gideon church ministry program


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    Item  223-­15  






SECTION  ONE:  GETTING  STARTED  ................................................................................................  1  

QUICK  START  .................................................................................................................................................  1  

INTRODUCTION  .............................................................................................................................................  3  

SECTION  TWO:  DETAILS  ................................................................................................................  5  

CHURCH  AND  PASTOR  RELATIONS  .................................................................................................................  5  

THE  ANNUAL  PASTORS  EVENT  .......................................................................................................................  9  

CHURCH  PRESENTATIONS  ............................................................................................................................  15  

SPEAKER  DEVELOPMENT  .............................................................................................................................  25  

SECTION  THREE:  WRAP  UP  ........................................................................................................  35  

FREQUENTLY  ASKED  QUESTIONS  .................................................................................................................  35  

COMMON  QUESTIONS  ABOUT  USING  theCONNECTION  ...............................................................................  37  

DOWNLOADING  AND  PRINTING  THIS  MANUAL  ...........................................................................................  39  


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Getting Started 1


QUICK START Maybe you are new to The Gideons International or new to the Church Ministry Program. You may want to dive in, but you don’t have time to read this entire manual today. In that case, look at the Quick-Start guide below to help you get off to a running start. Find simple answers to basic questions like:

•   What is Church Ministry?

•   Who does Church Ministry?

•   Why do we do Church Ministry?

•   Where do we do Church Ministry?

•   How do we do Church Ministry?

What is Church Ministry? It is the building and maintenance of sustainable relationships with local churches. This is critical to the success of our ministry. Since each member of our Association is a member in good standing of a protestant or evangelical church, naturally our relationship with our churches is vital. Think about it … we are an extension of the church. And as such, we reach out from the church with our witness and the Word of God to impact lost souls with the Gospel. All of the resources that fuel this ministry are found in the local church: prayer, people, and funds. The vision statement for our Association calls for each of our camps to build a relationship with each eligible church in its camp territory.

Who does Church Ministry? Each camp has a leadership team called a cabinet. On the cabinet is a position called Church Ministry Chairman. As the title suggests, the chairman is to oversee a committee devoted to building those relationships with pastors and churches. That committee is made up of local camp members. In each state association, a Church Ministry Coordinator is responsible to promote the program across the state. He works through members called regional program leaders. The region in which your camp lies has at least one, if not more, of these regional program leaders focusing on Church Ministry. The state leadership is there to serve the local camp and help it to achieve its goals which spring from the building of those relationships. Who does Church Ministry? Brothers like you and me.

Why do we do Church Ministry? Because our purpose is to reach the lost for Christ. In order to do that, we must have a strong base of believers praying for the effort. Certainly we need the manpower to reach out. And we must have the funds to purchase the Scriptures, which we give away at no cost to those who receive them. We do it because Jesus has commanded us to make disciples. In 2015, we placed our 2 billionth copy of God’s Word. Isaiah 55:11 tells us that it does not return empty to God. We have scores of testimonies of souls saved. You can read some recent ones on our blog at and on theConnection under “Recent Testimonies.” We do it because we love God and we love others.


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 2

Where do we do Church Ministry? Locally and globally. We are organized in 200 countries, territories, and possessions across the globe. There are churches in every camp in each of these locations. So we build relations in every camp across the globe. Start by talking with your own pastor.

How do we do Church Ministry? We begin by praying for and praying with each of our local pastors. As the relationship grows, we ask for an opportunity to share what God is doing through the Gideon ministry with the congregation. In response to that report, many church members will pray, many will give funds, and others are led of God to become members or Friends of The Gideons International. As a result, people come to faith in Christ. For more details, keep reading.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Getting Started 3



By the year 2020: To have intentionally developed a relationship with each eligible church in every camp area

The Church Ministry Program has been specifically designed with this vision in mind, providing the basis for a significant increase in the number of church presentations as a natural product of building trusted relationships. Adherence to the policies and procedures described in this manual is essential since the perception of The Gideons International within the church is critical to the worldwide distribution of God’s Word. As the need for God’s Word escalates worldwide, the need for the Gideon ministry to be viewed as relevant by the evangelical Christian community is ever-increasing.

The Gideon church presentation is as integral to the Gideon ministry as the distribution of Scriptures. Gideon speakers have been reporting in churches since the very early days of our ministry, and this has long been used of God as a primary source of funding to spread the Gospel to a lost and dying world. As today’s Gideons respond to God’s leading, we must be diligent to pursue excellence in our methods and materials in order to achieve the vision He has placed before us. Gideons today have the privilege to build the Church Ministry Program in ways that will position our ministry for an unprecedented ability to reach the lost for Christ through funding millions of Scriptures to be placed worldwide.

The content and style of Gideon presentations are determined by the expectations of pastors and congregations. We need to connect with them in ways that capture their attention and enable them to easily engage in helping reach others for Christ through their support of this ministry. Gideons must be able to make compelling presentations; otherwise, future opportunities could be jeopardized. So we always prepare to exceed the pastor’s expectations.

Members are encouraged to consider being church speakers, as the Lord leads. Those who are so led should become familiar with the entire Church Ministry Program. Church relations are at the core of the Gideon ministry, touching on prayer, Scripture funds, and membership support.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 4


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 5



The core of the Gideon ministry is all about relationships, and nowhere is this truer than with pastors. The church is the very foundation of The Gideons International. We are all members of a church, and it is on behalf of the church that we carry the Word of God across the street and to the far reaches of the globe. The Gideon ministry cannot function separately from the church. An intentional effort must be made to establish and maintain ongoing relations with pastors and churches by visiting every eligible church every year. To meet the ever-increasing need for Scriptures, it is imperative that we broaden the base of churches in which we have representation and a working relationship.


A church representative will need to be assigned to churches where the potential for relationship development is strong. A church representative does not have to be a member of the church to which he is assigned. The representatives are:

•   assigned by the camp Church Ministry chairman with

•   consent of the camp cabinet and

•   without a term limit.

A church representative is the pastor’s point of contact with The Gideons International. Churches with a functioning Gideon church representative are generally not called or visited during a Church Relations Day. The church rep coordinates all Gideon activity in that church including:

•   Scheduling presentations

•   Maintaining the GideonCard display

•   Arranging showings of various videos

•   Seeking potential new members

•   Promoting Friends of Gideons

•   Inviting Pastors to attend the Annual Pastors Event

You can find a full description of the church representative’s role online under “Building Church Relations.”



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 6


The number of church presentations you give will be in direct proportion to the amount of time you have invested in building a trusted relationship with each church. The church relations day can be an ideal tool for building those relationships.

The Church Relations Day is a strategic initiative conducted at least twice annually. It requires advance planning. Dates for Church Relations Days should be included in a camp’s Meeting and Event Planner (Item 125) in May for the next fiscal year. Additional planning after a Church Relations Day is needed in order to continue building on the relationship. A plan of action needs to be developed for each church based on the reported results. The camp Church Ministry chairman, along with his committee, should analyze each visit and determine the best course of action. Multiple teams of two Gideons are assigned to make church visits during a Church Relations Day.

