getting to know wordpress

Anthony Hortin @maddisondesigns Getting to Know WordPress

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Anthony Hortin @maddisondesigns

Getting to Know WordPress

About me

Designer/Developer @ Maddison Designs !WordPress Theme & Plugin Developer !WordPress Theme & Plugin Directory contributor !Provides support on official WordPress Support Forum !Created Easy WP Guide (over 100K downloads) !Co-Organiser Melbourne WordPress WordCamp 2013 !Co-Organiser for monthly WP Melbourne WordPress Meetups

WordPress is web software you can use

to create a beautiful website or blog. We

like to say that WordPress is both free

and priceless at the same time.“What is WordPress?

WordPress is an Open Source software system used by millions of people around the world to create

beautiful websites and blogs. !

It is completely customisable by the use of themes and plugins.

!WordPress powers approx 60.3% of all cms sites

That’s 21.9%* of the entire web!


Who’s using WordPress?

Bata Shoes

Who’s using WordPress?


Who’s using WordPress?

Sony Music

Who’s using WordPress?

Brian Smith

Who’s using WordPress?

Sweden Vs

One Software Two Flavours Vs

Self Hosting !Need own domain/hosting !Access to plugins !Install any theme !You are responsible for security and maintenance !Greater flexibility & customisation

Hosted !Fully managed website hosting !Easy to get up and running very quickly. !Security and maintenance managed for you !Automatically updated !Secure dashboard !Free with paid feature upgrades Vs

Full Control !

You have 100% control on:

Limited Control

Design !Themes !Plugins

Content !Monetisation !Performance

No custom plugins !No custom themes !No FTP access

The WordPress Dashboard

Dashboard Your main Dashboard ‘homepage’Provides brief stats on Posts, Pages & comments !Posts Where you create new Blog Posts. Also update Categories and Post Tags !Media Where your uploaded images, documents or files are stored !Pages Where you create new Pages

The WordPress Dashboard

Comments Where you manage blog Comments !Appearance Controls how your site looks. You can choose Themes and manage Widgets & Menus !Plugins Plugins extend and expand the functionality of WordPress !Users Where you add new users as well as manage their Roles

The WordPress Dashboard

Tools Gives you access to various convenient tools Import & Export data to/from your WordPress site !Settings This is where your site is configured

The WordPress Dashboard

First Things First

Setting up your site

General Settings Configure your basic site preferences such as the Site Title and Tag Line, the Administrator’s email address and the Date and Time format

First Things First

Writing Settings Configure default publishing settings such as defining the Default Post Category

First Things First

Reading Settings Configure how your site is viewed. You can define whether your front page displays a static Page or your blog Posts, and how many blog posts are displayed by default.

First Things First

Discussion Settings Define how your readers interact with your site. Configure whether readers can post Comments or not and how those Comments are moderated and displayed

First Things First

Media Settings Configure the default image sizes that are created when an image is uploaded

First Things First

Permalink Settings Configure the URL format that is displayed in the web browser when someone browses your site. This also helps with SEO

First Things First

Managing Users Configure who has access to your site !DON’T use “Admin” for the Username DON’T use the Username as the “Display name” !DO use strong passwords!

First Things First


It can’t be stressed enough, use strong passwords!

Administrator Somebody who has access to all the administration features !Editor Can publish & manage posts and pages as well as manage other users’ posts, etc. !Author Can publish and manage their own posts !Contributor Can write and manage their posts but not publish them !Subscriber Somebody who can only manage their profile

First Things First

Adding Content

Pages Vs Posts

Posts Posts are typically blog entries. A series of articles, listed (usually) reverse-chronologically. !Posts can also be assigned Categories and Tags. !Pages Pages are used for more static content. Content that doesn’t change or changes infrequently. !Pages are also hierarchical and can have individual page templates.

Adding Content

Adding content to Posts & Pages is easy with the visual editor

Adding Content

Use the Visual Editor toolbar buttons to Bold or Italicise text content. You can also add bullet points, links, headings etc..

Adding Content

Any media you upload will be added to the Media Library

Adding Content

Customising Your Site

There’s various ways to customise your website. Some are Theme dependent, some are built into WordPress core !Themes (incl. Theme Options) !Custom Header !Custom Background !Widgets !Plugins !

