gift of remembrance gifts that will last forever

Gift of Remembrance Gifts That Will Last Forever A community is made up of people and institutions. Community institutions are tangible symbols of the practical values we hold dearest in life. Their maintenance is made possible by the thoughtfulness and generosity of good hearted men and women. God bless them and their dear ones. Temple Beth-EI offers its members the opportunity to invest in the future of our Jewish community, its people and its institutions. By giving a gift to the Congregation, you will experience deep personal satisfaction from knowledge that your benefaction will aid generations of young and old who will be coming to our Synagogue in the future for instruction, guidance, uplift and companionship. Your gift may be in the form of a Remembrance Gift honoring the memory of your loved one. Thus you will give true immortality to your relative or friend as we perpetuate and enshrine that beloved's name in our Synagogue. Your gift will also continue the good deeds performed by your nearest and dearest and terminated by their passing.

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Gift of Remembrance

Gifts That Will Last Forever

A community is made up of people and institutions. Community institutions are tangible symbols of the practical

values we hold dearest in life. Their maintenance is made

possible by the thoughtfulness and generosity of good

hearted men and women. God bless them and their dear


Temple Beth-EI offers its members the opportunity to invest

in the future of our Jewish community, its people and its

institutions. By giving a gift to the Congregation, you will

experience deep personal satisfaction from knowledge that

your benefaction will aid generations of young and old who

will be coming to our Synagogue in the future for instruction,

guidance, uplift and companionship.

Your gift may be in the form of a Remembrance Gift

honoring the memory of your loved one. Thus you will give

true immortality to your relative or friend as we perpetuate

and enshrine that beloved's name in our Synagogue. Your

gift will also continue the good deeds performed by your

nearest and dearest and terminated by their passing.


Remembered By In Memoriam

May the Souls of the Departed Be Bound Up in the Bond Of

Eternal Life

In this Book of Remembrance are the names of our loved

ones whom we remember this day with heartfelt affection

and unforgettable devotion. They have achieved immortality

in the lengthened shadows of our House of God. Through

the spiritual strength and creative Jewish influences of

Temple Beth-El, we are assured of the undying qualities of

the people of Israel and our imperishable heritage - the faith

of Israel.

2021-2022 5782

Temple Beth-El Richmond, VA

Rabbi Michael Knopf

Cantor Dara Rosenblatt

David Ruby, Ritual Committee Chairman

Michael Doniger, President


Remembered By In Memoriam


Remembered By In Memoriam


Zasler, Dr. Nathan & Lisa…………………......Vivian Murad, Moshe & Joyce Zasler, Jonathan Elan Zasler, Jacob Aaron, Rivka Rachel, Nathan & Israel Zasler, Abraham, Sylvia, Nathan & Harry Friedman, Molly Feigin, Abraham & Marcelle Mawy, Jacob & Violet Murad Zeidman, Roy & Barbara……………..............Solomon Zeidman, Charlotte Zeidman, Dr. Theodore & Sylvia Katz, Edith S. Katz, William N. Katz, Harriett K. Katz, Albert Stein, Max Stein, Mollie G. Stein, Louis Steinberg, Yetta S. Steinberg, Beatrice H. Stein, Bernice Lipson Katz Zimm, Halina...................................................Alan Zimm, Helen Zimm, Menachem Ziemniak, Shaina Ziemniak, Solomon Drexler, Regina Drexler, Hillel Ziemniak, Solomon Ziemniak (Zimm), Ryvka Ziemniak, Lube Ziemniak, Abraham Ziemniak, Joseph Ziemniak, Rafael Ziemniak, Fela Ziemniak, Esther, Fayga & Jacob Ziemniak, Brenda Zimm Oscar, Melvin R. Zimm, Nana Drexler Zinder, Lynn & Marty……………….................Victor Zinder, Irving Litton, Betty Zinder, Jules Zalesky, Morris Zinder, Louis Opengart, Al Opengart, Gene Manes, Arlene Johns, Rose Zalesky, Clara Opengart, Esther Schaffer, Abe Schaffer, Pauline Schaffer, Irving Litton, Betty Spector Litton, George Abelson, Dora Danes, Ronnie Charme, Fran Opengart Zinder, Mrs. Sonia………...............................Victor Zinder, Mildred Zalesky, Jules Zalesky, Rose Zalesky, Morris Zinder, Kate Skale, Reggi Zalles, Selman Gerson, Bette Zinder, Louis Kanefsky, Mindel Kanefsky, Eugene Manes, Arlene John, Jack & Esther Kanefsky, Harry Zalles, Max Zalles, Steven Skale, Al Opengart

Yizkor Elohim Loved ones who have passed away

since last Yom Kippur

Sara Alderman

Jason Peter Bally

David Ross Becker

Frances Berger

Estelle Blostein

Jay Richard Brown

Eva Brummer

Mary Cantor

Elinor Cohen

Denise Cook

Selma “Beme” Fayman

Susan April Flax

Isaac Fogel

Renee Fromer

Jeanie Friedenberg

Rob Harris

Dr. Jack Samuel Hirsch

Harriet Meyer Horowitz

Harriet Broatman Horwitz

Donald Imburg

Mary Elizabeth Fulton Jones

Malcolm Kallman

Doris Katz

Julie Katz

Heath Blake King, Sr.

Celeste Gordon Kocen

Adelaide Komar

Samuel Lapkin

Skyler Legano

Gerald Levine

Mark Levine

Dr. Ronald Light

Joan Gibian Looney

Arnold Lowenstein

Barbara Price McDonald

Ernest Mendel

Cyrena “Dolly” Moline

Rita Mollen

Natalie Mozer

Maxine Maritzer Paul

Anne Neugass Pirron

Reuben Herbert Reiman

Sylvia Rosenbaum

Irma Rosenbloom

Mark Rosenbloom

Ethel Rothenberg

Perry A. Russ

Paul Sage

Marilyn Samuel

Stanley Shapiro

Michael Steven Shear

Alan Soloway

David Sporn

David Lee Stucker

Barbara Washington

Rosalie Wasserman

Flo Weinberg

Margaret Weinberg

Scot Weisberger

Armand Weiss

Bernard (Bernie) Weiss

Floyd Witten

There is a time for everything; there is a time for all things under the sun;

a time to be born and a time to die

a time to laugh and a time to cry

a time to dance and a time to mourn

a time to seek and a time to lose a time to forget and a time to remember.

This day, a sacred convocation, we remember those who gave us life.

This day we remember those who enriched our life with love and with beauty, with kindness and compassion, with thoughtfulness and understanding. This day we renew the bonds that bind us to those who have gone the way of all the earth.

As we reflect upon those whose memory moves us this day, we seek consolation, and the strength and the insight born of faith.

Tender as a father with his children, caring as a mother with her young ones, the Infinite is merciful with God’s people.

God knows how we are fashioned; God remembers that we are dust.

I have set The Infinite before me always, God is at my right hand; I shall not fail. Therefore my heart rejoices, my whole being exalts.

And my body rests secure.


אמוט:-כי מימיני בל שויתי יי לנגדי תמיד אף בשרי ישכן לבטח: לכן שמח לבי ויגל כבודי

אנוש ותחשבהו:-בן אדם ותדעהו-יי מה ימיו כצל עובר: אדם להבל דמה

לערב ימולל ויבש: בבקר יציץ וחלף ונביא לבב חכמה: למנות ימינו כן הודע

אחרית לאיש שלום:-כי תם וראה ישר-שמר


Remembered By In Memoriam

Witten Family…………………………………….Flyod & Irith Witten, Jack Witten, Marie Witten, Henry Wolff, Irene Wolff, Kate Sternberg, Ernest Witten, Billie Witten, Alvin Witten Wizer, Dorothy Meyers…..……………............Irving Joseph Meyers, Libby Romm Meyers, David “Bud” Bloch, Herbert Aaron Peters, Ida Coplan Peters, Robert Simon Peters, Esther S. Meyers, Joseph Meyers, Eva C. Romm, Morris Romm, Jeanette Zivitz Bloch, Ludwid Bloch, Roberta Levine Cohen, Gerry Schneider Specter, Edythe Romm, Shirley Lefkowitz, Meyer Lefkowitz, Jerry Lefkowitz, Morton “Marty” Wizer, Arlene “Honey” Caplan, Eileen Furman Schwartz, Eleanor Cohen Rotter, Stephen Allen Meyers

Wogalter, Ralph, Barry & Roseanne Wilson……………………..Gussie & Max Gonick, Norman & Mina Wogalter, Elsie Horowitz, Gladys and Tully Filmus, Pearl W. Heyman, Laura Wolgalter, Morris & Minna Wilson, Samuel & Fannie Bernstein, Laura Gonick Wogalter, Milton & Sadie Bernstein Wolf, Franklin & Gini Blostein-Wolf…..…………………………..Benjamin Louis Wolf, O. Theodore Blostein, Estelle Blostein, Joseph Blostein, Lillian Blostein, Leonard H. Blostein, Sylvia Lorwit, Louis I. Gottlieb, Ray Gottlieb, Hortense B. Wolf, Benjamin A. Wolf, Annie Wolf, Michael Wolf, Esther Weissman, Sylvia Lorwit, Fannie Blachman, Morris Blachman, Esther Glazer Wolff, Ken & Deb……………………………….Jaques Tuchler, Beatrice Tuchler, Joseph Berman, Fannie Berman, Barbara Rosen, Lew Promish, Danny Levin, Amy Freedman Wolff, Maury & Jane & Cheri Benenson Wolff………………….…….Ruth Wolff, Nat Wolff, Benjamin Horowitz, Fannie Horowitz, Dora Wolff, Sol Wolff, Rose Gluck, Steve Wolff


Yamamoto, Gail………………………………...Lenore & Aaron Adin, Richard & Pearl Adin, Eva & Samuel Glasner


Otto Weissbecker, Herman Spitzer, Lillian Spitzer, Aaron Marcus Weitzenhofer, Charles & Vicki…..…...............Annette & Samuel Krafchick, Marcella & Morton Weitzenhofer Wiener, Richard & Roberta…………...............Nat & Pearl K. Wiener, Morris & Fannie Wiener, Ben & Jenny Kolner, Jack Kolner, Joe Kolner, Calvin & Gerri Meyers, Max & Charlotte Linden, Morris & Hannah Kahn, Gene M. Linden, Bernard & Gertrude Kahn, David & Marge Harris, Ben & Zelda Silver, Leonard & Rebecca Kahn, Raymond & Dorothy Eulau, Morton & Florence Samuels, Debra Linden, Barry Silver, Stanley Harris Wilensky, Glen, Bonnie, Elyssa & Alison………………..........................Bernard Cohen, Charles E. Rosen, Abe Wilensky, Annette Wilensky, Eddie Wilensky, Robert Kayner, Sarah Cohen, Sam Cohen, Sadie Kagen, Louis Kagen, Milton I. Cohen, Sydelle Reiner, Dr. Richard Kole, Barbara Adler, Bonnie Clarke-Marrow Winer, Aaron & Marian F………….……….…..Meyer H. & Sadie Silvester Friedman, Solomon I. & Lena Neuman Winer, Bernard A. Winer, Samuel I. & Lena Dank Friedman, Hyman & Jennie Farber Silvester, Samuel & Peggy S. Beches, Joseph & Ethel F. Goldblatt, Martin & Esther F. Bartash, Lew & Florence F. Levin, Irving & Betty F. Aftel, Charles & Adeline S. Barker, Julius and Marion C. . Silvester, Dorothy W. & Martin H. Harowitz, Jr., Carol Harowitz Miller, Mollie & Joe Neuman, Julius Winer

Winston, Rebecca Kalman & David………….Malcolm Kalman, Edythe Rosenberg Siegel, Charles Siegel, Rosaline R. Rosenberg, Dossie Kalman, Meyer Kalman, Reeven Kalman, Morris Rubenstein, Bertha Rubenstein, Lettie Winston, Louis Winston, Raymond Kalman, Sam Kalman, Dr. Marvin I. Winston, Lillian Rosenberg, Robert L. Winston Wise, Barbara……………...…...………………Dr. Stephen Michael Wise, Henry & Evelyn Blum, Sol & Thelma Wise, Iris Blum Murray, Lucy Le

Remembered By In Memoriam

The days of human beings are as grass; We flourish as flowers in the field The wind passes over them and they are gone, and no one can recognize where they grew. But the compassion of The Infinite for us, God’s righteousness to children's children, remain, age after age, unchanging. Three score and ten our years may number, four score years if granted the vigor. Laden with trouble and travail, life quickly passes, it flies away. God, teach us to use all of our days, that we may attain a heart of wisdom. Grant us of Your love in the morning, that we may joyously sing all our days.

God, when I stray from You, my life is as death; but when I cleave to You, even in death I have life. You embrace the souls of the living and the dead. The earth inherits that which perishes. But only the dust returns to dust; the soul, which belongs to The Infinite, endures forever. The Infinite has compassion for God’s creatures. God has planted eternity within our soul, granting us a share in unending life.


מה אנוש כי תזכרנו ובן אדם כי תפקדנו: ותחסרהו מעט מאלהים וכבד והדר תעטרהו:

God redeems our life from the grave. Sharing our brief life on earth God gives us choices. We can cherish hopes, embrace values and perform deeds which death cannot destroy. May we all be charitable in deed and in thought, in memory of those we love who walk the earth no longer. May we live unselfishly, in truth and love and peace, so that we will be remembered as a blessing, as we this day lovingly remember those whose lives endure as a blessing.