The Church Relations Day should be viewed as the starting point for building new or growing existing relationships. It is not an end in itself. Depending on the status of relationships with a given church, one or more of the following may be addressed:

•   Updating church contact and staff information for the church list on theConnection.

•   Making initial contact with new pastors to initiate the relationship-building process.

•   Identifying steps needed to improve relationships with specific churches.

•   Securing church presentations.

•   Placing or updating GideonCard Bible Program materials.

•   Scheduling GideonCard video presentations.

•   Obtaining names of membership prospects when possible.

Ideally, the Church Relations Day is organized by the camp Church Ministry chairman. However, sometimes a camp may need special assistance, in which case it may require organization by the Church Ministry regional program leader. In that case, experienced men from outside the camp may be enlisted to assist with pastor visits. Since the Church Relations Day encompasses elements from the Church Ministry, GideonCard, and Membership programs, each of these program chairmen should be involved.

In some churches, especially very small ones, the visiting team may be unable to contact the pastor personally; in this instance, the Church Ministry Resource Bag (Item 220) should be left on the door of the church, office, or parsonage. It might include a Gideon business card, Pastors Visitation Kit (Item 225), or perhaps other appropriate material such as the


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 7

Worldwide Ministry brochure (Item 309). These items are accessible through theConnection store. Always follow up with the pastor by phone or visit after leaving the bag.

For the full Church Relations Day agenda, please look online under “Building Church Relations.”


The following list of materials is assembled prior to the Church Relations Day and distributed to those participating:

1.   Directions to the churches (many online map resources are available)

2.   Item 225 – Pastor Visitation Kit

3.   Item 220 – Church Ministry Resource Bag

4.   The Life Book

5.   Pastor visit PowerPoint presentation downloaded on mobile devices such as iPad.

6.   Pre-filled Church Presentation Information (Item 202)

7.   Membership prospect listing sheet

8.   Church displays (Item 830), complete with cards

9.   Pre-filled Card Collection Envelopes (Item 825)

Each team should be given complete material packets according to the number of churches they have been assigned. It is important to remember that pastors and church staff often have a variety of different organizations calling on them. The fewer things we carry to the door of the church, the less we will be perceived as salesmen or others who want to drain the church’s resources. So the more you know about the church, the more prepared you can be to provide the right tools. As you visit with the pastor and interest is shown in the opportunities we provide the church, select materials can also be provided after the visit.

The results of the Church Relations Day will vary depending largely on the degree of activity a camp has had in its churches. Where there has been little or no church relations activity, most visits will simply seek to open a channel of communication with pastors. Some presentations might be obtained; however, that is not the goal. The goal is to establish the relationship, then build on it. In camps that have been more active, it may be possible to schedule more church presentations and/or GideonCard promotional video showings. Regardless of outcome, every visit should include prayer with the pastor.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 8


•   Pray that God would touch your heart so you are able to show Godly love to your pastors and church leaders.

•   During the visit pray with the pastor.

•   Looking around a Pastor’s office will give you clues about what is important to that pastor.

•   Ask more questions, and make fewer statements.

•   Let the pastor talk–even pastors love to talk about themselves, their families, and their ministry.

•   Go with another Gideon–only one does the talking, the other man is in an attitude of prayer during the visit.

•   Pastors are our clients–you cannot serve your client when you are more interested in your needs than theirs.

•   Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit–let Him prompt you as to the right time to ask for a church presentation.

For more items, take a couple of minutes to view “Visiting Churches Part 1&2” online at the Church Ministry activity page.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 9


As a part of church relations, the Annual Pastors Event should be regarded as the single most important opportunity to engage and thank pastors for the vital role they play in the ministry of The Gideons International. Therefore, all camps are expected to hold an Annual Pastors Event during the fiscal year. The date should be included in the camp’s Meeting and Event Planner (Item 125), which is completed in May for the next fiscal year. At the option of the camp, the Annual Pastors Event may be a breakfast, luncheon, or a traditional evening banquet, and the agenda will vary accordingly.

Excellent resources can be found on the Church Ministry activity page on theConnection to tell you more about the Annual Pastors Event. Under program materials, click on “Annual Pastors Event” for materials such as agendas, invitations, program shell (Item 208), placemats, and pastors reply cards, among other valuable items. Also find Auxiliary highlights, GideonCard Bible preparation remarks, and breakfast/luncheon agendas.

The camp vice president normally serves as chairman for the Annual Pastors Event, although the camp cabinet may designate another Gideon to be chairman. He should follow up with the various functioning committees, maintain the interest and enthusiasm of the members, and keep details coordinated. The chairman is assisted by committees with specific functions; these may include facilities, finance, promotion, and program committees.

The location should be a well-known establishment with a good reputation and ample parking. A commitment for use of the room should be obtained from the manager in writing.

All aspects of the event should honor the Lord by honoring our pastors and church guests. Excellence should be the standard. Select a private location and quality meal that communicates our appreciation. Arrange seating that prefers the pastor but accounts for fellowship with Gideons and Auxiliary. Present a program that ties the fruit of The Gideons International back to the individual pastor’s ministry. The goal is to grow the relationship with the pastor. The pastor should leave convinced he/she, by God’s leading, made a good decision to partner in ministry with The Gideons International. The event should begin and end on time.


•   An adequate sound system is essential in large rooms.

•   Check out the sound system in advance, and if the house system is inadequate, it may be necessary to rent one.

•   Set up early and test everything beforehand.

•   Confirm details of the meal in writing with the facility.

•   The meal should be served promptly. Pre-set all but the entree. Ensure the service follows the timed agenda.


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 10

•   Plan on 50% attendance of those committed.

•   Who attends?

-   Invite pastors and their spouses from every eligible church.

-   Invite funeral directors and administrators of assisted living facilities.

-   Invite denominational and seminary leaders where applicable.

-   Invite Friends of Gideons

-   Invite prospective members.

-   Do not invite pastors or guests from ineligible churches. If necessary, reference the Guide Book (Item 102) for a listing of these.

•   The following materials should be on the tables for the event:

-   The Worldwide Ministry brochure (Item 309)

-   Pre-filled GideonCard Collection Envelope (Item 825)

-   Pastors Response Card (Item 222)

-   Friends of Gideons Brochure (Item 313)

-   Annual Pastors Event Program (Item 208). Note: A program with times shown should only be provided to program participants.

•   A good selection of Gideon and Auxiliary Scriptures, as well as a GideonCard Display should be prominently displayed within the meeting room so that all pastors and church guests have opportunity to see them.

•   The camp’s investment in a successful Annual Pastors Event can best be realized through proper follow-up. Pastors who have attended and/or completed the Pastors Response Card (Item 222) at the event should be contacted within two weeks through a personal visit in order to continue to grow the relationship.

•   Consult the Church Ministry activity page on theConnection for more information.


