giacomo medici via castelsecco - · 2018. 10. 14. · fyi phoenix ancient art, geneva...

Giacomo Medici Via Castel secco 40 00058 Santa Marinella (RM) gmecl [email protected] S ubj ect: Medici Arc hi ve Dear Professor, To the kind attenti on of Dr . C hri stos Ts irogiannis FYI Ph oenix Ancient A rt , Geneva FYI Phoenix Ancie nt A rt , New Yo rk FYI C hri sties, London FYI C hri sties, New York FYI Sothcby's, London FYI Sothcby's, New Yo rk It has been a long time now that you have been alerting th e art wo rl d in an illicit and fal se manner. You should not be proud of this! Spreading fa lse news is a crime! This is a formal notice to ask you to stop this behavio ur. The next time you in fo rm th e public opinion of unfounded news I wi ll immediately ask my lawyer to take legal ac ti on against you to seek co mpensati on fo r what you have stated. I ask th at you accept and respect the rulings of the judges, just as I have and am. The th ousands of photos th at were se ized in Geneva in 1995 made up a tt adun ent "A" of the co un ts of indictment, subsequently known as the "Medici Archiv e". Now, in three courts of judgment, judges have ruled that o nl y for a sma ll part of th ese photos does any guilt exist, while all the rest of the archi ve received a jud gmcnt of acq uitt al with the fo rmul a, " becau se the fact docs not exist". I wish to under li ne the fact th at the judgment of the co urt of Rome, i ssued by Dr. Gug li e lmo Munto ni on 13 Dece mber 2004, was one of acquittal for a lmost all th e photos. An appeal was made against this j ud gment of acquittal by Public Prosecutor Dr. Giorgio Paolo Ferri, who intense ly sought my convic ti on before the Co urt of Appea l. We ll now, even the Co urt of Appeal confirmed th e judgment of acquittal that had been issued by th e Co urt of Rome. Accordingly, fo ll ow ing my request, on 6 June 201 1 (Attachment 1) th e Court of Appeal of Rome, chaired by Judge Dr. Luca, o rd ered the r et urn of a ll th e ph otos of th e Medici arc hive for whi ch a judgment of acq ui ttal had been i ssued. The Ca rabini eri of th e Art istic Herit age of Rom e were appointed to oversee the archi ve's release from seizure. Marshal Salvatore Morando was responsibl e for the report of th e release from se izure on 27 J un e 201 1 (Attachment 2). I have set out the above to make it clear that no one has the right to use the photos of my arc hi ve without my permi ssion, especia ll y when the purpose of their use is to make be li eve that the objects depicted in them are of an illicit provenance ! This is false! The judg ment, by three diff erent courts, and which is final, has established exac tl y the opposite. As further confirmation of th is, and aga in confirming the Order of the Court of Appeal, the Ca rabini eri of th e Art istic He rita ge of Rom e have cancell ed the photos of th e Medi ci Arc hi ve fo r whi ch aj udgment of acquittal was issued (A tt achm ent 3) from their da tabase.

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Page 1: Giacomo Medici Via Castelsecco - · 2018. 10. 14. · FYI Phoenix Ancient Art, Geneva FYI Phoenix Ancient Art, New York FYI Christies, London FYI Christies, New York

Giacomo Medici Via Castelsecco 40 00058 Santa Marinella (RM) gmecl .com

Subject : Medici Archive

Dear Professor,

To the kind attention of Dr. C hristos Tsirogiannis

FYI Phoenix Ancient Art, Geneva FYI Phoenix Ancient Art, New York FYI C hristies, London FYI Christies, New York FYI Sothcby's, London FYI Sothcby's, New York

It has been a long time now that you have been alerting the art world in an illicit and false manner. You should not be proud of this ! Spreading false news is a crime! This is a formal notice to ask you to stop this behaviour. The nex t time you info rm the public opinion of unfounded news I wi ll immediately ask my lawyer to take legal action against you to seek compensation fo r what you have stated. I ask that yo u accept and respect the rulings of the j udges, j ust as I have and am. The thousands of photos that were seized in Geneva in 1995 made up attadunent "A" of the counts of ind ictment, subsequently known as the "Medici Archive". Now, in three courts of judgment, j udges have ruled that only for a sma ll part of these photos does any guilt ex ist, while all the rest of the a rchive received a judgmcnt of acquittal with the fo rmula, " because the fact docs not exist" . I wish to underli ne the fact that the j udgment of the court of Rome, issued by Dr. Guglielmo Muntoni on 13 December 2004, was one of acquittal for a lmost all the photos. An appeal was made against this j udgment of acquittal by Public Prosecutor Dr. Giorgio Paolo Ferri, who intensely sought my conviction before the Court of Appeal. Well now, even the Court of Appeal confirmed the judgment of acquittal that had been issued by the Court of Rome. Accordingly, fo llowing my request, on 6 June 201 1 (Attachment 1) the Court of Appeal of Rome, chaired by Judge Dr. Luca, ordered the return of a ll the photos of the Medici archive fo r which a j udgment of acqui ttal had been issued. The Carabinieri of the Artistic H eritage of Rome were appointed to oversee the archive's release from se izure. Marshal Salvatore Morando was responsible for the report of the release from seizure on 27 June 201 1 (Attachment 2) . I have set out the above to make it clear that no one has the right to use the photos of my archi ve without my permission, especiall y when the purpose of their use is to make believe that the objects depicted in them are of an illicit provenance! This is fa lse! The judgment, by three different courts, and which is final, has established exactly the opposite. As further confirmation of th is, and aga in confirming the Order of the Court of Appeal, the Carabinieri of the Artistic Heritage of Rome have cancelled the photos of the Medici Archi ve fo r which aj udgment of acquittal was issued (Attachment 3) from their database.

Page 2: Giacomo Medici Via Castelsecco - · 2018. 10. 14. · FYI Phoenix Ancient Art, Geneva FYI Phoenix Ancient Art, New York FYI Christies, London FYI Christies, New York

What else am I to add? This, in short, is the truth! I have respected and paid for the judgments of conviction aga inst me. I. likewise ask those who continue to discredit me to respect my judgments of acquittal.

Yours sincerely,

Roma Ii 8 ottobre 20 18

Page 3: Giacomo Medici Via Castelsecco - · 2018. 10. 14. · FYI Phoenix Ancient Art, Geneva FYI Phoenix Ancient Art, New York FYI Christies, London FYI Christies, New York
Page 4: Giacomo Medici Via Castelsecco - · 2018. 10. 14. · FYI Phoenix Ancient Art, Geneva FYI Phoenix Ancient Art, New York FYI Christies, London FYI Christies, New York
Page 5: Giacomo Medici Via Castelsecco - · 2018. 10. 14. · FYI Phoenix Ancient Art, Geneva FYI Phoenix Ancient Art, New York FYI Christies, London FYI Christies, New York