gforce magazine issue 1

Welcome To Your Family Turning Gl bal: The Courage to Take the Leap of Faith Network Marketing: Working on a Different Level THE MAIDEN ISSUE ISSUE 01 VOL. I

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Welcome To Your Family

Turning Gl bal:

The Courage to Take the Leap of Faith

Network Marketing: Working on a Different Level



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Our dear Distributors,

Welcome to the Maiden Issue of G Force Magazine!

History teaches us that in the midst of mankind’s most dismal eras lie our “defining moments”. Opportunities are always launched

during great trials. Half a century ago, an MLM company was launched at the height of the Great Depression in America. Today, it remains a thriving and formidable company as it continues to establish its presence within the most influential business, economic and political circles around the world. Decades later, a global MLM company was founded at the peak

of the Asian Crisis in 1998. Today, it has achieved tremendous global presence with over a hundred subsidiaries and 3 million

distributors. A global financial crisis is once again knocking at our doors. But at the heart of this challenge lies our defining moment. A

moment where we become what we have always been destined for greatness. As we thrive in the midst of crisis, we will find in our hands a fantastic formula and the opportunity to embrace our time to excel!

Recent times have shown that the concept of network marketing is maturing. Where once it was considered merely

as an alternative career path, today it has become a full-blown profession. More and more schools

are offering formal classes and including Marketing in the curriculum thus paving

the way for it becoming a preferred path towards personal growth. This

path is set ablaze making 2010 the finest year for the industry,

the start of an exceedingly


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advantageous trend for Network Marketing and for Global Fusion.

I am pleased to report that the Network Marketing Industry is almost at its finest hour—on the verge of a boom, even—given that the predictions that 2010 will be a banner year are bearing fruit, since all the predictions in the past, that the year 2010 is going to be a powerful year has become fact. Currently, prominent business leaders around the world are giving it serious attention as they embrace and apply the power of the MLM business model in their strategies. In the wellness industry, more and more people and a significant number of the medical community are recognizing and practicing alternative healing. This further solidifies the platform that 2010 is and will be a hallmark year for Network Marketing.

I have placed Global Fusion in a position of advantage. I am tremendously thrilled that we are placed at the

forefront of a massive wave. Our

Distributors are positioned where great opportunities flourish.The campaigns

and projects in the grinding stone

right now are all geared towards positioning Global Fusion at the forefront of a booming trend. In this position, it is key for the leadership of an organization to align its core group. It is key to orient them towards an extraordinary journey ahead. A journey of pain and growth. A journey of power through peace. It is crucial to rally the core team towards a mindset of wholistic preparation of character and leadership development where one becomes the principles he believes in. And when one has a very solid core in vision and culture, it cascades across the entire network. We believe in the words better person, better business and since our greatest asset is our distributor base, our people, we will always want them not only to reap the most benefit but also to bring out their true potential as human beings. Therein lies the heart of our fulfillment: when we raise each other to a way of life that touches more hearts, lifts more spirits, and inspires more souls.

Nonetheless, the road to unimaginable

heights of

success is an uphill battle. Especially in a crunch, many withdraw, save, protect themselves and conserve resources. However, a marked few go against the tide. These few brave souls have in their hearts and minds an unshakeable faith that their vision will be realized. Ultimately, anyone who takes up the challenge and trailblazes, proves one thing, “Faith is the highest passion in a human being. Many in every generation may not come that far, but none comes further. -- Soren Kierkegaard”

As things now stand, the single most powerful hindrance to our goal is fear. It springs from ignorance and the absence of truth. To combat the fear, one must find out the way and walk this path. This requires us to seek the truth, and likewise be ready to receive it. Furthermore, it entails closing up ranks and opening up lines of communication as a team, as a family. It’s either we live triumphantly as a team or die lonely as individuals. It will be the only way we will know how to grow our global family.

In the final analysis, we have learned much from historical trends while the future trends look promising. That leaves us with getting down to the important work of the present. When we have the FAITH to believe, decide, act, apply, adjust to situations, adapt to our environment, accommodate and embrace change daily, we will become great. And with these little steps and inevitable giant leaps in our journey together, there would be no need to look back and see what has been accomplished because by then it would be very apparent that our time to shine has already come upon us.