Held at least every third year, the traditional evening banquet also includes an Auxiliary member to present the Auxiliary Highlights, a live testimony, and special music. It should last no more than two hours. In the case of a breakfast or luncheon event, participants will be camp members with the exception of the featured speaker.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 11


The moderator’s primary purpose is to facilitate the program, welcome those present, and introduce the program participants. His comments should be brief and to the point. This is not the time or place for extraneous comments or irrelevant attempts at humor. The moderator should inform all program participants to be present fifteen minutes prior to the program for prayer and instructions. Since he is responsible for keeping the program on time, he ensures all participants have a program showing their starting, stopping, and speaking times. He should emphasize their time limits.

The moderator introduces pastors by asking them and their spouses to stand at one time. After pastors and spouses are acknowledged, the moderator may ask all other guests to stand at one time and be acknowledged as a group. Program participants will be introduced separately prior to their parts on the program.


He must be a Gideon on his state association’s approved banquet speakers list. He should be informed of any local distribution situations, either positive or negative, that may impact his message. The speaker must be made aware of the Faith Fund goal and how it will be received.

A quality photo and current biographical sketch is needed for promotional purposes.

The message at a traditional evening banquet should:

•   Encourage pastors and express our gratitude for them. Always tie results back to the local pastor and churches.

•   Provide an overview of The Gideons International, local and international impact of Scripture distributions, and the relationship with the local church.

•   Emphasize our only purpose is to reach people for Christ. Read from the Word of God. The Scripture passage used should always complement the Gideon ministry and the work of the church.

•   Help pastors feel good about their support of The Gideons International. Help them see the value of their support (which includes prayer, potential members, Friends, and funds) and how it connects to spreading the Gospel.

•   Use Gideon salvation testimonies. Testimony details must be factual and accurate. The speaker must be careful not to embellish testimonies, although they sometimes need to be condensed for the sake of time.

•   Emphasize personal witnessing by members.

•   Include an overview of the GideonCard Bible Program.

•   Avoid all doctrinal and denominational issues or any other controversial subjects.


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 12

•   Include a Friends of Gideons statement as follows:

Friends of Gideons is a way in which non-members partner with The Gideons International. As a Friend, you make an impact in your local area and around the world when others come to know Jesus as their personal Savior. Pastors, please fill out the Friends of Gideons brochure on your table and drop it in the offering plate.

•   Make an appeal for the offering. The speaker should clarify the offering appeal is not for pastors and other guests. The offering is in honor of the pastors. Emphasize we do not ask the local church to give without first being willing to give ourselves.

•   Encourage pastors to complete the “Pastors Response Card” (Item 222) and put it in the offering plate.

An Annual Pastors Event critique should be completed by a member of the state management team attending the banquet and sent to the state Church Ministry coordinator. The critique form may be downloaded from theConnection.


The featured testimony is given by a person who has been saved through reading a Gideon-placed Scripture. It is important to secure a vibrant testimony speaker even if it requires additional cost. Some testimony speakers take time off from work to come to banquets. Camps should always offer an honorarium to testimony speakers of $75 to $100 per day plus their expenses. Testimony speakers may be individuals who are involved in ministry themselves. A camp should remunerate such individuals appropriately.

The selected person should be able to speak well in public and share:

•   What life was like before they came to know Christ (without glorifying sin).

•   How they came to know Christ.

•   Highlights of their life since they were saved.

The testimony speaker should be informed by the program chairman verbally and in writing:

•   What they are to do.

•   How much time has been allotted (ten minutes is ample time for a testimony).

•   What not to do; for example, speaking on doctrine, attempting to glorify themselves, complaining about churches and pastors, etc.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 13


Gideons and Auxiliary who are frequently asked to speak at Annual Pastors Events are often not financially able to bear the expense themselves, and they are reluctant to mention this subject when invited to speak at a banquet. Therefore, the camp treasurer should have an expense reimbursement check for them. (Driving expenses should be reimbursed at the latest IRS mileage rate.)


Those who read and pray should enunciate clearly. Ask the speaker if he has a particular passage he would like read. If not, an appropriate passage not exceeding ten verses should be selected. The person reading Scripture should do so from a KJV or ESV text and should not comment on the passage or attempt to give a message. Likewise, the person who prays should not attempt to “preach” through his prayer.


Special music should be confined to one solo, and the soloist is allotted a maximum of five minutes. His or her comments should be limited to a very simple introduction of the song. If pre-recorded music is used, the sound should be balanced and not overpowering.

The song leader announces the songs by name and leads group singing.

The accompanist should be comfortable playing evangelistic music. Give instructions to play approximately ten minutes prior to the start of the program, during the group singing, for the special music (if needed), and briefly following the program.

The penalties for using published music without permission have become very stringent and are now being enforced aggressively. To avoid violation of copyright laws, it is important for all Gideons to operate within careful guidelines regarding music at Gideon meetings.

It is a violation of copyright law to print or project the words of a song with or without the music notes. Do not reprint songs on banquet programs, sheets of paper, or project them onto a screen, unless you obtain a license to do so.

Details on obtaining a license to create song sheets or to project words of songs onto a screen can be found at Music at Gideon meetings should not be recorded. If music is accidentally recorded, it should never be sold.

References: American Society of Composers, Authors of Publishers Broadcast Music, Inc.


Normally, the banquet speaker makes the offering appeal and clearly states pastors and other church guests are not expected to participate in the offering. Ushers with offering baskets should be arranged for the offering, and two or three other Gideons should be ready to count the offering immediately after the benediction. Do not ask pastors to collect or count the offering. The “Thank You” video for Annual Pastors Events should be played while the


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 14

offering baskets are being passed. This video can be found under Program Materials on the Church Ministry activity page of theConnection.

After the offering has been collected and before the closing prayer, a time of prayer should be allotted for the pastors and spouses in attendance. If appropriate, the Gideons and Auxiliary may gather around the pastors and spouses during this short prayer time. If gathering is deemed inappropriate, the prayer over the pastors and spouses would come from the podium.


Announcements should be brief and carefully worded. Do not appeal for church speakers, or hold people after the banquet to find out the offering amount. Care should be used when announcing an Evening Prayer Meeting if one is scheduled. The announcement should not make pastors and their guests feel they are obligated to attend the prayer meeting.

More information about Annual Pastors Events in their different formats can be found on theConnection. Select Church Ministry Activity Page and click on the Annual Pastors Event entry under Program Materials.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 15


All Gideons, whether or not they’re involved with church presentations, should be acutely aware that prayer and Scripture funds flow more from the relationship with the church than from the presentation itself. So the success of the presentation is determined not by the amount of the offering but by the degree to which the church relationship is enhanced.

A complete and accurate church list is the basis for securing and conducting church presentations.


An up-to-date, accurate listing of all available churches in the camp territory is crucial to success. The church record should be maintained for every church, even if no Gideon presentations are currently allowed. Keeping this record aids the camp in better developing a relationship with each church.

The camp Church Ministry chairman is responsible for managing the church list information, either himself or through the camp webmaster. A comprehensive update should be accomplished at least annually, since churches often have administrative changes. The update should be done in conjunction with church representatives if/when a representative has been assigned. For churches without an active Gideon representative, the Church Ministry chairman ensures that updates are obtained by way of a Church Relations Day.

