing by the Catalan Sailing School obtained at Llarga

Beach Club, Tarragona, Catalonia

July 2010


Catalan and Spanish, mother tongue

English, Certificate in Advanced English by Cambridge University (level C1)

German, level B1 by the School of Modern Languages of University of Barcelona

French, oral speech level (4 years of study)


High skills in programming with Python, Anaconda

Medium skills in programming with R

Basic skills in programming with Arduino

High ability with LTspice program to simulate electronic circuits with different passive elements

High ability with NIA2PC (Neurons in Action 2) to simulate electricity conduction through the axon

of the neurone

Medium ability with SciRun programme to model the electric field generated by the heart during

the heartbeat in different locations of the torso


DNI o passaport 39939558Curs 2015-2016

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JUDIT GIRÓ BENET, amb DNI o passaport 39939558, va accedir a aquest ensenyament amb les dadessegüents:

Tipus: preinscripció OOAUVia: PAUQualificació d'accés: 8,64Superat/da: Juny de 2014Universitat: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

i que ha cursat les assignatures que es relacionen seguint l'itinerari: Enginyeria Biomèdica

Assignatures Tipus Crèdits Curs Qualificació

211473 Matèria:Física | Branca:ENGINYERIA I ARQUITECTURA363731 Fonaments de Mecànica, Ones, Fluids i Termodinàmica FB 6,0 2014-15 7,5 (NT)363732 Fonaments d'Electromagnetisme, Òptica i Física Atòmica FB 6,0 2014-15 6,3 (AP)

211474 Matèria:Matemàtiques | Branca:ENGINYERIA I ARQUITECTURA363733 Àlgebra Lineal i Geometria FB 6,0 2014-15 10,0 (EX)363734 Càlcul d'una Variable FB 6,0 2014-15 7,4 (NT)363814 Càlcul de Diverses Variables FB 6,0 2014-15 9,7 (MH)

211475 Matèria:Informàtica | Branca:ENGINYERIA I ARQUITECTURA363735 Informàtica FB 6,0 2015-16 PQ

211477 Matèria:Empresa | Branca:ENGINYERIA I ARQUITECTURA363737 Economia i Empresa FB 6,0 2015-16 PQ

211478 Matèria:Estadística | Branca:CIÈNCIES DE LA SALUT363738 Bioestadística FB 6,0 2015-16 PQ

211479 Matèria:Bioquímica | Branca:CIÈNCIES DE LA SALUT363739 Química FB 6,0 2014-15 5,4 (AP)363740 Bioquímica FB 6,0 2014-15 5,3 (AP)

211480 Matèria:Biologia | Branca:CIÈNCIES DE LA SALUT363741 Biologia Cel·lular FB 6,0 2014-15 5,3 (AP)

211481 Matèria:Fisiologia | Branca:CIÈNCIES DE LA SALUT363742 Estructura i Funció dels Sistemes Nerviós, Endocrí, Digestiu i

ImmunitariFB 6,0 2015-16 PQ


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: HB







Document electrònic garantit amb signatura electrònica. Podeu verificar-ne la integritat mitjançant el codi lateral a la pàgina Còpia autèntica amb validesa de tres anys.


DNI o passaport 39939558Curs 2015-2016

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Assignatures Tipus Crèdits Curs Qualificació363743 Estructura i Funció dels Sistemes Cardiocirculatori, Respiratori,

Renal i LocomotorFB 6,0 2015-16 PQ

211482 Matèria:Mètodes Matemàtics per a l'Enginyeria363744 Equacions Diferencials i Càlcul Vectorial OB 6,0 2014-15 9,2 (EX)

211483 Matèria:Bioenginyeria Molecular, Cel·lular i de Sistemes363745 Biofísica OB 6,0 2014-15 9,0 (EX)363746 Bioenginyeria Molecular i Cel·lular OB 6,0 2015-16 PQ363829 Patologia Molecular i Terapèutica OB 4,5 2015-16 PQ363830 Biotecnologia i Bioinformàtica OB 4,5 2015-16 PQ

211485 Matèria:Instrumentació, Senyals i Imatges Biomèdiques363754 Bioelectricitat i Bioelectromagnetisme OB 6,0 2015-16 PQ363827 Electrònica Aplicada OB 9,0 2015-16 PQ

#: assignatura cursada en una altra universitatFB: Formació Bàsica | OB: Obligatòria | OT: Optativa | PR: Pràctiques | TR: Treball fi de grau | ZZ: Sense tipologiaPQ: Pendent de qualificació | RC: Reconeguda | CN: Convalidada | NP: No presentat

El sistema de qualificacions es regula en el Reial decret 1125/2003, de 5 de setembre, i s’expressa d’acord amb la següent escalanumèrica de 0 a 10:

0,0 – 4,9: (SS) suspens5,0 – 6,9: (AP) aprovat7,0 – 8,9: (NT) notable9,0 – 10: (EX) excel.lent / (MH) matrícula d’honor

Total crèdits superats: 60,0Nota mitjana ponderada: 7,5

El Grau d'Enginyeria Biomèdica de la Facultat de Medicina de la Universitat de Barcelona (Branca principald'Enginyeria i arquitectura i Branca secundària de Ciències de la salut) té una càrrega lectiva de 240,0 crèdits:

Crèdits de formació bàsica: 78,0 crèditsCrèdits obligatoris: 132,0 crèditsCrèdits optatius: 18,0 crèditsCrèdits de treball fi de grau: 12,0 crèdits

Aquest document només és vàlid a efectes de: Participar en programes d'intercanvi i mobilitat

Barcelona, 27 d'octubre de 2015


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: HB







Document electrònic garantit amb signatura electrònica. Podeu verificar-ne la integritat mitjançant el codi lateral a la pàgina Còpia autèntica amb validesa de tres anys.


Amsterdam, the Netherlands 6th September 2016

Certificate of Participation

This is to certify that Judit Giró Benet, representative of AECS has attended the IFMSA 2016

European Regional Meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece between 22nd and 26th April 2016.

The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a non-political and non-profit organization recognized as one of the oldest and largest student-run organizations in the world. IFMSA was established in 1951 after the end of World War II to serve as a platform for unity, collaboration and peace among medical students. IFMSA has a broad representation of 127 member organizations (NMO) from 119 countries across the continents and working in close relation with several non-governmental organizations from all over the world.

IFMSA has a special consultative status within United Nations, and has been recognized as worldwide medical student representatives by the World Health Organization and the World Medical Association on several occasions. The IFMSA’s activities range from raising awareness on public health, human rights and reproductive health issues to involving students actively in medical curricula reforms and medical education. For more information please visit:

Judit Giró Benet has attended the Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace Sessions (SCORP).

We want to thank the delegate for their commitment towards IFMSA and medical students worldwide. Yours Sincerely,

Petar Kr. Velikov IFMSA Vice-President for Activities, also serving as Secretary General International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations [email protected] +359896000721

Verification code: 1516EURM0040 If you would like to verify the truthfulness of this certificate, please input the above mentioned code at

Pablo Gallego LopezDirector de Real Results Coaching

Alberto de Blas CarravillaCEO & Founder de Learn Nimbus


Learn Nimbus y Real Results Coaching certifican que

Judit Giró Benetcon DNI: 39939558N; ha superado con éxito el Curso de Experto en Inteligencia Emocional de 120 horas, con una nota final de “100” capacitándole como apto; finalizando dicho curso con fecha 09 de Noviembre de 2015