Our generations are bound to each other as children now remember their parents. Love is strong as death as husbands and wives remem-ber their mates, as parents now remember their children. Memory con-quers death's dominion as we now remember our brothers and sisters, grandparents and other relatives and friends. The death of those we now remember left gaping holes in our hearts but we are grateful for the gift of their lives. We are strengthened by the blessings which they left us, by precious memories which comfort and sustain us as we recall them this day.


O Lord, as we recall all our departed and the blessings they be-queathed unto us, we pray You to keep their souls united with ours in the bonds of everlasting life. May our faith, like theirs, be strong, our devotion to the Torah unfaltering, our love for Zion constant, and our concern for Israel and humanity unceasing. For as we identify our-selves with the life, hopes and traditions of an eternal people, we, our-selves, take on the aspect of eternity. May we so live that when our years draw to a close, we too, shall be remembered for good and for blessing, Amen.


אנוש ותחשבהו:-בן אדם ותדעהו-יי מה ימיו כצל עובר: אדם להבל דמה

ונביא לבב חכמה: למנות ימינו כן הודע החסים בו:-ולא יאשמו כל פודה יי נפש עבדיו


Remembered By In Memoriam

Cohen, Rita Straus, Noah Alexander Hessberg, Susan E. Cohen Marks Washington, Tiffany…………………………….Barbara Ann Washington Waskin, Mitchell & Sara..................................Albert Waskin, Ronald D. Shocket, Marshall Gerson, Mark Gerson, Lena Devor, Casper Devor, Herman Waskin, Sara Carmen Waskin, Jack Devor Weber, Matthew & Carrie................................Alfred Arolick, Barbara Weber Webne, Gary M. & Bette Rose.......................Sidney B. Passamaneck, Cecil Jacobs Passamaneck, Jack & Ann K. Webne, Sussman & Rosa Blaustein, Benjamin Jacobs & Katie Sarah Jacobs, Israel & Sarah Passamaneck, Yale & Ann (Boots) Passamaneck, Kenneth Passamaneck, Joseph & Sadye Passamaneck, Jerome D. Jacobs, Ben & Sophia J. Lott, Sidney W. & Jeanette J. Rappaport, Leonard H. & Roberta C. Jacobs, Arthur & Estelle J. Greenberg, Morris & Ruth J. Leader, Henry & Tyle Nightingale, Herman Passamaneck, Sarah Goodman, Jennifer Kochan, Allan Bernstein, Harriet ‘Mickey’ Shaffer, Alta Schwartz, Samuel Hamilton Weiman, Allan & LynneDee,………................Morton Weiman, Jacob Weiman, Dora Weiman, Esther Weiman, Samuel Weiman, Harry Abramson, Ann Abramson, Dore Trestman, Frank Seldes Weinberg, Fred………………….……..............Margaret Weinberg, Dora Rosen, Sam Rosen, Bessie Weinberg, Hyman Weinberg, Jane Weinberg, Sam L. Weinberg, Robert M. Weinberg, Emanuel Weinberg, Harry M. Kirson, Evelyn F. Kirson, Linda K. Dranoff, Harold Paul Weinberg, Edith Leeper Weinberg Weiner, Beth, Gary & Family..……….............Morton & Beatrice Goldman, Gloria Cansino Weiner Adams, Jack Weiner, Reuben & Pearl Goldman, Louis & Ida Specter, Jack & Ruby Cansino, Fanny & Harry Weiner, Arthur Adams, Sharon R. Goldman Weissbecker, Betty & Family………………….Ludwig “Lou” Weissbecker, Albert Weissbecker, Toni Weissbecker,


Remembered By In Memoriam

Samuel Peck, Sylvia Rosenbloom Peck, Stephen Goldin, Victor Peck Straus, Sam & Jane…..………………………..Katherine Straus, Archie Straus, J. P. Weeks, Hannah Chasen, Nathan Chasen, Ada Straus, Samuel Straus, Simon Passamaneck, Fannie Passamaneck, Janet M. Straus, Rebecca Weeks

Swatez, Michael………………………………...Marion “Bonny” Swatez, Bert Swatez, Carolyn Swatez, Irwin Swatez, Manfred Klein, Hannelore Klein


Tronfeld, Caren & Jay………………………….Charles Ernest Herzberg, Sidney “Sonny” Tronfeld, Cecelia Tronfeld, Leah Abramson, Abe Abramson, Jacob Tronfeld, Celia Tronfeld, Freddie Abramson, Selma Abramson, Norma Herzberg Turk, Marian....................................................Elkan Turk, Jr., Carole G. Turk Turner, Glenn, Audrey, Jeffrey & Collin...............................................The Rapps Sisters, Murray Schneider & Sylvia Winderbaum Schneider, Arthur Schumacher & Mildred Goldberg Schumacher, Phyllis Winderbaum Schumacher, Edith Denton Turner & Harvey Hill Turner, Celia Rapps Winderbaum & Harry Winderbaum


Unowitz, Rubin & Eleanor……………………..Samuel & Marilyn Unowitz, Harold Schwartz, Miriam & Isadore Schwartz, Yetta Schwartz, Max P. Schwartz, Fanny Friedman, Ida Werber, Morton Sporn

V .

Villalona, Sara & Juan……………………..…..David Weinberg, Regina Weinberg, Asher Harabagiu, Etal Harabagiu, Juliana Martinez-Novo

W Walter, Nancy C. & Family..…………………...Mary Cantor Cohen & Alex Cohen, Alvin Walter, Annie Mollen Cantor & Harry Cantor, Hannah Hacker Cohen & Frank

Responsive Reading

O God, this hour revives in us memories of loved ones who are no more. What happiness we shared when they walked among us! What joy, when, loving and loved, we lived our lives together! Their memory is a blessing forever. Months or years may have passed, yet we feel near to them. Our hearts yearn for them. Though the bitter grief has softened, a duller pain abides, for the place where once they stood is empty now forever. The links of life are broken. But the links of love and longing cannot break. Their souls are bound up in ours forever. We see them now with the eye of memory, their faults forgiven, their virtues grown larger. So does goodness live, and weakness fade from sight. We remember them with gratitude and bless their names. Their memory is a blessing forever. And we remember as well the men and women who but yesterday were part of our congregation and community. To all who cared for us and labored for the well-being of our people and of humanity, we pay trib-ute. May we prove worthy of carrying on the tradition of our people and our faith, for now the task is ours. Their souls are bound up in ours forever. We think, too, of the whole household of Israel and its martyrs. The tragedy of our own age is still a fresh wound within us. And we recall how often in ages past our people walked through the flames of the furnace. Merciful God, let the memory never fade of the faithful and upright of our people who have given their lives to hallow your name. Even in death they continue to speak to us of faith and courage. They rest in nameless graves, but their deeds endure, and their sacrifices will not be forgotten. Their souls are bound up in the bonds of eternal life. No evil shall touch them: they are at peace. We will remember, and never forget them. In gratitude for all the blessings our loved ones, friends, teachers, and the martyrs of our people have brought to us, to our people, and to humanity, we dedicate ourselves anew to the sacred faith for which they lived and died, and to the tasks they have bequeathed to us. Let them be remembered for a blessing together with the righteous of all peoples, and let us say, Amen.



We lovingly recall the members of our congregation who have passed away

since we gathered in this sanctuary last Yom Kippur. They have a special

place in our hearts. We pray this day that all who have sustained the loss of

loved ones in the year gone by be granted comfort and strength.

Exalted, compassionate God, comfort the bereaved families of this

congregation. Help all of us to perpetuate the worthy values in the lives of

those no longer with us, whose names we respectfully call:

(names are read)

May their memory endure as a blessing.

And let us say: Amen.

5 46

Remembered By In Memoriam

Spector, Micki & Kevin Spector…...................Barry Spector, Polly D. Ellenson, Robert Ellenson, Bertie Z. Spector, Louis Spector, Charles H. Spector Sporn, Cheryl & Bill David & Matthew.............................................Max & Minnie Messler, Raynel Sporn, David Sporn, Rebecca Barshow, Max Barshow, Michael Messler, Sarah Messler, Nathan Goldstein, Pansy Goldstein, Ida Werber, Morton Sporn Sporn, Dr. I. Norman.......................................Patricia Sporn, David Sporn, Anne Green Reisman, Isaac L. Reisman, Michael Sporn, Jean Scherr, Dr. Albert J. Wasserman, Martele Sporn Wasserman, Edward Green, Florence Green, Philip Green, Irene R. Cramer, Rose R. Pasternack, Linda Reisman, Ida Werber, Robert Green, Sara Green Sharove, Harry Sporn, Rae Katz Rosenthal, Morton Sporn, Rose Green, Mickey Green, Murray Kaye, Albert Kaye, Phillip Katz, Mary Sporn, David Varshavsky, Chana Varshavsky, Moshe Shavtiel, Sonia Shavtiel, Eva K. Janko, Betty Ann Pinchefsky, Herbert Pinchefsky, Norma Reisman, Joseph Reisman

Stadiem, Pia……………………………………..Father-Morris Goldberg, Mother-Vivian Goldberg, Daughter-Ranee Beth Stadiem Stahl, Gene & Frank.......................................Nora & Ben Bernstein, Sam & Gussie Hoffman, Sam & Rose Bernstein, Rudy & Ilse Stahl, Henry & Gerald Stahl, Martin & Sofie Stahl, Leon Hoffman, Edith & Frank Stahl, Peter Stahl, Charlotte Stahl, Ada & Abe Pfeffer, Doris Pfeffer, David Stahl, Ellen Wolman, Richard Stahl, Lilian & Jerry Burnstine, Herb Pfeffer Stein, Rita……................................................Jerome (Jerry) L. Stein, Sonia Silverstein Davidson, Harold Davidson, Fannie S. Rudlin, Joseph Rudlin, Leah Cohen Stein, Max Stein, William Silver, Alan Asher Stein, Anne Bellman, Julian Stein, Betty Ann & Herbert Pinchefsky

Steinberg, Eilene………………………………..Dr. Stanley Steinberg, Louis Steinberg, Yetta Stein Steinberg, Morris Peck,

Remembered By In Memoriam


Siegel, Stuart C……........................................I. J. “Hip” Siegel, Sherry B. Rose, Hyman Flax, Yetta Siegel Flax Silverstein, Paul .............................................Morris Silverstein, Anna Rosen, Ida Silverstein, Myron Silverstein, Ruth Preston, Daniel Preston Silverstein, Suzi & Michael..............................Herb Gubow, Rosalind Gubow, Gladys Gubow, Norma Brownstein, Iris Elkins, Sheila Silverstein Emanuel Singer, Michael Ann & Cliff.............................Elaine Winer Singer, Abraham Max Winer, Ethel Weber Winer, Francis Warcewicz Sisisky, Sandy & Samantha & Ben Winik ..…………………………………...Terry R. Sisisky, Rhoda Sisisky, Honorable Norman Sisisky Sisisky, Mark & Susan....................................Lynda Benson Pollak, Shirley M. Benson, Ben Benson, Norman Sisisky, Rhoda Brown Sisisky, Terry R. Sisisky

Slater, Bruce & Joyce.....................................Arthur L. Slater, Nathaniel Krumbein, Esther Krumbein, Leo Krumbein, Joseph Max Meyers, Annie Kadis Meyers, Emil Welch, Eva Newman Slater, Blanche Newman, Hyman Meyers, Florence Meyers, S. Sidney Meyers, Harriet Friedman Slutzah, Martin & Arlene.................................Bernard Levitt, Leonora Levitt, Ruth Slutzah, Jacob Slutzah, Howard Miller, Arthur Schulman Soffin, Betty Anne & Michael...........................Sadye Rosenbaum Passamaneck, Joseph Cohn Passamaneck, Celia Soffin, Solomon Soffin, Esther Rich

Soffin, Cathy & Steve......................................Roger & Marion Webster, John & Elizabeth Quilty, Henry Schmeckpeper, William Webster, Celia & Sol Soffin, Sadye & Joseph Passamaneck, Julia Kramer Soffin, Dr. Ellen & Dan…………………………Celia & Solomon Soffin, Sadye & Joseph Cohn Passamaneck, Beulah & Abe Rosenbaum, Rose & Frank Genderson, Cecil & Sidney Passamaneck, Hildred & John Walwyn Staples Martin

We Remember Them

Responsive Reading

At the rising of the sun and at its going down, we remember them. At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we remember them. At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring, we remember them. At the shining of the sun and in the warmth of summer, we remember them. At the rustling of leaves and in the beauty of autumn, we remember them. At the beginning of the year and at its end, we remember them. As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now a part of us, as we remember them. When we are weary and in need of strength, we remember them. When we are lost and sick at heart, we remember them. When we have joy we crave to share, we remember them. When we have decisions that are difficult to make, we remember them. When we have achievements that are based on theirs, we remember them. As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now a part of us, as we remember them. Sylvan Kamens and Jack Riemer




Each Congregant reads silently the appropriate passages among those

which follow. Personal meditations may also be added.

Prayer in memory of a father

Yiz-kor E-Io-heem nish-mat a-vee mor-ee she-halakh I'o-Iamo A-na t'hee nafsho tz'ru’ra bi-tz’ror ha-ha-yeem, u-t'hee m'nu-ho-to ka-vod, so-va s'mahot et pa-nekha n'ee-mot bee-meenkha ne-tzah. Amen.