The repository of the camp church list is theConnection. This is also the means of producing forms, letters, and reports. In addition to the basic name, address, and contact information, the electronic church database provides various options for collecting and tracking all information pertinent to churches and presentations.

You can find frequently asked questions regarding theConnection and the church list in section 3 of this manual.

Responsibilities for church presentations actually apply to all members, although certain officers and others have specific duties in both the camp and state organizations as shown in the following overview.


The church speaker has the blessing of sharing what God is doing through this ministry with local churches. He is assigned by the camp Church Ministry chairman, who provides the necessary information and materials.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 16

Committed to excellence, the church speaker:

•   Re-qualifies every four years according to the plan for speaker development.

•   Contacts the pastor ahead of services and verifies the information on the Gideon Church Presentation Information and Confirmation (Item 202).

NOTE: Some churches may need advance notice to give approval for an offering.

•   Arrives early enough to have prayer with the pastor.

•   Wears either traditional or business casual attire as indicated on Item 202 and in keeping with the Gideon Policy on Attire.

•   Verifies the method of receiving the offering (if applicable) prior to the start of the worship service or other event where the presentation will be made.

•   Makes the presentation as assigned and in accordance with the pastor’s request.

•   Makes sure all statements are accurate and statistics are current.

•   Lifts up the Lord Jesus Christ, not The Gideons.

•   Speaks to be heard by all present.

•   Does not preach.

•   Keeps well within the allotted time

•   Includes reference to the GideonCard Bible Program and other means of church engagement, as appropriate.

•   Sets the presentation date for the following year.

•   Presents the giving challenge without over-emphasizing the offering appeal, as appropriate.

•   Seals the offering in the Church Presentation Envelope (Item 205) and delivers it at once to the Church Ministry chairman.

•   Sends a “Thank You” letter to the pastor within one week after the presentation (with a copy to the camp Church Ministry chairman).



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 17


Committed to excellence, the prayer partner:

•   Accompanies church speakers to presentations and provides prayer support.

•   Assists the church speaker with details of the offering.

•   Greets and prays with the pastor as appropriate.

•   Dresses in either traditional or business casual attire in the same manner as the church speaker.

•   Completes the Presentation Evaluation (Item 215) as though he was the pastor and gives it to the Church Ministry chairman.

•   Helps secure names of prospective members, as appropriate.

•   Services the church GideonCard display as needed.

•   Prepares himself to qualify as a speaker.


Committed to excellence, the Church Ministry chairman:

•   Coordinates activities related to securing the presentation. This includes assigning church representatives to act as the liaison to a church for the entire Gideon ministry, and may include planning and executing successful Church Relations Days.

•   Assigns the church speaker and the prayer partner.

•   Sends a letter to the pastor confirming details of the presentation.

•   Ensures Item 202 is completely filled out.

•   Provides the speaker with a completed Church Presentation Envelope (Item 205).

•   Sends the pastor a presentation evaluation (Item 215) one week prior to the presentation with a cover letter.

•   Receives evaluations (Item 215) from the pastor and the prayer partner, updates the speaker record, and takes appropriate action on negative evaluations.

•   Updates presentation information on theConnection, including church speaker records.

•   Ensures any offering is given immediately to the camp treasurer.


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 18


Each eligible church in the camp territory should be assigned to a Gideon who acts as the liaison to that church with respect to the entire Gideon ministry. He is assigned by the Church Ministry chairman.

Committed to excellence, the church representative:

•   Intentionally develops and maintains a personal relationship with the pastor, other church staff, and members as appropriate. See more under the Church and Pastor Relations section.

•   Arranges for the pastor and other church guests to attend the Annual Pastors Event.

•   Secures arrangements with the pastor for the Gideon presentation.

•   Presents the GideonCard Bible Program to the church and supplies materials to the church on a regular basis.


Committed to excellence, the Church Ministry regional program leader:

•   Serves as the Church Ministry program specialist, maintaining contact with Church Ministry chairmen in his region to provide training, encouragement, and direction.

•   Assists camp Church Ministry chairmen with their responsibility to secure church presentations, to seek and assign speakers from outside the camp when needed, and to provide expertise with use of Church Ministry tools on theConnection.


Committed to excellence, the Church Ministry coordinator:

•   Provides Church Ministry direction and resources for the state association.

•   By working with area directors and Church Ministry regional program leaders, he assures all necessary materials and training are in place to assist camp Church Ministry chairmen and thus improve camp performance in their total Church Ministry Program.

A step-by-step guide for the preparation and execution of successful church presentations can be found online under Church Presentation on the Church Ministry activity page.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 19


You will find the resources below very helpful in carrying out successful church presentations. All of the following can be found under Church Presentation on theConnection.

Gideon Church Presentation (Item 202)

This form contains all the details of the church presentation. The church information section, pastor information section, and camp information section are pre-filled using data from the church list on theConnection.

The Gideon who arranges the presentation should complete the presentation information section during the pastor contact when the arrangements are made. Once the presentation information is completed, the form is then forwarded to the Church Ministry chairman who assigns the speaker and prayer partner, entering that information on the form and on theConnection. A copy of the completed Item 202 should be provided to the speaker.

Confirmation Letter to Pastor

The Church Ministry chairman confirms the presentation to the pastor. The confirmation letter should be sent as soon as the speaker has been identified.

Evaluation of Gideon Presentation (Item 215)

The Church Ministry chairman sends the pastor a copy of Item 215 along with a stamped return envelope and a cover letter asking the pastor to please complete the evaluation and return it as soon as possible after the presentation. The Church Ministry chairman also provides the prayer partner a copy of the evaluation for completion. Any negative responses are brought to the attention of the camp president for follow up.

Church Bulletin Insert (Item 209)

The Church Ministry chairman delivers (either personally or by someone he designates) Church Bulletin Inserts (Item 209, or 209F for pre-folded) to the church, per the quantity shown on the Gideon Church Presentation form (Item 202). The inserts should be delivered no less than ten days prior to the presentation. The Church Bulletin Insert includes a return envelope, which may be used by individuals to mail an offering at some later date. Item 209 also includes a place for donors to provide Scriptures in memory or in honor of another. It also includes opportunities for recurring donations, as well as a quick response code for use with smart phone technology. The Church Ministry chairman ensures the camp return address is placed on the envelope portion of the Item 209.

Friends of Gideons Brochure (Item 313)

The following statement should be included near the end of your church presentation. “You may be interested in the benefits of registering as a Friend of Gideons. Information can be found at If interested, please see me at the conclusion of the service.” As the speaker you will want to have an appropriate number of Friends brochures, Item 313, available to share with interested churchgoers.


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 20

Church Presentation Envelope (Item 205)

This envelope may be printed by the Church Ministry chairman on a commercially available 6X9 envelope with the information pre-filled using data from the church list on theConnection. Or, it may be ordered as a merchandise item and completed manually. The completed envelope is provided to the speaker containing:

•   A copy of Item 202

•   A pad of Receipts for Offering and Gifts (Item 206)

•   Directions to the church

•   A Church Bulletin Insert (Item 209)

•   Three sample GideonCard greeting cards

•   A copy of “What to Include in Church Presentations” (Item 816) – GideonCard Bible program information

After the presentation, the speaker completes the offering and attendance information at the bottom, seals the offering in the envelope, and returns it to the Church Ministry chairman. The date of the following year’s service should also be communicated to the Church Ministry chairman.