In Service,

Rico Uy, President

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ENGAGE Communication

bridges the gap and confirms your


Visibility. This means you don’t only

have to be seen, felt and heard via phone, email or text. Visibility means

recall–recall means familiarity

RapportFind a common

ground to establish trust (i.e. same school,

common friends, same church etc.)

Trust. Trust is the bridge that

encourages your prospects to say

YESPrepare for

a NO but expect a YES! You must not

just think as a marketer but as a customer/


The Follow-Up Remember the 24-48 Hour Rule: Interest is

at its peak within this period.

Handling Rejection: No is not a totally shut


Quick DO’s & DON’Ts• Do use the phone to set an appointment

• Don’t do your presentation over the phone

• Do use the phone to arouse curiosity of the prospect

• Keep the call short and specific (under five minutes)

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Present & Closing thru Follow Up

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At GlobalFusion, we have a formulated a guide that provides a basic roadmap that fascilitates the increased chances of success for those who are canny enough to understand and implement the Rule 3 mantra. While there is only one map to follow, understanding this turn-key rule will determine whether one will reach one’s destination, and how long the journey will take. Launched and incorporated as a system in September, Rule 3 has already created an incredible impact on the distributorship who, simultaneously, are applying it with positivity and promise.

These 3 simple steps to success are the shortest and easiest guide, so much so that getting lost is virtually impossible.

Exploring starts with building your

Contact List

Generating Referrals. Talk to EVERYONE! Not only

because they may become a downline, but because

they can provide referrals.

Remember the 97/3 Rule:

for every 100 people 97 will require




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Never pre-judge

don’t eliminate

Prospecting & InvitingManaging your

contact list

• Weed out the dead ends

• Make way for new contacts and grow your list by 20-30%

• Segregate users from builders and the “wait and see” people and devise a strategy to come back to them at another opportune time.

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Mentoring is a process in which a more

skilled & experienced person will serve as: role model,

teacher, encourager & a friend in order to promote the latter’s

professional and personal development. Ask your

mentor about Coach A & Coach B

Duplication is not one person making

100 sales but 100 people each making

a sale. Which one are you?

Downlines stay because of

loyalty, newfound confidence and

fulfilled promises Gather valuable tips on leadership skills,

effective communication skills, prospecting, personal

development, objection handling and network

building from your mentor.

Relational Leadership requires

sincerity, integrity, & walking the talk

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Mentoring to Multiply

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wine years ago, I turned my back on a corporate career to do networking full-time. I took the courage to marry the industry of network marketing without having an assurance, without any guarantee that I would be successful in this field. That leap of faith has certainly paid off. Now Vice-President of Training & Development and Sales & Marketing, right now Global Fusion, Inc. is slowly positioning itself in the forefront as a major player in the global market.

I obviously took the risk knowing that this business is a business of faith just like any other. My ability to do things that are initially very, very new to me, like talking to or

approaching strangers, late nights, irregular schedules, travel to different parts of the Philippines and different parts of the world, are all hinged in my ability to trust.

My trust in this business of rejection was so solid that I was able to win over my encounters with so many people who said “No” to me and people who tried to

pull me down each time I share my dreams. When things get rough, I always go back to basics. At the end of it all, the simplest things accomplish the greater components of our goals. As I have recently started, the campaign for Rule 3 is a roadmap that will help facilitate your success in this business. It is the simplest way with which to endure and create unimaginable results. It


Turning Global:

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must always be alive, become a routine and eventually a way of life.

I knew back then as I know now, ‘FOR THINGS TO CHANGE, I HAVE TO CHANGE’ and I brought this truth to a personal level. And of course, knowing that life itself is a continuous process of learning I made myself open to it. That’s the only way I can grow as a person, and for us to grow as a company. At the end of the day, I personally believe that we can only grow our business depending on the amount of risk we are willing to take. But how can we actually see and be prepared for everything? In the end I know that there are still a lot of things beyond my control. These things are still part of my risk. How would I have been able to face whatever danger is waiting for me out there without faith?