God, remember the soul of my dear father whom I recall in this solemn hour. May his soul be bound up in the bonds of eternal life and his memory ever be for a blessing.

Prayer in memory of a mother

Yiz-kor E-Io-heem nish-mat ee-mee mo-ro-tee sheh-halkh l'o-Iama A-na t'hee naf-sha tz'ru’ra bi-tz'ror ha'ha-yeem, u't'hee m'nu-ha-ta ka-vod, so-va s'ma-hot et pa-nekha n'ee-mot bee-meenkha ne'tzah. Amen.

God, remember the soul of my beloved mother whom I recall in this sol-emn hour. May her soul be bound up in the bonds of eternal life and her memory ever be for a blessing. Amen.

נפשו צרורה יזכר אלהים נשמת אבי מורי שהלך לעולמו. אנא תהיפניך. נעימות -שמחות את בצרור החיים. ותהי מנוחתו כבוד. שבע

בימינך נצח. אמן.

תהי נפשה יזכר אלהים נשמת אמי מורתי שהלכה לעולמה. אנאפניך. -כבוד.שבע שמחות את צרורה בצרור החיים. ותהי מנוחתה

נעימות בימינך נצח. אמן.

Jim Blumberg, Mark L. Brown, Mark A. Novick, Marvin, Marilyn, Jerome & David Kay Schwarz, Jane & Maurice…………………......Kalman Schwarz, Simone Schwarz, Louis Shapiro, Phyllis Schwarz, Cecelia Weinstein Shapiro, Hyman Weinstein, Bella Weinstein, Moishe Laizer Golub, Sara Golub (Gershenowitz), Biala Golub, Szimon Golub, Rachel Golub Jacobson, Michla Zareska Shapiro, Danny & Barrie.................................Stanley Shapiro, Frances Shapiro, Norman Brown, Rose S. Brown, Benjamin Shapiro, Fannie Shapiro, Sonia Schwartz, Simon Schwartz, Samuel Brown, Nechamah Brown, Mordica Brown Shocket, Barbara............................................Ronald D. Shocket, Mark Gerson, Sadie & Benjamin Green, Rose & Edward Green, Florence & Phil Green, Micky & Robert Green, Dora S. & Morris Liberman, Anne & Ricky Reisman, Ada & Alexander Sharove, Mattie & Lou Shaffer, Goldie Sharove, Joseph Sharove, Sam Sharove, Jennie Sharove, Celia & David Sharove, Sara Green Sharove & Isadore Sharove, Gertrude & Nathan Sharove, Goldie & Manuel Shocket, Ira Liberman, David Liberman, Mickey Shaffer, Patricia Sporn, Max Stillman Shocket, Hattie……........................................Israel Jake Tabakin, Carrie Tabakin, Will Shocket, Ralph Tabakin, Betty Tabakin Levin Siegel, Judith……………………………………Mildred Salsbury, Meyer H. Salsbury, Blanche Heller, Nettie Imburg, Harry Meyers Ray Meyers, Louis Salsbury, Yetta Salsbury, Sara Meyers, Sam Imburg, Alec Meyers, Sara Helen Seltzer, Ruth Meyers Gittlin, Charles Borton, Betty Borton, Murray Siegel, Dr. Irving Imburg Siegel, Robert & Mary….................................Charles M. Rosenfeld, Marshall Rosenfeld, Esther S. Rosenfeld, Florence Siegel, Ernest Siegel, Victor Siegel


Remembered By In Memoriam


S Sachs, Roberta Oster & the Sachs Family……………………………..Joanne S. Karlikow, Richard Michael Oster, beloved Zada of Adam and Claudia Sachs, Abraham Karlikow, beloved grandfather of Adam and Claudia Sachs, Claudia Pryor, best friend of Roberta Oster Sachs Sachs, Stuart A. & Sandra..............................Harry L. Sachs, Anne R. Sachs, Meyer H. Friedman, Sadie M. Friedman, Carole Sachs Pichney, Doreen Sachs Sage, Colette & Monique Sage Pecora…………………...…….Nicole Sage Cormen, Paul Sage, Louis Sage, Sadie Sage, David Sage, Estelle Sage, Henri Chouraqui, Étoile Chouraqui, Marie Ackin, René Ackin, Lucienne Ackin, Rolande Schuler-Dalverny, André Schuler-Dalverny, Pierre Schuler-Dalverny, Arthur Buxembaum Sager, Regina &. Barbara Sager Lustig………...........................Joseph Sager, Richard A. Sager, Rubin Sager, Fannie Sager Friedman, Ernestine Rosenbloom, David Rosenbloom, Caroline Rubenstein, Albert Rubenstein, Marilyn Helmus, Harvey Helmus, Brian Cary Helmus, Brian Lee Helmus

Sampson, Jeffrey, Renata, Sarah & Hannah.............................................Ruth L. Cohen, Audrey M. Sampson, Dr. Charles Cohen Savage, Randy, Samuel & Louis................... Barbara Savage, Sam Savage, Edith R. Savage, Dr. Fred Savage, Dr. Bernard Savage, Phil Savage, Freda Savage, Abe Grandis, Louis Roberts, Fannie G. Roberts, Beatrice Glick, Gene Roberts, Bill Roberts, Lee Bisaillon, Sylvia Grandis, Ivan Applerouth, Adelaide Komar, Harold Komar, Alfred Savage Schenkein, Barbara…….................................Elinore Cohen, Martin Cohen, Suzanne Ziegler, Murray Ziegler, Jerry Krim Schwartz, John Jay, Gail & Family ................Manny M. Schwartz, Minna S. Schwartz Dr. Morris A. Price, Ruby Price, Barbara Price McDonald, Dr. Arnold Effron,

Remembered By In Memoriam


Prayer in memory of a husband

Yiz-kor E-Io-heem nish-mat ba-a-lee sheh-ha-Iakh I'o-Iamo. A-na t'hee naf-sho tz'ru’ra bi-tz’ror ha-ha-yeem, u-t’hee m'nu-ha-ta ka-vod, so-va s'mo-hot et pa-nekha, n'ee-mot bee-meen-kha ne-tzah. Amen. God, remember the soul of my beloved husband whom I affectionately recall in this solemn hour. May his soul be bound up in the bonds of eternal life and his memory ever be for a blessing.

Prayer in memory of a wife

Yiz-kor E-Io-heem nish-mat ish-tee sheh-halakh l'o-la-ma. A-na t'hee nat-sha tz'ru’ra bi-tz'ror ha-ha-yeem, u-t-heem nu-ho-to ka-vod, so-va s'ma-hot et pa-nekha n'ee-mot bee-meen-ha ne-tzah. Amen. God, remember the soul of my beloved wife whom I affectionately recall in this solemn hour. May her soul be bound up in the bonds of eternal life and her memory ever be for a blessing.

יזכר אלהים נשמת בעלי שהלך לעולמו. אנא תהי נפשו צרורה פניך. נעימות -בצרור החיים. ותהי מנוחתו כבוד.שבע שמחות את

בימינך נצח. אמן.

יזכר אלהים נשמת אשתי שהלכה לעולמה. אנא תהי נפשה צרורה פניך. נעימות -בצרור החיים. ותהי מנוחתה כבוד. שבע שמחות את

בימינך נצח. אמן.


Prayer in memory of a son

Yiz-kor E-lo-heem nish-mat b'nee sheh-ha-lakh l'o-la-mo. A-na t'hee naf-sho tz'ru’ra bi-tz'ror ha-ha-yeem, u-t’hee m'nu-ha-to la-vod, so-va s'mo-hot et pa-nekha n'ee-mot bee-meen-kha ne-tzah. Amen.

God, remember the soul of my beloved son whom I lovingly recall in this solemn hour. His memory is enshrined in my heart. May his soul be bound up in the bonds of eternal life. Amen.

Prayer in memory of a daughter

Yiz-kor E-lo-heem nish-mat bi’nee sheh-ha-lakh l'o-la ma. A-na t'hee naf-sha tz'ru’ra bi-tz'ror ha-ha-yeem, u-t-hee m'nu-ha-to ka-vod, so-va s'ma-hot et pa-neha n'ee-mot bee-meenkha ne-tzah. Amen. God, remember the soul of my beloved daughter whom I lovingly recall in this solemn hour. Her memory is enshrined in my heart. May her soul be bound up in the bonds of eternal life. Amen.

יזכר אלהים נשמת בני האהוב מחמד עיני שהלך לעולמו. אנא תהי -נפשו צרורה בצרור החיים. ותהי מנוחתו כבוד. שבע שמחות את

פניך. נעימות בימינך נצח. אמן.

יזכר אלהים נשמת בתי האהובה מחמד עיני שהלכה לעולמה. אנא תהי נפשה צרורה בצרור החיים. ותהי מנוחתה כבוד. שבע שמחות

פניך. נעימות בימינך נצח. אמן.-את


Remembered By In Memoriam

Maury Smeyne, Gladys Smeyne, Johanna Strauss, Herman N. Strauss, Max Rosenthal, Isaac Hoffman, Toby Mary Hoffman, Martin Hoffman, Sylvia Levin, Morris Smeyne, Anne Smeyne, Rena Batt, Honey Shapiro, Leon Smeyne Rosman, Marvin & Hannah.............................Dina Richmon, William Richmon, Wilbur Richmon, Harry Rosman, Edith Rosman, Wayne Rosman, Lila Carol Mann, David Mann Rothenberg, GD…………...............................Rabbi Tobias Rothenberg, Ethel Rothenberg, Leon Barbanel, Joseph Barbanel, Evelyn Barbanel, Ann Barbanel, Hershel Birnbaum, Edith Birnbaum

Rubin, Sarah………........................................Milton Rubin, Dorothy Brenner, Hyman Brenner, Morris Marko, Yetta Rubin, Isadore Rubin, Rose Kruger, Benjamin Brenner, David Brenner, Miriam Schtamf, Adele Weiner, Fred Schtamf, Jack Weiner, Ada Brenner, Bernard Sachs, Annette Brenner

Rubin, Susan & Family………………………...Eva Brummer, Brummer, Fred Brummer, Edmund Silverman, Elly Silverman, Hanna Simon, Frieda Simon, Mally Hirschbaum, Michael Silbermann, Clara Silbermann, Hanna Silbermann, Josef Silbermann, Bluma Silbermann, Louis Simon, Martha Simon Rubinstein, Ronald & Phyllis...........................Louis Bimby, Ruth Bimby, Philip Rubinstein, Rhoda Rubinstein Ruby, Joan……..............................................Judge Arlin F. Ruby, Louis Perlin, M.D., Lillian Levin Perlin, Israel Levin, Rae Levin, Hyman Levin, Fan Levin, Cecelia E. Levin, Rae Ruby, Oscar A. Ruby, Deborah Perlin, Joseph Perlin, Nathan Perlin, Simon Perlin, Myrna Ruby Rosenberg, Alice Levin Ruby, Rita & David..........................................Nellie Lu Rice, Ray R. Rice, Kathy Rice Carlson, Judge Arlin F. Ruby, Diane Noraas Rutman, Marc……………………………….…..Aaron Rutman, Robyn Rutman, Annie & Charlie Troman, Henry & Rose Rutman


Remembered By In Memoriam

Raphael, Erica………………...……...………...Frances Raphael, S. Bernard Raphael, Samuel & Malvina Bender, Moses L. & Anna C. Raphael, Frederick G. Bender, Alexander J. & Madge Bender, Myer & Ethel Bender, Brina Harris, Shirley Strohl, Barry Harris, Paul Harris Raskind, Harris…............................................Anna Siegel Raskind, Bernard R. Raskind Reid Family……………………………………...Mason McCinley Reid Revenson, Allison & Sam Spencer, Lauren & Jonathan..........................John Penn, Ruth Cohen, Albert Penn, James Cohen, Rose Penn, Harry Revenson, Ida Revenson, Sally Revenson Ritter, Paula & Mark Wasserman.…………….Alvin Berle Wasserman, Joseph & Eva Wasserman, Ethel Silverstein, Isaac Miles Wasserman, Arthur Silverstein, Sidney Wasserman, Bradford Wasserman, Iris & Irvin Smith, Sara & Aron Nachman, Dr, & Mrs. Joseph Blotman, Marvin Silverstein, Rosalie Wasserman Rodman, Debra & Family……………………...Mark H. Rodman Rosenbaum, Norman……...…………………..Al Rosenbaum, Sylvia Rosenbaum, Nathan Rosenbaum, Ida Rosenbaum, Estelle Golub, Ruth Miller, Gloria Dumont, Harry Meltzer, Rose Meltzer, Milton Meltzer, Mac Meltzer Rosenbloom, Steve & Donna…………………Jack Rosenbloom, Irma Rosenbloom, Mark Rosenbloom, Ethel & Harry Rosenbloom, Alan Rosenbloom, Jimmy Rosenbloom, Bernie Cohen, Gloria Greenberg, Stuart & Susan Levet, John Topian, Jerry Kirsh, Florette Lewis, Sherwood Metz, Allen Ament, Arthur Moore, Robert Kramer, Shirley Kramer, Matilda Press, Morris Press, Ethel Rosenbloom, Marian Levine, Rita Wisotsky, Lola Rothman, Ruth Kirsch, Milton Brown, Jerome & Marjorie Rosenbloom, Michael Rosenbloom Rosenthal, Jay & Lisa Childress……………...Ernie Rosenthal, Jack Childress, Maury Smeyne Rosenthal, Toby……….…………………….….Ernest Rosenthal, Hilbert B. Smeyne,

Prayer in memory of other relatives and friends

Yiz-kor E-lo-heem nish-mot krovai sheh-hakhu l'o-la-mam. A-na t’heena naf-sho-taehem tz'ru-’rot bi-tz’ror ha-ha-yeem, u-t'hee m'nu-ha-tam ka-vod. So-va s'ma-hot et pa-nekha n'ee-mot bee-meen-kha ne-tzah. Amen.