Thank You Letter to Pastor

Within a week after the presentation, the speaker sends a cordial “Thank You” letter to the pastor expressing thanksgiving on the part of the camp and The Gideons International for the opportunity and support provided. Remember to vary the wording slightly each year, so that the pastor does not receive a rote letter.

Presentations Other Than Worship Services

Gideon presentations may be made in alternate church settings when it may not be possible to make the presentation in a regular worship service. Gideon presentations may not be made to groups other than churches. When a presentation cannot be made in a worship service, the camp may make a presentation at some other setting in the church, including:

•   Sunday School classes or assemblies

•   Bible studies other than Sunday School, such as a men’s Bible study

•   Church retreats

Presentations outside of a worship service may be the same type of presentation as would be made in the worship service; however, if time permits, additional information about the GideonCard Bible Program may be included. If appropriate arrangements can be made, this presentation may include the GideonCard video and the distribution of pre-filled GideonCard Collection Envelopes (Item 825).


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 21

Exception: Presentations at seminaries, denominational conventions, pastor’s conferences, etc., should be coordinated through the manager of the Church Ministry program in the USA Division at International Headquarters.


As the worship culture has shifted in many evangelical churches, the way people dress for church has generally become more casual. A Gideon making a presentation in a church should not call attention to himself, including his attire. This means that proper attire varies from church to church.

The Gideon Policy on Attire

The way members of an organization dress is, in itself, a statement about the nature and standards of that organization. It is very important that The Gideons International presents itself, and carries out its work, in a manner that is relevant to the times in which we live. The “message” will never change, but the way in which it is delivered must be relevant to the people we are endeavoring to reach. These concepts apply particularly to church presentations. The following Gideon “dress” policy is to be implemented as part of the Church Ministry Program.

Traditional Business Dress

The preferred attire at all formal Gideon functions, assignments, and church presentations is:

•   Business suit

•   Plain or striped (dress) shirt

•   Conservative tie

•   Dress shoes

Business Casual Dress

In instances where “casual dress” is appropriate per the instruction of the pastor, we adhere to the following:

•   Tailored sport jacket, optional

•   Plain or striped open-collar business shirt

•   Dress slacks

•   Dress shoes

Under no circumstances is a Gideon to dress less formally than stated in the above section of this policy, including jeans, khakis, athletic shoes, leather or other non-traditional fabric, or “loud” colors or design.


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 22

National Dress

In countries where a national garment is worn as regular “business dress,” that will also be acceptable attire at all formal Gideon functions, assignments, and church presentations.

The Gideon obtaining a church presentation is to ascertain what the pastor wears when preaching. If the pastor dresses casually, the Gideon speaker is to wear business casual attire as defined previously and noted on Item 202.

If a presentation is to be made at a church function other than a worship service, the Gideon arranging the presentation is to ascertain how the people attending the function will be dressed, and the assigned Gideon speaker should dress accordingly, but in accordance with the above policy.

When there is any doubt about what an assigned Gideon speaker should wear, he should always err on the side of caution and wear traditional business attire as defined above.

When an Auxiliary member accompanies her husband at a Gideon church presentation, she should dress in keeping with the dress policy as it applies to the assigned Gideon speaker.


For churches where attendance averages more than 1,000, the Church Ministry chairman should contact his area director, Church Ministry regional program leader, or the Church Ministry coordinator to arrange having the speaker assigned by the state cabinet. The actual assignment is usually done by the state Church Ministry coordinator, who maintains a list of well-qualified speakers for such occasions.


Gideon presentations that incorporate PowerPoint or video must fit seamlessly into the church’s customary time of worship and enhance the congregational worship experience. Accordingly, these parameters must be observed when using PowerPoint or video:

The church speaker must be approved to use PowerPoint and/or video by way of his qualifying presentation. Approval to use PowerPoint is an automatic approval to use video but not vice-versa. Speakers may use their own PowerPoint slides only with the approval of the state Church Ministry coordinator or his designee.

The pastor must authorize the use of PowerPoint or a video when the presentation is arranged.

The church must use similar technology on a regular basis in the environment where the presentation will be made.

The church must have the necessary equipment (computer, projector, screen, speakers, etc.) and the personnel available to facilitate the use of such media. In most presentations, the church speaker will not be in control of operating video equipment.


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 23

When a video is used alone in larger churches, the Gideon who secures the presentation should seek the pastor’s approval to place a Gideon display in a high-traffic area as an information center and site for the offering.


One of the most critical aspects of the church presentation is its effect on the relationship between the church and The Gideons International. That relationship must be highly valued; therefore, the presentation must be an absolutely positive experience for the pastor and the congregation. For this reason, the pastor is asked to evaluate the presentation.

As soon as possible after the presentation, the church representative should visit the pastor. This is a good time to fellowship with the pastor, and it is a good time to schedule next year’s presentation—if it was not scheduled after the presentation. In churches where a church representative has not been assigned, this would be a good time to assign a Gideon to that church and start a continuing relationship.

Within a week after the presentation, the church speaker sends an acknowledgment letter to the pastor. Edit the letter found on theConnection to make it personal with respect to the service. Be sure to acknowledge the offering, if applicable, and next year’s scheduled service.


Please download the resources below from theConnection:

1.   Sample Acknowledgement Letter

2.   Church Presentation Form (Item 202)

3.   Evaluation of the Gideon Presentation (Item 215)

4.   Sample Confirmation Letter

5.   Church Presentation Envelope (Item 205)

6.   Sample Follow-Up Letter to Pastor



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 24



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 25


Being committed to performing our ministry “as unto the Lord,” we prayerfully supply well-trained speakers to present the Gideon report in churches.

You may qualify to be a church speaker 365 days a year. While we hold a special SPEAKUP event on the 2nd Saturday of February each year, you can qualify to be a church speaker at any time.

Materials to support Speaker Development are found on theConnection under the Church Ministry activity page and in theConnection store.


Speaker development reflects a culture of excellence and is designed to ensure Gideon speakers are all that God would have them to be. The following steps are integral to the qualification process:

1.   Education – learning the basics of church presentations

2.   Self-Study and Outline Preparation – collecting your thoughts and materials, and then making an outline of your presentation to be presented to a panel of three other Gideons.

3.   Qualifying Presentation – making a sample presentation to a panel of three other Gideon speakers

4.   Continuing Education and Evaluation – pastor responses, prayer partner responses, and re-qualification every four years

Some speakers will qualify on their first attempt while others may need to give additional time and attention to their outline, their message, or both. All who pursue the qualification process should remain diligent regardless of whether they qualify on the first attempt.