I shall speak as who I am today, as an individual, not a representative of the Global Fusion management and I honestly say that they all lay in the sincerity of my intention. I start my day asking how I am going to push myself to get better. Yes, I beat my own back with a stick and I think that I shall never see the day that I will stop to learn new things or know more about people. Ultimately, my drive for self-improvement, especially in the area of Training and Development, is fuelled by this because I know, that in my own humble way, what I do helps people. This is my guiding principle and I am willing to take any challenge thrown at me without a flinch because of my sincere intention to genuinely care for the people I know now and the people I am yet to meet.

We all put a premium on building personal relationships. This is the very root of my belief that word of mouth advertising is still the most effective medium

to promote any product or service. Satisfied customers sharing their experiences with friends, relatives and colleagues almost instantly and freely endorse their experience to others. That’s why when I visit a luxury car dealership or go to major banks and financial institutions, the people there tell me that one of the advantages they offer is their “personal approach.” This is after all what people will remember us by.

There is a big change happening now in the world and the global

market is seriously starting to appreciate the advantage

of distributing products through network

marketing. Money today is not in manufacturing but in distribution. In my personal opinion, that could be one of the most obvious

reasons why the industry of

network marketing worldwide is going

to be very, very solid this coming 2010.

The leaders that we have today in our organization joined

because of a vision. Global Fusion is the company that will take us to the international arena. I’d like to believe that since day one of Global Fusion, we had already prepared ourselves for this change and we welcome it. There should never be a time to become complacent because if we become satisfied with where we are today, we stand to miss this wave of change that must happen in ourselves and around us. We are pro-actively thinking of ways to make this company more prepared for that wave that’s about to happen. WE WILL NOT MISS THAT CHANCE, AND THAT’S A GUARANTEE!!!

Your Coach B,


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by fides bernardO

the current global recession has affected everyone, including the Philippines. Jobs are difficult to come by and this is reflected by countless fresh graduates who either remain jobless years, or end up as overqualified professionals in jobs with low salaries. many end up in jobs they dislike just to pay the bills and put food on the table. Jobs that they, possibly, even dislike, except that these pay the bills and put food on the table.

However, there are other options that fresh graduates, current employees or even retired individuals may consider. One such alternative is the network marketing business.

it does not require 9-to-5, monday-to-Friday attendance cooped up in a tiny cubicle in the Central Business District. it gives one some quality time to spend with the family or enough “me time” to relax and de-stress.

the network marketing business has been in the country for several decades now and one hears about wonderful success stories that inspire numerous people to try it out. network marketing is a form of business that relies on person-to-person sales and recruiting.

individuals who earn a small profit from each sale sell products and services directly to consumers. these same people recruit more people to invest in the products and sell them. A trickle effect follows as members of each team build their own sub-teams and everyone earns residuals off of the people they sign up.

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Think of it as a family tree where 2 individuals become parents to several children. Each child, in turn, marries and starts off a new family, thus becoming a sub-team. This sub-team branches off to other sub-teams until a whole slew of individuals become part of one network marketing business.

How does a network marketing business happen?

The business starts with a product or a service. Since an interested individual invests both time and money in the business, one may opt to do an independent research on the company first.

A core team of passionate salespeople is then recruited to pitch the product/service. The pitching is ideally done to people they already know, while encouraging other friends and family members to join in as well. The first line of sellers and recruiters will set the tone for the company and will make the difference in the speed with which the business grows.

Top recruiters should always be kept in the loop. While network marketing gives business people flexibility and independence, a solid and regular line of communications is essential to maintaining enthusiasm. Regular meetings and gatherings are important learning experiences where sharing success stories with peers provide additional incentive to others.

It would also be ideal if the product sample kit is affordable and not too expensive for the salespeople to purchase.

A fair and equitable commission, plus a residual payment structure serves to retain top performers. Many network marketing people start in the business part-time and as profits get bigger, these turn to full-time efforts, ensuring the company’s success.

Regular opportunities, such as annual conventions or quarterly meetings, for all members in the chains are great opportunities to highlight each individual’s work and encourage them to strive harder and do more.