God, remember the soul of. . . whom I affectionately recall in this solemn hour. As I remember the hours we spent together in happy fellowship, may I ever keep sacred the memory of . . . 's loyalty and love. May. . . 's soul be bound up in the bonds of eternal life. Amen.

Prayer in memory of the Jewish Martyrs

Yiz-kor E-lo-him nish-mot kol a-hey-nu b'nai yis-rael she-mas-ru naf-sham al kee-dush ha-shem. Ana yishama b'ha-yai-nu haid g'vuratam um-seerutam, v'yay-ra-eh b'ma’asay-nu to-har lee-barn v'teheyenah nafshotayhem tz’ru’rot bi-tz’ror ha-cha-yim u-t'hee m'nu-hatam ka-vod so-va s'ma-hot et pa-nekha n'ee-mot bee-meen-kha ne-tzah. Amen. God, remember the souls of all our Jewish brothers and sisters who gave over their lives for the sanctification of Your name. May the echo of their courage and sacrifice be heard in our lives. May the purity of their hearts be visible in our deeds. May their souls be bound up in the bonds of eternal life, and may they rest in honor. May “joys overflow in Your presence, delights in Your right hand forever” (Psalms 16:11). Amen.


יזכר אלהים נשמות קרובי שהלכו לעולמם. אנא תהיינה נפשותהם פניך. -צרורות בצרור החיים. ותהי מנוחתם כבוד. שבע שמחות את

נעימות בימינך נצח. אמן.

קדוש -אחנו בני ישראל שמסרו נפשם על-יזכר אלהים נשמות כלהשם. אנא ישמע בחיינו הד גבורתם ומסירותם ויראה במעשנו

טהר לבם ותהיינה נפשותהם צרורות בצרור החיים. ותהי מנוחתם פניך. נעימות בימינך נצח. אמן.-כבוד. שבע שמחות את


In Memory of the Six Million

Exalted, compassionate God, grant perfect peace in Your sheltering Presence, among the holy and the pure, to the souls of all our brothers and sisters—men, women and children of the House of Israel—who were slaughtered and burned. May their memory endure, inspiring us to live lives of justice and righteousness. May their souls thus be bound up in the bonds of eternal life. May they rest in peace and in power. And let us say: Amen.

אל מלא רחמים, שוכן במרומים, המצא מנוחה נכונה על כנפי יע מזהירים, את נשמות הר הרק השכינה, במעלות קדושים וטהורים כז

הישרם והישרות שהלכו לעולמם. בעבור שאנו נודרים לצדקה בעד ם על הרחמים יסתיר דן תהא מנוחתם. לכן ב הזכרת נשמותהם. בגן עתר כנפיו לעולמים, ויצרור בצרור החיים את נשמותהם. יי הוא בס

וחו בשלום על משכבותם. ונאמר אמן. נחלתם. וינ

אל מלא רחמים שוכן במרומים, המצא מנוחה נכונה תחת כנפי -השכינה, במעלות קדושים וטהורים כזוהר הרקיע מזהירים את

אחנו בני ישראל, אנשים נשם וטף, שנהרגו ושנטבחו -נשמות כלושנשרפו ושנחנקו. בגן עדן תהי מנוחתם. אנא בעל הרחמים,

נשמותיהם. -הסתירם בסתר כנפך לעולמים וצרור בצרור החיים את יי הוא נחלתם, וינוחו בשלום על משכבותיהם. ונאמר אמן.

Memorial Prayer for the Departed

Merciful God, who dwells on high and yet is full of compassion, keep in Your Divine presence among the holy and pure, whose light shines as the brightness of the firmament, the souls of our dear and beloved who have gone to their eternal home with You. May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life, and their memories inspire us to serve You and humanity in truth, kindness, and peace. And let us say: Amen.


Remembered By In Memoriam

Thamann, Helen Crump, Norman Perlstein, Frank Perlstein, Helena McMullin, Mary Perlstein, Shirley Perlstein, Kenneth Perlstein, Steve Perlstein, Robert “Bobby” Perlstein Perry, David & David Sachs...........................Rosa Leach, John Leach, Conchita Bobbitt, Carmen Stegman, Edward Forrest Sachs, Delphy May Peer, Molly Frances Clites, Harvey A. Sachs, N. Maxine Gear, Ron Schlicher, Frederick King, Charles Thompson, Earl Kerchevale, Nina Francis Houdersheldt, Marion Gertrude Sachs, Ethelyn Virginia Sachs-Thompson Petroff, Jackie Berz……..................................Phillip Berz, Stella Freeman Berz, Helene Berz Bonnie, Gayle Petroff Thepaut Pines, Philip….…............................................Beatrice I. Pines, Ida & Max Pinkofsky, Emma and Dr. Lester Kraus, Sanford Flicher, Ross Flicher, Dr. Toby Milton, Dr. Arthur L. Pines, Marilyn Linas, Barry Flicher, Marion Tonick, Estelle Flicher, Sandra Rader Plotkin, Gail and Jim.......................................Shirley Perel & Jacob Yank Plotkin, Sam & Fannie Perel, Sadie & Sam Plotkin, Jeanette S. & Paul Wallins, Ronald M. Plotkin Price, Howard & Linda…................................Louis I. Sternfield, Eleanor Sternfield, Rose & Morris Sternfield, Rebecca & Isaac Schwartz, Rebecca Kramer, Jack H. Price, Irvin & Shirley Gottlieb, Lenny Sternfield, Laura E. Price, Gert Sternfield, David Schwartz

Pustilnik, Robert & Mimi..................................David B. Feldman, Jeannette Feldman, Sonia Kipperman, Joseph Kipperman, David Pustilnik, Rose Pustilnik, Jack Pustilnik, Geri Singleton, Janel Pustilnik, Lois Pustilnik, Bruce Feldman\


R Rabhan, Walter & Barbara…..........................Sara E. & Maurice H. Menscher, Abraham E. & Sadye S. Rabhan


Remembered By In Memoriam

Cynthia Dolinger, Stuart Moskovitz, Samantha Dolinger Cook, Shelly Hoffman Kaplan November, Marcia……………………………...Irene G. November, Herman November, Esther Abramson Weiman, Ruth Sue Ruben November, Richard J. & Ellen….....................Dora Hopkins, Samuel Hopkins, Joseph Kaminsky, Bertha K. Rich, Joseph Rich, Dr. Samuel P. Kayne, Evelyn H. Kayne, Herman November, Irene November


Oscar, Lauren, Bob, Erica & JoEllen…….........................................Anclaire & Leonard Oscar, Brenda Zimm-Oscar, Irene & Herman November


Padow, Ezra & Mary……………………………Yetta Padow, George Padow, Eleanor Zoll, Erle J. Zoll, Jr., Skyler Legano Pasternak, Jake & Lori....................................Irving Pasternak, George Pasternak, Raymond Cohen, Irene Cohen, Ruth Veronika Pasternak Peck, Elaine Grandis…………………….……..Ivan Lawrence Applerouth, Sylvia Grandis, Abe William Grandis, Louis L. & Fannie G. Roberts, William S. & Leona Roberts, Billye R. & Barney Abrams, Lena R. Bisaillon, Beatrice R. & Michael Glick, Aaron Gene Roberts, Edith & Samuel Savage, Dr. Bernard & Barbara Savage, Dr. Frederick H. Savage, George & Bessie Grandis, Louis & Ethel Grandis, Arleen Grandis, Harry & Harriet Grandis, Dr. David Grandis, Linda Grandis Blatt, Roberta Poorje, Tante Mollie Rifkin, Jeannine Hunter Poorje Peck, Joel & Marcia........................................Julia Solomon Peck, William Peck, Janet Simon Lev, Jacob Lev, Ethel Simon, Philip Simon Perlstein, Helen & Family...............................Barry Perlstein, Louis Perlstein, Bert Perlstein, Sam Perlstein, Harry Perlstein, Jerry Perlstein, John Thamann, Margaret

Mourner's Kaddish

Congregation and Mourners


Yit-gadal v’yit-kadash sh’mey raba,

B'alma di v’ra hirutey, v’yam-lih mal-hutey

B’ha-yey-hon uv-yomey-hon uv-ha-yey d’hol beyt yisrael

Ba-agala u-vizman kariv, v’imru amen.

Y'hey sh’mey raba m’varah l’alam ul-almey alma-ya.

Yit-barah v’yish-tabah v’yit-pa-ar v’yit-romam v’yit-na-sey

V’yit-hadar v’yit-aleph v’yit-halal sh’mey d’kud-sha,

B’rih hu, l ’eyla ul-eyla mi-kol bir-hata v’shi-rata

Tush-b’hata v’ne-hemata da-amiran b’alma, v’imru amen.

Y’hey sh’lama raba min sh’ma-ya

V’ha-yim aleynu v’al kol yisrael, v’imru amen.

Oseh shalom bi-m’romav, hu ya-aseh shalom

Aleynu v’al kol yisrael, v’imru amen.


יתגדל ויתקדש שמה רבא. בעלמא די ברא כרעותה, וימליך מלכותה בחייכון וביומיכון ובחיי דכל בית ישראל, בעגלא

ובזמן קריב, ואמרו אמן.

יהא שמה רבא מברך לעלם ולעלמי עלמיא.

ויתהלל ויתעלה ויתהדר ויתנשא ויתרומם ויתפאר וישתבח יתברך לא מן כל ) לא מכל( בעשי"ת שמה דקדשא בריך הוא, לע לא ולע לע

ברכתא ושירתא תשבחתא ונחמתא, דאמירן בעלמא, ואמרו אמן.ינו ועל כל ישראל, יהא שלמא רבא מן שמיא, וחיים על

ואמרו אמן.ינו ועל כל ישראל, עשה שלום במרומיו, הוא יעשה שלום על

ואמרו אמן.

Psalm 23

A Psalm of David

The Infinite is my shepherd, I shall not want.

In grass meadows God makes me lie down,

By quiet waters guides me.

My life God brings back.

God leads me on pathways of justice for the sake of God’s name.

Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no harm, for You are with me;

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;

You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and kindness will pursue me all the days of my life.

And I shall dwell in the house of The Infinite for the length of my days.


תהילים כגד מזמור לדו

ר: א אחס י ל ע וה ר יה

ני: הל ות ינ י מנח ני על־מ שא ירביצ ות ד בנאו: ען שמ דק למ ני במעגלי־צ ב ינח י ישוב נפש

י שבטך ה עמד ע כי־את א ר יר ות לא־א ך בגיא צלמ י־אל גם כני: חמ מה ינ ך ה משענת ו

י רויה: וס י כ אש מן ר נת בש י דש ן נגד צרר י שלח ך לפנ ער תרך ה לא הו י בבית־י י חיי ושבת רדפוני כל־ימ סד י וב וח ך ט א

ים: ימ


Remembered By In Memoriam

Moline, Ann & Jack……………………………..Carol Davidson, Eugene S. Davidson, Herbert A. Moline, Cyrena “Dolly” Moline Mollen, Allen & Jere........................................Irving & Ruth Mollen, J.N. & Marjorie Hudson, Sam & Annie Mollen, Jake & Margie Clayman, Burt & Terrie Simons, Herbert & Rita Mollen, Meyer & Miriam Goodman, Josie Silverman, David Mollen Mollen, Ed & Mary...........................................Ruth D. Mollen, Miriam Goodman, Betty Jeffrey, George H. Jeffrey, Meyer Goodman, Irving Roth Mollen, Annie C. Mollen, Samuel J. Mollen, Jake & Margie Clayman, Herbert Mollen Moore, Abby…................................................Abraham Breitstein, Bertha Breitstein, Abraham Moore, Hannah Breitstein Moore, Jacob Moore, Minnie Moore, Roberta L. Moore, Bruce A. Breitstein, Moses L. Breitstein, Arnold Moore Moore, Steven & Marilyn……………………….Hyman Moore, Rose Moore, Irvin Zell, Tillie Zell, Sharon Zell, Mark Zell, Morton Zell, Arthur Mollen Moore, Bradford Barshow Morgan, Jennifer M……………………………..Frank H. Meyer, Sadie C. Meyer, George H. & Ruth R. Meyer, Florence N. Meyer, Mildred M. Eskeles, Robert G. Eskeles, Leonard Meyer, Marjorie M. Driskill


Negrin, Marlene & Albert………………………Mair Negrin, Katherine S. Negrin, Gilbert D. Kaplan, Susan Kaplan Cohen, Henry S. Fine Nisenson, Amy & David..................................Stanley Nisenson, Marilyn Nisenson, Nathan Fischer, Louis Nisenson, Fanny Seldes, Aaron Seldes, Fanny Nisenson, Ida Fischer, Jerry Petock, Paula Fischer Nogi, Sandi……………………………...……....Dr. Jay Nogi, Seymour & Minnie Nogi, Al & Mary Dolinger, Caryl Dolinger Putchat, Dr. Bruce Putchat, Milt Dolinger, Fannie & Sam Fish, Sam & Cecelia Dolinger, Henry & Jeanette Nogi, Eugene & Minnie Nogi, Henry & Stella Fish, Gus Fish,