All Gideons should be encouraged to pursue the first step of the qualification process. Those who are led then prepare a presentation outline for review by a panel of three Gideons. It is preferable that the evaluation panel be made up of qualified speakers; however, if expedient, the review may be conducted by two camp officers and another camp member. It is incumbent at every level of Gideon activity to educate members on all aspects of the Church Ministry Program using the material available from International Headquarters. Education should emphasize the relationship between The Gideons International and the local church. It should provide a clear understanding of what we do, why we do it, and how the church can reach the world with God’s Word.


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 26

Education should include:

•   The purpose of the church presentation

•   Securing church presentations

•   The qualification process and preparation for a message

•   The ten essentials of a Gideon presentation

•   Ongoing evaluation and post presentation follow-up

Understanding these elements will provide Gideons an inspirational basis to become qualified church speakers, as the Lord leads.


Gideons who desire to qualify as church speakers can learn all the elements of a church presentation on a self-study basis, although it is helpful to have a seasoned speaker as a mentor. Serving as a prayer partner a few times is also beneficial. Study the materials available from International Headquarters, including:

•   This manual (Item 223)

•   Online materials found on theConnection.

You can find all you need to prepare your outline and presentation on theConnection. Go to the Church Ministry activity page under program materials – SPEAKUP Speaker Qualification.

It provides:

•   Presentation essentials

•   Key components

•   Sample outline

•   Sample script

•   Training on the use of media

•   Videos

•   PowerPoints

•   You can even watch a sample church presentation video



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 27

The Outline Review Panel

After you compose your outline, provide three copies to your camp Church Ministry chairman for evaluation. The evaluation may be done at the camp level (prior to the actual presentation evaluation) by two camp officers and one camp member serving as the review panel. The evaluation panel is to be composed of three Gideons appointed by the Church Ministry chairman (he may or may not be a member of the panel himself), who supplies each panel member a blank copy of the Outline Grading Form (Item 210). Although it is preferred that the evaluators be qualified speakers, it is not a requirement. The outline review process should take place in such a way that the qualifying speaker can discuss his outline with the review panel, sharing with them the rationale for how it was prepared. The speaker should then excuse himself while the outline is reviewed. The panel chairman then collects the completed Outline Grading Forms, averages the scores, and presents the result to the qualifying speaker with the panel’s comments. Assuming the outline receives a score of 40 or above, the speaker and the Church Ministry chairman set a date for a qualifying presentation.

Following are some points to consider in preparing a presentation outline:

•   Pray and ask your camp to pray for the qualification process.

•   Study testimonies and select those that touch your heart.

•   Review the outline requirements on the Outline Grading Form (Item 210). The outline should contain elements from each of the points listed.

•   The camp Church Ministry chairman is responsible for coordinating the presentation evaluation process.

•   The qualifying speaker and the evaluation panel should meet together to discuss strengths and weaknesses so the qualifying presentation will reflect excellence.


The Gideon message should start strong and continue strong through the closing. Qualifying speakers are encouraged to consider the following ten essentials of Gideon presentations.

•   Prepare with prayer; you are God’s messenger.

•   Be prepared. Look and speak the part.

•   Consider the total impact of your presentation. What will people remember? Will they want to support our ministry?

•   Gideons seek to help fulfill the Great Commission as part of the church.

•   Structure your presentation so it compels the audience to action.

•   Open with an attention-getting statement. It doesn’t have to be loud or dramatic, but it should cause the audience to want to hear more. Do not start your message by thanking the pastor, commenting on how glad you are to be at


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 28

the church, or any other extraneous matters. These polite statements simply won’t accomplish the goal.

•   We go where the church, denominations, and other ministries cannot. Give the church a picture of God’s Word in the hands of the unsaved through different areas of distribution.

•   Using shorter testimonies (and more of them) is better than using fewer long testimonies. Never embellish testimonies. Be factual and use names whenever possible. Share testimonies as a narrative; never read them.

•   Don’t take too many Scriptures to the pulpit. One or two is enough.

•   Close on time, every time, no exceptions.

Together with your camp Church Ministry chairman, schedule the date for your qualifying presentation. It will be done in a church-like setting arranged by the Church Ministry chairman. Such a venue will give you a better “feel” for your first actual presentation once you have been approved as a speaker.

Prepare the presentation in detail using the content of the outline that has been approved. This should be a 10-minute presentation. You should expect to make this presentation the same way you would if you were doing it before a church congregation. Do not attempt to read it from a script. Know by heart the testimonies you will use and share them as a narrative. Be able to quote the details of your informational statements and your closing remarks from memory. However, even the most accomplished speakers lose their train of thought from time to time; therefore, it is a good idea to have brief outline notes inconspicuously available.

The Church Ministry chairman will assemble the evaluation panel consisting of three Gideons, at least one of whom must be a member of the state leadership team from outside your camp. However, if a member of the state leadership team is unavailable, a special assistant designated by the state Church Ministry coordinator or Church Ministry regional program leader may substitute for him. That individual will serve as the chairman of the panel. It is preferable for the evaluators to be qualified church speakers. The evaluation is done using the Qualifying Presentation Evaluation (Item 204), which effectively contains the same “yes” or “no” questions on the Evaluation of Gideon Presentation (Item 215). The panel will evaluate the qualifying presentation from the eyes of a pastor using the same criteria that a pastor uses for Gideon presentations. The qualifying Gideon should review this form carefully.

If you are qualifying with PowerPoint, either use slides from the slide library available on theConnection or use your own slides with the approval of the state Church Ministry coordinator or his designee, and show them as if you were making the presentation at a church service. Use the same PowerPoint slides you listed on your outline. Have someone other than members of the qualifying panel advance the slides for you. Arrangements for using PowerPoint are the responsibility of the qualifying speaker since similar arrangements would be necessary in a live church presentation. If you qualify with PowerPoint, you are automatically qualified to use video. However, approval to use video does not constitute approval to use PowerPoint since video is considered less difficult.


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 29

If you are using “Who Loves Me,” the abbreviated version of “Who Loves Me,” “With Each Heartbeat,” “Love in Action,” or testimony video clips, know how you will introduce them. They will not be self-explanatory to the audience. Should the video fail, be prepared to proceed verbally in the same amount of time. You will need to arrange for another person to show the video since that is true in an actual church presentation.

Remember . . . End on Time Every Time!

The number one complaint from pastors about Gideon speakers is going overtime. Time is also a pastor’s main consideration when deciding whether to allow a Gideon presentation. Going overtime may result in that church being closed to The Gideons for years to come, and the overall church relationship may be severely damaged. Nothing you could say in your

presentation is worth this risk! Every Gideon presentation must be completed within the allotted time, every time.

If a pastor shortens the time for the presentation after you arrive at the church, you must adjust to fit within the pastor’s schedule.

It is never appropriate to press a pastor for additional time.

You are a guest speaker, and you have no right to exceed the pastor’s time limit.

After your qualifying presentation, the panel chairman will summarize the three evaluations and review the details with you. Be aware that any “no” answer from a member of the panel will disqualify the presentation. The chairman’s summary will provide a detailed explanation of any “no” responses.