Customising Your Site

Change the look of your site by adding new themes

Customising Your Site

Official WordPress Theme Directory All themes are free and code reviewed for quality

Customising Your Site

Theme Shops There are an extensive range of Theme Shops that sell ‘Premium Themes’ !Some of the more dependable Theme Shops are: !

Customising Your Site

Theme Options WordPress has some built in options that allow you to customise your theme. It even gives you a live preview

Customising Your Site

Theme Options Lots of themes also have their own Theme Options pages for theme specific settings & customisation

Customising Your Site

Custom Header Add a custom header to your website

Customising Your Site

Custom Background Change the background image or colour for your site

Customising Your Site

Widgets Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into any widgetized area provided by your theme. !

Customising Your Site

Widgets Widgets are commonly found in the sidebar or footer area !

Customising Your Site

Extending Your Site

WordPress Plugins

Plugins extend and expand the functionality of WordPress !There are both Free and Premium (Paid) plugins !The easiest (& best) place to find free plugins is the official WordPress Plugin Directory - !Best to use plugins that are updated regularly & recently !Currently over 30,000 free plugins available

Extending Your Site

Install & Activate Plugins Once installed, plugins need to be activated !Some plugins will have settings pages for configuring them

Extending Your Site

Official WordPress Plugin Directory All plugins are free and code reviewed for quality

Extending Your Site

Recommended Plugins (Free) The following are useful, reliable free plugins !WooCommerce - A powerful, extendable eCommerce plugin !Easy Digital Downloads - Sell digital downloads through WordPress !JetPack - Supercharge your WordPress site with powerful features !WordPress SEO by Yoast - Improve your WordPress SEO !Meteor Slides - Create easy to customise, responsive slideshows !WordPress Backup to Dropbox - Backup your media & database to Dropbox !Akismet - Checks your comments for spam !WordFence Security - An enterprise class security and performance plugin

Extending Your Site

Recommended Plugins (Premium/Paid) The following are useful, reliable paid plugins !Gravity Forms - Build complex, powerful contact forms, easily !BackupBuddy - Backup, Migrate or Restore your site quickly & easily !VaultPress - Daily & realtime, offsite backups !Envira Gallery - Easily create beautiful, responsive image galleries !Events Calendar Pro - Create & manage events with ease

Extending Your Site

Recommended Plugins (Free & Paid) Some plugin developers provide the core plugin for free & then have (optional) paid extensions that provide extra functionality !WooCommerce - Free core plugin for selling products online. Paid extensions for Payment Gateways, Product Add-ons etc. !Easy Digital Downloads - Free core plugin for selling digital products. Paid extensions for Payment Gateways, Checkout Fields Add-ons etc. !Advanced Custom Fields - Free core plugin for providing powerful custom fields for developers. Paid add-ons for extra functionality

Extending Your Site

Updating Your Site

Keeping WordPress Safe & Secure

From time to time, Themes, Plugins & WordPress will require updating !Updates typically happen when developers release security patches or add extra functionality !It’s good practice to keep your Themes, Plugins & WordPress version updated to the latest versions !The top two reasons for sites being hacked are insecure passwords & outdated (vulnerable) software !WordPress will (attempt to) automatically update for minor versions (e.g. v3.8.2, v3.9.1)

Updating Your Site

Updating Your Site


Like any website, WordPress requires a web server to operate. !Specifically, WordPress requires:- PHP (version 5.2.4 or greater) - Server Side Scripting Language MySQL (version 5.0 or greater) - Database software !Running on (preferably) Apache or Nginx !If you want to play around with WordPress locally (i.e. on your own computer), you can setup a test environment using MAMP (Mac) or XAMPP (Windows)

Installing WordPress Locally

MAMP (Mac) Setting up MAMP !XAMPP (Windows) Setting up XAMPP

Installing WordPress Locally

WordPress Codex !!Easy WP Guide !WP Beginner !SiteGround !Learn !WP101 Video Training

Where to Go for Help ! ! ! ! !

I’m Anthony Hortin You can find me here

!@maddisondesigns !


Thanks! Questions?