Remembered By In Memoriam

Matuschek, Carol……………………………….Margot Miller, Egon Maier, Hilde Maier, Leopold Maier, Rose Maier, Lillian B. Miller, Charles Newburg, Thelma Newburg, Erna Maier Walder, David H. Miller, Larry A. Maier

McGreal, Judith & Daniel McGreal..................Muriel Zuckerman, Sam Zuckerman Menkes, Neal & Joan......................................Alice R. Feibelman, Fred S. Feibelman, Walter Feibelman, Lois Menkes, Marvin Menkes, Frank Feibelman Merriam, Edith…...…......................................Harold Merriam, Herman E. Merriam, Nettie Merriam, Hyman Weiner, Rebecca Weiner, Samuel Weiner Meyer, Kenneth & Rosalind............................A. Donald & Mollie Freedman, Frank H. Meyer, Sadie "Babe" Meyer, Janice Rose Scherr, George Meyer, A. D. Freedman, Frances Freedman, Robert Eskeles, Mildred Eskeles, Eva Merkle, Hymie Merkle, Sarah Merkle, Ellis Merkle, Stanley Freedman, Robert C. Freedman

Meyers, Stanley & Janet.................................Hyman Meyers, Florence Tabakin Meyers, Jonah Millstein Slipow, H. Ray Weiner, Hilda Schwartzapel, Leonard R. Bernstein, Leona Weiner Bernstein Miller, Milton & Sarah......................................H. David Miller, Ada Robinson, David I. Robinson, Henry Robinson, Sara Paul Miller, Saul J. Robinson, Judge Joshua L. Robinson, Estelle G. Robinson Miller, Steven & Barbara.................................Dena & Herman Cantor, Harry & Annie Cantor, Myer & Bessie Kocen, Moses & Rosa Miller, Eva & Sam Peck, Aaron & Rose Miller, Joe Levenglick, Judith Ray Cantor, Adolph Kocen, Rena Cohen, Hilda Rose Peck Verschleisser, Susan Marks, Joe & Gloria Schwartz Moes, Victor & Dale…....................................Lily & Louis Frankel, Florence Moes, Andy Moes, Gussie & Nathan Barer, Lena & Sigman Frankel, Maurice Moes, Sheila Jashnoff, Doug Chase, Jeri Jashnoff, Benjamin & Josephine Kogan, Melissa Greenhut


THE GIFT OF MEMORY We Thank You, O God of life and love, For the resurrecting gift of memory Which endows Your children, fashioned in Your image, With the Godlike sovereign power To give immortality through love. Praised be You, O God, Who enables Your children to remember.

Morris Adler




Abraham, Doris Tatarsky...………................Goldie Passamaneck Tatarsky, Philip Tatarsky, Gladys Tatarsky, Robert Abraham Abraham, Janet, Phil, Benjamin & Lauren.........................................Lori E. Kaplan, Roslyn Brown Kaplan, Sol Kaplan Adams, Ellen Renee and Louis……................Alvin L. Lehman, Beryl Adams, Josephine


Amernick, Mrs. Frances & Family...................Ralph Amernick, Max Amernick, Reba Amernick, Ben & Mollie G. Friedman, Brian Hecht, Frieda Siegel, Joseph Siegel, Bernard Goldstein, Sonia Scher, Esther G. Cohen, Ceil G. Sollod, Irene Amernick, Hortense Amernick, Leon Amernick, Linda Dranoff, Melvin Friedman, Bernie Amernick Arenstein, Rhona & Ric...................................Irving Lax, Ida S. Lax, David Arenstein, Marjorie W. Arenstein, Richard Lax


Backer, Lois & Richard...................................Janet Backer, Jacob Harris, Jean Harris, Marian Backer, Moe I. Backer, Jacob Breitstein, Sarah Breitstein, Bertha Backer, Harry Backer, Rev. Elias B. Ershler, Fannie Schnitzer Ershler, Lewis Kalman Harris, Ida Gotfried Harris, Richard Lawrence Harris Bandas, Mrs. Margie……...............................Martin Ellis Bandas, Esther H. Bandas, Uri R. Bandas, Jennie Bandas, Morris Bandas, Joseph Bandas, Ellis Harfield, Mollie C. Harfield, Mitchell Harfield, Abraham Harfield, Freda Harris, Evelyn K. Goodman, Hannah Kittenplan, Audrey H. Christiana, Freeda Harfeld Savage, Marci Horwitz, Bernard Savage, Lillie Schwartz, Gert Bandas, Mina Becker, Mary Garber, Louis Horwitz, Alfred Savage

Remembered By In Memoriam


Remembered By In Memoriam

Syril Elfman, Louis Linas, Bessie Linas, Allen Fine, Isabel Fine

Linas, Steve & Marci…...................................Charles & Betty Borton, Stanley S. & Marilyn Linas, Alec & Sara Meyers, Harry Meyers, Ray Meyers, Leo Elfman, Syrel Elfman, Louis & Bessie Linas, Harry & Rebecca Borton, Richard Borton, John & Sandra Meyers Moyer, Vivian Borton Sherman, Samuel & Ada Straus, Irving Imburg, Barbara Vitsky Anchell, Owen Anchell, Mildred “Mollie” & Meyer Salsbury Low, Robin & Richard.....................................Sara S. Hench, Harold H. Hench Lowenstein, Barbara………….........................Arnold Lowenstein, Harry & Yetta Lowenstein, Mildred & Bennie Perlin, Marshall Lowenstein, Hal Horwitz, Albert & Sarah Cohn, Joseph & Deborah Perlin, Shirley Perlin Lesser, Nathan B. Perlin, Ida & Samuel Rubin, Esther & David Feldman, Lizzie & Nathan Brown, Sophia & David Lowenstein Lowenstein, David & Rebekah………………..Arnold Lowenstein, Harry & Yetta Lowenstein, Bennie & Mildred Perlin, Marshall Lowenstein, Hal Horwitz, Lottie & Henry Aronoff, Lena & Phillip Mozer, Dr. Harvey Mozer, Natalie Ann Zerobnick Mozer, Pauline & Edward Volgerstein, Elaine Miller Lowenstein, Marilyn........................................Marshall L. Lowenstein, Harry & Yetta B. Lowenstein, Arnold Lowenstein, Louise Bloom Weiss, Samuel S. Weiss, Dorothy "Chickie" Goldstein, Bernard “Bernie” Weiss


Maizels, Max & Family....................................Miriam A. Maizels, Nathan Maizels, Yankel Herschel Maizels, Shlomo Lazer Maizels, Brucha Maizels, Yetta & Pinchas Maizels, Szloma & Ruhla Maizels, Nuchim Shaja & Sarah Maizels, Rosa Miller, Moishe Gerson & Zlata Chaja Aiddelstain, Alter Aiddelstain, Chaim Laib Aiddelstain, Etla Aiddelstain, Sarah Libah & Nusan Zuckier, Edel Zukier, Esther Rachel Zuckier


Remembered By In Memoriam

Grossman, I. R. "E" Levet, Stuart Levet, Susan Levet, JoAnn Hogan Levin, Edith & Paul Levin................................Irving Levin, Gary Levin, Rosa B.& Siegmund Goodman, Rachel & Max Levin, Frank Levin, Sam & Zena Levin, Fannie & Eddie Francis, Sarah L. London, Hedy Brandeis Field, Abe Beck, Naftalie & Rosalie Brandeis, Bertha B. & William Newman, Liz N. Lippa, Arthur, Gerda, Julius, Oscar & Rudi Brandeis Levin, Jeff & Bobbi...............................….......Sylvia Segal Krell, David Krell, Samuel Levin, Edna Oslieb Levin Levine, Risa & Jay..........................................Joseph Levine, Esther Levine, Kenneth C. Frishtick, Edith Frishtick, Ethel Morris Goodman, Ann Frishtick, Jack Frishtick, Jennie E. Morris, Rose Frishtick, Victor Morris, Priscilla Greenberg, Aaron Morris Levy, John B. & Judith....................................Florence R. Brown & Maurice Brown, Nancy Galeski Levy & Laurence Levy Lewis, Arthur & Judith.....................................Elliot H. Lewis, Ethel Lewis, Marilyn C. Mayer, Linda Kaden, Miriam Kaden, Edward Kaden Lewis, Ben & Laura........................................Betty & Charles Borton, Paula & David Lewis, Sara & Alec Meyers, Rebecca & Harry Borton, Ethel & Jack Lewis, Lily & Sol Leopold, Richard Borton, Sandra & John Moyer, Vivian Borton Sherman, Sarah & Meyer Vitsky, Mildred & Meyer Salsbury, Claire & Irving Imburg, Barbara & Owen Anchell, Ada & Sam Straus, Rae & Harry Meyers Lewis, Gail and Joel........................................Florence Levin, Lou Levin, Louis Lewis, Joseph Rothenberg, Minnie P. Lewis, Mollie Rothenberg, Elise Pekarsky Blacher, Tara Blacher, Robert J. Pekarsky, Harvey Blacher, Ronald Levy Lieb, Richard & Pearl….................................Audrey & Murray Lieb, Dora & Chaim Geneslaw, Eva & Philip Lapidus, Edith & Rudolph Garrett Linas, Rick & Allyn..........................................Stanley Linas, Marilyn Linas, Leo Elfman,

Remembered By In Memoriam


Barash, Anne………...……………….………...Ernest Barash Barck, Shari & Michael, Alexis & Jordan...............................................Irene & Herman November, Samuel & Myra Menlowe, Dora & Benjamin Fishman, Albert Mandelblatt, Jacob & Rose Mendlowitz, Adrienne & Mason Goldberg Baron, Howard & Leslie………………………..Louis Paul, Maxine Maritzer Paul, Nathan Baron, Renee Baron, Edith Maritzer, Harry Maritzer, Jennifer DeNardo Galpin Baum, Lewis C. & Doris…..............................Florence C. Baum, Irving Baum, Jean Baum, Fred S. Cuno, Gladys G. Cuno, Joan C. Kay, Gary Kay, Sandford Kay, Susan Kay, Milton Siegel, Rena P. Siegel, Melvyn E. Siegel Baum, Stacey, Franklin & Family...................Maxine & Carl Robins, Rena & Milton Siegel, Susan Kay, Jeter Baum Beck, Jessica………...……………….…………Peter Beck, Peggy Clerc, Lillian Beck, Yetta Brooks Beck, Marilyn & David.....................................Irvin & Irene Kocen, George & Selma Beck, Janice Rose Scherr, Annette & Maurice Scherr, Joseph & Lena Coplan, Bessie & Mike Kocen, Jake & Margie Clayman, Francine Beck Seeber Becker, Charles & Judy…...............................David Ross Becker, Ben Becker, Maxine D. Becker, Rossye Becker, Sherry B. Rose, Isadore J. Siegel, Yetta Siegel Flax, Samuel I. Rose, Hyman Flax, Rona B. Mirmelstein, Rose W. Rose, Ida R. Nachman, Kate B. Daniel, Dr. Howard C. Mirmelstein, Sarah Kaminsky, Hyman Kaminsky, Jacob Siegel, Bertha Siegel, Malcolm Kalman Becker, Jerome…...…….................................Mina S. Becker, Herman E. Becker, Stanley H. Becker, M.D. Becker, Steven............................................... Norman Becker, Frances Becker, Celia Becker, Isidore Becker, Kenneth Becker, Louis Ochberg, Ida Ochberg, Hyman Isidore Ochberg, Elena Ochberg Belinkie, Louis & Judith...................................Cantor Morris I. Okun & Helen E. Okun,


Dr. Philip Okun, Cantor Adolph Katchko & Jessie Katchko, Cantor Theodore Katchko & Rita Katchko, Camille A. Katchko, Abraham & Minnie Belinkie, Joseph Belinkie, Lois Okun Bialac Beller, Myra…….............................................Jerome Beller, Amelia & Irving Dreilinger, Herbert Dreilinger, Bernard Dreilinger, Helen & Harry Beller, Joseph Beller, Florence & Sidney Berken, Michelle Beller Bender, Elliott & Hilary………………..…….….Alvin Lehman, Isadore T. Bender, Frances Bender, Reva Hoffman, Stanley Lehman, Hilda Lehman, Joseph Lehman, Estelle Hyman Imburg, Harry Hyman, Fred Bender, Evelyn Bender, Jerry Feldstein, Joseph Goodstein Benenson, Claire & Family.............................Dr. David M. Benenson, Fannie Bernstein, Max Bernstein, Emma Benenson, Sam Benenson, Sheldon Benenson, Irving Benson Berger, Nathan…............................................Frances S. Berger, Betty J. Gordon, Michael Gordon, Minnie Gordon, Reuben Gordon, Samuel Sinker, A. Sol Weger, Lena Sinker Weger, Bernard J. Berger, Matilda "Tillie" Gordon Cohan Bernstein, Minh…...……….............................Ernest Bernstein, Edith S. Bernstein, H. J. Bernstein, Ellis A. Bernstein, Vivian Bernstein, Maurice Bernstein, Florence B. Cooper Beverly, Xavier, Rachel ……………………….Naomi & Alphonso Beverly, Flora & Andrew Burgess, Jerome Imburg, Julia Imburg, Florence Imburg, Charlotte Imburg Levin, Jacqueline Moore Biegler, Claudia & Steve................................Shirley & Hyman Biegler, Frances & Louis Rubin, Sarah Taffet, Phillip & Bessie Snyder, Rose & Jake Rubin, Alma Shapiro Leitman, Lisa Thalhimer, Steve Wolff, Allen & Lois Koff, Daniel Kowler,Yuddie Wachtel Blank, Rhona & Irving.....................................Benjamin Mandel, Harriet Mandel, Lewis Blank, Evelyn Blank Lewis, Sol Hyman, Sylvia Hyman, Samuel Brooke