Congratulations if you qualified! You are now ready to embark on one of the ministry’s greatest blessings—sharing the Gideon ministry with church congregations. You are now prepared to accept speaking engagements that will allow you to exercise the gifts the Lord has given you.

If you haven’t qualified, the first instinct is to be disappointed. Don’t be! It is not expected that all candidates will qualify on the first attempt. No Gideon should feel discouraged if this should happen. You want your presentation to be the very best, and your redoubled effort will surely be used of God to the ultimate salvation of souls. The Church Ministry chairman and the qualifying speaker should schedule a second evaluation before the session is adjourned.

Evaluation panels are instructed to hold speakers to a high standard, just as pastors hold them to a high standard in actual church presentations. Under no circumstances should a camp ever send a less than highly qualified speaker to make a Gideon presentation.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 30


You’ve really worked hard to get to this point. You must now keep your presentation current and inspirational. Even the most accomplished speakers continuously hone their skills. The pursuit of excellence demands it. Continuing education and evaluation is central to any program that strives to improve the skill of its participants. Being a Gideon church speaker involves further self-study, evaluation, and timely requalification.

Gideon speakers must re-qualify every four years, with the re-qualification to be accomplished between the third and fourth year. This keeps their presentations current and compelling, so the church will be moved to support the Gideon ministry in every possible way.

Both the pastor and the prayer partner are critical to a Gideon speaker’s ability to be as good as he can be. Every church presentation should be evaluated in order for the speaker to know how well his message is being received.

A week before a presentation, the Church Ministry chairman will mail a copy of the Evaluation of Gideon Presentation (Item 215) to the pastor along with a cover letter requesting that it be completed and returned. Both the evaluation form and the pastor’s cover letter may be found on theConnection. Part of good church relations is to follow up with a pastor whose evaluation has not been received in a timely manner. Here are some important points to remember when following up with a pastor:

•   Follow-up is done by the Church Ministry chairman.

•   Allow at least two weeks for the pastor to respond.

•   Thank the pastor for the privilege of making the presentation.

•   Ask if the pastor received the request for evaluation letter.

•   Explain the importance of the evaluation; that is, to be sure we meet the pastor’s expectations.

•   Review the questions with the pastor and record his responses over the phone.

•   Note the date of the follow-up on the Evaluation of Gideon Presentation (Item 215) and indicate that it was taken over the phone.

Requesting the pastor’s evaluation carries the assumption that not all will be completely positive. The following protocol has been established for handling negative responses:

The camp president and the Church Ministry chairman together will review any negative comments privately with the church speaker. As a group, any necessary corrective action is prayerfully agreed upon. The speaker is assigned to other church presentations as soon as possible.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 31

A second negative evaluation from either a pastor or a prayer partner will necessitate the speaker’s re-qualification prior to subsequent assignments. A speaker may be disqualified from future presentations should a third negative response be received within a year of re-qualification.

Gideon speakers are held to high standards. No church speaker should feel threatened by a negative response. Nonetheless, all Gideons should be acutely aware that those who present our message must do so in keeping with established Gideon standards.

No two church presentations will be alike. Be prepared to adapt your message to the time allowed. Be aware of denominational nuances that can affect your presentation and make necessary adjustments; for example, Lutherans rarely use the term “born again” but Baptists and Nazarenes always do. The Gideon presentation must fit seamlessly into the church’s worship environment. Sometimes you will have to make adjustments after you arrive at the church. Always accommodate the pastor’s wishes.

Gideon speakers should keep their message current. Messages that inspire people today may not be suitable in the future. Therefore, an excellent presentation now may receive a negative response later.

Many resources are available to help speakers develop presentations. Look for new testimonies in The Gideon magazine, theConnection, and Always be sure the testimonies you share have not been tainted in any way. Also, be sure the informational statement is current since statistics change frequently.

For those speakers who receive no negative evaluations, re-qualification may be conducted during an actual church presentation, with the prayer partner and the pastor or key church staff member acting as evaluators. The prayer partner must return his evaluation form and the pastor’s evaluation form to the Church Ministry chairman. In this case, only two evaluators are needed, the prayer partner and the pastor. The prayer partner does not have to be a qualified speaker himself.

Although the Gospel will always remain constant, the way it is presented is sure to change. We can be very sure that technology, statistics, and expectations will be different within four years.


Never assume an offering will be taken. The speaker must always verify with the pastor whether an offering is acceptable, and, if so, how it will be received. Gideon policy is very clear; that is, we will make a presentation regardless of whether an offering will be received. While we would like individual checks made payable to The Gideons International and the offering given to us at the end of the service, many churches desire to have all such offerings flow through the church. Allow the pastor to decide how this will be handled.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 32

There are several ways to receive an offering:

•   The speaker stands at the back of the church with an offering plate (this works well in small churches where there is only one main exit).

•   If there is more than one main exit, you should enlist the pastor’s aid in having ushers at each exit with offering plates. Better yet, enlist the assistance of Gideons in the church to receive the offering at each exit. You can stand at one exit yourself, or be with the pastor to greet the congregation if appropriate.

•   The Church Bulletin Insert (Item 209) has an attached envelope for mailing a donation. However, while encouraging the use of the insert, please do not refer to the envelope in the presentation. There is no need to draw attention to the envelope as it may cause some to procrastinate, rather than giving as they are prompted.

•   The church may write a single check from its operating or missions budget. In this case, you should mention the fact the church is supporting The Gideons International without mentioning the amount.

•   While the pastor may not allow an offering to be received, he/she may allow a basket on a display table. If a pastor will not allow an offering to be received, do not mention a basket or the envelope attached to the insert. They will speak for themselves, and mentioning an offering will hurt our relations with the pastor.


There is also another member of the church presentation team, the prayer partner, who accompanies a speaker to the church presentation. The prayer partner is assigned by the Church Ministry chairman. As the name implies, the prayer partner provides prayer support for the speaker. Church speakers and prayer partners should have prayer with the pastor, and church staff as appropriate, prior to the presentation.

The prayer partner also evaluates the presentation. It is required that a prayer partner be present for a speaker’s first presentation and that he complete the Evaluation of Gideon Presentation (Item 215) from the perspective of the pastor. As the Church Ministry chairman receives positive evaluations from both the pastor and the prayer partner, the newly qualified speaker can be assigned to a second presentation.

The prayer partner may or may not be a church speaker himself. New members are often blessed by being a prayer partner. Less active Gideons who are members of the church where the presentation is being given are also excellent prayer partners. Inasmuch as the prayer partner completes an evaluation of the church speaker, he must be a Gideon, not an Auxiliary member.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 33

The prayer partner is there to support the church speaker and provide general assistance. Specifically, the prayer partner will:

•   Pray for the church speaker, before and during the service.

•   Greet the church congregation as appropriate.

•   Assist with receiving and counting the offering.

•   Assist with updating church records.

•   Secure names of prospective members as appropriate.

•   Dress in a compatible way to the Gideon doing the presentation and according to the “Gideon Policy on Attire.”

•   Complete a confidential evaluation of the presentation using Evaluation of Gideon Presentation (Item 215) and submit it to the Church Ministry chairman.