Remembered By In Memoriam


Remembered By In Memoriam

Krumbein, Cynthia & Charles.........................Joseph Taft Nerden, Lillian Gass Nerden, Nathaniel Krumbein, James Liebman, Jordan Pressner, Ernst Liebman


Ladin, Barry & Family......................................Eugene Ladin, Mary Ann Ladin, Goldie Adelansky, Harry Adelansky, Morton Adelansky, Louis Ladin, Sarah Ladin, Joseph Chernack, Dean Ladin, Jack Ladin, Anne Chernack, Laurine Stein Lapkin Hedy …………………………………….Edward Lapkin, Barbara Hackerman, Yetta Sachs, Raymond Sachs, Samuel Lapkin Laskin, Dr. Daniel M...…….………...…….…...Eve Laskin Lazarus, Barry & Cynthia Goldstein..………...Jack Goldstein, Celia Lazarus, Eva Zweig, Goldstein Family, Henry Lazarus, Leatrice Lazarus, Bessie & Moe Gitnick, Marylin & Mendel Severs, Edna Aronovitch Cohen

Lehman, Richard & Amy Beth.........................Alfred Lehman, Gladys Cansino Lehman, Jack Cansino, Ruby Cansino, Ethel Lehman, Max Lehman, Evelyn Cansino Flax, Jack Weiner, Lewis I. Held Lehman, Weene .............................................Alvin Lehman, Joseph E. Lehman, Hilda Lehman, Harry R. & Estelle Hyman Imburg, Sam Imburg Stanley Lehman, Reva Lehman Hoffman, Joseph Goodstein, Jerry Feldstein Leitstein, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd (Carol Amernick).............................................Ralph Amernick, Daniel & Evelyn Leitstein, Mollie & Benjamin Friedman, Max & Reba Amernick, Joseph & Frieda Siegel, Sherry Amernick Schulman, Brian Hecht, George & Sadie Kastens, Max & Gussie Leitstein, David & Fannie Brown, Bernard Goldstein, Charles & Sonia Scher, Milton & Ceil Sollod, Abe & Esther Cohen, Melvin and Alice Friedman, Alan Selig, Bernard and Irene Amernick, Leon Amernick, Hortense Amernick, Linda Dranoff Levet, Reggie..................................................Malcolm R. Levet, Celia S. Levet, Ronald Levet, Frieda H. Goldberg, Herman Goldberg, Ruth Matassa, Barbara


Klinger, Shelly & Barbara Dill………………….Florence Klinger, Walter Klinger, Joseph Bienstock, J. Madison Dill, Charlotte Elizabeth Dill, Charlotte Ezell Dill Knopf, Michael & Adira………………………...Lila Farrow, Moe Farrow, Irwin Jay Knopf Kocen, Celeste G............................................Charles Aaron Kocen, Bessie Kocen, Myer Kocen, William Kocen, Solomon Gordon, Rose Wagenheim, Lillian Cohen, Lena P. Gordon, Betty Silver, Anna Rothman, Pearl Strauss, Irvin Strauss, Syd Schwartzberg, Alex Lebenstein, Adolph Kocen Kornstein, Esta Strong…………………………Arnold I. Kornstein, William D. Strong, Leda B. Strong, Iris Strong Marks, Jacob Marks Kornstein, Susan & Lee Krumbein…………....Nathaniel Krumbein, Arnold Kornstein, William & Leda Strong, Samuel & Hattie Kornstein, Iris Marks, Leo & Esther Krumbein, Max & Annie Meyers Kowler, Judith & Family…...............................Daniel E. Kowler, Samuel R. Kowler, Miriam Kowler, Judith Lynn Kowler, Meyer Slutsky, Rose Slutsky, Florence Joltin, Lillian Joltin Krauss, Barry & Ellen......................................Mandell Shevel Siff, Jean F. Siff, Esta Fleishman, Leon Fleishman, Hannah Shevel Siff, Samuel Robert Siff, Mandell Shevel, Sarah Shevel Silbert, Todd R. Krauss, Louis Krauss, Sarah Baker Krauss, Jean Tranis, Mickey F. Sugar, Florence Ourisman, Hinda Morris, Benjamin Morris, Rebecca Silver, Leah Shevel Krieg, Barry & Lisa..........................................Eileen Krieg, Jacob Krieg, Samuel Krieg, Betty Krieg, Murray Hudes, Marian Hudes, Stephen Hudes, Sophie Spiegel, Charles Spiegel, Marian Schneider, Dr. Morris D. Schneider, Samuel Tannenbaum, Dorothy Tannenbaum Krumbein, Amy………………………………….Nathaniel Krumbein, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Max Meyers. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Krumbein, Hyman Meyers, S. Sidney Meyers

Remembered By In Memoriam


Remembered By In Memoriam

Bowles, Lynn S...............................................Annette C. Scherr, Maurice Scherr, Janice R. Scherr, Lena S. Scherr, Meyer Scherr, Lena M. Coplan, Joseph Coplan, Irene Kocen, Irvin Kocen Bradshaw, Helene Gertz..................................June Simon Gertz, Frank Gertz, Stanley Gertz, Sybil Mirman Gertz, Amy Gertz Lazbin, Bill (Willard) Benjamin, Shayna Bradshaw, C.L. Bradshaw, Bonnie Bradshaw Brenner, Ted I. & JoAnn…..............................Bertha Aronoff, Isadore Aronoff, Benjamin F. Brenner, Dorothy Brenner, Hyman Brenner, Ida Fishman, Sam Fishman, David Bloch, Jennie Fishman Bloch, Annette Brenner, Herman Fishman Brik, Alina………………………………………..David Ovrutskiy, Betya Chernyahovskaya, Rosa Tsimmerman, Avroom Tsimmerman, Leiba Ovrutskiy, Lyalya Rogova, Bronya Rogova Buckberg, Paul & Amy, Michael & Millie……..Morton L. Buckberg - Father & Grandfather & Yetta Buckberg - Mother & Grandmother, Arnold Lowenstein - Father & Pop Pop Buffenstein, Frona & Allan..............................Morris Peck, Sylvia Peck, Samuel Peck, Frances Buffenstein, Louis Buffenstein, Victor Peck

C Cantor, Leo J………..…..................................Mary Cantor, Hannah K. Cohen, Isadore Cohen, Solomon Cantor, Eva Cantor, Norman Cantor, Clarence Cantor, Dr. Stanley N. Cohen, Joel R. Cohen, Roberta L. Cohen, Dora K. Hallinan, Lilye K.Taylor, Victor Taylor, Hannah Fiddler, Jeffrey Fiddler, Charles Fiddler, Trudy Cohen, Marvin Cantor Cantor, Steven & Sandra..…………..……......Herman S. & Dena Cantor, Joseph Levenglick, Vance L. & Margaret Yount, Harry Cantor, Annie Cantor, Myer & Bessie Kocen, Judy Cantor, Adolph Kocen, Rena Cohen Cardon, Reid, Cheri, Jennifer & Brett…….…..Leon Cardon, Wayne Cardon, Ronald E. Goldenberg, James Goldenberg,


Remembered By In Memoriam

Edna Goldenberg, Ben Schreiber, Martin Sachs, Lawrence Grosser, Sue Schreiber, Selma Cardon Bennett Chiappa, Neil, LeeAnn, Nathan & Nicole..............................................Naomi B. Specter, Theresa S. Chiappa, Mario L. Chiappa Clayman, Joey & Rosemarie..........................JoAnn C. Clayman, Harry Clayman, Marcia N. Clayman, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Caplan, Mr. & Mrs. Abe Rosensweig, Gregory A. Clayman, Penny Clayman, Marshall E. Gordon, Herman Bloom, Leon & Sonia Meryn, Yehuda Sarapej, Mera Sarapej, Michael Sarapej, Aaron Hass, Bessie Cohen, Louis Hass, Benjamin Meryn, Morris & Leslie Hass, Mollie & Zelic Bloom, Dr. Stephen Gould, Rebecca Arnowitz, Irving & Anne Gordon, Marvin & Eva Harrison, Rose Hass, Sarah Clayman Gary, Sy & Fanny Gould, Moe & BeeGee Gary, Miriam Arnowitz Clayman, Susan & Frank Starks……………...Margie & Jake Clayman, Annie & Hyman Clayman, Annie & Samuel Mollen, Miriam & Meyer Goodman, Ruth & Irving Mollen, Freda & Bernard Mollen, Rita & Herbert Mollen, Terry & Burt Simons, Mary Plotkin, Helen Stagg, Jennie & Harold Sidenberg, Lena & Joseph Coplan, Annette & Maurice Scherr, Irene & Irvin Kocen, Marci & Louis Horwitz Cohan, Sandra Dinetz....................................Martin Cohan, Lillian Cohan, Morris Cohan, Shirley Dinetz, Benjamin Dinetz, Nancy Faye Dinetz Spitzer, Sandra F. Dinetz Colker, Frona & Alan.......................................Beatrice Scherr, Jerome Henry Scherr, Jean Colker, Louis Colker, Iris Petersiel Comess, Patricia.............................................Barry Comess, Max Comess, Sara Mandel Comess, William N. Thomas, Martha S. Thomas, Jean Comess, Ed Lapkin, Harry Cohen, Ben Mandel, Herbert and Ruth Goldstein, Marilyn Mandel Cohn, Harriett Mandel, Vivian Murad, David Millison, Judith Blum Hathaway, Irene Mandel Blum Coplan, Howard & Regina..............................Joseph Coplan, Henny Lisa Greenebaum,


Remembered By In Memoriam

Katz, Harold……….….....................................Bernice Lipson Katz, Alvin L. Lipson, Samuel Berkman, Celia Berkman, Harriett K. Katz, Edith S. Katz, William N. Katz, Dr. Eugene J. Lipson, Mollie Lipson, Albert L. Kravitz, Florence S. Kravitz, Esther Wolfstahl, Dr. Theodore Katz, Sylvia S. Katz Katz, Lee & Family..…….…............................Albert S. Katz, Doris Katz, Bernard Fredric Katz, Albert Bleicher, Ann Bleicher, Edwin Bleicher, Lena Bleicher, Robert Bleicher, Ben Gordon, Bernard Katz, Jake Katz, Lena Katz, Mark Katz, Morris Katz, Gilbert Katz, Vera Weiss, Dorothy Zuckerman, Claudette Yamin, Evelyn K. Lifset, Helen K. Goldberg Keil, Jeff………………...…..............................Denise Goodman Keil, Audrey Holtzman, Henry L. Holtzman, Gertrude Keil, Samuel Keil Kessler, Fred & Fay…....................................Sylvia & Joseph Kessler, Leonard & Sandra Kessler, David & Elizabeth Kessler, Samuel & Fannie Levine, Leo & Esther Kutner, Lee Kutner, Genia & Albert Kutner, Faigel & Benjamin Talkofska, Jill Emery, Anne & Morris Freedlander, Norman, Phillip & Stuart Freedlander, Philis Kutner, Sidney & Charlotte Imburg Levine, Carrie Kutner Kessler, Lynn & Neil........................................Marvin A. Kessler, Lucky B. Kessler, Stephen J. Kessler, Jeannette Z. Bloch, Ludwig Bloch, Ida F. Kessler, Paul I. Kessler, Sanford Allen Lewis Kirsch, Audrey….............................................Ruth Kirsch, Beckie Cohen, Max Cohen, Hyman Cohen, Jerry Kirsch, Jack Kirsch, Mae Cohen, Rosaline Scherer Klein, Dr. Wendy………..................................Geraldine Marcus, Lester Simons, Isidore & Dora Aptakin, Barnett Simons, David & Sadye Simons, Daniel Ginsburg, Eugenia Rose Simmons Kleinkopf, Dr. & Mrs. Alan...............................Harry & Ruth Kleinkopf, Joseph & Fannie Kleinkopf, Israel & Rachel Frank, Larry & Henrietta Schneider, Shirley Blair


Reeven D. Kalman, Raymond M. Kalman, Malcolm Kalman, Samuel H. Kalman, Daniel Kalman, Marian Kalman