In some churches, it may be appropriate to mention membership in The Gideons International. Making a suggestion of membership should only be done in churches that are very supportive. Also, membership issues may be sensitive with some pastors, so be careful not to alienate the pastor.

If a suggestion of membership is made, it must be very short and positive. It cannot be detailed. It cannot suggest there is a lot of work to do, and we need help. It must focus on the blessings of being involved in distributing the Word of God.

Here is a suggested statement:

“If you are a business or professional man, and you would like to experience the joy of putting the Word of God into the hands of people here in your area, please see me after the service.”

Both the speaker and the prayer partner should be prepared to list the names of potential members that the pastor might suggest. In more supportive churches, it is appropriate to ask the pastor for names; however, be careful not to be distracted from delivering a compelling message due to other influences.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Details 34


There are other special items that need to be included in your presentation. Many of those are found under Presentation Reminders. These and other resources are available for download from the SPEAKUP Speaker Qualification resource page on theConnection:

1.   Item 212: Presentation Outline Worksheet

2.   Sample Presentation Outline Worksheet

3.   Item 210: Presentation Outline Evaluation

4.   Item 204: Qualifying Presentation Evaluation

5.   Item 215: Evaluation of Gideon Presentation

6.   Sample Presentation Script

7.   Sample Attention-Getters & Testimonials


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Wrap Up 35


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Do I have to wait until the SPEAKUP event to qualify as a church speaker?

No, you may qualify to speak at any time and are encouraged to do so. Talk with your camp Church Ministry chairman to arrange.

How long is the qualifying presentation?

10 minutes

How often do speakers requalify and why?

Every four years. We understand a man doesn’t forget how to speak, but it is important to ensure the presentation contains current facts and statistics, relevant information, and fresh testimonies that will resonate with Gods people in the local church.

I understand that once qualified I can requalify in a church service.

That is correct. We requalify every four years. If a speaker has not received a negative report from a pastor for a previous presentation, he may requalify in a live church service. The pastor and the prayer partner serve as the panel to critique the presentation.

Many churches are using video in their services. As a speaker, can I use any video I want?

The International Cabinet has approved specific videos for use in church presentations. The “Love in Action” video (found online) has a short video about the ministry, as well as several testimonies and a number of vignettes about overseas ministry.

What if a pastor won’t allow a speaker, but is open to a short video during announcements or another time in the order of the service?

We have a one-minute video entitled, “It Changes Everything,” which is designed as a stand-alone and can be used in these situations.

How often do we speak in churches?

We ask that the pastor allow us to speak annually; however, we do speak in some churches more than once a year. Some churches also add us to their budgets as a compliment to the presentation.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Wrap Up 36

Don’t you mean more services?

No, we do not track our progress based on services. We only count the churches in which we present in a fiscal year.

If we speak in a church twice in a year like you mentioned above, how do we count that?

We simply count the churches in which we give a report, regardless of the number of times we speak there or the number of services in which we speak. If a church includes The Gideons International in its budget but does not allow a speaker, because of its support, it is considered a reported church.

What if the pastor is wearing jeans and a t-shirt during the service? Can I do likewise?

In that instance, a dress shirt, slacks and shoes would be the appropriate attire for presenting our ministry as an association of Christian business and professional men.

Will we accept a service in a church which is not allowing for an offering to be taken for the purchase of Scriptures?

Most certainly. As we share with God’s people, we are building that relationship with the church so they will pray for The Gideons. Some may show interest in being a member. Others may decide to use the GideonCard Bible Program. Yet, others may ask about being Friends of Gideons. A timely message that resonates with the pastor and church will be used of God to produce an opportunity to return next year, with the likelihood that an offering may be acceptable at that time.

Is there a video I can watch that will help train me to be a church speaker?

Yes, there is. It is found on the Church Ministry activity page on theConnection. Under program materials, you will find an entry entitled SPEAKUP– Speaker Qualification. In that resource you will find a sample church presentation video that will give you a good example of the presentation you will want to develop.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Wrap Up 37


How do I add a church to my camp list?

To add a church to your camp:

•   Go to Camp Activities > Church Ministry

•   Under List & Update Churches, select View Churches

•   On the Camp Churches page, select Add Church at the top of the page

•   On the Church Detail page, enter the required information

•   When finished, select Save

What if I need to take a church off the list?

To remove a church:

•   Got to Camp Activities > Church Ministry

•   Under List & Update Churches, select View Churches

•   On the Camp Churches page, select the church name

•   On the Church Detail page, click Delete to remove the complete record (including contacts)

We just secured a presentation date with a church, how do I enter that online?

To add a church presentation:

•   Go to Camp Activities > Church Ministry

•   Under List & Update Churches, select View Churches

•   On the Camp Churches page, select the Name of the church you wish to add a presentation to

•   On the Church Detail page, select Presentations from the left menu column

•   When the page refreshes, select Add Presentation

•   Enter all necessary information

•   The service times appear using the drop down arrow

•   Save


Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Wrap Up 38

I understand the speaker needs an envelope for the service.

To print out the church presentation envelope for the speaker:

•   Go to Camp Activities > Church Ministries

•   List & Update Churches > View Churches

•   Select the name of the church

•   On the Church Detail page, select Presentations

•   Select View to the right of the desired date

•   A separate window will appear. Select Print Presentation Envelope. Select Open.

•   To print the Church Presentation Envelope download (Item 205) on a 6”x9” envelope, select the printer icon in the top left corner; click the small check box to the left of “Choose paper source by PDF page size.”

Note: If you have pop-up blockers turned on for theConnection, you may not be able to receive the labels, reports, or PDF’s in a pop-up window. Below are instructions for adding our sites as Allowed Sites for your pop-up blockers.

•   Check Tools > Popup Blocker Settings on your Internet Settings.

•   Tell it to allow pop-ups from *

•   Also, at the bottom of the same pop-up setting page, set your Blocking Level to: Low: Allow pop-ups from security sites. Then select Close.

If the report still does not work, try holding down the CTRL Key as you select Run Report. Continue holding down the CTRL key until your document opens. This means there is something more going on in Internet Security Settings.

Also, for PDF documents, be sure you have the most current version of Adobe Reader downloaded and installed on your PC. They frequently push updates.

I need to print out current statistics and info for my presentation. Where do I find that and how do I access it?

To locate the Current Information for Church Reports:

•   Go to the store and select the Docs tab on the left side of screen.

•   Scroll down the page and select World Statistics

•   Select the blue folder to the right of Current Information for Church Presentations to access.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Wrap Up 39


This manual is found on theConnection in the store under Church Ministry materials. It is Item 223. You may order a physical copy to be shipped to you. It is also available for download. You can download the manual in its entirety or you can just print off specific pages or sets of pages.

To print or download please go to theConnection, then go to the Church Ministry Activity Page. Under Program Materials, click Church Ministry Program Manual. When the manual screen appears, right click. A box will then appear which allows you to make your selection. After doing so, click the print tab in the bottom right hand corner.



Gideon Church Ministry Manual: Wrap Up 40

©  2015  The  Gideons  International   223-­15