Kalman, David T., Joshua & Jacob..............................................Malcolm Kalman, Ruth Lillian Rosenberg, Rosaline Rosenberg, Mary Kaminsky, Edythe Rosenberg Siegel, Charles Siegel, Hadassah Kalman, Minna Schwartz, Anne Raskind, Ruth Brown Segal, Sol Segal, Samuel Kalman, Raymond Kalman, Reeven Kalman, Marian Kalman, Dan Kalman, Jake Fayman, Selma Fayman, Doris Katz, Charlotte Siegel Yancey Kamras, Akiva, Ezra, Miwa & Jason………….Inge & Alvin Mund, Florence & Leo Kamras, Carolyn & Alfred Powell, Ko & Keimei Handa Kaplan, Bart & Laurie…………………………..Morris Kaplan, Meyer & Mollie Bernstein, Joseph & Sarah Kaplan, Donald & Mollie Freedman, Frank & Babe Meyer, Bob & Mildred Eskeles, Janice Scherr, Ben & Katie Merkle Kaplan, Hilda……….…...................................Morris Kaplan, Meyer Bernstein, Mollie Bernstein, Joseph Kaplan, Sarah Kaplan Karp Family…….…..............................….......Pearl Karp Markham, Irene Donsky Katz, Myer Katz, Melvin Karp, Benjamin Katz, Rose Kibrick Katz, Molly Weitzman, Reba Zwanetsky, Linda Zwanetsky, Ann Lickstein, Max Karp, Ida Karp, Sarah Kelberg, Abraham J. Kelberg, J. David Markham, Samuel Geller, Lee I. Kelberg, Flora Kelberg Geller Kashinejad, Sherrie…………………………….Joe Kashinejad, Sara Kashinejad, Shlomo Kashinejad, Rina Kashinejad, Bijan Kashinejad Katz, Alan & Lynn…........................................Dorothy Silver Katz, Isadore Katz, Hyman Effron, Sylvia Effron, Dr. Arnold Effron, Bessie Forman, Louis Forman, Freida Silver, Esther Wolfstahl, Abraham Effron, Augusta Effron, Abraham Forman, Frank Griffith, Susan Effron Griffith, Edward Effron, Isaac Silver & Nathalie Silver

Remembered By In Memoriam

Norbert Greenebaum, Janice Scherr, Lena M. Coplan, Ben Merkle, Julius & Erna Greenebaum, Lester Greenebaum, Bertha Greenebaum, Annette Coplan Scherr, Irvin Kocen, Irene Kocen, Maurice Scherr, Max Wand, Paula Wand, Leonard C. Greenebaum Creditor, Rabbi Gary S. & Ruby Eisenberg-Creditor................................Henry Creditor, Joseph Creditor, Bella Creditor, Anna Liebhoff, Abraham Liebhoff, Ralph & Helen Dubin, Joseph Finkel, Celia Finkel, Max Eisenberg, Bessie Eisenberg, Adele Eisenberg, Walter Eisenberg, Bernard Eisenberg Crocker, Judy..................................................Mr. James A. Johnson, Sr., Lisa Marie Clements, Mr. Joseph C. King, Sr., Diane Crocker Clements, Mildred Crocker Johnson, Mrs. Isabella Virginia Johnson, Mrs. Sarah Emma Davis King, Amy Elizabeth Clements, Howard F. King, Sr., Tiny Crocker, Abby Crocker, Heath Blake King, Sr.


Daleng, Myra………………………………...….Ephraim “Ed” Steinberg, Libbie Mazer Steinberg, Rhona Straus Weinstein, Clara & Jacob Steinberg, Carol Straus Morrison, Dr. Jerome Weinstein, Ida Mazer Straus, Norman Shapiro, Dr. Melvin Morrison, Hilda Rosenzweig, Tillie Mazer Shapiro, Abe Rosenzweig David, Harriet D..............................................Hanna David, Carol David, Ruby D. David, Abe Davids, Jerome David Davis, Arthur & Susan....................................Joseph Davis, Bernard Fife, Joel Weinberger, Ella Rose Davis, Arlene R. Fife Davis, Martine, Rob & Family...…………........Ada Pfeffer, Abraham Pfeffer, Sam Hoffman, Gussie Hoffman, Meyer Pfeffer, Anne Pfeffer, Mel A. Davis, Doris Pfeffer, Herb Pfeffer Dennis, Dr. Rutledge M...................................David Dennis, Sr., Ora Porcher Dennis, David Dennis, Jr., Margaret Dennis, Joseph


Remembered By In Memoriam

Remembered By In Memoriam

Weathers, Rebecca Rutledge Weathers, Josephine Browning, Paul Dennis, Ida Wilson, Annie Porcher, John Weathers, Anthony Dennis, Lorne Rozovsky, Bonnie Marrow, Bette & Joseph Brown, Hattie Moore, Mabel Wynn, Drs. Marty & Barbara Adler Deutsch, Mr. & Mrs. Stewart...........................Edward Deutsch, Dora Deutsch, Harvey Deutsch, Frank Lissy, Celia Lissy, Sara Eisenberger, Claire Rosenbaum Distelman, Janet & Jim Levenson…….……...Evelyn Distelman, Irving Distelman, Mary Levenson, Milton Levenson Dobken, Helen & Myrna..................................Dr. Philip Dobken, Meyer Dobken, Sara Lee Dobken, Annie Goldfarb Gordon, Samuel Gordon, Irving Leonard Gordon, Jerome Allen Gordon, Sylvia Gordon, Marshall Edward Gordon, Henry Shapiro, Foy Abady Wylie Doniger, Michael & Luan………………………Helen Doniger, Ben Doniger, Louise Germano Dranoff, Ilene……...........................................Linda Dranoff Dranoff, Lee & Robin….…………………….....Ralph Amernick, Linda Dranoff, Albert Kravitz, Florence Kravitz, Isadore Dranoff, Rose Dranoff, Max Amernick, Reba Amernick, Ben Friedman, Mollie Friedman, Melvin Friedman, Harriet K. Katz Dunham, Jim & Patti.......................................Helen K. & William H. Dranoff, Rose C. & Isadore Dranoff, Bessie S. & Mike Kocen, Ruby K. & Carl David, Inez K. & Charles Miller, Riba & Sidney Kocen, Freda & Harry Kocen, Irene K. & Irvin Kocen, Morris J. Dranoff, Bertha D. & Abe Heller, Sam & Tillie D. Heller, Manuel N. Dranoff, Mildred D. Carton, Christopher Ryan Blunt, Steven Mark Moskowitz


Edelstein, Michael & Beth...............................Sidney Edelstein, Helen Edelstein, Lillian Cohen, Meyer Cohen, Paula Reiman, Corinne Wolfe, Selma Metz, Charles Edelstein, Reuben Reiman

21 30

Remembered By In Memoriam


Jackson, Robin & Danny, Matt & Shields Jackson..................................Dr. Jerome Beller, Amelia & Irving Dreilinger, Helen & Harry Beller, Arnold Hester, Herman Grey Jackson, Raphael Yerby, Michelle Beller James, Maryann………………………………..Morty Weiman, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Prior James, Mary Arabella Gillian James, William (Bill) White, Esq. Janner, Pat……….......................................... Marty Janner, Sara Morris, Nathan Morris, Stan Morris, Clara Janner, Irving Janner, Lena Orenstein, Abraham Jack Orenstein, Ann Orenstein, Jack Schenkman, Selma Schenkman, Jack Orenstein Jones, Beverly & Perry...................................Janice Rose Scherr, Annette Coplan Scherr, Joseph Coplan, Lena Coplan, Meyer Scherr, Lena Scherr, Maurice Scherr, Irene Kocen, Irvin Kocen Jones, Haley…………………………………….Charles Dingee Jones, Elizabeth Fulton Jones


Kadycz, Lala………………...……………….....Emile Kadycz, Lajbus Icek Kadycz, Deborah Hollander-Rapp, Tobias Rapp, Eliakim Getzel Korall, Perla Geldwerth- Korall, Cypora Fajbusiewicz-Kadycz, Shaul Korall, Henri Kadycz, Shmuel Yehuda Korall, Dobe Rela (Dorothee) Rapp-Korall Kahan, Shirley…………..................................Abe Kahan, Alvin Abrams, Bessie Abrams, Harriet Kahan, Melvin Brooks, Shirley Brooks, Norman Kahan, Ray Kahan, Harry Kahan, Gloria Weisberger, Herb Weisberger, Scot Weisberger Kallman, Louise & Ronald & Family...………..Eleanor C. Kallman, Malcolm R. Kallman, Albert Cohn, Sarah R. Cohn, Jennie Riedenberg, Max Riedenberg, Rose Riedenberg, Ida Rubin, Samuel Rubin, Mildred C. Perlin, Bennie Perlin Kalman, Charles……......................................Dossie G. Kalman, Meyer Kalman,


Remembered By In Memoriam

Horwitz, Ricky & Caroline……………………...Hal Horwitz, Mildred & Bennie Perlin, Ella & Nat Horwitz Horwitz, Sylvia & Dov Weitman......................Esther Fishman Horwitz, Seymour Horwitz, Isadore Fishman, Molly Fishman, Hyman Isaac Horwitz, Lena M. Horwitz, Sydney Horwitz, Reuben Fishman, Charlotte Rosen, Rae Cohen, Bernard Horwitz, Linda Fishman Ott, Radha Wood, Louis Horwitz, Marci Horwitz, Nat Horwitz, Ella Horwitz, Hal Horwitz, Edythe Hoffman Horwitz, Tracey A……….................................Louis Horwitz, Marci Horwitz, Bert & Bernard Horwitz, Esther & Seymour Horwitz, Shirley Onie, Ida Navickas

Howard, Wendy, Randy, Scott & Morgan, Joshua, Holly…...……….…..Betty Hampden, Gerald Hampden, Mary Jane Howard, Spencer L. Howard, Kurt Wile, Gerda Wile, Margaret Howard LeMasters

Hyman, Ruth & Family...……..........................Hyman H. Hyman, Sadie Hyman, Lena Shapiro, Edward Shapiro, Theodore Kahn


Imburg & Beverly Families…………...............Jerome Imburg, Julia Imburg, Manual Imburg, Libby Imburg, Florence Imburg, Murray Reiter, Jacqueline Moore, Harry Silver, Rose Silver, Gilbert Grossman, Charlotte Imburg Levine, Lena Imburg, Gerald Levine, Donald Imburg Imburg, Elizabeth……………………………….Lena Imburg, Manuel Imburg, Libby Imburg, Harry Silver, Rose Silver, Jerome Imburg, Florence Imburg, Julia Imburg, Sidney Levine, Charlotte Imburg Levine, Sammy Levine, Gerry Levine Ipson, Elly & Jay.............................................Edna Ipson, Israel Ipson, Moshe Butrimovitz, Chaia Esther Butrimovitz, Chananie Butrimovitz, Chaim Butrimovitz, Mina Butrimovitz, Faivel Butrimovitz, Alvin Berritt, Preidel Ipson, Tone Ipson, Dvoire Ipson, Golde Ipson, Harry B. Gaffen, Michael J. Berritt, Israel Cramer, Sonia Cramer, Sadie Bernstein, Milton Bernstein, Lionel Gaffen

Remembered By In Memoriam


Edwards, Kendell & Barbara…………………..Arnold Hecht, Lorraine Flax Hecht, Fannie & Maurice Flax, Jack Flax, Rose & David Hecht, Leon Hecht, Lillian Hecht Tucker, Andrew Trimmer Elford, Dr. & Mrs. Howard...............................Dorothy Elford, Joseph Elford, Ben Maurer, Walter Maurer, Jerrold Elford, Goldye Maurer, Charlotte Bauer Elford Ellenbogen, Phyllis & Ken……………………..Roslyn Barban Ellenbogen, Bernice Steinberg, Herman Steinberg, Thelma Fedder


Falik Family……………...................................Abe Lucks, Vivian Lucks, Fanchon Metzger, Benjamin Feldman, Frieda Feldman, Alwyn Metzger, Abraham Falik, Rose Falik, Bas-Ami Grodman Feinstein, Hinda & Barry.................................Elka Sztainbuch, Marty Feinstein, Mordechai Sztainbuch, Isaac Sztainbuch, Phyllis Feinstein Feldstein, Arlene (Judy)…………..……...……Jerome Hersh Feldstein, Esther Hyman Imburg, Harry Hyman, Sam Imburg, Rose Fox Feldstein, Jacob Feldstein, Lee Mitchel Feldstein, Lois Cohen Feldstein, Joseph Sachler Goodstein, Alvin Lehman, Rebecca Seidel Drutz, Betty Drutz Felmus Family................................................Neil L. & Veta Felmus, Saul and Selma Woll Fiedler, Norma………...…………....................Paul Fiedler, Murray & Mildred Fiedler, Eleanor & Charles Brock, Sue Brock, Julia Gargiulo Finer, Russell M………….………....................Pamela S. Finer, wife; Allen Finer, father; Estelle Finer, mother Fishman Family…………..…………...………..Mortimer Leventer, Hermina Pierson, Ruth Zaikov, Evelyn Fishman Flax, Richard J................................................Evelyn Flax, Nathan Flax, Lily Flax, Jack Cansino, Ruby Cansino, Hyman Flax, Harris Silver, Lena Flax, Annie Silver, Walter Silver, Sam Silver, Edith Weinberg, Evelyn Ram, Harold Weinberg, Barney Webber, Arthur Jacks, Stuart Silverman,


Remembered By In Memoriam

Arthur Adams, Charles Gale, Alvin Lehman, Audrey Rhoades, Allen Rhoades, Sidney Bernstein Flax, Robert & Marilyn…………......................Estelle & Julian Lipsitz, Rhoda & Herbert Flax, Bessie & Michael Lipsitz, Helen & Louis Cohen, Fanny & Benjamin Merrin, Fanny & Samuel Flax, Susan April Flax Fogelson, Sandra & Fred................................Arthur & Roslyn Fogelson, Alice & Jerry Kisner, Samuel Kisner, Selma Kisner, Donna Levien, Robert Pash Fratkin, Melvin & Joyce………………………..Jacob Fratkin, Herman Navon, Dorothy B. Fratkin, Ruth Navon Freed, Neal……………………………………...Joseph Gurievsky, Beryl Gurievsky, Ira B. Altman, Judith K. Altman Friedman, Elliott & Debra………….................Allan Friedman, Betty Ann Jaffee, Robert Jaffee, Fanny Peters Weiner, Julius Weiner, Rose Jaffee, Michael Jaffee, Phyllis Jaffee Krolick, Lee Friedman, Paul Friedman, Frank Friedman, Phyllis Doctor, Dan Doctor, Joseph Frankel, Sonia Frankel Friedman, Ron................................................Helen Virginia Rees Friedman, Simon Friedman, Anna Friedman, Mildred S. Phillips, Barton L. Rees, Lester Rees, Dora Butterhoff Rees, Morris I. Friedman, Cheryl D. Friedman, Gertrude Friedman, Sol Friedman, Hope Caro Friedman, Isaac Friedman, Rose Raboy Friedman, Ina Friedman Kay, Shelley Kay, Lou Cohan, Jennie Friedman Cohan, Les Melnicove, Elizabeth Friedman Sauber, Julius Sauber, Frank Sauber, Shirley Povich, Ethyl Friedman Povich, Joe Hamer, Hugh Loving, Ed Solotar, Michael D. Messick, Mary Garber, Larry Parker, Sue Harrison, Jane Carpenter, Don Nichols, and all those who have no one else to remember them Fromer, Glenn & Deborah……………………..Sol Fromer, Renee Fromer Frost, Jeffrey & Fern.......................................Lillian Horenstein, Manuel Horenstein, Dora Horenstein, Sadie Carmen, Harry Carmen, Herman Waskin, Sara C. Waskin, Theresa V. MacConnell, Lena Devor,


Remembered By In Memoriam

Louis Greentree, Mildred Schuman Elmer, Milton Elmer, Dr. Jack Samuel Hirsch Hoffman, Gloria K………….…………………...Irving Berkanholtz, Miriam Gast, Tobias Gast, Dr. Martin A. Hoffman, Beatrice R. Kaufman, Ida Kaufman, Louis Kaufman, Mollie G. Kaufman, Nathan L. Kaufman, Nathan Levin, Sylvia Levin, Sylvan M. Sherman, Sam Kaufman, Ruth Berkanholtz Holland, Sheila Mallinger………………………Dr. Ramsey G. Kleff, David S. Mallinger, Rose Greenwald Mallinger, Ruth Greenwald, Eugenie Khleif, Georges Khleif, Nawal Khleif Jany Homansky, Donna Seldes……………………..Ida Cantor, Louis Cantor, Marc Allan Seldes, Philip Seldes, Burton S. Kahn, Leon Globman, Minnie Globman, Rose Kahn, Esther Seldes, Nathan Cantor, Sarah Cantor, Fannie Seldes, Mordecai Seldes, Ty Davis Seldes, Ann Kootner Cantor Hopp, Jenna…………………………………….Lani Salzberg Hopp, Sylvia Kurzon Salzberg, David Salzberg, Roslyn Thrope Hopp, George Hopp Horowitz, Harriet.............................................Jerome S. Meyer, Bertha R. Meyer, Irving Hackerman, Ruth Hackerman, Minna Rosenberg, Morris Rosenberg, Shirley Rostov, Henry Rostov, Barbara Kanuk, Mildred & Robert Eskeles, Ann “Cookie” Rosenberg, Albert & Shirley Evans, Barbara Blackman Horowitz, Inge W. & Family.............................Harold Horowitz, Morris Horowitz, Rose Horowitz, Alfred Windmueller, Ida S. Windmueller, Herbert Windmueller, Esther Windmueller, Fred Rose, Dorothy Walters, Fred Walters Horwitz, Helen................................................Hal Horwitz, Mildred Perlin, Bennie Perlin, Ella Wolf Horwitz, Nat Horwitz, Albert Cohn, Sarah Cohn, Arnold Lowenstein Shirley Perlin Lesser, Deborah Perlin, Joseph Perlin, Nathan B. Perlin, Ida Rubin, Samuel Rubin


Remembered By In Memoriam


Halpern, Pearl & Halpern-Weber, Arlene……………….............William Halpern, Israel & Sonia Gossack, Irving & Jean Kravitz, Eva & Abie Boldovitch, Samuel Halpern, Saul & Sarah Weber, Moishe & Sheila Halpern, Myer & Millie Halpern Halpert, Neil, Laurie & Family.........................Ruth O. Halpert, Oscar Halpert, Edythe Cohen Hanks, Lou L...................................................Libby Ann Schatzow, Estelle Evans, Larry Cohn, Joseph C. Allison, Frederick Loental, Dorothy Loental, Bette Brown, Barbara Adler, Bonnie Clarke-Marrow, Ruby Walker, Mary Ellen Bearse Harowitz, Richard & Lisa..…….......................Florine Harowitz, Charles Harowitz, Martin Harowitz, Sr., Mollie Harowitz, Ethel Siff, Herman Siff, Joshua Harowitz, Albert Seff, Martin Harowitz, Jr., Dorothy Harowitz, Carol Harowitz Miller, Joseph Harowitz, Gerald Seff Helfman, Cantor Errol & Judy.........................Sophie Winograd, Joseph Helfman, Max & Bella Radwolsky, Samuel & Lilyan Abrams, Isadore & Fanny Abrams, Howard Abrams, Shirleyann Reid, Joseph Closner Heller, Mrs. Gaby…….....................................Irwin Heller, Ethel Heller, Louis Joel Heller, Kurt Hirsh, Hannah Moore, Jacob Moore, Charles Moore, Theater Moore, Roberta Moore, Charlotte Hirsh, Arthur M. Moore, Harvey A. Glick, Arnold Britstein Moore Hessberg, Lisa & Michael...............................Noah Alexander Hessberg, Mary C. Cohen, Alex Cohen, Edward K. Hessberg, Alvin Walter, Rita Straus, Marie Gross, Margaret Sonn Hessberg, Susan Cohen Marks, Kaleb S. Grant Hewlett, Estelle……………………………….…Abram Kazman, Rose Kazman, Harold Abraham Hirsch, Harry & Lois…....................................Margaret Lotte Hirsch, Dr. Kurt Hirsch, E. “Bub” Schuman, Terri Schuman Hirsch, Ann W. Greentree, Max & Paula Hirsch, Sally & Paula Bukofzer, Irving S. Greentree,


Remembered By In Memoriam

Casper Devor, Jack Devor, Dr. Albert Waskin, James Frost

G .

Gary, Beverly T.…………...............................Leon Harold Gary, Louis & Hannah Gerson Gary, Sadie Gary, Gertrude & Allan Minko, Louis & Cecelia Tessler, Stanley Tessler Gary, Judy & Louis..........................................Leon H. Gary, Isaac Silver, Nathalie Silver, Sadie Gary, Dorothy Gary, Al Minko, Gertrude Minko, Esther Wolfsthal, Joseph Gary, Stanley Tessler, Morton Gary, Dorothy Katz, Isadore Katz, Becky Silver Gelrud, Louis & Eddy......................................Mildred Kitt Gelrud, Gilbert Kitt, Pauline Sherman, Sylvan Sherman, Miriam Sokolow, Sam Sokolow, Stanley Cherner, Isaac Seidman, Rebecca Seidman, Bob Goodman, Isador Schwartz, Debby Altschull, Jack Gelrud, Lester Poretsky, Robert Morris, Margie & Jake Clayman, Jack Luskin, Milton Adams, Denise Goodman Keil, Alyne P. Morris Genderson, Samuel & Gail……......................Frank Genderson, Rose Ann Genderson, Herman Morris Marcus, Dorothy Marcus Swetlitz, Louis Swetlitz, David Joel Marcus Glock, Edith………………...............................Dr. Eugene Glock, Hannah Glock, Henry Glock, Theresa Glock, Rose Shrensky, Wolf Shrensky, Isadore “Iz” Shrensky, Jeanette Sorenson, Bessie Fishbein, Rose Fishbein, Leonard Sorenson Goldberg, Aaron & Stephanie, Mollye & Sadie Goldberg, Susan & Jack Pevenstein…...………………...Mollye Zitmore Pevenstein, Manuel Pevenstein, Herbert Billowitz, Sarah Hillman Billowitz, David Ansel, Katherine Ansel, Laura Marsh, Dora Herzog, Mary Goldberg, Nathan Goldberg, Huxley Pevenberg, Barney Pevenstein, Philip Billowitz, Sylvia Billowitz, Rita Frankel Goldberg, Dora...............................................Florence Goldberg, Morris Goldberg, Isaac Plotnick, Jeanette Plotnick, Etta Goldberg, Barnett Goldberg, Meyer Goldberg, Herman Plotnick, Dennis I.


Goldberg, Doris Selbie, Jack Goldberg, Frances Plotnick Goldberg, Gary…………………......................Deborah S. Minden, Martha Goldberg, Philip Goldberg, Fern Susan Goldberg, Joseph H. Minden, Anne Kitt Minden, Bertha Sangerman, Sophia Guzner Goldberg, Robert & Sally…............................Selma C. Goldberg, LeRoy B. Goldberg, Sanford Allen Lewis Goldman, Frances, Larry & Sam....................Bertie & Joseph Fischbein, Wally Fischbein, Sherry Kohlenberg, Alice & Robert Goldman, Eli & Uddy Feldman, David Harry Feldman, Fanny Feldman Goodman, John W. & Linda............................Evelyn K. Goodman, B. Stuart Goodman, Raymond Sakowitz, Helene F. Goodman, John P. Goodman, Hannah H. Kittenplan, Philip Kittenplan, Benjamin Krieger, Florence Krieger, David Sakowitz, Sarah Sakowitz, Rose F. Cohen, Robyn Nemitz, Albert H. Evans, Freeda Savage, Shirley K. Evans, Jerome Krieger, Martin Sakowitz, Lila Sakowitz, Judy Sakowitz Goodman Julie & Michael.…………………….Dr. Harold Goodman, Harriett Goodman, Dr. Robert Goodman, Denise Goodman Keil, Dr. Donald Stiles, Arlene Stiles Goodstein, Joan………………………………...Joseph Goodstein, Estelle & Harry Robert Hyman, Hilda S. & Lou Goodstein, Sam Imburg, Rebecca Drutz, Reva Hyman, Alvin Lehman, Jerry Feldstein, Joseph Bruce Goldman, Betty Drutz Gordon, Jeffrey N & Jessica Lane..................Anne Gordon, Irving Leonard Gordon, Marshall Edward Gordon, Harry Clayman, Joseph Clayman, Marcie Nettie Clayman, Dr. Philip Dobken, Sarah Clayman Gary, Jerome Goldfarb, Annie Goldfarb Gordon, Jerome A. Gordon, Samuel Gordon, Eva Clayman Harrison, JoAnn Clayman, Ida Hanna "Penny" Clayman, Herman Abady, Fannie C. Gould, Foy Gordon, Abady Wiley, Simon Gould, Dr. Stephan J. Gould, Marvin Harrison, Lionel C. Lane, Anne P. Lane

Remembered By In Memoriam


Remembered By In Memoriam

Gouldin, Shelley & Winston............................Mr. & Mrs. Herman November, Dr. & Mrs. Samuel P. Kayne, Cindy Gouldin, Laura Whitley Grabiner, Jerold, Sharon, Joshua, Jennifer, Charlotte & Emmeline Grabiner, Jessica, Scott, Adam & Katelyn Thur, Kimberly, Jake, Jonah, & Micah Artz, Stacey Grabiner, Ruthie & Baron Berkle..………………………...Isadore Klatzkie, Ruth Klatzkie, Alex Grabiner, Hilda Grabiner Grandis, Dr. & Mrs. Stuart..............................Michael Agress, Sarah Agress, Meyer Glickstein, Dr. Albert Greenfield, Helen K. Grandis, Sandra Grandis Frank, Reuben Grandis, Jack Kaminsky, Dora Nusenko, Harry Nusenko, Jerome Nusenko, Gladys Nusenko, Philip Rabinowitz, Mildred Phillips, Chester Nusenko, Charles Henry Grandis-McConnell, Lila Meizell Greenberg, Jean………...................................Michael Greenberg, Gladys (Maydowa) Greenberg, Samuel Kravitz, Selma Kravitz, Jerome Greenberg Greenberg, Marc & Chris……………….……...Eugene Greenberg Gross, Steven & Karen………………………...Marshall Lowenstein, Louise Weiss, Yetta & Harry Lowenstein, Minnie & Louis Goldstein, William & Anna Gross, Frank Gross Grossman, Frank & Family.............................Sylvia Grossman, Etta Milkin, Meyer Milkin, Rose Bass Cohen, Isadore Bass, Paul Cohen, Ella Bass, Irvin Milkin, Sydney Milkin Singer-Humes, Lilian Milkin, Tessie Grossman, Sam Grossman, Lieutenant Sidney Grossman, Leon Grossman, Rose Grossman, Sylvia Grossman Sperberg, David Sperberg, David Grossman, Shirley Grossman, Gilbert Grossman, Barbara Grossman, Gerald Grossman, Diane Getzen, Joseph Getzen, Bernard Perlin Gulak, Loren & Family...……………………….Morton Blum Gulak, Paula Gulak, Bessie Gulak, Meyer Gulak, Isidore Paster, Marvin Paster, Rose Lowy, Murray Paster, Lillian Paster, Ruthie Paster Kaplan